NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A IIII:R T IM I^ 4 - One C olum n........... H a lf Column Profeenional Cards K A TE N : .Twenty Dollars Ten Dollars ........Une Dollar K e a d l n s X e t l r e s w i l l be iB se rte rt th e r a t e o f T e n r e n t » p e r L i u « . li NEWBE]RG GRAPHIC. » I IH R E P T O K Y . IIM K I P I 'U M M u b a c r lp t io n V O L . 2. EASTERN ITEMS. FOREIGN NEWS. PORTLAND MARKET. l u l l e d H ta te a . N O . 20. R U N N IN G IN DEBT. D o n ’ t D o It I f \ on \\ iwli t o lit* l l i i p p y a m ) ltB8pH'tt>(l. No complaints are heard about the gen- e al stale of business in all tines w hich, when spring does arrive, will be exce.d in g ly brisk The sole exception seems to be I a isfers of real estate, which are prov­ ing a disappointment to the brokers, but hopes are freely entertained that the sea­ son will yet be one of the best on record, T l i •1 » 76 *0 F r ir e P a y a b le In v a r i­ ably lu Ad vanee. N E W B E R G . Y A M IIIL L CO ., O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y . A P R IL 19,1890. THE PACIFIC COAST. l U une Y ea r . . >ix Month« Three Month«. at A dvertising Bills Collect et’. Monthly* or P IC A NEWBERG GRAPHIC Add rem. U n treu e. New berg. Oregon. A TREACHEROUS F R IE N D . He In Onite Yoimur an«l Small, But It Costa Much to Keep Him. Says Douglas .lerrold: “ Of what a hide­ We have got a little friend at our ous progeny is debt the father! What house; at l»*.i^t ho came to us as a friend Los Angeles Chinese Vegetable An Outbreak of Cholera Reported Stanley, the Explorer. Leaves lies, what meanness, what invasions of and we ought not to distrust him, though Africa for Belgium. Dealers Forming a Trust. in Illinois. self-respect, what cares, what double- at times we are sorely tempted to doubt dealing! How, in due season, it will his sincerity. He is expensive, too, for carve the frank, open face into wrinkles: *>n»* st> small, and costs us almost as much how. like a k u ife .it w ill stab the holiest to ki »>p him is it Would a grown-up man. heart.” Interesting Paragraphs Concerning The Burlington and Missouri to M. Herlot, Proprietor of the Paris Still we shelter him and treat him as A man has no business to liv e in a style 01m ot th»' fam ily and he is always with AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. the States of California, Ore­ Louvre, Sent to the Insane Build a Road from Cheyenne M ta te o f O r e g o n . which his income ean not support, or to us. IB n« \ :• go, s out by himself, being Breaking Plow- .................$33(0)55 gon and Washington. Asylum by Relatives. to Deadwood. mortgage his earnings of next week or too small. II»* is but a trifle over two Broadcast Seeders J. H. Mitchell. J. N. Dolph ................ 9 (a U0 U. 8. Senators of next year, in order to liv e luxuri­ y n s old ami has not got his first tooth. ................ B inger Herman Binding T w in e.. Congressman 10 per et dis 18c ...........Sylvester Pen» oyer ously to-day. The whole system of I.v. n ai his lender ago his hands often G overnor........ Binding Wire .... “ 12)c Bozeman. Mont., is to start a temper­ Stanley has left Cairo for Brussels. The Boston Evening Traveler has been Secretary of -tate. ............... G. W . McBride (¡rain Drills. ...... debt, by means of which we to . -'.ill point to tr* icimry and deceit, and some- .................... G W . W ebb ance paj er. «old. Stvte Treasurer Bismarck lias been granted a pension Gang Plow U 0 a 1 : 5 and anticipate the future, is wroiiir. .................. K. <’. Maker State P rin te r........ ttn*. ■ w»* think In* is a spy and tool for S ockton lias a Society 'or the Preven­ 90 et dis 75 * Osborne’s * Mowers K. B. M. Kir. y Philadelphia will build another theater of |6,750. Supt of Schools Keapers It. S. Strahan. NN . F. Lorn. tion o( Cruelty to Animals. 120 They are almost as much to h!.mi who th«- people who induced us to take him. Supreme Judges tb's year. .............. NV. NV, Thayer Rive credit, and encourage custom«'’ s to A French exhibition w ill be opeued in Combined Mowers and What is *till stranger he has a friend, W ild geese are going northward. This M »vorGrant favors burning New York London in May. Keapers 20 F ct dis P 0 take credit, as those are who incur a rough-looking man, who comes to see C ou n ty o f Y a m l i i l l . Droppers *‘ i- one month later than usual. 