Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 16, 1889, Image 4

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F IR E - W O R S H I P P E R S .
D ., e r lp t lo ii o f an K iil. r t . liiit t . n l Olaan by
a Parana Noblaiuau.
Perhaps no race of people 1* les*
known or more interesting to thetetu-
dent and traveler than the Parse«* or
Fire-Worshipers of India. They are
delightful hosts, and, ns it was my
good fortune to form the acquaintance
of Sir Frumgee Demshaw Petit, who
was knighted for a gift of $600,000 to
an educational institution, I will en­
deavor to describe an entertainment I
attended at his palace. Sir Framgee
lives in patriarchal magnificence, and
when his wholo fumily is seated at ta­
ble they number fifty-five. W e were
roceived in the grand drawing-room,
as large as a fair-sizod church, and
presented to the ladies. Wo found them
protty, intelligent and vivacious, and
it Is no exaggeration to say that they
compared quite fuvorably with their
A meric- i sisters. The ladles wore at­
tired i i graceful native costumes. The
dre .s consisted of a waist, such
i..s is u r n by Kuropeans, with a long
.. ari of embroidered silk, or crape,
called a sarre. wrapped several times
around the waist and fulling In broad
folds about the limbs in lieu of a skirt.
One end of the sarre was brought over
the head and dropped gracefully in
front, constituting a very effective
head dres3. Their jewels were mag­
nificent. No crowned head of Europe
possesses their- equal, and such an ar­
ray of diamonds, poarls, sapphires,
and emeralds can scarcely be imag­
ined. Ono of the guests wore eight
strings of pearls, which far oxcoled the
celebrated necklace of Queen Mar­
guerite of Italy. The state costume
of tho men is white, but on ordinary
occasions they appear attired in the
conventional evening dross. One pe­
culiarity of their costume is not, how-
over, to bo mot lu a Ixmdon druwing-
never uncovor their
heads, and a high, conicul Persian
hut, or, at meals, a skull cap, ulwuys
ooinpleteifthoir dress.
On the occasion I am describing an
orchestra played
selections from
Italian operas, and, after conversing
awhile upon topics ot universal inter­
est, our host made a sign to tho serv­
ants, who brought lu baskets filled
with large bouquets of Eastern Dowers.
Each lady selected one, sprinkled it
with rose-water from a tall silver vase,
presented it to the gentleman who was
to escort her to dinner, and then, tak­
ing his arm, she led the way to whore
n table was spread, overlooking the
There we were regaled with tea,
coffee, cakes, fruits and twenty-two
kinds of delicious native sweets, which
had boon collected in honor of our
coming. It was an evont not to be
Tho waving palms anil
tropical flowers, tho splash oof the
waves, mingling with tho soft strains
of music, tho bouutiful women with
their Hushing jewels and graceful
dress, were typical of the languid,
dreamy East, und carriod ono uncon­
sciously back to tho days of llaroun
When tea was over wo wore taken
for a delightful drive in handsome
European turnouts, und thon to din» at
another Parseo house. The ceremony
was long and stately, all the dishes
were native, but tho wines woro Euro-
ponn, and this dinner, with that excep­
tion, was representative of native
manners before they had roceived tho
Europeun touch. The ladies whom we
escorted gave us bouquets, as in tho
afternoon, and tho host hung chaplets
of white jasamines about our necks
and wrists. Tho menu cards bore
gilded crosts, and they gave us bon­
bons wrapped in gold leaf to carry
away. It was a dream of tho East, but
tho porfootly-uppointod table, sur­
rounded by intelligent men and grace­
ful women, made it hard to believe
that the members of this refined so­
ciety were tho Fire-Worshipers we had
been brought up to despise as huathun.
— W. H. Clmtllold, in America.
A T ow W ith Cnu.unlly L m | T s s tli T h » t
H a v e Been N ew ly Sharpened.
“ I love you for yourself alone, as
the blackbird said when he swallowed
the gooseberry.
This is the commonplace expression
of false friends, who, while they make
the utmost use of us, even to abuse,
profess the most unbounded admiratio«
of and regard for us.
‘ ‘That’ s neither here nor there,” as
the crow said when an egg fell out of
her nest.
