Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, February 23, 1889, Image 1

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4 i > v i : i m
O n e C o lu m n
H a lf C o lu m n
P r o fe s s io n a l C a rd s
n ^
i t
* :
. T w e n t y D o lla r s
T e n D o ll a r s
......................... O n e D o lla r
K e a tliu g X o t t f f i w i l l be
t h e i a t «* o f T«*u e e u t s p e r L i n a .
1 .
P R O M U L G A H O N O F TH E N E W C O N -
T h e D e sp e r a te S u ic id e o f a C a lifo r n ia n — M eetin g o f U n ion a n d C o n fe d e r a te V e t-
The decrease in tlie puh'ic debt in
January, was 111,216,284.73.
The Territorial bills cannot he acted
upon at this session ot C ingress
Carroll 14. Wright, of B .ston, has
been confirmed as commissioner of la­
The P.esident’s message on civil
service reform will be sent to Congress
Col. Lnmont siys that he will o ccu ­
py the position of president of Avenue
C street railroid of New York city
after the 4th of March.
The Navy department has been in­
formed that R ar Admiral Chandler,
commanding the Asiatic station, died
at l l .ng Kong of apophx \
Senator Dolph has offered an amend­
More fog whistles are needed on the
New Mexico protes's agaiust the r«.-
turn of Gcronimo.
Several cases of small pox are re­
ported in Carson, Nevada.
The penitentiary of Washington
Territory cleared $33117 last term.
Colfax will he connected by rail with
the C»vur d’Alene mines this summer.
Masters of deep-water vessels at San
Francisco, tiud it difficult to secure
It is predicted that the new navy
yard will be established on the Colum­
bia river.
Governor Waterman has appointed
John P. Irish commissioner of Yo-
seniite valley.
Mrs. Noon, of Danville, Cal., was
thrown from her buggy last Suud iy
and instaut'y killed.
San Francisco is exercised over the
discovery of diseased meats in many
of her slaughter houses.
C. W . Davis s lo t and instantly
killed S. P. Bayler, Friday evening,
near Red Bluff. Whiskey.
The first husband of Beitha M.
Stanley, the confidence queen, has
been discovered in Los Angeles.
A shortage of $25,000 has been dis
covered in the books of W. S. Variiuni,
tax collectoi of San Diego county.
James Wickersham, probate judge
of Pierce county, has been indicted for
the seduction of Sadie Brantner.
The appointment of Judge Wade as
chief justice of Montana is not satis­
factory to the people of the Territory.
Joe McAuliffe, the prize fighter, is
expected to arrive in Portland rhortly
to arrange a fight with Tint Campbell
Alice Vincent, of the Carletoo
Opera troupe, was thrown from a horse
at Los Angeles last week and had her
arm broken.
Nine men were arrested in the
woods near Tacoma, last Wednesday,
for burglaries committed in Puyallup
ai d Buckley.
The fourth trial c-f Charles Cooper
for the murder of Paul Burke at Boul­
der Creek, Cal., last fall, has resulted
m ent
in h is a c q u itt a l.
The House committee on appiopri-
alions have reported a bill repealing
the tobacco tax.
Congress has appropriated $250,000
for tlie protection of American indus­
tries in Panama.
President Cleveland will shortly
send to Congress a full history of ihe
Sackville West incident.
Senator Sherman is trying to se­
cure an appropriation for dynamite
guns for the San Francisco harbor.
The attack on the Scott exclusion
law before the United States Supreme
court, promises to be a vigorous one.
A contract has been awarded for the
construction of a dry dock at the Phil
adelphia navy yard. It is to cost
One of the justices of the Supreme
Court says that the Scott exclusion
law will be sustained in the case of
Chae Chang Ping.
Captain F. M. Kamsey has been
ordered by the Secretary of War to
do duty as commandant of the New
York navy yard.
Representative Oates, of Alabama,
from the judiciary committee, has re­
ported favorably the bill to amend the
naturaliz ition la ws.
A bill has been introduced in the
II <>ui-e granting the town of Moscow,
Idaho, 130 aerrs of the publie lands
for cemetery purposes.
c iv il h ill a p p r o ­
K I P T I 0 4
R A T IlN i
A P ro b a te J u d g e In d icte d —A rre st
o f a G a n g o f B u r g la r s in th e
e r a n s —N o C h a n g e in th e S ta tu s o f
th e S a m o a n Q u e s tio n —S a n s
W o o d s N ear T a c o m a .
