/ NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A U V IIK T IN M U One Column.......... Half Column . Professional Cards. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. KATEN: .Twenty Hollars Ten 1 »oliare ......... One Dollar Nl H N C K IP T IO A B A T E S : One Veer .............................. ....... Two Dollar» ¿W Month» O n. Dollar Three Month»........................ Itfadiu tf w i l l be i o N e r t e d a t t h e r a t e o f T e n eentr* p e r L i n « . Muhxrrlptlon Prie« Payable la r a r i- ably la Advaare. VOL. 1. Advertising Bills Collected Monthly. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2(5, 1889. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS MISCELLANEOUS ITEM S PACIFIC COAST NOTES, THE AGRICULTURALIST T H E T E R R IT O R IE S R E A D Y TO E N T E R TH E G A L A X Y O F S T A T E S . TH E C R U S H E D A N D K IL L E D IN TH E P E N N S Y L V A N IA S T O R M . N E W D IS C O V E R IE S IN T H E N O R T H - W E S T E R N M INING D IS T R IC T . SOM E T h e C o n d itio n s o n W h ic h M o n ta n a W ill E nter — P e n sio n L e g is la tio n —O re­ A A L o s A n g e le s D e te ctiv e S h o o ts H im self. P r o s p e c t o r s F in d a W a te r y G r a v e C h ea p L an d s N ot A lw a y s the M ost P r o f­ it a b le -T h e V a lu e o f H ay L ies In F eed in g It t o Y o u r O w n C a t­ tle - W e ll-K e p t Farm s. E S S E N T IA L E L E M E N T S S U C C E S S F U L FARM IN G. L a w —T he In a u g u r a l. Y o u t h fu l B a n k R o b b e r Cornea t o G r ie f a t K a n s a s C ity —N ew M e x ­ ic a n C a b le L in e — A J u d g e A r re s te d —O th e r N ew s. In th e C o lo r a d o R iv e r —N e ­ v a d a ’s M iner’s H om e. NO. 8. »VrV',. ivl h i m Add ross, G raphic , Newberg, Oregon. um m axm OF ' rzäür- . g o n ’s M ilitia BUI B e c o m e s a •- Sas To a pint of warm boiled honi’ ny The Santa Monica hotel was burned Heavy snow storms are reported The nomination of Walter L. Bragg . add a pint of milk or water and a pint last week. a. to succeed himself as interstate com ­ from Dakota. of flour. B at two or three eggs and Charles Dudley Warner will winter missioner, has been favorably reported Ex-Congressman Singleton, of Mis stir into the batter with a little salt. in Pomona. in the Senate. sissippi, is dead. Fry as any other griddle c ike. Anaheim, Cal., contemplates start The Atlanta It ft New Y ork Saturday The Cincinnati shoemakers con The farmer who thinks that to make ing a bet t factory. morning for Hayti. It is thought template striking. money he must go where land is that the vessel’s presence is necessary Stockton, Cal., has organized a na­ General Rosecrans will soon be cheaper, should consider well if he to preserve peace. tural gas company. placed on the retired list. would not make more money by mak Secretary Whitney says the State Lydia Thompson is ill at Los An­ ing the land he has deeper and richer. An offer of $30,000 has been refused department has done all it can in the for the trotter Ambassador. geles with pneumonia. The elements o f; .!- fundamental Samoan matter. It now rests with Additional murders of Arizona principles of farming-are : Soil, heal, Massacliusettes Republicans have Congress, which alone lias power lo shepherds are reported. renominated Senator Hoar. moisture, muscle and brain power. declare war. W. D. Saals, of Red Bluff', Cal., has The commingling of these five ele­ Senator Mandeson, of Nebraska, has The pension department has grant­ failed. Liabilities, $21,090. ments produce the key to successful ed pensions to Henry F. Phillips, of been relected to the Senate. farming. Washouts oil the Southern Pacific The Colorado river will be invest! Seattle, and John B. Wencrny, alias are reported west of Y uma. Pumpkins for cotvs have best effect gated by government officials. J. Smith, of Lewiston, Idaho, a sur The late small-pox scare at Mereed when fed before very cold weather, for viver of the Mexican war. The *• white caps” are creating ter there is less absorption of animal heat Cal., cost the county $3000. Vice Fresidcnt-elect Morton was in ror in many places in the East. to warm the mass— forty or fifty Sam Jones, the revivalist, is hold­ Washington last week, looking about Governor Fifer, of Illinois, opposes pounds— that a cow will take into her ing meeting at Los Angeles. the city for a desirable residence, but organized detective companies. stomach. failed to find a suitable one. He does Santa Rosa orchardists have planted An effort is to be made to annex A neat and well-kept farm indi­ not desire to build or buy a heme at Lower California to the United States. 