$ -Sha '■ IU b happy thoughts of Mr. Andrew Carnegie. Admiral Dewey now twits for a few IB«W*I> KYKKY FRIDAY Uilll.tlNU. more small gun boats. N o doubt he --------- *------------- ------------------ :-------j feels asliAined to tackle the Filipinos B. H. W oodward , E dito » & P ubms UM. with a warship, and wunts to get down --------------------------------------------- — - to a popular plane o f equality. ............ ................... ........... .. . ■ — Pi.IL ... ■_ ^ U T N lAg'g L V J ! U , will reveal from that which, was made when the first computation was had, but even this may not prepare us for f the marvels which a third or a half a ------- V V e-claim to h a v e th e N e w e s t a n d F ren i test S to c k of-------- century hence will dioc'ose.—O. IX*m. | \ • A flfccting the F r u it CoDsWwratlona Market. F R ID A Y , MARCH 24, 1899. Dr. Mary Walker, who attended the It is a very notable fact that when — 1 ' recent congress of mothers in Wasliing- ■Wersd »* aeond-st*«, matter it the pastoitice ton, represented the mothers theort’t- the prune supply of the United States was Imported, chiefly from Mediter­ nt NewLsrg, uregou j ically uud the fathers sartoriully. ranean countries-, when its quality was The proptiets who said all sorts o f distinctly inferior to tlie present domes­ are ready to meet our customers'with a stock that is up to date in every particular, Pague don’ t know how to fix’ the national difficulties would follow the tic'product, and when prices were 20 i Our line of furnishings is first class, annexation o f Hawaii are unable us weather a tittle bit. percent higher than now, prune con­ j Boys Suits in innumerable patterns and prices. yet to poiut with pride to the slightest sumption in the Uulted States was np- j A large assortment of Men’s Suits to select from including all styles, colors, grades and prices. trouble o f any kind. A general “ spring opening” need not j preciably greater tliun at this time. , Feeding the I Fire. An English explorer who spent years The accepted explanation in California T h e m ost p powerful o w erfu l en gin e must stop W he looked for as long us March holds the the fires are not fed. Man ___ ___________ lo t fed. 7___ . is the most won- ill the Philippines say’s their population ] is that mischievous methods of mar- key to the situation. dt-rful p iece o f m achinery ill the w orld, yet Is not over 4,000,000. N o census has , keting tiave demoralized the channels no m atter how strong and w e ll made hts WE ARE AGENTS FOB SALEM WOOLEN M ILLS M ADE T O ever been taken and the Hpaululi esti­ j of distribution. In the old importing b o d ily frate-c m ay be, i f the fire_ o f fife j .Shoes to suit any man or boy in price and quality. Fit w ith in him is not constantly fed his lim bs ORDER CLO TH ING . New samples this week, Call and examine them. None better on tlie market. The daily reportso( the work of Ilio em­ mates are guess work. guaranteed or no sale. days, it is declared the prices for ami m uscles becom e pow erless and useless. balmed beef investigating committee aro T h e reason men becom e h elpless and Dewey’s salary as Admiral Is $14,500 a j prunes, while high; were fairly stable, diseased (Setting to be aboutas stale as the beef is is because tile food th ey eat, year. The man appointed by Oov. w h ich is the fu el o f fife , is not p rop erly j and u jolrtier at the beginning laid to have been. igested and a ppropriated by the stomach Htephens to issue saloon licenses in ; of the season could lay in a d and n u tritive organs. It is not co m p letely this city gets420,000 a year, but there large prune stock with reasonable as­ transform ed into the strength and w orkin g Spam appears to have dropped pretty Is no telling how much of it he is al­ surance that it would not depreciate in p o w er w h ich is to man w hat steam is to the en gin e. _ well out of sight since tho close of the lowed to keep. value on ids hands. Prunes being thus That w o n d e rfu l potver-m akm g G olden war. Even the publication of the re- M e d ic a l D is c o v e ry ,” in ven ted b y Dr. V. It is impossible to get rid of