NEWBERO GRAPHIC. Murr» rv rr.ï S. IIOUS3K. sa * ï i « d .\ y MK-cEld. V.SKOl S. KO. 2. AN ORDINACI*' TO RESTRA IN ANO r r N I8H INTOX ICATIOX. The js'ople of the Town of N.wl«*rg do ordain us follows : S kc . 1 . That it shall be unlawful for any person to ts* Intoxicated upon any street or within any public place within the corporate limits of the Town of Ncwhcrg. Set 2. Any person who shall violate anv of the provision» olthis ordinance shall O. V. Al.l.K.N. la* punished by a line of not less than Four dollars nor more than Filtv dollars or hy imprisonment in the town jail not less than 0110 dav, nor more than fifteen days. Approved May 24th. lHStt. F . A. Moaaia, Mayor. .1. T. S mith , Recorder. m > i v m i . M O O R E B R O S., IIOSSbN & ALLEN, Editors and Prop’s. SA TU RD A Y, JU N K 1, ISSO. ll.tvrtit> sold onr interest in llietiKAiuu to Mr. O. V. Allen, recently of Kansas, our connect on with the paper ce.iu-s with this ’¡«site. AV • wish to thank (lie friends 6f the tin teine for their liberai patronage in (I k * past unii l»*apcnk for the now finn of HohaonA Allen neontiniianee of the suuir. ft is with rplnetaneo that we leave m>nvpu|>cr work, hut onr suc­ cessors will no ilouht, iiinkn the (iji m itr n* good if n<>t a better p:i|s*r than it has lieen in the past. This issue completes Hie first half year’s work of the ( in u - iiic . AVhufcvi r nieustiro of snores* has Usai at­ tained has been hy hard work, for there were many dilfirnltie* to overeomo. W’e hope the haltlo of the OuAi'ilir will he easier in I he future than in the past and wish it the hast of success under the now maun gement. AV. M. I I iatt . : j . AN ORDINANCE TO IM PO SE AND R EG U LA TE L IC EN SES AND REG U LA T­ ING T H E M ANNER O F IHSCING L IC EN SES. MISLEÌ.LAKEOUS. THE OREGON LAND CO of Salem, Oregon, THE DRUGGISTS, no . XEW nKU O , I [.is OKKGOX. AVe M a k e a S p e c i a l t y o f S m a l l F r u it F a rm s. Send F E W of the Mouse and Dust Proof Organ, Can Furnish one Cheap for Cash or on Instalment Flan I have now on hand Cai! and Examine MY STOCK BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A. T. HAWORTH, l J A 1 > E R T A K E R Agent for Oregon Casket Co. NEWBERG SAW MILL! ÄLL K ID S Of /-4 SUIL0IN3 MATERIAL Also I can deliver the same in Rewberg or on beard the cars at Dundee at a gdlicr it was u dav long tu bo icuieiii- then came tin' thrilling sound of tin* when tlu* Min lias sunk. uppurentiy bcred ili tlic hi-torv of Nev.lierg. locomotive’s whistle. We a ’l hoarded twidve leet fmm lia* Im ntopsund the train litfht. sido up with rare. The H'eins «o remuin rtationaiy fur ahont ••Narrow l l'rnii Me». ear was full and it was not very pleasant twenfv minute«; then the veiv «ea-gulls Hpiïflal (iï tla*“(iraplilc.” hideawav, w hile the air ail of a sudden Bünden, ,A .I iy .*») Kepi irta ari' heilig ridili); until we met with a train from lNuMand and we secured thtec tine day Htrik$‘M rhillv. Kaeh om* lias an nwod. published in I he Oregonian, in regard to I . , . . . , ». 4, the strike on till* c „,I tin., an. H- re%# were ac,«.rated, some expectant, feeling. S,«m Hi« mu . n - s — A . F U T a lL i L I 1 T E o f — calculated lo m isi,ad tl„. pul.lj,. ,s f„- ,,4kin« in ,h " ^ r"r*- * ' " ,ü verv once again and tlie yel.ow COOK STOVES, H ARDW ARE. a - tin* emplovi-s of tin* m i | an* coiicenic I <"•'«'« ri’matne.» in ***elr old positions, clouds change with his ilpri.-ing to even On our arrival ut tlm eilv we were met by greater ncaiity, nrst to t in p iled priu.