Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 24, 1889, Image 1

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H a l t C o l u m n .......................................... T i m D ot te l«
.F Ä e t e o o e l Cord»
b f ■ • « lo e * « I I I ha In a o r te «
Mia r a t a a» T o n a a a U y a t U n a .
le v a ri
«kl7 !■ i l l U M .
U l r a , O sar aio. Mewberi, f tw te
Epitome o f the Telegraphic
N ew s o f the World.
A n I n te r e s tin g C o llectio n o f I te m s F ro m
th e T w o H em isp h e res P resen te d
in a C o n d e n se d F o rm .
General Otis is planning another
blow at the insurgents in the exeuction
of his general scheme of hastening the
end of the rebellion in Luzon before
the advent of the isiny season.
The appellnte court, at Chicago, has
unanimously sustained
a decision
rendered by Judge Tuley last Bunnner,
th at express companies are obliged to
furnish war revenue stamps to all ship­
The sovereign camp Woodman of tba
Woihl, the fifth largest fraternal and
beneflciaiy order in I tie United States
aie in biennial session at Memphis,
Tenn. The session will last ten days
or two weeks.
Mrs. Minnie Adams lias been arrest-
•d at her f a t h e r ’s home, in San Fran­
cisco, on enspicion of having murdered
her two-year-old illegitimate child,
John Richard Gray, by administering a
dose of carbolic acid.
Senor Quesada, of the Cuban jun ta
in Washington, lias received a cable­
gram form Santiago which says: "The
people ol Santiago disauthorize the as­
sembly, sustain Gomez and are pre­
paring a public manifestation.”
At the annual meeting of the Asso­
ciated Chambers of Commerce in Lon­
don, a resolution was passed urging
the British government to maintain the
‘ ‘open door" in China ami ffrior Brit­
ish rights in the Yang tse Kiung valley.
A contract has been concluded be­
tween the Germ an government and
Cecil Rhodes, the British South Afri­
can magnate, for the construction of a
telegraph line in Fast Afrioa.
contract for building a railroad through
the same territory is upon the point
of conclusion.
Rear-Admiral Hichborn. chief naval
constructor, in his statem ent of work
accomplished on the vessels now build­
ing lor the navy, shows that, there aie
now actually under construction, or al­
ready contracted for, 51 vessels of vari­
ous types, ranging from battle-ships to
According to a dispatch from Pinar
del Rio, five sisters of the Amerioan
order of Sacred Heart have been ordered
away from Cuba by Arcbibsbop Cha-
pelle, papal representative. The nuns
are all daughters of Indian chiefs, and
the reason g'ven is tho "old hatred
against the Indian sisters."
Tlnee thousand insurgents moved
down to the towns of Pasig and Pateros
on the shore of Laguna de Bay, front­
ing Wheaton's troops on the Pasig river
line. By heavy fighting Wheaton dis­
lodged and drove them buck, taking
400 prisoners and inflicting heavy losses
in killed and wounded.
The torpedo-boat Fox, built at Port­
land, has arrived at San Francicco.
She made the run from Astoiia in 45
The navy departm ent has abandoned
all hope of the recovery of the armored
cruiser Cristobal Colon, sunk in tha
battle of Ju ly 3, at Santiago.
The navy department is informed by
Admiral Dewey that the «apply ship
Kanshan has left Manila with supplies
for the new naval station at Guam.
A correspondent of the state depart­
ment, writing from Ponapi, Carolina
islands, «ays the in habitants like every­
thing th at is American. They are hop­
ing and praying, he says, th at tba
Americans will take possession of all
of the islands, and, if not all, at least
the island of Ponapi.
The differences between the Raisin-
Growers’ Association and the packer*
of California, have been finally ad­
justed. The association will make tha
sales and the packers will receive a
liberal commission. The packers will
form an oragnization with a capital of
|500,000, of which $10,000 is to be in
The city of Pasig, east of Manila,
has been captured by American troopa
after an h our's fight. The loss to tha
Filipinos was 80 killed and 16 prison­
ers. The A m ericans’ loss was ope man
killed, tiix were wounded. The man
killed is P riv a te C. E. Thorn, of the
Twentieth Kansas.
The battle was
fought by Wheaton's divisional brigade.
