NEW B E R G GRAPHIC. F. E. HOBSON. W . M. H IATT, IIIA T T EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. NEW BERG OREGON. What Oaa be Done by Teachers to “ Fortiori uiiri Home nml Native The Wonderful Growth and Prosperity L a n d .” Develop a Taste for Reading. of the Town and Valley- k HOBSON, Editors and Prop’s. A I 'a j e r H eart before* tlie Y a m h ill C o u n t y T each er*» In M tftu te . [Mas. F A. Moulds, Press S u p e rin te n d e n t' c iiu k o : k x rit.vcT» f r o m c u n - i An A r tic le From the last I mm up of the W est Mi ore. 1 sections, therefore it would seem that proper management is all that is necessary to make a canning enterprise successful. F'or the shipment of fresh fruit, l>oth the railload an I river will be open to every grower, 11I10 can take advantage of the lo­ cal market in Portland, or can sell there to ship|>ers for the eastern markets. Among the improvements of the year, tiie foundation of a live weekly newspaper is one of the most important, reflecting, as it does, the enterprise and vitality of the town. The G raphic , published by Hiatt A Hobson, issued its[ initial num­ ber tiie first week in December, and at once demonstrated its right to be classed I in the first rank of the rural press of Ore­ gon. It will be of great assistance in tiie wurk of making the town an 1 valley well and favorably known abroad. No one who selects Newberg for a borne will ever lane occassion to complain of tho stagna­ tion of tho place or the lack of enterprise, i public spirit anil neighborly kindness of tlie people, who are so hospitality o|x*n- ing their doors to receive every one seek­ ing sueli a pleasant ar.d desirable homo. Ml si; ELL AN Kill's. Livery, Feed and Saie Stable. I suppose if some of 11s who have a The most prosperous an progressive of V I5M X IO N S l ’ K K H K S . SA T U R D A Y , JA N U A R Y , . taste for reading, were asked the question the small towns of Oregon is New berg, "H ow and w hen did we obtain the habit?” N a t io n a l tv. t l - T . U ., N e w Y o r k . O c t. 10- 13. ttie business center of tiie fertile and I m m ig r a t i o n | ,«ti»il>li*. raaxcis e . will van. we would have to say, “ We cannot tell.” beautiful Chehalem valley, and there are The |K>(>'.ilation that should occupy the In many cases the reading habit is horn “ Next to God, tiie greatest organizer is good reasons why this should tx.* tiie case. Pacific Northwest and is necessary to cre- with m, as are many of our natural ten­ liie mother. She who sends forth from It lies in the midst of an agricultural, fruit uto for this section tho prosperity anil dencies, and we read because it is natur­ tho sanctuary of her own being a little and dairy region unsurpassed in the west, al for ns to. In other cases early sur­ child, lias organized a spiritual world, and has an o'ganization of citizens zeal­ wealth it is fully capable of, cannot get roundings and circumstances had much and set it moving in the orbit of unchang­ ously and intelligently engaged in the here because it cannot pay tho rates of to do in developing a desire to read. lVr- ing law. When I graduated from college work of making its a I vantages known transportation that are (Ionian led and are liups some of our early recollections, are iu Sufi, there was not on the face of the and inducing settlement and the invest­ reasonably necessary to reach here. those of evenings sjieiit at homo, in the earth, I venture to say—certainly there ment of capital. Under tho new man­ It is not claimed that emigrant rates homo circle, when father and mother was not in my native land, the most pro­ agement 'of the Chehalem Valley Board nre not as cheap as the railroads can af­ read aloud from some interesting book. gressive of all— a national society of of Immigration, a great many industrious ford ; and yet tho question comes up con­ Perhaps it was a fragment of some story women. We worked on in weakness and people have been supplied with homes in