NEWBERG GRAPHIC. A IM D K IIM IÌG One Column........... Half Column — Professional Cards R A TI» : .Twenty Dollars Tan I tallara ........Une Dollar llr a d in g X c llc e s w ill be in s e r te d th e r a te o f T e u «•«*■!» p e r l.iu « . Advertising Bills Collected Monthly. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. M l H W 'K IP I'IO .> K A T A t: ? " e Y c « r _ ................................... ;,A M onths I hr«i Month». ............................ T w o Dollars o n « Dollar Fifty Cents Hulmrrl|>tIon P r in t Payable ably la Advauee. VOL. 1. la v a n . NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY PACIFIC COAST NOTHS. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS THE AGRICULTURALIST mighty e;i#_v thing for a farmer to get| stingy feeding a oow and beat him- self out of dollars in trying to save ’ ers o f L oca l and General Import A Brief M ention o f Matters o f Gen ral Newsy Notes Conoe ning the Farm and cents.” Gathered from All S ou rces for the Benefit o f Our Readers. interest. Notes Gathered from H om e and A broad. o f Especial Ii terest to t> e Pa­ cific Coast Husbandman. Among tlie many purposes to which | old wagon lire# may be applied is the gate hinge. An old tire, too much worn for further service in its original capacity, is cut in two at the middle, and ihe end of each piece is turned with an eye or socket to form half of a hinge. Then four inches from the socket the bar is bent to an angle. Tlie other ends of the two pieces are then welded together in tlie form of a V, the width of the open end beh>g governed by that of the gate. The lower hinge is made in the usual man­ ner, witli an upright pin at one end, and a thread and nut at tlie other. The upper one may he made in the form of a hand, which i» driven over the gate-post and fastened 'toy nails driven through punched for the purpose tu the Wind. Firewotel is scarce at Fresno. Gladstone reathed his 79th birthday Be certain that there is plenty of wa­ ter where the cows are turned out to Walla Walla a postal delivery. recently. A rebellion has broken out in Up­ pasture. Clean, pure water is indis Riverside. Cal., has paid all its city peneable to the milch cow. per India. taxes but $75. Never wait for rain when you have The King of Wurtemberg is in Colusa has four and a half miles of a crop under t ultivation. Keep right feeble health. graded streets. on cultivating and you will be sur­ The opera-house of Tyler, Tex., was prised lo find how your crop will with Newcastle’s fruit shipment tills year burned last week. stand the drought. was 5,000 tons. The Pope lait week celecrated the Many farmers in western New York The county hospital at Visdia was close of his jubilee year. gave up the wool business as unprof­ burned recenlly. Minister Phelps will return from itable long ago, hut still keep sheep, The population of Washington ter­ and say that keeping the mutton England in a few weeks. ritory is 240,140. breeds is one of the best paying Germany does not propose to in­ branches of farming. The penitentiary at Walla Walla is crease its artillery strength. lighted by electricity. Tramping upon the hay in a barn The Bulgarian sobranje has granted often causes horses to refuse it. To An olive tree In Tnlare lias grown amnesty to political refugees. eight feet since last August. past from the barn-yard into the baru When the corn is shelled the cobs The wife of Major General Schofield aad walk over the hay leaves odors are worth caring for for various use­ Timber claims are being rapidly died suddenly recently of heart dis­ which are quickly recognized by the ful purposes. They make the best taken up in Mariposa county. animals when such hay is fed to them. fuel for the smoke-house, giving the ease. , An apple orchard in Lassen cleared Chopped clover-liay scalded is a hams and bacon a delicate and agree­ Collector Hager suggests that the 56000 the past year fiom 1500 trees. cheap and excellent foot! for hogs, and able flavor, free from the pungency of duty on opium be reduced to $5 a they will thrive on it while growing, oak and other vood, which contains Packers are ottering at Riverside $3 pound. with but little grain. Bulky food is much acid. When steeped in kero­ a box for navel oranges on the trees. The date for the Gwedore evictions necessary for the distention of the