A search steamer which has returned
to Brisbane, (Queensland, from Cook-
town, on the Endeavor river, thia
colonv, reports that three schooners and
80 luggers were lost and th a t 400 col­
ored persons
and II whites were
drowned daring the recent hurricane
th a t swept th e northwest coast of
There lias been a popular demonstra­
tion in Christiana, Norway, against
Crown Prince Gustaf, Duke of Worm-
land, who was recently appointed re­
gent on account of the illneas of hr*
father, King Oscar. Tire prince was
returning from the military club when
ha met a crowd of people, who hooted
him, hissed him and pelted him with
The Utah
legislature adjoarned
without electing a United States sena­
tor to succeed Senator Cannon.
Governor Rogers, of Washington,
has vetoed th e two school text-book
hills passed by the recent legislature.
M. Cambon, the French ambassa­
dor, has called at th e departm ent of
state and served formal notice of the
signing of the peace treaty at Madrid.
The navy departm ent has been ad­
vised ot the arriv al at Manila of the
battle-ship Oregon and Iris. Admiral
Dewey cabled th at th e Oregon is in a
lit condition for any duty.
A tornado has sw ept over a large
area of the South. The loss of life|and
destruction of properly has been es­
pecially heavy in Tennessee, Alabama,
Arkansas and Mississippi.
A F innish deputation of 400 persons,
who recently arrived at St. P eters­
burg, to petition tbe czar against th a
Russification deeoress, lias been or­
dered to return home immediately, tha
czar i ufusing to receive its members.
George Dewey, jr., has received a
letter from his father, the admiral, in
which he says he is in good health, a l­
though somewhat fatigued. The ad ­
miral expressed the hope th a t his task
would be finished before long.
The California legislature has ad ­
journed without electing a United
States senator
Nineteen ballots wore
taken daring the last d a y ’s session,
and 104 ballots since the convening of
th at body.
The Intornationnal Steam P n m p
Company lias been organized in Jersey
City. All the prom inent steam tnanu-
factnrers in the city are said to have
gone into the combine.
Tbe com­
pany has a capital of $37.000,000.
Two explosions have occurred at the
government am m unition
factory at
Bourges, in the shell filling
Three men were killed and five were
injured . At Marseilles a cartridge ex­
ploded, blowing up a quantity of gun­
powder. Three men were injured and
great damage was done to the building.
The Imparcial, of Madrid, asserts
that a republican plot has been discov­
ered in the province of Seville; that
thiee of the leaders have been arrested,
and th a t Carlist movements have taken
place at Petpiguan, capital of the
French departm ent of the Eastern P y r ­
enees, where arm s are said to be ac­
By the burning of the Windsor ho­
tel, in New York, 16 persons lost their
lives, and others will probably die from
injuries received.
The number of
missing is 66, anil 57 were injured,
jewelry to the valne of $1,000,000, be­
longing to guests, was lost.
Windsor was a large hut old building,
at.J burned very rapidly.
Tbp d :rectors of th e Pacific Coast
Company declared a dividend of 2
and 2 per cent on preferred and com
mon stock.
Reports of the likelihood of a renew­
al of the trouble among the Indians at
Leach Lake, Minn., are not credited at
the Indian bureau, at Washington.
A report is current involving tiie es­
tablishm ent in San Francisco by the
most widely known financial men of
the world of a commercial bank, with
• paid-up capital of $5,000,000.
The snow-bound train on the Chey­
enne & Northern at Wheatland has
been abandoned by th e company offi­
cials, who will take steps to rescue the
passengers by sleds.
Acting Postmaster-General
has issued an order directing th a t here­
after fees for postal money ordeis issued
in th e United States for payment in
Cuba shall lie the same as those fixed
for domestic money orders.
Orders have been issued for the mus­
ter out of the F ir s t Texas at Galveston
and the Second Louisiana at Savannah.
Both regiments are now at Havana.
The Sixth onmpany volunteer signal
corps, at Augusta, G a., was also ordered
mustered out.
The drought which was threatening
the loss of millions of dollars to Cali­
fornia has been broken by a rain storm
-:ontinuing for several days. Reports
show th at both grain and fruit crops
are in excellent condition through the
big Sacramento valley.
A speoial from Madrid says: P r e ­
mier Silvela, in an interview just pu b ­
lished, spoke in favor of the in terven­
tion of France for th e purpose of ob­
taining permission from the United
States for Spain to resume direct nego­
tiations for the release of the Spanish
prisoners held by the P hilippine rebels.
Six men have arrived at St. Michaels
from the North American T ransporta­
tion & Trading C om pany’s steamer, P.
B. Weare, which is ioe-bound in the
Yukon, near Holy Cross mission. The
men do not th in k they will lie able to
save her in th e spring. Seven men
left the steamer, bu t one got lost com­
ing down, and the others th in k he was
frozen to death.
