* NEWBERG GRAPHIC. T H i ; A * lt ll. t * . * i0 1 'H Y O l «o ll- gelica!." hi.l.AXl. i * Ivi! tlicie aie m.tny Mntienls MI* :t 'U .IN ti) i . ARLINGTON HOTEL ami some teat ii *1 s ulti) , anla,t ns» why lliere is ii«»t as inui-li ineiital driil in the ----T H E — X n n d d r o a N «1«*l i « «•re d I ij l * r o f . iiseful and dcli^htiula» in the futile and IKHi r l) tVI MV »A ft Mll.W M M’NIN.I disagreeabl«. "A n d there tire mani K d w i l l M o r r is o n . l i H o r e (In * stiMieiit», in every school who 'lo noi just O r e g o n S tu te T e u e lie r V ju s t o p e n e d (). V AI.I.fcN « HOPSON. now wanl lo In- angclic’’ FI.t v wunt lo A s s n H n l io u . ■O- O EÒ ZEO -O Isr. Ia? men and women, alile to compete in N E W B E E G , ( ( 'urtith u?liyttit;tl |ilie- lime, and tliev bave a righ ilo in-i-t npon j HARDW ARE. COOK STOVES, j nomonit lliat atnini mit theinvi- seciiring ili,' best poM-ihlo • li il 1 prcpar- H K A T IN O STOVES, T IN W A R E , 1 FROM F O U N D A TIO N TO R O O F; ELEGANT, AND N O T H IN G RUT S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 21, 188». lulioit “ luvk al uit.” And it ix nut until atory lo the strnggle in II;« worlds Work. W IN D O W C LASS , 1 «omc veiim liave paszu'l tliat Ilm inner The sin leni of ( ieomelry and Trigonoin- and every other at tid e usually kept in n first-class Haneluaryof tlie limnan Lodv Is-comc« II m * clry has a tight to know th.it in tiiese Hardware Store. Filtered « » second pia»* milter «t tue |>o»t R A TE S FRO M «1 T o RER D A Y . O N L Y F IR S T C LASS H O T E L I ol.jfct of tlimiüld. So lik e w i« ivitli Ilie stndies he is laying the foun lalion for thè , --------O -------- «Ilio» at Newberg, Oregon. N E A R T H E 11EPUT. 1 raee. Wo Homufiii.«*» tliii.k wo linvi proiluetive Sciences of archi t e d lire and “ The applicati,una o f , originated something new when we talk ivi! engineering. F ob grtne time we have tried to ex- | about onr modern educational svHtcm. science to practical life are so numerous vliange with what once was "our home 33 | I do not know to wlmt extent it may he that (lie student need not be left in doubt j>a|>er’’ but tliey have not notieed hh until i traced in history but I believe the his­ asto the usefulness of that which lie A H K i n d s o f I . e i i u i r i n g N e a t l y a n d I ’ r c r n p ly D o n e . C o m e in tills week we received a copy for which When the reduction test ¡» a n d S e e m y S t o c k . tory of the individual has only been re|ieut- studies. we were truly thankful. Mr. Cane p lea «1 | ing itself In the history of mankind. being applied, in tin laboratory, it is easy 1$. M O U N T . u -cept our thanks. I What bad the world been doing before to point to the mine and blast furnace.” la the chemistry class when gypsum is ' I’ythagoras and Socrates made the inner lla.Ily Ourot. I under consideration, the mental filili is | man the subject of their contemplations. The other day while John Hanson was not lessened in the least to point out it* crossing Mr. MeMall'a pasture a Jersey How many names stand out in history as use in the arts in making pla-ter of paris, hull nttacted him from behind, got him philosophers before that tim e? Humanity Tile or tuteli the story of how Uranklin wrote down ami gored him badlv and would had lieen in a preparatory state. of man. and the faculties “ Effects of ( lypsuin” in large letters in a probably have killed him had not Me- observing power of the memory were probably as active l wheat field anil waited for the vigorous! Mall come totheresene with a pitch fork. and alert, liefore the time of Socrates, as gteen to make his scientific revelation. M r . J ohn II krkknsiiaw of lti.lge Town afterwards, hut no/one had learned the Is the lesson in zoology '’ " I t cannot d e -1 *'snada has purchased of Ross Allen- art of generalization. In fact, though! in I tract anything from its use as study when