■ M CIUKCI« N » m c i> . MISCELLANEOUS. The Merchant who Keeps Step to the MUSIC OF COMMERCIAL PROGRESS Must be Tuned to the Idea of FRIENDS c*Hl’ Kv.:H —Services every 8uu day at 11 a ;, m. and 7 p. in. end Ihursday at 10 a. in. Sabbath School every Suuday at if u. m, Monthly Meeting At 10 a. m. the Hr>t Saturday iu each mouth, quarterly Meeting the second Saturday and Sunday ia Februrary, May August and November. EVAKUKLD' AL CHl'KCH,—Regular service first and third Sundays of each month at 10 a. m.: second ami fourth Suud iy> at 7 p. m. Sab­ bath School every Sunday at 11 a. in. I XION CHl’ KCH — Union service is held in the New berg Sc ho« »1 lloiiseevery Sunday, at 11 a. m. Sabbath School every Sunday at 10 a. in. Moderate Prices. SOCIETY NOTICES. ’ To whatever Point on the Itoad to Prosperity we have Attained we Believe it i Y. M •’ i —Devotional service« every Tlnir.- has been Due Kntirely to Serving our Customers Well, knowing that Without Gain mLtend! V s.irneMi> na u.-nd to them we could Expect None for Ourselves t. o. O. F.-8e»«u»u* »<-.<1 ».mrdiv evening We Do Not or Shall Not Offer to Our Customers Goods which is not, to tlie *;l " ll' rooms ever Moore s Drug »lore. Best of our Knowledge and Experience \ j ,Jt.veryB|'aout” S mcc,ln* 11,6 i MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. —Tho New lierg flouring mil! lms .Ini! down -or repairs. Mr. Tarrant Kill put ■ — - » — — in roller, and when h* »tart» tip ug.iin will he able to compete with an) mill in “ F o r G od uiul H om e am i Mutivi* L u m i.” the count v. Five And Ten Acre Fruit Farms,. —The Y ’s will give a I h > x social in ldeea & Hunt's new brick shod next Tues- Mu*. ■« Mortiti*. County Superintendent of Press Work. day night. They liavo a good program 1 prepared and will have a museum and Salt I.ake City lias a Loyal Temperance ( ‘« it lie b o u g h t o f tts n t v e r y lo w t e r m s a n il o n i o n ? 't i n t é . A lso w e "* several otlier attractions. Kvery body Legion in each ward. should go mid help the young ladies out Im v e f o r s a le Í A l a r g e lo t s o f t ile m oflt ile s ir a iile r e s id e n c e p r o , - * in tlnir undertaking. A Woman’s Christian Tem praneo i ’ n­ e r t y in X e w b e r s - s it im t i'd n e a r th e n e w fr t t it c a n n e r y . • —J. J. Woods is building a fruit drier ion isabout to lie organized in Oklahoma. on Wynooski St. It is one of the pattern —-—■—♦ — manufacturedliy II. S. Jorv A Son, of More than 700,000 licpior documents Salem. Their machines have given un­ were lately sent to Pennsylvania by the iversal satisfaction and Mr. Woods will 1-e Wi.«1iirtg to make valuable investments can do so by secureing one of these Fruit * able to put a grade of fruit on the market National Liquor Dealers' Association. Farms nnd one or more of these town lots which we will sell in sizes that cannot lie bouton. The ladles of the New Zelami W. C.T. to suit the purchaser u p toon o acTe. N E A R T O W N ■ A I S T Y O IS T E i G. A. lL—Sessions held 1st and i«i Thursday F r iu ix U I ’ a oitic A ca d em y . evening iu each mouth. j I', are raising funds to support an Amei- j W.C. T. r.—Business meeting held I the third Martin Lu’ her said. “ The strength of a ican organiaer, who will give them lieren- ! Saturnio alleninoli in cacti mouth. town does not consist in its towers and , . .. , . . . ... . . tire tune for two vean*, bunding, but in countings great number of its Kind at the Price. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. of learned, serious, honest, well educated The superintendent of prison work in We have “ BEEN through tho MILL,” as the saying goes, and we Believe tho | I citizens.” Tho same may lie said of a (Topeka Kansas,estimates that sho has Broad Guage Principle of m o o k k , | slate or nation. Thestrength of the Ain- aisist in our ! pP0,lt more than fourty days in jail dlatrib- yitYSICIAX AND SFKUKo.N. (litio-, Moore ! crican nation does not . Bros . Dr.IK Store. Ncwberg, ciretpm. Helds of waving grain. our, tiling temperance literature and holding | rich mineral resources, our oreh- j religions services. .T. M . W B I G H T , ards of fruit, our maufuctnring interests ■»------ USTICE OF THE PEACE, onice si the or our standing army. All these may I k . Three presidents, Washington, Lincoln Newberg llou.e. New berg, Oregon, is the Attraction that Keeps our Customers with us and Adds New Ones Daily. (essential toourexlstunec as a nation, but and Harrison, are now on record ai Life is too Short for “ SNAP GAMES” in Trade and wo do not Deal out “ Soft | these will fail unless they are accompanied j Soap” to our Friends, but Strive by F . W . C A B M A N , M . I>. officially in favor of observing the Xewberg, Oregon. , by educated minds, cultured minds, minds ( 1 bath— President Harrison having if Oil!