Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 16, 1889, Image 1

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    M I'IIN I R I P T I O *
One Column........
Half Column—
Profeaeioual Carda
II V I * :« :
Two Dollar«
One Dollar
Fifty Cent«
H e a d in g K s t i r r n w i l l b e I n s e r t e d a t
( l i t i » l t « f T t a t r y W p t r L in « .
Mubaerlptlon P r im P aya ble l a r a r i -
ab ly la A d v a a e e .
A dtertiung BUI» Collected Montali.
N O . 15.
Address. (¡ kaihic . NewU-r*. Oregon.
S E N A T O R R ID D L E B E R G E R T B N D E R 8
A N ie c e o f C h ie f J u s tic e C h a se A rrested
In N ew Y o r k —T h e T r a g ic S eq u el
t o a n Illin o is E lo p e m e n t—A
R e m e d y fo r R a b b is.
A M y s e r lo u s Y a c h t E n g a g e d tn S m u g ­
S u g a r s E x h ib it G rea t F irm n ess A B risk
g lin g C h in a m en —R e p o r te d U p ris ­
in g o f th e F la t h e a d s -C a li­
fo r n ia V ig ila n te s .
D em an d fo r F reeh M eats Dried
F ru l a D r u g In th e M arket
D r o p In C u r e d M eals.
H I3 R E S IG N A T IO N .
T h o F ra n tic S c r a m b le fo r O ffice —S p rin g ­
e r th e R e c ip ie n t o f a L e a th e r M e d ­
a l—T h e R e p u b lic a n M a jo r ­
ity In th e H ou ae.
M E N A C E TO E U R O P E .
King Milan has abdicated.
No wine was served at the inaugural
Patrick Egan is in New Y'ork.
The proceeds of the inaugural lodi w ere
A black man is the champion wrestler
about $00,000.
of France.
Whitoluw Reid will, it is said, be ap­
Nevada saloons will hereafter close at
pointed minister to England.
Ex-Governor Porter, of Indiana, will
There is a probability of an Eastern
he appointed minister to Rome.
railroad war.
Senator Ingalls was elected president
Fifty colored men are studying for the
pro tern of the senate Thursiluy.
priesthood in Rome.
The Republicans have a majority of
The Maine Senate has vetoed against
three in the House of Representatives.
the Australian Ballot biH.
Attorney-! ¡onerai Garland will locate
Prince Kraptoxin has settled in Lon-
in New York and resume the practice of <lon for the rest of his life.
The Arizona council is making itself
Justici Stanley Matthews, of the su­ conspicuous by its ignorance.
preme court, is rejiorted to l>e dangerous­
The woman suffrage bill lias been de­
ly ill.
feated in the Maine legislature.
Judgz Gresham will lie appointed to
A marked increase in h ostility to
the supreme bench to till tho first va­
foreigners is noticeable in China.
An epidemic of rallies lias appeared
A delegation is in Washington for the
purpose uf an early change in Arizona's in Wetzel county, West Virginia.
Damascus has 150,000 inhabitants ami
is soon to have gas and street cars.
The new British minister, Sir Julian
Tho German Emperor now lias his
Fauncefote, will arrive in Washington
Berlin palace lighted by electricity.
this week.
Zurich capitalists are to utilize the falls
The colored man appears to bo quite
numerous around Washington since tho of the Rhine for electrical purposes.
Crown Prince Alexander was pro­
Ex-Representative Wren, of Nevada, is claimed King of Servia Thursday.
being urged for commissioner of the gen-
Twelve killed and twenty-oignt injured
zral land office.
is the result of the late Ontario bridge dis­
It is assorted that Mr. Kasson will rep­ aster.
resent the United States at Berlin in the
Tho capital stock of the Pullman Car
Samoan conference.
company has been increased to $25,000,-
Congressman Springer lias been pre­ 000.
sented with an elaborate leather molai
Stanhope, the Britisli soeretary of war,
by admiring Dakotans.
believes that a great Euroi>eau war is im­
The supreme court has continued the minent.
case of Chao Chang Ping from the 11th
Silver ore yielding from $5000 to $12,-
to the 25th of this month.
