/ NEW BERG NEW BERG G R A P H IC . v mm— XE W B E RG G R A PH IC . A l> Y l i K ' I ' I s i t N<> K t M > : O ne C olum n . .T w en ty D ollars llaif C olum n. Ten D oJur» Professional C a rd s ................................ O ne D ollar Ml 11*4 1C 1 P T I O . X I K A T K N : O ne Y e a r . Six M o n th s .................... .. | l 50 . 7 5 » u b M c r i p t io u Frlct* P a y a b l e I n v a r i ­ a b ly in A d v a n c e . H e a d i n g N o t i c e « » H I he i a s e r t e d a t t h e r a te of T e n r e n t s p er l.tna. VOL. A d ie rti- in g Bills C ollected M onthly* y O m < A I. h llK K (T O K V . G R A P H IC —<■ 2. N E W B E R G , Y A M H I L L CO ., O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R »-OKKIG.Y F L A E U K s . THE PACIFIC COAST.' I n ile d M a le » F A T H E R ''O F .Y O U N G G IB B S THE P r e s i d e n t ................................ B en jam in H arrlaon IN P O R T L A N D . V ic e -P re a id e n t ..............................L evi 1*. M orton S e c re ta ry o f S ta te ........................ Ja m e s U. B laine S e c re ta ry of th * T re e a tiry ........... \ t m. t t ln d u in S e c re ta ry o f th e lu te to- — J. W. N olde S w i n d l e d O u t o f $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 b y a C o n ti S e c re ta ry of W a r K edfleld P ro cto d r o n e e V a n —C y c i o u e In C a l i f o r n i a . S e c re ta ry o f th e N avy ...............B. t . T rac y P o stin aater G en eral J o h n W an a in a lte r R e p u b lic a n C o n v e n tio n a t A tto rn e y G e n eral ......... W . H. H . M ill*r J u n e a u , A la s k a . S e c re ta ry of A g ric u ltu re ............ Je re m ia h B usk G a in In F n g l a n d —A m e r i c a n s j EASTERN at T R A IN "H E L D U P " IN IT E M S. THE IN D IA N 7, PORTLAND M ARKET. THE G EN ERA L NO. 1889. T R A D E C O N T IN U E S RACES o f _ 1. m a n k . n u T w e n t y - T w o iu K x U ten ce N ow . M. de Q uatrefages, the leading B e r lin G iv e T h a n k s S A T IS F A C T O R Y . T E R R IT O R Y . F rench ethnologist, in presenting the second p a rt of his “ Introduction to the “ Nellie B!y” interviewed Jules Verne L y n n , M a s a a c h u s 't t e , V i s i t e d b y a D e­ T h e D e m a n d f o r T r a n » p o r t a t t o n F a c l l - Study of the H um an Races" to the at Paris. tte s G r e a te r T h a n E v e r B e f o r e - s tr u c tiv e F l r a - F o u r D e tro it C o u n - Academy of Science, has giveu an in­ L a r g e I n c r e a s e In t ' e I r o n teresting sum m ary of his general con­ c l l m e n I n d i c t e d f o r B r ib e r y . They call Boulanger “ the Jersey cow” j in Paris. clusions with reg ard to th e origin und a n d S te e l In d u s tr ie s . S k i p p e d t o P o r t ’a n d . distribution of m ankind. The bartenders of London work 106 N eglecting the m inor differences, S ta te o r O re g o n . The Union Pacific will build into Lea hours a week. An Ishpem ing gold m ine assays {50,- There is continued evidence of an un­ Angeles. The sale of French canned vegetables 000 to the ton. usually large volume of general trade in he estim ates th a t th ere a re no fewer U . 8. S e n a to rs ...........J . H . M itchell, J. N. I>olph than tw enty-tw o distinct races in the t ‘o n g r u s s m a n ....................... B ln g er H erm an A Tacoma hospital lias a new {50J is on the increase. •Syracuse, New Y ork, had a {250,000 the local m arket for this late stage ef the G o v ern o r ... S y lv ester I’e n n o y er hum an species. A ll these descend or blaze last week. An extensive G erm an Catholic pil­ season, and there was more than the S e c re ta ry of S ta te ........... G. W . M cB tide ambulance. b ranch off from th ree fundam ental S ta te T r e a s u r e r .. G \V. Wet»b grimage to Rome is being arranged. usual satisfaction in the observance of M cM innville’s electric light plant is Four Detroit couneihnen have been in ­ S ta te P r i n t e r ......... T. ( ’. B aker types—th e black, the yellow and th e S u p t of Schools K. B. M ch lro y rea*ly for work. Lord Salisbury sees no prospect of an dicted for bribery. Thanksgiving. That th e activity in busi­ w hite—w hich had th e ir origiu a t th e S u p rem e J u d g e s I:. - tr a h a n , W . P. Lord. » \V . \V, l'h tyer The orange crop promises to l>e light American reduction of duty on h a's. Secretary Tracy has refused to accept ness is general, is shown in the aggre­ g reat central muss of N orthern Asia, h at of first quality. Pauper im migration is becoming an the cruiser Vesuvius. gate hank clearings, the total of which w hich is th u s th e cradle of m ankind. C o u n t y o i' A a m l i l l l . I*. P. W. Quimby lias brought a ^ i0,000 im portant political issue in England. Horses worth {75.0J0 were burned at for the past month shows an increase R epresentatives of these different Ju d g e .............................................. I*. L. L stallion ow ery to Portland. over those of the corresponding period