How many of us have to lament the
spoilod life, the wasted opportunity for
good, the lost time, tho possibility that
was in our life and went out of it, the
wreck of this imago God made!
“ I ’ll never do that again,” as the
monkey said when he fell from the top
of the mango tree and broke his back
in the fall.
There are many people who take
credit to themselves for abstention from
evil when they are not able to commit
the evil they renounce The sick man
says: “ I tear myself away from the
world;” the poor man, “ I deny myself
tho luxuries of life;” the old man, "I
abstain from tho follies of youth;’’ the
blind man, “ I take no pleasure in riot­
ous living;” the deaf man, “ I make a
point of never listening to the whis­
pers of scandal.”
“ Oh. you swindler, you've a stone in­
side you.’” as tho wasp said when he
ate into tho plum.
Few people are more virtuously in­
dignant that tho cheat when ho finds
hims lf outwitted.
“ This is a thing that ought not to
be permitted,", as the fox said when he
found tho henroost oinpty.
The assumption of virtue is common
to munkind, but none assume it so
loudly as those who have tho least
r ght to it. liy such pooplo any short­
coming on tho part of othors is rnado a
subject of complaint.
“ You've got a bee In your bonnet,”
is tho hlvo said when the old lady cume
to look at tho honey.
While it is an inhoront weakness of
human naturoto love to find fault with­
out reason, in none is that weakness so
fully developed as in those who are
most guilty of “ little sins."—Quiver.
i ii o iih
D u f'lin u tfl t o
li<<|ii«‘ »trt
Ita lia n
V a r lo u * C h a r itie s .
Tho lato Duchesne de (Jalliera wa* a«
largo-hoartod and as oixm-hundod an
tho lato Mrao. Houcicaull. though per­
haps loss judicious in tho uso who mode
of ono of tho largest fortunes of this
ago. The lato Duko of (»all¡ora was
ono of tho Continental railway kings
and a keen and venturesome specula-
tor. Ho died leaving personalty in
France alone amounting to $.>5,000,000,
and in Italy over $15,000,000. Tho
IJnivers gives tho following list of her
well-known deeds of gonerosity: Two
thousand dollars a year to the poor of
the Seventh ArondiHsement; $1,000 a
year to tho poor of Paris; for tho Brig-
nole (ml Her a Museum, near tho Trooa-
<lelo, $1,000,000; for the eroation of an
orphanage at Meudon, $2,800,000; for
the support of that institution, $2,000,-
sHK>; for the building of throe working-
class lodging-houses in Paris, $ 100,000.
Vo deepen tho port of (ienoa she gave
$1,700,000, to tho present Pope $500,-
( KM), to build two hospitals $1,800,000.
Besides the above donations she gave
Genoa tho palace called the Palazzo
Kossa, with its art furniture and pic­
tures, comprising a collection of ances­
tral portraits l»y Rubens and Vandyke.
The gift of a palace and ostate at Bo­
logna to the Due do Montpensier can
hardly l>e called a charity. Her last
great benefactions were the founding of
two asylums, one for 200 old men and
MR) old women, and another for Chris-
Inn Brothers too old or broken down in
health to teach. It was at tho oponing
>f the former at which she caught cold,
which, degenerating into inflammation
if tho lungs, killed hot*. How she dis­
posed of tho remnant of her vast for­
An Ample Apology.
tune is not yet known. Tho Duchess
Through some unacoountable care­ uid an idea she was insulting the poor
lessness in tho composing-room of a to ask them to live in meunly-construct-
rural journal, tho obituary of ono of ed alms-houses. She therefore created
tho town's llvest citizens crept into the palaces for them. Paris Letter.
paper one morning. It was not many
The Charge of the Ewes.
hours after tho issue of the edition
that the “ lamented" himself crept into
I was sheep-herding then In North-
tho sanctum, and vigorously demanded vest Texas, ami had about five hundred
a correction in tho next morning's pa­ owes and lambs under n.y care. The
per. It up|>curcd ns follows:
lay was warm, though the wind was
"Our yesterday’s edition contained blowing strongly, and when noon ap-
the announcement of the death of our proaeh d the (look traveled hut s owly
esteemed fellow-townsman. Colonel toward the place where I wished them
Jones. It is with profound regret that to make their midday camp. To urge
we state that our announcement was .hem ou I took my long bamlHim hand­
premature. Tho Colonel still lives, kerchief and flicked the nearest to me
and we beg to assure him not only of with it as I walked !>ehiml. As I did so
our distinguished consideration, but tho wind blow it strongly, and it stid-
that it shall be our constant effort to lonly occurred to me to make a sort of
see that he shall not be unnoyed In this 'ng of it In ordor to see if it would
manner again until the last dread hour frighten them. I took hold of two
has in very truth arrivod. To this end corners ami hold it over her head so
we have ordered the standing obitu­ hat it might blow out to its full extent.