sene oil they make good kindling for There were erected at Tacoma last in Ireland was set and carried into ef­ stomach, and there is nothing so nu- fires, and they are equally good for year 1014 houses, valued at $2,489,- fect on January 2d. tricious for that purpose as the scalded this purpose when sa'mated with a 572. solution of one pound of saltpeter in Dr. Carver attempted to break 60,- clover. two gallons of water and dried. They The windstorm last week brought 000 glass balls in six days at Minne­ The price of onions is lower this down a good many trees in the Men­ apolis, last week, hut failed to accom­ year than for some time past. This is then burn fiercely, giving out quick heat sufficient to kindle a coal tire. docino woods. plish the feat. due to a large increase of area planted But they are also good for feeding, throughout the east, and to an un­ Yuba county is shipping apples to Princess Adelbert, ot Bavaria, was as they contain as much nutriment as southern California and sending orang­ seized with hysterics in the Berlin Op­ usually large crop; the insects and straw, and whore straw is scarce tlie es to the north. era house last week. It is believed diseases that usually attack the onion whole years may be ground together having been far less prevalent this with advantage. The husks are still A flume 35 miles long wiil bring that she is insane. year than usual. more nutricious, and may be ground The badly mutilated body of a Ger­ lumber to Selma, Fresno county, from After winter grain is sown there is up with the ears in mills made for man was found in Fairmount park, the Giant forest. Philadelphia, Sunday. Much excite­ yet time to remedy defects of soil and that purpose. The output of gold, silver and cop­ exposure. If there is a knoll in the ment was created. per in Montana the past year is put In storing celery for winter small field it is probably the poorest part of It is stated that further papers re­ the lot, and one or more loads of ma­ quantities for family use can he stored down at $60,487,000. lating to the Sackville affair are about nure distributed over it will have a in boxes by first boring inch holes At Walla Walla a dense fog pre­ to he given out for publication by the wonderful efleet, not alone upon the four inches from the bottom at each vailed during the eclipse and at 2 British government. grain crop, but on the grass seeding. end and side of tlie I k > x . Turn the o’clock lamps were lighted. box on end and pack the celery in An escaped Soudanese lias c fibred Good cider vinegar is always sala­ The police of San Diego is ' con­ to bring in General Gordon’s sword, ble,'and it pays to convert the surplus layers the narrow way of tlie box. To demned by a committee of the city clothes and papers, which are said to apples into cider for the purpose of each layer of celery in position sprinkle council as corrupt and inefficient. over the roots only enough earth to be hidden near Berber. making vinegar. The artificial vine­ mulch them well. Continue until tlie S. W. Reed, of Fresno, picked 30 At the close of a sparring exhibi­ gar cannot be used for choice pickles box is full. When you set the box pounds of f laming Tokay and E m ­ tion at Brooklyn, N. Y., last week, a and other purposes for which good down shake or jar the box to settle peror grapes from his vine the 1st of panic occurred and a score or more cider vinegar only is adapted, and does the dirt among the roots of the plants. January. not, therefore, largely compete with it. Then take a watering pot with nozzle of persons were injured. Delegates met at Ellensburg, W . T., Don’t try to crowd 50 hens into a and pour water through the augur A large gathering at Liege, Bel­ on the 3d of January and began the gium, recently, adopted resolutions poultry house suitable for only 25, as holes in the ends until all of Ihe work of securing statehood to the favoring the restoration of the tem­ the larger the Hock the fewer the soil is thoroughly saturated, and territory. eggs proportionately, unless they have ’tie done. The box can be set in any poral power of the Pope. perfect accommodations. As a rule convenient niche of the cellar, and Large plantings of shad aud speck­ The daughter of Lawrence Barrett, small flocks give a larger profit from only needs occasional watering (al- led catfish