types and the races which sp ran g from One thousand V ienna button m akers Valley Falls, Kansas. S h eriff ............................................T. J . H a rris Ite c o rd e r................................. - • W yatt H a rris The ship Willie and Ida was a total last year of {508,000,000. Another evi­ them are still to be found there. Sonoma county, Cal., has been visit­ w ant shorter hours and higher wages. C le rk __ J. W. H obbs ed by a disastrous cyclone. T he w hites, according 'o M. de The German consul at Zanzibar con­ loss off New Bedford, Mass. dence is the extraordinary demand upon S u p t. of Schools ... L. II. B a k e r T r e a s u r e r ... ......... P .J* . G ates T. M. Bailey, a {10,000 hank defaulter, the transportation facilities of the coun­ Q uatrefages. ap p ear to have riginnted W. P. Rositer, of Seattle, suicided. firms the report of the safety of l»r. S u r v e y o r .... ...................................J. C. C ooper Peters. try. w hich some of the railroads have on th e w est of th e central mass, the lias abscounded from Chicago. C o ro n er ..............................................K. H. fe llo w s He was a small cigar dealer. l>een unable to fully meet. It is said that C o m m issio n ers .B ru tsc h e r, K iugery The autum nal fogs are reported to tie The Denver A Rio Grande will be the Pennsylvania Railroad Company yellows on th e no rth and he blacks The Boston ’’m ine near Fairliaven heavier in London than during any fall changed to a bread gauge track. on th e south. T he white» extend­ promises to pay {240J a day. C ity o f Y e n - b e r g . have built six thousand now cars this since 1861». year, and th a t other of the great transpor­ ed w estw ard and n o rth « ard, giv­ The W om an's National Indian associa- Two American seamen were drowned M ay o r ............................. ... F. A. M orris Abbe M artin of Andes, in the depart­ j tion is in session at Newark, N. J . tation lines have had to make large addi­ ing b irth to th ree secondary types, R ec o rd e r J . T. S m ith in a squall at ForLTownsend. m ent of allier, France, has just been Finnish, th e Sem itic and tions to their equipm ent. And yet a th e T r e a s u r e r ...................................... s . H ohsou The Denver, Texas A Ft. Worth has continued scarcity of freight cars is r e ­ th e Aryan, if we except tho A llophy- The mileage of the W ashington legis­ robbed of {t>0,UU0. M arsh all ...............................A . T. H a w o rth been bought by the Union Pacific. lators will foot up about {5000. S tre e t C om m issioner . L. M . Sm ith ported on s o m e lines. The enormous les, w hich form a sep arate group. The total lilieraJ gains in the recent (N . C. M aris T h e W e s t e r n u n io n ’s tower in New crops and th e unprecedented volume of T h e ir a re a of distribution | B. C. M iles P ortland’ is trying to arrange Tor a English municipal elections a r e 122, t h e -ontlou- trade during the autum n have made the „ 1 li. P e ttr jo h n York was seriously damaged by fire. Pacific coast m ilitia tournam ent. conservativoa But <12. ous, as is th a t of th e yellows, because C o u n cllm cn .......... { j j C uujier requirem ents for transportation facilities i J . li.dtsnii British firms will contest the present I t is no* said th at no harm will ensue much greater than ever before. Hence of the extensive land surface of th e Mr. Bradlaugh, having been ordered 1 tc. n e a t e r foreign pilotage charges at San Franeiseo. by the doctors to take a sea voyage, has from th e repeal of the pre-emption law. the necessity for enlarged equipm ent, E urasian continent. T he yellows which, in tu rn , has made itself felt in the spread eastw ard and crossed into The Pacific coast cham ber of com­ decided to visit India. The Heola iron works a t Williamsburg, I l l V . 't t f I f M I I K S , merce recommends a national bankrupt According to statistics, lunacy has been New York, were damaged {250,000 by iron and steel industries. Thus the A m erica. Tho w hites and yellows capacity of th e iron furnaces in blast on checked o r blended with each other, P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H .-S e rv ic e s will law. on th e increase in France since the open­ fire. « held a t J o n e s ’ H ail on th e second an d fo u rth the 1st inst. was, in round num bers 168,- ing of the exhibition. Two persons lost their lives anti many General Howard says th e people will tin d a y s of th e m onth, a t 4 p. m. by th e R ev. 060 tons per week, a gain of nearly 10 producing many varieties of man. W illiam T ra v is of L afay ette. S a b b a th school more were injured in a fire a t Areata, he ready for a general pension list in Emma Mershon-Earia, of San F ran ­ per cent, in a month, and of 17>£ per T he bhick9, or negro type, w hich o rig ­ e v e ry S u n d ay at 3 p. m. Cal. cisco, has scored a success in “ Kigoletto” 1015. cent, compared with the output a year inated on th e south