000 a ton has iieen discovered at Maroon,
Postmaster-General Wannamaker lias Colorado.
purchased the Frelinghuysen mansion in
By the falling of a wall at Milwaukee
Washington for $80,(XXL
Wednesday twelve firemen were crushed
A resolution has lx'cn introduced in to death. ,
the senate for the purchase of $4,000,000
The consolidation of the Northern Pa-
worth of silver bullion a month.
cipc and the Wisconsin Central railroads
James II. Beatly, of the Wood river is announced.
mining district, is in Washington a can­
The consolidation of the branch lines
didate for tfie Idaho governorship.
of the Union Pacific centering at Ogden,
The scramble for office by the hungry is announced.
horde lias compelled the President tore-
Nathan A. Wilson, secretary of the
strict the hours of micellaneous callers.
Cleveland Stove company, committed
Charles E. Coon, of Now York, will he suicide Wednesday.
appointed assistant soeretary of tho
Floqnot, the French Premier, at one
treasury, to succeed (io vernorThompson. time got a small salary for getting up stuff
A new chief of the railway mail ser­ in a newspaper office.
vice will he appointed, and the general
The holies of three murdered women
reorganization of the service entered upon. were recovered from the bed of the Rio
Grande river at El Paso, Wednesday.
I)r. C. C. O’Donnell, of San Francisco,
W. P. Mays and J. C. Leisure, of Ore­
is in Washington with the view of en­
lightening the capitol on tho evil of Chi­ gon, are in Washington, both candidates
for United States attorney for Oregon.
Two Chinamen were arrested at Mil­
Representatives from thirteen states
were in attendance at the national green­ waukee Thursday for enticing young
back conference held in Washington last girls into their dens for immoral purposes.
In London the windows of private
Ex-Secretary Whitney, with others, houses are washed by a limited liability
has purchased a controlling interest in company at the rate of 8 cents a window.
the New York Loan and Improvement
General George B. Williams, of Indi­
ana has Iieen decorated by the Emi>eror
of Japan with the order of the Rising
The Government has recovered $1000 Sun.
penalty from Joseph and John Lees of
General Adam Badeau is again before
Philadelphia for inqiorting contract labor
the public in a lawsuit, in connection
at their mills.
with his work, “ The Life of General
The new senators sworn in are, Bar- Grant.”
iKiur nf Virginia, Higgins of Delaware,
An elopement culminate»! in Earlville,
McMillan of Michigan ami Marston of
111., Wednesday, by the man killing the
New Hampshire.
girl, 13 years old, and then committing
Vice-President Morton has bought the suicide.
Bell residence in Washington and gave
Mrs. Sarah C. Inland, niece of the late
his check for $1)5,000 in payment for tho Chief Justice Chasp, was arrested in
property. He will s]>end about $10,000 New York Monday for stealing a pair of
more >n repairs.
diamond ear-rings.
The Pennsylvania roops at the inangn- I The governor of Montana has been pe­
ration ceremonies “ fought nobly,” that titioned to commute the death sentence
is they vanquished the molice and de­ of Godas, the half-breed murderer, to im­
molished all the free lunches in tow n.
prisonment for life.
Last Monday President Harrison en- \ \\m. Cromleigh, of Lisburn, Pa., saw
tered upon his official duties in earnest. his host girl at church w ith another maw,
Heaoal'ter less time will be accorded to and immediately retired and put a bullet
hand-shakers and chronic office-seekers. through his own lira.n.
The name “ Grover Cleveland” in big
Mrs. Ann Driscoll decapitated her sleep­
gold letters, appears on the window at ing husband and attempted to murder
45 William "street, New York, with the her son in a fit of insanity, near I)ela-
names of Bangs, Stetson, Tracy and field, Win., Wednesday.
The government has forbidden large
One of the most interesting incidents di'pntations to visit General Boulanger’s
of the Inauguration day celebrai ion at house, and have ordered the officers not
Washington was the initiation into the to salute or recognize him.
