I NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A U V E R T IN IX à One Column H alf Column Professional Curds H A T E »: .Twenty Dollars Ten Dollars .One Dollar NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC «1 11*4 K I I » H O > One Y ear •^ix Months Three Months. VOL. 1. THE PACIFIC COAST. BORING FOR W A T E R A N D GAS IN CALIFORNIA. » Two Dollars One Dollar Filly Cents M ubfirription P r ie e P a y a b le I n v a r i­ a b ly lu A d vau ee. H ead in g X o tire n w ill lie in*e»te<| at th e ra te o f T e n eentn per L iu « , Advertising Bills Collected Monthly. K A TE * I'O U KM VV I L A S M K S . NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1889. EASTERN ITEMS. King Alexander to bs Crowned In June —Emperor William G ves Audience AN AM ERICN B R EW ER Y SYNDICATE to the Cb nese Minister. ORGANIZED. HONK AS» FA UN. The Care of Horses Feed for Breeding Sow s—Fruit Culture—Handsome Picture Frames- Notes. PORTLAND MARKET. NO. 25. OUR THE CHERRY A N D STR AW BERRY CROP DAM AGED BY RAINS. AWFUL P U N G E N T ____ PARAGRAPHS. FIGHTER. t ___„ . . . _ A T r u e S to ry o f W liy H e J o in e d W h y H e L e ft Ce. a Address, G raph ic , Newberg, Oregon. Us . «a | It having become noised about that we were going to make a horseback trip through a portion of the cattle country, various indi- ruluak made application» for situation« We needed oniy a cook and a man to take charge — “ W h o are the fools of human This is an easy If tha , *a C e - were. W h o are iho wise? it *ould be a poser.— Boston Courier. j — SoarandHop (g ran d iloqu en tly) — ..y es; u t„ do r h r _ H on e»ty is ^ ^ af, ep aU>.. Frankloy— W hy don’ t you have it renewed? ’— Time. — T h e drama is g ettin g more and more realistic. Real babies, real water, real burglars, are among the advertised realities. \Ve have hopes of a future play with real actors. — Baltimore American. — “ W hat is the future of Irela n d ? " exclaimed the Senator, in earnest tones. "Ir e la n d ." said the new school ma'am .'¡ilmly. “ has no future; it is a noun."— Burdette. — As the warm er w eather eomes on, metals begin to expand. A ten-doUar gold piece reaches a great deal further when the gas man and the coal-man have relaxed their g rip .— Puck. — Clem entine— “ If I had known you married me only for my money l would never have accepted you.” Montague — “ And if I'd known you were goin g to bo so close with it I would never have pro po sod.” — Life. — Miss Backbite (w h o has been dir- cussing several of her friends' mis- deed s)— “ N ow , you know, I never re­ peat scandals---- Mrs. Candor — "N o , my dear. I ’ ve hoard you invent them.” — Philadelphia Press. — Picture Dealer (e x h ib itin g a paint­ in g ) - ‘ ’That. sir, is a genuine T u rn er.” Purchaser— “ Yes, I see. You have to turn it around a good many times be­ fore you can make out what it is ."—• America. April and May are the best months for The Shah of Persia has started for St A Meeting o f the Democratic National ; hatching. Wheat Remains Dull and Inactive - The Steamer Alaskan Goes to Pieces Petersburg. Committee—Woman's Amateur Fruit» and Vegetables Meet With Cooked rice, fed cold, is good for diar- The rejKirt of the capture of Khartoum Off Cape Blanco—The Rights of of the baggage, hut the applicants kept com­ W alking Match—Chinese Ready Sal« at Good Pr1 :es rlnea in chickens. by the Egyptians is untrue. ing, amt the day before we left a chap ap­ Sheriffs—Steamer Launched Tneater in Chicago. —W ool Very Dull. peared who introduced himself as Aw ful Don’t feed sulphur to young chickens The Greek Government is concluding —Silver Discoveries Davis j — it produces leg weakness. a loan of £5,000,000 in London. “ Ixiok-a-here, fellers." he began In a busi­ Secretary of War Proctor is in Chicago. The heavy rains during the week have The newer the butter the quicker the The attendance at the Paris Exposition ness way, *‘ l want to be counted in on this T h e Park hotel at Chico is ready for proved detrimental to the abundant crop sale and the higher the price. A Denver Scandinavian Club has 700 thus far has averaged 71,000 daily. Indeed, it's a slight on me that you badn t guests. ! The pigs should lie fed to secure as of strawberries and cherries, but no com­ applied for my services You’d have been in