of th e central If. H . Boyce, of the Los Angeles at Vigeovano, near Milan. F R IE N D - C U C L P H . S e rv ic e s e v ery S un Natural gas explosions are doing great ago. I t is 6tated by the highest author­ m ass, was forced by the n atu re of the d a y a t 11 a. lit. a n d 7 t> m.. a n d T h u rsd a y a t 10 Tribune, has been indicted for black­ a. m s a b b a tn school ev ery Sunday a t 10 a .m . The newspapers of Italy are raising damage to pipe and property in Pennsvi- ity th at the weekly production of iron is continent, and probably by th e attacks mail. M onthly m ectitiir a t 10 a. in. th e tttst S a tu rd a y now larger than that of Great Britain, vania. in each m onth, Q u a rte rly m e e tin g th e second Lalpande has raised th e subsidy requi subscriptions to erect a m onum ent to and ns there is no accum ulation’of stock, of tho w hites and yellows, to go south S a tu rd u v a n d S u n d ay In F e b ru a ry . M ay. A u- site to the building of its railroad to Columbus on American soil. The nation’s postotfices have increased it follows th a t th e consumption m ust he into A frica and east into the Indian g u s t a n a N o v em b er. _ The British hoard of trade returns for 1623 the past year, the total now being correspondingly large. A rchipelago, o r M elanesia. T he proto- Elgin. 50,000. E V A N G E L IC A L C H U R C H .- R e g u la r s e r­ Sem ites arrested th e ir d istribution in The Puget Sound university at Tacoma Octolier show a m arked growth in trade G ROCERIES. v ic e first and tld rtl S undays of each m o u th a t between Canada a r d Great Britain. The new Hidden Treasure gold m ine ..') a. m .; second a n d fo u rth S u n d a y s a t 7 p. m. has borrowed {'>0,000 for building pur­ Sugars, Golden C Ojfc, extra C 6L40, th e north of A frica, and th e m ixture S a b b a th school ev ery S unday a t 11 a . m. poses. \ Sixty Neapolitan churches have been a t Helena assays as high as {1376 50 to dry granulated 7*ij@23 V ', in th e ir E thnic p u rity u n til th e infil­ roasted Jav a 30!g@321^c, A rbuckle’s tra tio n of o th er races from Europe Barney H eller and J. Fori ice, railroad tic» United States, and the new enter­ the South. roasted 25 ‘¿c. S O C IE T Y N O T IC E S . employes, were killed in an accident at prise is said to he profitable all around. Rev. M artin H orenson, an Episcopal and th e north of A frica in m odern P R O V IS IO N S . Oswego. The rental of E dinburgh for the year clergyman, suicided with an ax at Coun­ times. Those w hich rem ained in th e ir Y. M. C. A. D evotional s erv ice s e v ery Sun Oregon ham 13c, breakfast bacon cil Bluffs. d a y evoniuK. V oting m en earn estly re q u e ste d lllackfeot, Idaho, lost the insane asy­ 1SH!I-!»1) amounts to £2,1X15,125. Thirty sides 10c, E astern ham original hom e became blended with to a tte n d . lum ' y lire, Loss, three lives arid years ago (in 1859-60) it was £820,6110. Ivan Panin, a R ussian infidel and 1 2 14c, breakfast bacon 12lgc, sides | th e w hites and yellows, giving rise to I. O. O. F -Sessions h eld S a tu rd a y ev en in g {iivOjOOO. The continued celebration *n honor of noted author, has accepted C hristianity 9 # c , shoulders 9c. Lard 1 lc. th e dravidian populations w hich pass In th e room s o v e r Aloore’s D ru g store. FRUITS. Tacoma is preparing statistics to in­ the new governm ent throughout Hayti at M inneapolis. by shades into th e th ree fundam ental Y . \V. C . T. U .—B usiness m e e tin g th e second duce the departm ent to increase its pos­ m akes it difficult to get any work done. Grapes {1@1 75 per box, quinces {1@ ! The prison congress at Nashville rec­ types. S a tu rd a y iu ev ery m onth. 1 25, Sicily lemons {6 50@7. tal facilities. Prince Bism arck’s subsidy bill for the om m ends the establishm ent of a federal As for the AUophyles, represented DRIED FRUITS. G. A. It. Sessions h eld first a n d th ir d T h u r s ­ prison bureau. Philip Engle, of Pasadena, shot and Germ an and East African Ime gives Apples 4@5c, evaporated i»@10r, sliced by the race of Cro-M agnon, they occu­ day ev en in g in each m outh. those vessels {225,000 annually for ten killed his brother-in-law W. E . Curtis, Plym outh church lias called a Congre­ 6c, pears 8 @ 10c, peaches 8@ 10c, Oregon pied parts of E urope and N o rth A fri­ W . C. T. U. B usiness m e e tin g held th e th ird in a quarrel. years. gational council to install Dr. Lyman plums 3@4, petite prunes 5@6c, German ca, from w hich they extended to the S a tu rd a y afte rn o o n lu each m o n th . 