Grand Army of the Republic of e x -
A score of petitions from fruit grower*
Speakor Samuel J. Randall.
of the Niagnra district have been pre­
The navv department has postponed sented to the IVnnininn Parliament ask­
from March 15th to April 3d the time for ing for the reimposition of <luty on Ameri­
receiving proposals for the construction can small frnits.
of an armored coast defense vessel. The !
order was Secretary Tracy’s first official
It is sail! that Amerii-an hoo»llers in
Cana»la ar<" snlwcribing liberally to se­
cure the defeat of the hill intrmluced in
Senator Riddleherger was forcibly the Canadian parliament extrailiting peo­
ejected from the Senate Sunday by order ple of their kin»!.
of President Ingalls. The Virginia Sena­
tor was in an intoxieated condition and
Governor Luce of Michigan direlares
could not laj prevailed upon to keep that the senate of that state is not legally
«•»instituted, and refus»-s to sign bills
passiil by the legislature.
The con'I net of the Pennsylvania mili­
tia attending the inaugural ceremonies
The Empress of Russia has sent up­
was marked all along hy disgraceful ward »«f $50,000 to the St. Petersburg Hos­
scenes. Their rowdvish acts and dranken pital as a thank offering for her miracu­
debaucheries culminated in almost a lous escape from death in the recent rail
roail a«'cident to the royal train.
John H. Wslsh, ex Superintendent of
the Cnited States Treasury, was a muted
at Washington Sunday for passing a
worthless check for $141 on Manager
I »owns of the Morton House in payment
of hia hotel hill.
General Sherman has made an urgent
personal request of the President that
General Joseph E. Johnston ho retained
in the office of railroad commissioner.
Johnston surrendered to Sherman twen­
ty-four years ago.
At the vonferenro of the state rail­
road commissioners with the inter­
state conim ene comtniaeion, held in
Washington Thnrs«lay, a resolution was
adopt»-1 re»'onnnending the adoption of
automati»' signals for the protection of
life on all railroo»ta.
Mrs. Con Murphy, of Helens, Mon­
tana, threw a lighted lamp at Joe Ander­
son, her lover, Wednes»lay. The lamp
struck him over the ear, breaking and
saturating his clothing with oil. wl,i»-h
took lire. His ear was nearly burned
off and his right arm maste»l to a qriap.
Kansas has now a law which provides
tliat all arrangements, font net*, agree­
ments, trusts or combinations which
tcml to prevent competiti»in or advam-s
cost to mnsumers, are d e larel to lie
against public policy, unlawful and void.
The jaw of some extinct animal was
<lis»'avered hy a sell-digger in Nebraska
Thpre were atta»hed two
mammoth teeth, one of which weighe»!
seven »ml a half ixinmla and measure»!
ten in lies in length.
The chief event of imjiortaitee «luring
Astoria has a Curfew ordinance.
Jack Dempsey w ill not go to California. I the [last week has been the strike among
the employes ol the river division «if the
Walla Walla ia to have a street railway.
, O. R. »It N. company, which has caused a
Victoria protests against u duty ou Hour. ; temporary cessation of trade wilh Astoria.
A strong earthquake was felt at Uuay- Tile dull state of the w heat market, how-
mas Saturday morning.
| ever, renders the situation less serious
Mr. Mcmdy’e meetings in Los Angeles than it would have been otherwise. In
were a success—financially.
! all other respects hiisincie is active. In
Two wild camels are occasionally seen provisions tho market is yeak. prices,
near Cottonwood, A. T.
| however, remaining steady. Sugars have
A riisin-grower of Modesto is planting advanced another step, with ths prospect"
200,000 Muscat grape vines.
of another raise. The demand for fruits
• Richard Gird promises to erect a Ixnit ami vegetables has been good. Receipts
sugar factory at Chino, Cal.
in dried fruits have Iieen meagre, ou ac­
Washington's constitutional conven­ count of an overstocked market. The
tion will lie held in Washington.
importation from California lias had the
Work on the Spokane Falls ami North­ effect of reducing the price of butter.
ern railroad commenced last week.