tho im­ botli stable and stable in value, were Pierce, c h ie f consu ltin g ph ysician o R. f the portsof the bull fights is being neglected. bought in quantities like Hour and pression that the attempt to burn Ma­ In v a lid s ' H o te l and Su rgical Institute, o f o-Ha was chiefly a plot to cause foreign bacon, and worked o ff by the ordinary Buffalo, N . Y ., im bues the human d ig e s­ tiv e ju ices and blood-m akin g glands with The Iteporter and the Transcript are interference. Tills game is Spanish methods o f business. Under present capacity to extract abundant nourishm ent Attorneys fees in selling said es- doing considerable advertising for a rather tliun Filipino, hut luuy be both. conditions, prunes are readily obtuiu- from the food. It bu ilds up organ ic tissue, 439. n erve fiber, hard muscular flesh and work Don’t be a moss-back, tate. goodly number of Yamhill county peo­ Great Uri timi hasten Admirais rank- I “ bl° ln 8Wa!1 quantities, and, beingsub- in g force. It g iv e s a man steam Don’t stay in the same old rut, What it dill for Mr P S Hughes, o f Junction, ple just at present without their consent. lug technically with Dewey, but if all ¡J0®* violent alterations in value, no Hunterdon Co., N. J., is given in his own words. TZhe delinquent tax list is on hand. Don’t help pay high rent for other people. He writes: I received your kind letter, and should be seen together tlie s;>eetators jobber buys at any time a greater sup in reply wauld say that mine was a had case o f would ask with one voice: “ W hich is ply than is required for the filling of kidney and liver trouble, and that six bottles of Don’t buy a wheel until you look at current orders Under this system the Ur Pierce's ( .olden Medical Discovery ami four California will also go without a sena­ Dewey?” A ll the Bicycles in the City. bottles o f little ' Pellets ^effected a complete cure jobber makes no eflbrt to sell prunes, It is well known that almost every engineer is tor, owing to tho failure of the legisla East year tho United States Imported troubled more or less with kidney trouble, especl Come and look at the since, having no stock on hand, he has allv on our fast express trains. I run one hun­ ture to elect. Let Foiled Slates sena­ 2280 horses worth 4200,000, and export­ r u g g is t s no special motive for pushing tlie prune dred and forty-four miles on these trains every WAVERLEY tors bo elected by a direct vote of tho ed over 51,000 I torses worth 40,900,000. day ill the week, and have had no return o f the trade. trouble since taking the remedies, nearly three people and tints do away with senatorial In 1890 tliis country imported 38,219 it t z e u s t h o ie This is an easy und a very spe­ years ago.” deadlocks, horses and exported only 350). The cious explanation; and there Is, indeed, IMPERIAL Pure Drug's, Paints, Oils and Wall figures show u surprising development Sund ay School Convention. something in it. A merchant nuturully Paper. CLEVELAND Notiiing more is heard of tho Second in one article of foreign trade. uses his best energies to sell the par­ The Yamhill county Sunday school flrsaon wanting to coiue home from The Uulted States Is feeding 20,000 ticular merchandise in which his cap­ T P L I B T T H S r iE convention is in session at McMinnville Manila. The boys are engaged in a lit­ destitute people in Havana. It is in ital is invested; ami it is true, unques­ witli the meetings being held in tlie new FEATHERSTOITE. tle job over there now which they seem order to ask the pothouse Cuban poli­ tionably, that the change from the old Baptist church. The program for today Stationery and School Supplies. atraioug to finish up before they tuke ticians who are trying to hurry our way of handling prunes in stock to the Come and examine the-inside works which I will gladly show you, and itf aa follows: their departure (or home. forces out o f the island if they are pre­ new way o f handling them pruetioully theu if you are able to pay a reasonable price for the highest . FRIDAY MOUSING. pared to take up this work. on a commission basis, is detrimental 9:"0—Devotional, Hev. G. \V. Fender, grade, best