I,augli thè South hall of Ili* rjuarfer mie. j thè abstract was unknown. flm nanity thè woorl |K*cker’s hm, Alo is under con Liying un the South siile of lite Chehalein Itati beoti gii a great ohserving ex|willtit,n ' sideralion to add flint the barbs are i#t mountain. Tiiis traci is niuely adapted to ! wiili the saiiteilegree of intensify tliat is reactive for the same reason that a bill j the choioest kinds of fruit us well as stilali | manifested in tini little eliild in its before congress is to administer to phy­ grain. W e wisli Mr. Berkensliaw success oliscrvations of first its motlicr, then the sical wants, and that it serves the farmer •nd givo bini a cordini welcome. j dllferent npartm uits of thè house, Mieti by destroying hie enemy as well as I lie j I lie yard, then the surrounding country, | woodpecker by furnishing food. W hat, AV ■»nteit. and finally when some dogree of matmitv insects are destruclive, and what are des CA.IR/EIF'U'IIL i X j 'Y' C A R E D F O R . F ive hundred inen t « plant from live to j has boon attained by the youth thought tmotive of the destructive und hj friend» acres in cornili nation | begins to make its appearance. So we to the farm und iranien, and what hird> & work together, hold their fruit and sell may say that Pythagoras and Socrates feed upi.n hurtful worms are not only 1 w i l l s e ll m y s t o c k o f F u r n i t u r e a n d H a r d w a r e when the price is tile highest and realize j and pr iliably a very few other writers, 1 (piestion» which our methiNls ought to lav Irom «¡100 to «¡2)0 per acre after ti e first I were the first mature fruit of the race, j hold, hut which they must lay holden or live years. This cm easily br done anil followed up step by step until we have j not only instruction in Science hut all «11 that is needed is in in who will pull to- j our modern degreu of intellectual power instruction will tail with a race incapable PKOlMilKTOKK OK T IIK gether and raise fruit enough so that the und culture. Now modern education aims of adapting itself to its environments O P .A . F I N E mark'd will bid for it. M >ra fruit is sure I to carry th?so principles into the school i Prof, Dryer, «gain sa vs i, The growth oi to bring a lartler market. room, where the men an 1 women of the civilization has been coctpinl with the fu m e are bung In in a 1. It aims bv growth of the Scientific method, and it st. Louis Stoves, F u lly Wanvnleil, and a (ionerul Stoek of Hardware N kwiikho needs a pl.iining-inill and | voluntary acts, by money, by the exper­ w e a r e e v e r to become more civilized it ar.d Tinware, Fine Red mom Sets, Redsteads. Tables, Stands, Woven door A sasli factory. As it i i all d • ires j ience of the past, to place within the in list ho t h rough the increased in (tuen ce W ire Mattresses, Chairs, Kitchen Safes, W indow Shades mid tushes It ivo to bo shipiKt I from l’.irt-| reach of the children of today, in the very | and extention of the scientific »pint. In and OMier Tilings to Numerous to Mention. W o Hava Increased tlia Capacity of our Factory and are now Prepared land when they might as well lie made at [ best form p m ible, the means which the ilio iniliviilttiil tho must chnraeterisMe home. And now that II i ' mou ’ s saw mill race has stumbled upon by chance, and fruii of 11is* l'cientitii' m etlii'l is tlu* tiro; - :o Supply thn D un m l. Tile Delivered on Roani the Cars at Factory Prices has been sold and will br moved out of I which it has used blindly, in elevating nilion of Mie piim iplo of uniformity io the country ami Vincent A Spaulding itself from the low plane of savage life nature or of the larv of naturai causai ion Send for Frico list. K IIK S A L H U N T , will probablv move hi the near inline olito the plune of intelligence unii meritai , Just so far aa we reeognize tiiis !arv limi Successors to all our «Ireascil lumber will then have power. | regniate