Wool is a ilrug, with very little prospect
Mrs. Upham, aged nineteen years, for tho futuro.
Wheat is quiet uud
hanged herself at Riverside last week.
Mayor Bryson, of I »os Angeles, refuses
to surrender the office to his successor.
G R O C E R IE S .
Sugars, Golden C 5 '2c, extra C 57He,
Tokay grapes, fresh from the vine, cubs, crushed and powdered 7c. Cofft'e :
were en exhibition at Fresno last week. Java 25c, Rio 21 tjc, Arbuckio’s roasted
24 Lie.
A heavy snow fall is reported on the
Bitter root and Salmon river mountains.
Oregon ham 12^(*13o, breakfast ba­
Pugilistic brutes, yclept sporting gentle­ con 13c, sides Ue, shoulders 10)$® 11c.
men, have taken jiossession of San Fran­ Eastern ham 12*-2<5»13c, Sinclaire’s 13®
i s v . breakfast bacon 124®13s, sides
11c. shoulders
10® lle
Lard 101«
Trains loaded with gold seekers, bound @ llc .
for lower California, leave Los Angeles
F R U IT S .
Navel oranges $4.85®5.00, Riverside
A vicious horse with a kick killed W. J. $3.25@3.50, apples $1.10, lemons $5.50 [H>r
Handy, an old resilient, at l»os Angeles box.
v k g e t a b i . e s .
Potatoes 30(«135c, onions 7 0 75c.
Tho Canadian government is contem­
plating defenses of a strong character on
the Pacific Coast.
Apples 5®6c, sliced Okjc, apricots 13(3)
14c, peaches 8®10o, penrs 8c, Oregon
A mysterious yacht is engaged in
prunt‘8, Italian, 8c, silver 8c, German 5)g
smuggling Chinamen from Victoria into
@6c, plums 5@7c. Raisins $2 per box,
the United States.
California figs 8c, Syrna 15c.
Large numbers of jirosjax-tors have left
San Diego for the now mining district in
Butter, Oregon fancy 25c, medium 20c,
Lfiwer California.
Eastern 16c, California 22c.
Governor Watterson ia being bitterly
denounced for his action in vetoing the
Eggs 13®lar.
lisincorporation bill.
F N ln b lis ilie d
1 8 8 i* 5 .
"Live low and sparingly till my debts lie paid; hut let the learning o
• he ohildren be liberal; «pare no cost, fur hy such parsimony all ia lost that is
saved.”— William Penn to hit wi/e.
B. H . W o o d w a r d ,
J esse E d w a r d s ,
J is s s H o b s o n ,
G io tto s W . M iTciiti.L, Secretary and Treasurer,
B. 0 .
M il e s .
Chickens $5.50®8, ducks $8.25 per
Perry Bennett. 72 years old, ernshe»l
ms wife’s skull with a hatchet at Rush- doz., geese $10@I2, turkeys 17c per B>.
ville, Cal., Tursday.
W O O L.
Valley 18c, Eastern Oregon 8® 15c.
Lee Chuck, convicted of inurdor at San
Francisco, has Iieen granted a new trial
by the supreme court.
Hops 8® 15c.
The California legislature has made
Whoat, Valley $1.35, Eastern $1.30.
the best record for aaiuinity of an body
of the kind on the earth.
Oats 33c.
E d w in
M o r r i s o n , B . S .,
M ary
E . M i l k s , A . U .,
A in a
E . B ell ,
I Assistants
Miss Lilian Bowers, at Garvanza, Los
Angeles, has been sustained by the courts
for Hogging a boy scholar.
1 8 8 H -S 9
Standard $4.50, other brands $4(*4.10.
Hay $13®15 per ton, bran $17, shorts
The San Francisco customs authorities
seized $4000 worth of opium on the steam $18, barley chop $23@24, mill chop $18.
collier Empire Wednesday.