130 debts. city garbage. A man knows what his actual him one** a month with religious regu­ A German newspaper says the C/.ar Steel-frame self binding position is if he pays as lie yocs. lit larity. Although he never loaves our Tim 300 ChineBe vegetable dealers at The Equitable Bank at New York is to lias fainting fits. L. L. Low ery Judge................. Harvesters, 20 tt< ct ills ISO J. Harris can keep within his means, and so ap­ Sheriff ...... L o « Angele« are sa’d to be forming a trust close its doo s. It ilroad Barrows, iron wh els. limis«* from »«no year’s end to another The laborers on the Ctinard dock, L iv ­ . . Wyatt Harris R ecord er............ f dozen 48 portion his expenditures as t*» > > m v 1 * this man seems 10 know him better than J. NV. Ilnbbv to control the basin« ss. C lerk.......... Polygamous Mormons are aid to be erpool, have struck. ltailroad Barrows, wood wheels. fund of savings ayainst a time of need we do, and to him only w ill he unbosom L. H. Maker Supt. o f Schools T im e Angola goat« owned by Mr leaving U ah. tt* dozen 30 . .. I\ P. (¡a les Treasurer. The India wheat crop is only 75 per lioad He is always balanced up: and if h hirast*lf. When this mysterious man Plow ............ J. C. Cooper Hiekathier of Drain. Or., were «beared 30(a 3t> S u rveyor............ Pittsburg is scourged by an epidemic cent, of the average. Solid Steel Scrapers ......... K. B. Fellow s r e c e n tly , whose Heeces we’ghed 105 C o ro n e r............... 12m 1 I buys nothin# but what he pays for in conn s they are busy and want more of black measles. Commissioners Brutscher. Kingery pounds cash, he can not fail to be on the credit light, hut that is only for a moment Edw ard IJoyd, publisher of the 1-on- Steel Disk Harrows, side of bis household accounts at the and then it may become as dark as Chicago is to have a new hotel four­ don Daily Chronicle, is dead. Lieutenant 8eton Karr, an English­ Sulky Flows.............. C ity o f N e w b e rg . 7 Vi; 95 year’s end. Hades for all they care. T hey never man, ha« started to explore the headwat­ teen stories high. 9 «; 25 The rumors of the repeal of the German Walking Flows............... Rut once le t him commence the prac talk out loud. F. A . Morris ers of several A ’as «an streams where M a y o r......................... W «KJUS. all makes .................... lllKslUO The Illinois House of Representatives sugar duty are without foundation. J. T. smith R cerder tic»* of running up hills, and he never But our little friend is intelligent. has passed an anti-trust bill. S. Hob~on white men have never been. BAOS. Treasurer.................. Nansen's prepa-ations for the explora­ knows how he stands. lie is deceiv» d He has a bright, clear face, and he al­ .. A . T. H aw orth Marshall ---- .... 7 The Marshall Monument Commissi' n- Antonio tie Navarro and Mary Ander- tion of Greenland are nearly completed Burlaps. 40 in . .. into debt; tin* road is made smooth and 1 . M. Smith 8treet Commissioner ways keeps it. as w ell as his hands, free Burlaps, 45 in .......................... f N. C. Maris ers have decided to have the unv il'ng of son will be married in larndon Seven hundred porters have lieen en­ Burlaps, 00 in .................... .... I l l pleasant for*him: things flow into the from dirt, although I10 is invariably in I H. *'. Miles the statue at the grave of J. W. Marshall, house for which he does not seem to Uunniea, ¿8x40 .......................... j H. Pettyjohn Nf-w York dealers have advanced the gaged for the E n in expedition into Africa, j the dirtiest part of the house. Councilmen the gold discoverer, take place May 3. • ‘ H. Co< Fotalo U sks , net cash ............... ;ooper pay. But they are ail set down a : dust prite of h e to $5 a too wholesale. We hav«’ tm several occasions accused Hobson The cotton-plant in .»undertaking in the " ool, 4 lb, “ ................. A workman at the Treadwell mine in him: and at tin* year's end, when th** him of tattling to this mysterious friend Hctiter “ ................. The m ining population of Eastern State of Coahiiila, Mexico, is proving suc­ Wool, 84 Ih, Alaska, with a hot iron attempted to thaw bills come up, I10 is ready to lift up his and of tellin g him untruthful stories Wheat Sacks, spot, net cash cessful. ... 7{ ice out of a drill-hole, but put the iron Pennsylvania is in great distress. hands in dismay. Then he finds that about us, but ho neither admits nor do- \V heal Sacks, extra, second-haiKl «* C H I ' K l II N O U N . in 'o the w rong hole and found giant pow­ Emin Pash* lias entered the service of The school-lrook lobby i - arcua d of the sweet of th** honey w ill not repa\ nies it. 11*» is not dumb by any means, COFFEES. der. He is in a critical condition. attempted bribery at Des Moines. Germany in Africa at a salary of £ l ,000 Green— for the smart of the sting. P R K S B Y T K K IA N F i l l RC H . -S ervices will but exceedingly mum. He is easy to a year. be held at Jones' Hail on the second and fourth Men of genius are equally facile in pl*’ vs«*, never complains of the cold, and Guatemala, 4? Ib . President Manvel of the «anta Fe road ¿ The total number of licenced * places to 22 ta 2:4 miiiur»»» ut i ntt moiitii. ui -t u, in. im i i i c z\ — *. • • ■ , . » . , , ,• .... 