Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 25, 1889, Image 4

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    Appearances Are Deceitful.
The other afternoon a very inude-t looklns
gentleman sauntered into KcClurg's buns
store and tiegan looking at the treasures in
the English corner. Mr. Millard eyed the
stranger with suspicion, for the reasou that
uot very long ago a modest looking gentleman
pocketed several treasures and made off with
them, but Mr. Millurd was uot long in dis­
covering thut tho quiet stranger knew some­
what o f hooks, for he talked very intelligently
of the best editions. Mr. Millard began, in
fact, to feel sorry for the man. “ Here,”
thought he, “ is a gentleman who Is a biblio­
maniac. bee bow fondly bis fireless eyes
gloat on those extra Illustrated Dibdinsl
What envious, what hopeless pangs are now
surging in his bosom! P o o rd e v is my
duty to steer him away from those incompre­
hensible prizes and up against some books
within the compass of his means.”
but the stranger would not lie steered
worth a cent Ho would inspect nothing but
the costliest treasures. “ 1 am sorry that you
have sold the Washington‘ burns,’ " said he,
“ 1 would have taken it and been
only too glad to get it.”
"Our price was 1150,” suggested Mr Mil
"Cheap enough," said tho stranger, quietly
‘ And now may 1 ask you to send these live
volumes to mo at the Richelieu hotel! The
clerk will pay tho b ill by the way, what is
tho whole amount!’’
“ Two hundred and thirty-five dollars,”
said Mr Millard, impressively
“ W ell, send them to the Kicheliou at once,”
said the stranger, “ and tue clerk will pay the
charges for me.”
A far away, a distrustful, u bilious look
stole into Mr Millard’s keen eyes. "W h at
name, please!” usked Mr Millard, tirmly but
“ George M. Vanderbilt, of New York,"
said the modest stranger, demurely.—Chica­
go News
" S u b s c r i b e i 's '' Q u e r y C ttu a e a C o û t a i e n t
As our readers will remernirer, a letter
Wns imlilialieil in our columns u few day*
»¡.’o, signed “ Subscriber” wliicli dwelt at
some length upon a subject of general
interest, and which contained several
inquiries which will be found answered
in the following:
To the Editor: Several days ago I
noticed a communication in your paper
from “ Subscriber,” in which considerable
comment was indulged in concerning the
pamphlets which are w idely distributed
by Messrs. H. H. Warner & Co , of
Rochester. N. Y. These pamphlets, as is
well known, are published in order that
the public may become convercant with
the svmptoms' and growth of disease
peculiar to the kidneys, and which is, it
must be admitted, the productive cause,
in a majority of instances, of other
organic disorders. The publishers of
these pamphlets are also the discoverers
and manufacturers of the noted Warner’s
Safe Cure, which is known tols; the only
means for the prevention and cure of
kidney disease, as can Is- testified to in
every community. In the pumphlets
referred to there appear a number of
testimonials from parties who speak in
the highest terms of how they have in
nmnv instances ls-en restored to health
by Warner’s Safe Cure, after having Is en
given up by doctors to die, and attached
to those statements are the fac simile
signatures of the parties themselves.
1 am personally aware that all the
testimonials published by this firm are
genuine and are the voluntary statements
of persons who are anxious to manifest
their gratitude for the unexpected return i
of health ami vigor which Warner’s Safe !
Cure has brought them. To make assur-1
ance doubly sure, it can be added that
Messrs. H. H. Warner At Co., have fori
years published a standing offer of |50tHi |
to anyone who will prove to an Impartial j
referee that any testimonial published by
them is not, so far as they know, lama
fide and absolutely true. What more
doe« “ Subscriber” desire to convince
him, in addition to his own statement,
that his neighlsirs all tell him that
Warner’s Safe Cure has done more good
for them than they have received from
the doctors.
In view, Mr. Editor, of the many per­
sons who are sacrificed daily to the
bigotry and ignorance of physicians w ho
persist in treating patients for symptoms,
called consumption, ajionlexy, brain
troubles, and nervous disorders when the ,
real cause is disease of the kidneys—
which should Is* detected and quickly
eradicated by the use of Warner’s Hale
Cure— I maintain that the value of those
pamphlets, which place in the hands of
the public the means of knowing the
trinh, cannot lie overestimated.
F m r -1 ' l a y .
“ Where Is Mr. Bag ley’s office?”
“ Eleventh floor, mum.”
“ Is this the only elevatorΔ
“ Yes ’in.” — Life.
A SI a rt In
L ife .
A t Greenslioro they pointed out an old
darky whom they said hud just got married
and wus going out on u piece of rented laud
to make a start in life, i followed him out
to his cart, to which was hitched an old and
faded ox. His bride, a coal black damsel of
18, sat on a bag o f corn in tho cart and held
to the rojie lines uround the ox’s horns. The
cart contained, in addition, a skillet, u kettle,
ten pounds of side pork uml a jug holding
two quarts o f molasses. There was a tick for
a straw bed, a lien’s feather pillow and un
old blanket. This was the out-lit.
“ Ho you havo just got married?” 1 asked.
“ Yes, sab—dun jist got married to dat
“ How old aro you, undo?”
“ Shoo, now, but i reckon Izo about CO.”
“ And you’ve got a young wife?”
