llo u P H OS P HO RIC ACID. AN OPEN Q U E S T IO N It» V a lue It is popularly believed 'that President Harrison is descended from Pocahontas and from the Parliamentary soldier and regicide General Thomas Harrison, who was executed ill llilio. Pocahontas, daughter, of Powhatan, manifested a friendliness for the early white settlers of Virginia when she was but a girl. The story of how she saved the life of Captain John Smith, who had lieen captured and con­ demned hi death by herfather— liow she, on several occasions, made known to the settlers their danger when about to be attacked—¡swell known to all acquainted with the early history of America. Her subsequent marriage with John Kolfe, an Englishman—her removal to England where a son was horn, from whom numerous wealthy fam­ ilies of Virginia claim descent—is tlie ba­ sis of tho opinion that President llarri- aon is one of her descendants. Whether this is true or not it is, how­ ever, well-known that President Harri­ son is a descendant of a noted family, distinguished alike in peace and war. The name of Harrison is already indeli­ bly written upon the pages of American history, for General Win. Henry Harri­ son—the ninth President of the United States—was the grandfather of Gen. lien. Harrison. The election of another member of the Harrison family is but an­ other proof of the prevailing disposition of the public to return to healthy administration of public alfairs so char­ acteristic of the earlier veurs of govern­ ment. A similar desire 1ms been mani­ fested for a revival of early manners and customs in many various ways, of which mention in ]*trticulur can is? made of the prevailing demand for those ol.I time preparations which were so successfully employed in the prevention and cure of tho ills and ailments which frequented the early log-cabin homes. After much inquiry and research a no­ ted manufacturer lias procured the origi­ nal methods used iu their preparation and again under the name of Warner’s Log Cahill Remedies, the public is pos­ sessed of those well-known preparations for the cure of coughs, colds, consump­ tion in its early stages, blood disorders, catarrh, dyspepsia, debility, and otiier common disorders. Notwithstanding tho large amount of time, attention and expense which the manufacture of Warner’s Safe Cure de­ mands—its well-known reputation as the only remedy for the prev< nt m and cure of kidney diseases being world wide—the manufacturer is resolved to push the merit of Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsapar­ illa to the front because of its splendid blood purifying properties and great value as a household remedy and spring­ time system renovator. i’ocaliontas, during her life-long friend­ ship for the white settlers of Virginia, besides tier many acts of kindness, is said to have contributed much valuable information to the log cabin home con­ cerning tho successful methods employed by the Indians in the treatment of dis­ ease and it matters little whether the al­ leged relationship between herself and the President he true or not. for the name of Pocahontas is already immortal. C H IN E S E M ED ICIN E S. Tin* Ellleaev o f rrcrloiiM S to n es Iu C uring D rsp eriilo IMstHiscs. Tlio medical art in (Jtiina is mysteri­ ous and empirical. The medical pro- lessiun is regulated by ruins ulmo.it tlio opposite of tkoso whieh prevail in Kn(flund. 1» China the doctor ro- oeives a fixed salary as lonj' tmo modification in order to corre­ passenger. spond with practice; and the intel­ l’erhaps this article mny servo to ligent farm er who understands scien­ clear up the mystery, as the data is tific declarations, and can judge of the taken from the "Standard Code,” a causes and results which he obtains, text hook for railway men. can not only adopt any particular Ked signifies "d an ger.” mode of procedure to the necessities Green signifies "caution—go slow- of the case, but can also point* out the probable point in which science is in­ W hite signifies “ safety.” correctly interpreted. Green and white signifies “ stop at For some time there have been flag stations for passengers or tables in existence arranged by the freight.” German scientists in the course of Ono cap'or torpedo on rail means “ stop immediately.” Tw o caps or torpedoes on rail mean« ‘•reduce speed immediately and look out for danger signal.” A train while running must display two green tings by day and two green lights by night, one on each side of tho rear of tho train. 