tinually, whether, all circumstances heinp which mother related from her early i seclusion, in loneliness and isolation. But and near the town, and a great work of considered, the railroads cannot nfiord to reading that gave ns our taste. Or it may we learned at last the gracious secret that improvement lias been going on. Clieha- 1-tf. bring this needed population to this side have been the child« story book, which has transformed the world for men and lem valley is pre-eminently adapted to o f tho continent for less than what seems was sure to come at Christmas time, that marie them masters. From this time on, the culture of fruit, and is destined to be a paying figure. Tlioro are not many did tlie work for us. Again, I be'ieve the world will have in it no active, organ tiie most famous fruit region of the Wil­ con litions »hero money can he made by that the taste for reading is developed :c force so strong for its uplifting as its or­ lamette valley, of which it is a part. Rec­ losing money, but tho old figure of “ east­ from tho* mere presence of the family li­ ganized mother-hearts. You will notice ognizing this fact, the board has pur­ I n c o n a is t e n t . ing bread upon the waters and finding it brary. Many children liavo an impas- the breadth of my generalization. 1 do chased much desirable land within a ra­ A ft or tho United States government lias after many days’’ comes in as a parallel. sionate desire for books, simply because not say all mothers, because all women dius of three miles of the town, and has expended thousands of dollars in helping Tho transportation companies have the father and mother have their hooks, and who are technically mothers are not divided it into small tracts of ten acres explorers to make tho conquest of the most direct interest of all existing forces are occupied with them. Children like mother-hearted, w hile many a woman is each, which are held for sale at extremely North Pole, it does seem a inconsistent to i i tho prosperity of the country. Kvery hook« for play thin »«- I believe this to so, from whom the criss-cross currents of low prices, which enables orchardists to arrest a man for making love to Mary A n ­ c tizen of the Pacific lives and works to have been largely the influence which es- ' the world has with-held her holiest crown. h.jjAbjt home intown, enjoying all the so- derson.— Terre Haute Kxpress. bring them traffic, and a man or family Who would win must follow a chosen path, enut religious and educational advantages tub!¡shed tho habit in my own case. located in the West is a source of income Fattier had his library, consisting of as the engine does the track, or the tele­ there ottered,.while being in easy com­ MISCELLANEOUS. to them. If the country was full, and not very man / volumes, but they were graph mesesgo the wire. This you have munication with their orchards. Private production increased, there »’onld be as u great companions of his when not at work. seen, and it lias made you skilled labors parties are pursuing tho same wise and II . W H I T M A N , consequence more products to bo shipped I always wanted anything that my father ers in tho temperance cause. It is hard liberal course, and it is bepond question 0 at and supplies to coino in. Population wanted. I also believe that tho special to tie patient with the A li's of total absti­ that nowhere in Oregon can a ten-acre is a sustaining power for all such corpor­ in Moore Brothers’ Drug Store. line of reading which I lo»*o so well canto nence, when you are away over in the fruit tract and a town lot bo purchased on ations and it ought not to he a difficult from a simsliar cause. Not wanting to polysyllables of prohibition and its de- such favorable terms as at Newberg. Newberg', Oregon. problem to decide how much an average give me a goo I hook for a plaything, I rivitives; hut we were all there once, and When it is [considered that these lots are Repairing of W atches, Clocks and Jewelery newcomer would