The cash deficiency of the Melliourm members. Santa Rosa has applied for a free mail A Chinese theater opened in Chicago | nearly ah their droppings as possible to plaints are heard from the farmers down a purty pickle to have gone without the un­ Exposition is over a million dollars. delivery. on the 13th. | the manure heap or fields, and not to the the valley. The local merchandise dersigned. " There is no improvement in the mental When asked to explain what peculiar value The eleventh District Fair will be held markets are a trifle dull, and wheat makes his services might have to us he uttered a The protracted drought in Illinois has wa8** streams condition of the Empress of Austria. at Quincy. been broken. Every woman should start a formid- no favorable signs to holders. In gro­ long whistle of surprise and replied The American delegates have arrived The land-jumping trouble at Felton will “ Well, you are innocents, and no mistake! ceries, sugars have advanced i«c , while at Berlin to study the German river be amicably settled. coffees are very firm. Provisions are Who’s going to do your lighting for you!" system. “ eUlth against working butter three times. As the Indians were at peace we didn't ex­ The building of a cannery at » Intario steady at quotations. There is no change pect uny trouble. Cigarettes are gold to ladies in Erie W illiam O’ Brien, M. P., has obtained w ill receive $3500 bonus. i Clover hay, cut up aliout an eighth of in dairy produce and poultry. The wool a writ against Lord Salisbury on a charge confectionery stores. “ Oh! you don't! Bless nie, but what dear, an inch, m ixed with bran, and scalded, Five salions at Santa Cruz paid $1000 of libel. Buffalo Bill with his W ild West show I makes a capital breakfast for the fowls, and hop market continue dull and in­ good little boys! Injuns! Nobody said In­ each for license last week. juns It's the white men you’ve got to look and one that will tell wonderfully on the active. The wheat market is slightly The newest word in London is “ omni- has arrived at Paris. out for You're going among the tuffest lot The (lien Ellen, Sonoma county, [lost boat.” It describes the river steamers egg basket. lower. Former quotations for feed and in the whole world. They are right on the Senator Brown of Georgia is recovering office is a money-order office. and is a success. tight all day aud all night. Any one o f the from a severe illness. j Manure the quince tree more frequently hay are fairly maintained. \Ve quote: The wheelmen have a tournament at gang can turn himself loose and hammer and heavier than any other; keep the An enormous landslide occurred at GROCERIES. The great cycling tournament liegan at i Stockton on the Fourth of July. soil loose with an annual ilressing of Spiesback, Switzerland,destroying cattle, Chicago on the 13th. Sugars, Golden C 6J40. extra C ‘l7„c, Halifax out o f the whole live of you in ten | coal ashes and salt, and give thorough, dry granulated 8 l4c, cnbe, crushed and minutes ’’ Pasadena and Fremio w ill have free de­ villages aud forests. He wanted to go along to do our fighting. The Delaware pear and peach crop j hut shallow cultivation. livery [distal service from July 1st. powdered 8?#c. C offee: Costa Rica 21G Duornovo, Director of Charities, will promises to he large. ( * 22t£c, Rio 22sc, plums 5(37c. as my liver is a leetle torpid and 1 want ex Four cowlioys killed four Zuui Indians last week, and her friends predict great Bank-wrecker Fish has been released wife?” Engaged N iece (from the fall tiie sod can lie turned under and California figs 8c, raisins $1.75(32.25 per ercise." near Wingate, A . T ., last week. The success. from tiie Auburn penitentiary. reseeded with less danger of the weeds box. During the first day’s ride we met but few W e s t)—“ Yes, indeed. I don’ t mind cowboys are in prison. Emperor Francis Joseph has paid D A IR Y PROOl'CB. Cincinnati capitalists will erect a large again appearing. people. Oue o f those ivasan old Indian, lame j b ein g ta lk ed about at a ll.” — N. Y. A man supposed to he H. I.ucas of Crown Prince Rudolph’s debts. They cotton factory at Huntsville, Ala. Handsome picture frames may b e ! Butter. Oregon fanev 20c, dairy 18(5 20c, in the left leg, aud Awi'ul Davis halted the W ee k