ary ot Colonel Jones to bo distributed
Now, whether It won due to tin' glaring
— Harper's Magazine.
color, or tho strange attitude, or to tho
4 4 4-— -
— East year there were 5,815 d i­ snapping of the outer edge of the hand­
vorces granted in France.
Tho de­ kerchief in the winifc and I think it
mands were largely made by tho wives, was this last I can not say, hut the
und those who had been married from hindmost cw os suddenly stopped, turned
five to ten years were the most numer­ round, eyed me w ildly, and then half a
ous In socking release from matrimo­ dozen made a dosjwrnto charge, struck
nial bonds. There wero two divorces me on the legs, threw me over, and fled
granted of couples who had celebrated precipitately as I Ml. It wss a rever­
sal of experience too unexpec ted! I lay
their golden weddings.
a while and looked it tilings, expecting
— In England tho proper ratio of to see tho sun blue at tho very least,
doctors to population is said to be ono and then I gathered myself together
to 1.200, but by this rule there are I,- slowly. In ail seriousness 1 was never
843 too many doctors in Condon, and hi taken aback in all my life, and 1 was
while 600 die every year, 1,800 new almost prepared for a ewe's biting mo.
ones are turned out Competition b so — i'ornhlll Magazine.
great that in some parts of the oity
— All Amrrii-nn may suffor from «
doctors will see a patient, prescribe
and supply medicine for sixpence ■ lark of do I rs, but no Ciilrutta man
ever went to tho |>oor-houso beoausti of
* luck of nioco. — N. Y Sun.
. a . ----- ■—
— When a man’s coat is threadbare.
It is easy to pick a hole in it
— It is faith in something ami enthusi-
—The existence of life is sometime« *sm for somethin); that make a life
measured by the memory of ita bur- Torth looking at.
1 he ©voning of it£© is largely con-
— If you amuse a man he’ll I « likely il¡Honed upon the night* of youth.—
to forgive you for cheating him after­ Washington I’osL
— G ihh I looks should not be despised.
— Wealth has made more men covet­ There have tieea few hero«« with turn­
ous than
covetousness has made up noses and bow 1©^*
Tho is* Is in effect no virtue proper­
— If we did but half we are able to do ly so-ca led, without victory over our­
we would be surprised at the sum of our selves; and that which cost* nothing is
worth nothing.
diligen ce.
T h ey M aks th e O r e s t B u lld ln * «»n « l B ridges
H a lt th e C ou n try O ver.
As long as there are post-offices,
custom houses, big bridges and the like
to build, the State of Maine is sure to
come in for a generous share of the
money expended in their construction,
for there is enough granite down here
to build a bridge to Ireland, and it is of
the very finest kind, too. Sections of
Maine's geological makeup are dis­
tributed all over the country in the
form of magnificent public and private
edifices, and many a mile of metropol­
itan pavement, as far west as St. Ixmis,
is composed of granite blocks from the
quarries of this State. l)ix Island,
Vinal Haven, llluo Hill, Mt. Waldo,
Gouldsboro and Sullivan, on the east­
ern coast, have long been famous for
their quarries, and now Hollowell, on
the Kennebec, is becoming a great
place for the knights of tho hammer
and drill. Four hundred men are at
work there now, and business is boom­
ing. Granite is being taken out for
tho Metropolitan Museum of Art and
American Bank building. New York,
and for the ten-story Bank of Com­
merce building in 1’ ittsburgh, Fa., and
the contracts for monumental and tomb
work now on hand amount to $100,000.
The shaft of tho John Wentworth
monument in Chicago was quarried
and cut at Hollowell and shipped last
w eek.