be worth iri the future Neatly Done and All Work Guaranteed, was given one of father's ol 1 (' mistook’« it is a very hopeful place in the temperance unsurpassed in fertility, that the climatic and how much tho railroads can afford to Repairing of Fine Watches a Natural Philosophies, which on account spelling hook. l e t us possess our souls in conditions of the valley are such that fruit Specialty. contribute in the way of chea|ier trans­ of long use was minus the hack. But patience until the storm ho overpast, con­ superior to th it of most any other section fi-tf. portation toward increasing the |»pula- this was mv look, an I when father would fident that those who begin where we be­ of the State is produced, and that Nevv- 1 ion of the country. There are hundreds bu reading of evening«, I must have it to gan, with personal prohibition, will, at a berg is hut twenty-five miles from Port­ of tlio.ixan Is who would come hero if they rea I. I I oeamo interested in the pictures, day not distant, see that national prohibi­ land, the great distributing market, vvith could, from tho cold states. These are and this w is the first book that I read to tion is the necessary sequel to the law they which it is connected by tiie Portland & the best kind of people, on ergot ie and any extent. I read it and became inter­ have made unto themselves, on tho prin Willa nette Valley railroad, and by the go > 1 workers, whose presence hero would neatly done. I will also keep a good 1 -tf. ested in it long before I could un lerstuud ciple that what is morally wrong can nev­ regular lines of steamers on tho Willam­ mean development an l production. If assortment of eu' tie legally right; what is legally wrong the philosophical principals. ette river, which land within a mile of Oregon and Washington had two millions H o o k s iin ii P a p e r s t o H e n ri. But all children are not as fortunately can never be politically right.” town, it must ho recognized that tlie in­ of inhabitants instead of half a million, Good order is exjiected. situated in life as som > of us have been. tending fruit grower, on either a large or tlie result would bo that railroad traffic I E N l ! Y A U S T IN , Proprietor. MARY A, I.IVERMORK. Marly circumstances nn I surroundings small scale, will find there an unriveled xv Mild bo stimulated and the country wit­ :-t'. “ When we began the work of our or- opportunity. have boon such that a tas’e in tho oppo­ ness an I experience still greater growth FO R O il EGON C A S K E T C O M P A N Y , affixation, the first tiling that was al site dire lion has been developed, a: d During t ie past six months forty-five | and moro satisfactory progress. This re­ BUCHANAN PARKS, th ) question naturaly arrisos, Can wa as hand was the reformation of the drunkard. pieces of farm property have been sold in ..........D E A L E R S IN ........... sult can only he accomplished by tho es­ teachers do any thing towar I developing We entered upon It. We organized reform the immediate vicinity of the town, thirty ! tablishing of low rates of travel that will chibs. We established friendly inns. We a taste for go al rea ling? I biliuvi* we of them ranging from live to foity acres coine within tho means of people who can, and I believe wo are failing in our endeavored in every possible way to pick in area, and nearly ail of them to new­ All work done with dispatch and guaran­ cannot come otherwise. It would give woik ii we do not do so 11 (tiling ¡1 tliii up the fallen, and how superbly the sa­ comers, many of whom have begun an teed to give satisfaction. We respectfully this country a lundanee of labor, as well solicit a share of your patronage. line. But in this, as in m my other prob­ loons hcl|>ed us in thalt way. They called energetic improvement of their property, ------- S U C H A S -------- as home seekers to occupy vacant lands lems of life, no (Infinite rule can he form- I us noble Christian women; they gave us with the intention