M I“ EU.ASHOUS. ills« KLt.At.tOt s. I low to M fikf I co. The insane confined in the asylum at fair Jiffersi n, III., wi re inhumanly treated land of sunshine, seldom feel the effect of and cruelly punished by the employes, As the rippling streams i f our winter, ice is a rare commodity here and and in order to find out the facts in the the following recipe for its manufacture ease, a reporter feigned insanity for the I may prove valuable: “ Take a tail cylin­ pur|saso of gaining admittance, where he THE OREGON LA N D CO., MOOli E BHOS., of Salem, Oregon, HIATT A HOBSON, Editors aud Prop's, drical jar—which of necessity must he witnessed the most revolting and cruel —.. . + .... * THE DRUGGISTS, Coil'into it an ounce und- treatment of the unfortunate tienigli w ho had been placed there. One poor man issi. three-quarters of water and three and one- was fairly kicked to death by three brutes third ounces of Ilio sulphuric uei I of com employed as attendants, aud ti|ion the N K A YU K IIG , AprlcutH. muren. Then a- ration, and toreceoininend the adoption o f such measures as lie may deem expo- silent and proper, and to make such spec- id communications to the Council from time to time as he may .think proper and useful. Sec. 2. The Mayor shall take and ap­ prove ull ollicial undertakings which the ordinances of this town may require any ollicer to give as security for a faithful performance of his contract or any under­ taking which may lie required of any con­ tractor for the faithful performance of Ids duty, and when he approves such under­ taking, he must immediately file the «sumo with the Heeorder, except the un­ dertaking of the Recorder, of which he shall ho the custodian. Sec. ¡1. lie shall preform such other duties and exorcise such other authority as may lie prescribed bv the charter, any ordinance nr any law of the I'nited States nr ol this State. See. 4. No ordinanco passed by the C Hindi shall go into force or he of any elfiH-t until approved hv the mayor. Kxeept as provided by Sec's, six (11) and seven (7). Sec. 5. C|»m I he passage of unv ordi­ nance, the enrobed mpv thereof, attested liy the Recorder shall b> submitted to tho Mayor by the Recorder, and if the Mayor approves thesamo bo sball write u|>oti it “ Approved,” with the date there of and 1 1 ;n it with bis name and ollli-e, and thereupon nnUss otherwise provided th r in sueli ordinance shall Is-i-ome a law and lie of force and elVi-et. See.II. If the Mayor dot's not up pro ve of an ordinance so submitted, he must w ith­ in ten «lavs from the receipt thereof, re­ turn "lie same to the Recorder with hi- reasons for not approving it ; and if the Mayor does not so return it, such ordi­ nance shall become a law ua if iHtlindap- ptoved it. Sec. 7. Upon tin* first meeting of the Council after tho return ut an ordinance from tlio Mayor not approvisi, the Re- <*order shall deliver the same totlieComi- «•¡I w’tli the message of the Mayor, wlib-li must Is* read ; and M ie li ordinance shall then Is* put U|H.n its passage again, and if two-thirds of all the mem!s*rs constitu­ ting the Council, as provid'd by law, vote in the aftliMialive it shall Issami« a law without tire approval of Hie Mayor ami not otherwise. Approved May ‘.’fi, isso. F. A. M orris , Mayor. J. T. S m ith , Rec«>ri!or. "Down in Florida the other day a fam­ ily lost a i Ini I which they sttp|*>sc I lord strayed away and got lost. After a search in vaio for thr«*o «lavs the frantic parents I ait an inlverlisoincnt in the nearest n«*ws- paper. Imagine the surprise of the parents on going to the door Hie next morning, to see a monster alligator on tiro iloor-step, where In* had disgorged the child alive and then die t Inni-eli The a«l cost 25cents nn«l it gave them Kick their child; they sold Hie alligator’s lii«ie for f’J'i, an 1 tho parents are now allowing the child in adirne mnsiitm at CVi a week. Ikxwiadvertising p ii ? Well p in the ¡»u Water.” —Lx. The small boy is a terror when