5J£@6c, prunes, Italian /c, silver 6(jj@7c, C anaries. Sir John Lubbock lias just discovered Abbott as pastor. T he th re e fundam ental The first term of court ever held in California figs 7c, Smyrna figs 14@15c, F ranklin county, W ashington, is in ses­ th at the death rate in Loudon is I6j a per The Canadian governm ent has lost ap.icots types also found them selves in O cean­ 13@14c, raisins | 1.75@2.25 per 10GO as iigainst 171* in other Engiisli {300,000 tn revenue from smuggled sion at Pasco. ia; th e A Uophylian w hites occupying box. Y '7 » N K * * M II 7 II E C T O K Y O E T H E cities. opium tliis year. Polynesia, the blacks M alanesia, tho C I T Y O E N K IV H E H G . The National G range favors th e elec­ V EGETA BLES. D iphtheria, which has been prevalent tion of United States senators by direct Seven m iners were buried by th e fall Potatoes, new, {1@1 10, sweets H40 yellow s M alasia. T he la tte r were, ac­ D epot—I ’. & W . V. On M ain s tre e t n o rth of for several weeks in Berlin, has become of a rock in a mine at Negaunee, Mich. per lt>, onions {1, turnips 76c@{l. vote of the people. cording to M. de Q uatrefages, the last F u s t. M. S. G arv in , ag en t. epidemic, and many parts of the city are Three were killed, DAIRY PRODUCE. T ile M ill- O n th e D ayton road, w e st o f the to come into th e m aritim e world. Five thousand m iners are out of em­ quarantined. Butter, Oregon fancy 35c, dairy A cadem y. R eese ft H unt. ployment as a result of th e great mine Modjeska will leave Booth next spring T he peopling of A m erica dates from P u h llo School - I n C en tra l a d d itio n n o rth of tires at Anaconda. Many Berlin butchers have gone into and star as before. Booth and B arrett 25@27!yc, common 10@12)^c. Eastern 1 th e quatern ary period, and is duo to F ir s t stre et. E. H . W oodw ard, p res, of b o ard. 25c, California 25@25»^c. bankruptcy in consequence of the con­ will resume their partnership. D ru g s to re <>n M ain s tre e t so u th o f th e tie Colonel Parker, of Walla Walla, esti­ tinued prohibition of the inqiortation of m igrations of different types—Allo- E G G S. pot. 11. C. H aiti. mates the cost of a jute mill in th e peni­ cattle and pigs. Congressman Wilson, of W ashington, Oregon eggs 30 @3 it. phylic w hite and yellow, blending with D ry G oods a n d G ro ceries—On M ain s tre e t tentiary at {'.»5,000. will introduce a hill into congress to re­ POULTRY. the local q u atern ary races, w hich also so u th of th e d e p o t. J . D. C arter. A Birmingham man lias invented a duce tlie fees of land office officials. Pio n eer Livery S tab le C o rn e r F irst a n d M er­ Middleton and Georgetown, M inne­ metal that can he distinguished from Chickens {3.50@3.75. old hens {4.00 belonged to th e yellow type. Europe, id ian s tre ets. J . R. Sm ith. sota, are quarantined on account of epi­ gold only by experts, thougli it can be The comptroller of the currency says @{5.50, ducks {8.00 geese {10, turkeys since the te rtia ry ages, has receiv ed J . B. Moore, M. 1).- i mice s t resid en ce on th e demic dyphtheria. legislation is needed to prevent th e con I4c per lb. only A Uophylian w hites, Finns and turned out for 60 Ceuta a pound. c o rn e r of C en ter a n ! T h ird . traction of national hank currency. WOOL. A rlin g to n II d e l— On M ain s tre e t n e a r I ’. A A ryana T he num ber of races now R obert F orsyth was killed at Portland Valley 17@19c, Umpque 19@20c, East- ; A l ’aris butler won last m onth the W , V. H allw ay . J o h n A tk in so n . by the discharge of a revolver, accident­ The annual report of the bureau of existing in a pure state is exceedingly {100,000 prize in th e Exhibition lottery. equipm ent and recruiting estim ates that ern Oregon 10@14c. B a rb er sh o p 1 0 M ain s tre e t. F in e c ig a rs ally dropped by F ran k Lester. restricted, if, indeed, th ere is a single a n d tobacco. S m ith At M yers. HOPS. 11 is wile runs th e goat carriages for for the n ext fiscal year {1,200,000 is re­ An ineffectual effort at jailbreak was babies in the T uileries’ garden. Hops 6 @ 8 c for Oregon, 0 @ 9 c for one w hich can be accepted as such. D ry G o o d s u n d G roceries -C o rn er F irst anti quired. C en ter streets. M orris. M iles & Co. made last week at Walla Walla by two W ashington. P erhaps some little groups, protected Spanish emigration la s assumed F u r n itu re -C o rn e r F irst an d M ain stre ets, prisoners with long sentences. GRAIN. North Carolina celebrated the centen­ by th e ir isolation, such as th e Minco- opposite J o n e s 'H a ll. It. W . W y m an . alarm 'ng proportions because of the nial of its ratification of the federal con­ »Vheat, f 1.20@1.22hg and {1 12>£3 pies.m ay show an idontity of ch aracters A. F. Hofeditz in articled his aged m any disasters which have recently be­ B a k e ry —On M ain sT eet n o rth from F irst. J . stitution a t Fayetteville w ith great en­ 1 15 are the moximim bids for Valley a tte stin g th e ir eth n ic hom ogeneity.