- HEATING STO V E S, T IN W A R E , Employes us far as known have been mir uinm I old (ricini A P Oliver wlio im- ro»e *ml then to a blneisii pink. Tin* WINDOW G LA SS, crderly mid have nut molested tin* eom* mediately invited us to dine witli bim sky which was just now rosoeolor, lavóme* and every other aitielc usually kept in a lirst-class puny's property. They have tried lo sell grey, then |>ale emerald green, and and ecrtainlv we did not object. We fell Hardware Store. eliecks now in their | nmsosìoii , whieh the) in line and went to tin* International lastly bine. Rock after rook stands out ---------O --------- have a right tu iki. Tliere are hills now eauglit hv the sun's rays and the reign of in tin* office due tlm emploi es lor supplies hotel, on Ilia corner of Tliird and E s t . •ml (here wc flopped our lips over a line day I us begun once more.—E x . us far back ns .Inly Issu. .% Mlg Kfftfi-. In order to kts*p tlie road mulling souu* dinner. After dinner our tramo rom- The ehanipioii hungry inun lives in inen |iaid out money for tallow and olliei iiieonsl. The e was quite a crowd mid it 'material in orih-r lo get engines out was ina n itrirai fur them to agree on any Essex, Mass., and hi* name is Samuel C o m e in They’have bought »lines, clothing, mi I certain program. So. it w a* every fellow Morse, lie is alllieled with a most jmvu - r M l K i m !« ut' K<*|»nirhigr > 'e n t l ) iin rl P r o n i p l y D u n e . h>r himself and we were separata«!. liar dissiane, lieing constantly iuiiigr) m id S e e my s t o e h . licl|*M those w ho hale cut la en allieto gei li.e neees,iiies of life, mid now money is s uma went lo Vancouver and some went snd will eat ravel lutisi) nearly .1. It. M O U N T . I if. freely offend new men to take the plan s mt tu Alt. Tulmr, while the writer witli a lionr in tire twentv-four, getting up sev­ uflliotow tio have (»'friended the u ni- few * Í tlu* others made a break for the era! tlnies diiring tlie night to ap,»*ase great ami wm, Icrínl city park. AVe took hia appetite. He I mm Iwen exaniined 1» pmry, we nm sider this a i»*rfeet tsidag)*, the Third und Washington »t. street car manv proinineiit phvsic.ans, none of and a.uri at least to slow the pnlitic our uni enjoyed tin* tide to tlie foot ol the v\ Imm ean givo l i y reasun for liia ulmor- side i»f (he question. liiil. Tin* path lisi up a long canyon, uial ¡ipiwlite or pre* ri he anv im .licine tI nk o r tiik im » » 1 1 « run g I « tall tir ami evergreen tif. .in n oi s. cu i to t»*n- t In v ia .s C'Iliuiui, New ls*rg I fregoli, ur lure.-d well satnlie I with the trip and we etìt In in H e h a s h e e n a ilh c te .l in th i« J . C. Hi « T , Wblttier California. m. in n e r (or ten )e a r a .- -D a v to ii llc r a ld . are going again. R rrkst . J. B. MOUNT, Proprietor. B E R G Board hy the Weak Reasonable. J . P. TARRANT. E. C. TARRANT. J. 0. Ta rra n t & Son, P R O P R IE T O R S OF T H E N ew berg F lo u rin g Mills. Best Flour and all kinds of Ground Feed kept Constantly on Hand. Cash F*aid for "Wheat. AVe G u a r a n t e e S a t i s f a c t i o n t o o u r C u s t o m e r s . NEAVBERG, S. E. SMITH. & uni. Board and Transient Stock Carefully Cared For. SMITH BROS. P. M. CHRISTENSON. H O S K IN S , Denier in MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. A F u ll L in e o f .Spring: G oods. A g ric u ltu ra l Im p lem en ts, W ag o n s, (hitting aud Fitting Promptly Done to Order. « ïi g g iz * * , Prices Reasonable. P u m p a, e t t i Call and See Us. In .1. T. S m ith ’s Itiiihlliig:, Now- h e rg , O reg o n . SAMUEL HOBSON M a i » S t ., Portrait & Landscape JUST RECEIVE!) R oom ovkr M oore B r o s ., M IL L IN E R Y - A .. C A M G O O D S, H itt» , t r i m m e d a n d u n t r im m c iF ,. which we oiler to the public at reasonable* prices and in the most fashion­ able state. m esse call end exam ine nur* geoda befniw «noms opposite Moore Brother'»- Drug Store. P n r o S t o r e . purchaslug. NEWBEKG, OlfEGON. J. well! selected «took;of A R T I S T . Portraits enlarged lo life size and finished in Crayon India Ink or W ater Colors, N k W bero , O reoo », and opened for the trade, a full and P h o to g ra p h e r 1-tf. R E E S X JU D D . C. JIARIS, P B E L L , TONSORAL ARTIST. HARNESSMAKEE. S h a v in g , H a ircu t tin g All kituls of repairing neatly and. promptly done. Single and double- done in tlm latest and most fashiona­ harness made to order. Satis­ ble style of tlie art. faction guaranteed. FIN E S T C IC A R S IN THE C IT Y . a n il S h a m p o o in g , P r i c e s Ken.