“ Yes, sah—duu got a gal.”
“ Anil you are happy?”
“ Happy, sahl Why, Ize walkin’ right on
algs all do time!”
“ Ami you are now going out to make a
start in life?”
“ Yes, sah—gwlno to start right off. Got
i(e ox, got do cart, got do gal and got two
hull weeks’ purvishuns, an’ if dor's any ole
nigger in Norf Caroliny who feels mo’ like
lumpin’ fo’ feet high an’ yellin' for Cnnuan
lan I does I’ ll gin two bits to soo him.” —Do
troit Free Press.
G O S S IP .
— According to a statistical docu­
ment lately published in Paris, there
aro in Europe 300,000 blind people,
80.000 of whom are hi Franco.
— Homo women in England make
good salaries by manufacturing the
dainty silk and lace lamp-shades now
so popular. A dealer in London, who
glories in the royal patronage, pays
one woman ♦200 a month for the
shades she makes.
—A Gloucester fisherman recently
found in the stomach of a codfish which
he caught on the Grand Hanks a V ic­
toria J ublloe medal. The small Mal­
tese cross with a photograph of Queen
Victor! a in the center, and oven the
ribbon utlached, were hut slightly
— A large Roman Catholic cathedral
was publicly dedicated at Hong Kong
recently. It holds 4,000 people and
cost ♦120,000. Tho roof is made of
cast-iron from Glasgow.
Tho main
building is of blue brick, relieved by
flying buttressos of rod brick and ce­
— Vaccination Is compulsory in En­
gland and optional in Franco. In the
largo cities of France tho number of
deaths from small-pox was 1,956, or
0.81 per 1,000 of tho living population.
In the large cities of England during
tho same period tho number of deaths
was 332, or 0.04 por 1,000.
—Plans have been drawn, it is said,
for a bridge nearly twenty-three miles
long, across tho English channel, from
Capo Grisnei to Falkosteno. Tho eost
is estimated at ♦180,000,000, which dot's
not seem extravagant, but the net profit
to bo realized from freight ami trallle
Is estimated It ♦26,000.000.
— A Chinese farmer at Kinklang was
robbed on his wedding night by a clever
burglar who had concealed himself in
tho nuptial chamber, uml removed
every thing so completely mid con­
scientiously that the unhappy pair
had to send and borrow some clothes
from tho neighbors before they could
tnuko their appearance tho next day.
— A French army officer bus Invented
• kind of microphone, by means of
which tlio approach or tho movements
of troops, as well as their probable
numbers, may be gaged.
The ap­
paratus is described as being ns nimplo
as it Is ingenious, and consists of a
transmitting and a receiving machine,
w hirli are connected together by a
metallo wire.
Experiments made
with tho instrument have been very
—The exact number of persons w ho
cross London bridge in a day on foot
lias been ascertained. In order to de­
cide a guessing competition, in which
86.000 persons participated, the editors
of tlie London Answers made arrange­
ments with tho commissionaire corps,
ami a large staff of men was dratted
onto tlio bridge for twenty-four hours.
The result proved that 111,873 foot
passengers wrro chocked, and that in
addition 45,000 vehicles, containing an
average of three persons each,crossed.
— Among tho curiosities of Queen
Victoria's railway journeys are the
time-tables supplied to Her Majesty,
these being printed in violet ink, on
handsome paper with gilt edges. They
contain the exact times of the stop­
pages at all points, and give other in­
formation of interest. Tho I’ rlnae of
Wall's has. perhaps, the finest railway
coach in Europe. It contains seven
rooms, a study with a little library, a
couple of bod-rooms, a dressing-room
and a bath-room. The bed-room is
most luxuriously furnished In old gold
•Ilk, being lighted by electricity, and
the paneling U beautifully painted.
T h e R e v e n g e o f T im e .
Tapoyard— Who Is that stunning girl you
raised your hat to?
Ribbon ley— Miss Goldie Bullion.
Tapoyard (timidly*— Shodidn’t return your
courtesy. Perhaps she doesn’t know you.
Rlbbouley (bitterly)—No 1 she does uot
know mo now; but when 1 am tho only
young man at Ocean Foam next summer she
will uot only know me but pine for me in
vaiu.—Lowell Citizen.
A S m a rt P e o p le .
First Thief—I’ve got a sure ami safe thing
now. I go to houses in a hurry and ask for n
Bible with big print to read to a siek man
They give mo tho family Bible in a hurry
and 1 sel I ’em at second hand book stores.
Second Thief—l tried that in ono city, but
it didn’t work. Everybody seemed to see
through the game, for they said they hadn't
any Bibles, i just toll you there ain't no
got tin’ ahead o' them Chicago folks.— Phila
dolphin Record.
V ery Tru e.
Stern Parent—Young man, I am astounded
it your impudence. You seek to marry my
daughter knowing her to lie wealthy in hei
•wn l ight, while you haven’t a cent.
Self Possessed Y o u th -T h at’s all right.
What’s the ueed of my having money when
she has plenty 4— Boston Courier.
H it* Sotn«« I t ln t lim .
“ Thor© may bo neither rhyme nor poetry
in mntiuMiiati \s,” remarked the high school
girl, “ but tno science is not devoid of
“ Wliat do you mean/” asked her papa.
