for the past few years, it is not surprising W. C. T. U. COLUMN. that so many people look at the dark side - ------ ..-------- of the Political Picture. An inspection of | “ F o r (J o tl a n d H o m e a n d N a t i v e the actions oi the political world to-day h a n d .” would show it to 1* governed in many (M m r A MollIlli, guper|uteadent| F l’ EITY. H IA T T & HOBSON, Editors and Prop’s. 1 c mes by dishonesty, intrigue and cowar- ____________ _____ _ Hawthorno, in describing the Concord 1 river, nay«: “ It may well bo called the | Concord ; the river oi ¡« a c e and qu ietn ei»; ! lor it is certainly llie most inoxcitatilo and Ni:\vni:it'« pleasant parlors of Mrs. h . B. southwest of I’ortland, in the rich agri- I’ositively, I hail lived la-side it three building up of a plan for his own future Miles, though sm all, was one of unusual i' a * r' '"*■ T1‘;’ «“ ‘f " ' * wan opened by e.diuial and frnit region known as t tie weeks I a-fore it grew quite clear to my promotion or continuance in office. It has been aryue.1 that im piaelicable scripture reading by Mrs. A. M. W ood- Ciiehalem valley, of which it is the traile | perception, which way the current flowed, and shipping center. The 1*. & W . V. R. It never has a vlvaeius aspect,except when measures and standards are being intro ™ rd, President in chair, followed by It. passes through the north part of town a northwestern breeze is vexing its sur­ ; dueed into public life, whenever honesty, Pr‘‘ -«'r- After roll call and the readm g and the landing on the Willamette river face, on a sunshiney day. The torpor of its and justice, and purity have beer, put for- of minutes of previous meeting, thesecre- is only three-fourths of a mile south, th u s , m ovements allows it nowhere a bright ward as elements which should enter into « » / read a paper from tire National Pros- in which she attempts to correct making competition in transportation pebbly shore, nor so much us a narrow , h ,lilies. The argument is, -th a t it Is all * some of the twisted meanings sent out by At present the town contains nine stores, strip of glistening sand in any part of its 1 very well to have these ideas, but it i;J lin- i She tw o hotels, two blacksmith shops, two liv­ course. It sluml-crs between broad prai­ nossible to reach them. Politics always ‘ bo secular press since Oct. 10--' says: " I t is not often that after a bright ery staliles, three grain warehouses, two ries, kissing the long meadow grass and lias been and always must lie corrupt, and lookout over tho whole wide field, your i burches, one frnit dryer, one harness bathes the overhanging boughs of aider it is very unwise, impractical and Phari­ shop, one shoo shop, on» meat market, j bushes and willows, or the roots of elm saical to uttempt to disguise tlie f a c t .’ leaders blow the bugle for a rally all -one barber shop and one newspaper. Fev-j and ash trees and clumps of maples, But Ibis is nothing more tlia - confessing along the line, an 1 I am proud to say -era! store buildings, a restaurant and meat- . Mags and rushes grow along its pht-diy the inability of men to purify themselves that no such blast has ever failed to reach It market are in course of erection. A Hour- J shores ; the yellow water lily spreads its from i ice. This takes away this theory your listening and sympathetic ears. iog m ill, run by waterpower, is situated in i broad fiat leaves on the margin ; and the | that is so dear to civi'ation, that man has will bo so this time as always; already I the southwest part of town and several saw | fragrant white pond lily abounds, generaly the power to elevate himself. And that ran catch the music of your martial mi! In are within a few miles. The public selecting a position just so far from I he ri v- j tlie continual efforts and strivings of tread I General Misunderstanding mounted si b'm 's are first-class and the Frmnd’s er’s brink that it can not lie grasped save mankind, individually and collectively, Pacific Academ y, located hero, is one of at the hazard of