NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A U V K R T IM n U One Column H alf Col uni u Professional Cards II 4 T K » « .Twenty Hollars Ton Hollar. .One Hollar NEW BERG GRAPHIC NEWBERG GRAPHIC. N I IIK4 It I ■ » ■ ■ < > > One Yesr .............................. Six Mimths Three Months...................... H e a d i n g . \ o t i e r a w i l l be l u s e r t c d ut t h e i u t e o f T e n r e n t o p e r I.iu o . A dvertising Bills Colle* ted Monthly. R ATES: Two Doll»™ One Dollar r i t t y Cents M u b s r r ip t lo n P r i c e P a y a b l e a b l y In Ar tv au e e . VOL. 1. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1889. NO. 17. I n v a r I- Address, G raphic . Newberg. Oregon. COAST.I HOME A N D FARM. FROM THE CAPITOL. NEW S M ISCELLANY. THE PACIFIC _______ S C IE N T IF IC M E T H O D FOR D E T E C T ­ IN G P U R E HONEY. L A S T W E E K O F T H E S P E C IA L S E S ­ G I?A STL Y D IS D O V E R Y IN T H E H O L D O F T H E M E K K IM A C . S IO N O F T H E S E N A T E . M A N A N D W I F E TO S U F F E R D E A T H ON T H E G A L L O W S . D e a th o f J u s t l c o S ta n le y M a tth e w s - O k ­ T he O k la h o m a B o o m e rs F l e e t e d fro m I n d ia n T e r r i t o r y —T h e A m e r ic a n la h o m a B o o m e rs F o re v e r B a rre d F la g P u b lic ly I n s u l t e d b y a fro m t h e P u b lic D o m a in - A C a n a d i a n “ C h ip p y .” L is t o f A p p o in tm e n ts . P u b lic S e n tim e n t R e g a r d i n g t h e W a n - 1 B en efit t o b e D e riv e d by F a r m e r s In C lo s e ly O b s e r v in g th e M a rk e t R e ­ to n K illin g o f O ld M a n S p r a g u e p o rts R e m e d y fo r ch ap p ed a t G a r v a n z a — T h e U b iq u i­ H a n d s — Recelp s. t o u s T a s c o t t A g a in . Stockton, Cal., vagrants, on convio- To remove a sticky oil-cloth go over it Mrs. Cleveland’s picture still sells. lon, get fifty days in jail. with a hot iron. Germany is having built sixteen tor- close.! th is w eek . Three hundred men are now employed Grain's do best on well cultivated at the Vallejo navy yard. Samuel K. Thayer has been named us ! pedo lioats. ground—well drained. Premier von Tiza has tendered his minister to the Netherlands. A one-eyed Mexican is the sheriff of Beware how you get into debt. It is I»8 Angeles county, Cal. Frederick I>. Grant has been continued I resignation. not so easy to get out. Berlin, Germany, has suppressed the minister to Austria-1 lungary. Bronco Liz, the Spokane Falls murder­ An old Hour barrel, with the remains ess, has been held without bail. Kll«>rt D. Weed has lteen confirmed Salvationists^. of flour on its sides to become musty, is There are fourteen Indians in the Kan- district attorney for Montana. Joaquin Miller has been appointed a about the worst possible vessel to keep mendier of the California forestry com­ apples iu. The Cltae Chung 1’ing case is creating i sas penitentiary. A fine of $100 will be imposed for sell­ mission. much interest in Washington. To feed sheep for flesh and lame is al­ Mr. Moody lias been practicing on the so to fee* 1 it for wool; '"it heavy grain- Appropriations l.y the Fiftieth con­ ing a vote in Maine. Nebraska pays a bounty of one cent a adamantine souls of San Diegans the feeding makes yelk add grease to au gress amounted to $10,000,000. amount disproportionate to gain in fleece. past week. pound on beet sugar. The Republicans w ill have a majority It is best, as a rule, to feed whole Damascus, Syria, will soon have gas ™N\ L. Patterson was arrested at Oro- | of ten in the Fifty-first congress. ville. Cal., last week, for passing coun­ grain at night, corn, oats, wheat or sor­ Henry N. Blase, of Montana, has been lamps and street-cars. ghum, something that the gizzards can The Pittsburg law and order society terfeit notes. nominated chief justice of Montana. work u)>on a |>ortion of the night at least employs female detectives. John A. Dimrnig, of Bonhayon mys­ rather than some soft light food. It is thought that Judge Gresham will tery fame, is engaged in selling fruit trees During the month of February 3000 ne­ be appointed to the supreme bench. Fanners who raise sheep should hear in California. groes emigrated from North Carolina. in mind that the wool of sheep, as well O. C. White, of Payton, has been con­ Another attempt was made by rob­ as the mutton, depends on liberal feeding. firmed secretary of Washington territory. I The Russian government will spend