of bringing it into a N EW BER G , - - - OREGON. and produce harvests from them. Some­ m oney; they gave us recognition; that ulated to go by in all case (. Tho physi­ productive condition as speedily as possi­ c ., thing needs to lie done to stimulate immi­ cian cannot succeed by giving tho same was a work they approved of; for after wo ble. Three large gangsof men areut work gration and fill up our vacant places. j had the man washed, and sobered, and in medicine to all tlie various cases under clearing land, and a large h o ly of land 1 When we consider that half of Oregon, his charge. Quinine may he good to ad- j his right mind once more, ho was a better will soon ho ready for planting. or more, is almost unoccupied and un­ minister in ease of fever, but Potassium j patron over and over again for the paloon, During the last six m mtlis, t«'0 hundred | known, and recollect that where settle­ chlorate might do more good in cases of j J for lie had a littlo more money in his and ten unimproved lots were sold, and ( N e a r I*. R . D e p o t .) ment exists there should bo four times as sore-throat. .So the means that a teacher pocket than he had before we took him in many of the purchasers have already be­ m my as there are, tho possibilities of the may use in tho case of on t student in do- j hand. We found that was not the gun the erection of dwellings upon them, i future loom up and deman 1 attention. veloping a desire to read m iv not work at j way that effectually helped 11s, and so we or contemplate such action in tho near fu­ A s no other interest will receive the same all in tho case of another, f wish Icould turned out for some other way, and begun ture. Tlieso sales represent more than AV’i* have Constantly on Hand a Supply of Booms Just Completeil and Xewlv Furn­ benefit as Iho transportation companies, impress this thought upon the mind of to look out for th 1 enforcing of tho law. half a hundred purchasers. Several pieces an I as the bringing of newcomers Is their ished. each teacher present, that we must know We visited the legislatures— the Executive of improved town property were also sold. occupation, all naturally turn to that quar­ as nearly as possible tho in lividuality of power— for we did our utmost to bring out Though hut five years of ago, Newberg ter for relief and hope for it through their »0 lie an 1 could do with our population thus' ^ H ^ ° W M r f % W ,oia^V’ l i ^ ^ blr1uceonrVf s\ll n iz e s , i* r o m a 1- a t o Hi i n c h e s , a t H e n s o n a b l e I’ r i c e s . A l s o 1 tf. a desire to ho ¡nvoHtiga’ors or loaders, tho laws wore ineffectual ; that they were increased is an interesting query. It is progress noir being m ulo will enable it to I t il i liliii” a n t i P u t i n « B r i c k . T i l e D e l i v e r e d on C u r s a t j We must know this and know it as accur­ not adapted to tho emergencies. Then to ho hoped that some wise policy can he pass some of its older competitors in a F a c to r y P r ic e s . 'level iped by mean s of which many thou s­ ately as tho physician must know the wo went to work to have new laws framed. very few years. It is the headquarters iu symptoms of each individual ease coming We got the host, bills we could drafted and ands whoso lunging eyes are turned to­ Oregon for that proverbially thrifty and | -------i tinder his charge before lie can administer sent to tho Legislatures. Wo lobbied wards tin North I’anile cau he trans­ industrious sect, tho Quakers. The U C ? I ì m i u G iU . J b J i . l tho proper treatment. But th * nucstion them through, and after that, they were ported here and Ijecoino pro hieing citi­ Friends Pacific Academy, a most excellent J N E W B E R G ..................................................................... OREGON. at ouce arises, “ How can we know this?” not enforced. If a prohibitory law was zens.— Oregonian. educational institution, is maintained I W o t !