Beef, live, 4c, dressed 8c, mutton, live,
Ths mangled remains of a little girl
wero discovered in an unfinished build­ 4c, ilresseil 8c, lambs $2.50 each, hogs tic,
«lressed 7@ 7 ‘y , veal 0®8c.
ing at Tacoma Thursday.
William Idxnn, a farmer, hanged him­
self at Hollister, Cal., last week.
The saloon men have organize»! an as­ fh ln a m en en F o ra g e Fed on Rios, Beans,
O r a n g e - P e e l a n il C h o w -C h o w *
sociation in Sa»'ramouto for the purpose
The new line of Trans-Pacific steam­
of fighting the high license law.
Goodall & Perkins propose to build a ers between Ilong Kong and Vancou­
railroa»! from Watsonville to Moss Guid­ ver, British Columbia, connecting
thence with San Francis»*), has sig­
ing, and ask only the right-of-way.
Henry L. Goctan, charged with rob­ nalized its establishment by reducing
bing the Sonoma, Cal., stage last Decem­ its rate for Chinese passengers from
$50 to $25. This rate Includes food
ber, has Iieen held in $10,000 bail.
Chief Avery an»f two members of during the voyage, whish may last 30
the San Diego Fire department have days, and transportation ovor nearly
been arrested for stealing shoes at a tire' Dne-quarter of the circumference of the
One of the recently-arrived
The California state tioarii of trade will earth.
send three Pullman ears filled with Cali­ steamers brought 1,500 Chinese, and
fornia products
through to Great In view of the low rate, the writer was
led to inquire of the steamship agent
Alejamlro Sabine, sent to jail last week If It were possible to properly toed the
at Los Angeles for contempt of court, has Immigrants during the 30 days at sea
ap]>cale<i to President Diaz for his inter­ and yet make a profit. His reply was
In the affirmative.
“ But what sort of rations aro fur­
The Flathead Indians in Montana are
again in a dangerous mood, ovor tho nished?” I asked.
death of the Indian recently shot by a
“ Chiefly rice," he said. •'That Is,
white man.
rice is the chief staple of Chinese
Charles Nobman, while practicing with food at home and abroad, and if it is
a parlor rifle at San Francisco, Thursday, properly cooked a Chinaman will rare­
shot and killed a man on the opposite ly grumble. But we take out a small
side of the target.
quantity of moat to cook with It. Wo
A desperate attempt to eaoape was also take large quantities of beans—
made hy the prisonera in the Port Town- red beans, white beans, black beans,
seml jail Thursday. One prisoner was brown beans, every kind of bean that
shot in the arm hy the jailer.
China produces, and beans are cheap
Mrs. Nelson, of San Francisco, fell there. You would laugh to hear how
from a SiH'ond story lamling to the ground iheap. Then we furnish orange peel
S n n 'la y . S lie laid in a Hoaxing rain tor tor a relish, of which the Chinese are
an h ou r an d was p ick ed u p »lead.
fond; also dried shrimps and a variety
Charles Hamilton, the hackman who nf dried fish, and for an occasional bit
figure»! in the mysterious munler in Car­ nf dessert dried abalone. But the
rie Bradley’ s bsgnioin Portlanil six years thing we have to be the most particu­
ago, was seen in San Francis»-o last week. lar about la the "chows.’ "
“ What are those—the sauces?"
On account of a wandalons article pule
“ Yes, the chow-chows. We take out
lished in a Los Angelos newspaper, Col.
W. A. Ray has resigne»! the presideni’y of $5 different kinds of these chow s! It
the San Gabriel Valley bank of Pasa»lena. teems as If every Chinaman has a par­
Gooiall, Perkins A Company have ds- ticular kind that he prefers. As they
eiiled to give all carpenter work, repair­ sat their rice and fish and beans, they
ing, etc., on their vessels to private firms, keep tasting these.
amt in consequence have discharg'd all
••Of course, we got them cheap tn
their workmen.