“ I refer to fogarithins."—Pittsburg Chron
Ih coni !o£
t in e r ln tiiix e d
Citizen Don’t you know, Mr Ah Sin, tlmt
if you kill that enemy of yours you will l*
hanged ?
Ah Sin (vengeful Inundrvmam No, I nllee
Ugh tee I got tec money
l go looueo’syluin
- Philadelphia Record.
I iiprt>fr**l«*i:al Conduct.
Copeland l don't think Chinkins is tin-
sort of a man f«>t a l ank cashier, do you?
Raynor— V' hy uot?
Copeland l saw him miss a train yeater
day. - Burlington Free Press.
A Wm* •• o f
\ in tiiu till Ion.
Mrs Q u I m I y Whv general, you don’t
mviii to like to m i* the utdio kiss each other ’
Gen OldtH'uu 1 ho result of a military ed
ucation, mad oí
l never like to see good
u nm ou n t ion w asted. —T r o y T i
* n il y Ki|(ilp|)ftl.
“ Bromley, 1 hear you aie going to house
keeping? ’
“ Yes, Barringer "
“ What have you got toward Itf*
“ A wife.” —Detroit Free Préau
O l D s * and stiffr ('ss can lx* produced on
collars, cuffs ami i ilurt bosoms by tlrst put
ting them through \ pretty stiff, clear boiled
starch, uni then t drying them, after which
they should lx* da impetus! with the follow
lug solution : One i ounce of tine raw starch,
one-quarter ounce o f gum arable, one pint
o f w ater; heat tli e water to dissolve the
gum, let it cool ai id then stir ut ih * staivi)
and add the whit 0 o f one e g g ; boat the
whole well togeth< « r before using. Apply
— A thermographic printing prats, lightly with a tpo 1 > uml use a polishing
capable of turning oft four hundred im- ' irou properly to do V«* * the ghisa.
i. ’ »sii fa in r in MTnne-
pres«ions an hour from hot typo on
wood. Is a new French production. It spoil* has inv«s ntod a word-counting
m achine, which may l>© used by it»eW
la said to yield results equal to litho* or attached to a
fff»p !ij- .
Oberlln College received ♦57,000
from the estate of the late Air. J. Hull,
of Chicago.
— A Young Men’s Christian Associ­
ation for French-speaking young men
has been established in New York
— Of the 482 theological and religious
books published in this country last
year, 339 were the work of American
—A catalogue of Yale College in
1822 gives the annual charge for
tuition as $33. The entire expenses
are estimated at ♦llO to ♦190 per
— A movement is on foot in Chicago
to transfer tho kindergartens to the
control of the Hoard of Education and
thus render them a part of the schoel
—The now annex to Columbia Col­
lege, Now York, is called “ Barnard
College,” after President Barnard,
who has done so much toward making
such an annex possible.
—Bishop Lightfoot, of Durham,
Eng., makes it a rule to spend his
episcopal income (£7,000 a year) on
church and educational work, and not
a shilling of it has gone into his own
—The great reason why the mission
churches on tho continent of Europe
do not l»ecome self-supporting Is the
emigration to America, which takes
away their best young men. This
weakens them, but strengthens the
churches in this country.
— A Methodist Episcopal university
is to founded in Uiah. A committee,
of which Bishop Warren is tho head,
lias decided to loeiite in Ogden, this
being tho only town in tho Territory
of any consequence, except Park City,
free from tho Mormon dictation. The
citizens of Ogden offer about ♦50,000
in cash and an equal sum in land,
—The late Dr. J. P. Durbin had d o
patience with advertising in tho pul­
pit. Ho always read notices before
doing any thing else; and then when
they were disposed of he would say:
"W o will now begin tho worship of
God,” putting a slight accent on the
word “ now.’ ’ — Boston Traveller.
—The Christians of England aro not
growing remiss in foroign mission
work. About sixty English preachers
anil teachers were sent during the lust
quarter of 1888 to tho Inland Mission
of Chinn Within 1888 nearly one
million of converts were added to the
Clu istian churches in heathen lands.
— An English paper states that a
minister lately rather astonished his
people on a Sunday morning by say­
ing: “ 1 think it is time we had a new
prayer. The oid prayers are a good
deal worn and need renewal. Perhaps
a prayer like tills would do: ‘Lord,
keep us from being shabby.’ " Tho
people grim ly smiled, and some of
them looking around the church walls
and at each other, with some mental
glances at church bills over-duo and
contributions never over-large, acted
as if they knew what was meant.
—Statistics s h o w that there are In
Hunnuh at the present moment 502
Baptist churchos, with 28,559 commu­
nicants and about 70,000 udheronts. In
404 schools there aro 12,000 pupils,
and during the year there have been
2,134 baptisms upon a profession of
faith. The report reminds the Chris­
tian public that it is just seventy-five
years since Adonirnm .Tudson, driven
out of Calcutta by the officials of the
East Indian Company, arrived in
Rangoon and established the lirst B;i|>-
tist mission at Burmah.—Christian
Tlio Playful P r a n k s o f a Roy W h o H a d a
Penchant for Reptile».
■fright's IU*ea«e l u r e d .
O u ly O ne o f I t s R in d .
t h e >| | si «V.
