Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, February 16, 1889, Image 1

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A im :u T iN iv i
One Column
Half Column —
Professional Cards
i m
ix :
.TwÄity Dollars
Ton 1 tailors
........ One Dollar
H e ad in g X o tire a w ill be in a erted at
th e ra te o f T e n r e s t s per L in o.
Advertising Bills Collected M o n th ly .
IIM ’K I P T I O * R A T E S !
One Year ......
six Months
Three Mouths.
Two Dollars
One Dollar
Fifty Cents
•Subscription P rice P a y a b le l a r a r i ,
ab ly In A d v a n c e .
VOL. 1.
W O R K M A N ’S
A d d it io n a l A p p r o p r ia t io n s In th e N a v a l
BUI—A C o n s titu tio n a l
G overn ­
C le v e r S n e a k T h ie v e s a t W o r k ln S an
F r a n c ls c o —A F iv e a n d a Q u a r -
m en t fo r S a m o a —S e w e ll to
b e R e lie v e d a s C on su l.
te r M illio n M o r t g a g e - T h e
Q u a k e In C a lifo r n ia .
Sacramento is overruu with thieves.
The House public lands committee
have recommended higher rates of pay
In Ventura, Cal., flowers are bloom­
to surveyors in t xceptional instances. ing prematurely
Senator Mitchell has introduced a
Herring are caught in large num­
bill to establish a port of entry at bers in Humboldt bay.
Blaine, W. T.
The Gurney cab system has been
Senator Stewort, of Virginia, has introduced into San Diego.
presented a petition ior ttie restora­
Sint Jones has completed his revi­
tion of silver to its place as a co tqual val meetings at Los Angeles.
measure of value with gold.
The lumber mills of Olympia are
The Liberal members of Parlia­ pushed to their utmost capacity.
ment at Ottawa,Canada, have decided
It is now unlawful to sell istoxicat-
to continue the present policy, which
ing liquors to a woman in Nevada.
favors unrestricted reciprocity with
Eighty-two boxes of opium were
the United States.
The President has made the fol­ seized at San Luis Obispo, recently.
No immediate trouble is appre­
lowing nominations: C. D. Wright, aj
Massachusetts, commissioner of labor; hended with the Indians near Bridge-
Thomas M. Vance, of North Carolina, port. Mono county.
It is believed that the voters of Ne-
receiver of public moneys, at North
! vada will defeat the lottery amend­
Yakima, W. T.
The Senate committee on woman ment to the constitution.
A scarlet geranium leaf in Tulare
suffrage lias repotted favorably on the
joint resolution proposing a constitu­ county, Cal., measured forty-seven
tional amendment to prohibit the de­ inches in circumference.
nial of the right to vote by the United
The assessment roll of Vancouver
States, or any State, on account of sex. for 1889 shows an increase of 90 per
The survey of the lands in the L^m- cent over that of last year.
atilla Indian reservation is to be made
The cold weather at Los Angeles has
before they are effered for sale. The injured the ostrich-farm eggs that
secretary of the interior holds that j were intended for hatching.
they must first be inspected, and an j Since electric lights were introduced
order to this effect has already been at Willows, Cal., not a wild goose has
been seen to Hy over the town.
Congressional committee has i George Hopper, of Los Angeles, a
been examining the construction of well known mining man, is the latest
the Washington aqueduct tunnel, and victim of the gold brick swindle.
have concluded to order the entire
Several earthquake shocks are re­
lining of the tunnel replaced at the
expense of the contractors, nearlv ported to have occurred at San Ber­
nardino, Co'ton and Los Angeles.
Secretary Bayard suggests a very I The postofiioe authorities are nego­
good scheme of «onstitutional govern­ tiating for the purpose o f dispatching
ment for Samoa, with a native legis-1 the mail by the Golden Gate special.
The deposit of slickens in the Spo­
lature, securing its independence and
autonomy, including the acknowledge­ kane river has alarmed the people of
ment of M.iliet a as king and Tama- Spokane Falls as to their future water
sese as vice king.