The shuft is fifty-two feet long,
weighs sixty-five tons, and was shipped
to Chicago on two cars specially built
for the purpose. Some very creditable
aiulpturlng is done at Hollowell, a
large building being devoted specially
to such work. The sculptors are now
at work upon eighteen life-sized figures
for the Bible building in Now York
City, and tho last of tho figures for the
Plymouth monument has just been ex­
pressed. A life-sized plaster bust of
tho late Governor Bodwoll has recently
been completed, and is pronounced a
work of genuine art. It will be copied
in marble, and the reproduction placed
on exhibition in tho State House this
A big granite quarry is a
handy tiling to have around a town, for
tho quarry men got good wages, and
there are so many of théra that tholr
patronago brings joy to tho hearts of
the shopkeepers. — Bangor (M o.) Letter.
I 'll a
A N H E R O IC C O U R S E .
S traits to W h ic h a Y ou ng M arried
Man at llo s to n Wan Put.
I heard the other day an authentic
story of something that happened here
in Boston, which recalls an incident in
ono of Balzac’s novols and tends to sup­
port tho old sayiug about truth and fic­
tion. It seems that the wife of a young
man who bus u little house of his own
somewhere in tho outlying districts, tut
whoso salary is very small« fell ill, and
was unable to leave her room for sev­
eral months. Tho doctor, ns often
happens, prescribed a great many rem­
edies, tonics and beverages, such as
Apollinaris water and champagne,
which, being very expensive, woro far
beyond tho young husband’s means.
What could bo done? He was bound
that his wife should have everything
which tho doctor ordered, and, his purso
having been emptied, he sh>le out one
evening with the parlor clock under his
arm and returned with a livo-dollar bill.
A largo easy-chuir was oxponded two
days later for a few bottles of port wine,
and, to cut tho story short, by tho time
tho young woman was able to go down
stairs, tho rooms on tho first floor had
been stripped of their contents to pay
tho grocer and tho apothecary.
It must have been a bitter moment
for the poor young wife when she first
saw what havoc had been wrought in
her drawing-room, and I dare say that
for a few minutes at least her good man
felt that he had been too clever by half.
It must he aeknowl -dged, however, that
he acted pretty wisely. Health is more
important than furniture, and in time
tho household goods will bo replaced.
The plan which this enterprising fel­
low pursued was surely hotter than
helping himself out of his master’s
cash-box, and perhaps it was preforablo
to tho ordinary course of running in
debt; certainly it was more original.—
Boston Post.
— Lemon Preserves.— Take large,
firm lemons, not quite ripe, and cut
into slices one-quurter of an inch thick,
take out the seeds, soak in brine a
week. Then soak in clear water for
several days till quite free of salt and
bitter taste, weigh lemons, and boil till
soft enough to pierce with a straw’,
make a thin sirup, allowing a pound of
sugar to one of fruit, put lemons in, let
simmer two hours. Pour out in a bowl,
and if the sirup gets thin in several
days, put on tire and boil till they jelly.
Put up when cool in a glass jar with a
screw top. The same recipe may be
used for oranges.
A T e r r ib le * M is fo r t u n e .
It ia a calamity of the direst kind to feel that
oue's physical energies are falling in the prime
o f life—to feel more nerveless, more dispirited,
weaker every day. Yet this is the unhappy lot
o f hundreds who surround ua. A source o f re-
l uewed strength whieb science approves, iu be-
| half o f which multitude» of the debilitated
I have and arc every day testifying, ami w hich,
| iu couutiesa instance», ha» built uj» couatitu-
i tlons Happed by wcakuess and Infirmity and
I long unlienctitted by other means, surely com-
' mend» itself to all who need a tonic. Hostet-
j ter'a Stomach Hitters ia such a medicine—pure,
botanic, soothing to the nerves, n r'm otive of
digestion and a fertiliser o f the blood. Dys­
pepsia and nervousness—the first a cause, the
second a consequence o f lack of stamina—de-
»art when a course o f the bitters is tried. A ll
orins of malarial disease, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder trouble, constipation and billious-
ne»» are annihilated by this standard family
An ass la tho gravest beast, the ow l la the
gravest bird.
The hardest work that an Atheist has to do is
to keep himself couviueed o f his own honesty.