bers to wreck a passenger train near Yu­ No poorly fed or poorly eared for sheep j 120,000,000 roubles on her new navy. • ma F'riday night. A favorable rei>ort lias lteen made by will produce w hat it is capable of in Robert Sigel, son of General Sigel, lias the naval ltoardon the gunboat Yorktown. C. P. Huntington says the Southern quantity or quality. | pleaded guilty of forgery in New York. Pacific will not at present build north I As far as experiments have lieen con­ President Harrison is the fourteenth lawyer to occupy the Presidential chair. j M iss Mary Anderson’s physician de­ of the Columbia. ducted it has lieen demonstrated that nies that his patient's mind is affected. Right-of-way for the Puyallup Valley when wheat is (10 cents per bushel, it is J. W. Mason, of Virginia, has been ap­ A Washington county, l’enn., man railroad has been refused by the Indians the cheapest grain that can lie used as pointed commissioner of internal reve­ food for stock, being nuire nutricious churns his butter by natural gas power. on the reservation. nue. than corn and I letter adapted for growing Booth and Modjeska have signed a Joseph Vivian, a fugitive Leadville, stock. Miles C. Moore, of Walla Walla, has been confirmed governor of Washington : contract for a thirty weeks’ starring tour. Col., murderer, was arrested at Amador | A Now York dairyman says lie can get territory. Fix-President Cleveland and Mr. Vilas City, Cal., last week. more milk from cows fed on beets, two have been elected members of Tammany. A man named C. E. Crookshank, of John K. McFee, of New Mexico, lias bushel per day to the cow, than from en­ been nominated associate j turtle of that Strawberries from the South made Clackamas, was found dead in a hotel at silage. The milk yield ran up to twenty Redding, Cal., Thursday. territory. quarts. He asserts ha can produce beets | their appearance in the Chicago market The body of a female child was found at a cost of four cents a bushel, 1000 William W. Thomas, jr., of Maine, last week. bushels to the aere. will tie United States minister to Norway King Alexander has written his 1110 th- packed in a valise and lloatiug in the hay at San Diego, F'riday. and Sweden. The partridge coch is undoubtedly one [ er, ex-Queen Natalie, to remain away Charles Willard, a burglar at Santa of our most prominent breeds. They are The senate siiecial committee on Pa­ from Servia. well fitted for city or rural life. They ari* cific railroads will shortly start on an in- During the present year there have Barbara, is held on sixteen charges. His extremely quiet, hardy, healthy and inspecting tour. been fifteen duels and sixteen suicides at wife is also Held for burglary. good layers. Their flesh is good and pre­ Ly Fung Su, a giant Chinaman, ar­ sentable in color—the color that suits ■The Shah of Persia was the first royal Monte Carlo. rived in San Francisco Friday. His ruler to send his congratulations to Pies- the taste of tlu* American people. They The storm which has been raging on are handsome in plumage and (xissess a ident Harrison. ! the Atlantic coast for several days past height is seven feet four indies. The widow of Cyrus W. F'ield, 80 years good share of useful qualities. Secretary Wimlom says the surplus i lias subsided. revenue will not necessitate an extra ses­ John C. Klein, of Samoan fame, is of age, fell and broke her shoulder blade Take two lemons and rasp them on su­ sion of congiess. gar, the juice of six lemons and one anxious to ap|ioar before the Berlin con­ at National City, Cal., Thursday. The new gold fields near Holbrook, orange, half a pint of water, and onejiint Corporal Tanner, of Brooklyn, it is be­ ference us a witness. clarified sugar made as follows: Tijko lieved, will be nominated commis­ The Ottawa government is considering Arizona, turns out to lie as much of a of three pounds of sugar, two pints of wa­ sioner of pensions. a measure excluding American lard by fraud as those of Lower California. ter, half tlie white of an egg well beaten The two men, Cuff and Stutzman, who up, boil for ten minutes and skim, strain Tlie President has declared that under I an exorbitant duty. no circumstances will he make any prom­ The “ Catholic Total Abstinence News” roblied tHe San Luis Obispo stage re­ the mixture through a hair sieve, and freeze in the usual way. This makes a ises to office seekers. ! of Philadelphia, has come out squarely cently, have acknowledged their