About two y* urs a*fo our daughter had eon*! By •eclair as much as you can o f the w o riJ but
Indians, among other distinct features, i
o f the k id n e y s w h ich d ev elo p ed In to ere you -et our eith er as a tou rist, co m m ercia l !
the proud po&aet&or of the only successfu ! geatlou
tra veler o r em igran t— w heth er you yu by r a il,,
B righ t's b is ii?*-
H er’ b->dy was sw ollen to
skunk ranch in the world. I f there are aii\ enorm ous siz*— m cri-uring 4 • inches around steam ship<am boat, p ro v id e you rself w ith
H o s te tte rs Stomach bitters, w hich the tra v e lin g !
other skunk ranches now on a paying basis 1
p h ysician s l-ud t m t u up her case, 1 d eterm in ed p u b lic recognizes as the tiuest m e d ica l safeguard
have not yet visited them. The domestics to
h ave her try l)r. K en n ed y's " F a v o r it e R e m ­ and p r e v e n tiv e o f -«-a sickness w ith w h ich au y
tion of this little rhododendron has so far e d y ,” t f Rondout. \. V. G radu ally the sw ell- one jo u r n e y in g by land or w ater can be p r o v id ­
It fu rn ish es to the western plot err adequate
been left to Air. Joseph Lininger, near Hunt­ lu g was reduced from 4-. to 21» inches. She b e­ ed.
to jraiu ?trenj;th# and wus able to walk p rotectio n uuninst m alaria, rheum atism and
ington. He has a ranch there of this kind, and gan
w ith o u t fatigu e. We do not kn ow h ow to e x ­ those disorders o f the bow els w h ich m iasm a
goes into society very little indeed, 1 am told. press our gratitu de fo r w hat it lias •Jone tor our tainted W'ater beget. Its sedative effect upon the
stom ach perturbed by the ro ck in g o f a “ h ip Is
Few go to see him, and his groceries are ch ild . We are con fiden t th»- F a vo rite R em edy tru
ly m a g ica l, and it i* a capital apetlz. r and
ill d o all that is cla im e d fo r i t —su rely God
handed over the fence to him by means of a w
has blessed it in this ease, and w • earn estly n eve in vigo ra tor. E x cellen t is it fo r billiou s-
Ashing pole.
recom m en d it to all su fferin g from k id n o y d is ­ uess and k id n ey In action , and it counteracts, in
a rc m arkable degree, the effects o f fatigu e, p h y ­
Skunks are most prized
their fur and orders— S. I». Van Ruskirk. Demurest, N. V.
D k . K e n n e d y ' s F a v o r it e R e m e d y , m ade at sica l o r m ental. A fte r w ettin g and exposu re in
also their o il The oil is not used on salad, a.« Rondou
In clem en t w eather, It should be used as a pre­
t. X. V #1; •) fo r
many suppose, but as » remedy for croup
Send for book, h ow to cure K id n e y , L iv e r and ven tive.
Skunk’s oil is worth ten cents an ounce, and Blood disorders.
C red ito rs h ave b etter m e m o ries than debtors.
the contest between a tabiespoouful of it and
a case of croup is said to be entirely one sided.
W h ite Elephant o f Siam, Lion of E n g ­
I f you w o u ld h a v e y o u r buaineaa done, g o ; if
Mr. Lininger began with fourteen o f these not, send.
land, Dragon of China, Cretin o f Switzer,
land, Banuer o f Pert-ii, CVescent o f Egypt-
animals. He now has several hundred of
I n It a n y W o n d e r
Double E agle of Russia, Star of Chili, Tlie
them, and can buy any of the adjoining
o f Japan, Harp o f Erin.
farms at his own price.
a ll o th er blood a m i liv e r m edicin es,
T o g e t these buy a box o f the genuine
Last summer he used to go to church at outsell-»
sin ce it possesses such su p erio r c u ra tiv e p rop e r­ D r . C. M e L a n e s C e l e b r a t e d
L iv e r
Huntington every Sunday morning, but this ties as to w a rra n t itH m a n u fa ctu rers in su pply­ P i l l s , price '¿b cents, aud mail us the out­
year the church is paying him $5 a week to in g it to the people (as th e y a re doin g, throu gh side wrapper w ith your address, plainly
d ru g gists) u n d er con d ition s such as no o th er
pray in secret.
W e w ill
m e d icin e is sold under, v iz : th a t it m ust eith er w ritten, and 4 cents in stamps.
The skunk is said to possess strong affection ben efit o r cu re the patien t, o r t h o m o n ey paid then mail you the a ^ n e ’Ist with an ele­
for the human being, but in most instances it fo r it w ill be p ro m p tly retu rned . It cu res a ll gant package of oleograpbic and chro­
is not returned. The skunk resembles the diseases a ris in g from d era n g ed liv e r , o r from matic cards.
im p u re blood, as biliousness, “ iiv e r JO iu pLin t,”
F l e m in g B r o s ., P i t t s b u r g , P a .
elephant tn one respect, viz., because ho can a ll skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheu m , tetter. \
not climb a tree.
scrofulou s sores and s w ellin gs, fever-sores, hip-
K e e p th y shop, and th y sh op w ill keep th e e I
Mr Lininger says this little animal doe? jo in t disease and k in dred ailm ents.
