I c i n ici IS NOTIC ES. Mid CELL ANEO I’ d. LOOK j KlCIENI s C H U R C H .— Service» every * >»»- ! «lav at ll a. m. aud 7 p in. and T hursday at ID j i in. S ibbatb Si hM‘1 every *— :n l•*.y at i j a . m, j Monthly Meeting nt 10 a. m. t f r t S.uurd y in eavh'm outk. q uarterly M ccm u ’ the second ! Saturday and Sunday in Fehrurary, May, I August und N ovem ber. HERE! — N. M. Sruxlgra«.. . . . . . ....s shingles to I A HOMS t S O f V n W ILL BUY A DESIRABLE RKSIDEN T LOT -VI x 12.1 FEET IN NEW RE KG AND 0 ^ 5 * "* / a c h o ic e »-acre fruit tract within easy reach o f town. *7» d ow n , the rem ain dur id o annual paym ents. This is an e x cep tion a l opportunity to m ake j a valuable investm ent. MISCELLANEOUS. A. T. HAWORTH, Agent, A L.* t;c C r o w d in A t t c i i d a n c o - S j n o ; si* o f th e E x c e lle n t O m t lo n i. —Strangers in Newberg were very much The Hot a munì Exhibition of the Sen­ surprised to see two such large crowd, as were in attendance at the Trees, Christ-. ior and Jimiorelusses, oeemed in the Acad­ mas Kve. The country is becoming very emy Chapel Saturday evening, Dec. -'J. The lVogr.an was good and well rendered. U a o i KSSlON VL CARDS. thickly populated. The music w as in charge of Miss Jennie — Alva Cook returned from his school, I.arson, who, with the well selected choir, j . n u i r r m o o k i :, near Silvoiton, to spoil 1 Christmas w ith deserves special praise. Elmer K. Wash­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office. Moore 1 . B r o s , Drug Store. New berg, Oregon. his many relatives and friends in New berg. burn, the only representative of tiie Sen­ ■ He seemed pleased to be at hci.no again ior class, came iirst cn the program, with L O C A L N E \ Y S O F T H E W E E K . and we were all glad to see him. a well written Oration, entitled, _ ^ ____ F. V A NO FLIC A I. C HURC H .—Regu lar s e rv ice flr»» and third S u iid a y se f e.xeh ut »nth at 10 a. in.; second .. id fa u n a Sun i \ < ut 7 |>. in. Sal»- j bath School every Sunday at 11 a. in. DO YOU ANNUAL EXHIBITION ! »ell. Any on« «anting shingle. will tl.i well to trail on .Mr. Bettijohn, who will Of the Senior ami J üü ! ^ Classes of the have charge of them during the absence Friends Pacific Academy. of Mr. SnotlaragH. FOB ... 8800 CASKET DEALERS ■V K Coffins, Caskets, Burial NEW BERG, COM PANY, IN.......... MATERIAL, .X î ---------S U C H OTR u r a WOKK. —11. II. Woodward and family made the —Fine Oranges and Lemons at Moore WILL BUY A CHOICE 10-ACHE Kill’IT TRACT WITHIN ONE AND A HALF j Bros. G raiu - hi »’ office a abort Chi ¡.-¡mas call. m iles of New berg, M-s. Woo.iward reports a pleasant \;..it to — >». C. Maris and wife spent Sunday her old home in Indiana, but is still " t r W A W ILL I U . ' A TRACT OF 180 ACHES OF BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED LAND. • , , .r f. , well pleased with Chehaleui valley. ,♦ > * /! " I u ...c h is espeeialy adapted t»> fruit, grain or grass, within a few rods of } 1 ^ u a u -i. O lì MOON A S --------- Robes, Shrouds, Etc., Etc OREGON. lie said: "M any go through life with no object save the gratification of their desires. History records only the names <> of those who have some aim in life. i > ¡Charlemagne, lVter tlm Groat and (Tesar the P. tk W. V . R., and one au complete siittvss cf life. here. Next canto Walter Edwards with an pound cabbage from Milt. Nicholson. —Miss Hattie Churchman wont to The other jaw will correspond with it in oration entitled E V E R Y T H I N G NEW AND 11' mkiiit have IlEEX. Sheridan to spend Hollidays with her a few days as she ate three ten pound cab­ bages and a bushel of Italy win apples lor His theme was: “ Poorly employed op­ parents. portunities are our greatest regrets, Henry Austin. llow often those who have been negligent —Mrs. John Derby is seriously ill. All —Tlio first meeting of the Newberg ------Ilave on limiti thè l'iuest Stock