A party of some 60 members of con
gresa, senators anil representatives, will
accept the invitation extended by gen­
tlemen representing Panama canal in ­
terests and will inspect the Nicaragua
and Panama canal works. The party
left New York, March 2. T his body
has nothing to do with the official in-
veatigation which will be made by th e
cominisaion to be appointed by Preai-
dent McKinley.
A monum ent coating $40,000 ia to be
erected over the grave of a simple Ken-
Two surveying parties are locating
tacky private killed in the San Ju a n
the line of tire electric road between
fight. The soldier was only one of
Tacoma and Seattle, a distance of M
many wealthy men who were prepared
milee. The road ia expected to be in
to go to th a front in any capacity.
operation by November I.
Tbe Danish East Asiatic Company,
A doable tragedy ia reported from
Nanaimo, B. C. Dave Evans shot Lib- limited, which, beaides being a (team-
bie White dead and committed saicide ship oompany, owns large foresta and
in their room a t a hotel. Both were commercial establishments in Siam,
public en tertain er« Unrequited love lataly ordered foor more 10,000-ton
ia supposed to have been the caused steamers for ita line between tbe Bal­
tic and t h e far East.
of tbe tragedy.
M ln« *r
Item s.
Tw entieth Infantry Captures
Another Stronghold.
ll e a v j O dd« A g a in st th o A m ericans*
T h o L a tte r L ost T w o M en nnd
t h e K e b e l s lO O .
Manila, March 18.—The first b a t­
talion of the Twentieth infantiy regi­
m ent has advanced from Pasig, clear-
ing the country to Cainta, a well-
defended village of 700 inhabitants,
five miles noithwest of the footliills.
The troops fiist encountered tha
rebel outpost in the dense jungle on
the hank of the river. The enemy was
dislodged after half an hour's fighting.
The Americans advanced in a splendid
manner, under heavy fire, until they
were ready to volley the lebele from
the trenches. The latter had a great
advantage, and dropped a number ol
our men.
Tbe Ameticans charged
across the rice fields, making four ad-
vances on the enemy, who numbered
1,000 men, 500 of whom were e n ­
trenched, and in the face of a cross file.
Our troops carried the town after
four hours of fighting and burned the
outskirts, the rebels firing from the
windows and keeping np a running fire
in the sheets. The Americans then
withdrew to obtain more amm unition.
The rebels lost 100 men and the
American loss was: Corporal John-
•on, of company C. and Private Me-
Avoy, of company L, killed, and IS
R e b e l L i n e C u t in T w o .
Washington, March 18.—The follow­
ing from General Otis wus received at
the war departm ent today:
"M anila, March 18. — Reports from
Ilo llo indicate an improvement and
lees activity on the part of the insur­
gents. Reports from Negros are most
encouraging. The inhabitants are en­
thusiastic. (Quiet prevails thioughout
the island, and Colonel Smith is direct­
ing affairs in framing the internal gov­
ernment. Cebu is quiet. Business is
progressing under United States pro-
Reports from Samar and
Leyte indicate the desire of the inlAtb-
itants for United States troops. These
islauds will be occupied.
" T h e insurgents’ control is confined
to Luzon, and the occupation of tlie
Pasig river line with control of Laguna
de Bay has cut th e country occupied
by the Tagalos in neaily two equal
V ariety
P O P E ’S
R eports R eg a rd in g
C o n d itio n .
Rome, March 18.—The pope's health
is following its normal course. Tha
Messagro, however, says the pops
shows signs of im leasing weakness and
tiiat his physicians are very watchful.
Professor Mazzoni and Dr. Lapponi,
the pope’s physicians, deny all the
alarmist rumors th a t have been in oir-
culation regarding the condition of his
They declare the wound
made by tbe recent 0|>eration is about
l.e iled; th at tiie pope’s lungs and heart
are absolutely healthy, amt th a t his
weakness is not more than is natural
in a nonagenarian
On the other hand
the newspapers print a variety of re-
poits. While the Tribuua states that
his holiness has resumed his usnal avo­
cations, giving audiences, the Opinions
declares th a t he had seveial fainting
fits during the day.
C O U N T Y , O R EG O N ,
F R ID A Y ,
Washington, March 18. — Admiral
Kautz has reported the arrival at Apia
of the cruiser Philadelphia Match 6.