25 C8 sani t o he a b ou t t o a r r a n e e fo r a lin e ot « U liq u o r in N e w ^ o rk c it y is 7,7*7. Owing to a meat famine in B ‘rlin the Java, 4* lb every Sunday at 3 p. m. transpacific steamers to meet h;s road a» mry eonneotion with prudence or self- at night, though he has so little blood restaurants of that city tiave raised the Mocha, tt) tb.................................. 2H (a 31 Clark on, First Assistant Postmaster No. 1 Costa Rica, 4 * lb ................. 22 m 2:1 Szin Diego. Important d* velopments in price of meat 2.1 per cent. constraint. or does it exercise any iniln F R IE N D S C H U R C H .—Services every Sun that 1 think he would freeze up tight at Rio, f tb .................... General, is to retire on the let of June. 22 ®23 the Santa Fe system are expected. day at 11 a. in. anti 7 p. in., and Thursday ut 10 thirty degrees below zero. The Duke of Bedford has spent £100,- Salvador, 4* lb........................... 21j - « 22i once over the common rules of arith a. ni Sahhath school every Sunday at 10 a. in. Colonel Winslow' Ju«!son, a prominent 000 in trying to make cremation popular Roosted, in bags— netic which are rigid and inflexible. The Secretary of the Interior has trans Once or tu ieo wo thought we would Monthly meeting at 10a. m. the tiift. Saturday Men of genius are often suporio: t»> •end him away Ix cause we believed he in each month. Quartt rly m eeting the t-econd m ilted to the House a bill proposed to he railroad man at St. Joseph, Mo., is dead. in England, but thus far w ithout success. Arbuckle’s Ariosa, If It. . 2(1}-» 27 Saturday and Sunday in February. May. A u ­ introduced, prepared bv the Terr tori al t 1 osset & D. s Columbia 1 lb prs 20$ a 2Ü J ___ ____ ______ ___ ________ ______ what Dacon calls “ the wisdom of bus! The public debt was reduced during gust and Novem ber. Tw o Japanese officials are on their way ¡Costa Rica ....................... 25 (a 2S ness.” Yet Bacon him self did not follow was a traitor, oat he is a great, comfort Educational BoarH of Alaska, providing March at the rate of about $379,000 a day! to to and vv«‘ have k«*pt him. Ho was to Japan from Berlin with a plant to es- ¡Guatemala................................. 25 Ila 28 _ , , E V A N G E L I C A L C H U R C H . Regular ser for compulsory education in that Terr’.- his own advice, but was ruined by his perfectly w illin g to go. He has one btarvaticn is reported among the In ­ tablish a telephone line 10J miles long in Boasted J a v a ........................... 30 (a 32 v ic e first and third Sundays of each month at tory_ improvidence. Ho was in straits and Itoa-ted Mocha........................ . 35 (0,37 10 a. m.; second and fourth Sundays at 7 p. in. had habit—he gets full, and then when dian* on the Pend d ’Oreille reservation. j a an Sabbath school every Sunday at 11 a. m. difficulties when a youth, and iu still th«* mysterious friend comes to see him P io Pico, the last Mexican G overror of .... . . , A clerk named Bunk lias been sen- vbg etablrs kkksii ). California, now nearly 90 years of ace, is ™'le IIImots Legislature will be called jreator straits and difficulties when a they have trouble between them. He U N IO N C H U R C H .—Union service is held in ten c d to three mouths’ imprisonment Asparagus, lit lb ................. 9 man. His life was splendid: hut his does not drink whisky. Ho takes noth­ the N ew berg school house, ev ery Sunday at 11 a pauper, and has been notified to leave ’A1 special session to deal with the \\ orld s for attempt n » to extort money from ! Cabbage, #’ Iti -a. ni. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 a. in, his old homestead. Nothing remains of * air* .1 (XI excessive expenditure involved him in ing but water, and takes it straight. Carrots, If* sk . .............. Bismarck. the grt at wealth this old man once pos­ iobts which created a perpetual oravin 1 But oven when full of that usually An ice trust has lieen formed by C h i­ C arrots, you n g, tf d o z ........... 15 sessed. j r d d z z ........................ ...................... Inquiry in 'o the municipal finances of Celery, ¡r 90 1 (NI cago dealers and prices have been ad­ for money. One day, in passing out to harmless liquid he is awfully disagree­ H O C i E T V X O T I t ’ RW. Green I ’ea s............................. 10 Rome revea's a state of bankruptcy ex is ante-chambers, where his follow er« The Carson Appeal, the leading Re- vanced. 12 waited for his appearance, no said. “ Be able to every body. needing the worst. Numerous failures Lettuce, f d oz........................ V. M. C. A. D ev o tio n a l service« every Sun publii an paper cf Nevada, advociles an The meeting of Union Pacific railed are anticipated. Onions, F 100 tt»s..................... The people who sent him to us have (t (NI •day evening, Y ou ng men earnestly requested seated, my masters, your rise has been never boon m ar our house since he op“ n revolt, in 1392 of ali the States we.t for A p ril 30 is to settle trackage rights Potatoes, IP 100 tbs.................. to attend. 1 50 of the Missouri river if a free coinage bill with various roads. The increasing and apparently inerra­ Potatoes, sweets, B* !b ............. 2 my fa ll.” To supply his wan is. Bacon cwiip. They are not our friends, that I. O. O. F. -Sessions held Saturday evening | is not, passed during the present session 12$ took bribes, and was thereupon 1»* sot wo know, and we think that through the ble deafness of the Princess of Wales lias R a dish es, tf* d o z ......................... in the rooms over M oore’s Drug «tore. It is said that farmers of Woodford become a source of great annoyance to Spinach...... ......................... of Congress. by his enemies, convicted, degraded medium of this mysterious man our lit­ Turnips, per sk .................... county, 111., ■ re much alarmed by the À 25 Y . VV. C. T. U .—Business meeting the second the royal family. tnd ruined. The Oregon Rad way Extension Com- outbreak of cholera, tl«» friend beats us out of about throe Saturday in every month. Eroni his sad experience, no one could dollars a month. pany, which is hacked by the Union Pa- The Sultan of Turkey, yielding to the \ po u ltr y . Jefferson Medical Col'ege, graduated G. A . R .—Sessions held first and third Thurs­ eific Company, will file at Olvmpia, He is our gas m eter.—Chicago T rib ­ advice of England, has dee ded to have chickens, large young, ti’ dox o 50 d oz.............. 9 UOia 10 oo ; voRieuco; you w ill And it a calamity. E. Powers, a switchman, was kil'ed in w ill cut prices M ay 1 one-quarter ou a mother to the new girl in tlie Duke ot , [-ur, eyMj young, IP tti in I(<*\v 11 I . mv r >1 »*!«* I l l s S w e e t h e a r t R e - the railroad yard at Lathrop, Cal , one horizontal reduction. I l f n* II«’ W o u ld l» ie l o r H e r . Portland s fam ily, and the child will b i Crouse amt Pheasants. . . ’ 3 ix> Let. it I k * your ilrst, car»» not to be in any maiV*debl. W hatever you have, spend day last week H e endeavored to step Should t'ne eight-hour law for clerks go called Victoria Dorothy. ^ V .«»\w iid avenue dentist received B l'S IK F .H fl IM R R C T O R Y O F T H R on the trout end of tne engine, hut or*»- only th»* h a -i. o but jnt > effect the m m love. of.n... v ew Yo-k a v a il lb«* ol her* morning from a couple (M in e. Tohebrikova. who was reported , » rush rRivra. C I T Y O F Y K W flF .ltO . i u b s m I h is ft o t i i i g , weul under and was postotfice » ill number 3,0', 0. } 1 1 ic»t, but of beneficence.” T o Simpson, whom he soon had reason« to believe to have been ex it d for a letter to the I Apple*. ...................... 1 50 a2 00 . ,, ... | Mananas, tP bunch......... 3 51X0)4 0 tin* barrister, he wrote, “ Small debts Depot— P. & W . V. On Main street north of terribly injured. Clarence P. Wickoff, a clerk in Fuller Czar, IS now at Penza in Hfe Caucasus | Lemons, California, tp box 3 76®4 00 ire like «mull shot: fh»*y are rattling on were lovers. The g irl had an aching •Tir t. M. S. Garvin, agent. Attorney General of the United States & Fuller’s drug house in Chicago, has under strict police watch. tooth, and as they entered tho office the ( Lemons, Sicily, IP hox, n ew ...... 5 25 T ile M ill—On the Da> ton road, west o f the »very side, ami can scaively be » sraped M iller has b en making strong efforts to been detected stealing gcods. Academ y. Reese & Hunt. The Federal Prince« of the German *'irae* » * c w t ................. J *«J{ without a wound: great debts are like young man said: have the prosecution of Beecher, ex Col­ Pu M ic S c h o o l-In i ’entral addition north of “ Now, darling, the worst is ovor. Just The town of Natick, Mass., has voted Empire are not pie sed w ith the E J ii! . !i! " ! i 1 4 ^ •annon, of loud nois»», but littl*1 «lauger. tFirst street. E. H. Woodward, pres, o f hoard. lector of the port at Port Townsen t, dis take a seat and it w ill bo out in a min­ tn'ssed. M ill' r believes Beecht r was po­ $1,000 toward the fund for erecting a peror, who rejects their counsel and is Von must tin t efore be ei;abl»*d to dis- D ru gstore On Main street south o f the de ute.