-*«i rr -jr- .j —- n e o 7 b r No. a. Ml V KM. \ V V : : r q g r a p h i c . \N ordinance t > nr » mum Tinn-tU on sunday within t . ikcor - ru n 1 TB LIMITS (>F Till-. T >WN OUNKWiSKRU, V.IM MILL COUNTY ! -. i:i) ::vrnv i.vri i.nAV m • m m ; o i!i. > d i .. i m ; t u b b u s i n e s s T i l l . TERM 1R A FF IC . and d <» V. AI.I.KK w it h in MIS- EJXANEOL’.S. THE OREGON LAND CO., M O O K !'] 1 il.iOé ’l l»«* |ioo|»!ooi tlio Town <>( N» vv.» Tg M “plain ;is follow«: 8 m 1. 1. Any |u-rso11 or person* who shall l»v himself m anollcr, within th« corjtor- at« limits of s.iitt town of N *w .>erg. <»¡i *n ¿my .itore -shop, gioeery, hall alloy, hiiiianl HOB BO? U A L L E ? , E d i t o r e d Prop'«. loom or tippling liotr•«?, lor the pm pose of labor or tratfi«*, or any place of a.ii'isement : on Sunday, shall I m * deetnod guilty • f u ii:i.*«l mcanor and o* ¿1 violation of this ordi* i nance tuid for (*onvi«tion t t*reof la fore th« liccord«r shall be punished hy a line of J I Lis tor nal« several limidred of the ¡4AT JU D.V Y, JU N K l i , 18SJ. ! nol less than five dollar*, nor more than fifty dollars, or may be imprison««! iu th« ; choicest residence lots in the city oi ! town j ail «»f fcai. Ajiproved by the Mayor of er do we fare to know, br.t we want to Buhl Towti tin* 1 Hiii day of J u n e , A. D,t 1 !•'. A. Mo 1 Send for Price List and our hand­ notice an art iole oontrilmtotl to that |>a|>ei ; J . T. S mith , ifeeorilvr. B R U S H E S . COMBS, BTC., Mayor. somely Illustrated Pamphlet. liy lii in of Juno lotti. Tiña ¡ . « l i n t lie A CIKMCE LINK OF FAMILY M ED IC IN ES, M Iridic t«;n Items. H o w I r o n * Ir a in * ar»* Mrt lr*. Raid : “ There was quite an exciting timo J>r. Poppleton is buying wood in this Tlic frrHt operation i.* the making of the j J E W E L R Y OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS. on Main St. lunt Saturday ni^lit. Some vicinity. 1 i. Heaßoner is having a lot oí ölash- containing bom eighty to one hundred and T. f . that onr drujüiUt. bail opt'noil a iiiÿ «ione. twenty feet of round iron rod, which is o! ealoon in the rear of liirf store and the Th«de|xjt at Sai > î;y station w ill Boon uniform diameter and of various sizes, cor* j resfioiidinj» to the different rtyles of women of the old town (about forty in ho coinph*îcd. chains. A piece of this wire is placed in nil) marched up un 1 into the drue store, OMsec VWdfall have -y»t them anew the grove of ¿1 jMjwerful machine, the The most conveniently located hotel in the city. nana, prayed and preaehe i and accused the traction engine. wheel is started, a twisting motion i n-1 K very tl.iii}» i- propre* ;• in;» finely fo- the parted, and the iron comes forth in a spi­ •lr.i^aiit of s.dli:i¿ wliUk 'V and asked Cun Furnish one Cheap fo r Cash or on Instalment Ptan him to take down Ids bur. Tlio Brugimt celebration and ;i rousing time i »expectefl. ral roll, looking as the outer strand of a j Rates $1,00 to $2.00 per day, accord- Miss Nellie and Uosa Smock went to | rop.