our nelions ami opinion* in ae to l»e »hipped in from Hom«»w hero else The ol.jnet of tu clein c.location as is j eorilaneo witli it, lo that extettt lui ve we J. E D W AR D S , f u l l m id K x n m l n c M y G o o d s o n C e n t r e s t r e e t . why not dress the lumber here und uive Mie ohjeet of all educai ¡or., is lo hriiig fhe come out of primalivc harlari*m ami bave employment to the many men who are N c w b o r g r , O r e g o n * The savage has no I mind of man into pro|s*r relation with its | become civilized. idle in this town ? surroundings, an 1 the highest degree of 1 idea of natural causation. T o him the j wind blows, the rain falls, the rivers run. 1 tin*iio«iied in n .if town are two springs either one of Hut its ciiit f piove«I as instrument» of »ueb training the | human beings, each one of which took modern liberal education. which would furnish Mm town w ith water object is not to create carpenters and j charge of a ceitain class «.r department. object is to teach by nature’s method at present and as the town inereaees both I joiner», but to familiarize the pupil witli Hence arose al! I he god» and goddesses of Instead of developing a tendency to «le­ «firings might b i hnj'l |ht in play. Itv dig- In the middle ages itend upon the text lo o k —upon what I tin* properties of «urli common»ubsi uiees the mythologie». ing a eiatorn or reservoir at Mte spring of otic:w ise unaccountable others have »aid and thought—it Is to I as wood and iron, to teach the band and strange anil oOOor 1,000 barrels eapaeity, we can have eve to work in unison witu the mind ; in occtirranecs were explained as magic, as reato a power by which the »Indent can I a never ending supply of wafer und with short, only as a mental diuipline canthe tlu' direct and special work of the c\ii one in ike a text book of bis own— to do bis t.'ie immense fall wo have, would lie of When a French i <;wn thinking and his own s»ying ir­ so-called industriai education claim a «*i of the Alm ighty. 1 ijstiniuhle value to the town and not moment of our time ora respectable place | ntlicer of engineers in the Sahara, l>\ respective of what others have »aid and T h e l a r g e n it t n lr e r o f s t u d e n t * w h o h a v e f i t t e d t h e m s e l v e s f o r b u s in e s s o r f o r t e a c h i n g only wonid it lie a Imnollt in else of fire in tlu»scic>ol c triiculum. ; drilling an artesian well protluce» a foun­ thought. To make him not so much a Î is o u r b e s t r e c o m m e n d a t i o n . h it for watering ’ a.vns and streets. In The object of tin* work sbopshoul 1 not tain of living water in tlm desert, tlu ! mere recevoir into which an unlimited ; this way it wonid lie worth fU ,0 0 ) to amount of facts and data may be stored ; The course of study, covers a period of six year», two years intlie clr.enmar School, a nd fc ur year* m i l e Academic bo tr> manufacture raw miiterial into mt r- \r ib who watches him has no idea of I lie! the town inside of a year. department. The Orauirnar Heliool conrao includes all the common brandies. The Academic ehanfible objects of trade. It matter» not causes or condition» wliii Ii render such a but a creator of thought— a producer of j L is t hut not least we would h iv e ii course in dudes, History, Higher M ttliein.itic», Sjience, Greek and Larin. whether the objects created have a »ingle result possible. Ho has seen a miracle as mental products, a giver instead of a mere pure supply of clear mountain water. ntllilauian value, or whether they will surely as did the Is real ¡tes when Mo.sas recipient of man’s highest activiti *s. Two Dormitoli«»» and a Poni di ng Hall have Un»n < recte«! for the mrom modal ion of stmleids. Thebe are urn 1er This would he far preferable to the sur­ brinj» Jl penny if put on the market. In smote the rock in the wi.derne.