He made no mention of political
As negotiations are now in piogress
between the United Btates, O ieat
Britain and Germany, leapectiug the
kingly succession in Samoa, any action
of the soealled provisional government
th a t would tend to furoe a crisis pre­
would have mischievous
effects. T he Germ an government i*
regarded as being particularly solicit­
ous th a t there should he noou tbieak at
this time, but unfortunately seeks to
impose conditions in the pursuit of this
purpose, th a t if acoepted, would seri­
ously compiomise the alleged rights of
both tbe United States and Great
B ritain. O m government prefers to
adhere strictly to the lines ol the Ber­
lin treaty, so long as that convention
remains unchanged. It is understood
here th at the provisional government
referred to in the news dispatches, Is
nothing more than an assemblage of
some of the srbehiefs and th at even
Mataafa, the candidate for the king­
ship, has not joined. Meanwhile, tha
three governments are somewhat di­
vided over the proposition to undertake
a leopening of the controversy over the
succession to the throne, ttie piesent
contention of the United States and
Great Britain being tiiat as the chief
justice was clothed wih specific author­
ity to deal with this question, not even
the treaty powers have any power in
the matter,
F O L G E R ’S
S ix
R a m p a r t C ity a n d
a t I ’e a v y .
A rriv e
Seattle, March 18.—H. O. Nordvig,
of Portland, Or., and G. B. Wilson, of
Browning, Mo., are the latest arrivals
from the Koyuktik district, Alaska.
They report tha safety of a party of
eight, headed bv Jack Folger, an old
Alaskan, who started from Rampart
City to the Koyukuk, and who, it was
feared, had perished in a blizzard.
Six of the party returned to Rampart
City, but Folger and one companion
pushed through toPeavy. For 21 days
they subsisted oil dog meat,
Mr. Wilson gives the population of
the various towns on the Koyukuk as
follows: Jimtown, 250; Burginan City,
250; Arctic City, 50; Peavy, 150;
Union City, 100 or leer.
The Noith American Transportation
& Trading Company is about to move
headquarters from Peavy to Jiiutown,
on account of the rich prospects on
Davis creek, a tributary of the Koyu-
kuk, and although no large amounts
have been taken out, every one is satis­
fied, One man oleaned up $1,500 last
fall, which is the largest [amount
known. Pans have run from 6 cents
as high as $11. Since then hut very
little work has been done, and no one
knows what the district contains.
D r. H u b e r'* D isco v ery .
Ana Arbor, Mich., March 18.—Dr.
G. Carl Huber, assistant professor of
anatomy and director of the historical
laboratory of the University of Michi­
gan, has ju st discovered that, lo ntiary
to the belief of the leading physiolo­
gists of tiie wolrd, the blood vessels uf
the brain are controlled by nerves.
Dr. Huber has demonstrated this and
will publish the results of his extensive
D e n m a r k W a n t * a Slice.
London, Marcli 18.—The Copenhagen
correspondent of the Daily Mail says:
It is asserted here th a t M. Heide, d i­
rector of the
Danish East Africa
Steam ship Company, i* about to go to
C hina in the oompany'a interest. It ia
S p a n i s h C o lo n ist* .
also said he has a government mission
City of Mexico, March 18.— El Con­ to seek some convenient harbor in
tinent* Americano, the organ of lh< China, as Denmark intends to follow
Cuban residents lieie, strongly oppose« in tiie footsteps of the other power*.
allowing Spanish troops discharged from
A D re y fu s S to ry .
tiie army in Cuba to come to Mexioc
London, March 18.—Tbe Evening
as colonists, and says it is a dishonor-
able and undignified conversion of Mex­ News today publishes a sensational
ico into a lair of bandits, disguised at Dreyfus story. It declared th at tbe ex-
colonists. It calls the Spaniards "the Russian ambassador, Baron von Moll-
Chinese of Europe,” and says they renhnim, is the real culprit, who sold
will make Mexico the foens of infec­ both Russian and French secrets to the
tion for free Americans. The Mexcian Germ an government, adding th a t the
Herald sustains tiie ministry in giving Russian government itself is convinced
a charter for Spanish colonization, con­ of his gnilt.
tending that the Spanish soldiers will
A S a lt Tru«t.
make good citizens.
New York, March 18. — It was re­
D e a th on a G lac ier.
Seattle, March 18.—The steamer Ex­
celsior, which arrived tonight flora
the mouth of Copper river, Alaska,
brings news of the freexing to death ol
six men on Valdes glacier, about tbs
1st of Match. They were:
Adolph E hrhardt, New York; Maxi­
milian Miller, New York; Dr. Edwin
Logan, Denver; Alfred Alleman, New
York: Rudolph Ellerkamp, Louisville,
K y.; August Schultz, New York.