111 tho (frain of crop« than in tho After sunset, or when obscured by straw, with tho oxooptlon of corn, fog or other cause, must display whoro tho percentage of phosphoric headlight in front and two red lights acid in tho grain is given as five and in rear. ■lino-tonth», and of corn-stalks as five Tw o green flags by day and two and throe-tenths, and in buckwheat, green lights by night, displayed in tho where tho grain has five and sovon- places provided for that purpose on tonths and tho straw six and one- the front of an engine, denote that the tenths; tho other grains range from train is followed by another train run over five to nearly twelve, with a ning on tho same schedule and en­ range of two to throe and five-tenths titled to the same time-table rights as in the straws. W hether this propor­ the train carrying the signals. tion is true regarding buckwheat, it Tw o white flags by day and two is yet difficult to determine, but there white lights by night, carried in the Is an experiment with regard to corn same manner, denote that the train is that seems to denote a lim it to the an extra. value o f phosphoric acid for the pro­ A hiuo flag by day and a blue light duction of grain. by night, placed on the end of a car, In a field that had not been cropped denotes that car inspectors are at w ork for somo time, with the exception of under or about the car or train, and tlie previous year to buckwheat, tho must not bo coupled to or removed soil was supplied with an amount of until tho blue signal is removed. Lamp signals are made as follow s: nitrogen and potash estimated to bo sufficient for the production of an A lamp swung across the track is average crop of corn, tho nitrogen in tho signal to stop. tho form of sulphate ot ammonia, and A lamp raised and lowered vertical­ potash as high grade muriate, being ly is tho signal to move ahead. spread broadcast after tho ground was A lamp swung vertically in a circle plowed, and well harrowed in. Upon across tho track, when tho train is one »action of one-sixteenth of an acre standing, is the signal to move back. dissolved bone black was employed at A lamp swung vertically in a circle !ho rate of two hundred and fifty-six at arm ’ s length across tho track, when Guilds per aero, another with noth­ the train is running, is the signal that ing. another with double tho quantity tho train has parted. of bone black, and still another with A flag or the hand moved in any of nothing. Tho nothing plots wore near­ the directions given above will indicate ly identical in their yield, giving only the same signal as given by the lamp. a small quantity of grain, as well as The locom otive whistle signals are small stalks, but there were somo pe­ composed of short, quick sounds and culiar feature, with tlie other two long sounds. in the follow ing table, O means short, quick sound; — means long sound. poau re. Francla O Hvilly, the v v e T k io w u livery m an o f N o. 1H Prince S rret, N ew Y o rk , way h of A u n x K ii i ’oH oua P u s t k h i : ‘ •For the lu*t forty -tw o yearn I have been engaged in the liver) and hacking On nine** 1 am greatly aided by m y four boyn. W e are much exp ned to the w eather, and we have found A m . c o c k ’ h P lam t kks o f very great service. W e use them as chest protector», placing one on the chest and one on the pit o f the stom ach. 'J’hey not only ward o ff the cold, tint act as a tonic. “ W e are frequently affected w ith rheu­ m atism , kink'» in the back, and pains in the sid e; but one or tw o o f A l l c o c k ’ h P l a st k h h quickly cure us. M y w ife and dau ghter have been using A l i . i OCK h P l a s t e r s for weak hack and think tin w orld of them. I have now been uning them for twenty years, and alw ays have a box in the house. * Y ou cannot be happy without trying to make others happy also. S lo n e In I lie K i d n e y . I was first tak‘*u with sharp pains in the lower part of m y bowels iu the region of the bladder. .Shortly blood appeared mist'd with my urine, and a few weeks -later I hud an attack of gravel. I tried a number of doctors. One said it was gravel, another inhumation of the Mad der, and another stone in kidneys. For three m onths I w as under the care of un em inent doe- tor at Album , but constantly growing worse, went home to die. At this time I was induced to try Dr. David Kennedy’ s Favorite Remedy, of Koudout, N. V . and am now Robust and strong. A remedy which can do this for one so near death a s ’l was should be known everywhere. I hope this statement w ill cause others a filleted as I was to list- the Rem edy.