o:------ ay, ‘ It might have been,’ when they see her many friends hope for her speedy re­ H a v e ju * t c o m p l e t e d a n e x t e n s iv e a d d i t i o n t o o u r h o u s e , w e a r c Choral Society will be held on Saturday, | the results to faithfulness to duty. Borne covery. p r e p a r e d t o a c c o m m o d a te r e g u la r o r tr a n s ie n t c u s to m e r s January 5th, 1889, ut 7 o’clock I’. M., in j of the greatest men of our nation were b e tte r th a n e v e r b e fo r e . —Henry Austin’ s new barber shop i s ) G. W. Wymans house, l adies and gen-1 poor hoys. By proper use of time and -----©ver Seen in This Purt of tho State.— ready for a dandy Saturday slickup. tlemen interested ur wishing to join, can i J ! hard study they became wluit they nrc. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF OREGON SCENERY. Come in. obtain full information by applying to When the time comes to enter active life, ALBUMS AND VASES, FANCY PERFUMERY. —Mr. and Mrs. Macv, of Dayton, spent G. W. Wyman, Newberg, Oregon.* CUPS AND SAUCERS, we will see tho need of an education and J APANESE GOODS. i-.f. HOOKS AND BANKS, Christmas with friends and relatives in SCRAP ALBUMS. —C. W. and A. W. Stonfield, of Mad> say ‘ It might luivoboen." Do not mount DOLLS AND JEWELRY, WORK BOXES. Newberg. son Dakota, and Samuel Bennett, of Kan- the past hut look to the future. This TOILET SKIS, MAGIC LANTERNS. LADIES' SATCHELS, - School books, tablets, stationery, fine sns, called at tho G:t unite o:li We.hies- whole life is a day of probation ; unoppor- CHILDRENS' TEA SETS dav. These gentlemen c ■ enterprising (unity given ns to prepare for a dav of end- NARROW G CAGE RAILROAD TRAIN. soaps, perfumery, paints and oils at Moore fanners just from the East. They are less joy and if this privilege is neglected, Brothers. well pleased w itli this part of Oregon, and the greatest regrets of an endless eternity 1-tt. —Ber t Hoover, art employee of the Or­ wo hope will conclude to locate here. will he "It might have been’.” egon Land Co., of Salem, spent Christmas —Luke McKern had a cow killed bv nr. ' MUs Al,lse I$ro" " ,ollow° l1 'vitI>an or:' ‘ in Newberg. engine on the I\ irrow Escape R. it. lion entitled, Mi NS MUNI'S. ■ —John BroWrt, Agent at Portland f o r 1 Monday night. It was a case of gross the Oregon Land Go., spent Christmas i carelessness on tlio paît of the cow who “ Monuments uro familiar^objects to all, Wishoz to inform the peoplo of in Newberg. yet little is known of their origin. The had ample time after the whistle was II A N S O N & JO N E S . i-tf. —t )n account of nice weather, the Christ- sounded to have got up and walked to the one erected bv Jacob for Radio? is tlio ! mas tree at Moure Brothers was thought crossing and got oil'. No row should lie oldest of which there is any authentic record. It still stands, but in a neglected allowed to sleep on the R . R. track. uunescesarv. T h a t h o is lo c a t e « ! condition. The Pyramids are the most — Mr. Golcord is now in the employ of —Tho 10 o'clock A. M. services held at wonderful structures of this kind. The F. A. Morris, Sec’y. Maris & Oliver, Managers of tho Immi­ the Friend’s Church during this week Great Pyramid is supposed to be about Jesse Hobson, Pres’t. gration Board. have been instructive though n it attended 7SS.J years old. The tomb of Mai;coin, king Smith, E. C. Miles, Vice Pres’t. —Miss Tenne Minihorn, of Salem, by as many as might bo expected. The of Caino, one of Ilio seven wonders of the W I T H .A . spent Christmas with her relatives and services were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. world, was recently destroyed by un earth- Jesse Edwards, William Hobson and oth­ ipiaku hut is being rebuilt. Washington friends in Newberg. TU E C IIE H A L E M Y A L L E Y ers, Many short hut pointed sermon« Monument is the highest structura in the —A great many of the Academy Stu­ have been