plunging in. It is a marvel I have placed our plane ot civilization above bis steed when our great convention met the best institutions of its kind in the whence this perfect flower derives its lo\e- that of the savage. It is true that politi­ in New Y ork City, and lie has spurred litate, and will no doubt grow into a col- liness and perfume, springing as it does cal parties do become corru pt; but in the onward ever since w i t G t t y r i n g hoofs lege in a few years. The buildings are from the black mud over which the river period w hen parties achieve their greatest across the continent. For instance: By well adapted to school purposes. It - res- sleeps, and where lurks the slimy eel und results the elem ents of corruption are at request of the minority wo repealed th • ent 115 students are enrolled, and the speckled frog and mud turtle, whom con­ a minimum. It is only w hen convictions by-law providing that on jmlitu-al ques­ course of instruction is very thorough, tinuai washing can not cleanse. d ie; when statesmen are exchanged for tions w j should vote without discussion, S A T U R D A Y , JA N U A R Y l!tl, LSH'J. « ’•i It lias occurred to me that this scene politicians, that corruption com es to tlie :111 * ^°- , ' l-! I’tess says we were so wibHis remove from our Constitution a provis- may lie applicable to the moral and spir- front, and takes tlie lead in political life. guarded us against discus- | itual w oiId. in all ages and in all times, In manv instances the true statesman bus M "a j «V e may call the sluggish rivei the great been com pelled to retire from public life j sio!>* and then proceeded to plunge into We I currant of humanity di ¡fling impercepti- because the sentiment and opinions of tlie; labyrintli oi political debate. My—and m u d w.i say indifferently—to- the people whom lie represented would spent loss than two hours out of forty de- tried them. Tlie large farms are being ward the (Inal destiny,—eternity. This | not support him, and I lie schem ing, tricky, j bating on questions of partisan nature, -divided into 5, id, and 1M ac re lots, and great sire im of life, moral and spiritual | unprincipled | lias taken his tint the partisan press lias given the pub­ put on the market at reasonable prices, life, lias been moving so slowly in its on ­ | place. But tho refusal of these leaders to lic reason to beliere that from early noon so that any person wit Ii small means can ward course during the ages, that men j take hold of vital questions; the disfran­ to dewy eve we did little else than shout secure a home. Many of llie small places have over been ready to ask : Is the world chisem ent of hurts of citizen s; and a great in chorus “ Fisk and B ro o k s"! W e de­ are being bought and set to frnit. The glow ing better, becom ing more pure; is it j number of less important vices are re tea 1- clined to consider) much less debate, a very best class of people are com ing here approaching that stage in its existence ! ing to the better classes of our voters the resolution defining “ loyalty” , when, lo ! General Misunderstanding, with the voice and this is going to be a most pleasant when evil shall no inure be known, and j duties of loyal citizens. And the man place to live. To ail who are looking for where good shall hold supreme pow er? who has tiiu best interests of the country of a bassoon, grumbles across tlie nation, homes wo extend ail invitation to com e Or is it drifting in the opposite direction, ut heart will not retire in disgust from ilia “ Them women passed a gag law I” She and see New berg and the C'hehalein val­ downward, to the blackness of eternal pally, but w ill do bis best, and leu 1 all says further that we have one medium ley, and to take into consideration the ed­ night, where misery, ruin and deatli reign | bis energies to secure better and purer through which wo can rectify mistakes, leaders. H e who believes that the right and clear away tlie cobw ebs spun by ucational advantages, the shipping facili­ supreme. We would typify the