«*«* t w o «lo u rs s o u t h o t 'M o s - j disciplined by the “ learning process' btirgr’ s K T o ce r y , on Main st. | whether it bo obtained in the schools, or - i!lht“d Snnday drills from the army, bv private studv. And what is more, from | * " .ho fact that our forefathers possessed ( A •Peciul dispatch to the Chicago Tri- o Deserve the Large Patronage We now Have and by Honest Work. Six Days in LOCAL N EW S OF TH E W EEK j these qualities will not answer our needs httiir from Boston says that since tho tie- the Week, and Caie/ul Attention to All. we Strive to Make i I of today, and tlie needs of the future. ; feat of the Woman's License Suffrage hill William Pennsaw those truths, and said, | brewers are less anxious to sell out their | “ men of wisdom and vi.ture are requisite breweries. Why so unless Woman’s to preserve a goo-1 constitution ,uinl 1 ballot would mean prohibition? —Advertise in the G k untie. ; these conditions do not desend with * ^ W e Shall Continue to Carry our Usual Q-ood A s ­ — We must have water works, Even mistakes may have a mission. | worldly inheritance, hut are to lie eareful- Levitt while lecturing in : ly propagated hv a virtuous education of Mrs. Mary —Weather cool and pleasant.(?) i Japan spoke through an interpretei. On the youth.” sortment of The Friends of Newherg recognizing all | one occasion she was giving statistics and Is incorporated under the laws of die sfate for the purpose of inducing immigration —Most of tho coasters have returned. these principles to lie true, in order to carry tlie consumption oi U-er in a certain state improving onr town and delveloping tiie many natural resources i f Goods* —Still Cook has a non- horse and buggy. on their part of the great work of education was—gallons. The interpre'er put it the 'Drinking beer of a certain state produces our surrounding country, and is neither a wholly specu­ —Head Christenson Bros.’ new ad this In Oregon, founded in tho yeur 1885 Fri­ ends’ Pacific Academy, l ’ostalozzie's out- consumption.’ Clothing, week. -------------------------— lative scheme nor charitable institution. | tit for teaching consisted of himself, a The city of I.eroy Kansas which is quite —The Hie mill has again resumed op- j simple room and the boys, but tlie world Gents' Furnishing Goods, perulion. | to day is reaping t lie results of his efibrts. a rail-road center was recently tho scene ' Socrates had still less for “ the street cor­ of a radical transformation of signs. —Pure apple vinegar ” oc. per gallon at ners served him for a classroom, and his Through the magic nrtucnce of prohibé j Crockery, Moore Bros. X E W B E R G terms always commenced when he could lion the egly advertisement BEER, has given place to tho more cheerful! un- contrive a meeting between himself and —Lumber Is being hauled for Lin Par­ another, and lasted often no longer than nouncomen t 1 ! E E F ' Glassware and ker's new house. lias-more than doubled in site and population the present season, because she baa dming flint si (ting. He bud no black­ —The latest news and the most of it board, no chalk, never wrote a line; /ft The county organization of tlie W. C. T. the natural facilities for making a good 1 title city, and her wide awake, U. effected in Suffolk county, New York Groceries. in fl»e G raphic . I taught unlit, and to such pm poses that no last June has grown from five unions occrgelie citizens are substantially improving and taking bold of — Y. W. C. T V . entertainment next " ,l,er ,irt‘‘,k Kft e,uh ,l nume’ ln ° " r numlierlng lfiO members to twelve unions 1 splendid buildings, our beautiful grounds, ; Tuesday evening. business in a manner that inspires confidence in the new numbering 40.'! members. The W. ('. T Prices that W ill Stand Comparison with any. and our moral and intellectual town wo —Have you figured on tlie cost of water certainly possess all the advantages that is conceded to lie the most powerful force comets. Almost all lines of business are repre­ of tcni|ierance in the country. works in Nowberg? these great teachers had, but whether sented, and our shipping facilities citablo —Baker’s bread 5 cents a loaf at J. I). our institution succeeds in stamping it­ Though tiiere is oeeasionlv n liquor self upon the intellectual thought of the user who appears to enjoy good health ( Wilson’s, Main Street. our merchants to give age or not, as these “ great schools" did, and who goes on to ripe old ago he is —Rev. I)e Wit Talunage will be in Pott- depends upon the support and encourage­ no moro to l«o taken as a proof of j land in the near future. ment of the good men and good women the general barnilessness i f drink than i —Jesse Hobson retu ned from a trip of the town and country. However, Fri­ is tho .nan who stands in tho thick j down on the Columbia, Monday. ends’ Pacific Academy is no longer an ex­ ca nago of battle a proof of the general —(inite a lot of material is on the periment. Its right to exist now and in harinlessness of missile of w ar.