100,000 trees the present season. cates that the owner is thrifty. The I^ O T f. I S 8 0 - 8 0 the capital. Cattle and sheep, caught in the manure heap is the most important Boys in the employ of the Chesa The Dakota delegation now in pe.1 ím 1 m m 1 in 1 S 8 Í 5 . the passage of an enabling act for the ordered by the ‘‘ white caps” to leave saving and prevent filth in the barn­ the place. The saloon license of $150 has been early admission of North Dakota. yard. An earthquake was felt in New repealed by the supervisors of Marin The President has approved the act New York last week in the Adiron county. W e do not produoe potatoes enough to provide arms, ammunition, etc., for dack section. Wild hogs are plentiful in the tules for home consumption if the fact that the militia, of Oregon ; the act to pro­ The crew that abandoned the ship along the Humboldt, near Battle such products are imported are taken “ Live low and sparingly till my debts be paid; but let the learning of vide stores for the militia of Montana, into consideration. If foreigners can and the act amending the postal laws Christina at sea have arrived at Mountain. the children be liberal; spare no cost, for by such parsimony all is lost that is Watsonville, Cal., is making efforts ship their products 3000 miles to in regard to the special delivery of Charleston, S. C. saved.”— William Penn to his wife. Axworthy, the defaulting city treas to secure the location oi a flax mill at reach us, we can, with our improved letters. machinery on our cheaper lands, pro­ General Swaim will be placed on urer of Cleveland, Ohio, will take up that place. It is said that Fort Canby, at the duce more than may be required in the reared list, notwithstanding the his residence in Toronto. this country. Diplomatic circles in Europe cen mouth of the Columbia, will again be fact that many members of the retir­ BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ing board are said t j be of the opinion sure the United States for the con- garrisoned. Sheep manure contains from 90 to tnat liis present disabiliiies are not tin ued fighting in Samoa. 95 per cent of the plant food con­ The Indians of Saline Valley, Cali­ serious eneugh to incapacitate him The libel suits instituted by the fornia, are raising fine tig, apple, pear tained in the rations consumed by the E . H. W o o d w a r d , President, - Newberg from further active serviee. sheep. It is, therefore, a very ricii Chicago police against the Times of and peach trees. J esse E d w a r d s , ..................................................... Newberg Representative Hermann’s bill pro­ that city have been dismissed. A bill has been introduced in the fertilizer, as experience has shown. It viding for an increase of pension for J. J. Patterson, ex-United States Nevada legislature to provide a home is especially rich in nitrogen in an J esse H o b s o n . ..................................................... Newberg available form, and for that reason is Colonel James Waters, of D niglas Senator from South Carolina, lias for indigent miners. excellent for use as a starter in the county, Or., a veteran of the war of been sued for breach of promise. G eo rge W. M it c h e l l , Secretary and Treasurer, Newberg A Portugese sheepman was acci­ hill for corn and potatoes. 1812 and of the Oregon Indian wafts, The belief is growing that the rela dentally killed by his brother in Fres­ B. C . M ile s . - Newberg who is now ninety-four years old and tions between the United States and no county, last week. All smutty corn or husks should be blind, was reported favorably to the Germany are becoming strained. Charles Gordon, who was to have burnt. It is better to take precaution House last week. The police of Knoxville, Tenn., re­ been hanged last week at Fort Ben­ for next year than to attempt lo pre­ Among the bills recently intro­ cently raided a private car and ar­ ton, Montana, was respited. vent smut by some remedy. It would FACULTY. duced in the House are the following : rested the occupants for gambling have b ’en best to destroy the affected Aiticles of incorporation have been Granting light-of-way for a railroad stalks when growing, but even now It is again rumored that Charles tiled by The Dalles Portage company, no traces of smut should be allowed to across the Fort Pima