not require much food, and even that little is
$£0u R e w a r d f o r a n iocm rab le c o m o f c h r o n ic '
C O N S U M P T IO N C U K K I).
of the very plainest kind. And yet he is an N a sa l C atarrh o ffe re d by the m a n u fa ctu rers o f
A n o ld p h ysic ia n , retired from practice, b a v
Dr. Sage s C a ta rrh R e m e d y . 50 cents, by d r u g ­
offal eater after all.
in g bad placed In his hands by an East In dia
The sac which supplies the little heliotrope
m ission a ry the fo rm u la o f a sim p le vegetable
with his all pervading scentiments may be
rem edy for the
ie speedy
aud perm anent cure of
What maintains one vice would bring up C on su m ption, i, B
ron ch itis,
Catarrh, Asthm a,
easily removed, says Mr. Lininger, and then
two child en.
and a ll T h roa •t
t and L u n g A ffectio n s, also a posi
the animal is as harmless and even more de
tiv e and ra d ical cu re fo r N ervou s D e b ility au*i
voted than the common house cat. Possibly A L W A Y S K . E E P T H E U P P E R H A N D I a ll N ervou s C o m p lain ts, a fter h a v in g tested it*
w on d erfu l cu ra tive pow ers lu thousands oi
that may lead to the general adoption of this
O F D IS E A S E .
casus, has fe lt it his duty to m ake it k n ow n tc
animal as a house pet some day, and along
Changes o f temperature are apt to cause his su fferin g fello w s. A ctu ated by this m otiv*
with the «tin gle « bulldog our bouses will be
am i a desire to re lieve hum an S ufferin g, ] w il
dangerous sickness; in the full-blooded i send free o f charge, to all w ho desire it. this re
filled with delight. Then the New York land
cipe, in G erm an, French o r E n glish , w ith fu ll
lord who cannot let us have a house if we are
d irection s for p rep a rin g and using.
Seut by
injudicious enough to be parents and publicly a pain in the bead, feel dizzy, feverish, j m a ll by addressing w ith stam p, n am in g t h b
admit it can let his high stoop brown stone rheumatic or sick at the stomach, take at | paper, W . A. N o y e s , 11*9 P ow e rs Block, Kochcx
1er, y . r .
front to a poodle dog infirmary or a skunk once three to ten of B r a n d r k t u ’ s P i l l s , j
aquarium, and thank heaven that he is uot Such slivht. affections are only the barb - 1
W h e n th e w e ll is d r y th e y k n ow th e w orth ot
encouraging American children in our great ingers of disease or sudden prostration, w ater.
and the th in g to do is to m aster the
metropolis.—Bill Nye in New York World.
('o m m m p t lo n S u rely C u red .
trouble at once. N e ve r let a little sick­
_rmtenrrj'T.Tie or tno street cars lr. ness get (lie better of yon. D rive it out of
T o t h b E d it o r :— P lease in fo rm you r reader*
im m ediately. L e t there be no com ­ that I h ave a p o s itiv e rem edy fo r the above
Valparaiso, the stranger first gazes all doors
promise, al ways navo w ith you a box o f I nam ed disease. By its tim e ly use thousand*
around for the conductor, and then s B r a n d r e t h ’ s P i l l s , and you are prepared o f hopeless cases h a v e been p erm a n en tly cured.
I shall tie gla d to send tw o bottles o f m y rem e­
look of surprise steals over his face a; to fight the vvor? t form o f sLkn ess in its j d y f r e e to any o f you r readers w h o h ave co n ­
m p tion if they w ill send m e th eir express
he sees a pretty young woman ooming
down the aisle and collecting tho fares,
The fact is, that in the recent wars ir.
which Chili has been engaged, all oi
the able-bodied men. including the car
conductors, were pressed into serviee.
The conductors’ places had to be sup­
plied by girls. They made themselves
so popular that, although the men
have since been mustered out of ser­
viee. tho girls have continued to hold
their uasitioiiB as conductors.
j t j a c o b s
------- C U B E S --------
C h ic k e n C h o lo r a a n d all
D is e a s e s o f P oultry.
t a - Q E S E R A L D IR E C T 1 0 S 3 .-1 H 1 a piU <4
bread or dough saturated with St. Jacobs OiL f f
the fow l cannot swaUlow force it down the throat-
Mix some corn-meal dough with the Oil. Give
nothing else. They will finally eat and be cured»
Fold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere.
'P R I V A T E
D IS P E N S A R Y .
T H IR D ftfB M IV i
O rego n .
Is the ouly Private Dl*-
pt-nsaiy in Portland or on
the Northwest
where patients are sucoeaa-
fully treated for all NKRV-
youiqf or old, single or
mai rit d, such as
Nerious debility, seminal
losses, failing memary.
syphilitic eruptions, ef­
fects of mercury, kidney
aud bladder troubles, gon­
orrhea, gleet, stricture etc.
C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E .
M. Graham ’s D ep ila to ry
f l l i l l I iiu L lU i Paste is gu ran teed t o r e -
m o ve fia ir and ch eck its grow th , fl.58 b y
m ail. Send 2c stam p fo r book “ H o w to be
B eau tifu l,” M rs . G e h v a ih k G r a h a m , “ B eau ty
Doctor,” 21 P o w e ll St.. Sau Francisco.