—C. W. H k o w n , Pe­ tersburg, N. Y. Da. K e n n e d y ’ * F a v o r ite R e m e d y , made at Koudout, N. V. $1; 6 for |o. Send for book, how to cure K id ney, Liver and Blood disorders. W h ite Elephant of Siam , Lion of Eng land. Dragon of China, Cross of Sw itzer, land, Banner o f Persia, Crescent of E gypt- Double Eagle of R ussia, Star of Chili, The Circle of Japan, H arp of Erin. T o get these buy a box of the genuine I ) r . C. M c L a n e ’ s C e l e b r a t e d L iv e r PlLLB, price Mb cents, and mail us the ou t­ side wrapper w ith your address, plainly w ritten, and 4 cents in stam ps. VVe will then mail you the above list with an ele­ g a n t package of oleographic and chro m atic cards. F l e m in g B r o s ., P i t t s b u r g , P a . ( ' o i i n i i i n | » t io n S u r e l y C u r e d . To th k E d it o r :— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By ils timely use thousands of hopeless < ases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles o f m y reme­ dy FKKH to any o f your readers who have con­ sum ption if they w ill send me their express ami postoffice address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. ( '., 1*1 Pearl st-.N ew York. I ’ on aJiM s— fírm en'» Bronchial T roch es" are not new aiul untried, but, having been tested by hwig and constant use. they have attained well- merited rank am ong the few statile cough rem­ edies. 2ô els. a box. T h y • i R iimka for broakf&at. B U S IN E S S Webster as a Financier. Daniel Webster once found a good way of getting rid of a borrow er—the In’st one, indeed, on lecord, for, like tlie man who bought the cloth for hirts, he killed two birds with one stone. “ W ebster,” said Rufus Choate one day, “ I want to borrow $600 and I wish you’ d lend it to me.” “ 1 haven't the money to-day, Mr. Choate,” said Webster, “ but you give me your note and l can get it cashed for you. ” Gratified beyond measure Choate sat down to write his note. “ By the way. Choate,” said Webster, in an off-hand way, “ you might as well make that note for $1,000, and 1 can use #.V>0 myself.” “ Certainly.” said Choate, cheer­ fully, and he signed a note for an even 1 000 . $ , Then the immortal Daniel sauntered down to a banker’ s office. “ Ah! any thing l can do for you to­ day, Mr. W ebster?” “ Can you discount a note of $1,000 for moP” “ With pleasure.” The great statesman pocketed $1.000 in bills, gave $.’>01 to Choate, who was tTuslve in his thanks, and kept the other $A00 himself. Daniel Webster, my son, was what would bo called In these »lays “ a finan­ cier.” Lewiston Journal. — mina Man (In a London fo£) — "N ow . then sir! Look wher ■ you'ro Ifoing to!" Joños - " I bojf jo u r par­ don. my »rood follow this beastly fo£ couldn't soo y o u —lost my way don’ t know whoro tho dtoken, I am! ' Blind man -"F ou , is there? Ah just you tako hold of my arm. and toll me where you live, and I’ ll s o you safo homo. l o i mako* uo JilTorouoe to ini'!" Kx pori ment« carried on nt Antra- kan show that tho culturo of tho nilk —Tho |»«>pie a rtestorn town are worm could \ h > oarrUnl on as fur north complaining because a local undertaker •i* th«' mouth of tho Volffa. Prof. Uiloy, tho entom ologi*!, ha.*» displays his coffin, on tho sidesalk out­ side his office, with prices attached. «Uncovered an insect which prey* upon boot* and shoo*. It can bo destroyed Just like the furniture dea ler. bv a vaoor of biaulphido of carbon. Pum'h — "Oh. I do so lovo m uslo." saia tno pushing Miss Ringlots. "W on ’ t you play something for us. Mr. Thurapk?” • Sarlainly. I will play any sing Miss Ringlots may desire. Vhut aliali It b e r "H o you know that er—tho IVok-u-Boolangor march?” - American Musician. Ç 1 L. I KJ UL A Y d lC I N W A I . £12 :2C:3 CUHOT BSAiTT. ¿V OrteUal. best, only ,rnul...an 1 piil lor talc. Sever Fail . \ \tk for Ckick—Ur • Ansiisk H P T C i* Jk\ jiL y i i k JfriDiamond Brand. "* rod »«• \ w j ^ ' .-X - WT,w tsllic boxes, aealoi with blue rib- \ W v VSJI ’ »1 Wl / tf n W •M V A t D r u g g is t* . A w t f t other. no • \ g V u f board base«, pink » rapper* irsidangrr- R oui counterfeit. Sti*? 