improvements and equipment known to the whole Books and Tablets and Etc., Etc. Henator Lodge idt the murk when to ttie bui-incxs in that it eliminates the McMinnville. Aguinaldo sold out to Spain previous • world — you are sure to be my customer. lie said that the postponement o f the personal interest und the selling energy 10:00— Are teachers responsible for to the arrival of Dewey at Manila for i ’uciflc cable by cougregs was a piece of that goes witli it from the channels of small attendance in Sunday school? $#*»,000 but lie is not making much pro­ '‘miserable economy.” distribution. In other words the mer­ Hev. Jesse Edwards, Newberg. gress toward a similar deal witli Uncle Gen. Henry says a man with plenty chant, having no direct proprietary in ­ 10:30—What is the best method of in­ dam. He may consider himself fortu- aote if he escapes witli his neck in tact. of money und patience can do well in terest in prune stock, sells less limn lie creasing Sunday school collections? I ’orto Itico. These qualifications stand would if Ids capital were involved. Frank Billington. j x a e m j __ n.'i ___ i Hut there is another factor in the a pretty good chuuce elsewhere. lt:0 0 —School program. Relative im. Speaker Heed is a big man in more situation far more important, we think, portance and time for each part, Hev. ways than one but there is litde likeli­ tliun tlie change in the selling system. W. J. Waltz, Newberg. A Story o f Kxpnuition. hood of his ever being president. Heed’s It is tlie substitution of other fruits in 11:30— Business session. opposition to tlie Nicaragua Canal bill Tho difference between the United tlie consuming markets for prunes. A FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Itartlflciallydigeststh e food and aids basset him back several numbers in the States at the moment that Census Di­ few years hack tlie dried prune and tlie 1:30—Devotional, Hit-hard Baird, Nature in strengthening and recon­ estimation of the people of tho West, ir­ rector Mcrrium is about to begin the dried upple practically monopolized North Yamhill. structing the exhausted digestive or­ respective of party. decennial work of computation and tlie winter fruit market. Other fruits 2:00—What shall we do for the chil­ gans. I t is the latest liscovereddlgest- ant and tonic. N o other preparation that Ids earliest predecessor saw is one preserved in more expensive ways, dren? Mrs, M. L . Bordon, Lafayette. can approach i t in efficiency. I t in- ! Inn Mnciaren who is nowon a lecturing the marvels o f history, llie popu- there were to be sure, but ttiey were 2:30— Use of the Bible in the Sunday stantly relieves and permanently cures1 attainable only tiy the mure well-to-do, tourin this country, begins in on early |lttlion of tl,e Uulted States in 1790, at school, Hev. Monroe, Carlton. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, I f you are short on money let me show you m y issue of The Ladies' Home Journal i,jg j fhe time the first national count-was and made a small figure in consump­ 3:00—Question box, Dr. G. W . Gran- Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps, and latest piece of literary work. It is a ,,,lu'ei 'v,ls h* round figures, .1,930,000. tion au compared with the great staples n is. all other results o f imperfect digestion. seriesof popular articles in which lie -According to the statistical abstract, uhovo named. But recently great ad­ Solo—Fred Boardinan. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co., Chicago. M n w t l i * relation that a minister | w l,icl‘ »•»« J "»t been issued by the gov. vances have been made in the produc­ 3 :30—Business session. C. F. Mooitl-: & Uo. These are the same grade that are sold for kofds to his congregation ; how a preach- orniuent, the population in 1808 was tion and in the preserving of other FUID.VY EVENING. or is helped by his people; how tho i ?4,389,000. It will bo 77,500,000 by the varieties of fruits. Tlie peach, the apri­ Music, etioir. X I > A N T E D —SE V E R A L 1 K r S T WO R T II Y ▼ ▼ persons in the .state to manage our busi­ Solo, Mrs. Ethel Ballinger