“ disposed to do just as he pleases. bronze statue of Henry Wilson. pot. H. C. Hald. litically persecuted. liarg»1 petty debt«, that you may hav»» “ Oh! I dasn’t,” she gasped. Dry Goods and Groceries—On Main street GRAIN. At'o^ney-General M arlin haseon«ente«i • eisiirn, with security, to struggle with Cows w ill tie no longer al'owed to run The case of N agle vs. Comstock at soutti o f the depot. J. D. Carter. “ But it really don’t hurt you any, you Barley, whole, f ctl ............ 80 (g OO the r»*«:.” “ Sir,” siii»l ho to tin» patient to remain in the Manitoba Cabinet I' Pioneer L ivery Sf a b le-C o rn e r First and M er­ Pacriimento has been dismissed at the about the streets ol New Y ork. The know.” Oorn, tr 100 Its ... i :»o is believed Prem ier Green way will soon Hid r»»c» pti\c Bosw**ll, “ got, as much idian streets. J. R. smith. s-licitation 424 peace c f mind as you can, an»l k**op “ It can’ t. I d have it pulled in a min­ The estimated expense for coDectuig corner o f Center an ' Third. Mayor, even if the recount showed ttiat The Belgium Anti-Slavery Society has Rye, $ 100 lbs, nominal......... 1 20 Crtl 224 within your income, and you won't g»> ute i f it ached.” custon s at the port of C ncinnati for the Arlington H te l-O n Main street near I*. & he had defeated Comstock. Wheat, Valley, 100 lbs .... 1 15 (ad 174 ar wrong.” Maxwell Fru/.er, Izl*. 1).. dec ded to send expeditions to Africa for W . V. R ailw ay. John Atkinson. year tndiug June 30, 1891, is $34,092.50. “ 1 don't believe it.” the puri o*e of protecting the natives ii. Wheat, Eastern Oregon....... 1 124(^1 15 n One»* a Week B arbershop 1 0 Main street. Fine cigars The water in the Bear Valley reservoir, “ Oh, yes, I would.” Sugar was Ilf e l as fuel by the steamer certain distric s against Arab slave raids. and tobacco. Smith & Myers. one of the lar** st aitificial la'kfs in the 1 IA IR Y PRODUCE. “ lias s 11 <» not a bad tooth?” asked the B ESIE G E D BY A T O A U . Dry Goods and Groceries—Corner h irst and world, and which supplies water to irri- A “ f ? M'-,e ° n h> \ la? It ia stated Kaiaer Wilhelm charged Bu tter - dentist. Center streets. Morns, Miles & Co. gate thousand-of acres of the best land ' r,P- 'he supply of coal having run short, Major Liebert before t l i » latter’s ilepar Oregon fancy creamery-....... 25 '•‘1‘HÍHl »Mil \ tur k ttptll«. “ Yes, ir. It has ached for a week, Furniture Corner First and Main streets, HI il<«’ • Ht I ». m in San Bernardino county, is to b* low­ A Pittsburg paper ventures the opinion tore for Zanzibar to u*e every effort to L’hofee dairy ........................ op. o*ite Jones' Hall. G. NV. W ym an. and 1'v«* jii-’ t iiree« d«»«l in getting her «ralo ered to forty feet, t at t.eing a perfe tly that th en u m berof illicit <1 inking houses • induce Emin to enter the Gennari service, Common................................ A story copied in tho Sun r*«min»ls me B akery—On Main street north from First. J. I’ lckled, California ............ lH^gO down her«’. Come, darling, have i t o u t ” safe point. >f a still morn striking instanen of the is no greater in that county now than D. Wilson. American den'ia's are the onlv ones K i t - t e r n fancy c r e a m e r y ......... “ Oh! I can’ t!” toad's indomitable pluck than any thing during the era of low license. W illam ette Heal Estate A gency--O ffice on 18(0*20 The Senate act granting the right of with which the crowned teeth of Contin­ California fresh roll............... “ But you must.” Mam street. Scarce & NVright. I have ever seen in print, which was wav to railroad companies over lands be­ Cheese — “ I ean'l, stand the hurt.” M ill nery—Main street south of the depot. The American Economic Association ental Europe wi l associate. The Czar’s New California .................... 124 ihs» rved in my boyhood at the door of ¡1 longing »o the State and the S *nat» a t American dent at is going to m tk e him a Mrs. E nos Hanson. “ Hurt? Now, then, i ’ll have one Oregon skims and old ........... 12^14 ¡arm-house in Fairfax County, Va. The , . , p ov' for bringing navigable s’ ream« will award it' prize of $250’’o » an ess ly new set. 15 alb Swiss Cheese, domestic......... Newhe'-g House—I he o*ly hotel on Firstst. . ootsi«!«* the line of navigah'e waters ar- under 25.000 words, on the “ State anil loor-HtepH were cut from tin* trunk of u pill 1« <1 in.-1 to show you that it doesn't O. ( ’. W right. It Young America, Or................ Local Tana’ ion of Poson xl Property in hurt.” Prople at Middlesljorough, England, to Im returne'l uiis gned to tlie Secretarv large trf*e, and a large spider had spun Laundry—N ear the T ile M ill on the Dayton are excited over the alleged discovery of K kk * - 11«* took a seat, leaned back and of State by the Governor < ( Washington. the Uni'ed States ” next December. x strong w»»h in a o»>sy corner near the road. 8am K ee. 18 ()r«Kon. I* do 7 . ....................... opened his mouth, and the dentist The wholesale merchants of Richmond p'troleum in the ground liencatii them. Eastern, ^ doz ....................... Evang« licz»l Church—On Th ird street east of ground, between the rounding curve of A t San Francisco McC'esyev i« practie- Experimental lioringa are being made to tiie Academ y. R ev. Beaumont, pastor. 