« unable. A. CA M PBELL. In Morris, Miles A Company « building) N ew b erg , O r. - - - - O re g o n . NEWBERG GRAPHIC. SC B SC R IP H FO R it . se n d it to Y O U R EA STERN F R IE N D S. Several hundred copies non go east of tlie Reeky Mountains, and more copies to go . THE GRAPHIC Is the best possible Advertising A g e n t . Job work CARDS, L E T T E R HEADS B IL L H E A W . CAP STATEM EN T.", Double and Single Turnouts l ’.iiitìe .s.,is| a re n o « latiked biglie»! in quali!)' .«( anv in thè New York market. Tliere lina l»*cn sa n e dout.t a» totheir keeping qualilies, l>u! a test was reepntly lumie l.v sbipping tu New A urk t ’. Ilio Isthmua, w hieh tn o d tl.em mure «everly Ihun the vuyag.. (suri F.nn»|e ; and tliev at.»»! it j»*rf.»*r!v neitln r tmaihling, fermenling nor «ulTer- ing in anv wav whalever. -Capital tour C a ll a n d s e e u s . OREGON. S. J . HOSKINS. S M IT H S IS IF I Kept Coustautly^on Hand. H O U S E . most conveniently located hotel in the city Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day, accord­ ing to room. I Make a Specialty of Tinning and Plumbine: in all its Branches. Livery, reed and Saie Stable. our hand­ O. C. WRIGHT, Manger. READ! ALSO for Rrioe List and somely Illustrateti Pamphlet. BEST ORGANS MADE, The LOOK! the farming and froit lands. ------ '♦ -- - Also Agents for Four Brands of the STOP! hundred of Salem, and a splenditi, list of DEALERS IN The |ieop!e of tin* Town of Newherg do ordain as follows: Hpe. 1. That no lerson, tirin, company,or corporation shall Is: engaged in. pr*. Je- eute or carry on any trails, business or profession within the limits of the Tow n of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIlKMK'ALH, New bug, for w hich a lie- uise may lai rct|Uirei| l.y this rdinunce or any other ordi­ nance which m avlie enacted regulating licenses, until lie or they shall have ob­ I’AINTS, OILS AND V A RN ISH , tained H i n d i a license. Ki:c. 2. That every |s*rson, firm, company or cor|S)ration required liy any or li- F IN E TO ILET SOARS, nance to obtain a license to engage in any trade, business or profession for which a license is required, shall pay to ttie city Treasurer the hiimi or miiiih required hy or­ B R U SH E S. ('O M RS, ETC., dinance to be |iuid therefor, thereupon, w ith the receipt of the city Treasurer, which receipt shall set forth tlie kind of business for whit Ii license is required, they shall A CH O ICE L IN E OF FA M ILY M ED ICIN ES, apply to the Recorder who shall issue a license to the parties applying in accord.nice with the receipt of tlie Treasurer, upon compliance of lie* applicant w it It provisions JEA V ELRY O F ALL D ESC RIPTIO N S. ot «11 ordinances relating to obtaining licenses for the trade, business or profession for w hich license is d sired. P E R F U M E R Y AND FANCY T O IL E T A R TIC LE S Si:c b. That in every license to be taken out under or by virtue of this o-diranee shall Is* contained and set forth tlm purp ise, trade, business or profession lor w bi b hik I i license is granted and the name and place of abode of tlie* parson or |s*rs 111 » taking out the same. Sai l license shall authorise the continuance of the businef- named therein, at the place named therein, for the term of said license Initshull not authorize the carry ing on of