ly, Oswego, Or., was killed by the cars in only amounted to the trifling sum of party aud observed: The President and party had a cruise in made at home, by gluing ears of rye or common, 12@>fcl5c, Eastern 22c, Califor­ — Father— “ W ell, how did yon come South Portland last week. £480,000. "Gents, did 1 hear any of you tell me to oats, tiny shells, beans or acorns, upon a nia 18@20e. the Chesapeake Bay on the 13th. out on the bean-guessing contest?” lick this copper reptile f” The Fairhaven, a. steamer to run be­ BOOS. Housthohn, Jutland, has the world’s simple wooden foundation. Then coat! Dull boy— “ I guessed there was 1617 Sixteen Congressional districts will be None of us had told him so. tween Tacoma and Bellingham Bay, has biggest electric light. It is of 3,000,000 the frame and ornament with white i Eggs 18c. contested in tiie coming Congress. “ I beg your pardon, gents. 1 want you to beans in the jar, and there was 9.2(H).” been launched at Tacoma. POU LTRY. candle power, and has a range of twenty- | paint. W hen this is thoroughly dry, 1 Chickens $5, broilers $3@4, ducks $10 understand that I’m alius on hand. I’d like Father (s a d ly )— “ I ’m afraid you 'll St. Louis proposes having a six-weeks’ j cover with metal point, either gold or I). L . Hackett, the missing editor of six miles. to git dowu and hummer him for the beuefit never be tit for any th$ng but a weather bronze, and if well arranged the offect j @11 per doz., geese $9, turkeys 20c per lb. electrical exhibition in September. the Napa Reporter, is in St. Louis. His The Roths childs have arranged for a of my liver; but of course Pin under orders." WOOL. will tie most satisfactory. bureau chief.” — Philadelphia Record. mind is evidently unsound. Russian conversion loan of $240,000,000 Samuel C. Wright has lieen appointed I We had pitched camp aud were waiting for Valley 16@17c, Eastern Oregon 10@15c. — A warning: Jay Gould w ill pass in conjunction witli the Disconto supper when a cowboy rode up. The greet­ Young bulls of tiie improved breeds j superintendent of the mint at Carson. The steamer C ity of Salem at Portland HOPS. ings were friendly, aud be got down to have through (o r go through) the city at are sold at a very low figure compared \ has been mulcted in the sum of $2230 for Gesellschaft. N ew York paid for California cherries, with their real value, ami farmers who | Hops 10@16c. a bite with us. He was hardly ou the ground two o’ clock this afternoon, en route to carrying too m any passengers. GRAIN. It cost the English government $170,- last week, $4 to $5 for ten-pound lioxes. before be saw our Awful fighter aud uttered the Southwest. have dairy herds can grade up ttieir Wheat, Valley $1.22la, Eastern Oregon If the citizens w ill e x ­ 183 to keep the royal palaces in order V illard’s object in the Oregon Trans­ a humph! of disgust. The new military post near Atlanta, stock at a very low cost hv securing the $1.15 Oats 30c. hibit a little activity, perhaps they can last year, and $445,005 for royal parks continental Railroad deal is to obtain “ What you got tbar!” he asked. males when they are young. Heifers are Gil., will be known as Fort McPherson. and gardens. FLOUR. get the town nailed down before Mr. control of the Northern Pacific. “ He’s our tighter." high, as they are in greater demand by Standard $4.25, other brands $3.90. There are five banks and six news­ “ Your fighter! Did you briug him along Gould arrives.— T e rre Haute Express. Some of the boulevardiers are wearing those who do not object to paying good Attorney-General Johnson has decided FEED. papers in iqieration in Guthrie, Oklahoma. prices for superior stocK. to fight anybody or anything!” — H usband—“ W ell, love, have you that the Oregon steamers must pay the Eiffel Tower waistcoats, covered with H ay $13@14 per ton, bran $13(314, “ He hired to us to do our lighting, but he's some cold chicken for supper, as von figures of the great tower a couple of Amateur oresmen will hold the annual quarantine tax at San Francisco. m any 1 chop $18(320. shorts $15(316, tiarley $22.50 had no show yet.” I t is com m on practice with inches high. regatta at Pullman, 111., August 8th and promised?” N e w ly -m a d e b rid e — “ Y e «, Grain that was reported to he flat three farmers to delay seeding