guilt. Albert F'ostrom was acquitted at Ta­ delicious lemon-water ice. Quite a number of congressmen were j against prohibition. laid up with pneumonia from exposure Begin rigid in getting out as many of Ex-President Cleveland celebrated his coma last week on the charge of having on inauguration day. the Asiatic chicks in February. March I 52*1 birthday last week by embarking on a murdered one Carlson last September. April. Then, before the show sea­ J. N. Tyner, of Indiana, has been se­ pleasure trip to Cuba. Two Japanese girls are reported to and son, they have nearly reached maturity, lected assistant attorney general for the John Adams, the $70,000 forger, died have fought a desperate and bloody duel and if they h«* ■ ' "L'U a thrifty, postoffice department. of self-imposed starvation in the Georgia with swords at Los Angeles last week. growing, ‘Virt, and Higway robbers earn a precarious liv­ are (as flit*} Frank R. Aikens, of Pakota, has been penitentiary last week. nred from large, nominated associate justice of the su­ The great scheme of Henrv Villard to ing by preying upon returning Lower healthy stock, they will require very lit­ tle fattening to make them tip the scales preme court of Pakota. consolidate all of Edison’s electric com­ California gold miners near Tia Juana. A commercial drummer declares that at from seven to twelve pounds. For the first time in nearly fifty years panies lias fallen through. To make a good toiled ham, scrape the neither a Sanlshury or a Bayard is in A lively skirmish occurred in Oklaho­ grass and jack-rabbits grow luxuriantly outside of tlie Hum to remove any par­ public life at Washington. ma last week between the soldiery ami on the principal streets o f I, oh Angeles. may adhere to it and put it A full list of immigrants to the Pacific ticles a which The Samoan commissioners will prole the persistent “ boomers.” large kettle partly filled with cold ably not leave Wasiiington for Berlin be­ General Sherman’s Hon, Thomas Ewing Coast, of the vintage of ’4it, ¡ h lining com­ into water; when it togins to toil move the fore the middle of next month. Sherman, will la* consecrated a Catholic piled by C. W. Haskins, of Oakland, Cal. kettle to the hack of the range and cook Tlu* California legislature appropriated slowly until tender enough to have a fork The California delegation at Wasiiing­ priest at Philadelphia in July. ton does not appear to lie harmonious in General Franz. Siegel’s son has been $30,000 for creosoting works at San F'ran- | run into it easily. Take it from tlu* wa­ regard to the selections to offices. sentenced to six years in the penitentiary cisco for the protection of piles in wharf ter and when almost cold cut off tlie rind and ornament the top with cloves. building. Justice Stanley Matthews died at Wash­ for defrauding pension claimants. John I). James, a San Diego private All warm-blooded animals maintain ington Friday ’morning of exhaustion Hon. Enoch Hoult, twice senator from of the iieart and conjestion of the kid­ Linn county, and author of the railroad detective, lias been sentenced to two their heat by a slow combustion within vears’ imprisonment for attempting to their liodies, for which their fo*xl is the neys. law, died at Harrisburg last week. fuel. Man supplements this natural sup­ levy blackmail. Mrs. Harrison has given publicity to Mrs. Langtry is reported quite sick hv kindling a fire in his house. The It is estimated that over 700,003 cases ply the fact that she will pay no attention to with tonsilitis,’ ami in consequence all animals make no fire; they have solicitations to influence appointments to of lier engagements have been canceled. of Oregon, Britisli Columbia and Alaska lower no fuel but their feed. It is true econo­ salmon, of the pack of 1880, have toen my, therefore, office. for tlie owner to husband A bill has been introduced in the In­ sold in advance. Many complaints have reached the diana legislature to ascertain the relation their supply of heat by providing shelters President from the jh> of Arizona, con­ totween tlie ground hog and the weather. Gov. Watterman lias signed the bill which will protect them from the cold I prohibiting the sale of liquors in Califor­ winds and tlie chilling rains. cerning tlu- appointment of Wolfley to be The customs authorities of Toronto nia to persons addicted to the inordinate governor of that territory. To make |sitato snow, peel and wash have seized and