will be made in the streams the actor, and Joseph Anderson, a the same outlay than when numbers ways through the auger holes) to have of Utah next June by the U. 8. fish biother of Mary Anderson, the actress, are kept that cannot be properly pro- a supply of crisp, tender celery at commissioner. were married in Boston January 3d. lrirlo/l fnw grubbing iu the frdzui ground and The first ear-load of Oroville orange# Johnsion Hatfield, the worst ©1 the Pursnips, salsify and horseradish exposing both yoursslf and the whole was received in Sacramento last week, whole Hatfield gang, in West Vir­ and two car-loads were being packed ginia, and a ferocious desperado, died can remain in the rows where grown, l©t of celery in the trench. as freezing does not injure them. If at Oroville for shipment east. last week in Lawrence county, Ken­ they are covered with litter, however, The increasing use of windmills for N. J. McConnell, chief justice of tucky, it will prevent sudden thawing around pumping water, etc., suggests that Montana, has forwarded his resigna­ Slaven, of the American Dredging them in the spring. It is too much they could be made the foundation of tion to the President, finding the du­ company, it is Btated, assures DeLes- warmth that does injury in winter a fire department on the farm, that ties of the office too burdensome. seps that he can finisn the second sec­ to such crops, rather than cold. A would prove efficient in many cases. The Teachers’ convention which tion of tlie Panama canal in twelve few warm days in winter may be more Three-fourths of the farm conflagra­ detrimental than beneficial. tions are discovered so early that the closed at Sacramento recenlly, recom­ months. The first signs of disease in a flock prompt application of 20 gallons of mended kindergarten instruction and F. W . Smith played Santa Claus at should prompt the herdsmen to at water, would put out the fire. But it the admittance of children four years his home at Danville, Illinois, Christ­ once remove all animals not affected is impossible to get water soon enough of age. mas, aud enveloped himself in cotton to a new, clean location. It is better when it must ho carried to the garret The new Brotherhood of Railway hatting, which caught fire and he was to kill an animal that is suspected of or loft in buckets. With a 14-foot Conductors, organized at Los Ange­ fatally burned. having a contagious disease than to windmill and a strong double-acting les some weeks ago, is said to have in Robert Bonner’s famous stallion attempt a cure. Delay is dangerous. force-pump, a continuous stream may special view revenge on the Burling­ Startle, the sire o f many celebrated Precaution in the beginning is better be forced a thousand feet and to a ton Railroad company. trotters, including Majolica, with a than any work that can be done in at­ bight of a hundred feet. But as the San Bernardino’s grand jury roport record of 2 :15, died in New York Iasi tempting to effect a cure after the dis­ windmill and well are usually near condemns the county court-house as week, aged 21 years. the house and barn, it would rarely be ease secures a hold. inadequate and the jail as a disgrace Most farmers who give no particu­ necessary to have the water forced to decency. Slack business manage­ Governor Marble, of Maine, lias ap­ lar attention to horses usually drive farther than two hunnred feet or ment of county officials is also con­ pointed James G. Blaine among the with a loose rein. This is well enough raised higher than fifty feet. Tlie other commissioners to attend the Cen­ demned. with the “ old family horse,” in whom pipes are, of course, brought near to T h 3 approach of the Southern Pa­ tennial celebration of Washington’s you have pe.fect confidence. It is if not into, the barn and house. And cific railroad teward San Luis Obispo, inauguration in New York, April 30th. never safe, however, witli a young and witli a few feet of hose attached to tlie hydrant in tlie yard or building, a sup­ is giving quite an .impetus to travel. A Christmas gathering at East spirited horse. Never drive sucli an The road was completed to Santa Prospect, Penn., was thrown from the animal with so loose a rein th it you ply of water sufficient at the critical Margarita, ten miles distant, and second to the first floor of the build­ cannot instantly command the situa­ moment, would tie at command. The hose could be taken through windows trains runnihg on the 5th of January. ing which had suddenly collapsed. tion, whatever happens. or doors. Ifitis fe a rd that at such a At Bakersfield there is a field of Numbers were braised and cut, but Pork made from a considerable por­ time there might not be enough breeze alfalfa from which five cuttings were none seriously. tion of apple diet is peculiarly sweet to operate tlie windmill, we have only obtained the first year, and “ the The London police believe that they in flavor. Hogs will fatten more raje to remember, how often an account of a ground was so thoroughly imprig- are on the right clew to the author of idly on sweet apples than sour, if ap­ conflagration also says “ a stiff breeze” nated with alkali that the surface is the Whitechapel murders. They have ples are principally depended upon ; or a strong gale was blowing at the white with the salt.” succeeded in locating him in the vi­ but if grain is fed with apples the time. When there is not enough air A flock of nine mountain sheep has cinity of Drury Lane, by tracing let­ sour will do even better than the stirring to operate tlie windmill, a lire sweet, as the acid a ill assist in the di­ may lie readily subdued by buckets of recenlly been seen among the cliffs ters written by him. gestion of the grain. It would be bet­ water. of Stein mouatain, Elko county, Nev. Ira Payne, the American gun ex­ ter to feed corn for a few weeks before A patriarch of the flock is reported to Wiicn large quantities of roots are be as large as a Spanish mule and his pert, now in Paris, asserts that he has killing, to harden the pork. horns resemble the gnarled roots of an discovered a process for the manufact­ In California turkeys are raised in to be stored and there is r.ot cellar ure of gold from an alloy of silver and room for this purixiec, it is far better old cedar. copper, and is trying to raise funds to flocks numbering several thousand. to construct pits than to till the cellar They are placed in charge of a herder, The lumber cut of Washington Ter­ start the proper works. who drives them as he would a flock of one’s dwelling house with n general ritory the past year was 700,000,000 of sheep. They range over miles of assortment of roots and vegetables to The Ottawa board of trade lias pe­ feet, valued at $9,000,000. Of this territory in a day, and live almost en­ vitiate the air of the entire house. If amount, Puget sound cut 450,000,000 titioned the Dominion government to it is properly constructed, roots will feet and shipped by ocean 340,000,000 grant a subsidy to a fast line of steam­ tirely by foraging. When the grain keep better in a pit than in an ordi­ is cut tnd harvested the turkeys are ers from Quebec lo Liverpool. The feet, valued at $3,7000,000. The foi- nary cellar. The pita are dug three d. The ri«ota are stacked in these, beginning at the end of Pierre Beaurnn who was supposed for market at very little cost. Richard Hall, of Dixvn, a well- the pit, anel following two feet known citizen, early Tuesday morning to be dead and whose sisters hail been One article of food cannot supply eif its length ; a space of six inches is of last week, while going home from appointed to administer his estate, all the necessary sustenance, because left, anel another aectiein of two fe-et is Siciamento, heard the whistle for his turned up at Shohola, Penn., the other it may lack some of the essential ele­ built up, and so on, in each case piling station, rushed while naif asleep from day and secured ordets revoking the ment« and is sure to have some in in­ the resits up to the ground level; tlie the car, and stepped off while the letters of administration. sufficient quantity. A normal appe­ spaces are then filled in with earth, train was in motion. He was seriously An explosion of gas caused great tite, that sure guide lo the wants of anel the pit will present a series of sec­ injured. damage in Boston, receutly. Two men nature, craves a variety of locals. It tions of (wo feet of roots and six inches Portland shows great progress. Her were blown 20 feet in the air and Fort is not necessary to make the ration of earth. The roots are exivered lightly wholesale and retail trade in 1888 Hill square and adjacent buildings