R e w a r d —I f you h ave an O ld Sore that n eed*
u a lin g , and thut oth er rem edies h ave fa iled h*
le a l; o r a brea k in g o a t or itc h in g o f the scalp*
>r b ody; or a B o il, Burn, Cut, or auy a ilm en t fo r
w hich a Salve is su itable, buy a 25-cent b o x o f
M e x i c a n N a i v e , w hich is
W arranted to-
Cure w hen e v e ry th in g else fails. I f n ot kept b y
your dru ggist send 25 cents ia stam ps to J. C .
D e m e n t , A gt., A storia, Or., and re c e iv e a b o x
by m a il._____________________________________________
R K A illC H . F K A N K *
1 I L lfflV A I . U A ( H .
G abler, Roenlah
1&UOZ; Burdott Organs, band Instrumenta. Largì
cok of Sheet Music and Books. Bands rapi
astern Prior*
M ATTR1AB G R A Y Ot*.. i
ftw t, Han tfrwii*tooc
I prescribe and fu lly en
dorse Big CJ as the only
specific for the certain cure
o f this disease.
G. H . IN’ G R A I I A M. M D ,
Am sterdam , N. Y.
W e h ave sold Big C3 for
m an y years, and .t has
;iven the best o f satls-
Chicago, III.
S I . 0 0 . Bold by Druggists.
and postofflee address. R es p ectfu lly,
T. A. SLOCUM. M. C., 181 l’earl st.N ew York.
I ’o u g liN . ''B ro w n 's Bronchial Troches" a re !
used w ith a d v a n ta g e to a lle v ia t e Coughs, Sore j
T h ro a t, Hoarseness, and H rou cia l A tten tio n *. 1 T h e co u n try is flo o ed w ith p o or im ita tion s o f
Sold only in boxes.
“ Beal o f N o rth C a rolin a P lu g C u t fcm oking
T o b a c c o ."
T r y G f r m h a fo r hrwikfnat.
T u u - W E/OW 7
__ P U R E
Fren ch. Spanish and Ita lia n F ig u re P a in tin g s
(5). F u ll directions to paint,
postpaid. Hpan-
ish Po rtra it Co., 44 W. 23rd St., N e w Y o rk .
A g e n t s w anted.
---------- - i» s » <-------- —
N o w I h a v e a sh eep and a c o w eve ry b o d y
bids m e good m o rn in g.
ir M u fW r e r M F r o m C o n * u tn p tIo n .
S crofu la , B ron ch it's, a n d G en era l D e b ility w ill
try N c o t t 'M K m i i l n l o n o f C o d L iv e r O il w ilh
H ypoph osph itcs. th e y w ill fin d im m ed ia te r e ­
lie f and perm an ent ben efit. T h e M e d ic a l P ro
fes8ion u n iv ersa lly d e c la re it a rem ed y o f the
g rea test value and very palatab le. R* a d : “ I
h a v e used S cott’s Em ulsion in s ev era l eases o f |
S c ro fu la and D e b ility in Children. Results
m ost gra tify in g . M y little pa tien ts take it w ith
plea su re."—YV. A . H u l h k k t . M .D ..S a lisb u ry. 111.
E x p e r ie n c e keeps a dear sih o o l, bu t fo ols w ill
ea rn in no other.
i ? ösT p e r f e c t
It* superior ttxcellunc«? pruvef m miihunu of homoefoi
more »h vn a Quart r of a century
It la used by the 1
Unite-l Statt-a Government. Endowed by the heads of ,
tiic Groat Universities a the Strongest., Purert ami most
Healthful i)r Price's Cream Bakiog Powder does net
contain A-otuonia, Lime or Al*un. ¡Sold ouly in cans.
PRICE B A K IN G P o W D V R < < >
I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and
then have them return again. I mean a radical cure.
I have made tire disease of kits , k im l k i ^ y or f a l l ­
in g s i t’KNEHH a life-long itudy.
I warrant my remedy
to cure tho worst cases. Because others hav».- fa ile lis
no reason for nut now receiving a cure. Bend at onoe
tor a treatise ami a free In title ot my infallible remedy.
Give Express anti Post Office.
II G. ROOT M. O. 183 Pearl Ht.. New York.
O ld
T im e
H m o ke rw
W h o know a Rood ih in « when th e) see it,
caiinot. he fooled by a poor im m itation of
i he well-know n "Seal o f N orth Carolina"
i ’ lujr Cut Tolweeo.
O r .S P IN N E Y I
finding his patient sufTerinj; from that most common of American maladies—
Bilious Dyspepsia, or, in otlier words, from Torpid Liver, associated with indi­
gestion, advised him to go to the drug store and get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery the world-famed remedy for such ailments.
Golden Medital Discovery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that
jrreat blood-purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood-taints ami impuri­
ties, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the
Kidneys, and other excretory organs, cleansing and strengthening them and
healing their diseases. As an appetizing restorative tonic, it promotes digestion
and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. It is the only
medicine of its class, guaranteed to benefit or cure, in all diseases for which
it is recommended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded.
It is univoiHatly admitted that the
Hear in m in d th a t the genuine "Sea.T’
small boy who 1ms a penchant for routs you no more th a n the m any trashy Dr. Spinney & Co.