destroyed 100 copies of The President has commuted the death Zola’s novels, for ¡icing of immoral char­ use of the same. and tool in salted water until tender, one sentence of Albert Green, colored, con­ acter. Last week five bars of gold and silver dozen large potato*; pour off tlie water victed of murder in the District of Col­ bullion, weighing 512 pounds, were and let them stand upon the hack of the Tlu- Union Pacific claims that it has shipped to San Francisco from tlie Pal­ range for five minutes, then mash fine umbia, to life imprisonment. lieen systematically robbed of rolling and season with one half cun of cream or Governor Proctor is Vermont’s second stix'k for the last’ eight years by other isade mine, near Cahstoga. milk, one tahlesjiooniul of butter, A whale and its calf were thrown sweet postmaster general. Jacob _ Collamer, roads. pepper and salt to suit the taste. on tlie beach at Santa Rosa during a and w ho was postmaster general in Millard By tlie closing down of the mines of storm last week. Tlie mother whale Pass tlu* |iotatos through a coarse sieve, Fillmore’s cabinet, was the first. or a patent jiotato masher, and heap the Pennsylvania company at Scranton measured sixty feet in length. It is te be hoped that the appointment last week 2000 inen will lie thrown out of them liglitly into a hot vegetable dish. of the new sui>erintendent of the employment. A shoemaker by the name of John F’or chapped hands take of pure hay Cramer was murdered and His tody rum or glycerine each one part, quince mail service will be an improvement on Ex-Mayor Ilewitt, of New York, will thrown in tlie river by unknown parties, seed jelly two parts; mix. A few drops the old, especially on the Pacific Coast. remove his extensive steel and iron of oil of rose or any other perfume may The names of is-rsons entering upon the works from Trenton, N. J., to Chatta­ near Sjiokiine F’alls, Tuesday. lands ceded to the Creek and Seminole nooga, Tenn. James Dealy, a Napa county, Cal., Is* added to the hay rum tofore mixing. farmer, has been sued by a Mr. Ruther­ When diluted with rain water it forms an Indians, in violation of law, nr*- to to* A hill introduced in the Indiana legis­ ford for $20,000 damages for having excellent dressing for tlu* hair. This jelly listed and forever debarred from the pule is made by addingtwo drachms of quince lature provides tliat projierty purchased caused the death of the latter's child. lie domain. seed to two pints of water, toiled down with jiension money shall to exempt Tlu* mayor of Los Angeles lias vacated to one pint, filtered hot ami allowed to The interior department has ruled from taxation. the office and given way to his successor cool. For certain skin diseases a drachm that a minor, who supports a mother, Martin White, of Jackson, committed j under the new city charter, hut the audi­ of toracic acid may to dissolved in each brother, or any other near relative, shall Is- entitled to’ make entry u(>on the pub- suicide Friday night by placing the muz- tor refuses to let go, and will appeal to ounce of glycerine tofore mixing. zle of a shut gun in Hi« mouth and spring- j the courts. lie domain. An old soil does not rot quickly, es­ The conservative press of the City of ing the trigger with his foot. Malarkev, the young man who swin­ pecially after a dry season and on heavy The recent performance of Yale stu­ soil. We have often sewn the furrow re­ dled several Portland merchants by means Mexico is attacking President Harrison an*i Secretary Blaine, * lainiing that they dents in dragging tlie statue of tlie late of forged checks recenty, was arrested at turned the following spring, lifter a crop an* ambitious to have the I nited States Professor Stillman from its pedestal lias San Francisco Tuesday while working the of corn had toen grown on it the year la- excited no little indignation. fore, and the furrow was plainly defined same game. possess Mexico. the roots and leaves of the old sod. A man answering tlie description of bv The President has withdrawn the nom­ Gen. Wade Hampton has returned two Mice take advantage of this to make their ination of Eugene Schuyler to Is* assist­ battle flags to the survivors of tlie »With i Tascott is said to have lieen working in winter burrows out of reach of crows, ant secretary of state, on the ground Pennsylvania volunteers, which were ca|r i Senator Stanford’s vineyard, near Vina. cats anil owls. Almost every shock of that he was an applicant for a high posi- tured by his troops in tlie late civil war. | Cal. Officers left from Sacramento and corn will have such a whole reaching un­ tion under Cleveland’s administration. Sin Francisco to arrest him, hut the der the burrows. A mouse in this haven The Pennsylvania toard of pardons can run faster than anything can dig to Senator Butler has offer.