— D. W ilson. father at Anaconda. Temporary insan­ fallen the Spanish agricultural districts. thusiasm . and Eastern Uregon. Oats 42j 2@43 ■ W’illa m e tte lle s l E s ta te A gency -O tfles on ity is thought to have been th e cause. London Times. M ain stre et. S ca rc e ft W rig h t. The Australian legislature lias passed Joseph Sm ith, of New Y'ork City, in a for choice. Mayor D eLashm utt, of I’Ortland, has a law M illin e ry -M a in s tre et so u th of th e depot. FLOUR. taxing all m arried couples living fit of desperation, murdered his two Airs. Enos H anson. realise*I {143,000 in cash from a recent with their mothers-in-law ; {'.»00 if resid­ babies, and made an ineffectual atteuipt Standard {3 85, oilier brands {.3.76 | S P O N T A N E O U S C O M B U S T I O N . Nuvvbo'g H o u se—T he only h o te l on F irst st. tale of Cu'tir d ’Alene mining property. ing with the h u sb an d 's mother-in-law at I uicide. @3 90. H o w I t C ónica A b o u t a n d th e M a te ria l« O. C. W rig h t. Search is st ill being made, and re­ aud {120 if with the wife's. W h ic h C a u s e It« FRESH MBAT8. L a u n d ry —N e a r th e Tile M ill on th e D ayton Gallagher A Baer, wholesale dry wards yet open, (or the arrest of ttiose ro ad . Sam Keo. F rom all th e principles of chem istry Beef, cows. 2j-jc, beef light, 2%c., lieef, | goods m erchants of New York, have According to a London daily paper E v a n g e lic al C h u rc h —On T h ird s tre e t e a s t of who robbed the Linkville stage sf {300. there are aliout 2500 building associa­ tailed. The liabilities are expected to l>e prime, 3c, nogs live, 4@4)gC, mutton, spontaneous com bustion is a possible, th e A cadem y. R ev. B eau m o n t, pastor. live, 2 ,4@3c ; calves, live, 5@8c. Suits aggregating {10,000, for damages tions with over 60,000 mem bers, in the about {100,000. and, in fact, a frequent phenomenon. H arbor Shop- -C o rn er 'th ird a n d C en ter sts. FRED. sustained by burned grain, were tiled in United Kingdom. Last year their re­ C ig ars a n d tobacco. L u tn c r H ill, m anager. Prof. Wm. P. T onry, th e chem ist, says The postofiice departm ent recommends Hay $15@17 per ton, bran $14.50, one day at Salem against th e Southern Public H all—C o rn er F irs t a n d M ain s tre e ts. ceipts were upward of {100,060,000. a more sweeping law for indecent mail chop, {!8@20, shorts {17.50, barley $13 60 th e flume in such oases invariably Ju n es B ro th ers. Pacific. arise from a com bustion of oxygen M eat M ark et--O n C en ter s tr e e t b etw een F ir s t U nder the presidency of M inister m atter, such as those of quack doctors A steam ship brought last week {5,- Phelps and scientists. a n d Second. A u stin f t W ilson. with torno m aterial favorable to pro­ the Americans in Berlin cele­ G ro ceries—On C en ter s tre e t betw evn F irst 000,000 iu gold from Australia to San brated Thanksgiving day with a dinner, Martinis, the late democratic candidate ducing heat. N o t E » I m *(I t o w o r k . Francisco. It was all in English sov­ followed by a concert and hall in the for lieutenant governor of Ohio, has de­ tm l Second. P a rk e r ft Nicholson. Our postm aster. Col. H ardem an, hav ; W herever th ere is tu rp en tin e th ere D ry e r—F irs t s tre e t a t th e cu d e f th e b tld g e. ereigns. cided to contest the election of the repub­ ing to employ a charw om an about tin ' is alw ays d anger of spontaneous com­ rooms of the United States legation. P. F. B ra d fo rd . lican candidate. M. Collins, a bungling am ateur at new United States postofiice, singled out bustion. If the substance be poured Shoe Shop—C en ter stre et b etw een F irst and Chico, stabbed I,. J . Dunn in a duel The projected Firtl; of Clyde Canal to It is given out that a consolidation of S e c o u l. A. M. H oskins. connect the A tlantic ocean with the print works in New H am pshire and a colored lady and offered her the place on rags, especially when they are scere. The wound was severe hut not L ivery S tab le—N ear P. ft W . V. R ailro a d , Nortli sea will he liegun at once. A firm M assachusetts under an English control She declined it for the reason that there soaked with grease, fire is likely to re­ dangerous. M ain stre et. G eorge G rayson. was too much work for {20 per month sult. of M anchester has contracted to com­ has been effected. F u rn itu re establishm ents and H oard o f Iiu n ifg rtlo n —Otllce on e a s t sid e of J . .1. Sm ith, of Baker C i t i , has a plete the canal at a cost of £ 8.000,000. “ W hat!" said the colonel, “ you could all places w here oil and tu rp e n tin e C eu tor s tre e t S tarts ft O livet , m an ag ers. The tw enty-seventh triennial conven­ beautiful gold brick worth {1300, th e re­ not make the half of it a t anything else. are k ept are especially liable to visita­ M illin ery —C en ter s tre e t b e tw ee n F irst an d sult of a five d ay s’ run of th e Golden Ex-President W hite of Cornell U ni­ tion of the General G rand C hapter of Second. A n n a Rees. versity. just back from extensive E uro­ Royal Arch Masons of th e U nited States Why, at the north a woman will scrub tions from fires of inexplicahlo origin. Monarch mill. F ru it l)ry er-* N e ar ra ilro ad tra c k e a st of do the floor all day through the month for : p o t. A aro n H rey. pean travel, sat s V ienna has been made, is in session at Atlanta. Hay, when m oist nnd packed tig h t­ The new electiie street railw ay com­ perhaps, the handsom est city in the L u m b er Y a rd —S la in s tre e t n o rth of depot. During a riot in Flat Top. a mining $10." "Y es," answered the lady of color, ly, ferm ents by a n atu ral process and pany at Seattle, with a capital stock of world. Constantinople continues vile. R H. Rogers. “ hut dem Yankees ¡9 raised to work and district in Mercer county, W. V a., seven absorbs oxygen so freely as to produce D rug S-orc—C o rn er of C en ter a n d Second {1,ot>0,000, guarantees to ru n cars into we isn't.”