C u lo t te s o f R o m e
priating $10,000 for the purp l e >f
publishing a pilot chart of the Pacific
Senator Mitchell has reported favor­
ably the hill to punish dealers and
pretended dealers in counterfeit
money, and other devices, for uting
the tm- Is
Robert Phelan, a young San Fran­
cisco plumber, shot and instantly
killed Arue Johansen, a saloon keeper,
last Wednesday.
The Siuthern Pacific company has
issued a peremptory order to ticket
agents to compel passengers to sign
their names to tickets.
A (ievil-fi-h, twenty feet in length,
The electoral vote was canvassed by
both Hi uses of Congress on the 13th attacked a man off Beacon Hill, B. C.,
iii8t, and Harrison and Morton duly last week. It almost succeeded in
declared elected to the Presidency and upsetting the boat.
Vice-Presidency respectively.
| George Keller, a deaf mute, was run
It is now authoritatively stated that over and killed by a motor engine at
He was
Mr. Blaine will enter General Harri- San Bernardino Friday.
tou’s cabinet as Secretary of State, a frightfully mangled.
Willoughby Clark, a young lawyer
position that was tendered and accepted
a few days after the election last No­ from San Diego, was arrested in San
Francisco last Tuesday, charged with
felonious enibezzlem int.
A favorable repvrt has been made
The smooth young man who victim­
in the House on the bill withdrawing
from public sale vacantlands along the ized several Portland firms last week
Columbia river and at Celilo, W. T., by forged check«, lias been working
as a reset vatiou for future improve­ the same game in Seattle.
G. S. Loucks, a prominent mer­
ment in liver navigation.
chant of Chehalis, was arrested last
'i he Slate department has been ad Tuesday by a Wisconsin sheriff for
ted that serious trouble is threat forgery, committed in 1887.
m ed at Panama, and that an out break
Tug Wilson, recently released from
may occur at any time. The large
the penitentiary, was »rusted at Seat­
population thrown out of work is
tle, Tuesday, for the murder of Thoe.
iable to disturb tbs peace at any mo­
Davis, near Walla Walla, last Novem­
Senator Hawes has presented a pe
The penitentiary commissioners of
titiou from 120 sludens at Hampton, Washington Territory have ordered a
Va , against the continuance of the new steam brick machine in anticipa­
ration system to Indians, as an encour­ tion of a building boom the coming
age meut to idleness, and recommend­ season.
ing i luir equivalent in fainimg im­
Charles F. Luinmis, formerly city
plements anel stock.
editor of the Los Angeles Times, was
Governor Sawyer, of New Hamp­ shot in the face at Atlantic and Pa­
shire, will api'oint John Gilman cific junction Friday by unknown
Mars ton to he United Stales 8enator parties.
jiom that State elnringthe interim be­
James W illey, a San Francisco real
tween Match 4 and the meeting of
the legislature m xt June, which will estate agent, shut his wife through the
shoulder and Bert Clark, her para­
choose Chandler's successor.
mour, twice through the arm, last
It is thought in Washington that T uesday.
the Paciti ■ Coast interest in the Chae
The marriaze of Wong Wing, a
Chan Ping case before the Supreme
Collet is jeopardized by »he non-seh-c- Chinaman 40 years of age, ami Miss
tion of men by California to argue Ah Chty, 19 years of age, was cele-
the case. The argument w.ll be made brated at San Francisco Friday. Th*y
are both Christruns.
under the new administration.