delivered and much good done. world. As wo look at it wo think how dents went to their respective homes to — Wo notice that O. Abernathy lias re- ! grand it is to ho remembered with such spend the Holidays. Yhich hr iri/l sell at reasonable rates, All eently completed a large, substantial grutUndo and love, vet his noble deeds — We continue to offer those tine j huiiuing for storing farm machinery. Mr. are more beautiful. What shall '-o in­ kinds of produce- bought and sold. pocket knives with a poeiUvo guarantee. Abernathy is one of our largest and most scribe on the monuments of our lives. They are going fast. enterprising farmers and never does things Sliull it bo something honorable or shall if. M o r r is , M in t s & C o . by halves. Others ct'TàTd follow »1,4 ex­ wo cliiiicl a uno U mm life-work. J.ot us en­ deavor to iuscriho our life-monuments —Quite a number of people from New­ ample of Mr. Abernathy, as the cost of a with deeds tHat will honor ourselves and Newberg, Yamhili County, Oregon, berg und Dundee went on an excursion ; building would be saved in a few season». help others.” to Balston, Christmas. —Tbe Newberg House has changed The subject of Clarence J. Edwards’ Is incorporated under the laws of the state for the purpose of inducing immigration, —Tho total eclipse of the sun occurs | hands. Mr. J. M. Wright has leased the oration was J. B. MOUNT, Proprietor. next Tuesday, New Years. Get your j building ami purchased tlio furniture and this Tan Minis or Ktiiaixtiii'K the a re at . improving our town and developing the many natural resources of fixtures, of Jlirs Janoy Graham. Mr. Ho said: “ Frederick was a general of -O - smoked glasses ready. our surrounding country, and is neither a wholly specu­ Wright will run a first-class hotel, and great nbilitiv. Wo Americans know but —Orren Conner, of Portland was up ------ I F T J I L a X a H j I t s t i E j O F — j travelers will not find u moro comfortable little of his life. The mimo of Napoleon lative scheme nor charitable institution. last Monday, looking at some property COOK STOVES, H AR D W A RE. | or accommodating place to go to in tho Is familiar everywhere and lie is known with a view of buying. HEATING STOVES, TINW ARE, whole Chchalem Valley. as a great general. Frederick achieved WINDOW GLASS, —Moore Brothers are still at their old —While in Southern California last liis triumphs under as great difficulties as and every other article usually kept in a first-class stand, after the Holliday rush, with a full spring, Mr. Frank Morris secured a si c- Napoleon, Washington, Grant and many Hardware Store. lino of goods. Call again. tion of a cactus and brought it home other generals. Perhaps no man has ruled as groat a people so successfully as —J. If. Bowcrman and wife spent Sab­ with him carrying it in his valise for lias more than doubled in size and population the present season, because she lias bath in Portland, visting their daughter throe weeks. After he had been home Frederick. Miniali Tliaresn, ipiccn of I Make a Specialty of Tinning and Plumbing the natural facilities for making a good little city, and her wide awake and hearing .Moody preach. about a week -Mr*. Morris concluded to Austria, was bin greatest enemy. He watt plant it. Two other neetions have uln a ly ; a king every inch of him, though without in all its Branches. energetic citizens are substantially improving and taking hold of — Mr. Albert Hoskins lias completed u grown on the first and it is .«till growing 'th e trapping« »f a king, lleprcaeiitnhiin- -O - new telephone for Dr. Moore, from his business in a manner that inspires confidence in the new If in a Sparlin simplicity of vesture nicelv. new residence to his olfiee. A l l K i n d s o f i t e p í i l r i i i " N e a t ly a n d P r o m p l y I>onu. C u m c in comers. Almost all lines of business are repre­ His mind retained all its powers through W e add to our exchange list this week the long space of 71 years although his m u l S ou m y S t u c k . —We have ha I a splendid Christmas sented, and our shipping facilities enable trade. Thanks. A full stock of nicely the name.