A San Diego man has planted ten
A bill has been favorably reported
in both Houses of Congress to place acres in mulberry trees, preparatory
Gen. W. S. on the retired to going into the business of raising
list of the army. He is at presen reg­ silk-worms.
ister of the treasury. If the bill be­
At Rincon.Cal., a thief had thiiteen
come a law he will receive retired pay bullets put into his body while run­
at the rate of $4000 per annum.
ning from a party of cow-boys who
There is an ouispoken sentiment were after him.
Petaluma has memoralized the leg-
among the Republic in Senators and
Republicans in the House, that a com- islature of California to pass a law
it ‘ unlawful *-
to kill ,-
plete change be made m
in the civil making
- 1, rob­
service commission, and the commis­ ins or blackbirds.
sion for the District of Columbia.
The bill introduced into the Neva­
There is not a Republican on either da legislature restricting the wearing
oi high hats in theaters, has been de­
The Senate committee on military feated in the upper house.
.1. F. Glennon, the San Francisco
affairs lias ordered a favorable report
upon the proposition to present Mrs. I policeman who at'empted to murder
Irene Rucker Sheridan with $50,000, Willie Burke, has been found guilty
in token of the country’s appreciation of assault to commit murder,
of the services rendered by her has | it is reported that the 0. R. and N.
band, Gen. Phil H. Sheridan. This is will commence construction in the
urged in lieu of a pension.
spring on a line from La Grande to
In view of the insufficient evidence Joseph, in the Wallowa valley,
produced to support the charges made
The young and dashing-looking
by Representative Steel, o ' Indiana, | Spaniard, who has been swindling a
against Judge Bond, of Ar zona, as a j number of San Francisco firms by
basis for impeachment proceedings, means of bogus bank checks, lias been
the House committee on judiciary arrested.
has declined to enter upon considera-
The people of Santa Fe are indig-
tion of the case at present.
nant that a petition should have gone
There is a very loud call for Con- to Washington from Albuquerque ask-
gressman Breckinridge, of Arkansas, mg that New Mexico should not be
to resign his «eat in the next Con - admitted into the Union,
gross and ask for a new election, on
Hardin Yager, treasurer of San
account of Clayton’s assassination; Bernardino couuty since 1865, was
and many of liis friends are advising \ found dead recently. He was known
him to do so. They insist that this is j as “ honest old Hardin.” and was be-
tlie only way that he can clear him­ loved by all who knew him.
self from the susp eion of sharing in
The parents of Alexander Golden-
the results of the assassination.
son, the slayer of Mamie Kelly, hav,-
Secretary Whitney has issued an instiluted suit for the possession of 101
important older regarding the naval pictures painted by him during his
records of the war of the rebellion. It confinement in the San Francisco jail.
lias been found on examining the par
A first mortgage for $5,250,000 has
p eiso n file in the navy department, been filed in San Diego by represent­
that almost the only on< s there, are atives ot tbe Mercantile Trust com­
those addressed directly to the depart­ pany of New York on the rights, fran­
ment. He desires certified copies of chises and property of the San Dego,
ull orders to officers and war memo­ Cucamonga and Eastern railread.
randa to be forwarded to the war de­
At Grass Valley, last Thursday, as
Superintendent Hkewess, of the North
Superintendent Thorn, of the coast Banner mine, was going to town he
and geodetic survey, has submitted was stopped on the road by two
an estimate for an additional appro­ masked men and relieved of three
priation of $3680, which he says is thousand dollars’ worth of bullion.
necessary to make the rep lirs on the
On the 31st of January, E. A. Har­
United States coast and geodetic sur
bour, an old and highly respected cit­
vey steamer McArthur, now at San
izen "f Meda, Or., was instantly killed
Francisco, to put it in condition for
by tbe top breaking out of a dead
the work off the coast of Washington
spruce and sir.king him on the head.
Territory and Oregon the coming sea­
Sam Poster was also struck and his
recovery is doubtful.
It is announced that the recall of
Two unknown men entered the of.