— FA in ha (lie future may be seen when ,ve view tlie Chfnny. KfVer Steamers land threo-fourlhs of n mile ironi the town at the lowest water merle ! ground for (lie new school-house. work which it lias accomplished in the Tiie advantages for fruit rinsing iu Cliehalem Valley are unsurpassed —El wood Vestal of Portland visited in past. We make no apology for its exist­ Rape, murder, and manslaughter in a Newherg Saturday and Sunday. ance. It exists because It lias a right to ratio varying from twenty to sixty |«-r cent on '.ho (xrast, g ~ —H. J. Mintlioru and wife of Salem, exist, and because there is a rich field for of nil cares brought to the cognizance of the 55 to The Board has tho bustasss nnd resident lots of tire original town for action before it. courts can be traced to-the direct influence visited friends in this place, Sunday. During the four years that the institu­ of alcohol and flic frequency of biufulltlus sale, also —What is the shape of a kiss? Round tion has been open for students manj technicnally defined us ‘ unprovoke 1 ass- of course. Oh n o’ it is a lip-tickle. young people from different parts of ¡lie anlts,’ hears an almost exact proportion to —Nawberg needs a good jeweler. The Willamette valley and other localities the amount of intoxicants consumed by H have availed them valve i o? tho oppor­ every community in a given period o! l ight man can find a good opening here. E D W A R D S ’ AND HOBSON’S ADDITION. tunities and advantages afforded by the lime. —We hate to mention tlie subject but institution. Many of these have received (oursido ivalksare in very p u r coa lition. instruction which will not only make We are told that seventy-five per cent They also have nice five and ten acre tracts near town for those wishing a con­ —Don’t you know that everybody is them more useful to the neighborhoods in of America’s future rulers attend no venient little country homo. For further information call on or going to the Y ’s social Tuesday evening ? which they live, but which will properly fit church ; that eighty-five tier cent of saloon address tlreir Managers —F. E. Hobson has retired from the them for citizenship of a free republic, frequenters are of this class ; Hint ninety While the course is a regular Academic per cent of tho crimes that employ our G raphic office on account of failing health. course, it liasdone valuable work in fitting [ courts are com mi ted by men under thirty —Mr. Kendall of Minnesota has bought young |ieople for teaching. Eleven stu- j years of age; and that the worst of social cn t 10 acres of land in the Wynooski subdivi*.- dents who were in school during the Fall vices is ¡Muring to destruction more of to ‘ ion. and Winter terms of last year, filled hon­ (he rising generation than can he counted. Statistics may not he interesting but they —Books descriptive of the Johnstown orable places in the common schools in W, F. B s o w k t o k , V. E. B ï ic h , who do a general land and agency business and have os good a list of all kindsq are certainly sometimes serious. different parts of the slate this summer. Secretary Hood and other books of interest at .Moore President. ------ -♦ ----- The school is controlled and managed (tea. V ikcejit , V u . M: F a l l , laud as any firm In tlie valley which they will gladly show intending j Bros. Tlie Canadian Alliance says: ‘ On the by the Friends’ Church ; hut the instruct­ Asst. Secretary Vice President. s«-t tiers free of charge. I — Ire you mean and stingy ? If so don’t ion is non-sectarian. Knowing that the dav following the municipal elections in T IIE patronize the young ladies next Tuesday worlds’ discipline is rigid, nnd knowing - Toronto not a single case of drnnkeness If you want to buy come where bargains uro for sale. If you want to sell leave ] night. that young people must meet this sooner was before the police magistrates. This your land where buyers come. —If you want to see something new in or later they are placed under itrict rife- remarkable circiunHtanee accounted for tlie 1’holographic world go to Hobson's eipline. Some forms of amusement and ^ ,e fbat the saloons were closed. Insurance Effected and Money Loaned on Rcalestute, Notarial Business Carer » W A S H IN G T O N S T K K K T , | gallery. habits such as dancing, card playing, the Recently the number of police court e isos fully done, —James Vestal and family and Alf use of tobacco etc. while they are in­ have reached us high as a hundred in a PORTLAND, ( Iiees and family returned from tiie coast, dulged in by many who hold honorable day when the saloons were in good work­ CAPITAL STOCK, - - »500,000.00. and rerpectuble |Mi«itions in the world, ing order. We leave our readers to put Monday. Managers i-i-iG,¡moo. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, are excluded from the School, since such “ this” and "that” together. — Ladies bring your boxes to the A’ ’« »107,4fib00. CASH ASSETS, influences have a deadly effect upon in­ entertainment next Tuesday evening w ith Mis* Jess* Ackcrin m second round tho tellectual work. Tho outlook for the fo- ( supiier enough for two. i world missionary for the W. <’ . T. U. In* L o c a l Afr«*nt, W . I>. S C A R C E , luro nros|>erity of the school is bright. I D. l.ia a T. H. F ord . II, A ustin . —Miss Tw ink Graham and Mr. Warren And we i n v 11 ■ • the attention of those who i lieen winning golden opiniones for her- X e w lM -r g , O r c g -o n . O f f ic e o n M a in S t r e e t , ! self and her work, among the islanders of Kolx-rtson returned from their schools in are desirous of finding a safe and cheap | New Zealand. In many places tho j Tillamook Co,, Saturday. place to educate their children, to this membership of local unions has been institution. — Do you realize what an immense -non than doubled through her labors. PROPRIETORS OF I.ost. lienefit water works would he to this tow n, Sir William Fox, the Sir Wilfred Lawson to’ promote health ami beauty. A pocket book, between C. Hoskins’ of New Zealand, received her in Auckland —Dr. Moore and wife returned from place and town, containing »fid. Anyone as his guest, and commended her methods tlie coast last Saturday. They visited Big finding same and returning to this office in the strongest terms. will lie suitably rewarded. and Little Nestuca Bavs and Sand Lake. The Omalia IForW claims (hat tlie OREGON. —Win. Hobson desire* to s ce as nianv REMBERG, " ” l Cfcehatem Items. total tax levy in high-licence Omaha is .1 (ft o d ttit ¡i fit i/ o f F e r » h m u t Still M ea t* b 'f i l r o tu la n ! I y qn lim iti. people as )ioseible at church a w eek fiorn Chris Jenson will start a thresher next fonrty eight mills on the dollar. Accord- -Sunday as lie has a special a-ldress to de- wtek. ing to the Iwra S a'i’ ttfjiiler the total . liver. ,-l I JImintm'n ohi ultimi im Center Street. D EALERS IN We will all go to the coast as soon as tax in the prohibition city of lies Moines, ; Iowa is only twenty two and on«-liatf —Threshing machines MS running ail school is oat. Angust I’at»* lias returned from Port- mills, the projierty valuuriou for taxation K e w l t c r g , Oregon. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, around ns. The report is that for the I most part grain is good though some is land and will probably stay here the ic- purposes in the latter city lieing less than PAINTS, OILS AÎÎD VARNISH, mainder of tin* summer. fourty p«rr cent of its real valuation, w hile I l rather light. From the fact that some of the largest in Omaha this valuation is put at a high FINE TOILET SOAPS, —F. TV'.Caronwi, M. D. has located on s< hollars of the <1. G. A. have quit school hgure to make a good business showing I nm now pruparuiJ to fu»ni»h Main st. in Newherg and is ready to ad- to work in harvest said O. G. A. will have f„r tlie city, BRUSHES. COMBS. ETC., minister to tlm wa nls of tlie people; read no exibilion aa stated last week. j — * —• A CHOICE LINE OF FAM ILY MEDICINES, ('has. Jenson is a Kepoblkan and the They have in New York harlsrr a statue his card in this ic«ne. baby weighs Oil». Wc got the news from of liberty— American liberty, and a grand JE W E LR Y OF ALI. DESCRIPTIONS — Money to loan on Real Estate. Charley this time. conception it is. Rut what would it Ire if Security *n YamhillConntv Oregon, « all PERFUM ERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. modeled artrording to the idea of Ihe ad­ The Valley presents a very lieautinil on or write to F. W. Fenton, At'ry at law vocate of the liq i >r t r ill - ? A reeling picture fr-.m the hills as a vast amout of McMinnville, Oregon. redevod, slobbering, debauched man and the fall » limit is in the sho< k. —Rev. Whitaker of the 1st Baptist Mr. Rasmussen lias bought the Vinton at Ins feet a woman chrouched, with her church, Seattle, was in town over Sunday, farm paying » i,f» o , 100 acres in all hands uplifted to the m in who h i* b *en he gave a ve»y good talk in the evening, at One of riflin had mile* west of Newberf. Also I can deliver the same in Newherg or on board the cars at Dundee at a very low rate. Also Agents fr F ur Brands of the BEST #* ' • ORGANS MADE, o f the Mouse and Dust Proof Organ. THE GRAPHIC TOR $ I;M A YEAR. JESSE HOBSON.