Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, December 29, 1888, Image 1

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On® Column
Half C o L in —
Professional Carda
.Twenty Dollar«
Tan Dollar«
........ One Dollar
I Su Mrolb.
H e a d in g
w i l l b e ia a e r t e d a t
th e ra te a f T ea e ea te p er U h .
og Buis collected M
VOL. 1.
The climate of Chehalem valley is similar to that of other parts of the Willamette
valley, being very uniform, with the rainfall about an average of that of the Mississ­
ippi valley, but occurring principally in the winter, and falling more gradually and
through a longer period of time. A mountain range—the Chehalem mountains—on
the north, modifies the climate in winter, and an open valley, stretching away toward
the coast, admits the sea breeze in summer. Chehalem valley t the time of its early
settlement, forty yeara ago, was nearly all open prairie land; but on account of its be­
ing owned in large donation claims, and principally uncultivated, it became covered
with a heavy gratvth of fir and oak, so that at the present time, while timber is
abundant. yet, where it it desirable to clear the land, it is not a very expensive opera­
tion; but land in all stages of improvement can be obtained, and the price Is regulated
somewhat, by the amount of improvement. The soil is all good, and this is, like most
parts of Oregon, a natural wheat growing country, thirty to forty successive crops be
lng raised on tha same land without falling below twenty-three bushels per acre, and
without fertilizing the land in any way. Other crops do equally as well.
The climate of Oregon, and especially that of the Chehalem valley, is proverbially
healthful. In fact, nine-tenths of the people in and about Newberg came to recover
lost health, or to find a milder climate, and have been successful in both. Sudden and
extreme changes are unknown. Crops of wheat have been raised from seed sown In
every month of the year. Small fruits and vegetables do exceedingly well, and the
Bear proximity of so large and rapidly growing a city as Portland, insures a good
market. The conntry letween New» erg and Portland is most y mountainous and
heavily timbered;in fact, Newberg is the first station on the Portland & Willamette
Valley Railroad where the company keeps an agent, to that, in some respects, it bears
the relation of a suburb to Portland, and, without doubt, will soon be a favorite place
of residence for men fioing business there.
After showing the advantages of the country thus hastily, we desire to refer again
to the most prominent feature of its present and futu e prosperity, for we fl mly be
ieve that, aa a fruit country, Chehalem valley excels any other location on the Pacific
coast. Being protected on the north by a mountain range, and open on the west to
the mild winds from the ocean, tempered by the warmth of the Japan current, a cli­
mate is produced that it exactly what is desired for successful fruit culture. It is
here that the leading varieties grow to unusual size, bear prolifically, and are of the
finest flavor. Ten acres of land, set in fruit, in the Chehalem valley, is a surer
source of income than a farm of eighty acres in the Mississippi valley, and requires
less labor and capital to manage it. For instance, one acre of prunes (one hundred
and sixty trees), at six years of age, will produce, on as average, four bushels to the
tree. Four bushels of green prunes will make, on a low estimate, seventy-two pounds
c f dried prunes. For three years past, dried prunes have averaged seven rents per
pound. Allow!' g two cents for drying—the usual price—ome acre will realize $576.00,
with no more expense incurred in production than would be expended on a crop of
grain. This estimate is net only low, but is being verified each year at advanced fig­
ures on these. We have persons here now in the fruit business, who have visited the
most noted points in California, and after an intelligent comparison of the merits of
both countries, have settled here and are satisfied that their judgment is sound.
Other poiats that might be mentioned, are that no irrigation is ever needed, that frui'
trees have no natural enemies in the form of various kinds of insects, and it should
not be forgotten that land is cheap n»w, but will certainly be enhanced in value in a
very short time.— West Shore Magazine.
With a lace slip of black, a n «; er of white,
and siik petticoats of different colors, the
economical dresser can outdo the < ■ ameleon
in the mat'er of change, at a very trifling
Few gi-.i'arns come in all possible »hades
a t com !—liious of colors, and as they are
neid ' ; lb» eheerful price of $1.60 tbo yard,
ar .ot miy finer than split silk,” but more
,j»tiy and far more chic.
K lfiy cJ m s
a b ly l a A d r a a r e .
He was a belated citizen going home. A j
he turned into High street from Becnbien e
pedestrian suddenly confront-* him and
s a id :
"Mister, if you would please be so kind al
to tell me what time it is, I’d be”-----
"Just striking one I” was the reply, as ths
belated shot out with his right and knocked
the fellow into the gutter.
The victim crawled out after a period of
inactivity, gathered up a big ball of enow
for his noee to bleed on, and muttered to hin>
“ Wasn't I In luck that it wasn’t Just strik­
ing leven or twelve !”—Detroit Free Press,
Only Wanted Rnongh.
Not long since a buxom, newly arrived
daughter of Erin found herself the only pa»
senger on a steamboat whose dock adjoins s
slip from wbick rowboats are hired. Just
as the lines were about to be cast off she ap
proacbed the mate of the steamboat, and,
with artle a politeness, exclaimed : “ Ah,
sur ye neoln't take me in this big boat
Wan av tbim small wans will do."
The official was so surprised at this thought
fulness that his eyes got as big es saucers,
and be walked away in silence, not daring tc
give expression to the words his tongue would
»'tfm/r —V»w VfjrW EVpning Qun
— An excellent furniture pollen is or
equal parts of shellac varnish, linseed
oil and spirits of wine.
— For a scald or burn apply immedi­
ately pulverized charcoal and oil.