Indian reserva­ E d w in M o r r is o n , B. S., Principal Francis Adams will soon retire from with a capital stock of $500/XX). tion in Arizona; granting the Big exist. Heed should never he selected the presidency of the Union Pacific. Mrs. Sarah Sniver, of Glendale, W . from a field containing smutty years Horn Southern railroad right-of-way M a r y E . M il e s , A . B., T., was burned to death recently by of corn. Jennie Stuart, the daughter of across a part of the Crow Indian res­ Assistants the explosion of a coal oil lamp. New York stock broker, ran away ervation in Montana. A nn a E. B e l l , When grain and hay crops are sold A car-load of lobsters has been Governor Swineford, of Alaska, es­ with her father’s coachman last week Jane Suffert, who has been keeping shipped to Puget Sound. Scow hay off the land they carry away the fer­ timates the annual resources of the tility of the farm, but when such territory at about $9,000,000; min­ a baby farm in a room sixteen feet has been chosen for lobster raising. CALENDAR. crops are fed to stock not only is i erals, $2,000,000; all other resources, square at St. Louis, has been arrested. E. H. Dunn escaped from the Napa portion of the crop left over as ma $3,000,000. He urges the develop­ The fishing steamer Novelty, which asylum last week and was found nure, but a higher price is received ment of the territory’s mines, espec­ left Boston recently, is said to be shortly afterward hanging to a tree. 9th month, 11, 1888 Fall Term begins for such crops in the shape of beef, ially (hat of coal, which he claims ex­ loaded with arms and men for Hayti. Detective A. B. Lawson at Los An­ pork, mutton or milk, which enables ists there in large quantities. 11th month, 30, 1888 Fall Term closes Henry Kruse, who shot Ward Mc­ geles shot himself while taking a re­ the farmer to restore any loss of fer­ The Senate sub-committee on Manus, a prominent St. Louis capi­ volver from his desk recently. He will tility by tiie increased receipts conse­ 12th month, 3, 1888 Winter Term begins finance has occupied much time in talist, last week, killed himself Satur­ recover. quent, upon the keeping of stock. hearing opposing claims of the wool day. 3d month, 1, 1889 Winter Term closes The Portland water-works want to The improper keeping of cream, growers and wool manufacturers on Chief Byrd has been recognized by issue $1,500,000 mere bonds to enable and allowing it to become sour while 3d month, 4, 188» Spring Term begins changes in the tariff on wool. The Secretary Vilas as Governor of the it to supply 20,000,000 gallons of wa­ waiting for more, and the failure to impression prevails that the commit­ Chickasaw nation in Indian Terri­ ter a day. 5th month, 9 1889 Spring Term closes keep the milk and cream in some tee will ask for a reduction on the tory. Miss Nellie Reclie, living near Col­ place of even temperature, is the common grades of wool from eleven The fastest time ever made across ton, California, was terribly stabbed cause of nearly all poor butter. The to ten cents. the Atlantic was that of the Umbria last week by an unknown man, who quality of tiie cream should be uni­ Announcement and Prospectus. Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, last week—6 days, 2 hours and 45 made his escape. form, and no mixing of different ages chief marshal of the inauguration pro­ minutes. Friends’ Pacific Academy is located at Newberg, Yamhill county, Ore­ J. R. Moody, ot Colusa county, who can be done safely. No amount of cession, has issued an order calling on gon, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two mile* from The postal authorities will soon in­ tried to kill his wife a short time ago, working the butter can compensate all organizations desiring to partici­ has been sentenced to four years in for the injury done before churning, Portland, and one mile from Rogers’ Landing on Willamette river. pate to notify him at headquarters vestigate the free delivery system of the penitentiary. and every portion of the work should It was opened for pupils September 28th, 1885, and had enrolled during before February 20th. Civic orders California, Oregon and Washington It is reported that Senator Hearst, be done speedily and not be made de­ of less than fifty in number will not Territory. the first week nineteen pupils. The second school year began September pendent on something that is to fol­ be permitted in line, or with improper At. Rihway, New Jersey, incendiary of