All the bodies except th at of Dr.
Logan were recovered and buried at
Valdes. Elirltardt, Miller and Alle­
man were members of the Scientific
Prospecting Company, of New York.
Tbe Excelsior brought nearly 100 pas­
sengers, 40 per cent o» whom were suf­
fering from scurvy.
C o m b in a tio n B eing C o n sid ere d .
Boston, March 18.— A combination
of the chief woolen mills in the East,
a counterpart in many respects to tha
American Woolen Company (the wor­
sted mills combine), is reporter) to h*
under consideration by several wool
houses I d this city._________
P re h isto ric M am m o th Ponnd.
San Francisco, March 18.— A Chron­
icle special from Vancouver, B. O.,
says: According to the latest mail ad-
| vices from Dawson, a marvelous die-
I eovery has been made on Dominion
creek, in the Klondike. A prehistoric
■ m am m oth, weighing 30 tons, with
fle«h still sweet enough to eat, was
' found on February 8. by August Trul-
! son, a Swede, and his partner, while
| working their claim on Dominion
creek. They came across tha remains
1 40 feet from tba surfaca.
ported today th at the evaporated salt
interests in this state were being
brought together under the title of the
National Halt Company. It will have
an authorized capital of $12,000,000, of
which $5,000,000 is non-cumulative 7
per cent preferred stock and tbe re­
mainder, $7 ,000,000, common.
T h e S p an ish P riso n er* .
London, March 18.—A special from
Madrid says: Prem ier 8ilvela, in an
interview just published, spoke in fa­
vor of the intervention of France for
the putpoee of obtaining («rmission
from the United States for Spain to
resume direct negotiations for the re­
lease of the Spanish prisoners held by
tbe Philippine rebels.
E x plosion W us Not A ccid en tal.
Paris, March 17.—The Euclalre con-
firms tha report th a t the government
inquiry regarding the explosion of the
naval powder magazine at La Goubran
has shown th a t it was not of accidental
origin and much credence ia now given
to tha rumor th a t it was an anarchist
T h * t o r l f i D isso lv ed .
Madrid, March 18. — Tha
regent tonight signed the decree dis­
solving the cortea, convoking tha new
parliam ent and authoriaing the pay­
m ent of arrears of pay to the repatri­
ated troopa.
H a y tte a Duties Increased.
New York, March 18.—A dispatch
to tha Herald from Port Ao Prince
•ays: An increasa of 25 per cent in
tbe dutiea on all importa want Into
effect yeaterday.
NO. 18.
24, 1899.
P ro v is io n a l G o v e rn m e n t W ill N ot
C o n s i d e r e d in N e g o ti a ti o n * .
Spain and the United States
Again at Peace.
W h l e h W ill B . S en t to F r . n c h A m b a s ­
s a d o r far K s c h a iig . W ith t h . On«
a ig u .il by M o K lo l.j.
Madrid, March 20.— Tbo queen re­
gent lias signed the treaty of peace.
The signed treaty will be forward») to
tiie French ambassador at Washington
for exchange witli the one signed hy
President McKinley. No decree on the
subject will be published in the Offi-
•ial Gazette.
F IR E .
L i v e s L o s t In t h e B u r n i n g o f t h o
W in d so r. N ew Y ork.
New York, March 20. — Flames
which originated from the igniting of
a lace curtain, burst forth from tne sec­
ond floor of tbe Windsor hotel, at Forty-
seventh etieet and Fifth avenue, sh ort­
ly after 3 o’clock thia afternoon, ju st
as the St. P atrick’s day parade was pas­
sing the building, and in a few mo-
merits they had leap»! to tho roof and
enveloped the entire Fifth-avenue and
Forty-seventh stieet fronts of the hotel.
Ten minutes later tbe flames were roar­
ing through the interior of the hotel,
and all escape hy means of the stair­
ways and elevators was cut off.
There was the wildest scene of excite­
ment within and w ithon t the building.
Hundreds of guests and employes were
in the hotel when the firo broke out,
ami for many of them to esoape with
safety was impossible. Probably 15
lives were lost w ithin a half hour, and
45 or 50 persons were injured in ju m p ­
ing fiom windows and in mailing
through the roaring flames in the cor­
ridors and stairways. Manv who were
injured died later in nearby residence«
and at hospitals, and otheis who made
wild leaps to the stone sidewalk were
so badly injured th a t they are still
hovering between life and death. It
may be 24 hours or moie before the
complete list of fatalities becomes
known, and it will be longer th an that
before it can be ascertained definitely
how many charred bodies are in the
mass of fallen masonry th a t mark the
spot whers th e hotel stood.