American Consul General Sewell from
fice of F. Reichling, at San Francisco,
S .moa, has created an excellent feel­
Friday last, and wbile one engaged
ing in Berlin. The German papers
the attention of the clerk, the other
urge tne necessuy .or ‘ V”
succeeding in gaining ^ s e s s io n of a
Eng.ish consul also, * .? ' gAi’ ..1,,{l bar of gold bullion, valued at $1000.
contributed large J
The theft was not discovered for tw
The three powers might then tie rep­ hours after they bad disappeired.
resented hy other trustworthy agents,
It is reported that wbile excavating
who would assist in bringing about a
recently north of Penawawa, a work­
friendly sett’ ement.
man uneartlud a cannon and a lot of
Heavy additions have been made to ammunition which had l>e«n hurhd
the naval bill. Tbe construction of inboxes; also a lot of silver coin, in
two steel gun-boa s, or cruisers, is pro­ rotten buck-skin sacks. Tradition al­
vided for, to be of from 8000 to 12.000 leges that gteptoe, on his retreat from
tons displacement, and to cost not the Palousa country in 1854, buried
more than »700,000; also, one steel the material at that place.
cruiser of 2r00 tons displacement, to
A clever pieee of burglary was exe­
cost »700,000. An appropriation is
also made for one ram for harbor de­ cuted in a shoe store last Thursday,
fense, in accordance with the plans at San Francisco, by thre small boys
prepared by tbe naval advisory board The eldest of the tno pretended to
of 1881 In order that the vessels purchase a pair of slippers, whtle ihe
m aybe speedily built, tbe appropria- voungest engaged in
m a
a romp
romp with the
lion for steel machinery is increased cat until he got near the safe, which
by $1.50000, and that fur armament stood partially ajar, when slipping his
by »1.400.000.
All the new ve-s-ls band through lie grasjwd a sack con-
. .
i r . to
U, be
he lighted
i..h i~ t by
hv electrity,
electr tv.and
*60- L-urg
Utog »240 in gold and the three cool-
and »60.-
000 is appropriated for that purpoae. jly walked away
T h e E c c e n t r ic W ill o f a N ew Y o r k P ed -
a g o g u e —T h e G h a s tly C rim e o f a
A G o o d Id ea f o r a H otat fo r a B arn—T he
T rea tm en t th a t S h o u ld be G iven
t o F o w ls —R e c e ip t fo r De­
s t r o y in g the W e e v h .
The longer turnips and cabb.iges
can remain out without actually
freezing, the better they are for eat­
ing purposes and the better they will
keep through the winter.
Economy is certainly wealth in the
feeding of farm horses, and yet it does
not necessarily mean stinting or cut­
ting off of rations. Give Lhis matter
a thorough investigation, and see if
there is n o t m o r e in it *. MU a super­
ficial glance would indicate.
Cora meal in small quantities, lin­
seed meal in small quantities, and a
liberal quantity of good bran meal
with the roughness, will make an ad­
mirable winter feed for milch cows,
and if given liberally, with good shel­
ter, it is possible to secure a good flow
of milk during the wiuter; provided,
of course, that you have a good breed
of cows, that this feed can be given to
during the winter.
By pouring boiling water over any
kind of grain, and allowing the grain
to remain twenty-four hours, it will
swell and prove an acceptable change
to the fowls. The soaked grain un­
dergoes a partial chemical change,
contains a slightly larger portion of
sugar, and is really more digestible.
Nothing is added to the grain by soak­
ing it, bat it will be more readily
eaten for some time than dry grain,
though the birds will return to dry
grain as a preference if fed too long
on that which is soaked.
A correspondent of the New Eng­
land Farmer gives the following direc­
tions for destroying the potato weevil;
Take an ordinary manure hod, one
that is broad and light is to be pre­
ferred, and grasping it by the hole
for the left hand near the mouth of
the hod, with a broad and limber
broom carried with the right hand,
proceed through the field, placing the
hod against vines infested with grubs
and gently beating or sweeping them
over the edge of the hod and into it
with the broom. In this way a great
majority of all the grubs in a small
potato patch may be gathered in a
short time and destroyed. This may
be of service, especially in eases where
there are objections to the use of pois­
The cold wave and blizzard through­ ons offered in the markets. A little
out Canada is intense, the thermome­ practice will enable a person to do ex­
ter registering injpnany places forty ecution with the a b o v e implements
with considerable dispatch:
degrees below zero.