* might if separat 'd from tlie conij>o- •biforino 1 them that ha h 1 1 nob.tr, wlnn ; ilem lo attend the (Jraud Lodge oí I. O. nent part». Th«grove into w hich the iron lh y pointed to Ilia proscription caw and i. T. is prcK.-;«d, no 1 tho »pindl«*iik»r arrang* ¡ ing to room. u«k * I if that was not a bar. When inform* 'I lie brick vani i < in full bloat an I ex- t about which I In* < nil is formed, make ■e I to the contrary they in india I back a lit- p *ct tf* turn out two hundn •d tlio is.iml hy tin* coil exactly uniform througlioid, tho B o ard by links being tho Hum« distance apart, und 't lo faster th in they came, vowing not to lie tho 1 _>tli of J idv. S py . >f tho Famo ni/.«. Tho machino «loew its i i iled ngulu." A pretty way to turn it oil", Went ClifhaUun work rinidly; h\u lihle time is consumed iu i ’t i t ? The ilea of claiming and pu! i- Weather fine. F. E. B each , | in converting tlio eighty or more f *«t. of iiownton W K i /i a A ssoirriyn s t o c k : P resid en t. lishiiii to tho world that the women of Mr. Kidcr, formerly of this place, i* very | rod into shape for chain links. The next Secretary f u r n it u r e , m 1 G eo . V incent , Kewbero have so little sense as to take a hick in Portland. | step in lho inanfucrure of a to In li/ht. They tlirougli. thero is milk going to wano. ¡than the other. O i i e n l of the coil is ‘ look hi i preieription cas • for a liar’ ’ did O W A SH IN G T O N S T R E E T , ■ then .submillctl to tin operation of tho s t o v e . Soino of th«yoting folks tire t.ilking of j TIN W A RE, 1 hoy ? Well, h >w iiiuidi did tiiey miss i f ' cutting machine, which at a single blow i going tôt lie c i r u s nt McMinville, Satur- ' NAILS fi our Main St. ilru^ist is not guilty why j strikes off enough of it for a chain link ; dav. Wish tlie.m a g >o l limo. IR) l.TS, d íes lie and his accomplices H.piirm so The machine is regular and tapi.l in its CAPITAL STOCK, - - $550,000.00. The fl degates tli.it w »nt to l!ie nssoci i- SAWS, un 1er fire? “ Its the hit duck that I motion. The workman has only to hold j S U B S C R I B E D CA PIT A L, - _ $4J«,.100.00. tion ut r.rownsville w r« r.iisled and ha I A X E? flutters.” ‘'Inform 'd to the contrary.” the iron i:i positi >n, and from two hun­ to travel ovor a hundred ndh*s to got llcro. CASH A SS E T S, - - $107,431.00. R A K E S A, . Did they get their ¡nformnthm from dred to two hundred and seventy five | aro reasonable—My molto AV. I). S C A K C E , anJ Let j.lve.” L o cal A ffcn t, one who st i:i is by the goo I ami Ilio pure Tliev raport a v.»ry g > » 1 tiin»». links *ut in :i ininute. They drop into ! My t*'rm« iScxt Sunday is chil Iren’s d.i v nt West no 1 wli iis u'-.v iv t s mu in th ; fr iot ranks a spout and n il therefrom into a small i Chchalc/n. No pains h iv.