— During the trial of a case in Kings­
ton, a Kingstonian was examined as a
witness. After the lawyers had asked
him all the questions they could think
of about the case one of them facetious­
ly Inquired about tho dry goods busi­
ness. “ They are selling off at cost,"
promptly answered the witness; “ yea,
for less titan cost.”
Then, t s he real­
ized that he was still on the witness
stand, he earnestly added: "But 1 want
you to understand Pm not under oath
uow!” — Kingston Freeman.
— "Hadn't you bettor wash tho
dishes bo'ore we go?" said a man who
was taking a hired girl out for a walk-;
"your missis will be sure to see them
and scold you." "N o . •he'll not," re­
plied the girl; ' as soon a* she learns I
am going out for the evening she’ ll
•pend all the time looking through
my trunk."— Tuck.
133 an d 134 T H I K U
S IB K E T ,
Portland, Oregon.
Ia the only Private Gift-
iK-naary iu Portland or ou
the North w eat Cutset,
where patleiita are auLct-a*-
fully treated fur all N KK V
youijy or old, aiugle or
married, such aa
Nervous duality, seminal, failing uiem«ry,
syphilitic eruutiona, ef­
fects *f mercury, kidney
and bladder trouble«, gou-
orrhea, gleei. .stricture etc.
C O N S U L T A T IO N F U E L .
SweUlafa, Bruls.s, Sprains. Sail«, Strata«,
LamttMi. Stiffness Cracks« Hesls Scratch«*,
Cootractlous, Flash Wounds, Btr.achait. Sor«-
Tkr«at. Olsuapsr. Colie. Whitlow, Foil Irll,
Fistula. Tumors Splints Ela«boao« and Sparta
la ite early 8tagsa Directions with «ach bottlo.
AT DhUOtiiSTS 1M) DXAi.hR«.
For Stablemen and Stockmen.
K a
E « NO
ta a
B "TiS??vXSi.l»Cura
F O R D Y S P E P S IA ,
s I sani i i o n * roa m ia n ria *
If Afflicted with Bore Eyes, use Dr. Isaac
W illiam W . B. Miller, Deerlodge, Mon­ Thompson’s Eye Water. Druggists sell it 25c.
T h e i r O n ly M e d ic in e i ’h e s t.
_ IW
tana, writes:
P r i n t e r s ’ I n k « are «old at 25 p e r c e n t
“ I have been using B r a n d k k t h ’ s P i i . ls off by P a l m e r & H e y , cor. I ' r o n t a n d
for the last thlrteea years, and though 1 A I d e r . Bend for circular.
have had nine children, I have never had
TRY G e k m k a for hrenkfant.
a doctor in the house, except three times
when wa had an epidemic of scarlet fever,
which we soon banished by a vigorous
use of B k a n d b e t h ’ b P i l l s . I have used
^TO LL\W E /0 /* F
them for myself two or three a night for
a month, for liver complaint, dyspepsia,
and constipation. In diarrhoea, cramps,
wind colic, indigestion <>n© or two B r a n
d k k t h ’ s P i l l s fixed the children at once.
A box of pills is ail (he medicine chest we
require in the house. We use them for
rheumatism, colds, catarrh, hilliousness
and impure blood. They never have failed
to cure all the above complaints in a very
few days.”
A n n « or eourew L taU r rtiU f t I V »
f t * ftt, V mot airtady ta dork, or It \riti t*
•mt hr auE am ncetpt ÿ S o k i t t a w (1.00) ta
Cures Cuts, Sores, Salt Kheuin, Boil«,
! Pi tuple«. Felon«, Skin Disease», and all
i ailments for which a s t!ve is suitable. For
taking out soreness and healii g it acts
like magic. 25 cents a box. ai all druggies.
Big c nas given oniver*
sal satisfaction In the
cur« of Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prescribe It and
feel safe In recommend­
ing It to all sufferers.
J . M . P IM A , A M sa yc r and A n a ly tic a l
C h e m is t , Laboratory. 104 First at., Portland.
Or. Analyses made of all subatanoea.
/a. rwARfsi ■*
SI EIN WAY. BA<?H.It:i1’
A.J. STOilRB, M.Dw»
'hsnos; Burdett Organs, band Instruments.
took of Bheet Muele and
Books. ________Pitted d
'»stern Prices.