Dorris. congregation- can make tho most of • a I time thut Mr. Merrium’s finish their cot, the nectarine, the plum and the ness iu their own and« nearby .cmuities. It i9 about ! work In 1900. When Franklin, pear are now produced In great quan­ Solo, Prof. C. W. Kantner, Lafayette. m ainly office work conducted at home. Salary minister, and other phases ol the most straight $91)0 a year and expenses—definite, Iu sorae stores not a thousand miles from this city. 7 :00—Devotional, Herbert Cash. satisfactory attitude of a congregation to u century and a quarter ago, told Fing- tities and put on the market in forms bwuafide, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. Ittnd that tho population of the thirteen both excellent and cheap,und wherever References. Enclose self-addressed stamped a pastor. Music. I invite you to come and see me if you have any repairs to do. I Herbert E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M. colonies was doubling every twenty- a pound of any o f these fruits is sold, a 8:00— Address, Tlie Sunday school envelope. Chicago. have the ouly shop in town that does Brazing. five years, and would continue for many pound less o f prunes or apples is sold. teacher a shepherd, Hev. Alexander The Agricultural Epltounst says: In - Shop Opposite Bank of Newberg. yeurs to grow at that rate, tlie world Again, better facilities for trunsportu- Blackburn, Portland. thoas sections where a telephone sys­ N o ti le o f SheriiY’ s Sale. was startled and incredulous. The old tion, with development af tlie orchards Music. tem Inis been adopted, it lias proven in Notice*!» hereby given that in pursuance o f a philosopher, however, was not astray of tin: Southern states, lias extended at decree and order o f sale duly rendered and en­ die highest degree satisfactory. The tered in the Circuit Court of" the state of Ore­ in Ids calculations. America for many both ends the season when fresh fruits I l e a l E s ta te Ti-n usfers. gon for the county o f Yam hill, on tlie 20th day writer iurssliguted a system in i ’utnam decades doubled ln population at the ure suppled to the eastern markets. of October A. D. 1898, in the suit of H (). Han- Reported by the Yam hill Co. Abstract Co. at Me* sdn,plaiiitiff V r . A. G. Qffyirchill, Anna Christ- €o, 111., and the benefits that were evi­ rate he predicted. It now doubles Another factor is the marked develop­ Minnvllle, Oregon, for the week eliding ensoir, and the Bunk of Nerwberg, a corporation, dently derived from it exceeded his D efen d an t»,! w ill sell as the law directs, at every thirty yeurs, for the population ment in- recent years o f the market, Dec -Jl, 18jS. James M. Pugh, manager. The largest stock of.. the west door o f the Court House of said coun­ expectations. It places the farm- o f 1870 was, roundly stated, 38,300,000, gardening system in ths East, s.upply-! ^ Iiuckiixgham (Dy slierlff) t i ty, in the city<>f M cM innville in said county, •r in communication witli the town on Saturday tfie '2‘>th day of March A. 1 1 . 1899, 4 50 while that o f 1900 will be about twice ing fresher products, including small j ^ " 1 erry 20 a in sec 1012 ro $ at the hou rtif one o’clock t>. nr. of said day, and his neighbors. In a uiinuto lie cun the real property described in said decree and this figure. fruits for the table, und measurably ! U 8 t0 John ^ r8PPatl1 1” 7-6,) » learn what lie can gut for his grain, if lie I order, to wit: That certain fruit evaporator Home in sec 8 13 r5 ....................... For twenty years past, tlie United taking place o f prunes and apples. I building situated on lot No. 23 in block No. 2 of tnnrketH it at once, and when the J< e Ncwberg Orchard Association, Plat No. 1, States lias been the wealthiest nation in These fuels need not discourage I E Holt and w f to Marie K the same appears o f record iu the office of the Loiters ure at work, that sort of knowl­ Evans 53.77 a in Deskins die j Recorder of Conveyances o f said Yam hill the world. It is increasing faster In prune growers, for therels still a great edge is often of vital importance. He county, state o f Oregon, together with said lot 1800 00 t 3 r 2 ............. .................. wealth limn any other nation. Iln i demand for their product, uml one No 23. •an frequently save u drive of live, ten Dated this 17th day o f February A D. 1,899. growth in wealth exceeds Itmi in popu- likely to grow witli increase, in popu­ Shell Hawley and wf to A L W. G. If KNPERSON, or twelve miles and save valuable time Hadaway 45 05 a in C B Haw­ •¿JheriflTof Y am h ill County, State o f Oregon. lation, for w Idle Us Increase in inhabi- j lutlon and tho development of the in tlie busy season. He can do business ley die t4 r4.......................... 