*, A r a b t on a n d P fiss o a. passed by one Legislature, it was repealed and 1 will answer that, in almost every T i ) larg» voto of Boston woman at the case it may he known from a daily study bv the next. If a law with some special there, managed by trustees of the Quaker | c a ’ îco m o ro A 0;iy o f f'd in j an d C o d y , and D e stro y m j r e i ! j m .n recent school election has attracted atten­ of cacti student. Fach student will have sharp point went through successfully, faith, and possessing large and « oil equip j B e in g s e v e r / ye a r tnan Ad tion. There was no'ldng in it after all his individuality. An I probably in all the next Legislature would take all the pad school buildings. The public school' A r m ie s ot t.ic World. very gratifying to those who believe in a tho recitations in rea,bn ;0110 student « ill point out and there wo were again floored. is ati admirable on.*, and good schools are wider field for the sex. in previous school ask a certain lino of questions and show Then we begun to hear about constitution­ also maintained at six other points in tin* I valley, so that wherever the settler may (dictions, the women have voted so spar­ by a peculiar twinkle the eye an inter­ al prohibitory amendments, that would locate, ho will find the door of tho public | i''i f r 1 *•, r 1 ingly that they practically bave had no est in a coitain * of subjects. As for Slav for ten or twenty years; and the next school standing hospitably open. N ft* Ä» I « W v\ b ^ fi t. fr« NKUBKRG, infili mum in the results. They were, ap­ example, I can sei* how a student might J thing, Mrs. J. Filien Foster, of Iowa, in O K K G O X. U 14 b a La t 1 *r> lt . J J l^,- _ Newberg presents an enlivening and parently, either indifferent tu I ho practical “how a vivid interest in the following stili Augurate the work in Ilia: State, put her brand new” apjicarance at the present T : is w onder o f M odern C lem h- details of tiie educational advantages for jeets, taken from the Thir l It *a lor, and I sell at the head of tho women of Iowa, and DRUG8. BO OKS, try pronounced to be uncq n l’cd their children, or satisfied with the way an utter in lifferan 11 t i tin rein lining j in a large measure of Iowa men, and al­ lime, owing to tho great amount of work M KMC I NES, STATIONARY, being done or just completed in tho erec­ for its pow er o f replenishing tmj it was being managed by the men. At subjects, Robert Fenton, Crusoe,s lYts, though none of us believed she was to be CHEMICALS, CONFECTIONERY, vitality o f the body, by supp yi., - ,n PAIN IS, this election tho result turned on a ques­ Susan’s l ’ets, Sheep and Shephearils, The | successful, tin* whole thing went through tion of new buildings. The large increase CLOCKS, the essential constituents c f trie OILS, COM HS, tion of prejudice, a mere sectarian issue Crooked Tree, Coals of Fire, What the 1 as she told us it would do, by thirty thous­ in population the past few months has VARNISH, Blood, Crain and Nerve Substance, I OIES. luise, 1 by ( ’ itholic objection to the use of Moon Saw, The Bigs, Water, Robbins in and majority. All honor to her for the forced the erection of many temporary SO A P , PERFt M ERY, and fo r developing a I t:-.c Pow ers ft .vinton's history as a text book in the a Fern-House, llildegard and the F'awn, ! great push she gave us, and for the open- stiii lures for habitations, which will he PL A TF ' AN D G Gl lì .TKWELRY, and Functions o f the C ystcri to the replaced with larger and permanent ones " bools. What their interest iu their Tiie Snail and the Bos--’Insli. TOU Kl AN TANCA' ARTICLES | in goi our eyes, for out of that lias come highest d e cre e . It acts a? .a specific, when the proper building season opens in children did not. incline them to do be­ 1 believe with an observation of this ; everything we liavo done since. I ill medi surpassing a ’l thoso c f the present fore, their religious bigotry nr bias led kind, mv early teachers could have found j ately. all over the country, ran the