Decatur, IIL
PR ICE , ffl.0 0 . ^
Bold hr Drugs Lata 1
M A T T H IA S O K A Y OC.. IOC Post
R«n Fr*n-lwv
An old bachelor j» only tho half o f a pair of
scissors.—Ben Frtnklin.
C O N S U M P T IO N C U R E D .
An old physician, retired from practice, hav­
ing bad placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula o f a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma,
and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a posi-
tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers iu thousands of
case», has felt it hi§ duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this m otive
and a desire to relk*ve human suffering, 1 w ill
send free o f charge, to all who desire ft, this re­
cipe, in German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using.
Bent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming this
naiier, W. A. N oyss , IUP Power s Block, Rochet
ter, H. Y.
There lives mors faith in honest doubt,
Believe me, tbau iu half the creeds.
P u b l i s h e r s visiting Portland should call
sud see ths new qaarters and immense stock of
Type, Presses and Material carried by Palmer A
Hey, corner Alder and Front streets.
The short-cut does uot always pay, and uu-
chcwed food may bring a night of repentance.
(*» superior excellence proveu in million« of homesfoi
ore than a quarter of a century. It la used by the
uitod States Government. Endorsed by the heads of
‘die Great Universities a« the Strongest, Purest and moat
Healthful. Dr Price s Cream Baking Powder does no*
»ntaln Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Bold only iu can*.
K to
h d a y . Sample» worth # 2 .1 5
y k n i ' R K F i . Lines not under horses’ feet.
V ^ w r ite
H r«-v a s te r S a fe t y
R e iu
H o l d e r t ’o.. H o l l y . .M ich .
The B U YE R S* QUIDS id
issued March and Bept.a
eachyear. It is an ency­
clopedia of useful infor­
mation for all who pur­
chase the luxuries or the
necessities of life. We
ean olothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to rido. walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to ohurch,
or stay at home, and in various sizes,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of the B U YE R S*
G U ID E , which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage*
C o n s u m p t io n P u r e ly C u r e d .
To t i i k E d it o r :— Please inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its tim ely use thousands
of hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles o f my reme­
dy PKKK to any of your readers who have con­
sumption if they w ill send me their express
ami postoffice address. Respectfully,
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., 1M1 Pearl st., New York.
I>o good and throw it into the sea—If the fish
does uot know it, God dot's.—Turkish Sayings.
R E U O V A I. N O T IC E .
P a l m e r A H e y , Type Founders, who have
built up a i ; immense trade by fair dealing, best
goods and lowest prices, have moved to corner
Front and Alder streets.
There is not much future fo r a young man
who has learned how to spend a fortune before
he kuows how to make one.
L u n g T r o u b le s a n d W a A iin g
Diseases can be cured, if properly treated in
time, as »hewn by the follow in g statement from
I). C F r e e m a n , Sydney : “ H aving been a great
sufferer from pulmonary attacks, and gradually
wasting away for the past two years, It affords
me pleasure to testify that N c o t t ’ s E m u l ­
s i o n o f Cod Liver Oil with Lim e and Hoda ha»
given ine great relief, and I cheerfully recom­
mend It to all suffering in a similnr way to my­
self. In addition I would say that it is very
pleasant to take.”
“ I know ’tis n sin to,
But I ’m bent on the notion.
I ’ll throw myself Into
The deep, briny ocean.”
Brown— “ Fie, fle, my good friend, don’t give way to your ailments so easily,
and settle down into pueh gloom and despondency. There’s no excuse for such
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111,
1st Premiums. 2$,000 In use,
20 years Established. N e*
_ g patented Steel Tuning De­
vice, In "use in ho other Piano, by which our Pianos
«t&nd in tune 20 years, good for 100 ; not affected
by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
crack, decay, or wear ou t; we guarantee it. Ele­
gant Rosewood Cases, 3 strings, double repeating
action; finest ivory key«; the Famous ANTISELL.
Cult er write tot Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTlSKIJb
PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellow«’ Hall, Mar­
ket and Seventh Streets, San Francisco,
The great art o f life is to play for much and
stoke little.—Johnson.
but make use of that world-famed anti-billous, tonic medicine known as I)r.
l ’ ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all
diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. It
cured me when I was in a much worse condition than you arc, and if you will
only try it, you will soon be singing—
“ But my spirit shall wander
Through gay coral bowers,
And frisk with the mermaids
It shall, by tho Pow ers!”