200 00 Dints Is fer more rapid than in any nth- : taste for fruit, in the past we have with liis neighbors at tho leust possible cr nation on the globe, tlie proportion | uol liycn a fruit-eating people; but the j Andrew Full and Geo Funk to C TIV E SOLICITORS W AN TED E V E R Y Everything in Ihe Building line from a keg of Nails-to a bill of Lumber, expenditure ol time and effort. where for “ l'he Story of the P h ilippin es’ I B V Nash 10.07 a in E R Furnished at ihe lowest living price. of money in tho cmintry is steadily j fruit appetite is a thing which grows by by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the G ov­ Geary die t i rS 1 a in Fruit- ernment as Official Historian to the War De­ gaining on it. In 1870 tlie wealth per custom, and now that frnils are easily partment. The book was written in army The Capital Journal says: Tlie early i inhabitant was $18.i3. It was$24 04 iii ami cheaply available at all seasons, | dale...................................... . 575 00 «am ps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with | General Meritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, •losing movement, including Sunday , 1880, $34 24 in 1890, and 43-1.30 in 1808. ! there is likely to lie a demand that will Ellin Simmons to J I. Vauuoy in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at 5 . 0 00 J Manila, in the insurgents camp v. 1th Asruinaldo 13050 sq ft in McM dosing, is a humane reform to give those It is likely to be between 43(1 ami 437 take all that the relatively limited fruit- (*n the Deck o f the Olym pia with Dewey and ; .1 I, Myers and wf to A I. and 8 employed indoors the benefit of a little j in 1000. This growth in wealth is also bearing regions can produce.—Oregon- | iu the n n r o f battle at the tall o f Manila. Bo- >50 00 nana » for agent» Brimful of original pictures J Myers it 1 sec 33 t 2 r3 . . . . ■ton- krisor* and outdoor recreation., without a parallel in the record wf any iun. taken by the governm ent photographers on the Mary K Evans and has to Mary There is plenty of timeto do all the busi- oilier great nation. The amount oC I spot Large hook Low prices. Big profits. | Freight paid. Credit given Drop all trashy Senator Sp oo ner on 'H im Itecent Fl,>hl I. Hoskins oh. a in the Des­ ness from 7 u. m. to fi. p. m. on six days j money in circulation likewise shows a unofficial war hooks. Outfit free Address, A t Msnlln. kills die t3 r2 ..................... 290 (X) : K. T: ■Rar.ber, sec’y Star Insurance Bldg , C hi­ in the week, and not make mere ma- ] steady ami rapid gain. This was $21.10 cago. No person can gainsay our right to Elijah Hutchens and wf to Geo «Dines out of employes and employers, I on July 1st, 1890, it was (22.49 at the * I Howie and wf 40 a n e of n e witli no regard for their licutth or land- j same date in 1897, ami 424 71 at the occupy Manila. We are in Manila to­ 1 00 ties. Such a movement honestly m l-; middle of 1898 . Tids increase is ren- day not simply because we captured the sec see 25 t2 r 3 .................... kern) to will increase the prosperity o f itered particularly remarkable by the city by force of arms; we arc there by Ulizatietb Shuler to Tlios Hall 4 8, a adjoining Dayton .......... 