« of the Tacoma Horticulturist, hotly had become reduced and enfeebled. J. M OUNT. Yaquina Republican and Ni:wn;:i: 11 ISCry SI iii-ii. of the human mind. Tho gn at men of to in Portland. She goes down to recite once Cooper A Son, proprietors of tlio Neiv- day are not warriors,, hut they are those a week. River Steamers land three-fourths of a mile from the town at the lowest water mark. herg Nursery, have on hand a full supply who apply themselves to mental culture.” —This Winter is too warm, it don't get Next was an oration by Lillian C. of nursery stork and are prepared to til! The advantages for fruit raising in Chelialcm Valley are unsurpassed cold worth a cent. So down goes all orders and supply the trade. Call at the Smith on on the coast. woolen goods to close them out. Do you TIME AXI) !TK I SICS. new nursery, near the tile factory, on catdi on ? M orris , M iles Co. Slit; began with a beautiful quotation and j Portland street, Newberg, Oregon. said: “ Time is given ns by un alwice —Mr. Hester, of Dallas Co. Iowa, i- rirty Hollars lie-*, aril. Creator to be u-ed to liis glory and honor. the guest of Mr. Edwin Trucblood, of New­ Taken from Smith Pro's. Livery Barn One of the saddest sights in tho world is berg. We hope Mr. Hester will conclude | Newberg, Oregon, Pee. !»th 13SS. One to see a young person wasting time. to locate here. ! bay horse 15 hands high, black inane and Think of the consequences of so terrible —A. P. Oliver went to Portland, Tties- tail, high head, good stylo, eight years Tho stock is mostly subscribed for a large fruit cannery which will he in operation j (]uVj (l) take (.|iar(?0 ot- ,|le branch 0flj,v 0[ | old, tail rather short. Also a new saddle a habit. I.a/.yness makes iis despicable. Good use of time lias more to do with the Immigration Boarl, on the corner of w ith black leather on stirrups hn"d with the coming season. We are now negotiating for a competent canner. The rapid progress than extraordinary talent 3rd and E Sts. - yellow sheep. New snafflehit bridle and and intellect. Thu success of Garfield, Board has the business and resident lots of the original town for —The fii.fit) P. M. meetings at tiie Acad­ halter. The thief i-i ono Jim Smith, a Lincoln and others was achieved by hard sale, also emy this week, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. man six feet high, weighs about 17n lbs., work and a pure life. They had no bet­ 1-tf. Jesse Edwards and Martin Cook, have | dressed in dark clothes, coarse heavy Issits ter talents Ilian we, only they improved j bla k felt hat and duck overcoat. Sandy been well attended. them. If we have been wasting time let beard all over face xml rather short heavy us begin anew as the new year comes in —Mr. lladlev, who canie from Kansas mustache. Last seen in Portland trying and employ every moment through life with Mrs. W oodward, returned from Day- to sell the horse at tho stables. We will j and nt last we will hear the welcome ton Thursday morning, where he has j pay ♦Jo for the horse and saddle, |J5 for ' message from God, ‘ Well done thou gool I the thief, or (5!) for both. They also have nice five and ten acre trai ts near town for those wishing a con been for a few days past. ! and faithful seivnnt, thou hast been faith­ S mith B ros . —Mr. Carter, who has been living at ful o.'-r a few thing’ , I will m ik it h s i venient little country home. For further information call on or Olympia the past year, gavo Newberg a Newberg, Yamhill Co. Oregon. ruler over m iny, enter thou into the rest address their Managers visit this week and was so well pleased prepared for the righteous.' ” that he decided to hoy property here. The last oration on tho program was — Mr. J. M. Wright has retired from the IIAIJY—F.VF.KK3r.