Rev. J. D. Flenner, of Idaho, has
It looks as if the Samoan confer­
ence at B-rlin will not be attend« d by been found guilty of serious charges
a representative of the present admin­ by the Episcopal judicial conference
Bayard’s answer to B s- at Portland, and was dismissed from
maick has l«een forwarded by mail, the ministty last Friday.
and the reply is not expected until i Luis Huller, concessionaire of the
after General H .rrison's inauguration. Lower California branch of the Inter­
Our government has made a de- j national company, is accuse«! of mis­
maud on the Dutch goveim -nt for appropriating the funds of the com­
$500,000 damages for losses and dam­ pany. Huller has disappeared.
ages to character sustaiued by Oscar i Joe Hawkins shot and fatally
Hatfield, late United Stales consul at wounded Jerrv Reen, t«x*»n of the
B tavia, who w as arrested on account | church at the mission of Han J.jee,
of his partner in a mining enterprise j «ad severely wounded John O'Connor,
having been a partner in a Dutch in a San FrancLco siloon, Friday.
firm, whirh failed, and Hatfield was
There is mu«h alarm in Virginia
charges! with criminal connection in
City over the report that many guests
the failure.
have secured lodging there who are
The Secretary ot Sta'e ha* received directly from the Ormsby house, at
a dispatch from the United States con­ Carson, in which so many cases of
sul at B< rlin, in regard to proposed -mallpox have occurred.
changes in our immigration law-. He
The ballots cast in Washoe, Elko
says that the measure is viewed with
much con cu n in Berlin, in political and other eastern counties of Nevada,
as wallas in national economic circles, «gainst the amendment to the con­
as foreshadowing a change, which stitution authorizing the Nevada lot
eventually may lead to a total reform terv, are found to be two int he* short
in the matur of European emigration « f the length pre-cribed by th eiom -
missioners of election.
to the Uuiud States.
Canadians are opposed to immigra­
Gladstone has dcc'.dtd not to visit
Prince Bismarck is threatened with
facial paralysis.
The steamer Hai tian Rt public has
arrived at Boston.
Less than 30 per cent of Chicago’s
population is foreign.
Gray hair for women is now the
fashionable thing in Paris.
Within a week’s notice Italy can
place 2,300,000 men in the field.
Thousands of emigrants are Hack­
ing into the Argentine Republic.
The ollicial trial of the gunboat
Yo.ktown was a complete success.
The percentage of suicides in France
is greater than in any other country.
The members of the French minis­
try, headed by Floquet, have resigned
The Knights of Labor will return to
absolute secrecy in all their prooeed-
Samuel J. Tildeu’sbirtli-day was ex­
tensively celebrated throughout the
East last week.
It is proposed to consolidate all the
express companies of the coun ry into
eue corporation.
Tli« Ohio State prison was not only
self-supportine last year but yielded a
profit of $15,183.
A man was sentenced to 417 days’
imprisonment at Rutland, Vt., recent­
ly, for getting druuk.
The value of the plunder secured
by the mob in the recent riot at Rome
is estimated at $125,000.
Men are swarming through the gas
territory in \Vaba.h county, Indiana,
taking oil leases from farmers.
The Pennsylvania Central railroad
will herealter haul no freight on Sun­
day except such as are classed perish­
A hill h is been introduced in the
Delaware legislature exempting w o
men from the pu.iisliment of tlie
whipping post.
Over five hundred women of Bangor
have signed a remonstrance sent to
the Maine legislature, protesting
against woman suffrage.
Professor D. H erzjl was severely
beaten by three unknown parties at
St. Paul, Saturday. They had pre­
viously warued him to leave town.
Emigration agents are draining
North Carolina ot able-bodied negroes.
The faimers will be unable now to
handle their crops the coming season.
The steamer Carondelet sailed from
New York Friday afternoon for 8a
inoa. She had on board 133 cases of
ritlis, shells and ammunition, which
were brought here by the steamer
Westernland last Wednesday.
The excursion of Canadian legisla­
tors through the United States, given
by American merchants with the view
of furthering the ann< z ition scheme,
will be a grand i ffair. Itexpecteil that
fully 400 will visit the principal cities
of the Union.
A d d ress.
iK d i a r
In v arl-
. Newberg. Oregon.
r a p h ic
C A R E O F F R U IT A N D O R N A -
I n tr o d u c tio n o f th e T o m a to E g g -P la n t
—T he M a n a g e m e n t o f Seed P ota -
t o e s —T he A m o u n t o f F ood
N e c e s s a r y fo r H og s
A Ulysws, Nebraska, man has the
“ largest coincrib on earth." It it 4'K)
feet lot g, twelve feet wide and twelve
feet high.
Crows have become so abundant in
Maine that it is estimated iln«y cost
the State $100,000 a year in corn, po­
tatoes, young chickens, finir, grain
and the like. The next legislature will
be asked to gi e a bounty of ten cents
for every dead ciow.