* heen sj.nrcd G IT icccn M a in S t r e e t , N 'c w l.c r p , O r c î - o ï i. of rofo. n i? O.io wo > strives for the tin (•¿n t, w hich is hauled away when it is full j to inak« it a very pl« i wint lime. The boildine of mx'Iety nil 1 the hetterinent of to th i welding department. So far ¿ill the ; cl.il Iron luivo heen drille l uhnost to per- L O O K H E R E ! J . D. TA Hit A K T. E . C . TAH KAÍTF. mankind ? No! lint from one w ith a curse work has been d me without (lie agency i feclion. Li‘t every ono corne, h ut h* sur« W e manufacture • on his lips an I an insult lo incettilo en­ ofheat, h it tho chain cannot ho com­ 1V1Y STOCK BEFORE BJYÌHG E l SEWHEHE. J . D. T A R R A N T & SOX, and luv’g your Inii-ketH fuii utid stay ul! treaty of o ir in itti u's i i I si téis. Away pleted without the agency of lire. Tho 11. H A W O l t T I I , P r o p . N K A V IIK R G , OH . Proprietors oftlio duv. '• ith such inform Pi m 1 It s l u i l l not he j final operation is welding tho links to W« had a very goo I spelling Hciiooî <• in.oten.meed for a mo mont. “ Mirehodj gether. Standing beside a furnace in loonier. Also S C R E E N POOKSand Tuoadav ove, tho houe.) w is crowded, bide fister th a 1 t * i *y c u n o .” Dili w hi h a hot natural gas fire i» hurtling, the Rarnost K ><»♦ ¡s ulways th last 0110 dow n. anything that is to, be made of U i-«t f l o u r a n d a l l k im b i o f O r o u m l they? Hit Hot until after I hey liad viven ! \von;:nan sci/.es a piece of while-hot metal Kesidcs S]>o1iing \v,> had a «\*ry go )d pio- l'V t*fl K.-1,t C o n s t a n t l y o n h a m l. wood. Building, Contract­ th o velli lem inf ?) fair warning and had w ith his tongs, phices it on a die, and pi t ! gram from th« sch »!¿irs and otliers. 1 incivili ho hi i rem uuhranro resolutions CrtKIl P.VID TOR WllKAT. ing, eti'. «live us a call. ting his foot on a treadle cause« a sprit g Hull m »I |{f*]EH't of Hi- IrlfU No. adopted at Ilio mass meetup.; last winter hammer to de.-cend, giving shape to the F actory axi . O if ii k sk a k P. ¿ W .T . nuroT. We Guarantee Satisfaction to our 'CiPttorrr- which was to (tie effect that “ no vent Io­ Monlli l.i'gini.i^ Aj.ril 15, ondln May link. Two other turns and two more er?. Call and see ns. nian, after knowine the sentili ent. of this 1 *, 1SH0. blows of tic* hammer, and the link is com­ N EW H EItO , ‘O K E O O Ä people, will sell intoxieitinv drinks in No. of pupils enrollc 1 24. pletely formed and welded together An­ V'- V- " U), other piece is then taken from the fire, Tsewherv." “ Never to lie fooled avail).” Avuni'io nlli'ii l.'iui.i i • Oliera d ii you get your information? N.i.nos of pn; i!j nvUlier ub.siuit ncr and the open end deftly slipnol around SAM U EL HOBSON * j i e ~ * | 7 ' '7 r \ . .V 'Vliat a gross perversi »a of tin farts; «nr.l v: the link j i-t formed. It, is lliesi operated ! nml opened for the trade, a full rfnd well " ' a i t a deli duo th i lirotli ir is laboring1 Jay ( i.ird.uu'r. up-*n just as the lirst link was; another is j •«elected stoek'df ’ in ter it ho thinks th«y liive given np \b.y U .l«'rt*..n. added, then another; tho chain i* growing J A II L I . I X K i t Y tic r o n * . the ivork ti *(• m se they /lire been oufrav" 1 Elmer Hall. r ipMlv,—so fast, indeed, that tw > feet or I H i l t s , t r