till the ground @24. “ Well, I ’ll give him a show! Come out o* darling; I bought a beautiful liv e It has been arranged that the young 9th. FRESH MEATS. is settled and frosts are over, when, un­ days ago straightened up under the that, you cowardly kyotei” K ing Alexander of Servia shall be The thirty-fourth session of the South­ less the season be quite wet, the seed chicken, tfnd it has been y e llin g in the Beef, live. 3t*c, dressed, 7c ; mutton, influence of the warm sunshine. The Aw ful was skulking behind the bag- crow ned at the monastery of Zissa in the ern Baptist convention has begun at will not germinate; or, if it start, it is live, 3'vc, dressed 7c ; lambs $2.60 each, gaga He rose up at the command, and the refrigerator for more than two hours, A man named Coroles lost a team anil month of June. Memphis. very liable to lie killed by drought in hogs live 6c, dressed, 7@7J^c; veal 6@ 8c. towboy shouted at him: I trunk it must be cold by this tim e.” — load of goods by trying to smuggle them “ Bill Whoeson, I know ye end 1 owe ye one Instead of encouraging emigration, as A paper at Fort Myers, Fla., publishes June, before the germ has sufficient Low ell Citizen. into M exico at ’Tia Juana, recently. strength to resist it, lienee a failure, Come out here aud earn yer hire!’’ hitherto, the authorities of Ireland are fifteen solid columns of tax sales for one — ' Y es,” said Dumley, proudly, “ I The Northern Pacific will open a road discouraging it, the people are leaving county alone. "Is that you, Jim Phillips!” queried our which early seeding would have avoided. JTfctfihen in J toga C o u n t y , Fennsyl. w asusoldior in the w a ro f the rebellion, Awful as be advanced a step. from Benton to Billing, M. T., which will the country so fast. Guineas do not usually commence vania, who had join tly bought a cow, A meeting of the Democratic National “ Of course it’s me, you yaller cur from the and if I do say it myself, I made a good open a rich section of the Territory. The authorities in Holland have de­ Committee in New York lias been called laying until late, hut after they once quarreled about d iv id in g the milk, one bottom lands!” on e." T h e th rill of adm iration which Seattle is excited over the discovery of creed that women cannot serve on a for June 12th. begin will lay very steadily. Like claim ing that the other owned only the “ Ami you want to flghtt” was about to start through the party galena silver ledges on the line of the School Board. In Sweden it has been turkeys, they prefer to hide out their “ front h a lf’ of the animal. Subse­ “ 1 want to show these 'ere gents that you John Allen and E. H. Platt are going nests, and will need to be looked after if was suddenly stopped by Featherly, Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern railroad. decided that they can. ir ’ the biggest liar and cow ard in America I to ride on horseback from New Y ork to the eggs are secured fresh. As with quently the ow ner of the rear half was who said musingly: “ L et me see, Come out here I” Ten thousand weavers employed in the San Francisco. CharleB Shoemaker was killed by turkeys, ducks and geese, the first eggs lifted by the cow ’ s horns, and he “ Gents, is it your wish that 1 projuce a Dumley, it was in ’ 64. wasn’ t it, that Michael Lauroona, who was carelessly cotton factories at Thizv, Department of The amount of wheat stored in Westorn should he set under hens. More eggs wanted damages of the "fr o n t” part­ funeral here!” asked the Awful as he turned 1 you s ere d ra fte d ? ” — E poch. handling a pistol at Sacramento last Rhone, are on a strike. It is feared the elevators is less by 13,000,000 bushels and more tioultry will lie secured if this ner. to us; “ shall i bang his feechurs into one strike w ill extend to Lyons. week. — Junes (to Brown who hud just plan is followed. — In Evansville, Ind., recently, dur­ bloody mass—kill him deader'u a beef bone than last year. T. P. O ’Connor says that the Prince of dropped in to borrow a fiv e r )— “ W ell, The farmers are now surveying the with oue blow!” ing the progress of a d ivorce suit, in The Michigan Legislature has refused field after the deluge of rain, and they Wales never pays a tailor hill. The The Delaware gra[ie succeeds in nearly I 11 do it