more- tiie spring. Wherever the eye turns it are, fo r the spoe-fy and permanent rests on a score of new buildings, mute seventeen or twenty thousand of them to out the natural bent of my niiinl. I I nient for constitutional prohibitory cure o f a ’l deran3cm en:s o f tho >1 > now, and the » hob» issue turned on know, when I came to an article in the j amendments. Kansas has passed one, evidences of tin* prosjierity and growth of N e-vo r.s and E ’ o cd S p s t—us, Ner­ tb'* power of one prejudice to outvote an reader giving a description or relating the Maine passed one. and though tho stati;* the town, while tin* sound of the saw and vo u s P r e s t r a t o a. C e n t r e ! D e o - (.filer prejudice. We are not entering in­ habits of some animal, or telling tin* sto­ 1 lory la«’ has been suoli as to compel it to hammer tells to tl.e ear the same news. J it y , U o n ta ! an d P h r e end D e-v'cs- to Ilia principle of the school contest on ry of some little lioy u hoovereame difficul­ lx* operative, it is not operative as it should Fifty two new structures have been erected W ishes to inform the people of ■ ‘on, I n eap an ’t y foo S t u d y o r during tlio punt six months. This fall, its merita in saying this, in nnysenae, nor ties and made a man of himself, a vivid he in any of tin* States where it has boon n es , H o s t s in th o H e a l a n d f r i , lire we exculpating Catholic women any interest was awakened in mv mind,and 1 passed, with the sdi i exception of Kan­ however, tin? work has been chiefly of a L oss c f E jo -'.- y a n d A — set to. snore than Prete.tant women. We sim­ had my lessons licit >r an I paid more at­ sas, because the men «dio passed that preparatory nature, so far as building im­ Being a Natural Restora ivc, i s c r c r - ply wi ll to point out the fact— that it re­ tention during But when a amendment, and they Republicans, let provements are concerned, but early in gisin g effects are r.ot fo.lowed by T h a t h e is l o c a t e d quired |M*rsonal feeling to stimulate these poem, or somootli *r dry mihj *et »as un­ me give them all credit, because they the spring building will lie taken up in correspond in g rcaclien, bet are women to use their political priveileges. der consideration there »as always n were earnest and desirous that their •arm-st. Among (lie new structures that P e v m a n cn ;, and a;*o f.'ccj/csily j will then )>e erected, are a large hotel, a — Oakaloosa Herald. strong desire to stick my neighboring! amendment should he operative, indignant shown, from tho first dr./ c f its brick bank building, a brick business (nilfl/n.-ir t Iirjrt I e r r i.) administration, by a remarUa'olo Tlie growth of lliis country is phenom­ class mate with a pin, or throw a p.qx'r j block, and a fruit cannery. A fine road In c r e a s e o f th e Iv crv cu s Pot/oi*, ena! iu its extent, and there is little doubt ball against the ceiling when the teacher Our nation pays six hundred million I which is now being made to tho steamer W I T H vvith a feelin* o f V i-o r, Gtrcn^th and was not looking. S o ls a .v lh .it we can in the min Is of the statisticians and those dollar every ( ear to support the paupers, binding « ill tlicii lie graveled and rendered know tiie natural tendiney of nearly ev-' C om fort to which the patient haa who li.ive observe I el vvilv tlie growth of eriniinnln, and orphans made bv the drink 1 first-class highway. Sidewalks will bo long been unaccustom ed. Tho ncr- this country since Hi.