350 00 ocr city. Having more time to spend at I circumstance that by tlie use o f checks, agreement with Spain under the proto- Middleton, Oregon. their homes, men will want better drafts and the other money economic-! co^ E me Vine Foster and bus to Geo koines. Having rnoro time away from tog contrivances, a dollar is now eu- j 1>l>08 nnvone claim that tlie insur- 1! Foster 00 a in J Christnand M AN U K AU TU K E H S OK 1000 00 business, more young men will think of abled to do more work than twice or (tents over controlled Manila? When 1c ts r3 .......................... A L L K IN D S O E L U M B E R . getting a Innne of their own. It will in- thrice that sum could have done in the wo went into Manila with our troops, Ilettie Falconer to Tennessee Spain with her forces went out of Ma- W e have a lot o f ehnie* mountain tim ber and erraso tho attendance at churches und ear’y p a H o f the century. Falconer It 4 5 blk 17 Falconer Hre constantly running our mill. We •ntertuinments and will build np the A4 tlie (line the first head of tho con- nil*- Whatever may be said about this nil to Sheridan .................... V50 00 would ii*w y- u if iu need o f L U M B E R to carefully exam ine the spiritual and moral welfare of the city, sus began his count tin- a ren o f the mystical government which somewhere Hattie Falconer to A B Falconer tnsuy nothing of making all our people United States was 827,844 square miles, outside of Manila is said to have a capi |t 0 blk 12 Falconer add to Q U A L I T Y A C U T OF OUR L U M B E R The Ball has begun to Roll. lalthicr, happier ami wiser. ANO C O M P A R E P R IC E S . it is now, Inclusive o f Alaska, 3,025,- till, no man can deny ilrnt the Insurgents jlheridan .............................. 100 (X) Columbia, Hartford and Vedette Bicycles are selling. never ha-1 nny claim to power or sorer- 1 000 square miles Including Alaska, j Before biry4ug .elsewhere ask for prices ou ' ignty in that city. The Dismal Swamp canal, w hose open- I VV,* ° " Kn“ c“ h « uc" * ‘d »"> * «P ' I s a w e d c f . d a r p o s t s , K o l'Q H o r d r e s s e d h >'o a are thinking of purchasing a Wheel, see this beautiful line before bujung. c m r v t T COURT. It is said that Aguinaldo and his leg lor commerce is announced to take ProxUi.iately. and the recent acquisi- Prices arc right. delivered in Newberg if »o desired. associates helped us to capture Manila. Suits filed in Department No 1.—Owen I.umher AtLlit’Jte us as above or call uu our ageut. piace in a dav or two, is tlie oldest pub- ‘. l?.'"1 “ U 8'S00’° " 0 I do not stop to discuss the question Bunnett trustee against Morris Mercan­ Be work in tlie country, dating back to , " U? " } ho nrst "«* A . I*. O L I V E R , Model 50, $60— Columbia Chainless, ’98. whether this is true or not. It ia quite tile Co., action for money. the rear 1787, when a company, of which ,um,e “ ,e wl’,U;rn b' r,Kr " f tbl’ N e w b e r g , Or. Model 59, S75 — " " ’99. Department No 2.— Mary J. Carl, vs ''George Washington was one ol the dl. | wos the Mississippi river, ami its certain they did not help our Navy to utherly line was u parallel which cuts destroy the fleet of Spain; and if they David Stout. Partition suit. Model 57, $50— Columbia Chain, ’99. rectors, was organized to build it. Nut did not help ns to rapture Manila, it on­ Probate court notes—Rasmus Nelson much progress was made in the matter across the lower ends o f the present Model 49, $40— ly intensifies tlie wantonnese and the guardian of Martha »hodden, insane. states of Alabama, Mississippi and the ■ntil alter-the war of 1812, when the Pattern 19-20, $35, Hartford Chain, ‘99. wilfulness of their present attitude. We Guardian files first annual report show- projection of Louisiana which Is east of •Livernment, having realized tho necess­ Pattern 2t-22, $25 :526— Vedette Chain,.-’99. are there by right. We hod not moved receipts amounting to (837.20. Balance ity of mi inland passage for vessels, took tlie Mississippi river. A ll the territory N F B R ITT P resid en t our troops tieyond the limits implied or on hand due estate (399.85. Report ap­ west o f tho Mississippi at that time is-- '98 Wheels Cheaper. J. C. COLCORD. Cashier- bohl of it. In 1822 K was finally o|>ehed We were proved. •otraffle *distanco of twenty-two miles. 