lie lias ail inquiring mind. Such a boy strolled into the editor’s room tiie other day, and at once proceeded to down the patient man at Hie desk. “ Are you on the paper?” asked the boy. “ Yes ,’ “ Whatdo yon do?’, “ Write for it.” “ Write all the time?” “ Yes.” “ Don’t do anything else?” “ No.” "Just wait for somebody to do some­ thing, and then write about it?” “ Yus." “ Um !” ejaculated tho small boy, with a look of deep disgust, as lie walked olT The toiler at the desk did not laugh. Never before bad lie felt so small and mean. He bad Isjen mado to sec him­ self from a new and original point of view.— Atlantic Constitution. A single line says the University of Michigan lias more students than any other. A comprehensive fact, stated in the briefest words Implies a great deal that cannot well ha un Ieraton l by one only recently on tho stage of life. The build­ ing up of universities in America is un­ precedented among the nations, and sig­ nifies a great deal in tho progress of our nation. Fifty years ago there were hut a very few great colleges, an 1 none o f them were for women. Now we find in the West institutions of learning that excel anything existing in tho Mast only so far hack as before the war. Here, on tlr* l’aciiic, good schools and collegesuliotiii 1 and eed of IS1., knobs was developed, and the vessel worked like a charm. The officer» ill barge expressed themselves well pleased w ith our new cruiser and are confident that the It) knots an hour required by the iioverinncnt will l>e made at her nex' trial. Tho Churlston was built at the Mare Islanil navy yards and is Hie first of the kind I milt on Hie Pacific coast.—Kx. F u ll Lin e o f S p rin g Goods. A g r ic u lt u r a l Im plem ents, W a g o n s, Cutting aud Fitting Promptly Done B u g g ie s, Prices Reasonable. P u m p s, etc. Call and See Us. M a in S t ., In J. T. Sm ith's B u ild in g , N e w - berg, O regon. SAMUEL HOBSON A Hush light signal for the rear of trains is being tested in England. It shows u fixed light for stationary trains and al­ ternate flashes of r«*«l and white when the train is in motion, so arranged as to show whether the train in goin g forward or backward. An experienced eye can toll Ihe speed of (lie train by the rapidity of [ Hie Hashes. Tho lights are worked hv tho w heels.— Kx. There is one kind « f sei'd that never fails to ruin' a crop. It don’t have to Is* tested nor w arrotiteli nor guaranteed, and it never fails. It is the improved, Largì* Late lofz Seed, sown by Congressmen among their constituents.— Kx. P. M. CHRISTENSON. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. A to Oriier. JUST RECEIVED Photographer Agent for Oregon Casket Co. Portrait & Landscape NEWBERO, N E W B L llG OREGON. S A W M IL L ! I am now prepared to furnish ALL jit KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL my mill, J miles west of Newberg. 1-4 Also I can deliver the same in Newberg or on board the cars at Dundee at a very low rate. Call cn me before m aking your purchases and by so doing patronize home industries. JESSE HOBSON. ll-,V19f. J. B. MOUNT, Proprietor. ZEUTJL j IL i L I N E GOODS, which we oiler to the public at reasonable prices and in the most fashion­ able style. Portraits enlarged to life size and finished in Crayon India Ink or Water Colors, Hesse call and examine our goods before R oom o v e r M oore B ros ., D rug S t o r e . purchasing. Rooms opposite Moore Brother's Brug Store. NEW BERG, OREGON. ItE E S & J U D D . «X . A X . C A M C . M A R IS , P B E L L , . TONSORAL ARTIST, HARNESSMAKER. S havin g, lla ir c u t tin g All and Shampooing, kinds of repairing neatly and promptly done. Single anil double harness made to order. Satis­ faction guaranteed. done in the latest and most fashiona­ ble style of the art. FINEST CIGARS IN THE CIT Y. J. A . C A M P B E L L . N e w b e rg , Or. P r ic e « R easonable. In Morris, Miles A Company’s building, N e w b e r g , .................. O r e g o n . NEWBERG GRAPHIC. SEND IT TO YO U R EASTERN FRIENDS. O B 1— COOK STOVES, HARDW ARE. HEATING STOVES, TIN W A R E , WINDOW GLASS, and every other aitielo usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. If Eastern |H*opU* knew a hat a country ---------O -------- we hive here in t fregón— w hai great min- While it is qiiito generai!)’ coneeiletl ■ral resources, ri«'li agricultural lumls anil tliat posts set in thè ground upsido down a climate uiiMirp; ss >«l hv any conn-j will last lunch longcr thnn iti thè reverso try in the world, there would Is* a rush 1 position, thè wliv and wherefore of it bus for this slut«*, not of poor immigrants, but boon a mystery witli tlu* generai ptiblle. of men with capital w h*> could realize a I lio reason is this : The pores of thè larger isToentuge on money invested lien* wriHil are torcnstrm-tid as to draw ami F A ll K in d s o f K c p a ir in jî Neatly anil Uroinply D ou r. C o lor in than portmps in unv other st it«* in the pu-li thè molature upward« boni thè a n il Sc«* ni\ S t o r k . Union. - Capital .leiirnal. J . II. M O U N T . roots lo tho leuvos and brunches of thè Î tf. tris*.[ami this sanie principio of action Tin* Rev. Dr. Tulmunge hit the snees- 1 causo» Ilio Constant «Irying ont of a p >st tor-worship|«*rs a hard rap in his |.tthv set riverrei}' lo its naturai gruwlh, while speech at tin* Pilgrim dinner in Itrookly n : if set hottouiilown Ilio |s*n*s will con­ “ I always feel sorry," lie said “ for a man stanti)- draw tlu* moisture upward, lima who has so little character himself that eatising its premature «levuy.—Western In* has pot to go hai'k and marshal up Tree Planter. a lot of uncastrul ghosts to make up the deficiency. It is i.o great credit to a fool Resi «*omes onlv tu tliose w ho walk in that lie had a w ise grandfather." A man thè patii of olvilietnv. Tlu* patii may I h * J is not res|«onsihle for his ancestors, uml futi of tliorns; it may lead ìnto thiekewt { wo su*|ie< t that some «>f the ancestors of ilurkncss where sufTering is otir tot, where the Sons of Pilgrims woulii not 1 1 * wholly inmi.oerablediiticsof un uncongental kind satisfied with tiieir «hvomlonts.—N. Y. are t«* Is* preformivi ; or it may I h * sui ti n Worlil. tulli as Abraham mas rullcd to tnke. going feriti not knowing whiilier Re it Women in tin* west <>nd of Loudon go so. \s it was witli thè patriarci), evrry ulswit armed with small sipiirt guns tilled step of thè will prove • sweet re«t. This with dirty water, with which they slyly i< thè rest of (aith. Going forti) thns thè soil the ats or «Iressi's of |vrsons w hen stiri aliali no more go down. With nn- they pass. Then they meet the persons faltering stop», motinting thè sto|*s of Ufo and with elaborate ls>ws, beg pardon for teward thè final goal, we shall at last en- «'ailing attention to the fact that Hi«' «lress or is>at is solsshcil, and MTer to ter tliat porieot rest w hieli "remaineth to to U h * piviple ol vìod.” I’*ut even in hea- wipoit«*tr with a clean white apron. voti tlierv shall not ho inactivity nor sol- Nine tint 's oat of ten the trick brings a fisti enjovment, nor complete re velai ion generous tip.— Ex. It sitali Is* onward, upward in thesong " l i e Is one eighth (esthetic atnl seven- of tinse who "resi not day nor night" in eiglitha «lamplioiil,*' is the opinion of La Ilio •vaseli -■* di-rloHiiro of infinite love, in Lantern, tin* French daily paper,of (bear thè ever-inereasing gl >ry of lite beautiful Wililc.—Ex. i ¡eli.- Ex. l-ii. Several hundred copies now go east of the Reeky Mountains, and more copies to go . ------- O------- THE GRAPHIC I Make a Specialty of Tinning and Plumbing in all its Branches. -o- Is the best possible Advertising A g e n t . PIONEER Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Job work cards , LE TTE R 'H E AD S, B ILL.H EAD S. C A P STATEMENTS, Double and Single Turnouts Kept Constantly on Hand. Board and Transient Stock Carefully Oared For. SMITH BROS. M IL L IX K K Y ! H ats, trim m ed and nntriinm cd, T I S T . SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. ------- O------- — afV A R N kw herg , O regon , and opened for the trade, a full and well selected stock of UN l)M [¡TA K E R . 