The supreme court at Washington
Straw as a material for stock shel­
has lately decided the law constitu­ ters have favorable qualities: It is a
tional which prohibits ranchmen from very poor conductor of heat, iience it
fencing any of the public domain.
makes a warm shelter. It costs little,
At Marion, Indiana, an outbreak being produced in abuudance on a prevented among tobacco strip­ large majority of farms; and its em­
pers and stemmers owing to tbe im­ ployment for this purpose does not
require special skill beyond the farm­
portation of negroes to do tbe work.
Some of the Canadians not only er. But it ¡9 not us economical as
It is as necessary
want annexation for their own coun­ many suppose.
try to the United States, but want to that the top ef the shelter be water
tight as that the sides he wind tight—
have Mexico annexed on the south.
even more important. A straw roof
The Arkansas legislature has of­ can be kept tain and snow proof only
fered a reward of $o(X) for the arrest by frequent repairings. Slraw is not
and conviction of the thieves who a durable material and a straw shelter
stole the ballot-box and poll-book last is not long-lived.
In many cases
where straw shelters are now used, a
The wolves, it is said, are making proper computation would show lum­
things deadly lively in some districts ber to be more econom ical; and as it
in Montana, killing colts and steers, is usually cheaper to paint lumber
and in some instances pursuing hu­ than not to do so, tbe cheapest shel­
ter would be a neat, substantial paint-
man beings.
e I one.
A bill has passed the Indiana Sen­
One of my neighbera had a fine pen
ate declarikg unlawful
all trusts,
pools, agreements and combinations, of fow ls; had had them confined in a
in restraint of trade, production, man­ small, dark house, with no run at­
ufacture or sale. The House will also tached, and I suppose all the corn
they could eat, as they were very fat
pass the bill.
when I purchased them. My neigh­
Inspector Bonfield, Captain Schaak
bor said lie was sick and tired of them ;
and Detective Lower-stein, prominent
no demand for eggs and no eggs;
in the trial at Chicago of the anarch­
could never make a living raising ian-
ists, have beer, inch finitely suspended
cy fowls. I was not suitably fixed for
from the police force pending charges
taking another breed, but as I got
of corruption.
them for $1 each, about one-tenth
The report that General Boulanger their value, I bought them and took
was to have been arrested at the insti­ them home, intending to do the best
gation of the government ministers on possible by them,considering the con­
the night of his election from the de­ veniences at hand Took two orders
partment of the Seine, proves to be for eggs before driving home. I placed
them in a small hou»e with a 16x 16
foot run. As I said before they were
Otto Kaiser, a married street-car very fat. My first move was to see
conductor at Philadelphia, shot Anna that they had plenty of exercise, and
Klaus, a young girl who believed him thereby reduce them in flesh. I di­
single. He then returned to his home, vided a portion of their run off and
cut his wife’s throat and ended bis put in about one foot of straw, and
own life at the approach of officers.
they had to scrateh for a living. It
A bill has been introduced in was not very long until they were
the Pennsylvania legislature prohibit­ shelling out eggs to their full capacity.
ing treating, and making it a penal — Poultry Keeper.
offense, punishable by a fine of not
A good idea 'or a hoist for a barn
less than ?50 or over $100, for any- is to erect two upright jKists six inches
one to treat another to intoxicating square and firmly fastened in the up­
per part of tbe building, one on either
Twenty-four persons, mostly all side of the hatchway. Strong iron or
children, have died, recently, in Web­ wooden boxes attached to these posts
ster county, Kentucky, of a disease support the journal of a round shaft
with which the doctors appear to lie one foot in diameter, upon which is a
unable to cope. The deaths usually wooden wheel four to six feet in diam­
occur from six to twelve hours after eter. The larger size gives increased
power, but for ordinary lifting four
the attack.
feet is large enough. The wheel is
M. W . Merriam, an eccentric Suf­ made of eight segments cut from two
folk county, N. Y ., school-master, has inch plank, each one being a quarter
willed his proper y in bulk to the Unit­ of a circle. They are put together
ed States government. One of bis rea­ with spikes or bolts in a manner to
sons was the government was rich “ break joints.” Before being fastened
and could fight his sister if she at­ together the segments are notched to
tempted to contest the will. He was i receive the ends of the four arms,
worth $100,000.
which are also made <4 two-inch
It is proposed by the people of Mon­ plank, halved together at the center
tana to elect two Senators, to go to of the wheel. The short end of the
Washington in the interest of the shaft, as far as the wheel goes on, is
Territory, and to urge it* immediate shaped to fit the square hole in tbe
center of the wheel.