—Macon (Oa , Telegraph. s tre . ts. C. r \ M 'Ore. G erm an papers assert that both ex- men were shot, two being killed in­ Ballard by n ext May. flame in m any instance. S ulphuric stantly. All parties to th e affray were Enipress Frederick and her sister, Prin­ B la ck sm ith —C o rn er F irst an d M erid ian sts. acid if allowed to come in co n tac t with negroes. —C apital punishm ent: T eacher, de- j cess Alice, regularly re|>orted to their The father of Gibbs, th e m urderer, A . B. G eorko. The ore producer’s convention at Salt scribing experiences of th e day to a bagging at fertilizer factories is also a H a rn e s s m a k e r—C en ter s tre e t b etw een F irst has arrived in Portland, lie is a lawyer m other, Queen Victoria, the secrets of an*l federal office-holder of high standing G erm any's diplomatic and military oper­ Lake dem ands the free coinage of silver, friend.—" I n o rd er to punish Johnny source of g re a t danger. T he sam e Second. C, M arla. the repeal of the Bland law, and tl e Hansom I caused him to sit beside Miss ; acid, if m ixed w ith w ater, produces ations during 1870. J a il—In c e n te r of block b ounded by F irst, in L it'le Rock, Arkansas. Second. M erid ia n a n d C en ter streets. issue of silver certificates on deposits ot Fresh, th e p re ttie st g irl in th e school.” i intense h e a t The last act of Governor Moore was the E verything in th e country of the river j silver bullion. L u m b er—F irst s tre e t b etw een M erid ian an d A common source of unexpected Friend — “ A nd how did it w ork?" pardon of W illiam Murphy, imprisoned C hai, in Central Aai t, is deserilied by a C enter. M itchell ft B row n. Congressman Fowler, of New Y'ork, com bustion is th e gas w hich i«c«|m» P h o to g rap h s—O ver M core's D ru g S tore on for m anslaughter, after serving eleven recent traveler as covered with salt. It is ! will introduce legislation to provide for “ Ju d g e for yourself. T he g irl did not C en ter s tre e t. S. H obson. years in the Walla Walla penitentiary. seen on the walls of th e houses and on the election by popular vote of postmas­ •eera a w hit disconcerted, and smiled f r o m a j e t w hich h e .s been ca-elessly F lo n ria g M ill—O n tb e D ayton ro a d a t C heha- the hanks of the river, and the water ters and revenue, r u a t o m h o u s e , a n * ! »0 sw eetly on Jo hnny th a t he to9t his , left open. Gas and common a ir pro­ tu creek . T a rra n t ft Son. The O. R. «1 X. will hereafter be m an­ one d tin k s is very salt. o t h e r orth ials. head com pletely.” "W hy, th a t was duce an explosive compound w hich Poatoffloe- At M.Hire's D rug S to re on C en ter aged from O m aha. Several departm ents The courts have sustained H enry capital p u n ish m en t.” — P hiladelphia can be tonched off like gunpow der by The m e m b e r « of the royal Savoy tly- j s tre e t. C. F. M oor tv po stm aster. will l*e transferred from Portland, a tiny flame. George in his claim to a $10,000 bequest Press. N u rsery --O n th e D ayton ro»ed in the ancee- ; The chiel justice paid a high tribute to as wise, it is said, as he is w itty —who to prevent com bustion which arises B rick Y a rd —A t th e w est en d o f T h ird s tr e e t George's works. The Canadian Pacific has patched up tral sepulcher at St. Michael’s Abbey, in J a m e s H am m ett. was once called on by th e Suprem e from natural com binations, although its differences w ith the slnj'ow ner Sir Missouri laws bill fair to prevent the D ry H oods an d G roceries C o rn er F ir s t an d W illiam Tierce, and will continue to use tbe high m ountains of Savoy. C ourt of P ennsylvania to reverse his thorough ventilation and cleanliness M ain » tre e :». Jo se p h hv tre a t. The benediction of th e Archbishop of prohibition and union labor parties from own decision ag ain st th e adm ission of in private houses and business estab­ M eat M arket —M ain s tre e t n e a r J o n e s 'h a ll. his ships (or th e C hina trade of Portland San Salvador and Prim ate of Brazil on atting tickets in tbe field next year. F r a n k Jo n es. and th e Sound. th e provisional governm ent and republic j bey failed to poll the requisite per cent a woman as an attorney and counsel- lishm ents will go a long way tow ard W areh o u c—On P . ft W V. ra ilro a d n e a r d e ­ lor-at-law . H aving duly adm itted her reducing the danger. T he