Hong Kong. They don’t cost like
Flores, for attempting to britie whom Worcestershire sauce. Altogetherthese
the Tia Juana King is in jail at I»os An­ Immigrants get as good food on sh ip­
geles, is likely to lie taken over the lairder board as they get at home; la fact they
bv the Mexhans an»l shot, nnless Ju<lge ‘ sften fat up with us.
Rose Interferes.
“ Now, what do you suppose It <so*t
The crazy idiots who fle»l to Lower ns a day to feed each one of these 1,600'
California on the strengeh of an irrespon­ Chinese on our last trip?”
sible land syndicate, who spread the re­
“ Fifteen cento—for a guess."
port of fahutons gold flelils, sre returning.
; “ Just 4$ cents a day, or about $1.18 a
They all got soup as usual.
hesd for the trip over h ere."—C o r.
The Tacoma “ I<eger” is just hegining
to get mad. Although the war rlo»«*<t Denver Republican.
nearly a quarter of a »'entnry ago the
—One of the evidences of deterior­
editor has iust been *ppnse»l »if the fact.
He is eviilently red hot and the Sonthem ation In foreign silks which is most reo-
Confederacy had better be careful.
, ognlzed by the public is the difficulty
It is reported that Sperial Agent Saun­ of obtaining a silk umbrella that has
ders. on the Umatilla reservation, has lasting qualities. The rapidity with
I made a demand for troops to enforce the which theee articles split la the fold
orlers regarding the vaiation oi the res­ and resolve themselves Into sticks and
ervation hy white settlers, ami to quiet rags has been of late y e a n quite
thri-atened disturbance* aiming the In­
abnormal.—Dry Goods Chronicle.
Fall Term hi gins
9 h month, 11, 1888
Fall Term closes
11th month, 30, 1888
Winter Term begins
12th month, 3, 1888
Winter Term eloses
3«l month,
1, 1889
Spring Term begins
3d month, 4, 1880
Spring Tenn ebnes
5 h mouth, 0 1880
Announcement and Prospectus.
Friends’ Pacific Academy is lueateil at Newberg, Yamhill county, Ore
go;«, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two mil,* from
Portland, and one mile from Rogers’ Lauding on Willamette river.
It was opened for pupils September 28th, 1885, and had enrolled during
the first week nineteen pupils. Tue second school year began September
13th, 1886, wiili an enrollment of twent) s:x, and the present school year
opem d September 12th, 1887, with an enrollment of fifty-one, and the winter
term, D« ceinher 3d, with an enrollment of 110.
At the time of the opening of the sc I umi I only the Academy building was
erected, and only the lower story of it was completed.
During the summer
of 1886 the hoarding hall anil three cottage* fur pupds boirding themselves
were constructed, and during the rummer of 1887 the hall for gymnasium
aud hoys’ dormitories was commune«d and the Academy building was com­
The trustees hope to he able to add otlu r buildings as they ate
For Catalogue or information address
E D W IN MORRISON, Principal.
E. H. W O O D W A R D , President of Board.
t h e r e l a t iv e
valu e of frosted
S E E D A S C E R T A IN E D .
T h e N orm a l C o n d itio n o f a S h o r t H orn
C o w A n I n c r e a s e o f O n e H u n d red
P er C en t tn P r o d u c t io n on
W e il F e rtilise d L and .
Bla.' k lug has ap|a«are«l among the i-at-
tle in Modiic «-ounty, Cal.
The tarrners »if Illinois are organizing
»•minty aoi-ietiee for the extermination of
inw cti.
Wood-moss laid on the »"artli around
plants is l>en«"8cial, hy retaining moist-
lire and giving the pot a neater ap|s ar-
Owing to the great use of the twine-
hinrier in tiarvi-sting, the eonsnmption of
hemp an»l similar fibres has in»1 lease»I 25
per cent during the |atst year.
An irrigation system is to 1« a»lopte»l
for the lan»l of the Fritto Improvement
Comiatny in Colusa county. The main
ditoh will be seven mill's in length.