*.I a resolution has refused to commute the death sen­ I bird hail flown. A large mass-meeting w as held at Med- get it out. declaring that the tenure of offi.-e of the tence of Mrs. Sarah Jane Wliiteling, for president pro tem. does nut expire at the poisoning her husband and two children. j ieal Hike, W. T., last week, ami resolu- An evidently shrewd observer says meeting of congress, and that the office I tions were adopted and committees ap- that considerable of success on the part shall continue at the pleasure of the sen­ The pope, according to a late speech of i pointed to notify the Chinese in that vi- of farmers depends upon keeping a close Cardinal llarorchi. the pope's vicar, will , einity to leave. ate. eye to the market. The first of any new seek refuge in the 1'nitcd States, if it to- Five hundred Chicago lawyers signed came necessary for him to leave F3iroi>e. There are now at the Santa Clara crop w ill almost always command a high j mines, in tower California, 2Hlp- crystals and aboun* 1* with pollen grains, while the imitations have little else than instead of !> o'clock, as heretofore, and stamping upon the Aineruwn flag while nlation or 80,000. these crystals, with rarely a trace of remain at their desks until « p. ni., in­ ¡personating the role of Victoria in a pub­ j Josiah and Elizabeth Potts, found pollen grains. The honeyed taste of the stead of 4. lic performance. | guilty of murder in the first degree in manufactured article may come from The President, it is said, has refrained Joseph Mentor, a jilted lover of Ash- killing Miles Tanectt at Carlin. Nev., beeswax or honey comb being mashed from making any nomination to the Is, were sentenced to death by up in it. Flach class of plants has its court of >t. James, because of the tact I land. »Vis., entered the room of Ellen 1 January, The date of the execution was own specific form of pollen grain, ami a that England has shown no disposition ' tong. Iff years of age, and cut her severe- hanging. not fixed. Tlie woman betrayed no emir totanmt can readily tell in what part to fill the vacancy caused by the recall of I lv atout the face ami head with a razor, i tion. of the world the honey waa made. | and then cut his own throat. Minister West. The present special session of congress FRIENDS PACIFIC ACABEMI F O R 188H-80 TC m I in 1885. “ Live low and sparingly till my debts be paid ; h ut let the learning o the children be liberal; spare no cost, for by such parsimony all ia lost that ia saved.”— H'illium Penn to hi» wi/e. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. E. H . W oodward , P JxasK r e s i d e n t , ...............................................................Newberg ....................................................................... E dwards , Newberg .......................................................................................Newberg J esse H odson . G boeoe W. M it ch e l l , Secretary and Treasurer, B. C. M il es . . . . . - Newberg Newberg FACULTY. E dw in M o r r is o n , M ary E. M iles , B. S., Principal A. B., Assistants A nna E . B ell , CALENDAR. Fall Term begins ».li monili, 11, 1888 Fall Term elo-es 1 lth monili, 30, 1888 Winter Term begins 12th monili, 3, 1888 Winter Term closes 3*1 monili, 1, 188» .Spring Term begins .Spring Term olores 3d monili, 4, 188» - 6 h month, » 188» A nnouncem ent and Prosnectus. Friends' Pacific Academy is located at Newberg, Yamhill county, Ore got), on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two m il s from Portland, and one mile from Rogers’ Lai.ding on Willamette river. It was opened for pupils September 28th, 1885, and had enrolled during the first week nineteen pupils. The second school year began September 13th, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and the present school year open* d .September 12th, 1887, with an enrollment of fifty-one, und the winter term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110. At the time of the opening of the school only the Academy building was erected, and only the lower story of it. was