i i i i n i c t l tnuT n n t r I i n m < ‘«V, *> isly hi uilte.l I Toey am not made out of i ( Jracio Craven. more o f it has heen finished lx*foro the f l i t kin 1 of stu i’, as our d- ivviitf?) will which we oiler to Hie public at roasonuble red glow lias died out of the first link j Ml la Hadley. price* and in the most fashion­ l> • apt to lio I out It if jr i t!i *v are thron jh weld * !. Of tho »mall chain, which the Lilli • Craven. A H T I S T . I with hi n. T .u y luve go ia into the Names of pupils w h * • averago stand­ workman is now making, the welding of | able sfyle. Porlr..its enlaruod to life fizo and finislied work fren t i i s t r il o i in t. of duty. ing is P!) in (iepartinent an l class rcci* tliicii thousand links is considered a good | Plea-e cnll nml examine our Rond, befure in Ciaron India Ink or Water Colors, T i >y are luck 1 1 hv every t ’ oriitl.i , w i- I at ion : day's work. More can ho made of a * R oom ovi:it M ooi ; k I’ kos ., Dm n S tork . purchasing. Houma opposite Moore Brother's Nl/WHKiKi S A W M ILL! w i n in the Unite I States an I overv loyal U >y Koh »i tsoti, sma'Ier size, and less nf a larger. It is Drug -Store. NEW UKRU, OREGON. I am uow propnred to ftii'nialt ' iti/. ' l i ’loil l stau 1 by ttie n. Itiglit is Rimer I lull. hot and noisy woik.— I'Hlufntrg J:i*ynlch. ^ 1-tf. I t K K S «V J U D D . enredo triumph. I*'.I la Ha llev. A Natural I.aroinetrr. 1 .ulio ('raven. > J. C - A . 2 v I H 3I 3 K i X J I _ i , T ir: Sí ridar 1 Oil ( 1 ». h o bought tin* IVcsident MoJilcr of th * Sfato Depait- C . M A R IS , < ir.u ie (haven. ) ist whit« load works, ut a c o t of jf-| ft)) m«nt «*f Agriculturo of Kansas has j 1 t ell m m ill, 1 m iles ler.st o f .Yeirberg. .lay ^ Jar 1 *ner. 1} I hey now h ivo a in mop »ly < »f the whit« returned ft.nn a trip to Winona. Logan Month ending dune 7. All kinds of repairing neatly and 1 *a l a . weil as 111;» coal oil pr > 1 i d ion. county, where ho went to investigale a No. licit her absent nor tardy, .*». promptly done. Single and double well owned hy K. L. Smith, a lari ncr N.lines of pupils w hose average standing W k ackno.vlo lg« th»* rc ,« :pt of tho harness made to order. Sutis- living one mile south of Winona, which lie • I ’T m . »i /V.-1.I puhlislioi at (V'utr.'v ill« c lot in deport incut und c I uph iccitution: faetion guaranteed. done in the latest and most fashiona­ says is bettor than am other bnmnieh-r BEST WHIPS AND FI.Y NETS, .lay ( ¡anlener. Or. It is a hritfht newsy »licet and it ¡x ble style of the art. \ct invented. It is Rift ft. deop, and it ( iracif* ( ’raven. v,i t II plc.is.iiiï wv place it»»:i our cxch.m »« I'l- i i 'i 's lt<>irsoiiiiI>l.*Miu estate lias hem platted mid is now offer«.I for sale. This is the highest groan I and in every way the finest prop* crlv in NewV»rg. 'I h » new p thlic soli » >1 l»uiiding will he huilt f»n this tract thus a Mia » inotli, r advantage to tUU already t, ‘s'.raMe tr.t t. I* »'»••: All I SI dm ' i ; i ( Vumi. 1 am ofi i iiig t li * p •«>{»!