Tims far 14 are known to be dead,
12 injured, and 41 missing.
Washington, March 20. — In the ab­
sence of any direct diplomatic com­
munication between the United States
and Spain, Secretary Hay expects to
receive his first formal notice of the
ratification of the peace treaty hy the
queen regent through the medium of
the Fiench embassy here.
The next step must be taken by
Spain, which must iiHine a special en­
voy and notify the United States gov­
ernm ent of the probable date upon
whioh he w ill present himself at
Washington with the exchange copy of
th e treaty of peace.
Although in most instances little
more than a perfunctory ceremony, in
the case of tiie exchange of the ratifica­
tion of th is treaty the details will be TO P O L I C E P H IL IP P IN E W A TE R S .
of more than ordinary intereat, for the
•coasion will he historical
M o s q u i t o F l o a t W i l l K . S . B t 1» A d -
m lral D ew ey.
S p a n is h -A m e ric a n W ar.
15, 1898 — Battle-sliip
Maine blown up in Havana harlior.
April 20— President authorized by
congress to intervene in Cuba with
army and navy.
April 22— Blockading proclamation
issued. F irst gun of the war fired by
gunboat Nashville, in oapturing tbe
prize Buena Ventura.
April 28—President calls for 125,-
000 two-year volunteers.
April 25— Wat with Spain is de­
April 29—Cervera’a fleet sails for
May 1— Rear-Admiral Dewey de-
■troys entire fleet of Admirul Montojo,
in Manila bay.
May l i — Ensign Bug'ey killed at
May 19—Cervera’s fleet seoks refuge
in Santiago de Cuba bay.
May 25— President calls lot 75,000
additional volunteers,
Ju n e 3— Hobson sinks the Merrimac
in Santiago harbor, ami is taken pris­
oner w ith seven volunteers who accom­
panied him .
Ju n e 10— Six hundred United States
marines landed at Caimanera.
J u n e 13—C am ara’a fleet sail« from
Ju n e 22—Shafter’s army lands at
Daiquiri and Sihoney.
July 1—Lawton and Kent and rough
riders take San Ju a n hill, losing 281
m en, with 1,364 wonnded.
Ju ly 8— Uervora’s fleet destroyed by
Spnnipsoii’s squadron.
July 17— Toral snrremlers Santiago
and eastern portion of Cuba.
J u ly 25—General Miles lands in
Porto Rico, near Ponce.
Ju ly 26 — Spain proposes peace
through French Ambassador Cainbon.
Ju ly 31— B attle ol Malate, near
M anila.
August 12—Spain and United States
■ign peace protocol defining terms.
August 25— United States peace
commission named.
November 28—F inal terms of United
States accepted hy Spain at Paris.
December 10— Treaty of i>eao« signed
at Paris.
Jan u ary 6, 1899—Treaty ratified by
U nited States senate.
Marcli 17—Treaty signed by queen
regent of Spain.
Washington, March 20.— The navy
department is taking steps toward the
formation of a mosquito fleet for tiie
Philippines. The conditions now pre­
vailing in Luzon indicate th at for a
long time it will be necessary to m a in ­
tain a strict police of the ooast and in ­
land waters. For tiie inland work,
especially, tho departm ent will need
some very light-draught boats. For
this work the big ocean tags that
formed the mosquito fleet that operated
around Uuhu during tho blockade, and
of which the government has a n u m ­
ber, aro now being looked over with a
view to ju st this service. Some of
them are on the Pacific coast.
The departm ent has figured out a
coasting voyage th at will take them up
the Alaskan coast, coaling at Hitka, to
(Jualaska ami Cook inlet, thence down
through the Aleutian islands to Hako­
date, the northern point of Japan, from
wheie they can make the run aoioet
the China sea down to Hong Kong and
thence to the Philippines. It will be
about a two-months’ voyage, but one
th a t oan be made safoly.
A v altm chfi on t h e G r e a t N o r th e r n .
Beattie, Wash., Maroh 20.—A huge
avalanche of ice and snow on the Great
Northern railway, near Wellington,
tins done so much damage that traffic
between this city and Bpokane Will be
suspended nntil next Monday.
iion bridge 100 feet lung lias been car­
ried away. The slide is located be­
tween Wellington and Madison, about
17 miles west of tho switchback. P en d ­
ing the resumption of traffic, the Great
Northern’s business is being transferred
to the Nolheru Pacific at Bpokane and
this city. A large force of men is
working night and day repairing tha
T h . C a p .-to -C a lro K allro ail.