1 Im block and the side of tiie log house. seemed lo be selecting a tooth to seize itii! for his coming match with Schaeft r are pushing their business into the Soutli- a depth of 2.000 feet. BarherShop— f ’orner Third and Center sts. FI.OUR. I be grass had been worn from a space with his forn ps, when the g irl pro­ The forfe’t money of $1,000 a side is de­ ' rn States and regard the outlook as fav­ Cigars and tobacco. Luther Hill, manager. orable. Australia is w ild in g to Englaml a new Portland patent roller, \& bbl....... 3 75 'uiiror five feet wide about th** entrance test'd: Public H all—Corner First and Main streets. pt sited in San Francisco, and the stake “ Hold on! 'l ie* t«‘st 1« sufficient! He contralto whore voice is said to he of ex baleni patent roller .................. 3 75 to th»* dwelling, leaving exposed a hatch Jones Brothers. n onev will l>e put up on May 4 The Nearly all of the United States Rolling 3 «5 has proved his devotion. Get out,Harry, M eat M arket--Oil Center street bet ween First match is for $2,( 00 a side at straight bill- Stock Company’s plant at Decatur, Ala , cept-onal rii lincssand power. Her name Dayton patent roller.................... »f hard reddish soil. There wore locust 3 «N patent roller................. and Second. Austin & W ilson. and I ’ll have it pulled.” iarda, Schaefer to discount Mi Cleary. It has been destroyed by fire, entailing a is Helen Rowe, and she haa lieen a great Kasradia 3 50 trees around th«* hous«*, and bunches of Pountry brand«........................... favorite in Melbourne. Groceries—On Center street between First will ast three nights, 1,000points p'ayed She took th«* chair, had the tooth 3 75 plantain leave« gr«*w rankly in tho thin a loss of $200,000. «McMinnville................................ and Second. Parker Sc. Nicholson. each night. drawn without a groan, and as she went 2 50 jrass of th«* lawn. T iie Ruisian Government lias prohib­ Superfine ................................... Dryer— First street at the end o f the bridge. A i om nrttee o' Chicagoans are now White L i l y ................................. 3 75 P. F. Bran bis war paint, for, whereas he N o is e s T lo t t C an I t « H e a r d Second. A nna Rees. P 'a ln lv » • lope, 18 ; M ary Taylor, 10 ; Ollie Alger, 14. municate with the Hail dealers at a dia­ English Rye Gras«..................... It fa 9 Fruit Dryer—N ear railroad track east o f de * * r** tt Distance«. •van dull in color before, he new Gifts of $1,000.000 have been made to pot. Aaron Brey. Italian Rye Gras«........................ 9 i ^ l l tom e. T h e reptu ’ <»f a cannon travel« very M'oume all aglow with brilliant Arti lescf incorporation tiavp just been the M cGill University at Montreal. A Australian Rye Grass.................. 7J(a/ 9 Lumber Y a rd —Main street north o f depot. London Fire Department statistics Mesa a it* ii ' S. The toad advanced boldly t*> the far, !>• i t- it f.uumunicaU's a vibration filed with the Secretary of State of the woman’s branch is to ire erected aad a R H. Hogers. ....................... 7 <010 ................................... 5 (ai 0 Drug S'ore—Corner o f Center and Second Kings R iver Storage and I r r g a t’on school of architecture snd science added. sliow that although tin ater fires have in­ Millet nvestment of the castle, halting for a to the soil. •tre ta. C. F. M »ore creased greatly in number they are far Hungarian Millet. ...................... 5 0 second or two below*, and leisurely sur­ Company, which ha* anpropriat*d 500,- T h e mdse produced by the great erup­ Die Burlington A Missouri road will Mixed l^awn Grass 12 415 less titillating than formerly, owing to It is pro­ Blacksmith—Corner First and Meridian sts. 009 miners’ inches of wa'er veying th** field. When tnes*» obaerva- tion of ( ot-op t xi. in 17 44, was heard over build a new line from the • roesing of tiie Clover Seeds— A. B. George. posed to build an immense dam for stor­ the improvements in the apparatus for ions had been taken, he leaped up half 500 miles. C hejenne river iu W yom ing to Dead- suppressing them. 10 f a l l Red Clover..................... Harne.-«maker—Center street between Flint age prrpos ‘S near Kings R iv er canyon Fra 11k lin a» erts that be heard the White ('lo v e r................ 15 (o 17 1 dozen times in quick succession at tiie SecO’ d. C. Maris. where all the surplus and flood water wood, 8 . D. The extension is 100 m ilts British merchants are beginning to Alsvke Clover • th«*r of two stones in the ......... *uemy and then rapidly retreated to the strikii. 