California, has purchased the now low 13th, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and the present school year costume or equipment. fires are started so that the boys can famous Harqua Hala mines, in Ari­ opened September 12th, J887, witli an enrollment of fifty-one, aDd the wintei zona, for $250,000. If the milk is loo cold for the but­ The board of Indian commissioners, turn with the engine and have a good term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110. There is good reason to believe that ter to come, or the temperature is too at their recent annual meeting, caroutal afterward. At the time of the opening of the school only the Academy building was high (as sometimes happens in sum­ adopted resolutions deprecating the Powderly claims that the men who the Klamath Indian reservation in erected, and only the lower story of it was completed. During the summer practice of changing Indian officials are trying to start an opposition order northern California, will soon be mer), it may be brought to the de­ sired temperature by the addition of of 1886 the boarding hall and three cottages for pupils hoarding themselves lor partisan reasons and urging the to the Knights of Labor offered to sell open to settlement. cold or warm water, as the require­ extension of the civil service system out to him for $100. were constructed, and during the summor of 1887 the hall for gymnasium A pension has been granted to J. ments may be, until the proper tem­ to the Indian service; also opposing and boys’ dormitories was commenced and the Academy building was com ­ Miss H. O. Woodard, of Charlotte- H. Eaton, of Portland, a Mexican sur­ perature is obtained. The use of a the removal of the tribes from their ville, Va., ran away last week and was vivor, and an increase to Garrison thermometer wilt greatly assist in the pleted. The trustees hope to be able to add other buildings as they are reservations where they are settled married. The young lady is a cousin Datson, of Grant’s Pass, Cal. work of chinning. Home prefer to and are making progress toward civ­ needed. For Catalogue or information address of General Harrison. Stephen T. Morse, a prominent fruit raise the temperature by placing the ilization. E D W IN MORRISON, Principal. churn in a tub of warm water. Any grower of Sacramento county, Cal., Herr Most, of New York, the arch The President has returned to the while loading hay from a scaffolding mode that will raise I lie tenqie.ature Or E. H. W O O D W A R D , President o f Board. anarchist, has applied for police pro­ Senate without his approval the bill will answer. Rectangular churns, tection. He claims that his life is in last v eek, fell and broke his neck. to pay $3800 to William I). Wheaton which dash the blitter from side to danger from his former associates. The man em ¡iloyed by the San Ber­ side, are now largely in use, the but­ and Charles H. Chamberlain, for many years prior to 1879 register and The New York World has made ar­ nardino county grand jury to expert termilk being drawn off as soon as — A wealthy old farmer, who had —The richest Japanese outside of —Philadelphia aunt (severely)—‘ ‘As seven good-for-nothing sons, says he receiver of the land office at San Fran­ rangements for an. exploring expedi­ the county treasurer’s books lias the butter assumes the granular the royal family is said to bo R. cisco. These two officers were re­ tion to Africa to discover the where­ since gone to jail for petty larceny. stage. After the hiiilerniilk is off, if Kondo of the Mining University of I glanced into the parlor lust evening Is satisfied that there Is no money In quired by an order, issued July, 1877, abouts of Stanley and Emin Pasha. A warrant was recently issued for preferred, a strong solution made by Japan. He is the operator of sixteen I saw you with a young man's arm raising beats. — Texas Siftings. to turn thereafter into the treas­ —Judge—“ Prisoner at the bar, have The towns of Cimarron and Ingalls, the arrest of John Hall, a prominent dissolving salt in water, may be gold, silver, and copper minos, and is around you.” Chicago nieco (culm) ury certain fee* to which they were in Kansas, are engagnd in a county aichitect of Los Angeles, on a charge jsjured into t'le churn and the butter j —‘ ‘ Yes, aunty, I was waiting for you you any thln£to say why sentence of about to visit the Lake Superior min­ entitled by law. washed by again revolving the churn, ing districts in order to get a