-s. A s u o n i i m ì mc . ì . i ; r . face well water tli it we now Ii ive to use, the strict disiiplino of a Governor and Matron. trulli the boy is the only important object Here and today imonjt this great and an I Would n odouht do away with malaria about the establishment, and lie is tin* inti lYgent Atnrtiean people civilization i> -i«t1 X lr s s in g e r |»ri»|n i«*t «>r «»f .io* St í*’.i *.-tr*'. Tue total expense for stopping in the Hoarding l l a l l will he about $120.00 f«>r the school year. W e m ate no pre- lo u large extent. Water works is what H o ld at 31 s*XImnvillo sì» »«*ts a: only article ubici» is to be put on the little more than mere suiface civilization, tenii ins of a “ Rcfor.n Ht bool’’ for students who cannot be menaged at home. Our fc I uki I is de- We want and must have! There is plenty a m i tri«*« to k ill y o u n g \ 1 « m lfaîl. j “ To find tlu* barbaiian in modern man i? market. rigim l f«»r those who are desitous >f a goo«l ««lucatiou, and those who are willing to cheer­ o f money in tho eo intry to put them in Last Tu 's.lay Sil M osdnjer priprieh»: Hut it is objected that the »«dun»! cur- I is neee*a*uy only to scratch him intl'.e fully submit to what few rules and regulations may be made by the if it ia gone after in the right w av. l et ticuimn is full already, and tint the ; light spot.” Th«* ideas uiiicli the masse» »»i the St. Uharles lu»:«*l, Me.Minnvill«’ shot Faculty and Hoard of Trustee». sitr citizens put their shoulder to the poorer classes of children have so little entertain «oncoming thac iT o s u i disease at and tried to kill a yo mg man by th » wheel and push forward this enterpri*. For Uataî«»guc oi other information, Address, LPW IN M OUUISON, Piincipal, or time to I k * in school Indore they enter and the purposes of medical treatment, name of Westfall. It set ms that West-ad mi l let us make Newherg a m d e l town K. H. W O O D W AK1), Pres, of Hoard, upon active life, that all the time is are orient¡tieully on the same plan with was engaged to JMessinger’a «laughter i i every particular. ami they were to meet in I'ortlan I and be N E W U K ir o , O R E G O N . needed to at «ire their minds with useful the ideas which the Arab entertains upon Men and married: West-fall failed to g o to I’ortlatid J km * k llohaon ha* »old Ids milling out­ knowledge. W e grant the premise that the subje«*t of artesian wells. fit, oawmill, rattle, horses, w i ^. mis , to our present course of study is already too women who are otherwise intelligent and and Messinger started out to hunt bis J. •*TJw CVowatow M illing C o ." of Latour full. Hut it must U* admhtcd bv every pass in thcreoinmunity as persons of rank laughter ami fourni h *r in Portion 1 an 1 We infimi fiu tare and opened for the trade, a full and util tdle Falls, Oregon. Tliu above uoinpau' persoli \vl»o ha» glvon tlu* »ubject a tmss- ami culture, have no rational conception brought her home. Westfall came into selected stock of are putting ill a mill of a eapauity of 1 Vi, ing tliougbt, ami it must he admitted by of the objects of medical treatment. To t lie» hotel and inquired .or Miss Messingcr S lia v in a r , >! I L I.IN E H Y GOODS, (KM) ft. |»*rday aral Mill un» the mill pur- evcrv «*t>n« ientious tea« b«*r, tliat tlu* « Idld Hud ptoofof this Matemunl weonly bav«» The irate father ordered him to leave but H u ts , trin iiiM M l a iu i i i i i t r i n i i m » d , j lla ii'c ttlf I iijf toonler. A lsoS t'K L F .N DOOKSaml r »ase I of Mr. Hobson in sawing o it tim- ! ni to«lav « Miinot master ami b(*«*«»n.e pro- to ii»»p«vt ib«» patent medii ineailvcrtis- l e was r.i* lu'i* slow t » g » at which S »! got | w hich we oiler to llie public at iea»onablt* • and Sbani]H>oiiig, unything that is to uè inaile of angry and went for his revolver* W e-lfail for tli3 lar^e mill, dams, Railroads 1 licient in all tlu* diir*ient aubj »et», n*> w | ments. ami the shelves of the drug store. prices and in the most fashion­ wood. Building, Uontracl- done <%c. wliieli will req lire a I km U l, 000 ,U >0 ft ivquircd to he tanghi in «»tir pnhlic s« hool» “ Oneof the safest anti surest roads to for­ In'gan to run and Sol to sii out ing ; be came | Mie intest and most fa*h¡umi­ able style. M t . HoVison will »«»II what lumber be in tlu* f«*w y«»ars and in thè few montivi in tune is the manufacture of patent med- near shooting a Mrs Prigs ami so frighten lile style of the art. ing, ole. (liv e u» a eail. i Please call mul examine our goods before lias on band at a much reduced rate i «'adì ye.ir idiote l to thè sebo »1 j»eriod or | icine and the onlv secret of success is hold cd her that she fainted away but re Mis­ Fai ren i a m » O f f ic s . vf . au P. 4\V. V. r>»»*oT. 1 p freb.isiag. Rooms opposite Moore Ilrotlicr's F i n e s t CIC ARS IN THE C IT Y . T l»«re to ¿•teber of mi 111 i,»nt »i/.es to till iti average cbil I. J T lti’f , what are we t<» I and lim it)«** •dverti^ment.’ * The nat- dated in a few minutes. H lines a »tep- 1 Drugstore. « *•» 11 of MfS'iuger f«»H«»wed Westfall to P A U K S Al C’O. •err common bill. Mr. II »1 won is ready ; do? Are we to continue to stati these i»nt is assured that a «*ertain medicine J. A. C A M P B E L L . K IC K S .V , I l l>I>. t o a ^ is t m erecting a »awm ill at some young ininds w»th w«ir*l», fact», dates.etc. has cured a great many persons, and U k »!;> level .md went in on him with »N e w lirrg , O regon, j X ‘’ « l i e r j r , O r . IV>tli men were lined $*Y00 point on the Willamette river in reauli of «>f wbicb tiv'y can know nothing. or are testimonials are furnished without nmo- bis Newherg. A mill of iD.iXM ft. eapaeit> w e to ilro p a por.imi «*f tbes«' »ubjc« ts, an«l U r. •*Tlu* average American |v»messes Nothing .«s get lias been «lone n id i Mrs- would And »ale for that amount of lumber make thè stu leni proti« ient in a k*ss unni- littte more Ilian the men* rudiments of singer.* l.ltN < A T IO N . NEWBERQ HARDWARE STORE, J. B. MOUNT, Proprietor. Has —.A. FULsLa L IN E on Main street Everything New! Milli TH E I Make a Soecialty of Tinning and Plumbing in all its Branches. ZBIESTII John Atkinson, Proprietor. H EW BERG - HOUSE. O. C. WRIGHT, Manager. The most conveniently located hotel in the city Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day, accord­ ing to room. LivBry, Feed and Sale Stable. Board by the Week Reasonable. D O U B L E A N D S IN G L E T U R N O U T S Kept Constantly on Hand. BOARD AND TRANSIENT STOCK ten in fruit, form SMITH HOLLOWAY, Grand Clearance Sale!! HARDWARE, WALL-PAPER AND CARPETS, for the month of July. FURNITURE, Proprietors. H E E S & ZESZTTZLsTT, X e w l )er api*c»» »•riale mewey to ex périmer, t by c » i i i k > u - ading for r.tia The sidw riliers s.iv that veterans the wars thev have ob­ served thon non» foilow great battles, and n seri I m » tl»e rwin» to the Musks given the air by the thunder of th«* explosions. 1*1 Ut arch in hi» lif«» «>f Mailus reinatks that great *t arms follow after great bat tir»*. I t might be well h r t**rtion* «c Oregon to reatch tlwsrxpcnincnL, ami *f tliev Is aw«*- r«*s»ful, to make a like call «xi our l. gis- I.•»«ire at ilio euri»» t p »seihie ui'uaen*. — .if Wire ( W i >t*m )H»r, hut at tlu* panie tini«* start thè mimi to work npon what it is titte«l l v catare to «I«*, and to «lo well, ami therebv pince witliin its reaeli thè meati» of masieidtig all th ' m i ! i *« ts of lilcra l mo«l«*m edm .it­ oli. In «(Mici word« «1» w.* propose to elevate thè prehiatoric man «*f thè tini«’» lieforc l ’ytliagorus U| h » ii tue pr«'*ent pian«* nf intelligence an«l enltun* i:i a single gfler.ili»m, « h * il « w i fi * (> i « ( f ».• lù n t<» come un as he did e*»me by tleveloping all bis «litf reni fiiuetion» in nnisoii The »uietnt's take a preminciit p1a«*e in iiKKlern c lur «»i «irt. Hut lieside Ibis tlu* »i lem* s lo *k f»»i- war«l to thè tu.leticai. It ni.ijr In» a itotvl thinc t*> st 1 1 .