* census of HSU that erv student under our care, and having trails, and in ISHfi it received ninty-tive laid, and much work of improvement on vous sym ptom s disappear, as wall tho r (turns of bail) will show a popffia- found it, it is our duly to apply printer ' million dollars rtrrnue from it. The queen tin* streets will lie done. as tho Functional D cran-cm cnt. t ion of over t,t. This estimate is ar­ si i umlauts In develop that natural instinct. ,.f Madagascar relnsed to receive money Not only do the people of Ncwlierg ex­ Sleep becom es calm and refresh- Jf ir' ii 'it cril at reasonable rates, Ill rived at in a logical way. and by use of a Vnd to mv min I this can only he done from this traffic, declaring that she would pect to sell choice locations foe orchards, ing. At tho samo time tho patient little arithm -tieil r - is c il ig In la t it ile by a system of supplementary reading, a ' “ lake nothing from what brought poverty hut tliey projiose to furnish a home mark­ hi.ids oj produce boao/if and sold. gains flcsli, the features presenting P ip ll Finn »• is .» , m ,7 -y». Of this total A! system in which a vast variety of subjects and misery to her people.” she also com- et for the fruit raised. Two fruit dryers, a striking Im provem ent; th o T a co mai I h * brought Udore the school. In -t, ..HI I were natives of the United States, mandivi ber otlieers to thr >w into thè sca ! with a daily capacity of eighty an I one t o. becom es F u lle r, th e I/ p s H od. tho an i fi, ( .),fili were foreign born. Thu en­ this tin* subject* should lie selected with all liquore that « ere under ber control. hundred bushels of prunes, were in opera­ E y e s B r ig h te r , a n d ih o S e n C le a r tire mere ISO, native and foreign, fortini a view to interest and to give mental food Our governm ent m av in bine adopt this tion this year, one of which will I k * in­ an d H e a lth y . The hair c f tho decide, was alsmt ;t) per cent. The to as manv students as |*o*sild e. For queen’s vlews. l'n til then, vvo must ree- creased to two hundred bushels capacity head and beard gro w s and acquires sain,- rate of i icrc.tse for the decade end­ ¡ this kind of work a number of hooks ognize in tcn p eran ce 11*ti Wholesale rob- next season. The proprietors are* making strength, n3 also tho ra i's, shov ir.g ing H.M will show an increase of , ( , have been ptih'.Lhed, including, history, ber. a legalued murderer, a sworn fin* to special nrrangments to put their pro hut the importance c f tlio action c f the everv lliin g that is progressive, pure and (;.!!l persons. The nation is growing nr a I biography, stories, and natural history, elevating. in vi--« of these faets, we are on the eastern market in an advantageous medicine on tho o rg an s c f nutrition. won lerfnl pace, and Oil is likely to see i Hawthorn's Tangle.Visi I Tales, Twice tempieri to U-lieve that our goodlv land is manner. Orchardists can sell tbeir crop It gives back to the human structure, tin p ip il i!ion u milierò I U.ttAl— I fold Tales, Wonder Book ami Biograph- ■ ‘ full of gia u ts," and to impure ‘ ‘ W ho t* to tho dryers, or can have it dried on in a cuitab'o form , the I / v c t - . A n '- a population greater than th it of any elv- i ¡ral Stories might U> u*rri toan advantage sullìeient for these th in gs.” shares, if they prefer to handle the prodik t n r.-ta g . E lem ent c f L .fo v/.h ch -----.A. V T J I j IL, L i n S T I E O F — i ¡Z'd I»Iwer on the face of the earth, m ;in i a system of supplementary reading. b s c 00 on i/ r s tc il, a - J ; .¿ r t s an One of thè n>*t intere-; ¡mt re|s*rta of (or market. F’urther than this, the citi­ CO O K STOVE'», Viso Irving’s Sketch Book, and a nmiiU*r thè yrnr co n * lo ih troni N. w / ■ alami ; zens havesuliarribcri for a large fruit which category Russia, of course, is HARDWARE. important i-flrcn ce c . - c t l y on the H EA T IN G STO VES, include ! In* has 1 iâ,o n , i n i now, but of works of general literature which their tirsi A V’»'. C. T. C. was organixrri a cannery, and are now corresponding with TINWARE, Brain, Spinal M arrow .-.r.d fltr v c u s W INDOW G LA SS, System , c f a Nutritive, T is and In. 'bere is no h-qs* of ber ls-ing in a rondi- j should Is* -ven ¡1 th * library of every ago, ami th v n o w h a ve six Union* experienced cannery men with tho view «fili a nie'.nN’rship appro.ii liing two- v i -¡orating character, t • - r by check­ and every other atticle usually kept in a first-class •ori. even in lì» K), to Is* classisi aa a eivil- I teach*r. Tin* Natural history and B-*;a- humlred. Miss FI. B. Miller thè ellìeient of selecting a proper manager for the en­ ing a 'lv .a s 'in g o fth o Vi, Ft„id and nv of the tteighUirlnxi-l in iv be used to liardware Store. busi country.