slimy cels, and | principles, and ideas, and causes are not those who seek to do us harm. That m e­ ties, tlie business outlook, and the moral and social condition of tlie people. If this speckled frogs and mud turtles at the bot- left to drift at random in this world, but dium is Tli ■ Union Signal; and urged all is done we will risk getting our share of lom of the river, as the vices and corrup­ licit there is an om uipilent God behind local unions to set aside not less than five tion in the business and political world. them will never despair, even in politics. or ten dollars to be expended in putting the people to locate hero. We may call the pond lily, blossom ing lie will always believe that in the long j H im paper into the homes of pastors, edi­ "V.vttiKTY is (hospice of life.” There is fortli as a perfect flow er,—typical of per- run virtue drives out vice. tors, doctors, teachers, or any whom we a pleasing variety in the different ways our fd(.t purity—sending forth from its whiti l ’ urily lias ever been recognized as one v is!i especially to influence in favor of M ate department-deals with different nu-1 1 petals, the sweetest fragrance, a i of tlie highest of Christian virtues, und its our work. The treasurer being absent, liens. When the little insignificant reptile pure life. This life is raised above the I power has ever been recognized. There no action was taken. Borne discussion lie of Hat ti confiscated an American steam si ttggfsh river in which the masses of lu i-: is a force about it that stamps itself upon followed, our President warning ns to be­ er, our government was very angry and j unify are drifting, and from this position, an individual and makes its presence felt ware of political debate in our meetings, im niddiutdy sent a squadron to take the surrounded though it may be by the deep- though it can not lie recognized bv the and relating an instance that came to her vessel, by force if necessary, hut when the j (M, unj;tf ),y the blackest sins and corru p -; phvsieal senses. Just as tlio men who notice w hile in the Mast, where one local •Germans violate a treaty, ignore our pro- ,jon< ¡t forth from a pure heart, took Christ in the garden were conscious i union had entirely destroyed its influence tests and insult onr d ig in Banina, tlie , heavonly rays of ligh t, which will pierce; of the power that made them fall b u c k ,! 'or £<*>‘ 1 by having taken a definite posi- government waits to hear from Congress t.|011,|n 0f sin that have settled down even be Ion- they bad com e near enough to tion relative to the political issues of the before doing anything to sustain our honor i ,)UT world as the morning | (licit him. Bpt’nci r describes the pow erof lim es. W e regret tlie |>osition that tlie ns a nation. The im|s>rtanee of the S a -1 M|,icli bungs over I lie river, is picn-ed I parity l»v giving Una, tint heroine of the National i nion bus taken in declaring for •um.i.i islands as a naval coaling station vlul di.-pelled by tlie blight rays from the first ¡look of the Faery (piece the power j 1 1,0 Prohibition I’arty. W e believe that ru n hardly be estimated. T he people ot ’ to «-harm the ferocious lion, hungered by ( wo are philantloopists ratiicr than poli- ’ th è l’ucille are must pecnliarly inferested. But Hawthorne tells ns that, while all long fasting, even while she lays sleeping I tieians, and wlien we attempt toestablisli iisllipy cali Sicilia! m udi nfllieir pro-pcr tilings else are com pelled lo subserve on the ground. When Hie ramping, roar- | >»"■ work on a political basis right then ity dopeinls on thè (rado witli ( bina, In­ some useful purpose, the Concord is e x ­ ing lion rushed forward to siez.o the | s -iall we lose sight of tlie breadth of oui d i.i, Australia and thè Sonili Bea Islanda. empt from iK-eoming the slave of human fair maiden, and devour Iter, |»lani* and purposes, and so far fail in our It h n ecevary for tini government to he ingenuil v, iis is tlie fate of so many a wild, aranti work for God, home and humanity. Ills bloody rnjri* ¡»s v.