15 fai. J a il-In cra ter o f block boun*1f*8 by Fir-t. will lie held and the waters belonging to long. compUin se iotisly of th“ decay of the Alfalfa .......................... If) it 11 to« ond. M m il«n smi I't-nU-r streets. learest tuft o f plantain leaves, from water h alf a mile away. the canal companies let pass. Governor Campbell of Ohio, Congress­ ivory trade, aim e year after year tiie sup­ Miscellaneous — Lum ber -First street between Meridian and •vhich he nipped two or three pieces In I îb i tin* report of the cannon fired ply Brought lo he Afriipn rots* has lieen Panary .......................... Center. Mitchell & Brown. 44 fa 5 ind swallowed them. Returning to the in Mayen-*** could l»e heard at Timbeok, Mart Manson and Sig Johnson, two man Dalz>dl and Andrew Carneg e will diminishing until the pri e lias risen to Flax ........................... . 4?fa. 5 Photograph' —O ver Moore’a lim a Store on Swed s. while unloading a Large of Inm- he 'he principal speakers at the Ni’otch- 5 fa 5* itta» k. the same series of operations 140 m iles away. Hemp an unprecedented figure. Center street. 8. Hobson. lu r c n the banks of the Duwam’sh rive , I-ish Congress to be held at Pittsburg in In th*- 1 lar regions Sir John Frank­ 3 fa 4 were repeated many times, until the Tiie United States Consular Ag>nt at Rape, California Flour i.K M ill—On the lias ton road at Chet,a ei t.t miles Tom Seattle, were drowned, May. spider bad spent all bis venom, it is stip- lin ’s m* u >nversed with eus«i at a dis­ FEED. m e n . k . 1 arrant & bon. Cbarl»roi. Belgium, is accused of having and their I odies have not vrt been re The Baltimore Flour and Com Ex- system ti-ally undervalued merchan Bran, p ton ... . ........ 17 OOfalH 0 » poced. and the web wan broken »lown tance of more than a mile. Po>to(flce— A« M oore’, lim it Store on ( enter cover'd . Man-on fell into the water ac- Whi’ ti n 18nii the cannon boomed in char ge will receive no official quotation ilise exporte-t from his district *o this Hay, ton, baled, 15 (JO 6 10 UU and th«* brave defender was dead. ,tr*et. t . F. Moore, postnisater. eiden’ al’y, end Johnson heroically hereafter from the Chicago market, country. T ics official is not an Am eri­ (¿round Barley, p ton. T¿ 5nfa 2 4 00 It was nearly »lark before the combat Heligoland the sound w as heard at Han- Nursery—On the Dayton road wrest o f the Tile p!ur ge I in to save him. The swi t a r­ Is (fifa21J (() lowed. Nothing could exceed the cour­ ov**r, a distance o f 157 miles. Mill Chop, $ ton............ which hasdis'-ontinued them in an effort can, but a native Belgian. M ill. Coop« r S: Son reni ■- rried I oth a » av from the b rge, Oil Cake Meal, p ton 27 .70 «80 (Ml age of the defense unless it was the per­ The r inmui iding at Florence was to close up the backet shops. M Heriot, the owner of the hie store Shorts, $ ton Brick Y a r d —A t the west end of Third street. an I they sank in full sigi t of a doz> n 20 00 21 00 sistency of the attack. 1 would not h**ard at I.» «»rn, 56 miles away, and Jemcs Ham m e't. » o kmen. Neither of the d owne I men A New York Assembly hi'l provides a called the Ixiuvre in I’ari«, was s nt t venture to guess bow many tim**s the that at Genoa over 100 m ile«. Dry Goods and Groceries—Com er First er.d had tie* n in this country very long, and fine of $1,00 i and one yrar's imprison­ the insane asj iu n by his relatives be M.'MHER ROUUII A Nil DREHMEf). Main streets Josei Ii Kvereet. Th e gr- .1 • nt distance at which artifi­ were unm < rried. ment for an person who prevents a col­ cause he insisted upon gi ing $1 ,(XK),lX9i, Per M $10 00 Um<* a v*rUH f rom the pidet. Rough ........................ M eat Star ket—Main street near Jones' hall. ored person from — enjoving _ , , -----,---------------- , ........„ snv resort or which he could readily hffo-il to los», to Edged. ....................... * ^12 ¡fi) :^n‘l <*an ac**ount for bis report t»> the cial sounds aio known to have been Frank Jones. The twentv second annual ees-ion of convenience r pen to the public, founding an orphanage for soldiers’ rhil T. 6c (». sheathing ....................... 13 0u plantain h aves only on the supposition beard was on December 4, 1832, when Waretioue—On P. Jt W . V. railrr>ad near de­ the G o n d l/ jlg e o ' California, K 'L h t « „ .... No. 2 flooring .. ............................. 