Long iron
admission into the Union.
spikes are driven and a groove turned
Mi. and Mrs. James Olsen, with in the outer periphery of the wheel to
their three children, were drowned in keep the rope from slipping off. The
the Missouri river at Bismark recently | hoist rope is firmly stiached to the
when the ice broke.
The borsw, shaft upon which it is coiled by the
wagon and its occupants were all loet. revolution of the wheel.
An exodus of negro laborers from
South Carolina is uuw iti progress.
President Cleveland will practice
law in New York city after March 4.
T he;new union depot at Pueblo,
Col., will cost be.ween $200,000 and
The Kansas legislature has passed
a bill restricting the ownership of land
in that state
Wisconsin lumbermen are up in
arms at an order forbidding logging
in certain districts.
The Dakota legislature has passed
a law taxing railroad property the
same as other property.
The bill to provide for inflicting the
death sentence by
electricity has
passed the Ohio senate.
Four Chinamen were scalded to
death by a Geyser at Canyou City,
near Yellowstone Park, last week.
The post-mortem medical report in
the case of Crown Prince Rudolph,
sets at rest the rumors of his murder.
Major Stewart, of Austin, Texas, is
in New York in the interest of a na­
tional home for ex-Confederate sol­
Dr. E. A. Kelley, superintendent of
the State Insane asylum at Norfolk,
Neb., has besn arrested on a charge of
Ohio and Kentucky tobacco grow­
ers have agreed to raise twenty-five
per .tent less tobacco next season than
the last.
It is said that Secretary Bayard has
accepted Bismarck's proposition for a
conference at Berlin on the Samoan
A very large meteor fell in Chicago
last week. It burst into many pieces
and specimens’ .have been picked up
for analysis.
Canada is making an effort to se­
cure independence of all lines of traf­
fic passing through any portion of the
United States.
• The Trades'assembly at Chicago at
a mass-meeting has demanded the re­
moval of Police Inspector Bonfield and
Captain Schaak.
Address, U h a p h i c , New bent, Oregon.
P h ila d e lp h ia S tr e e t-c r E m -
p lo y e e —C o ld W a v e s.
ËsfnbliHlied in 1 8 8 5 .
“ Live low and sparingly till my debts be paid; but let the learning of
the children be liberal; «pare no cost, for by such parsimony all is lost that is
saved.”— William Penn to his wife.
E. H. W o o d w a r d , President,
J esse E d w a r d s ,
J esse H o b s o n ,
B. C. M iles .
G e o r g e W . M it c h e m .,
Secretary and Treasurer,
E d w in M o r r is o n ,
B. S .,
.A.U.V E. Mn.RH, A ., li.,
A nna E . B ell ,
Fall Term begins
9 h month, 11, 1888
Fall Term e!o es
lllh month, 30, 1888
Winter Term begins
12ih month, 3, 1888
Winter Term closi s
3d month,
Spring Term begins
3d month, 4. 1889
Spring Term closes
5th month,
1, 1889
9 18*9
Announcement and Prospectus.
Friends’ Pacific Academy is located at Newberg, Yamhill county, OiS
gon, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two miles from
Portland, and one mile from Rogers’ Lu lling on Willamette river.
It was opened for pupils September 28th, 1885, and had enrolled during
the first week nineteen pupl’s. T..e second school year began September
18th, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and the present school year
opened Septemlier 12th, 1887, with an enrollment of fifty-one, and the winter
term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110.
At the time of the opening of the school only the Academy building was
erected, and only the lower story of it was completed.
During the summer
of 1886 the Israrding hall and three coltigei for pupds boirding themselves
were constructed, and during the summer of 1887 Ihe hall for gymnasium
and boys’ dormitories was coni-in need and the Academy building was com­
Tbe trustees hope to be able to add other buildings as they are
For Catalogue or information addresr
E. H. WOODWARD, President o f Board.
T h a t I n Wliat F .v e r y H o m e S h o u l d 11« a t
A l l H o u r « o f t h e Hay.