-un* 1 with remore, ,ln) o l|,cr lh i„ Ki fur us to do t ha'll ready and in a position to defend and pro mountain torrent. It idles its slug- Amt «ritti thesiKlit «mazed, I» Ills 'furious j The Chelmlem valley is one of the best if not the very best fruit region in tho Stale Appies, pears, plums, prunes, cherries •and ail small fruits grow to perfection, « n d peaches, apricots and nectarines are vmccessfullv raised bv most all who have i teet o-ar com merce. The trade of the ,,¡^1, l,fe UWuy in liz y liberty, without Iu^to id tliurcof iie ktst tier wenrte foot. Ami liukt liorliliv linnd.» with f i willujr tong; United States with tin-far lvist is yet in tutiiiiig a solitary spindle, or affording A m ho her wronged Innocence tint weet." its infancy, and everything possible should 0Vvn water power enough to grind the Milton vriv«*s im bis ideas of purity over- I k * done to im-rea e it. The p overturn-lit . j that grows mum its banks. Now, comimr evil, by giving the “ Lady” i:» ( ’o- •should surrender none of its rights, but bow can we transform this river into one mus, the power to overcom e the evil ile- should lalsir to increase its influence and wilh sparkling, running water, which I vices of ( ’oinus, an t to pass unharmed follow lip till-; advantages already gained , adds so much to the beauty of our stream s; ! through tin* cnrlmnU'd wood. The two H-y all honorable means, and should not one which rolls musically on past the fern luottiers of the Lady discuss Urn probabil­ on ly look with distrust und disapproval covered rocks, now falling with ities nf their sister passing thromrl» tin* wood unharmed. The brother L upon tlie efforts of Germany, England, or between islets of contorted rocks piled up f urful le.-t som e evil overtake tier, but and other nation to extend Iheirnulhority on eat Ii side of a depression ill the bod; tIn* n! Icr brottu»r - ivs : over any of the Island* of the Faci fir, but j now gurgling over pebbly h I m II owh ; now " l th) not think my Sister so to seek, Or s » Mtipritiei j l.» 1 i.i Virtu«* s hoot., should positively fori>i*I ¡t. ' gently Hplastiinu; over tlie mossy boulders, An t tin* mvi ' i ‘1 j»*1 ict* taut '.'<*<> lues- •» s'-'inovor, V s (hut tlie *dnsle wiint of 1 iyrtit ; n 1 noi- o and n >w phinyinvi headlong over some (’•mid stir t!u* ci'ii tint moot of her eihn J ohn H unky I> o . Ilia great Quaker t hoiights, ' precipiee, and tony ere tlie b iro waters Amt put th«»m int-i mi h ><* onin-.: plight. «•vangeli.-! and Supennteiident of the react» Ilio bottom, it wiil I»«* transformed Vil le could m»e t*» do whit Virt ue w ltd K viiepdistic woik of Iowa Yearly M«\*t- Py her own r uli int light, i iouvíh san a id moon ¡into snow white spray, which as it plays Wore in the flat sc i sunk." iii'jr, to which the ( )re^on ami t'aliforniti b«*- \YV can but believe that t»io w o rM is in the sunshine takes on the hriirht tints i-niM, h is dt*c¡ 1 • I not t > eom<* t»> tir» I\i- i of the rainbow. 'Ilio i'oncord river is a •4r«»wli»^ better instead <»f worst». A m i w c « i:Ie roast this year. Thin H :l jrreat «lis- believe th. tt I he ra p id ity w ith w liic h th is 1 s in fis i» stream heenust^ its Bouree i^ tow. tran sfo rm a tio n is lu*in^ b n -u d it ab out, is Mpftointinent in I m inv think, very un- Tlie river of Immun life is lilhvl with mud in direct i »ti »to tli * am o u n t «»f put ity in fair trtMtmenl of the Fríen I* o i tlie r«ust- Invali-v the livuleta that feed it riso not the world. W h e n p u rity si» ill h a v e in ­ who Im.'i'irfmtrilnted iilnoally and are tin» from tin* win I-swept Iti^hl.inds of purity, creased unfit it fo rm s tin* p irn ipal c!c- i.v.iy to attend Yearly Meeting and re­ meni ente:ing itilo human action, tlien but in the lap»« ns «*1 vice. »tr«»,»ins of evil wiil heswailowed ceive i** hen.'litH. If Mr. Pt» iil.n a n d the IIo\vi»vcr ilitlirult it may seem to live a upan 1 pm i!»el. just as h»k • (i *:*eva re- Treasurer of the Fvan^eli^tie eovnmi:tee pure tile, l can l ut believe thatsueh ft life eei\"*H*e n»u»!v water fronti».