said business in any other place tinles: the place licensed shall be dosed or uvupied and ill such rn«M the Recorder shall be notified of the j c hange and he shall note the same in the Register of Licenses. If bv a peddler, j Hitch license shall state whether authorized to travel on foot, or with one, two or AV itii this number tlm ( ¡ 111:11111 com­ more animals, the time for which snob license is to rnn and the date or time of grant­ ing such license; any person exercising or carrying on such trade, business or pro- pletes its first half year’s work and looking fession or doingany act for which a license is required, shall, on demand of any city I t'.ttl hack over the past six months and ru- olllcerat his place of business, produce such license and unless he shall do so may ' .» a ro’inting the ditti silfio* with which it has bo taken and deemed to have no license. And in Cane any peddler shall refuse to met, we consider that it Inis made a grand produce his or tier license w hen demanded by any city officer, said officer may seize the animals, wagon and contents, or (sack, bundle or basket of any is-rson so refusing success. That it has tilled a want long felt and hold the same until the license is produced. here none deny, and amid the difficulties S kc . 4. That in every case where more than one of the pursuits, employments that surround a now business lias perse­ or occupations f ir which a license is required, shall Is* pursued or cartied on in the satno place at tli ■ same lime by tin same person, license must lie taken out for vered Until it. I n i attained a standing of each accordingto the rate sevarallv described. . which Newherg may well 1st proud. AV. S kc , 5. That all license issued as quarterfy license shall expire in ninety days ! A W Filala ASSORTED STOCK OF' M. Hiatt has stood at the head and what­ from date of the Tieasnrers receipt an I the licenses when issued by tlie Recorder! F I 'l l M T U R E , ever of success has lieen attained hy the must hear the dale that is on the receipt of the Treasurer. BED S, S kc . tl. That all licenses required by this ordinance shall be paid in advance rtiM Piitcis mainly due lo him. lint on in gold or silved coin. BEDDING account of failing health he is obliged to S n . 7. That auctioneer shall pay a quarterly license of seventy-live dollars or ^ | , BEDROOM SETS OF TH E LA TEST ST Y L E S liève iip lh e vroik; and from this time on one dollar per day or night. Every person shall lie deemed an auctioneer! i within tlm meaning of this ordinance who shall offer property for sale at public the iisAWuc will 1« under the manage­ outcry in anv building within tlm cor|»irate lim its of tlie town of N'ewbarg. Pro­ ment of Hutson it Allen, and wo ho|s: to vided: that no auctioneer shall be authorized by virtue of his license us such I h a v e it c h o i c e s t o c k o f lie able to fill the place of our predecessors, | auctioneer to emplov any other jierson to act as auctioneer in Ids behalf, except I or i ill presence. Provided It. II plane JUi.iU of ... business, iiii»l.> cw -, store n i.iiw or ...» ware n u n ; house im iiiu i ; v h i bis ih i . |.-¡-w -. 11 . i i ij t i< i r i i , STO VES, and will silCceed at least half way, ns the iu his own TIN W A R E, senior meni her of tlie firm has been with further that tin* provisions of this section shall not apply to judicial nr executive f milking auction sales hy virtue of any Judgement or doeree of any eonrt; nor ' officers making N AILS, the pa|*r from the first. public sale made by executors mid administrators. BO LTS, I n order to increase the circulation, we S kc . k . That Hankers shad pay a license of 2,*.j dollars per day. Any one who | SA W S, liave reduced Ilio subscription price offers goods for sale hy out cry on the