S .S S
W e n o t i c e that Palmer <& Rey, the only
printers’ warehouse, have moved into their ele­
gant three-story building, corner A lder and
Front streets, Portland.
Copyright 1888, by W o b l d ’ s D is p e n s a r t M e d ic a l A s s o c ia t io n , Proprietors.
Having for the past four or five years been troubled
with pimples and blotches on ray face and body, an«l
finding no relief in any of the chemically prepared
He that is much flattered soon learns to flatter Hoaps and medicines prescribed for me by ph> »icians,
1 concluded to try your 8. S. 8. remedy, and have
found great relief in the same, four bottles clearing
my «kin entirely. I cheerfully recommend vonr
C u r e f o r C o u g h o r C o l d . —As soon as medicine to all who are in the position that I nave
there Is the slightest uneasiness o f the chest, been in. You can use this letter and my name as a
with difficulty o f breathing, or Indication of testimonial to tho merits of the 8. S. 8. remedy.
Cough, take during the day a few "Brow n'»
\ Very truly yours,
A lfrrd P. R obinson ,
Hrtmchial Troches.” 25 ets. a box.
320 Sansome St., San Francisco. Cal.
SHF* Send for our hooks on Blood and Bkiu Dis­
eases and advle« to sufferers, mailed free.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, O •..
m ^
™ m " ■ m ■ m ■
■ no matter o f how long standing, is per­
manently cured by DR. 8AGE’S CATARRH REMEDY.
50 cents, by drugiriNt*
A Perfect Laxative
should be mild, prompt,
and pleasant, with no
griping or purgative ef­
fects. It should also in­
cite the liver to action,
aid digestion, and re­
lieve the kidneys. Like
nothing e ls e ,
Paine’s Celery
Compound Is a
’ perfect laxative,
and cures consti­
pation where all
o t h e r remedies
“ As a gentle laxative,* Paine’s Celery Com­
pound Is surely without a peer. I think I ought
to know, since I have tried remedy after reme­
dy for about flve or six years and have found
nothing that equals it in my case of costive ness.”
J. B. J enkins , Teacher, Cloyd's Creek, Tenn.
Sold on Trial !
Separate Municipal Elections».
Without venturing to decide which
plan is the more desirable, wo think
thero is no longer any doubt in any im­
partial miml as to the netnl of the pro­
mised separation. There can be no im­
provement in our municipal govern­
ment, no relief from tlie extravagant
and oftentimes corrupt expenditures
which make life in our cities so enor­
mously expensive, until we bring the
mass of voters to the comprehension of
two points: First, that It Is playing into
tho hands of the men who make tholr
living out of politics to allow National
and State political considerations to
enter into the choice of municipal offi­
cers; secondly, that the burden of taxa­
tion is not borne by the rich alone, but
largely by the poor. The voters must
think when they are deciding how they
will vote, not as to what the effect of
their ballot will be on a candidate for
Governor or President, hut upon mu­
nicipal taxation, schools, police, pav­
ing, lighting, street-cleaning, sewerage,
docks. Century.
' Investm ent »m a il, p rofit«
large. Rend «0«; fo r maiHng
lanra illustrated C k l a l o f u
with fu ll particulars. Man­
ufactured by
Aftthma,—C on gh a ,' C o ld . ,' Croup, I n ­
fluenza, B ro n e h ltla , C a ta rrh , XV hoop­
in g -c o u g h , L w o o f V o ic e , In c ip ie n t
C onsu m p tion , and 1 a l l . T h r o a t and
L u n g T r o u b le «.
V J.‘ r .
417 Hnnnom o
& co.7 PROFS.
S treet,* H a «
F r a n c is c o , ' C a l.
Y o u w ill Save 25 per cent
And c o n s id e r a b le Time b y p is c in a T o u r
O rders fo
' r “ Type. Presses,
M s t e r 1.1.
l. in aks.
C o rn er F ro n t sn d A ld er. P o r t s o d .
Northern Pacific
1 « 7 A 1 6 » L a k e S t.,
i l r
n là t i f i km
U lA m u n U
••Paine’s Celery Compound is prompt and
pleasant. As a laxative it leaves little to be de­
sired. I have great confidence in its merits.”