phenom e­ The Pacific coast chant her of commerce of Brazil shows how th e public pulse is ot th e total vote. pot. Christ* nroti Bros. elected for president. Samuel Collver, of tending and th at the establishm ent of a ! The Lawrence bank, of Pittsburg, has to the bar, the first of h e r sex in th a t non is common to all seasons, although F r u it D ry e r—C o rn e r of \v i U n ie tte an d W y- Tacom a; secretary, T. C. Fried lander; perm anent governm ent is destined to lie | failed to meet it* obligations anil closed State, th e ju d g e g rav ely proceeded: a tem p eratu re of seventy or eighty de­ noose! stre ets. W oods ft H all. its doors. Tbe l« n k had a capital stock "A nd now, lady and gentlem en, it grees. which is high enough for fer­ B la ck sm ith — S hop n e ar l l r a j s o n s S table. finance com m ittee, Mr llth lian l, Chico, under peaceful conditions. of {»0,000. and was snppneed to be one S ir. Snell, Tacoma, Mr. Baldwin, San F red Bent. only rem ains for me to declare court m entation, is most favorable to it. The large num ber of sudden deaths at of th e m ost solid in tbe city. D ry G oods ft O ro c srie s- C o rn e r C en ter an d F r.tncisco. Nagy llecskersek, H ungary, prompted an An accum ulation of inflam m able m a­ open.” etc. F ir s t s tre e ts. J. T. Sm ith. A meeting of ore producers from U tah, te ria ls is alw ays to be avoided. It was The loard of regents of th e W ashing­ official inquiry, when it was ascertained Nevada, —Why do we alw ays talk of putting Idaho, W yoming, M ontana,! M illinery In J . T. S m ith 's s to re on C en ter ton State university will ask th e legisla­ that there were thirty-eight victims, j and Colorado, at Nalt Lake, adopted a on a coat and vest? W ho puts on a coat once believed th a t hum an bodies, es­ stre et. Sm ith ft H o ek in a ture to provide for th e erection and most ot them m arried, who had been resolution opposing Secretary W indom's before a vest? We also say pu ttin g on pecially those of inebriates, w ere lia­ Shoe Shop—On F trst s tre e t w est from M ain. maint enam e of two reformatory institu­ poisoned, fortune-tellers supplying the ruling onM exican lead ores. G. L o n d en sn au sen . shoes and stockings. W ho puts on th e ble to tak e Are and be consum ed spon­ tions, one in the eastern and th e other * ives w ith poison. Fifty-seven arrests ■ho*« before th e stockings! We also taneously, but th e theory finds but lit­ H a rd w a re 1*3 Alain s tre et so u th of th e depot. in the western portion of the state. nave l>een made. IV. C. K ru g e r. H le e p le a a n e a a . p u t up signs tellin g people to wipe tle acceptance in these d a y s —B alti­ For m any years th e W eslevans have F W C a rm a n . M. D — Office on c o rn e r of Seven persons lost th eir lives at the been DR. FL IN TS U N D V i. the best th e ir feet when we mean th e ir boots or m ore Sun. endeavoring to pnrvhase a site for a M»in a n d F ir s t * ts. m onth of th e Umpqua h j tbe foundering chapel at Hatfield, where Lord Salisbury remedy known f r insomnia, or sleephsa­ shoes. A nd a fath e r tells a boy he H a rd w a re —C r n te r tre e t b e tw ee n F irst an d of the tug Fearless. The boat went owns alm ost all the land. He w ouldn't ne«». whi h afflicts »0 many persons, and will warm his jack e t when he m eans to — An A ugusta (Me ) lady started out ecom t. J. B. M ount. to collect 1,000,000 postage stamps. F rie n d s l*acitlo A cadem y -C a r. T h ird an d down unseen bv any on tb e »bore, and sell to them for any price, but at last which leads to »0 many serious nen o u s warm his pantaloons. We a re a little diseases, particularly to insanity. Descrip­ th e cause and eirt um stanceaof th e caUta- E d w a rd s ate E d w in M o rn av e. r t f * ipai She accum ulated tfjo.ouu, and Is ready they h a re been suite* 1 by pt'rchasing E. H. B e llin g e r - R e a l E s ta te on C eo ’e t st. trophe are them es of speculation, l/w s, frorii another owner, and have celebrated 1 tive treatise with each bottle; or ad­ eccentric in o u r phrases, a in 't we, a t ^ to sell out. dress Mack Drug Co.. H. Y. D. P S tra tto n . M an ag er tim es? {!'., 000 their victory by • grand fair. • B A ddruss, G r a p h ic , Newbcrjf, Orejron. A MAN OF MUSCLE. H ow H e D U posed of T h re e F ellow s W h o H u d C o m e to K ob H im . T he following curious anecdote of a man of muscle Is told by Salvini, him ­ self u man of g reat stren g th : “ A man named Luchini died a few years ago iti Venice a t an advanced age, but up to tbe last preserved m uch of his ex trao rd in ary strength. Ho w as by trad e a mason and in com fortable c ir ­ cum stances. His stren g th was allied to wonderful presence of mind and coolness. Once he was carry in g o u t to a villa he was building, some m iles from Venice, a larg e sum of money w ith w hich to pay off his w orkm en. He carried tho money, w hich was in silv er coin, in a big bag over his shoulder, though it would have