'earn. Today how changed ; transcontinental linos of rail connect Ihe oceans, and the merchant of the Pacific sea transacts a daily business witli tho bank of England. —Uorvallis Times. list of farming and fruit lands. Since the wfcck of the Great Republic, no disaster on the Pacific « oast has car­ ried sorrow to so many homes as the loss i-.». of the AlasKun. Nearly ull of the crew were well known in Portland and Astoria FU RNITU RE, J. D. TARRANT. E. C. TA Ult AKT. ami many of those reported lost were BEDS, married men. It is conjectured by nau­ BEDDING tical men that the Alaskan hugged the AND STYLES. SETS LATEST OF TH E BEDROOM land too closely thereby gitting into heavy, chop seas. It certainly l«x»ks as PROPRIETORS OF TH E if a vessel like the Alaskan might live even in such a heavy gale us she encount­ ered, «1 she had had plenty of sea room, STOVES, TIN W ARE, but of course this is looking at the matter NAILS, from shore. It must have been a terrible BOLTS, i!X|H*rienee; out in the darkness, buttling SAWS, with wind and wave ’ liroiigliout that fear­ AXES, ful night, and at last to feel Ihe vessel RAKES Ac- settling down into the depths of the sea. Let Live.” My terms are reason iblc—My motto is “ Live and bandsmen cannot realise the fury of a tempest on ihe ocean, nor can anyone W e G u aran tee Satisfaction to our Customers. C a ll an d see us. imagine the sufferings of the men who took to the boats and were tossed for 118 NEW BERG, OREGON. hours on a wild, tem|iestuous sea. Noth­ ing of the two missing boats with their 8. E. SMITH. S. J. HOSKINS. loud has lieen heard, and it is now a B . H A W O R T H , P ro p NKW BFKG OK. S M IT H & IIO S K IN S , certainty that they have been swallowed Dealer in up by a mad sea.—Hotel Vdvertiser. A hailstorm which swept across New Hanover County, N. ( ’., the other «lay, was the severest on reeoril. The liail- stones wa re of enormous si7.e anil fell in At tliis timo the Pacific coart i-i at­ sheets. Many were as large us hen’s tracting more attentimf than any oilier «'ggs. Much damage was done, hut the section of this vast continent. The man­ stringed fact of all was the killing of ufacturer, the inec' anh-, the lumberman, Benjamin Moore, a young colored man, tho farmer, the fisherman uml Hu* cap­ by the hail. Moore was caught in the italist all look will, longing eves to the storm in thesuls'rhs of Wilmington, and Pacific slope, an i are eager to obtain re­ was lieaton by Ihe enormous hailstones liable information of our elimuto, re- until lie was completely exhausted, lie sonrses, advantages, and future prospects. was discovered after the storm lying help- Until recently the trip across the conti­ less on Hie ground, lie was bleeding at nent was lalrorous and tcdimis, and only the mouth ami nose and his eonilition stur.lv pioneers nr lire gold lim iter, , ; was so alarming that a | hvsiiian was lured face the dangers or sought lo endure « nl for hut bt'iore heariived Moore was Ihe plications and hardships incident to lead.—Harlan County Neb.) Times. the overland trail by mule or ox tho choicest residence lots in the city of DEALERS IN fruit is as large as the average of Californ­ ice, whilst the outer ingredients can lie used a second or even a third time to pro- ia when ripe. The apricot is a valuable ' «luce hither blocks of ice by pouring more fruit for canning purposes, and brings a fresh water into the receptable. Work in high price in the market. Why not get a cool place. If greater bulk of ice is wanted increase the mixture in the same the benefit of it. proportion.” —Pioneer. # • roSTEIEBlLLS, AC.,’AC. Done on Short Notice. l&~\ r*r..ptly ar«l neatly execute«! .JgCJ HIATT & HOBSON Proprietors. Editors and Props. i