— Capital Jmirnal. tne moro Exhausting P ro cctccs c f a« ik *n an interest in investigation, « hieb Suporintendent. dose* il, r letter vvith thè terprise. Ileie is a most desirable open- - O ------- Life, roa’n ta 'n jn y th a t Lt will alwavs lo id one to a love of reading. follovving: *'We are at present in Un* ing for the right n u n , an 1 the board of ” f was at thè we ldin gat Ilio chtirch : Bill in (dll itever method we pursue let ns mirisi of our w interclassos, bel l at l.eavitt F o t b y o f t h i t . a ' a o a 1 j .uc- 1 a - la«t evening. Miss Lighthead. Allow me | make reading attractive and interesting. I lutisi', whi-re ari* earrieri un se« ing, eivik- immigration would he g'ad to hear from S .-r.-m v.-h’ch re a u c n tho ia ad n .a -p . -. Choo D r'U a n t e. id ing ami t liloring; tliev are self-snpport- any person seeking such a |ositioii, to congratulate vou on yonr elegant lip­ Finivi!» M orrison . L a o - r e t cs cntii-i !•; ovcrcom i g that ing. I am makiiig arrangement* to bave >*s|xviuliy if he ha* sufficient faith-in his pe iran-e ¡is a bride* mairi, You won* I'riend's Pacific Aea lemv. d Inactive a id sluggish citp osi- a eourse ol' medicai talk*, ami hope to get capability to make a success of the enter­ "re!** 1 ¡a eestney divine,’ I suppose." t u i w hich many | “ If ovo,” asked the professor, “ canone a rioetor e.ieli lilivnth to show Ilo* to *|>- c ■* in s i their action. P “ ThaBs abont as lunch as you menknow, conceive of an 'innumerable multitude’ ?" ply simple reincdie* for bum*, banadging prise to Inveri siiiu * money in it in eon- VII K i n d * o f R e p a i r i n g X e t t ly an*l Pr:i::iply I>one. Come ii C l.aO p e r bciido. Mr. T cild , I « o rc a robe of white silk “ W ell,” said the new had bov, whose enti, and iisefnl biuta in case of cmercen- n vtion «¡ih the citu 'n * . The fruit is n m l S e e n ij s t o c k . etto.” Y 's 11 < 1 • > far a«av a* New /ca ­ father is a reporter, “ wait about five here in abundance in I of superior quality, •"«:! t u : i r iu.: cn jc:.’S . muli nn ’ po'n’ lare.” — ft|»ring(leld Kepjti- inonthsand notice tin* president’* relatives lami (night take some hirits freni these and the markets I the n *rth ». *t are lican. •J. B. M O U N T , linci of wurk.— Oak anJ Ivy Leaf. and old school fellow .,” — Burdette. 1 tl. supplied with can 10 I g w» Is from other 12 1889 1 Double and Single Turnouts Kept Constantly on Hand. Board and Transient Stock Carefully Cared For. SMITH BROS. Proprietors. Newberg Furniture Store! Ju3t Received a New and Stock of W ell Assorted BEDROOM, SETS, SOFA LOUNGES, WIRE BED SPRINGS, SOFA BEDS, MATRESSES SOFAS, TABLES, CliAIRS, WATCHMAKER:-: AND:-: JEWELER, OIL CLOTH CARPETS, BARBER SHOP. Sliaying, Siiainpiiu and Haircntting and all other articles kept in a first-class furn­ iture store. See our goods before purchasing elsewhere. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Furniture delivered free of Charge to any place in the city. D. E. HOLLOW AY. JA. T. HAWORTH, Agent, 1 & Contractors and Builders. H J vi jv M wu O Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Shrouds, Et RAILROAD U Aho. sniSE2: NEWBERG, S E , G. W. Hardwick & Son. Prop. I b&.tv\trwAy .in, UNDERTAKERS, MATERIAL, Meals at all Hours. OBEGON Etc N e w b e r g T ile F a c to r y . TT i r s t q l a s s J. DM LTM i EDWARDS. M O O S E B R O S ., THE DRUGGISTS, -1 DEALEKS I N 1 ¡3 Goods W arranted as Represented. J"- ID . 1 Newberg and Vicinity 3 J c 1 Ne*,r the Railroad Depot onera 7 1 1 II« 1 Slock of Merchandise Give him a Call. 17 NEWBERG HARDWARE STORE, 15 04 1 1 J . B. MOUNT, Proprietor. 1 >),0 I Make a Specialty of Tinning and Plumbing in all its Branches. 73