this time, but I wonder you We answered that it was. think the benefit is greatly in excess of advertisement his patronage affords is all to pass a hill providing for the inspection all sections, hut is not as hardy as the which a woman was tryin g to gain "H ere—tie oue hand behind me—tie both are aahumed to be ulways in debt. of beef on the hoof. the remuneration Poole wants. Concord. The latter is the favorite possession of her children, h er little hands behind me— tie my feet together, and Look at me. the loss. 1 d on 't owe a penny." Tiie mystery attending the disappear­ market variety, hut its sale is greatly g ir l recognized her and sprang crying I’U lick him then!” howled the cowboy. In the British House of Commons a Boring for water and gas is to begin Brown— “ Dare say not, old man. You injured by tiie Ive s ’ seedling, which is jnto her arms. T h e court granted a ance of Dr. Cronin, at Chicago, has not "Jim Phillips, you haven’t got two minita very soon on the asylum grounds at motion in favor of the disestablishment haven’ t a borrow ing face. Nobody sent to market liefore it is ri|ie, thus recess for the m other to see her child to exist!” solemnly announced the Awful. Stockton, proposals for the work being ! of the Church of Wales was recently yet been cleared away. would trust you.” — Pick M e Up. creating a distrust against tiie Concord, “ I ’m cornin’ fur ye like a dozen cyclones | rejected by a vote of 284 to 231. advertised. The eleven grain-elevators of St. Gitiis which is really an excellent grape, hut in an ante-room, but when the recess ttiied into one! Look out, now!” — “ 1 retnembpr ridin g home in a About one thousand song birds from I Already a great deal of diplomacy and have formed a trust to put an end to strongly resembling the Ives. The was o v e r neither could be found. He spit on bts bunds and stepped back, as horse-car with H enry \V. Paine one — In W are, N. H ., a six-pound cat if to get a running start, aud next thing we the Hartz Mountains are on their way to j intrigue is said to be on foot in order to competition in that city. Clinton is an excellent late grape, aud day,” Remarked a story-teller, apropos Portland, Or., having left New York last get the post of Poet Laureate when Ten- saw an ow l in a tree and decided to eat heard was the thump! thump! of his feet as Nathan Corwith, senior head of the produces well in this section. o f this eminent M aine jurist. “ Paine nyson dies. The salary is £72 a year. week by rail. it. So it scrambled up the tree, and, he tied afar into the darkness. Borne time lead house at Chicago, which failed last It has lieen found that a ton of hay was reading a sheepskin-hound volumo luring tiie night be returned for his mule. F r a n k Cody, who was reported to have A rich bed of pure coal, computed to fall, is at the point of death. absorbs in its growth thirty pounds of after a short, sharp fight, fell to tha Next morning we found the following ex of law reports. A mutual acquaintance Iteen killed and roasted by Ap a'h e contain aliout 225,000,00(1 poods, has ground dead. T h e ow l’ s b ig claws had nitrogen, worth $4 80; forty [lounds of An explosion of fire-damp at the Toms Indians in Arizona, it seems was killed been found at a place called Pendshakata, Run coal mines, near Pittsburg, killed potash, $2, and fourteen pounds of phos­ been too much fo r it. Th e bird was planation scrawled on a piece of papor and hailed him and said: ‘See here, Paine, «tuck into a split stick: “ Seezed with sudent do you have to study law still?’ 'This by three Mexicans. j on the line of the Transcaspian Ruilway. four Hungarians on the 13th. phoric acid, worth $1 12. Therefore each captured, and found to measure six 1 illness—guod-bi.” —New York Bun. isn’ t law ,’ said Paine, 'it’s only a col­ ton of hay shipped from the farm takes Miss Maggie Quinn was thrown from a Boulanger, who has hitherto been feet from tip to tip of Its extended Pittsburg, Penn., is enjoying a marriage lection of decisions of the Massachu­ buggy rtn, [ ,[ragged a block at Sau Jose, mostly ignored by Guidon society, dined Iriom. Sixty persons took out marriage with it $7 92 worth of these three ele­ wings. I lls Case the Saddest. ments, which must he replaced or the setts Supreme C o u iL ” ’ — Lewiston last week. She was much bruised and recently with Baroness Burdett-Coutts, licenses in one day recently. — A n official rep ort on the agricu l­ “ This is the seventh time within two hours land wiil lie weakened by just this sum. it is feared was injured internally. ! various dukes and duchesses meetimg that you have asked me when the train left Journal. ture of Colom bia states that there are Legal means have lieen commenced to It does not pay to sell hay at $8 per ton. for Lansing,” replied the policeman at the Tw o burglars were detected at work at , Him. secure a receiver for the Electric Sugtir Better feed where grown and sell in the no farm horses in that country, a ll the Third street depot to a young man with e Stanley’ s Love Affair. Butte, M. T., last wees, and one was Nearly $9,000,000 have been appro- Refining Company at New York. heavy work being done by oxen. The form of beef, pork, butter or milk. latcheL killed'. Before death he stated he was printed from time to time by the French ordinary ridin g horses are small, sel­ H enry M. Stanley, the oxploror, had "Is it against the law !" Plum cakes: Take one cup of butter, It is estimated that fully $750,000 was known in the West as Pittsburg Jack. legislature for the Paris Ex[*>sition, and “ No, but it is rather annoying to ine." an early love affair at Omaha, Neb., 1 the buildings and parks o c u p y a space spoilt for ¡rinks at the New York bars ! two cups of brown sugar, yolk: of three dom being over fourteen hands, but John Wilson, a stevedore at Portland, “ Well, if it annoys you how do you think eggs, white of two eggs, half a cup of they are very strong and enduring. A each day «luring the celebration the particulars of which have been re­ of nearly two hundred acres. w ants $10,0.10 damages from the Oregon milk, half a cup of dark molasses, half a good saddle horse costs from $150 to I must feel about it! The fare is $2.110, and cently given out on "undoubted author­ Colonel Roliert H. Taylor, one of the Improvement Company for injuries re­ The death of King John of Abyssinia I’ve got to think of some way to get out there teaspoonfnl of soda, half a |iound of |300 in Bogota. ity.” It was when ho was young, and the assumption of the throne by bis host known anil oldest republicans of raisins, stoned and chopped, half a tea- ceived while in the company's employ. >n $1.50.” —Detroit Free Pres« — According to the Macon, Ga., T e le ­ handsome and fond of adventure, llo rival, King Mem*tek of Shou, promise to Texas, died near Bonham recently. spoonful of cream of tartar, ball a pound The schooner Rosie Olsen, which left lie of advantage to Italy in her efforts to fell in love with an nctress who was W ise aud Old. E. II Jertlierg. of the New York of currants, two tahles[ioonfiil8 of any graph, one day not long ago a man by A s t o r i a on a halibut cruise in February, secure a firmer foothold on the Red 8ea then on the boards of the old Academ y Olympic Club, ran a mile in 4:39:15 last fruit syrup, four cups of fionr, two tea- the name of Coon called at the W ay Ho (rejected suiton— Y oii condescended to should have tioen heard from three w eeks littoral. spoonfuls of mixed spices. If not dark Cross post-office for his mail. H e was 00k upon my suit with favor once, Miss of Music -a vaudeville actress. She week. This is the best indoor record. a g o , and fears are entertained of her loss. | . . . , , , enough, add a little melted chocolate. follow ed by Mr. Fox, and that gen tle­ Bond. 8 ’ | The street-car drivers who have been was a coquette, and flirted with young A party of Eastern capitalists will The contractors for building tiie big on a strike in Vienna, and who have i expend $75,000 exploring for natural gas Bake in small tins, and frost part of them man had barely cleared the door be- 1 She— Yes, I was young and foolish then. bloods of the city who had more money with the remaining white of egg. I have gained wisdom with age. dam at the mouth of tlie S.m Felipe finally succumbed, average aliout 60 in Starke and Marshall counties, Ind. fore Jim W o lf wanted his mail. N ex t : He (savagely» —How very wise you must than Stanley. When Stanley got per­ Canon. San D’ ego county, will have to go conta in wages for a day lieginning at 7 A correspondent