—At ttie h im. of llic tirli - I'V T il. I. II »over, entitled pireul., Mr. nn1 Mr*. llAvi-l Evers.t. lies ii :: yonii on t amu lieh on t ir % ly . firm of Maris, < »liver A Wright, Managers 1 «-*, Mr Jaco’u Hv/yto Ml,«Ids Everest, I»r. Fíe soi«) : " I f limititi liad Fuit c »no pur* of the Immigration Board, ar.d taken Aaron Milt« ofliGlatlng. jH» * ir» tii« Mtilij»ijLitio!i n íR on m tol Mr. H.vgy is an enterp: King and well to Lartliajff. His army «ntfrurl Italy from charge of the Newberg House. tin* nortl», whi' l» coniti only 1»« accorri- do farmer living near Newlierg, and the who do a general land and agency business and have as good a list of ail kinds of —Rock Candy Dri)»s. Golden Crown bride is the daughter of David Everest, pUnherl l»y croMin# the Alps mountains, Syrup, Pure Canada Maple Syrup, Syrup a n< I this feat WM »croni pi if hed by lireat land as any firm in the valley which they will gladly show intending ono of tlio pioneers of Oregon. All Heir toil And privation It »Iso brought out in kegs, California Honey, Candy and Su­ many friend« join in w ishing them the thi- itlnck and ciidiiranc© of tlm nrmv and settlers free Of charge. gars. A sweet assortment. I commander. To comjuor Italy w»-* thi* very best there 1» in life. M o b b is , M ilks A Co. If you want to buy come where bargains are for sale. If you want to sell leave /oal of IIannil»&lft’ ambition. It was lii* life EiMTEEK—f ONI.F.E -Sand iy, Hoe. ll, at work. Tin* triumph» of all great men your land where buyers come. — While in Portland we put up at the tbe home of the bride', parents, Mr. N A. lc.iv« l»*cn attained after year» of prepara* Eo.teer aad Mi 1 « l.tzzte C mice, liev. Me- tion. WV cannot become preat by tvixl»- Insurance Effected and Money I-oano-1 on Roalestalc. Notorial P.usine-s Care­ Quiinby House. People going there will C'ltenen, of Nortii Yamhill, ofnetalluf. injf, but V,*» ran become _rrat by labor find a very gentlemanly force of employ­ Mr.Fo«tecr is a member of tho firm of and i**r»«verun«-e and a thorough preponi* fully done. ees and good accommodations. Carter l osteer real e«t ate agents at tion for one rallini!, whatever that may Y#nt|> j« ih« tim« to prepare for life. —Tom Burnett, who has been sections New!»erg, and Mi«s Coulee, the bride, is ■ foreman on the P. A W. V. It. R ., at w ell and favorably know n to tii - |»cop!e < la b inate», let n-* fill our place» in tin* action on tho buttle field of lif« in a mau­ I Kite lee, has t. 'on trun«f'-rred to Newberg. of Newberg. May their life’s journey he ri r that will make our nuinea worth I* Si» • luij-ht and happy. i reme in LM* I bv our fed low uicti. SAMUEIi HOBSON, N e w b e r g Tile Factory. lit ST JESSE HOBSON. D ieux TT lei [ J. N E W B E R G - BLOB'BE . Newberg, Y a m h ill Co., O regon. EDW ARDS. M O O R E B R O S ., CONVENIENT THE DRUGGISTS, incornano .¿vx- g o o d s TERM S R E A S O IS T A B L E . J. M. W R IG H T Y J Call and E xam ine Our Good3. J". ID. C A R T E R Newberg* and Vicinity J. T. Tres’r. General Stock of Merchandise T BOARD OF IM M IG R A T IO N , G ive h im a Call. NEWBERG HARDWARE STORE, -A . I T B 'W B E R G n. Livery, Feed and Saie Stable. Double and Single Turnouts & Kept Constantly on Hand. C A 1 T 1 T E R T , Board and Transient Stock Carefully Cared For. SMITH BROS. EDW ARDS AND HOBSON'S Newberg Furniture Store! ADDITION. Just Rsceivod i M A R IS , O L IV E R & W R IG H T , A M A R IS . O L IV E R A W H IG UT.Managers Proprietors. a New and Stock of Well Assorted. BEDROOM, SETS, SOFA LOUNGES, WIRE BED SPRINGS, SOFA BEDS,, MATH ESSES SOFAS, TABLES, CIIAIRS, OIL CLOTII CARPETS,. and all other articles kept in a first-class furn­ iture store. See our goods before purchasing elsewhere. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Furnituro delivered free of Charge to any1 place in tho city. O. Id. I I O L L O W A Y .