London, March 20.— The Berlin anr-
respondent of the Standard, discussing
the recent visit to the German capital
of Mr. Cecil Rhodes in connection
w ith liia Cape-to-Cairo railway project,
The government, it ia believed, will
submit to the reinhstag a bill asking a
guarantee of 3 per cent interest for
th at portion of tiie line which ciosses
German territory in East Africa. This
section will he built and worked ex­
clusively bv Germans and su perintend­
ed by the German gov ernm en t It ia
K a u ts A rran g es a C onference.
not unlikely, however, th a t a portion
Washington, March 20.—Admiral of the capital will lie offered for sub­
K autz lias cabled the secretary of the scription in England.
navy from Apia, Samoa, via Auckland,
A ccused of P o iso n in g H er Hog.
N. Z ., th at lie haa airanged for a meet­
ing of the three consuls, those of tiie
Ban Francisco, Marcli 2 0 —The cor­
United States, Great Britain and G er­ oner’s jury investigating the case of
many, at an early date, to have a free John Richard GrHy, the 2-year-old boy
discussion of Samoan affairs.
Tbs who died of carbolic acid poisoning a
oable dispatch ia dated a week ago.
few days ago, returned a verdict to­
night that death was caused by oarliolio
S tra n d e d a t C o p p er R iver.
aoid poisoning administered by some
Seattle, March 20.— Miners who a r ­ person unknown. Mrs. Adams, the
rived here last night from Copper oliild's mother, who has been held on
river, Alaska, say th a t Governor Brady enspicion of having poison»! the boy,
has l>ern requested to ask the govern­ was immediately charged with murder
ment to send a vessel to Copper river on the register of the city prison,where
for the purpose of bringing bom* alia ia confined.
stranded prospectors. There are be­
W i ll O p e r a t e F r o m N e w Y ork»
tween 200 and 300 there who are with­
Woroester, Mass., Match 20.—The
out means to secure transportation.
Many of them are suffering from American Bteel St Wire Company an­
nounces th a t ita business center here­
after will be in New York and ita ex­
K sp lo ra lln n o f A lask a.
ecutive business will Ire tiansferr»!
Seattle, March 20. — In furtheranoa to Chicago and San Francisco. The
of the governm ent’s plans to oontinue large business o f f i c e s at Cleveland ami
the exploration of Alaska this season, Worcester will he the first to lie abol­
Assistant (Quartermaster Robinson lias ished. It is stated th at this will result
received orders to purchae 41 pack a n i­ in saving nearly $20,000 in tl<e annual
mals for the use of the Abeicroinhia expense account. The heads of oust
ami G lenn parties, who will visit tha and sale departments, insulated, flat
Husliitua ami Koyukuk districts. A and barbed wire department* and the
75 ton light-draught steamer will alao purchasing «gents will be tranaterr»)
be purchased by the governm ent
to Chioago, it ia reported.
P rln raa . K aln laal f in d .
Honolulu, via Han Francisco, March
20.— Princess K ainlani died Maroh 6
of inflammatory rheumatism. In 1891
Kainlani was.proclaimed heir apparent
to the Hawaiian throne.
O rd .r.d
H o r n , f a r II a . t a r O a t .
Washington, Maroh 30.— Four com-
pan lea of the Second volunteer engi­
neers. now at Honolulu, h tv a been or­
der»! to Saa Francisco to he mustered
| out.
.......- ................. Ü»« Dotte»
Loss of the Americans in
One Day’s Fighting.
T b . y K a a A w a y W h . n B a t t l e W » a O f.
farad a n d K .p t O ut
u f Bang«*
London, March 21.—A dispatch from
Manila says:
In Ihe fighting of Sunday the Ameri­
can loss was seven killed and 30 wound­
ed. Among the killed is Private James
Page, of company D, and P iiv ata
Thomas J. Smith, of company E, Sec­
ond Oregon.
Among the incidents of yesterday's
fighting was the coolness exhibited by
a company of Washington volunteers,
who crossed the river in a native canoe
under a heavy fire, 16 being tnken
acrosa on each trip of the sm all boat,
to attack the enem y’s trenches. The
inability of the ooramissary train to
keep up w ith the advance led to con­
siderable suffering; and many of the
men were completely exhausted when
they weie recalled, and, falling from
tbe ranks, weie strung along for a dis­
tance of alm ost six miles, numbers re­
turning to cam p in the artillery am b u­
lances, Which were always close up to
the lines. The work of the ambulances
was espeoially worthy of mention.