A New Jersey farmer has succeeded
in raising in the rich soil of the Hack
ensack bottom the genuine white
yam, or “ buneato” of Cuba, and be
predicts that in a few years this de­
licious vegetable, grown across the
North river, will be as common in the
New York market as the Southern
sweet f otato now is.
New Zealand, according to a recent
writer, is a spltndidly endowed conn-
try. Besides such natural curiosities
as boiling lakes of sulphur, smoking
volcanoes, snow-clad peaks and mag­
nificent waterfalls, it has splendid vir­
gin forests of rare and useful woods,
great fields of coal, iron, copper, gold,
silver, etc., all awaiting the capitalist
and workman.
Taking the amount of food required
to make a pound of grain on swine
weightng thirty-five pounds, 33 per
cent more food is required by swine
weighing seventy pounds, 14 per cent
more by swine weighing 125 poiunds,
19 per cent more by swine weighing
175 pounds, 22 percent more by swine
weighing 220 pounds, 55 per cent
more by swine weighing 270 pounds,
and 84 per cent more by swine weigh­
ing 325 pounds.
Overhaul your store of seeds and
throw away those of doubtful vitality.
There are but few seeds that are not
good at the end of two years, while
the average are good at the end of
four or five, and squashes, melons and
all of that family, last almost iudef-
iuately. Onions, parsnips and car­
rots are the seeds which growers are
the most particular about. Those who
supply th i market with crops should
put their dependence on varieties
known to be marketable.
The management of seed potatoes
ta o n e ot
th r
F O I t l®8N-ï!ÎO
E«( * i 1>1 íh 1 m » i 1 i h 1885.
“ Live low and sparingly till my debts be paid ; but let tlie learning o
the children be liberal; «pare no cost, for by such parsimony all is lost that i*
saved.”— William Venn to his wife.
E. H. W oodward , President,
J esse E dwards ,
J esse H obson .
Everybody knows how dilli :ult it ia
to prevent the water from frei zing
during very cold weather Tin will
rust, wooden troughs become slimy,
and earthenware crack from the ice
formed on the water. To obviate
these difli ulties, give water three
times a day. Use vessels that only
permit the birds to get their beaks
wet, so as to avoid freezing their wat­
tles, which results when they get wet,
and give warm water three times a
day. They will soon learn to look for
it at regular periods, and it will invig­
orate them. By the time the water is
somewhat cool all will have drank,
when the surplus should be thrown
out and the vessel left empty.
G eorge W. M itchell , Secretary and Ticasurer,
B. C. M iles .
E dwin M orrison , B. S.,
m oa t im p o r t a n t urta o f
the potato growe-. Tne Chief point
is to prevent them fr m «< minting,
and for this purpose a low tempera­
ture as near to the freezing point aa is
possible without touching it is desira­
ble. Nearly everywhere larnters find
that the late varieties of potatoes are
more productive than the early ones.
Is not this partly due to the fact that
Mrs. McNulty, aged sixty, and Air early varieties have been injured by
nie McGuire, aged eleven years, were sprouting, while late varieties are less
frozen to death about 200 yards frem liable to this injury?
home, near Ottawa, Canada, in tlie
The buyers of fruit and ornamental
blizzard of last week.
treescan hardly be tot careful in get­
It is reported that affairs among the ting stock grown on land free from
laboring class on the Panama canal quark. The fine underground roots
are in a deplorable condition. The of this pest are often mixed among
canal project is a hopeless failure, and those of fruit trees, and once planted
are difficult to get rid of. Whenever
work will soon cease altogether.
quack grass appears for ihe first time
Another tragedy was enacted at on a farm it is usually in tlie orchard,
Lake Starnberg, Thursday, when two and has been introduced by the pur­
persons drowned themselves. Since chase of trees without careful exam­
the suicide of King Ludwig, eleven ination to see that quack is not mixed
with their roots.
persons have drowned in the lake.
The Indians on Battle River reser­
vation are suffering greatly from an
affection of the throat and neck,
which prevents them from swallowing
food. The complete extermination of
ihe tribe is feared.
NO. 12.
i s s i ) .