* ! Mi >•» • >vo.d 1 «•«'»ni" out here th *y w o ild no «lout >t is pia-s ih!«', if w c ( ¡in cn’ v i levate (Mir idi*ais river, charge I with the delv.s «>'' the ght MW tiling-* very «lürerentl> fr »mwhnt l’o ey «•¡era l»«> »i tin* m »mitain tops and trans­ and iiU't ti» t as the source from whence form* it into the blue crvst »1 waters of the 1 i -«»x. O wi n ’ P um »*\ s , son of John P.rown of ti<»»“ T o me it Is iu»t ft question as to ( >ss;iwalamie and I la rjv r’ s F«*rr-v fame, «ded ut Pasadena (\il., Jan. 8, 1 tSO, aged (14 y(*;»rs. Ills fun ual was one of the lar.'- rat ever Been in Pasadena, and lu* was burri«*-! on ti»e in > i »tain almve tin* Imme belonging to biniseli’ tutti his brother la- Hon. Owen Brow » took an net i ve part in -id 1 t!» ’ Kansas troubles ami was on«* of ilio few w ho escaped from Harper’s P en y. H o hated slavery und believe I In* was d«>- in : Hod’s servi« e in trying to destroy it. Ilia hatred for the saloon was almost as strong. S kxatoti W\ r’a bill for an ftet I«» nti- tlmri'.e tin* coiib Iruction of a bridge acros.s Ilio Wii la metto river at liny’s I andmg, l»y the Porti And i'i W ilam ette Yullev Hail wav Lritlg** t ’o., w;»s tlie t«» pass b tli house*» of the Ia*gislatur«*. A ir;i.i. t»> incoi p a .ut* »ln* I«•»» ti • >! N ln'tg, was iatioducc«! in the Legi - »tore, i y reprci'C it.ttive Laugh!»»», la-f Thars day, m d was ref« rrc I t(» the «•««tnmiit *e on corporation*. T*:X!•: Or«»gott U egideri* ag ii*» «v» our ti ­ bie a ft »*r an absem*:* of two or tima w«*ek Jt lia* I k *« ii move«! from La svelte t « » M - M innyibe urn* h>»ks none tin* worst* f a the cliange. Till? county rt*cor,ls, width have l«*cn l.ept in the P.raiy bank b:iÍMin«.% in >b- Jdinnvill *, tin* past few w« cks. w* » • p!a« «*vl in the new court ln»us«», h%si M»»ndav. GovefcKOA PfNX*»v¡:K hcpiih to have created »pi»to a bn* /..* w !».*n he sus|s*n«!ed the Pailnud ( ’ nun ^¡-tn. whether we c m attain a poshion in thi.- life heyond that upou whieh Adam stood 1 m * fore his fall ; but it is sull! dent to know that in the life, «hath, and sulLring o f, .î«*sus (Ttrist, idi tint was 1 >4 in'tlie fall was restored, an 1 that A was |>ei feetlv pure liefere his fall. T » me it is not w «piestion as to whether we can becom es«»; thoroughly sauetitie 1 in this life that we w id m*t b«» tempted to sin ; but it Is cnough !•> Unow timi A lam when ho was y«*t pur«*, was ti*inpte«l, a » I we, if w * «lo fall, bave an a«lvoeu‘ e in Jesus t'Iiri.-t. l'ut is it |M.ssiblc to live a pura lift* iti thè business ami i «>«idea! World, wheiv I robab!y ther » are mon* lcmntati«»ns t«» «lo th it \vl»i« h is not pure, tlian in abmvst anv «>ihcr p«>sitirang * 1 u ld,unti Lewis Miller, us tyj>ea in ISi * bnsim*s* worM, ami thè names «»f Washington, «> !», ( ìariìchl, ami (ila Ist.»*»•», to ri»pre­ si-ut t ! » ■ * p » l i i i i ! wor’d. It w oa’ l »««vili wiil» thè ti.\m«»s of St«*\vart, (i«M»-lrich, Lr«l I. and Miller ri’iging in t!» *t*ars of th * la»¡siiiena w«»rl I, a bnsim's.s man wo »t«l noi «lare to exem e In.nself by s iv i r tl» »r Ih.» smvess of mv business «1« - man «s tb i! I sbottM not Is» honest ami j*i“ t in li.v tr.n lirg; an I tbat a bn**i»iess c«'»mluetc«t t'|v«n e!iristÌHti principi«»* i«:ill we:l crou gb i » thenry a* it com e* frotn • he |»u!| it. Pnt I«* puf th«'s *prineipl« si:»- t * praeii* «» in tlie uctive, turbnlent s«*.i of in«hi-trv » i»np » i!»l«*. I must clmrge n*»fair pr‘.«v*. I m » t fra le in inicrior u > * \* un i tei! t!» .t a'smt theiu I know i . not ir ti »f or tl« stru. t’.«» i aw «gs un . T«* F o« » w! «» ha *» f«»U«»w»*d «•’«»■»« *« lite « u ; r n 's o Ì |«>’ . * . J th igì t an I f«*e n ; Why C.» ae II«-« «». An eistern fH'rs--m h* »t «*:» com ing to this coast in ay ask: W hy com-» to the Will .»nette v Ii« *’ rather than ( ’ -difbrnia or Washington T en im rV ’ B m ' siis .* i»» ¡«'I flu* dosiruhh* parts « Í ( ’ »!if tuia land has l*«*t*n boomed awry h *v<»n l < t »I va!»»