A lbert L eonard , Associate Editor,
Journal of Pedagogy, Athens, Ohio.
“ For tw o or three years I suffered intensely
every night with severe pains in my bowels,
which were habitually constipated. My bowels
are now regular, and I have had no return of
those pains since using one bottle ot
Celery Compound
F. G. S tic e n e y , Druggist, Havana, Ala.
Moral : Use Paine’s Celery Compound and stop
ruining the intestinal tract with harsh purga­
tive pills. $1.00. Six for $5.oo. Druggists.
W ells , R ichardson A Co., Burlington, v t
n V C C Are the simplest Dyes made. I n s d i c o Living upon Lactated Food are Healthy,
U r t ò ___ ^
can use them.
! Oft a i t ò Happy and Hearty. It is unegualed.
I do not mean merely to atop them fo r a time and
then have them return again I mean a radical cure
I have made the disease ..f r iT », K t*lL«P*Y or FALL
i s o Hii'EN K im * a life-long study (w a rra n t my remedy
to cun* the worst caw***». Because others have fade i is
uo reason for not uo a receiving a cure. Bend at ono«
'or a treatise and a free Imttlo o f my infallible remedy
Give Express and Poet Office.
1( G ROOT. M C.. 183Peart Bt.. New York
Help Wanted.
We offer G O O D P A Y to W O M H V tor spe­
cial work up to J U L Y next. B m M m good poy |
tor w o r k gw
will be given as an
E X T R A present to 1
the agent doing the best work ; # 4 0 0 to the
second, and so on. Mon. boy» and girl* can
make hundreds o f dollars between now and
July 1.^9 This is a S P E C I A L chance, and
holds good only until Ju.y. Address
P H IL A D E L P H IA , P A .
The O N LY LINK Running Pullman Palace
Sleeping Cara Magnificent l»ay Coaches,
and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping
Can* (with berth« free of
W O v u 8 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
'» » i
at tha t a i t t >ai
reUjbl. houm. and tb. t on
F e rr y ’s S e e d s
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
know I* !g«d to ba tb«
jest Seedsmen
!C J r n
n th e world.
rranscontlneu al Line
D M F k u b y AC o ’«
Illustrated IV «c r p .
tiv** and Pn o*d
Meals 75c
K s stes t
T in e
K vrr
M ade
fr o m
F or 1800
r Will be wailwf FStC
to all ippltcant* and
th e
lo last Vwar’ s r a s l i w n
___ amt ordering it- /*» *>» •*-
C o »« « o v e r (h e
la i x t i t u c «
" ' c o u n c i l BLUFFS.
K A N S A S C IT Y ,
And sit pottos thros.houl the Kaet and South.
•SSL t i* st. I'sul and .Hione*pulls.
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars
—Young man (to servant)— "Is Miss
Clam engaged?"
Servant— "lliv e n And hauled on regular Ksp-es* Train« over the
Knur« le n g t h of the Northern
rlst your »owl, #orr, I hope she is.
Pacific Railroad.
She’s in the parlor now wid a young
A. D. CHARI TON, Oca. We»t n Da**. Aft
man’s arm twict around her waist,”—
No* i W a «hia« ton «tract. I1 rtUnd.
¿ E for r r it. F s
rK x
abiwikf sond
O. ■ - F E R R Y a CO.. I M r e H , M ick .
O P I U M BnAN??ix'TE<
Dr. 'VVatherhy * Antidotes. In use 17 veer*,
special Morphine Habtt Cun* also, t orn*«
ndenoe Confidential. Call «in or address J. 1
U K n Mss H er, K.wim <0, 9L A n u s Build I
in*. Ban Franeiaeo
I The Finest »
taltst». Farmer*. Miner*. Investor*. Health *s*ek
e n «end 2S <*t*. for map ami in formatura
iVS.iW aere* Gov land, wonderful rvacram
J. F17ZGKRKEM.. East U a Vega«. N. M
N. P. N. U. No. *75-8. F. N. U. No. 3.V
F o r XEen a n d C o y s at
Lick House Block, San Francisco.
MAM & BENEDICT, c . c . h T ^ T n ” a AC<3
27 Y e a r s in p r e s e n t lex-at ion .