4«. (atampa fur / K particular« and “HellefAir Ladle«,** ** Utter, by return mail. 10.000 U*U- unURa n n LAOIIS who ha v« uaed them. Name Paper. FOR D Y S P E P S IA . A t Druggist» am i Dealer $ or sent by mail am r e ­ ceipt (4 20 cD 15 boxes 91.00) ta stam ps Sampis tent on receipt <4 2-cent Stamp. n u t CHARLES A. V0GELE1 CO.. B sltta m . I t FOR T H E BLOOD Bwirt’a Specific bus cured me <>f a maltg- nant breaking out on my log, which caused intolerable |«tdu. It was cal bn 1 Kczema by thed etors—lour o f whom treated me w itli no relief. 1 candidly confess that I owe m y present good health to s. S. s ., which In my estimation is invaluable us a blood remedy. M iss J u l ia D k W i t t , 2217 N. 10th Ht., St. Louis, Mo. Our hub/ when two months eld W'us at­ tacked with Scrofula, which for a long time destroyed her eyesight entirely, and caused us to despuir o f her life. Thu doctor failed to relieve her, a:nl we gave swift’s specific, which soon cured her en­ tirely, and she is now hale and hearty. E. V. D e l k , W ill’s Point, Texas. t n r Send for b >ok giving history of Blood Diseases and advice to sufferers, mailed free T H E S W IF T SPEC IFIC CO.. Drawer :t, Atlanta, CJa. J ---------- T R E A T E D F R E E .---------- Positively Cured with Vegetable Remedies. Have cured many thousand cases. Cure patients ronounced hopeless by the best physicians. From rst dose symptoms rapidly disappear, and in ten days at least two-thirds of all symptoms are remov­ ed. send for free book of testimonials of miraculous cures. Ten days treatment furnished free by mail. If vou order trial, send 10 cents In stamps to pay postage. DR. 11. II. Li KEEN A SONS, Atlanta, Ga. li you order trial return this advertisement to us. E CUPID’S HARNESS. ¿fW lB S r£# l WUf/ABRWCel 'OICTIONAQyÈ M ost women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, but they should constantly bear in mind that a fair, rosy l ib r a r y 3 0 0 0 more Words and nearly 2 0 0 0 more Illus. trations than any other American Dictionary. An Invaluable Companion in every Sehool and at every Fireside. Sold by all Bookseller««. Illustrated Pamphlet sent free. G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Puh’rs,Springfield, Mass. face, bright eyes, and a healthy, well-developed form, are the best pass­ ports to a happy marriage. All those wasting disorders, weaknesses, and functional irregularities peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attract­ iveness and make life miserable. An unfailing specific for these mal­ adies is to be found in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under ¡1 positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out foe many years. 81.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for 85.00. Copyright, 1888, by W o r l d ' s D ispen sary M e d ic a l A ssociation , Proprietors. 8m lth's Cash 8tore, 418 Front 8t., 8 . F., Cal. largest general dealers west of the Mississippi River. Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Under­ wear; Wall Paper, Stationery, Blankets, Bed­ ding; Boots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Dry fruits; W ooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass ,Granite, and Hardware. Meat, Fish, Provisions, Honey, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Pure Spices, Seeds, Be­ ans; Drugs, Mcdeclnes; Clocks, Am m unition, Rubber Goods, Tents, and quantities of other goods at lowest prices for Cash only. Send 2 c. stamp for full list by first mail, and learn how to live cheap and well at small cost; 32 years in business ; Customers In every County west of the Rocky Mountains, and many elsewhere Because a gull ia a very fooliah bird that will awallow anything you offer it. W hen you aak for “ Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut’’ Smok­ ing Tobacco, and the dealer wanta you to try some cheap brand on which he make8 a much larger profit, he iaaimply trying to “ gull” you. VAN M O N C IS C A R 1 3 3 an d 1 3 4 T H IR D LITTLE l i v e r p il l s » euer Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. ^ Unoqualed as a L i v e r P i l l . Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. O n e t i n y , S u g a r - c o a t e d P e lle t a D on e. Cure«« S i c k C S r a d a e h e , B i l l o n * f 3 o a < l u c l i e , ( ' o i i K t i p a t l o n , I ::l«i Son* troubles, that needs orrhea, gleet, stricture healing, and that other remedies have failed etc. to heal: or a C breaking out itching ONSULT A T or IO N F R E of E , the seal]» or body ; or a Boil, Burn, Cut, or any ailm ent for whieh a Salve is suitable, buy a 25-eent box of M e x i c a n M a l v e . whieh is Warranted to Cure whi'ii everything else fails. If not kept by votir druggist semi 25 cents iu stam ps to J. C. D e m e n t . Agt., Astoria, Or., and receive a box by mail. LAC TA TED FOOD C O N S U M P TIO N . S C R O F U L A , CE N ER A L D E B IL ITY . Wasting D is e a s e s of C h il d r e n , and C H R O N I C C O U C H S . S old bv a ll lh r u g g itte . in. lark « S i . 0 0 . Sold by Druggists. Delicious Biscuit I do not mean merely to stop them for • time and then have thi-m return ogam I mean a radical cure I have made the disease of FIT*, KPIL«P»Y OTPALL- !!»•» .HirKSEKs a life-long stndy. I warrant my remedy ta cure the worst cose». Because others hare fade 1 is no reason for not no « receiring a cure, «end at once for a treatise and a free bottle of my infallible remedy Gire Express and Post Ortic*. H G ROOT. M V . 1& Pearl St.. New York. DIC. IMA At' T H O U P M I V * C E L E B R A T E D E Y E -W A T E R .' roa EVERT PURPOSE. S o ld on Trial ! l ----- -» J. R. CATES A CO.,' PROP'S. *a n «o m e 81 r e e l, m s trn n cl«r«v (A t , CLOTH IN G F o r ^M e ii a n d . H o y s a t A s th m a , f o u n t ,» ,' f o l d s . C r o u p . 1 n - M u,’ n / R , H r o u r l i t t t s . C a t a r r h . V h o o p - lu g .« » „ a h . I « n o f V o ir e , I n r i p ir n t C o n s u m p tio n , a u d a ll 1 h ro at and l un g T r o u b le s . 417 Itolitdy Para The Oldest M ed icin e in th e W o r ld is Probably This article is a carefully prepared physician s rre- script ion. an l has N»en In constant u«e for nearly a century. There art* few dbmaaa to which mankind are subject more distressing than sore eves, and non’*, p. rhaps fop which more rente lies have been tri -d w ithout success. Fop all external Inflammation of theeves It Is nn Infallible remedy. If the dirre- tians are followed It will never f:tiL We particularly invite the attent'oa o f physician» to ft* merits. For ale by all druggist*. J "H \ ' . THOMPSON, SON'S t CXX. T roy . N. Y. Established . ------M Tht 1‘hysiciun’sfacorU e, ÏGHT ' BRA So iUtffoitr.1 th a t th.■ m o i l ilrlica tr ttn m a rh c o n ta k e it. R em a rk a b le a* n F L K S H V l t o n i 'C F l i . V rreoH t O A tJ f ra p ­ id ly irh ile ta k in g I T . SCOTT'S KMTLSIOIi t . *c*nowle>lg«l by Phy- Blci.n. to he the FI N KST and BEST hn'pM»tloIJ o f it . daiH for the relief o f four teaspoon fuis o f th* beet Baking Powder,tar­ ing twenty tim es ltfl cost, besides being much healthier, because it does not con tain any Injurious substances, such as alum, terra alba etc., of which many Bak­ ing Powders are made. Dairymen and Fanners should use only the “ Arm A Ham m er” brand fox 1 cleaning and keeping Milk Pena Sweet and Clean. C autiow . See that every pound package o f " A r m and H a m m e r Brand” contains full 19 ounces net, and tho pound packages f e l t 12 owners net, Soda or Baleratua same as speol- fled on each packaga. It-Makes You Hungry “ I have used Paine's Celery Compound and it are coinin g A G E N T S book. Write no hindrance. Em pyreal Minn. M ARK Packed in Card Board Boxes. STREET, I.H the only Private Dis­ pensary in Portland or on the Northwest Coast, where imtients are success­ fully treated for all NERV­ OUS, CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASE« m É NEW YORK. O P I U M •"ÎNÜ8SW“ I>r. Weatherby s Antidotes, iu use 17 years, ■la-cial Morphine Habit cu re also. Corres­ pondence Confidential. Call on or address J. J. A IK E N , Manager, b oo m 2», St. A n n 's Build- ins, .-an Francisco. Ckicheater Chemical Co.,IIadiaonS<|.,Phila.,Pa. Portland, Oregon. Un Htirerior ex«vllt*nc«> proven iu millions of homes foi more than » quarter of a century. It is used by th. Uniteil HtHt«-s Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest»nd moat Healthful. Dr Price's Cream Baking Powder does no< contain An* onto, Lime or Aina. Hold only in cans PRIC K BAKING POWDER <’<> Gabler. Koeniah AV I ALL STOMACH TEOUBLH iUCM AS: Udlf.sWon. Soar Stom«cX. Hoartbara, Haas»*, VIA* SlaoM. CoMttpatlpa, Folia am aftor oaUnc, Foo4 Aiming la 1 ks Month and dlaafroaabW Uito aft«r *al> ta|. ■fTpaza— and Low-SplrtM. NOS. ¡¡¡¡^ perfect a o A .m n, r n A n u » HA C H . Plano»; Burdo« Orfani, band Instruments Lorde»! «tuck of bhuct Munie *ii«l Booti. Baud» luupUad »I Katern Price» MATTHIA8 GRAY 0 0 ., JM PoU Street. Ban