1 ¡0,>R*'4 to Spain, ami all the territory indicated by the pnvtoeol. below the southerly line mentioned wn* there purely upon the defensive, and I. C Triplett released the hearing o f For many years it wn* n grv.it waterway The patronage of those having repairing to do is respectfully solicited. this attack upon the American army in final account set for May 2, 1S99. 8 U for interstate commerce, but 4}nnlly it owned by the same country. We spread Am prepared to do Brazing at reasonable rates. I have the on­ to the 1‘acillc and tlie Gulf of Mexico Manila is. ns I said before, as wanton, ns Pearson deceased, the hearing of final was allowed to run down until it became ly shop in towu that does lathe work. C. F. JO H N SO N ' long ngo, and now stretch humlreos of wilful, a* gross a violati, n of every prill- account continued until April 8, 1899. tinmvigable. Now, after the expenditure B. < MILKS. James Fielt deceased. Second annual T t i «4 a largo amount of money by Eastern miles fartixT to the south ami thou* eiple of right and of every rule of law as K II WOODWARD. over was known in the history of war. settlement approved. In the matter of amis of miles farther to the west, anil N. K. BUI I T. esi|atalisU, it is about to lw reopened. - Directors. 1 do not know wtiat motive led to this estate M^rv and Scot Flett miners, The canal forms an important link in liavv besides taken in a large strip to Ike chain of inland waterway* from New tlie novthwrest. 'the rhnt.ges o f the that attack. That it was premeditated .guardian file* first annual report show - near future may be as nmmdag a* those and general no mati, so far ss 1 know, ing that he had reoeiveJ from all sowrees York to tlie Flor.da cogtt, and w ill o|a-n can dispute. the sum of (1929.91 and that lie lias ex­ ■P over 2,000 miles of inland navigation, w hlch have occurred in Hie past. U n­ From tho inform a lion we now have I pends l the sum of (1710 leaving a bal­ com prising the many rivers ai.d stream* der tlie present rate of increase, which R ttK srn x n rN T « t.vM A r • r- rt « d im that it was premeditated and ance iu the hands o( the guardian of t-o F L O ! R , F E E D , I I A Y A G I I VI N - land; Natisasi f*ark »auk, 8esr York of the Carolina*.—Indianapolis Journal. double* the populah. ii -very thirty y«urs, there are children now living w anton, and I beleive was »spired sole­ $210.91. GARDEN A FLO W ER y\ ho w ill see ;!Od,iXVl,00t) people In til« ly with reference to its effect or possible J \V Ayres admrol the estate of A va­ S E E D ». m o w t h k « ii.n n r n R w n n i \ r . ■ Solicit* ihr pstronmet of his old fnUast United States in it* present aiva. even effn-t upon tlie action of the Senate in li ns Ayres deceased and tiles first semi­ T re » Dsiivery. Friend, who seed watch repair in , dons. Tlie proposition to armor plate all if tlie area d es not Itself expand in tlie ratifying or acting upon the treaty.— in annual account, »aid account is by i e the army beef hereafter la-fore sending interval, it will lie a striking contrast the.March issus oi The National Maga court allowed lite sum of f i t » as his Stronc.-rs v i,iliac ths city «re invitee, to exit st ! 5270 M orrison St. E. C. W a r d A Uo. Die Nutk* tor information roacsrLiag r»e| Wlo-tlic front is believed lo bn one of w inch t ui.su* Itirvctor Mcr 1 Luu * count ‘ eu*. commission and said a lmr is allowed n o CoZr* -pM-iOeovr iohi «S. Ut. *uc«t »«arbtrf urtg-- NEEBERG GRAPHIC. Hello, Central! Give us everybody on the wires. Men’s, Boys’, Children’s Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps and Gents Furnishings in New berg, as we have recently closed out ALL old stock. ■ ¿¿ms iW Hats of every description from 75c. to 84.50. Come, investigate and be convinced that we are furnishing good goods at honest prices. H o d s on H ros. Yours for honest dealing, NEWBERC CLOTHING HOUSE. C. F. Moore & Co D Dyspepsia . Cure. Digests what you eat. $25.00 BICYCLES. $ 35.00 A. M. HOSKINS. ¡ Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass in Newberg. V W. P. SEA C O C K , Proprietor Building Material Depot. Nelson & Reed, Columbia Model 49, $40. Bank of Newberg. CAPITAL STOCK, 330,000. Feed & Seed Store JOHN A. BECK, WATCHMAKJER *«• JEWELER, P O R T L A N D , OÜL-