« of New I org and vicinity the »tiH'k of b >••(<« and h ! i «. m l»e- 1 »«ging t » the p.u fnershie «st He of the I it« firm of M irr»« ik II i»iey of I ;»f,ivette, l both «I a 1;!'«* I I am «> f ring ll.i • > stock at Riuxr <*n»r,— no hii'tihug, co u j and «««. ^toro in llurlcx s a Miliari. H e * In fle n s o f i: 1 ; «*• t. A it has pic i . *d Divine PlOVÓh'llf «* to frnn»*plant from « ar«‘h In In iven oui' w ho was Ldov« 1 and 1 herbh *d I all. Kt:aoi.v:.!», that the Laud of llopo in lU*rth i Truehl*«o |a faiihful worker, and that w • will strive in our lives to uphold more faithfully I!».* nrincio.il« of purity and m HrkneFs w itici) wore dear t(» her C » i i . . r. ... l'i'tiMjrii ICni. Up al \V.iterino, « iva III., /T y ir'er, ni ■lliat riiv, snico untiumed genius h u Ini H|«.:i Ibis hippy devi.'e L>r reni,-ring .'liiirch ^vi.iblea plc.i-s‘it : K.ich pcr**-i D g lv e n a r u r d ii|«n wliiili a ibwe.i «r iiinrp narnci «re nrillrn nudi- rcipiir.sl to r die tivo mi unte* witli endi «ne u t.o >■ «1 uni !■ on tln* ceri. By tb:n p 'a i «¡,| Ilo»ero are alimin.ited, evcrvlr.lv r-- «•‘•ìves attenti,>n, eli,pi h nr.» taoken c » jon»! .all gn lu*m" happy ('oiiKiliitn'.liin «*f il««' N.iruov, pump htock, whistles in a loud, Ilute like tune that is distinctly audible to every «•iti/.en in the township, and more pen«*- I trat ing than tho noise of any fog horn. It is rather tut* hull«»us, at.d heard ¿it a «lis­ tatici», its varying notes resemble those of ¿m /Kolian lmrp. This w i n ! mûrie may I h » heard from, ¡ six tu twelve hours preceding a storni of I : w ¡ml or rain or ti» , approach «>! ¿1 l»!i.*.x ird, ¡and when the temp'st strikes it play« j th«» louder mitili it h is passe«! hy, draw- I ing in the air with a q ieer. g 1 g'i ig ' i sound. In Logan county there are a ! great many wind storms, ami whenever ! the pc* j I«» hear Mr. Smith’« well whistle I they strike out at oriee for th« cyclone I caves. Hundreds of people have investi- ; gat«d it, hut no attempt is made to ex- . plain the niysterv.—Oqh.Vi/ JuH ,nal. ifoiinj palroni~ e hom e iuiln ‘¡tries, jesse ll-.v H»f. nonsox. NtWDtfiG HADSWARE STOßE, J. B. MOUNT, Proprietor. — A. H 'T J I - iL COOK STOVES, HEATING STO VES. A I IN T E O F— X i'w ln'i'ff, O r. Id - - •• - Orcgfgk WBERG GRAPHIC. S U B S C R I B E l-OR IT. SEND IT TO Y O U R E A ST E RN F R IE N D S . Several hundred copies new f o east of the Rocky Mountain*, and more copies >04«», Il A KDWAKK, T IN W A R E , WIN IK »W Gf ASS. and every other utile le usually kept in n lirst-vlaM Hardware Store. ---------O --------- -O - THE GRAPHIC I Make a Snecialty of Tinning and P!ambine in all its Branches. v 'fiueeihiv. ( ’ululici ( ’ 1\ l ’rocker, \\ 1! \ Mule In « Ilrown, William IC *i I, .1 ( '. M Doiigal — O- V* hile travi ling in Virginia s im* time a n i .lohn Mc(imn% , dinchus, togeth 1 C o m o it. wttii live other San IVanci*. 1 capitalists, ¡ ¡ti;,, wo , :)i»)o upon un ,.1,| Ov>!, 1!V i muo C? M l ! \ it i d s o f ll« ‘|>¡i¡rlnx N e a t l y a m t I * ra.11« ply D o n o . connected with the South« mi l ’acillc Com­ I n :¡n was Ht,imlliiu by .i nmlo bilobo.I in ¡01(1 S e e tin s t o c k . J . 