knowl­ to pass the door to see us. Young death should not be passed upon you?” seat war. So far two men have been of perjury in a timber culture claim. "h is carries off the buttermilk and men are very slippery nowadays, and Prisoner—“ I ain a member of the A movement is on foot to secure a killed and great excitement prevails. edge of the mining machinery used San Diego has received an order partially salts the butter. one can’ t have too many witnesses.” — Society for the Abolition of Capital pension for Postmaster L*uis Purdy, there. from Colima, Mexico, for twelve miles Col. Frank Posey has been nomi­ Philadelphia Record. of Yorktown, Westchester county, Punishment.” Altlituigh no definite rule can be of rails, twenty-four cars and other —David Crack, of Marlboro, Md., nated for the unexpired term in Con­ —Mrs. Duquesne—•* I suppose you New York, who is ninety-three vears laid down to be followed in covtring —Bunco Canvasser— “ I can’ t be necessary equipments for a horse-car said to bo one hundred and seven gress occasional by the resignation of old, and who enjoys the distinction ol seeds, it is safe to say the larger the years old, was recently married to sing or play?” Miss Newcomer—*‘ Oh, mistaken! Arn’t you a son of the Congressman Hovey, now Governor line. being the oldest postmaster in the no, I’ m not at all musical.” Mrs. seed the dteperthe covering should of Indiana. Engineers are now at work on the tie. The old rule of covering seeds to Susanna Oaks, a buxom widow of sev­ Duquesne—“ You recite, probably?” Widners, of Riehmond?” His Prey — country, having voted for President­ “ No; I'm a son of a Cannon, of Sait enty-five years. The groom was an In the camp of a gang of thieves in proposed peninsular railroad leading elect Harrison and his grandfather a depth equal to four 'imes the diam­ old slave of Major II. Bruce, then was Miss Newcomer— “ Gh, no, indeed!” Lake City, and you don't want to fool Indian Territory was found, recently, out of San Diego. The line will be before him. Purdy was appointed Mrs. Duquesne— “ Well, then, I sup- 'round th’ muzzle, young fellow.” — eter of the seed, will not answer in all postmaster of Shrub Oak by W. H. a diary detailing a murder in Chi* in completed to Yuma, Ariz., in a ver of delegates to be seventy-fonr, American business now handled. Join our literary society.” “ Should not guilty of stealing Mrs. Scmidlin’s — Major McTavish — “ Mr. Fitch, I ule, this seed would call for a cover­ Cumberland Gap, a distance of over I?” “ Yes, Indeed. and are to meet on July 4, 1889. They We study and . hickens at San Jose, and his guar­ Judge Lyman Follett, who left ing of four and one half inches— a two hundred miles. It is a backwoods learn so much. Last meeting wo took ! y °u lo Jtnow the Rajah of C.wa- are authorized to form a State gov­ dian has brought a suit for $5000 district, without railroad or telegraph Grand Rapids, Mich, two years ago pth which hut been practically pohr, one of our most eminent dis­ ernment and constitution, provided, up Carlyle’ s quarrels with his wife. against Mrs. Schmidlin. demonstrated to be mist advantageous communication, and is canvassed on ciples of Brahma.” Mr. Fitch (of that at the time of election of dele­ and went to Honduras, leaving a “ It must have been interesting.” The legislature of Montana has on well-drained soils. The same rule horseback by the candidate for Con­ Illinois)—“ Proud to meet you, sir! gates the constitution adopted by the large amount of trust funds unac “ Very. Next meeting we shall Inves­ It's th' best breed that e*?r laid an eoiislitutional convention held at Hel­ counted L>r. was arrested in Helena, adopted a resolution, almost unani­ may 1« applied to m<*t other seeds gressional honors. tigate the private life of Goethe and egg.” —Judge. ena in 1888 shall be submitted to the Montana, and will be takan back to mously, protesting against the admis­ with equally satisfactory results, but —Jones—'• Hello, Smith. Congrat­ his love affairs.” “ How instructive.” sion of Utah Territory as a State on at the same time it is not held up as —Cashier (stopping Mr. Dumley)— people for ratification. Lind sections Michigan. “ Yes, and wo have found out every an infallible guide un increa«; one’s cultur e. You ought urvivor of the Harper’s Ferry affair. I »elf, before we knew Ik” cases be dismiaeed. lot common school purposes. give you a check for the amount” to loin. “ — i ih*e. FRIENDS PACIFIC A C A D E M Y y « Ktfijr Cent»