<*. and in most localities things have recei\«*d a back set tbat will not be ow reom e i : : many war*, in tlie most thrivin*/ttar-s of Washington Terri' « tv «h’sirable Ian I i“ awav up vernier AM the «*h *ap land is ci. her hear il v timbered «»r a Kmg li-tau** frts, 1 ;.t the «u n o i« r»..» Ina» up in ibis region. \s«*o np:ir«»d w if !» the same «pialitv of soil, ehm «tea»» 1 ntI«er *urr«*nn«!ings 4 »N«* w he»’*, the !an I li«r *i- very « heat». Tld* r**i«mi* piv <-r »b\* t«> eastern ( )i«»*g«»n «*r Washington. I n v a o -* the « limato is m»l 1er and the «*r»ps m »re «•«»rtain. Trn«», man v «»f our old hm e «-it ; - rena are to-»s|«»w au«l som *vv’ ;-f hind r tt»«- ear of pr«ntr«*ss, bat they me rilenMv giv:») * a » av f*»r voum ; •- *•> | -n i * • . r- miv l»!no|, n” I the fimo t * not fer distant wh 'n t h e Will.i »»>• »».» Ynüev w i’ l I h » one •»f the most Is'antiinl. pi»* i«¡mt *»nd pr*«- lv,r,'" s !•»<•.»liti ** «»n t!»e fa «• of the «*.»rth — It«*mi :er. ( i ) i i v | " f ;.lf -íiiK» l.’ .wt« I- if ! s o-r\tier« . Vo*me p *i»: ’«» mu«t h i* * f in an 1 re1 i\ ati«»n s«-in«»w her«» ; if it is not fo r n i at their «»w n h«».»»lh«to»'e, it w ill!»* so*u!«t i » - 11» r otltal !e • ! Hm , I I :- » - I« t flu* ‘ »re b tri brigh tv at night. un«l make the h«**ne ne-t «leîi *!«t:'«d w 'f h a ’ l th »»*«» little arts 11 i*it parents fvrfe tlv nn«l«*r>».«»i«l. H»n’ l rcpn*-s »• ».» bo»t»an! * t*>1 i t « »f vnur « I it tre:» ; I».»!; nn h«**i r«* iiu*rrinv*nt **»»nn»l the lamp and f’ r 1 it of a home, !»'»»?* «vit t!»«» r'ttif m m v ,» i .r»f»an.|«»van« » d v i n j il;»* , tak«* r«*«*n : g.:c a* d the )»>'«( * i »* *g* *•**-1 ft * v w ¡i 1 1 11 »•*(«» in*»» tu* w - r’ -i i* * I « » in '. » »’ •i* «»* a ’ » .'•! »,:») - !! n . *e b m liuudle questions that even if wo thor­ oughly un i rstood, are better not dis­ cussed. For instanco what are we doing for tlie Industrial Homo in Portland, the authorities of wliicli are in w trying to convert it into a home for fallen w om en, an t so tnuc!t need the assistance of every union to carry out their |>!an.J. Tliey have sent tin* State President to petition the Legislature to assist then.. I i . h h .vom o of our C om pulsoiy K lucntional li * olution passed at tlie last State C onvention? Statistics show tha» there are over seven thousand iiiiterates in O iegon, and as Christian women wc I k *!i *ve an itelligent cithjnsliip is a nece. - 11y of »lie age, and so resolved eight lin »ut :»s ego i hat our State «»tlicers be tli reeled to peliiion tl».* next Legislating.» foi a co;i»puls«uy educational law. Where is lh it resolution to-day? lias it l»een pre sented lo the Legislature? The general (-¡lit ers enm stly urge all State Presidents to cminscl .»Ii local auxiliaries that in a a much as tlie National W. C. V. l T. ha- nevcr urge«l upon anv state or locai union .»nv action relative to questiona of a par- tisan nature, il is haithy essential forai»} s a ie aexili.iiv t(» inirohice thè «ìue- que lion to im anxiaüari *s. True, so»ne o. our vvoikera have sududv'utiy informe«! tl»ems«*lv«*s «»n paii'ieal issues of the «i.»y to lie uh!«» to give an intelligent reoaon í»>r tlie position they take, but we s i i f i ’ d that if is the few who can «daim to I c* a-lents in politics, an 1 sin«-,» it is optional with us, we think we voicetheaeiiiimeni.- • >» every member of our union when we sav that the better way is in the future ft in th * p .ct, to reach lon.lnsion* through indivi.hi«! • nnvi« ' i »ns. and not to bring up the subject in conneetion with our •o» ¡d work. The g«*:n*ral deeluration «»: the Siat«»«*r county «•«* iv«*ntion, is a wise» in » ho l than t«» nrg • a iletlnite |*os»iion in «‘ w ry i * al union. No National oll’ cei h «s ev«»r advised this, und wo are conti dent that our state president* will follow in thi « matter tin* exam ple and a Ivico o t heir geai*: al otiteers. K ; »*ts«>f «'(»»nmittees w »s next in or- der. Tin» vid i g and soliciting i»i:t «*e. wh >Sv* maty it is to vi-it the si«*x and call up«»n the upon new comer* h \\ ¡ > ne them in the na ne of th - W . (.’