Among the dead are several who were
pifVMusly reported as wouuded.
R eb els W e re E n tra p p e d .
Manila, March 21.—Some of the
rebels recently expelled from Cavite
and the small towns in the vioinity of
Pasig combined forces and last night,
as already cabled, attacked a company
of the Washington volunteers, a de­
tached post at Taguig, about a mile
ami a half southeast of Puaig. G en­
eral Wheaton immediately reinforced
tho Americans w ith two companies
each of tbe Washington and Oregon
regimonts. Tbe post had held the
enemy in check, and the fire of the re­
enforcing eoinpaniea repulsed them,
(hiving them across to an island formed
by the estuary. They were thus in
fiont of the Twenty-second regulars.
On discovering th a t they were en-
trapped the rebels fought desperately,
aided materially by the jungle and the
darkness, hut they were completely
routed, with heavy loss, after two
hmira’ fighting. The Americans lost
two killed and 20 wounded, among tha
latter Lieutenant F ran k Jones.
General Wheaton determine I to p un ­
ish tha ntives, and at daybreak today
ids brigade started in the following or­
der: The Sixth artilleiy, holding tha
extreme right; tha Oregon volunteers,
holding the center, the Washington
regiment keeping to the edge of the
lake, and the Twenty second regulars,
occupying the right of the line, which
swept the whole country along the lake
within a southeasterly direction, to­
ward Genetal Overshine’a position.
The line thus extended over two miles
of country, rough and cover»] with
thick, advanced eleven miles.
The enemy fled, the last of them being
seen about 8:30 this afternoon. At
scarcely any time did the Americana
get within 1,200 varda of them.
TY R A N T .
C o n d e m n in g A ll W h o F a v o r R e c o n c il­
ia tio n W ith A m erica.
Manila, March 31. — It ia reported,
on hitherto reliable auth o rity , th a t
Aguinaldo is tak in g extreme measures
to suppress a igns calculated to cause a
cessation of hostilities.
Twelve ad­
herents of the plan of independence,
residents of Manila, have been oon-
deinned to (loath because they weie ad­
vising surrender, ami all loyal F ili­
pinos have been called upon to perform
the national service of dispatching
On Friday last, La G arda visited
Lagnrdai for the purpose of advising
Aguinaldo to quit. He arg u » l with
the insurgent leader, ami attem pt»! to
convince him of the fully of lila per­
sistence in th e face of overwhelming
odds. Aguinaldo wns furious at the
advanoe and ordered General La Garda
to be executed immediately.
M E A T.
A r m o u r A Co. C o v . r . d I t W i th W h a t
W as C alled P reserv alln e.
Leavenworth, Kan., Maroh 21.— The
army beef court of inquiry concluded
the taking of testimony at Fort Leav­
enworth at noon today, and at 4:15 d e­
parted for Chicago, where the session
will be resumed. The sole witnese
examined today was Sergeant Edward
Mason, tioop A, f i r s t United States
oavalry, located at F o it Robinson, Ne­
braska, who served as regimental com­
missary aergeant at Lakeland, Fla.,
and during the Unban campaign.
Sergeant Mason's testimony was
probably tbe moat direct that had been
adduced since the court left Chicago.
Witness declared th a t the m eat re­
ceived at Lakeland for use in bis regi­
m ent was ” undoubt»lly chemically
treated .” " A n agent of Armour St
C o.,” lie further testified, "to ld me at
the time th a t th is m eat hail been
treated with what was called preserv-
alin e.” Witness had refused to ao-
oept the meat. Bergeant Mason was
interrogated individually
by each
A n Illin o is R lr« r F ran k .
Havana, III., March 10.— A floating member of the court, and could not be
■ aland, between one ami two acres in shaken in liia testimony.
extent, and from fonr to five feet thick,
E xplosions A la rm F ran ee.
baa come down the Illinois river. It
Paris, March 21.—Although there la
oolllded with a cabin-boat and smashed no evidence that they were caused by
in the keel and landwl it ashoie. T h e foal play, the explosions at Ihe govern­
island (truck a pier of the wagon ment ammunition factories yesterday,
bridge, violently shaking the itruoture following ao closely upon the teirible
and throwing crossing horses from disaster at La Goubran, near Toulon,
their feet. Tbe island ia now stranded hava caused widespread public alarm.
between the piei and tha shore, and Tha greatest precautions have been
tha oity authorities oontemplate blow­ adopted at the factorlee, sentries being
ing it op with dynamite.
doubled at all such place«.