street or sliuil conduct business from a stand a xes , from 12.00 to $1.50, thus making it the or wagon on the street shall he deemed a hawker under this ordinance. M e t), That howling alleys and billiard tallies ami pool tables shall pay license R A K E S &C- oheaiwst pu|ier in Yamhill county, size according to the number of alleys or billiard tables Isdonging to or used in the build­ My terms are reasonable—My motto “ Live and Let Live,” of paper an<) amount of news considered. ing or place to lit* licensed as follows : AVo do not wunt it understood that because For each alley or billiard or pool table, the keeper of such liuusj or houses shall w-ehave reduced the siihscri'plion price pay a quarterly license of 2(10 dollars. 1*1 very alley or place w here bowls are known or billiards played and opened to the that we intend to fumisti onr patrons with public whether used with or without charge or price thereof shall ho deemed a bow I- k "clioap paper,” but on the eontrury vve ing alley or billiard or pool room respectively under this ordinance 'will redouble onr «Aorta, and give yen S kc . it). That shooting galleries shall pay a quarterly license of 15 dollars. Every the very “ best we’ve got in the shot).” i place where guns or pistols are kept for shooting at targets w hether for hire or not, j O. I ï . H A A V O K T I I, P l o p . N F A Y I i l ’. K G , O H . AVo will not he Roeond to any paper in the shall be declin'd a «hooting gallery under this ordinance. S ki . II. That theatres of the first class shall pay a license of $10.00 per day or I •«Minty and will useevery fair nicunsw ith- night, or each iswforiiianee given. That theatres of the second clasa shall nay a li ’in our reach to push the (¡a m m to (lie cense of 2'.; dollars per night or for each performance given. Theatres shall be class ¡find as follows: When kept open and are Operatic or dramatic jierfortnanco, or va­ front. AVo stand ready to advocate anything in riety slaw or hull or dancing entertainments, are conducted at an hour later than 12 o’clock midnight, the tiist class. When not kept open at a later hour of the night “onr columns that will luiil.l up Newla.rg. ihim 12 oeloek midnight, tho second class. Every building used wholly or in part and Yamhill county, hut in no way w ill fur the purpose of 0|ieratlc or dramatic representations, variety shows, or ball or anything Is-allowed publication that w ill danei'ig entertainments, cycle riding schools and roller skating links shall tie re ganled as a theatre under this ordinance. lend to stir up pettyijpalonsy and strife. S kc . 12. That every circus show shall pay a license ot 2 '3 dollars for each one ItlillKON & A i . lkn . hundred |K*ople seating capacity of the tent erected, for each performance or exh ibi­ tion given hy such circus. Every building, space, or area where feats of horseman­ llnv. ship nr acrobatic sports are exhibited shall lie regarded as the tent under this ordi­ When a tnan’s boari js in tho task he nance. S ,:c. l:t That jugglers shall pftv a license of 5 dollars for each exhihiiion they may 'bas lo act omplish, lie does it w itli a will ; yow enti non hln very naturo exhibitoil tu give F.very person who performs hy slight of h ind shall ho regarded as a juggler under Ibis nminanco. bis Work. The tnith of Ibis n is mudo I The proprietors or agents of all other shows or exhibitions for money, not enumer­ inanifost un fOdoratimi Day bere. T h e 1 ated in this section shall pay a daily license of 2 1, dollars. S kc . 