15. M O U N T . pany. and S. lì. Reed and R. ('. Smith, «Í ¡inold ino nlioolo I void,do. If. I lie <)regon lion à Steel l omjMiiv, v i>itcd “ Dis mulo u'u bulkod, 1 km ««,*’ mild Ilio theOswvgo iron work«, ar.d after.vanh j «.Id muii ; “ un I'll j ¡ . |fl!> u «Ioli,ili to ,Y w ent t.» D inde«* juii« t i« ¡n h\ * | i.«| train, man wI; it v.ri start in.’’ *'l widdo it tor loss tbun tb.it. unolo,'* and t » the Willauw tie river ¿il New Rnl suiil t«10 doo!• >r. llv* too!« bis oa « o tioni (jtiarl/.. 'Hiev returned to Rord uidiit .*» n. ni., tli,' oui ri.i^i'und M'lootod n simili svriiiu*' when th«» annual »ma ting «u th«* M«vk- »liii'li b o t i “ . . I with iiiort'bi.i. lit* ««'nt li*dderv *>f tlu* Porlland nu l N.’iII¿i:m'tt« . io tlio Milo of Ilio mulo und .I'lioklv in- Valiev Railroad ( ’«mpatiy was h* M, ut -oiling Ilio s y r i ' i i n bi« si lo |>'i«b • I tlio which the f«>!low itig«lir.*eG>is w« re elcctial : j ‘ intontì* into Ilio uniiii.il. Tin» mulo * 'j I !•. t i«vk«*r, Wm. R« i I, W. I!. Ilrown. !> irod upon Id« Idi).I l,ys ¡md "avo an N -* ,.y; _ ; j L . - - ' ro.ik-n.'! k spoo t. Tim * » ' t ooioio I Rnincis.*«»: (' .1. M« D«», ^ . d ’ , lohn Me tiuin* .¿ml D. W. ( uiutnins. l iei. after ; man pi«'o a to ,»f astoiiislmiont at tlio tlie «lin'ctois h«'M Iheir im iing an«li«- d vtor, «villi a tomi “ W hoa!” stall-d «*l«a ted ( ’. I’. ( ’rocker, presad«*u9 ; Win. down the twid uf:or tlu> imi!«'. In Ilio Ih'id, \ ice fire») dent a n i tr> omìht . and <■•"iron «I ton minuto.« «o oui»* up to ilio Rlwi'i W i V i a .m 'h i i u v . Noufl erhusi- •id man standing in tin* road « .dtinp (or n«‘<» was ttan<»aet«*«1 at th«* me« tir.g. : ¡1«. Tb mulo ««as non boro in sipld. ''¡.y Is*s. said tbo durkoy, ' b. « It is ;-tat«a| that i IV !lu;i*:n-n«nV «.fier tut lu* ! h «guidati Kiüu.iv lVnv*:iiiy. ¡n mil' ll You « b ir_o (or dut sti.tT you jmt in S«*otlaiid, for the ia»nsuli«lwliuii of tl»«* Ore «Lit mulo?" “ Oh* ten ec*)la will l o , " Imtgh¡nt'R u»- ironian railway with the Portland \ W il lamette Valley Railway l ’ompanv has pH«*« 1 th«» divtiir. • Well, Uw«, beali • ' ' • i I ' f eoi «•t'lllK i me. lioiidlwMers of tl»« fuimrr « empane w ill S.; »iit e«yir.e of .lat 1 nna t |«v■inurrrw* T! ur»d,i\ in w t’.ir d ketch «lai ar untie.'*— F’ i t firmllv accept or r«*j«a*t the lliimicgt n . Z I . In« ate in t «1. prop«.-¡lion, the terms «»t which are nt)"h* : r •late I, el¿i*«» I, berat, I •m t e l tai:: d.I • ut 1*1« -• l:t. I _ \\\iiI,¡'4 imnv in,... Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Is the best possible A dvertising Agent- o— Job work c .u :i> s, LETTER HEADS, B II .L HEADS. CAD STATEM ENTS, Double and Single Turnouts Kept Constantly on Hand. ! aaniiv ninni Board and Transient Stock Carefully Cared For. SMITH & HOLLOWAY. HARNESSMAKER. ro C T U t t B I L L S , AC., AC. Done on Short Notice. IfÄ FTr tnplly ami nvnlly cxpcnlr .1 J %1 Proprietors. Editors and Prop«. HOBSON & ALLEN,