18 ( jo | that the courageons little warrior th» re the cannon at Antwerp wero heard in pot. Christ n-on Bros. No prov sion will he made in the R e­ dren. I'yth «* . has j i*t ope ed at Ksn Fran- No. 2 ceiling ................................. Is on found a sufficient antidote for tin «p i- the E'/g 'birge. :;T0 m iles distant Frnlt D ryer—C om er o f w t lanrette snd W y. cisc i Janusrv 1, 1870, the e were fifteen publican tariff hill fur reciprocity with No. 2 runt ic....................................... 18 00 nor ssi Str ets. W ds ll *U C all» 1 m. by experiments made at D E T R O IT CAN AL. M exico, Central cr hotith Am er ca, the Clear rough...................................... 20 Oo l#*r’s poison. But throughout th** w li « i Blacksndth—P h "P near Gray son a Stable. 1-Iges -n the 8t»t<, with a memtwr-hip Lake b riiL i 1 «»- hnated that a iiell of »f th«* length ly contest, it w h Committee believing that work belongs Clear P. 4S........................................ 22 50 of ov> r 1,20 and in 188’> the St te had Fred Bent. A n*w canal will be immediately con­ No. 1 flooring.................................... 22 ’>() gainent assault on an intrenched en •my common - ne that could lie he ard a to the treaty-making part of the (iovern- Dry Gonfi« Sr G roesrie-—C om er Center anfi 115 lo Ige-, with m t lesa than ".•XXi mem ment. structed to connect th»* waters of Detroit No. 1 ceiling .................................. 22 50 «*ver witnessed. Beside« this it d tance of th re© to five miles on land, ►rde t-rr« A fund of f 8fi.bG> is on ba-d at d Fir»’ »treet». J. T. sm ith. b«y, Puget sound and Ho »»I'« canal. No No. 1 rustic .................................... 22 50 •»n example o f pertinacity on the part of co' M, \' *«1 in the sea, be beard invi s'ed, and a flouriah'rg endowm nt M illln cry-In J. T smith • »ter- on Center A large portion of the plant of the pi « e of engineering ban l^en talked of Stepping.......................................... 25 (JO and uni'orm rank, from r-*ports fro n the despised toad which fully parallel- over 60 miles.—Chicago Mail. •treet. Smith tc Ib-aktn». that will prove of such gigantic import- Commerc:*l Cable Com any was «ALT. le et vi ft-’s •* «»ion it srp'-art that Ifil ¡.he heroic quality of the spider, mad* Shoe -hop—On First »treet me*t from Main. in Boston to Mtiufy « j »Hgrner.f obtained an«*p to th-» futu e welfare of the Ht-ite a« Coarse Fine— A S t in l-OIT. mi e« n the Sta e w e re then existing G. Lonfien«hau*fn. 200-lb bag*. Eton ......................... 17 00 fam iliar to us in youth by th« story o.' hy John W. Mackay in a New York th s eim i 1 ° ic i i Applic nt 1 ask for the hand of your and repre»»n ed, and that six new Imlg*» the Bruci* encourag«*«! to renew* d effort .................. 17 no Hardware—l"X Main »treet «onth of ibe fiepo court. Celonel Bob Ingersoll is Mr city of Detroit is « tuated *t tlie head of lOO-lb l»a/*. F ton had been organized The to-a1 member- Mac k ey’s lawyer. 12 50 by lb* « xatnple of one of the««* little In rlaugh t»*i W . C. Kruger. this canal, and ie deetmed o !$e«*ome an Ground Rock, 50 IT» hags. If ton. sects. Baltimore S i n. Bareni Have you any prospect* for comer of »h ip on Janua y 1, 1889. for th - State of F W Carman. M D —Office WOOL. important citv of Pcg t »oued. A gigantic syndi ate is being formed tho futili Caitfi rn-a was 10.171, and it i* ex- eed- M«tn anfi F ir»' ‘ te. Eastern Oregon — — We hear from f no to tfm«» of se T h e heaunfnl and îh h . steam er C it y of According to «hrinkage ............ H a rd w a re -C e n irr treet bet wten Fir«' tng'y pri liable the i r-sent «ese-on will at Philadelphia to re«-over from the “ Non* whatever.” 10fal4 vere sto rms that do Ian acond J. B. Mount. r f-o-t a n em* errhip for the first day ol United States dutie* that have been Det oit mith firet-i-la*« H»*«-ommo 'ation e V alley— »-11 t any, either. Take her, . m but i M * mli men'« I h Friend» I*acifl- Academy—f o r Third anfi tt e current year of n 't le«s than 12,000. overpaid on hat trim m ing« According for 2 JUpee#cng*r*f ha a juat b«*f n U n n -h e d , P p rn grllp . 10«rl8 my biiy. n i in happy Bless you both.” Bfiwarfis«ta. ltd win Morri-on Principal. r»a is nothing to th lost at « T h “ re a-e lfifi lodges to tie rep eaented at to a re* ent Supreme Court decision a re­ and w ill p'y hetween the new city of Dé­ Umpqua 19fa^J -T e x a s F. H. B-Utnger—Real Katate on tenter at. land —Hochester fcxpr fund o f 3u per cent. ¡1 due. troit and Puget eound pointa. Umpqua, lamb« and fall ................ lOfall the present session. . P Stratton. Manager President........ ...........Benjamin Harrison Vice-President ..................... L ev i I*. Mo ton Secretary o f .State James U. Hlaiae Secretary Of the Treasury M m . NN indom 8-oretary o f the Interior J. N' Noble Secretary of W a r ■ • R«idfl«*ld Proctor Secretary o f the N a v y ................... B. P. Tracy Poet master-General John M an*«niak i A ttorney General ........\\ . 11. H. M ill r Secretary of A griculture ........Jeremiah Busk®ieo $