11. The owners of every stag • coach, hack, carriage, dray, cart, wagon or ■■iHnrailt's, widows, orphans ami frionds of other vehicle which shall ho used for the conveyance of passengers, packages, goods t thosewlin wenl. iluwn in tlcfense of tlicii or freight from plan* to place within the city for hire, shall pav a quarterly license of j country mot ut tlm Evangelica! ehiirch I dollar fnre.ii b vehicle drawn liv one animal and fur each additional animal used in >sr F: W J 5FHTG, OI1EGON. and hol.l' Memorisi Services aecording tu draw ing such vehicle, the ndditonal sum of 1 dollar, provided : That the provis-I »¡on« nf this ordinance shall not apply In hand carts or vehicles used by merchants, ordors fron» hoadquarterH. The church ivas Istanti filli)' dccnriited w itli litiga, ovor- dealers and niimtifacturers exclusively for the (rims;«irtatlon mid delivery of their 1 own goods and wares to themselves and H eir customers, mid to hotel vehicles eon I grcens, tvv and flowers. Tu thè loft uf tlm vc\ing | tisscngerr and baggage without charge. I am now prepared to furnish ( i'inilinnetl next w eek.) rostmin wns a largt* inonumont decorateli willi evergreen» ami ffbwrr». Aruiiml thè T lie lltillllg lit Stm . A T r i p to I ’ni'llm ul. top was a wreatli of rosea, Ircstowc.l in Imagine ytMinw'lf in a ship at aneh«»r To tin : cniroR of t iik «tu a ritte: iiutioruf “ The dead.” and un tl„* front . 7/ m y n u ll, J tu iles iresI o f .Yeit'betÿ. I v\ ¡sii to write* a few linoM f«»r pnl»- loukinii west or Ktr ii^ht in frulli of you. i cross Ilestowed hi lionor of “ The un hnown.” At 2 o’elo.*k tlio U . A. R. ¡¡ration in your rolitinn* — Idi*! Sumlay. There is a broad expanse of sea a little to I ti incd i ti line and look tip tlioir mnrcli lo (although very hot) [ with several other your right hand, behind von will lie tlie j thè eburdi. It wa» indeed a ko I iiuui ,»>- hoys formed a liti lo eoinpany to visit the nigged coast, and to your left tin* long We gathered at the narrow fjord IK*tween tin* islands and the V e r y lo W r a t e , oasion. The old vdornns inardiing along eity of Toi'tlnud. « itti fl.ig at hall ma-t and ninllloil dnims : depot in due time. The train was behind mainland that tin* steamer lias ju«t C all on m e b efore m a k in g y o u r p u r c h a s e s a n d by so r.'tlcding on Ilio evonts of Ilio past. At timi' and we talked very freely alumt traversed. Yon watch tlm sun ns it Ilio cliureh tlicy vvere nddrt‘ssc.1 bv l’rof how onr lime should lie spent dumm the slowly, slowly sets; Ilio islands am! tin* ‘ floin g p a tr o n iz e ItUlUC in d u strie s . Morrisoi» wlioso addrr«« was bulli onlcr rest of tin' day. At tin' hour of nine- enast look like a dark rich purple and 1 t.iining and inslrilclivo, and fuil of g,»M| thirtv, the anxiously waited for train the hhadows cast hv tlu* idiip’.s inasts J E S S / : H O liSO X . il-* iî»f. Alter a hit feeling fui- thè snidici«. Takìng it all to- dashed into night around the ( urvo and grow longer and longer. In b*K ti. imi live vean thè making ol Harriet P .. . h. r M<>we said to a re- «•wden ciMtoVes, to is* slii|ipe*l an*l put is.rt.’r w ie. . ailed un In i a few darà ago togutlu'r inali parta of tlu* World, will ts* "M v lib* seen.» ike a dream. AI\ werk » ’e» ling indliatry «f Ibis Wuiidcrfni w.*s| is done and I mu enjoying the luxury of Vcrv armo hoiis.*» ni eertain iMilcrns will |»-r,et » r.-st mid I piss I uiii . I ean't r»«- • »* inaile alni pa. k c i like nntinisltnd hir- meinU-r what I r- cl imwadavs Mv iiiture, ih like tnochinee or carri.iires or ilion 1 is a l.laok B it I am psvolve.) wagon», «nd ahiport to refalar dealer« in H t., love I I ... ev.-rvlssfe even tin* HI I parts of the eiviiiru.1 W.wld. Tl. Ì» lirtiest Isvgar on the street, What a no lancv, no |wo|4.c. y, but the iuvl.wl j »wwt. gold. I s inset to a hfe of guvsl ohconririg event*, -('»yuta! Icsiru d d.s b for sale several choicest residence lots in tlie city ot rOhTF.iCRILLR, Done on Short Notice. Promptly arid neatly executed, Proprietors. Editors und Prop* HIATT & HOBSbfc