We can not make our homes too
beautiful or too inviting; and the at­
tempt to Idealize the moat oonimon
things in nature, reproducing them In
the manifold way suggested by art, is
indeed a worthy one; yet I am led to
ask if the interior of many houses —
filled as they are with a thousand and
one incongruous articles—do not strike
one with a sense of replcteness, which
tends to dnntroy, rather than promote
the object so worthily aimed at? One
Is led to wonder at the patience ex­
pende I in the production of these va-
rious article* of use nnd beauty, no less
than at the patience required to keep
them free from dust. If Julia com­
pletes an elegant thing in the wav of a
tidy. Sally, upon seeing it, sets to work
immediately to render a duplicate, no
matter if Sally’s room* are be-tldied
from the attic to the cellar, and a sur­
plus stock on hand to supply all losses
arising from contingent fir% or ill-be­
haved beaux.
Did you ever stop to think, by the
bye, of the manner in whi*h the tidy of
our mothers’ day ha* been metamor­
phosed? Once it had the merit of be­
ing useful; uow, it renders useless, so
far at least «* comfort 1* concerned,
the chair or other article it Is made to
adorn. Many people buy or make a
thing simply because it is pretty in
itself, without regard to the surround­
ings it will meet with. Why not use a
Ip.lle disc, iiiiiliulion, mid instead of be­
coming elated over tire newest tiling in
fancy work, go quietly into your rooms
and weed out one-third at least of what
you have placed there, avoiding thus
tho liability of any of your friends mis­
taking your rooms for twenty-five cent
In connection w ith home decorating
at tho present time, did It ever strike
the reader as surprising how many
artist* (?) the present generation has
yielded? Artists who are not whim­
sical enough to bo hnrn|>orod by any no­
tions perspective, arrangement of color,
etc., but who Instead—walking hand in
hand with their own good judgment
and taste steer clear of a 1 such
»hackles. Yet turning aside from the
[«•conscious dauber, thanks to our
present generation for tho various op­
portunities afforded the true artist to
levelop his or her genius, and it can
but afford a sense of pleasure to any re­
ined tnste to enter that friend’s house
where the impress of busy fingers has
not sacrificed harmony to redundancy
or utility to discomfort, and where
bints of n lurking genius (if there be
>no) nro only occasionally met with in
pleasing subjects well rendered.— KutK-
•rtnr, //. Terry, in farm ami Home.
Blu* in Slang- Phrases.
"Blue is a favorite adjective In slang
Schoolboys, in their own
choice dialect, talk of "blue fear” and
"blue funk.”
Tho indefinite period
known as "once in a blue noon ” is a
favorite with Miss Braddon, if one may
judge by her frequent use of the ex­
pression. The moon will doubtless not
ho blue until tho Greek Calends, or, as
they say in Ireland, till "Tib’s Eve,"
whenever that may be. Swift, in his
•’Polite Conversation," a wonderful se­
ries of dialogues, crammed with collo­
quialisms current in tho oarly part of
the last century, uses the strange ex­
pression, "to blush like a blue dog,”
meaning, not to blush at alL More
than a century earlier, in tire "Apol-
ogle for the School of Abuse,” pub­
lished in 1579, Stephen Gosson speaks
with similar moaning of blushing "like
a blacko doggo.” Both expressions
appear to ho equally meaningless. To
drink "till all is blue” is an old-estab­
lished euphemism for getting very
drunk. Ford, in the "I-adjr’s Trial, *
1039, says: "lie can drink till »11 Is
blue.” - All the Year Pound.
■ —'twenty young men in a Pennsyl­
— Mock Fruit Cake.—One cup sour
vania town formed a football club. In
milk, one cup brown sugar, one-half three month* fourteen of them had
oup molasses, one-half cup of butter, broken bones, three were crippled for
one cup raisins, three cups sifted flour, life, and one druggist sold them »Id
one egg, one teaspoon soda. - d lt*s)l worth of ointment.