re­ costly ; a little thought will provide a at first, but when cold weather comes, foots up between $90,000,000 and ceived a terrible wrenching. The ex­ variety m the ration and without put fin about two feet of soil, roundest greater cost. As to regularity in feed­ anel smexitlied to carry off water. $1,000,000,000, compared with $75,- plosion tore the street up. ing, it has been amply demonstrated 000.000 in 1887 and $42,000 000 in The unofficial list of representatives- that animals do not thrive so well 1883. The manufactures of the city Within the last three months nearly and vicinity aggregate nearly $14,000,- elect, recently published, shows that when fed irregularly as when they get a hundred orphan boys under 12 years 000, and the value of buildings elected 20 Republicans were elected from the their food at certain seasons. of age have lieen brought to Findlay following Southern States: K< utueky, and Fostoria, Ohio, to work in the $3,500,000. A practical dairyman gives the fol­ 2 ; Louisiana, 1; Maryland, 2 ; Mis­ lowing reasons why he was more suc­ glass factories. They come mostly David Hart, a blacksmith and train­ souri, 4 ; North Carolina, 3 ; Tennes­ cessful witli his cows than his Hugh from 8t. John’s asylum, Brooklyn, ing with the Salvation army at Port­ see, 4. Of these 13 are now members. bor* were : “ I’ll tel! you,” said be, “ it and ate under contract for a year at land, took morphine and told the sum­ all depends where a man lks when nominal wage». This importation of The loss of life so far by the burn­ mon« d physician that he had had the he feeds his cows. My neighbors all chile' labor will be stoppesel. drug for two years, but had not had ing of the steamer Hanna, near Pla- lexik at the feed; consequently, they Mrs. Ira P. Stock well, of Sydney, quemine, La., on the Mississippi river, the courage to use it before. He said easily learn to scrampthe cow all they W. T., was accidentally killed last he wanted something given him to is placed at 24. Of the injured m i n i , in the h-ispital four or five will die. | dar« to. When I feed I look at the week by her 14-year-old son, who was make death easy, and when asked The flags of the steamers in the hai- cow just a* I would any machine if I why he didn’t jump in the Willamette bor of New Orleans have been placed was feeding it. You want to watch inserling a badly fitting cartridge in nver, he said he did not know how to 1 at half-mast. J the machine and not the feed. It is a his gun. swim. FRIENDS PACI FI C A C A D E M T F O R lS f-iJ -U i-ii) IC h I r 1>H h 1 i < m 1 i n 1 8 K Í 5 . “ Live low and sparingly Ull my debts he paid; but let the learning of the children be liberal; spare no cost, for by such parsimony all is lost that is saved.’’- - William Penn lo his wife. B0ARD OF TRUSTEES. E. H. W o o d w a r d , President, Newlierg J esse E d w a r d s , Newberg J esse H o b s o n . ..................................................... ..................................................... Newlierg G kokok W. M it c h e i . l , Secretary and Treasurer, Newlierg B. C. M ii . es . Newlierg ............................................................. FACULTY. E d w in M o r r is o n , B. 8., Principal M ary A nna n sn isiauis M ïi u a B ell , CALENDAR. Fall Term begins 9th month, 11, 1888 Fall Term closes lltli month, 30, 1888 Winter Term begins 12th month, 3, 1888 1, 1889 Winter Term cleises 34 month, Spring Term begins 3d month, 4, 1889 Spring Term closes 5th month, 9 1889 Announcement and Prospectus. Friends’ Pacific Academy is located at Newlierg, Yamhill county, Ore»- gon, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two miles from Portland, and one mile from Roger»’ Landing on Willamette river. It w « h opened for pnpils September 28th, 1885, and had onrolled during tlie first week nineteen pupils. Tlie second school year began September 13th, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and tho present school year opened September 12tli, 1887, with an enrollment of fifty-one, and tlie winter term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110. At the time of the opening of tlie school only the Academy building was •reeled, and only the lower story of it was completed. During tlie summer of 1886 the boarding hall and three cottages for pupils hoarding themselves were