. T. lb , and -»lied n»e »iU rship, i\*jH»r work done. The annual meeting, wh « i* (vctir* th • third Saturday in . larch, vuu- spok«*n of. and by moti«»u the secretar} was instructe*l !«» i ;f«)r;n by written t •. * tice, the su’ H-iinVe I nts »»i d«»partmi»nti >; r!» tim«* « •:' t'-is meeting, and also • tat« totlann ;'» it a *ncist*, vviittcn rej>ort vvi b • i«* pii:, d *■; every one «»»' t » cm . sta! inp (he a aonnt «»f work «I .ne in her «lepar» u.c: t. Th» *«* f siling t«»«a»inplv with tin »«» pi -si w ( h » s pij « t to a tine «»f t wentv ' .«*«vnts, .» » . that sii«vo«*d-e I .r imira -I last v A . »uiniitt*v w*i* a;»p *in?« I t , rre«|H»v. I wi ‘ i • he Presi l«*nt of the Po» ’ ' sn 1 i ' n -»n »or tl. * p n rp .“«» <»fa*«vr‘ainin. the t*x|»f*,,s.« i*f a e«»arse of l«*cturcs fron Maj«*r IL t«»?>, wlro 'M « x p «n*«l in P«*r* ! an l tin* !.»: t r par? <*« tl»;“ w e« k. to S« « ti rt* on ¡ lu* te npc* »: -v «|u »*t! n. Mr* S »at- ton t»r.*«*« nt«*d a «ir ”dar »t »t.*'g that the »* «»: M iso » Long, the ««»nv« ted garni «*r «»i Fort W ayne, L iliana, might bv sc ur«»d "on.«e time in ¡V btu.n y, f« r n . ■«»**: ! *« * :r.*s on th«* ** » -j *« * «»Í Mor­ ality and Ke\»r»n. O*» m«»t *«»n u com in it- tee was upp >t,»d t«» « a i 1 up»:» the busi- n«- - tn *n «*: N w b *r - um I »“« «*rt »in then • i; i«> »* i t« t io a I iB..b;ldv ot so n n hi* sor b« . MISCELLANEOUS. r . iin t s in . A note bv a minor i* void. A note dated on Sunday is void. A contract with a minor is void. It is illegal to com pound a felony. Ignorance of law excuses no one. A contract with a lunatic is void. Notes bear interest only when so stated. Signatures in lead pencil ure good in law*. A receipt for money is legally conclu­ sive. Principals are responsible for their agents. The act of one partner binds all the oth ­ ers. The law com p el! no impossibilities. An agreement without a consideration is voi«l. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. Written contracts concerning land must be under teal. A note obtained by fraud or from one intoxicated, is voi«l. If a note is lost or stolen, it does not re­ lease the maker; he must pay it. Each individual in a partnership is re­ sponsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm. An endorser of a note is exem pt from liubiality if not served with notice of its dishonor within twenty-four hours of its non-paym ent.— Ex. cr. id . c a r t e :& Wishes to inform the people of Newberg and Vicinity T h a t lie Is lo c a t e d Neur the Railroad Depot ■ W -A . I T H General Stock of Merchandise Which he will sell at reasonable rates. All kinds of produce bought and sold. Give him a Call. 1-if. ¡TW BERG HARDWARE STORE, J . B. MOUNT, Proprietor. -o - ------ J X ZF U H j IIL. I _ i X 3 S T H j O H 1— €) COOK STOVES, HARDW ARE. H E A TIN G STOVES, . T IN W A R E , W IN D O W G LASS, and every other aiti vie usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. ----------O --------- MISCELLANEO S. II. A V H IT 3 I A N , WATCHMAKERANDJEWELER, in Moore Brothers’ Drug Store. X ew berg, • I Make a Specialty of Tinning and Plumbing O regon . Repairing of Watches, Clocks anil Jcwelery Neatly Done ami All Work Guaranteed, Repairing of Fine Watches a Specialty. 6-tf. BAREER SHOP. in all its Branches. - O - A H K i n d s o f Iíi*¡>;iiriiiír N e a t ly a m i P r o m p ly a n d See m y S to e k . D one. C o m e in J . I i. M O U N T . l-tf. Staying, StaMOins aui Haircnttiiig neatly ilone. I will also keep a good assortment of B o o le s u n it C a p e r s t o H e a d . Good order is expected. H E N B Y A U S T IN , P r o p r ie to r . r.-tf. BUCHANAN & PARKS, Contractors and Builders. All work done witli dispatch and guaran­ teed to give satisfaction. W o respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. NEW BERG, - - - OREG O N. R A IL R O A D HOUSE, Livery, feed and Sale Stable. Double and Single Turnouts Kept Constantly on Hand. Board and Transient Stock Carefully Cared For. SMITH EROS. G-. W. Hardwick & Son. Prop. [loom s Just Completed and Nevvlv Furn­ ished. Newberg Furniture Store! Just Received Meals at all Hour3. l tf. M o fo I*»«* I d U i o i v o i u i u t u u .i iiiU l rm — — it ■— mmmmmasm .