makes inquiries re­ day a Lamb and a Lyon marched in to oe by this time. —Yankee Blade. fectly crazy in his affection for her she Morris.I. Blaine killed his wife, 8-year- dow n 110 feet to got a solid ris k founds- in the morning and ending at midnight garding millet and Hungarian grass. see if there were any letters for their | arranged a m eeting with him after the old daughter and himself at Cincinnati or 1 a. 111. tion. They are very similar in appearance, but A Breathing Spell. recently. Jealousy prompted the crime. performance, and. posting her friends, the millet grows higher and affords but folks. It was a g re a t d s i for game- Tin* London Times says: The Samoan County Clerk W . J. llcn lcv, of Esmer­ — “ T h e Publishers' W e e k ly " re- ' A sleepy little soul at bed time found it had them stationed behind the scenes one cutting, while the Hungarian grass Robson and Cane appeared together in Conference has come to an agreement in alda, Nov., has tax'll removed by the Sard work to keep awake when she knelt Commissioners for malfeasance in office, regard to the Lin d Commission question ; New A'ork for the last time last wtx*k. can tie cut every five weeks if the soil is corded the publication in A m erica last iown to >ay her prayer Half way through to observe the results. Stanley, honest and S. D. Rosenthal appointed to till the also, regarding restriction on the sale of Each liad complimentary words for the rich. They are summer crops, and are year o f 4.631 books (1,111 o f which »he stopped and sighed: “ W ell, I’ ve got fruo in his infatuation, knelt before the not usually sown until May. The hay were im ported ). Th is exceeded the fire-arms and spirits to the natives. The other. woman and protested de»p«*ratety. :h© worst o f it, mamma.” —New York Trib- vacancy. from millet and Hungarian grass is election of a King is to lie left to the Sho amusi-d herself at his expense Judge Henry A. Foster, of New York, record for 1887 by 194, but fe ll short I D S highly relished by all classes of stock, The State's Attorney-General says that Samoans. is dead, aged 90 years. He was the for some time, and then called In her and the yield is usually heavy. The of that o f 1886— the heaviest in the sheriffs have no right to retain the fees A F r ie n d ly C r itic . Prominent clubs were raided in Lon­ oldest living ex-8enator of the United ground should lie well manured, harrowed history o f Am erican book-publishing concealed frien Is. much to her lover's lor escorting prisoners and insane don last week and several Earls and States. | surprise and disgust.— N. Y. Graphic. fine and ten quarts of seed per acre sown, —by 45. In England in 1888 the out- j patients prior to the passage Of the law Lords and Barons were among those g< The Italian n government refuses to sur- or even more if a thick growth is desired. put was 6.591 as against 6,686 in 1887. 1 by the lute Legislature. found at [ilny and arrested. The Field render two of its subjects hjects accuse« 1 of An Angel of Mercy. — In a new book upon “ A m erican ­ Foul for breeding sows should lie rare- It was discovered at Fresno last week and the Adelphi Clubs were the lirint-ipal having committed a louhle murder in fullv preiiared. There is no better food isms” some o f the less fam ilia r are: [ places raided, and tiie stakes played for that the wife and child of J. I T Wilcox, Pennsylvania. A little g irl was graciously permitted, for breeding sows than skim milk with Bibibles for drinkables, Bohn for a an uttornci formerly of San 1 runeisco, were high. There is a stampede from Peadwood to wheat bran. There is very little fat in one bright Sunday, to g o with her were in a starving condition, having crib or translation, baldituds fo r a Young French priests will liefore long new gold fields 111 the Black Hills, aliout either, yet such is the appetite of a tasted no food for tlinx1 days. mamma to hear papa preach. It was a lx* liable to military service in France if forty miles from Peadwood. The fields breeding sow that she will fatten Mtndly state o f baldness; to deacon, o r to time of great rejoicin g and responsi­ The Mariposa County ffiipervisora have the new Military tall goes through, as it are said to I»* very rich. place fine fruit at the top; parquet, or if given