A D em an d o n th e D u tch G o v ern m en t
fo r H e a v y D a m a g e s —T he A tt a c k
o n the E x c lu s io n L a w —T h e
E le c to r a l C o lle g e ,
in a fe w d a y s .
M u tm rrlp tlon P r i c e P a y a b l e
a b l y In A d v a n c e .
S. P. T IO K E T A G E N T S .
G R A T IO N L A W S .
One Y ea r
i A x A lo n t li«
t h r e e M on th *.
A d v e r t is in g B ills C o lle c te d M o n t h ly .
to tl.e
E. M
il k s ,
Pi inch al
A . B .,
A nna E. B ell ,
Fall Term begins
9 b monili, 11, 1888
Fall Term clones
lllli monili, 30, 1888
Winter Term beg'ns
12'li mentii, 3, 1888
Winter Term closes
3J monti),
1, 1889
Spring Term begins
3d monti), 4, 1889
Spring Term clones
5'.1> monili, 9 1889
Announcement and Prospectus.
Friends’ Pacific Academy is located at Newberg, Yamhill county, Or#
gon, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two mile« from
Portland, and one mile from Rogers’ Liu din g on Willamette river.
It was opened for pupil«. September 28tli, 1885, and hud enrolled during
the first week nineteen pupils. The second school year began September
18th, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and the present school year
openxl September 12th, 1887, with an enrollment of fifty-one, and the wintei
term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110.
At the time of the < pening of the school only the Academy building w*«
erected, and only the lower story of it was completed.
During ths summer
; of 1886 the boarding hall and three cottager for pupils boarding then.salve«
were constructed, and during the rummer of 1887 the ball for gymnasium
and hoys’ dormitories was commenced and the Academy building was com ­
The trustee« hope to he able to add other buildings as they «re
For Catalogue or in'ormstion address
E D W IN MORRISON, Principal.
E. H. W O O D W A R D , President of Board.
The tomato egg-plant has the gen­
eral appearance of a common egg­
M O N E Y IN H O R S E S .
There is danger of an outbreak plant, while its fruit, when ripe, re­
among tlie half-breed Indians in Birt- sembles a medium sised, ribbed to­ S e n a to r Htook b r id g e 's H arree« a« a llr e e d e r
o f F in e Mtock.
lett county, Dakota. The military at mato. Its skiu is very glossy and !
‘ •Raising trotting and running horses
St. Johns have been ordered out by bright red, much like that of acayenn«-
the sheriff, hut Ihe commanding of­ pepper. Tlie hic-tory of the plant is la not a very unprofitable business,”
ficer says that the sheriff has no au­ that tlie year before lust a single spec said Senator Stockbridge a few days
thority to do to. Serious trouble is imen of it came up anto ig a Urge ago, as he leaned back In an easy chair
number of black Pekin egg plants, in the room of the Senate Committee on
At a meeting of the Union and C >n- growing in southern New Jersey. The Fisheries, of which he is chairman.
federate veterin* at Washington, tlesh of the fruit is very s did and dry, The Senator had just returned from
Thursday, the plan of preserving anil apptrenlly unlit for use, hut aa a Michigan where he spent a delightful
marking the field of Chicamauga, un curiosity and ornament the plant is day on his stock farm. It is situated a
der the auspices of a joint memorial worthy of a trial by those in search of j few miles from the beautiful little city
corporaMon repre entiog all the States unusual novelties. The cultivation ; of Kalamazoo, where the Senator re­
that hail troops there, w.u> cordially of the plant is the same as that of the sides, and Is one of tho finest pieces of
farm property In Western Mii-higan.
“ I had not been out to the farm for
The new con*tllution of Japan was
What is the best feed to give a'
promulgate«! fr« m the throne laa> horse that is run down in str. ngl'i some time," said the Senator. “ So one
wiek. It establishes a house of peers, and flesh? Tlie Massaclmset s P lo w ­ fine day I arrange<l with my partner,
memtiers of which are to lie partly j man says : If you cann«)t get pistil - Mr. Brown, who Is manager of
hereditary, partly elective and partly age, feed your horse fresh-cut gr su or the place, to go out sn«l look over
nominated by the mikado, and a clover hay, with a few oats, say four the st«x«k and take a sort of inventory
liou-e of co:nmon« of 300 members to six «puits daily, and give him of it. We started about nine in the
The right of suffrage is given to all j gentle work or exercise so as to keep morning, and when we arrived at the
men of the age of twenty-five years his appetite and digestion g'ssl. Aa farm the horses had all been fed and
and over who pay lazes to the am ount. he gain« strength you can substitute groomed and were feeling and looking
of $25 yearly.