completed. During the summer of 1886 tlie hoarding hall and three cottages for pupils boirding themselves were constructed, and during the rummer ol 1887 the hall for gymnasium and toys’ dormitories was crxnmencetl and the Academy building was com­ pleted. The trustees hope to be able to add other l inklings a* they are needed. Fur Gatalogue or information address EDW IN MORRISON, Principal. E. H, WOODWARD, President of Board. M IS C E L L A N E O U S . —Tlio water is colder at the bottom than at the surface. In many hays on the coast of Norwny the water often freezes at the bottom before it dim* above. —Napa, Cal., recently exhibited a curiosity in the shape of an apple in­ closed in a small-necked bottle. The bottle was hanging In a tree ami a twtg grew into it, blossomed and matured. —A man was released from the Min­ nesota penitentiary the other day after serving ten years for a murder which his brother committed and recently ■onfeased on his death-bed. — Among it pile of New York visiting .ad invitation cards was one on which was engraved "Miss Alice 1).. at home Jund.iys, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednos- o. vs, Thursdays, Fridays and Satur­ day* " —Tne distance from ocean to ocean by the Nicaragua Canal is 160.8 miles; length of canal, 28.8 miles; length of lake, river and basin navigation, 141 miles; length of summit level. 152 •nil* s; elevation ol summit level atove sea, 110 feet; number of locks, six. —A “gum matinee" was given at one of the St. Patti theaters on New Year's day, says the New York Sun. A package of toiu was given each lady at the door, and an eye witness report* Dial "the fair creatures allowed their agile jaws to reverberate to their heiert’s content." Thus does the drama gain new gaud* and deconalions in the vasty Northwest —Bud company is like a nail driven — At a recent auction sale in London into a post, which after the first or the great Hindoo Llngam god was second blow may to drawn out with lit­ knocked down to a jeweler for thirteen tle difficulty; but being once drivon up thousand dollars. This curious ralie to Dio bead, tlie pincers can nut tuke stood two and a quarter Inches In hold to draw it out but which can only height. It was preserved for more than to done by the destruction of Die wood. a thousand years in an ancient temple —St. Augustine. at Delhi. —Tiie little shop-girl In Wnshlngton —The gold and silver plate which who made sure that Mrs. Cleveland belongs to the Duke of Cumberland was a “ real lady" by seeing her carry­ weighs some ten tom, and the jewels ing a bundle on the street had not are valued at £400,000. The Duke’s studied humanity in It Is only hereditary casket Includes tha famous people who aie doubtful about them- * pearls of Queen Charlotte (worth selves w w think it is not safe to carry j £150,000), which oattsed nearly twenty a little package even fora few blocks.— years' litigation between the Queen and N. Y. World. the King of Hanover. —The Springfield Union fell* this — Rome is regarded chiefly as a city story about President Dwight, of Yale: of antiquity, but remarkable material On liecoming president of the univer­ progress has been made there in the sity, he knew and presumably cared last twenty years. During that time nothing whatever for athletic sports •ighty-two miles of new street* have of any sort. He immediately put a been made, over3,000 houses have been telephone in his residence, and when built or enlarged, about |27,000.000 his w ife a ked him fur the reason ol have been spent in public Improve­ the innovation he blandly replied: "I ments, and the population has increased want, as pre-ddent of this university, from 244.000 to 379.000. to bear the result of the hose ball, foot­ —The Etnperor of China lately pre­ ball and rowing contests just as soon sented his bride with two beautiful as they arc over. Yale's success ii mirrors for her sitting-room. They are nearest my heart.” of massive foreign glass, over six feet —A Now York woman makerfagood long and live feet broad, set In rose­ living as a guide to other women In wood, with frame olne feet high, with visiting the city. She meet* them at carved flowers in relief, and pedestals the train, takes them to their rooms, to flx them in. also beautifully adorned shows all the sight* and performs all with foliage, animals, and bird*. Each the duties which are undertaken by mirror and each frame took eight men to carry it. European guide*.