all she can eat of eitiier of these bility. and the little fa«% was all aligh t adopted Surveyor Harris’ Yoseinite is thought it will. It is alleged that But the pigs thus nourished ls-fore birth the p it of a theater from its mosaic The revenue officers have esptured short-line route’, and ordered advertised thousands of voting men enter the with happy anticipation. N ow it will lie strong and vigorous, and what Boor; pizarro, for piazza; skulldug­ proposals for the construction of tin* rotul seminaries every year in order to avoid some fifteen persons and destroyed fat the sow has will not lie in any dan­ chanced that on this special occasion gery. w ire-pulling; trampoos, to t i n ­ the army. several stills among tha moonshiners in ger of making her nervous or feverish. and the brnlge spanning Merced river. papa's sermon was on the “ warning’ ie r aimlessly, and daisy, for any thing McDowell connty, W . Va. I f a supplv of beets and mangel wurtzels order, aad his earnest voice rang out Merchants discovered during the recent The steamer Alaskan, owned bv the O. Srst-rate. have l*x-n provided they will tie worth British Minister Paiincefote attended a at Nizhnee-Novgorod, Central solemnly in the Sunday quiet. A fte i a R A N Co., which sailed from Portland la ir G ood autimnue» c««uat luai vrfcle tha on the 10th for San Francis o for repairs, Russia, that the turquoises offered for circus at Washington last week with the more than grain to feed to breeding sows moment of breathless surprise and as to cooling diet for those disi os d to thermometer at nearly 100 deg. and trees are m blocia cultivation should be went to piixx'S ■ 'll t s i«' b .'lit o, on the sale by Persian traders were nearly all horror, the little listener s soul was lsyon too much fat. No other kin Is of seemed to enjoy the show. discontinued. Ten days* cessation o f work 13th inst She had a full compliment of false. These rogues have lieen imjsising wrought upon with a great pity for the root is eaten hy pigs of any age so greedily at this time will prove a benefit, and es­ officers and crew— forty-four in all. Light paste upon customers the last six or The Mexican Secretary of State. Maris- as ar.* beets and mangels. As a part of pecially so if the trees are set reasonabiv p:ior mortals upon whom so much seven years. an* reported saved. cal.has ordered investigations to lie made the supply even for the fattening animals close together On the average farm the wrath was descending. She rose ex­ B.aisp C’lerx at peatoffles window)—You 11 citedly to her feet. and. her wide, re­ Emma Nevada has tx*en detailing to a inta> the > »ses of the three Americans im­ they are almost indispensable. The ex­ orchard should be cultivated until it is six Several women, the wives of Uborerr prisoned a l ’iedras Negras clusive grain feeding of fattening hogs is six vears old at loast. This will be three or have to pay letter postage on this package. on the ranch of K J. Baldwin at Santt newspaper correspondent her operatic proachful eyes just peeping over the 1)ie cottage of Charles G. Francklvn very bad for their digestion, and if the to w y* ars a fte r setting out. During this It's first ciaw matter Anns roughly handled, captured and s'UNvsses, and giving advice to her Penevering Author «b o u t to send his back of the seat, «» lie d ouL in sweet to the 1 ountj 1 iffii ials an Indian country-women who intend to become of New York, st Klberon. in which Presi- pig i * mafle sick while preparing for the bme the «oil should be made rich by the “ W hat for it you -lied, and an«! the cottage hotel Hatcher it is hardly to be wondered st apphcatK.n o f manure, and then W ork'd manuscript on its wventh trial trtpi—Ah, chiding tones: who had criminally assaulted one of the professional singers— the mode of life to dent Garfield 1 'licit, women while she was going home alter a lollow and the required necessaries to known as the Eiberon, will be sold at 1 that this pork will give dyspepsia to into a good oond:Umf, wh«n it can be seeded thank you Couldn’t you get a pns:tiuo as scolding all the people so. p a p a ” — down. 1 editor somawbarst— Harper 1 (YsekiT public suction. tboee who eat it. Hamer ■ Young I’supia enable them to do so. visit a short distance away. i n » J i r e,# La9 — J -41