N E R V O U Q Debility, Loss o f V igor, Semina
bug's, and insects, and reptiles is tho ¡¡/till ruts that some dealers rarry.
^ W O Losses, Weak Memory, Despou
See that vou i*ot the S al o f North Caro­ dency, &c., due toexe'esses or abuse, cured.
worst variety of boy. There is ono of
lina, Mid you will ainoke no other tobacco. Y O U N G OA P M su ffering from the effects
this sort in Atlanta who is an orna­
¥ V W n u n f ' C l Of liin lfollies or indis­
cretion should ava il them sjlvcs o f onr treatment.
ment to his particular order of small
A positive cure(guaranteed in every case. Syphilis,
Urinary and \ oneroid Piseas. 6 a ll unuatural dis­
boy. Ho spends his afternoons and
charges, prom ptly and safely Cured.
all of his spare lime, of which ho
Copyright, 188«. l>y W o r l d ' s D i s p e n s a r y M e d i c X l A s s o c i a t i o n , Proprietors.
M ID D L E - A C E D M E N ^ f ^ r
seems to have a good supply, in
Kidney* or Bladder, 1\e«k Back, Nervous
Dobllity, W asting o f Sexn..l Strength, etc., cured
foraging in the country for bugs and
•ed to healthy virfbr.
------ to visit ns TDAT I k * treated |
OFFERED for an incurable case o f
lizards. Every morning he takes in
- by correspondence. Meji( ¡net* an»
■ H m n iiiH B n .ik
Catarrh in the Head by
• W # - 1
. instructions
list m et ions t*ent
sent by
by ma:
mail i or express. Consnltatioi
the proprietors of DR. SAGE S CATARRH REMEDY.
his pockets to school the results of his
I roe. Bend 4 cents in stamps for Ihe Young Man *
of nose, discharges
last raid. Monday the specimens of
falling into throat, somethin« profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick,
his insectiferous and reptilian life that
ringing in ears,
Sw ift's Hpecltlo cured me o f Cancer, which wu-
T h e B U Y E R S ’ G U ID E is
deafness, difficulty of clearing throat, expectoration o f offensive matter;
he can fish up from the depths of his hereditary, fo r my rather died o f Cancer. M y case
issued M arch and Sept.,
breath offensive, smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a
resisted a ll other treatme t, ill fact Krew w orse all
trousers pockets are many and varied the tim e. I left o ff all o ilier remedies, and took
each year. I t is an ency­
few of these symptoms likely to be present at once. Thousands o f cases
8. s. which forced out th«* poison until m y system
result in consumption, and end in tin* grave.
clopedia o f useful in for­
and awful to touch and look at. Last B.
whs d e a n s *!, when the Gancer healed, not «veil
soothing, antiseptic, cleansing, and healing properties. Dr. Sage’s Remedy
week the teacher took an inventory of leaving a sign. My health nine«* has been excellent.
cases. Only 50 cents. Sold by druggists everywhere.
M rs . L a u r a E. D k k o a n .
the hugs and boast* found in his pock­
necessities o f life. W e
. Donaon, O i , Sept. 2H, ’sa.
Send fo r Treaiis.* on Cancer an«! Blood Diseases
can olothe you and furnish you w ith
ets, or that escaped therefrom and ter­ mailed
* all the necessary ai*d unnecessary
I>raw er », A tlan ta. Ga.
rified the other children—and tho __________________
appliances to ride, w alk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, w ork, go to church,
teacher. There were several varieties
$75.22 TO 1250.22 tJtoSH i'S :
or stay at home, and in various sizes,
of beetles, pigeons with broken wings, preferred w ho cau furnish a horse and giv e their
styles and quantities. Just figure out
whole tim e to the hualnesa. fhw re moments m ay be
English sparrows, butterflies, devil- profitably
what is requ ired to do all those things
em ployed also. A few vacanclea In towns
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a tair
horses. slugs, hi ails, earthworms, liz­ and cities. 1». V. JO HNSON A C o ., 1009 Maiu St.,
Richmond, V a
estimate o f the value o f tho B U Y E R S ’
ards, a snake or two, and an occa­
> ' B.— Please state age and business experience
G U ID E , which w ill be sent upon
Sever m ind about sending stamp fo r reply, B . F
sional frog, damp and cold. One day J.
receipt o f 10 cents to pay postage,
A Co.
ho slyly opened the flap of his pocket,
M O N T G O M E R Y W A RD & CO.
111-114 M ichigan Avenu e, Chicago, 111.
and then went on in his hard, reso­
lute effort to make his teacher believe
he was studying. After awhile the
•mlth’s Cash Store, 4ia Front 8t.. S. F., Cal.