Fraudare Diamond V e r a - C u r a PR IV A TE D ISPENSARY. St* Do you know that soma people can not be taught tho simplest, yet most important, rutei for doing business witli a bank? The strictest rules and laws the world over appertain to money matters and land transfers, and in these the slightest dot of black on the white paper is taken into account. Some people, I say, can not understand this, though reminded of it day after day. To help this class along and keep them constantly reminded of the banking rules necessary to keep a cor­ rect account, a book, small enough to carry in one’ s pocket, has been printed, and is being liberally distributed. I will cite three of tho rules most fro quontly violated. Tlio first relates to tho signature. If your name is James 1. Penman, and you sign that in the signature-book, never sign a check otherwise. Every young man should adopt tiis signature for life and decide whether he will sign his first name in full or abbreviated. It is always best to wi ¡to tho first name In full, then tho middle or other initials ami then the name, if this rule is adopted nev­ er deviate from it. The second rule very frequently violated is in tho in­ dorsing of a check. ¡Should your name bo misspelled on a ehcclc soo what the error is an t Indorse it exactly to a letter. Then sign the correct signa­ ture under it. Tho third violation is neglect to count money before going to the hank. It is much bettor not to deposit that day if you must run to the tsmk with a pocketful o f loose money and then arrange it on the counter in a reckless manner. How often do yen read of men being robbed in a bank by a shrewd thief calling their attention away from tho money in front of them, while a confederate reaches over and takes the pile. A strict ad her ne»> to simple rules will save many dollars and a good deal ol time. M. Louis Globe-Democrat. I have u s e d St. Jacob» Oil for || w chicken cholera A with great iuo - c e « . Every fowl f i » affected w i t h the dUeaaa waa ’-Sr'* cured by it and insure cur«. It baa saved H. A. KUENNE, Breeder o f Fine Fowl». T H E RULES. by a lUb8. lie knows aa wellaa you do that “ Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut” ia the moat popular and the beat Smoking Tobacco on the Pacific C«»aat. — Golden Days. Sound A d v ic e FnrniMliod Lou l* I In nh T e l or. ***** nt fill days an* the results whieh mouths, , perchance centuries, have made possl- Apply brakes, s t o p .............O K lease brakes, start. .. O O Hack .........................................O O O II >iliway cross ng s giiul. . ------- , or O O -------- Approach n-r sta t’o n s........— blast lu sttn g5sc c. ( ’all for sw trh m en ............. O Q U O ( ’attle on track ................... ............................ Train has parted..................— O For fu el.................................... O O O O O Bridge o • tunnel wani ng O O — F re alarm ............................... - O O O O W ill take side-track.................... — Som o 419 Huron St, fih e b o y g a n , Wl»., N ot . 12, A daughter is a little white Iamb in the house hold to teach men to be gentlemen. I nd ew er \ ed l y L a u g h e d A t» The unthinking are prone to make game of nervousness. Yet this is a very real and serious affliction, the harraasing symptoms of which are rendered all the more poignant by ridieule. The stomach is usually responsible for these somp- toms— its weakness and disorder find a reflex in the brain, which is the. headquarters of the ner­ vous system. A s a nerve tonic and tranquilizer, we believe that not one can lie pointed out so effective as Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. In re­ newing vigorous digestion, it strikes tlie key­ note of recovery of strength and quietude by the nerves. Headaches, tremors in quiet sleep, abnormal sensitiveness to unexpected noises— all these modify and ultim ately disappear as the system gains strength from the great, tonic. Dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumatism, eoustipa 11«»ii and kidney com plaints are subdued by the Bitters. C H IC H E S T E R 'S E N G L IS H T O B C H IC K E N C H O L E R A , t o U t e r i OHM* llit* I m u x c r t u f I * - Investm ent «m all, profit» n -g r. *« nd **• fo r m ailing s r g e lihifftrated C alai g u » with frit particulars. i fact« red Wf Mao “ THE HASTINGS,” Lick House Block, San Francisco. ? V ca rst In p r e s e n t lo ea tio n