corn-meal mixe<l with cat hay for one in first-class condition. We got out tho
Late advices from Samoa say that or two rations daily, using not over pedigree book and then carefully ex­
th r e has been no change in the situ four quart« a day. Corn-meal alone amined every young animal on the
ation since the last report. There has is not to safe a grain for horses as place. Many of them I had never seen.
been no fighting, and Tamaeeje ind arts ; most cases of colic are to he Mr. Brown would tell me the name of a
M itaafa remain in their strongholds. tr ;ced to injudicious use of c irn-m< «1 ; colt, and after we had «une over hi«
I he B itii-h consul has warned British but hors« s fatten rapidly on it, mid it* good points I would put his va’ ue down
subjects not to supply the natives is cheaper than oats. T o m« k e i t a on my Inventory book and then let him
wi.h arms, and to maintain a strict safe article of diet we would advise run off into the field. We spent
neutrality. Tlie British war ship Cal mixing it with the same hulk of wheat several hours in this pleasant oc­
inpe has replaced the war ship Roy­ hrzn or feeding in connection with cupation, and I tell you It was quite
The German and American ««at* and some ro t, say cne-half peck a treat to see the young and frisky
> f carrot« daily.
war ship* remain stationary.
beautie#*rniiil>er off, kli-king their heels
in the air. Well, after I had entered
all tho horses and set a very moderate
value u]M,n them, hi no coses exceeding
( the price which they would bring in
any open market, I found ttmt wo had
just «103,000 worth of horse-flesh. Now
! see what a nice profit that represented.
We bought the farm three years ag«j
and organized a stisik roinpany wl«h a
«•apital of $7.'«,(XX). We owe a few thou­
sand dolla'-z for running oxpenses and
things of that kind, hut all this Is more
than offsi-t by the value of the farm.
So that, deducting the amount of cap­
ital we put in, the profits in three
years, without any pm ticular effort to
run the farm as a ,noeey-maklng con­
cern, were more that; $100,<XX), which
you soo is morothnn a Senator's salary.
Some horses raised on this Kalamazoo
stock farm have tiirne«! out to be very
valuable and very fast. Bell Boy,
which was purchiused of Senator Stan­
ford for $1 0,(XX) and sold as a tw rv y ear-
old for $35,000, has ju st lowered her
record, so that she is now in the 2:20
class, and she is only th r e e y ;a r s old.—
N. Y. Tribune.
into the water. Some of the old-time
Baptists consider them an unwarrant­
able innovation, and a trilling with the
duty of going down ‘into the water.’
They ask how a man can be said to go
imo the water when he goes only Into
these baptismal pantaloons, and by
means of them protec-ts himself against
contact with the water. W'hen theso
garments were first introduced there
was a violent prejudice ngainst them.
This has to a great extent been over­
come. The baptismal pants' are now
a regular part of the outfitof most Bnp-
ilst ministers These pants are freely
advertised In tho Baptist newspapers,
th«. prices ranging from $9 to $12 a
pair.” Loulsvillo Courier-Journal.
-- A Pennsylvania widower, lately re­
married. has a bright little girl of four
or thcrealHiuts whom he wns most anx­
ious to induce to call his new wife
mother. As a means to that end the
lady bought the baby a magnificent
doll, and asked of all visiting friends
to inquire of tho little las«: “ Who gave
I you that dull?” Alas! for expectation,
Baptismal Pantaloons.
t he tiny tc« was too sharp for her elders,
and said, -«ith the most Innocent air
One of the m«s<t curious items in the
possible: “ My papa's girl gave it to
line of ecclesiastical goods i* tho gar­
, me.”
ment known as baptismal pant«.’ ” said
a clergyman. “ These pants are use«I I —They have “ |>otato socials" In Kan-
by Baptist ministers when immersing -uz. The name may be from the fact
candidates. They are made of rubber j that the young folk« go there to par«.—
cloth, neatly finished, and are intended Lowell Citizen.
to keep the minister dry when he goes