ta k e n tw o ordinary men even to lift it. A t n ig h t he found him self some distance from his destination, and so was obliged to ‘put up’ nt a sm all inn. Ho w ent to bed early, placing th e bag of silv er In th e bottom draw er of a sm all chest of draw ors in the bod-room- A bout m idnight ho was aw akened by a rough shake of th e shoulder, and. opouiug tits eyes, saw by the lig h t of asm u ll oil-lam p two of his own w o rk ­ men, each of whom had in his hand a Btlletto, toe uncom fortably sh arp points of w hich were pressed a g ain st e ith e r sido of his th ro at. L uchi nt grasped th e situation instantly and saw th a t he was in a position w here h is enorm ous stren g th availed him hut lit­ tle, so he coolly said: ‘W h at do you w ant?’ ‘The m oney,’ was the answ er; ‘w here it it?’ ‘T ake it,’ said L uchini, ‘it is in th a t d raw er,’ and he pointed to th e chest of draw ors. Oue of th e ruffians rem ained to guard th e r e ­ cum bent Luchini, w hile th e o th o r w ent to th e draw er indicated and tried to open it. I t would not budge. ‘Give me th e key,’ he growled. ‘I t is not locked,’ aunounced Lucniui. ‘Open it, then,’ said th e robber, and still w ith the stiletto at his th ro a t L uchini rose, and w ith one hand pulled open the draw er th e o th er could not even budge w ith all his stren g th . A t th e m en 's bidding he then pulled out the bag of money and threw it on tho floor. One of the thieves began to fill his pockets w ith th e loose coin so as to lig h ten som ew hat the w eight of the bag. A t the sig h t of the g litte rin g coin, th e o th er's avarice outstripped his prudence. W ithdraw ing his poin- ard from L uchini’s th ro at, he b en t down and burrow ed his hands in th e pile of money nnd began to follow his com rade’s exam ple. T he lookod-tor opportunity hud come for L uchini. He calm ly stooped forward, grasped one of th e robbers by the h a ir in e ith er hand, nnd then, spreading out his arm s and b rin g in g them to g eth er again w ith ineredice force, he crushed in th e two men’s skulls as if they fiad been egg-shells. They were dead w ith­ out a groan. H earing a noiso a t th e window, Luchini then looked o u t und saw th a t a th ird scoundrel was keep­ ing w atch outside. T ak in g up one of the dead men in one hand, ho opened the casem ent and calling out: “ T h e re ’s som ething for you!” he pitched th e dead robber a t tho living one w ith such force th a t the man below was not only scared alm ost to death, but was seriously h u rt, and lim ped off as fast as a fractured leg would allow him. Luchini went back to bed and calm ly slept till m orning.—San Francisco A r­ gonaut. STORY OF A PUN. A W h i s k e r e d C h e s t n u t W h i c h W n* Q u o t e d b y T w o N o te d .la r ia ts . Prof. N orton, in un after-d in n er speech: I was spending an oveuing with un English justice fumed for his know ledge of the w it of tho E n g lish bench and bar. I tried to m atch h is stories with such shining specim ens as I could think of from the co n trib u ­ tions of our A m erican law yers, reserv ­ ing for th e lust tho famous pun of Judge H oar reg ard in g a friend of his “ w ho,” he said, "first got on, then got honor, nnd then got h o n e s t” To my surprise Ju stic e W illis scarcely sm iled a t th is sully. Indeed, his m anner ra th e r savored of offense. “ 3 h a t Is a good sto ry ,” he rem arked dryly, “ b u t 1 fear 1 m ust dum p y o u r en jo y ­ m ent of it som ew hat by tellin g you th a t it was borrow ed from our side of th e w ater. My friend. S ir F red ­ erick ----- , one of th e m ost gifted of punsters, as well as of law yers,” said Ju stice W ills w ith some severity, “ made th a t pun o riginally in my h e a r­ ing many years ag o .” A gainst th is view l protested so valiantly th a t J u s ­ tice W illis prom ised to w rite to Sir F rederick w ithout delay. T h at gen- t l e m a n ' n r**.p\y c o n f i r m e d m y ow n bo- lief. He adm itted borrow ing th e pun from America. H is le tte r was so ch arm in g th a t I sent it to Ju d g e H oar. I received th is reply: "T h e le tte r w hich you were so kind to forw ard to me would once have given me g re a t pleasure, but alas! it arriv ed too late. Two days ago, In looking over an old law m agazine of tbe d ate of 1827, 1 came across w hat I fondly believed to he my own pun, very likely an old one then!” —M inneapolis Tribune. --------------■ ■■ '■ Thirst tor Knowledge. T ram p (w ith an old school-book) — Say, m ister, will y er kindly tell me w hat le tte r this Is? P edestrian—C ertainly. T h a t's L» C an't you read? ••No, sir; but I'm try ln ’ te r learn, an’ I sh a’n’t rest till I do, n u ttier.” “ I am delighted to find so laudable an am bition in one of your class. You have tak en th e rig h t course a t la s t.” "Y es, sir. It's m ighty rough on ta trav eler like me not te r be able to te ll w hether a sign says ‘Beware o’ th e Dog.’ o r ‘Free Lunch O pening.” ’—N. Y. W eekly.