A farmer of Hartford, N. Y., has ln»en
iroHi-ted hy the Graml Jury for n«"glect-
ing to remove and »lestroy some <lis-
eas»-»l peach trees that were in his
The production of se»*l is more ex­
hausting to soil than the growth of vine,
and for that reason a green manorial
crop «toes not require to Is« mature»!. It
takes nearly as much from the air through
its leaves an»l the assistam e of rains as
it takes from the soil.
Germany claims the honor of having ami grow like house plants— pale and
The longer the arc liivtsl to-
g«"ther the more sh-kly they will lie ami
a trellis to Is1 erc«'te»l to sup|H>rt the hush the li'ss numlier thu hruatUr will have tn
now idimVmig over tliu olit i-hnreli nt
show or sell in a presentable condition to
lleldersheini. The only I'ertain thing is his customers.
that the main branch ol this rose hush is
Raising flowers for the inaniifai ture of
now larger than a man’s Isaly.
The value of all «bigs in the state of pcrfutiiery is )Kunming a new imlustry in
Floriila under the encouragement of
New York is $1,01X1,(XX), says a current Northern «‘apital. The two varieties of
newstMiwr paragraph.
Yus, an«l if it ros«"* grown are the musk anil damask,
wasn't for this $1 ,IXX),«XX) wortti of useless ami other flowers that are usnl for dis­
«log meat the value of the *he»*p of the
tillation, such as the jassamine, violets,
state of New York wouM Is« several mil­
lions more than it is, anil the Common­ lillics and jonipiils, are hardy ami yiebl
rich harvests timler cultivation.
wealth that much richer.
Geese «lo not re» eivc as much atten-1 “ It's no trouble to winter sheep,” sa’d
tion as they shoiibl on farms esiss-ially an old fhx'k-master to us, once; “ hut tile
adapted to rearing water fowls. Be- ruh is in apringin’ 'em .’ ’ That was lie-
si«les yiebliug a regular income of b-atli- rause he «lid not winter them well. The
ers, they are «me of the most profitable I St««aily colli of winter keeps the system
fowls for the market. Much easier reartsl keyml up, and the |NMirest fecil is eaten
than turk«>ys, thev sell as readily in most 1 with some relish an«l lienefit; Imt unless
the slicepjias Iieen kept on a high level
seasons at as good profits.
the warm, debilitating breath of spring
Farming business generally is con- will let it »lown fatally.
ilui'toil on a lisise and slovenly liaai*. >
Shorthorn hreeilerw in several western
with an alss-nee of »"eonomical m«'th<sls
tliat surprises every man that i-oinee to i states are disi usaing the future of the
this country fully p»»ste<l as to the meth-1 breed, and comments indicate the various
»sis a»lopt«"'l els«-wtiere, where men have stages of e»lu«-ation of different breeders.
to pay an annual rent for the land and Nome would arbitrarily cull herd* and
condemn certain strains. Home would
niut'h higher tithea au«f taxes than we.
fee»l heavier, others would avoid milking
Professor Mtnrer says a ration of thirty an«t othere still, would encounoge milk­
p>uin«l* «if pumpkin per cow daily will in- ing. Many have yet to learn that the
« reasethe flow and improve the «piality normal conilition of s Shorthorn row is
of milk. M«»re than this «piantity should the milking condition sn«l not the
not lie given. Pumpkins sre very cheap butcher condition ; that the Shorthorns
fo»sl, ss a «ouple of ton* can lie grown to should I » teste«! as milk rows for milk
the acre with the corn <-rop. The se»ils and as steers for beef, but that breeding
of the pumpkin ought to lie removed la- cows should only be kef* in hreeiling
fore fettling.
condition and not in comlition for the
The change from an out-dcsv run to the tiutcher. Overfeeiting for fatnese will
limit of a hennery is not at all agreeable not only deatroy milking i-hanscteriatics,
to the nature of fowls. There they live hut it will also destroy breeding.
the olih-st rose hush in the world. It is
saiil that in 1071) Bishop Hepilo eausi'd