* m *r*ly f«*r thè s.ik«» of studi, for un e\»*r« ìm * «*f thè min i J ui*y oc "suV.iiiic" ui i r may I e av* * a » » i«*ntiln* spirit, hence lie falls an easy victim to quacks of every sort.” Asirul- o/v sorvives among tlu* farmers in tlu* form of a l*ebef in the eontoliing infbicnce of the moon over «reps ami animal?. There an* many farmers who plant their potatoes in the “ signs «.f the moon** in­ stead of the earths soi I whn h was given to them for that pmp««»«*. “ Tt»c M«vk »|*ecubiti r consults th«* fortune tela r and witchcraft in Ih«» form of spiiit rapping» tlnds !»e tie vers by the thousands among all classes oi tw»op!e. We inherit a strong tendency to Mptcrutirhm an l the on!v curt’ for this condition is »cientiHe ediku- tion by the «ideutilH* method.** I*rof. iV n n i» ». 1 1 », Home »pent h» r tim * «tu lying the aesthetic «•nlture of GictHf*. It was w«*!l for hi*r it there was «mmetbing at.;;«» ie in it. f«'r wb !e she w as «hang it, tli«» riehiies f her b id» was « a-t hi the r».»er, a i 1 m i «town tiith e Mcdi’ierrmean nml •III' f!i«*«l t‘f -iHf Vatii'fl. >he made aesthetic farmers it is trm — farmer» that coti!«I “ Bu«-«»den’ * and “ <». *»- ill I V 111 laU*! « Í • M. n- igies” HU 1 ju»tl tiun Sw an . '* B I tor th HARNESSMAKER. s. I R I S Ii. SAMUEL HOBSON Brick Layin g P h o to g ra p h e r A lining man, a mendier of one v( «»ur «diurebe», who carri'*» a ixdlivtion plate All kimls of repairitig neatly unti after the Perm. h i . put bis hand into bis pronir*tly «Ione. Single and «lo’iblc •*«vket, and put. a** ho supposed, a «plait«*! harr.rs» inaile to urdcr. Satia- ANI>- & *»n the plate, an i tii 'o p i«sed it ar>»ii*id f.ndion gì’.arati tea»«!. among the e »ngregali«>n, which iaehnh d i;K4i\v;n; a \xn n . v x ; x , man V vt'ung ami |>r**tt v la«lies— who. on rurtr.its e n ln w -l to life .«ize and finislied I«»;*!.in g at the contri out imi, seemed asto.i- PrP-cH l le n s o u a lile . ! in Uraron India Ink or Water Color*, i.M . d and amuM'di. and the y»upg man Out* »U Resilience on First St. west uf I*. W. V. R oom over M oork B ro * . Dnro S tore . taking a glance, fourni that instead »*f a O r e g o n . Hv., track. N e w lu*rg, N 'K W RK K G , O REG O N, New berg, O regon.' quarter 1. » ha ! put a «•.*nv,'u* iti«»n l«»z »nge ML I «>ri the plat*, w ill the words “ W ill y m m..irv im*’*“ ¡o rod letters, staring every E. C. TARRANT, 1 8 0 4 , 1 8 8 8 . 3. I>. TALK ANT. body in tin* fa« «» Landscape Portrait A BTIST. Plastering. NOTICE TO KAUMKKS. “ G ive our I h »)*« ami g ris a » harnt*” is most tbormigbly pr.ietic *«l in th » cheap I'here they not lalnir centers oi l airo’. v. T!»e N ei'h rg Grabi F.levator ha» been only give the bey» ami y ;r’ - :\ « 'Min e but icfitti 1 au I re»Tu\î el**«l and ivi* are now al» » tlie falbere and ni tliers the Mime prepare 1 lo h.«m!> your grain. o p| tortimi tie» to work cheap , so th at a man and hi» fame y are ire in neceM¡f\ S ü ili s ¿ i U y . i ' m on Itami. obliged t«i toil for what the h ■a«l c»( a f am­ “ II« n e * t ’ight ai d L»*r dealing,’ * is Iti is i» i!y »hotial receive for hi» In' «»r the »is V n i Ine Philanthrop!»! » of Î he Pa­ our motto. « • *:i ■'» b**>*1 w in ’ d !lk • to educate th « «•¡ÏU 5 -T T NSt >N r.KO- \ meri, .ii invvlr.ia *• a! •I'« M i ! i - ; >;<: H I « «»N . ;*.» >• . SCHOOL DESKS. J . 1>. T A H U A N T .% SON, Proprietor, of the T .l T H E I’ i’iis t o r s lit ' C l i h l i c S .-liti.)!* in N K iit t illl C o , ; I \\ i - l i l o Slinxv Y u li tlu * H o s t S c l j i i r ! D e s k n o r s o ld in Y a m l i i l l U<*. and at P r ic e » That makes them Go. i \ K W «M í v .V I v a NEWBERG FLOURING MILLS. R e . l F lo u r and «11 k in d , o f (.r o u n d Feed k.-i ( C i > u . ib r |1, on hand. « ’ «an r u n fur W iir a t . W e < fiurcntae Satirfaetiun to our Cnetom- er.-. -T E K » NL'VJ-Ll,« Cali t ie a?. u R Io O j