— A —
largest general dealers west of the Mississippi
teacher noticed a grasshopper hopping
Cuarutttd f s l
River. Dr>- Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Under­
agilely from desk to desk amid tho
to u t J l J
wear; Wall Paper, Stationery; Blankets, Bed­
Ask your Grocer for
titter and a tee-hoe of tho scholars. A
ding; Roots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Dry
b y return mail,
chase was begun, when another grass*
fu ll descriptive
fruits; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass .Grmc.lta
circulars of
hoppe • was seen, then another, and
and Hardware. Meat, Fish, Provisions, Honey,
they were everywhere hopping all
Gralu, Feed, Groceries, Pure Spices, Seeds, Bo-
Lbsoiutely Firs.
over the room and sticking their sharp ant; Drugs, Medecinea; Clocks, Ammunition,
A n y la d y o f ordi- i
feet inti» the little girls’ hair, fright­
nary intelligence
goods at lowest prices for Cash only. Send 2 a
enn eaMl/ an : |
ening them half to death. “ Come •tamp for full list by first mall, and learn how
qu ick ly learn to ;
hero!” shouted the teacher to the ten­ to live cheap and well at small cost; 32 years la
cut end m a’.o J
a n y garm ent, in
der lover of insects, as she reached for bastne*. v nstomers In every Connty weal ed
a n y style to any j
a ferrule, "tiivo me your hand, sir." Ike Rocky Mountains, and many elsewheea
measure for lady j
-4 o r child. Addrtn*
The naturalist held on his hand as if
* MOOOY & GO..
he was a nm tv;* to seiei ee. The teach­
*__ Cincinnati, 0.
er was about to seize it when she
caught sight of two gi con eyes that
flashed ai her from the boy’s hand and
These twin dtót'aBes cause untoM s«ifTerlng. .
a sharp forked tongue that seemed to
Palnv s o t- r y Compound has iw n a God-
M a n u factu red from I'lN K S T SPI
STEEL, Doctors admit that they are difficult to cure- ! ”” Dd to me. For th.' past two years I have suf.
dart into her face. The boy had a
K u fib er Coated.
iu * «1 -nt in C overed.
with neuralffta oi the h. art, doctor after
sodo their patten-s. Paine’s
snake coiled around his arm. He was
, di.-rorfallinfftoiiire me. I have now taken
C< lery compound h:ta per­ | neatly four bottles ot the o impound, and am
not ferruled and the teacher has not felt
----- MAS UREM -----
manently cured the worst I tree from the romplalnt. t feel vety frratetul
\ •
IB as. H. Lswts. Central village, Ct.
woil since. At.anla Journal.
cases of rheumatism and , to you,
AAT\ ?rg
l i J j I f i f I I I M aX»“rt¡£wSW?!£5 .
Curious Coincidence.
----- BY —
|fo poeket> o r N 't iro n * requ ired.
that ” E V E R K i v : • N
o f ea rn S- av.
••Waiting to see sonic one?” he asked
of a young man who was standing on
A re ma«it* o f th** sam e m a te ria l, w ith elastic
At the New Rwtiding, cor First and Alder Sis.
one of tin* porticoes of the city hah the
other day.
tenders, and take no other.
••Yes. ’ *
" a sre now prepareti to «lo all k in d « >f K lertro
H K O f i \ .1 M E T Z N K K \ g e n t « .
and Stt-r**«» w ork In first c l « * » style at reM'ouaMe
••Si’ iu I
What are you after?”
5.1.1 M a r k e t s t r e e t , * . F .
Kentern ber. w e ha>«* the o n ly fou ndry
••I'm after a marriage license and o f th i* kind in the Xoethweat. W e miarante-
F l R M H i ' I M ' M ! N l *W \
.- \ • •.
•11 work t- he perfect. **en«l us tria l order.
want to see the county clerk.”
l F appl ed w t h 1‘ upiis.
Appi\ t t »l.''N I .\ l.
A G K V Y. 1 M illiter ft.. I <*••.» • V
••And I’ m after a divorce and want
to see a lawyer. 8 oj, it’ * a curious co­
C om plete P r i n t e r * ' W a r r h o u t r ,
w l o W * a dn.> . ra ;m
* »
• it . li
a Q > R M
Portland, Oregon.
incidence, ain’ t it? loot’ s go ami take
w e v
^ ;ite
M r *-w » t e r
M a fr l)
K « in
a drink.” — Detroit Free Proas*
N. r. H T No. M
A I . N. U. Ma M i H o l d e r < a .. H o i h . M i r l ) .
neuralgia—so say those w ho
have usasi it.
•• Having been trouble*!
with rheumatism at the knee
and foot for five years, i
almost unable to get around,
and was ven often confined
to my bed for w*-eks at a
rime. 1 used only one bot­
tle of Paine’s celery com­
pound. and was perfectly
cured. I can now jump
around, and feel as Urely
a b»jy.** F i u m i C aroli .
Eureka. Nevada.
Sii for |s so. Druggists,
testimonial paper free.
Wxus. Rica arhsow go o .Prop«..Burlington vt.
dia mo so ores
Celery Compound
•I have been greatly afflicted with acute
rhcumatLsm. and could find no roller until r
»is»*d p lines <viery Compound. After uslnf*
six bottles o f this medicine I am now cured of
rheumatic trouble*"
SAMriL IlrTCHWsoj». f*o. Cornish. N. H.
E ffe c ts L a s t i n g C u res.
Paine s O lery O onpoad has performed many
other euros as marvelous as these.—copies of
letters sent to any addro«. Pleasant to take,
does not disturb, but aid« dSgvatJon. and entire­
ly vegetable; a child can take it. What's the
use of «uttering longer with rheumatism or
I **• **“2% ?