constructed, and during the summer of 1887 Ihe hall for gymnasium and boys’ dormitories was commenced and tlie Academy building was com­ pleted. The trustees hope to be able to add oilier buildings as they are needed. For Catalogue or information address E D W IN MORRISON, Principal. Or E. H, W O O D W A R D , President of Board. Silk Thread* in Bank Notes. Incredible Um brella Story. They were tolling marvelous um­ brella stories ono rainy day not long ago. In which cuch figured as having once owned a very handsomo gold­ headed silk umbrella which had been stolen after having besen used only a very short time. One man of tho com­ pary, noted for truthfulness, proceed­ ed to stnte that once on a time ho was the owner of a silk umbrella which ho carried for many years, but In time thero was nothing valuabto loft lo It but the handle. “ One night,” said he, “ I thought I hnd conceived a plan by which I could obtain a new umbrefln In exchange for my old one and yet re­ tain a perfectly-clear conscience. Ac- cejrdingly I sallied forth In the rain to attend a banquet where silk umbrella* predominated, first polishing up the handle of my own tn order that it would compare favorably with tho best In ap­ pearance. Arriving at tho meeting 1 thrust my umbrella in a holder with a dozen others—all better ones- aad left it to its fate. I lingered until the last guest hnel departed after the feast, ex­ pecting that some one would certainly take my umbrella and recklessly rnn almost certain chanees of getting a better one. I confidently ateppeel up and drew out—what do you think? It was my own umbrella. That experi­ ence made me honest, and I have never tried to trude off my umbrella since. ” —Albany Journal. —Henry James, Jr., tho novella*, boasts Unit he hits never loved a wom­ an, though ho Is now forty years old. —Tho novelist, E. P. Roe, runs a fancy farm. He has been able to come out even by writing half a dozen nov- els a year. — Ethel Mnekcnzle, tho eMwst daugh­ ter of tho famous physician. Is In jour­ nalism, and does good work In the linn i t «¡orirespmdence. — Sir Joseph Chltty, tho woll-known English judge, was at Oxford in 1852 Captain of tlie finest boat crow over known at either university. |»v«4 —The late Mr. Venables, of tho Sat- uniat/ Review, was the troy who broke» Thackeray’ s nose at school. As a man ho was proud of just one feat—ho was able to write the Summaries of tho Year tn the Saturday Review entirely from memory. —Richard A»he King, the author of • The Wearing of the (»reon,” Is a kind of Robert Elsmere in roal life». Ho was a Yorkshire vicar, but he resigned his •omfortable living for tho uncertain profits of literature. He it now writ­ ing a novel a sequel to “ The Wear­ ing of tho Green.” —John Bright never commits a speech to memory. He merely makes notes and leave* the weirds to come when speaking. Occasionally he writes ■hfirt passages, and almost Invariably bis concluding word» or sentences«. Mr. Gladstone seldom refers to a not«», anel res a single sentence. The paper on which bank notes are printed Is called “ distinctive paper," being used exclusively by the Govern­ ment for tho printing of bonds and < current not«'*. Tho mills where it is manufactured nr«» at Glen Kails, West (,’hosier County. Pa. An agont of the Treasury Department reerelves the pa­ per direct from the hands of the manu­ facturer, and every precaution is ob­ served in oi-eler to prevent any loss. Short scraps of red silk are mixed with tho liquid pulp in an engine. Tho finished mut«>rial is conducted to n wiro-cloth without passing through any screens, which might retain the silken threads. An arrangement above tho wlire-cloth scatters a showor of line scraps of blue silk thread, which 1 falls upon the pnpor while it is being formed. Tho siele on which the blue silk is deposited is usexl for the buck ol notes, and the threads aro so deeply imbedded as to remain permanently fixed. Each sheet is registered as »«Mil as it is made. —S. Y. Star. - Father—••Theophllus, my son, did you nhstnin from fighting to-day, as 1 told you?” “ Yes." “ Pcrha|>s you hael no provocation to fight?” ••Yew, I hnel. Bill Swipe» said ns how my dad was afraid to meet his dad, or he’d get licked.” “ He said that of me, eh! Why didn't you smash him in the neck? I fear, Theophilus, that you have no family pride.” — **