-.u* V/ox-k, Ara’j.'t oii an 1 I’ ars'on, cause m ore A gon y o f M ind and Cody, and D estroy m o re H om an B eings every year than Ail the A rm ies o f the W orld. n U JA R D U lA P S r» r r«E This w o n d e r o f M od ern C h em is­ try is p ron ou n ced to be unequalled f o r its p o w e r o f replenish ing the vitality o f the body, by supplyin g all the essential constituents c f the B lood, Brain and Nerve S u bstance, and fo r developin g all the P ow ers and Functions o f the System to the highest d eg ree. It acts as a specific, su rp assin g all those o f the presen t age, f o r the speedy and perm anent cu re o f all deran gem ents o f the Nervous and Blood Systems, N er­ vous Prostration, G eneral D ebil­ ity, M ental and Physical D epres­ sion, Incapacity fo r Study o r Busi­ ness, Noises in the H ead uuJ Ears, Loss o f E nergy and Anpctite. B ein g a Natural Restorative, its en er­ gisin g effects are not follo w e d by c o rre s p o n d in g reaction, but are Perm anent, and are frequently show n, fro m the first day o f its adm inistration, by a rem arkable Increase o f the N e rv o u a Pow er, with a feeling o f V ig o r, Strength and C o m fo rt to which the patient has lon g been u n accu stom ed. T h e ner­ vous sym ptom s disappear, as well as the Functional D erangem ent. S leep b e co m e s calm and refresh ­ ing. At the sam e tim e the patient gains flesh, the features presen tin g a striking im p ro v e m e n t; the F ace becomes Fuller, the L ip 3 B od . tho Eyes Brighter, and th o Sk 'n C le a r and H ealthy. T he hair o f the head and beard g ro w s and a cq u ires strength, as also the nails, sh ow in g the im portan ce o f tho action o f the m edicine on the o rg a n s o f nutrition. It give« back to the hum an structure, in a suitable fo rm , the L iv e ly . Ani­ mating, Element o f L ife w h ch has been wasted, and exerts an im portant influence di.-i.etly on the Grain, Spinal M a rrow and N ervous System , o f a Nuti Live, T » !c and In­ vigorating ch aracter, th ereby ch e ck ­ ing all w asting o f the Vita! FluiJ and the m ore Exhausting P r o ce ss e s o f Life, maintaining that B u o y a n t E u c r g y o f the B ra in and M u s c u la r System which renders the Blind H ap py, Cheerful, B r ill aut a ad E n e r g e t ic : entirely o v e rco m in g that dull, inactive and sluggish ciisposi- tian w hich many p e r so n s exp eri­ en ce in all their action. P rice * $ 1 .5 0 per bottle. MW SALE LT AU DRUCCISTS. Proprietors. u t. ( N e a r It. U . D epo t .) PA T R O N A G E SO LIC ITED . c a New and Stock of W ell Assorted BEDROOM, SETS, SOFA LOUNGES, W IRE BED SPRINGS, SOFA BEDS MATRESSES SOFAS, TABLES, CHAIRS, OIL CLOTH CARPETS, and all other articles kept in a first-class furn­ iture store. See our goods before purchasing elsewhere. PICTURE F R A M E S MADE TO ORDER. Furniture delivered free of Charge to any place in the city. 17). E . H O L L O W A Y . 1 tf. A. T. HAWORTH, Agent, FOB OH EGON C A SK ET .......... D E A L E R S COM PANY, I N ............ UNDERTAKERS, MATERIAL, -S U C H Ooffins, Caskets, Burial AS- Robes, N E W B E R G , J Shrouds, Etc., Etc OREGON. i * N ew berg Tile Factory. f f f lia v e C o n s t a n t 1> o n [ l a n d a S u p p ly o f 3O U S T C LASS 1 ) I i,VIN rP lLK! A U S iz e s , F r o m li 1 - — tn 1 2 in c ili'* , a t K -.'a * n n a b lc P r i c e s . U m i d i t i ;; an ti P a v i n g B r ic k . T i le D e li v e r e d o n A ls o C a r s at F a c to ry P r ic e s. J. ED W A R DS N I 'A V B E H O , OHEGON. ML M O O R E 131 ? 0 8 ., THE DRUGGISTS, m -: w i u : k g 9 o i : i : o o n DEALERS IN PRrr.ii. MEI I« INF* r HE MI« A Lì», P A iM ft, t »! I * VA k NUMI, SO AP, lU K iK i SI A II«»NARY. CON F EVI U j N ERY, ri.oTK*, CoM iw. ! RI SH E l PKRFvMERY, ri.lTCD AND GOLD JEWELRY, TOILET AND FANCY A RI ir LES . Goods Warr?.r*3d as Represented. . € •