Lamp oil will do, but linseed is bet­
—A cloth saturated in kerosene and
dipped into whiting, for cleaning tin­
ware, is much better than any thing
else used.
NO 4
Address. OiurHic, Newberg, Oregon.
M, fen » o f Local and General Import A Brief Mention o f Matters of Gen ral
Gathered from All Sources for
Interest. -Note« OatSerod from
In a surpassingly beautiful and fertile little »sl'sy. twenty mile, from Portland.on
Home and Abroad.
the Benefit o f Our Readers.
the Portland and Willamette Valley Railroad, and near the Willamette river. I* to he
found one of the prettieat. moet enterprising, energetic and aspiring towns in the
State of Oregon—Newberg, Yamhill county. With good shipping facilities, by rail
Truckee talks of a toboggan slide.
Mrs. Grover Cleveland is in PniU-
and river, rich surrounding country, good school-*, good churches and especially on
Five cases of small-pox at Merced.
account of its favorable location as a fruit growing district, it is destined to fce what
Bakersfield is filled illi land spec- j The baseball learn at Sydney, Aus
San Jose and Santa Clara valley are to California.
tralia, is being lionize I.
Already the numerous small farms set to fruit, especially prunes, pears, p'ums ulators.
peaches and apples, attest the faith of the people in the fruit business. Some of these
Jersey City will not permit sparring
The bounty law of Sonoma count v
farms have already realized handsome profits to their owners. It lias long been known has been repealed.
txhibitions by noted pugilists.
that gome of the valleys of Western Oregon are esi>eciall.y adapted to the production
Mrs. Diss Debar, of “ spirit-pictures"
Ths Piute s are unlawfully trapping
of frui ; but. on account of the lack of transportation facilities necessary to provide a
fan*«, has been released from prison.
certain and sufficient market, it is only recently that Oregon fruit has been in active fish in Walker river.
Warner, N. H., with a population
demand. Now, however, that several transcontinental lines connect Oregon with
Twenly-five pioneers have just or­
of 1500, has not had a death in five
large districts of country where fruit can never be produced, the demand for it has ganized a society at San Diego.
ateadily increased, until now it far exceeds the supply. Newcomers to Oregon seem
Frozen meat is to be shipped from
more ready to realize the importance of the fruit business than the old residents, r■-
Natural gas has bean stiuck by the:
Kansas City to Sacramento.
pecially those who have known something about fruit raising in other places.
drillers at Thorold fjn I St. Charles.
One of the citizens of Newberg, Mr. C. K lluskin*. only a few years ago, came to
A recount of the ballots for sheri ff Canada.
thia state with a practical knowledge of fruit growing, and comprehending at a glance of Nevada county is to be bad.
Senator Beck docs not get any bet­
tile extremely favorable location, went to work, and to-day has as fine a fruit farm as
The building of a railroad from
can be found in the state. It is an investment that is paying annual dividends suffi­ Seattle to the Canada line is assured. ter, and he may never be able to re­
turn to the senate.
cient to satisfy any one, and from comparatively nothing at the start can show acres
The money in the state treasury
of fruit trees and vines, laden with their luscious products of apples, pears, plums,
James C. Morford, aged 93 years,
prunes, peaches, cherries, grapes and berries of all kinds, that find ready sale at high last Saturday amounted to $1,161,- the last member of the Association of
pirces. He also has a well-cultivated and handsomely arranged farm, with an elegant
Old Defenders, is dead.
home, conservatory, drying houses, etc. This is only one example of what can be
Otto Schultz’ slaughter-house and
The recent cold weather damaged j
done by rightfully directed effort. A fruit cannery will he established at Newberg in ice house at Carson, Nev.,were burned
the tobacco and coffee crops in th e1
the near future, as negotiations are now being pushed to completion.
state of Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Newberg is a new place, the oldest bouse having been built but five yean1 and every
Harvey H. Clark has been appoint­
Bakers iu Chicago arc now required j
person residing here having come to Oregon from the eastern states. The town
never had a saloon, never had an arrest made in it, nor a case before a justice. For a ed postmaster at Lodi, San Joaquin by law te stamp the weight and their j
new town, Newberg makes an unusually good showing of residences. It has three
names on every loaf of bread.
large warehouses, two at the depot and one at the steamer landing on the Willamette.
Violations of the fish laws are re­
But one session of the public schools
There are also four general stores, two good furniture stores, two drug stores, one ported from Taylorville and the mouth was held one day last week in Boston,
hardware, meat market, shoe shop, barber Bhop, two good livery barns, harness shop, of Paper Mill creek.
owing to a severe snow storm,
etc. Also two good hotels, the Newberg House and Railroad Houae.
Ulmer, San Bernardino county, and
F. W. Scott, vice-president of the
The Friends’ Pacific Academy is located here. This institution was opened forthe Fmerald Bay, El Doredo county, aic
Pratt county, Kansas,bank, is charge«
admission of students, September 28, 1885. The attendance, at first, was small, but postoffices just established.
with robbing the bank of $400.
has steadily Increased, until the enrollment for the third year has already reached one
Jack Logarbo has been charged by
hundred. Buildings have been added as they were needed, until there are now, in­
George Beechman accepts the chal­
cluding the cottages for girls, nine buildings for the accommodation of the school. the grand jury at San Jose with the lenge of Balton, of the Pacific Coast,
The buildings are all new, well constructed, well adapted to the purpose for which murder of his stepdaughter.
to skate for the roller championship.
they are intended, and would be a credit to a town of ten thousand inhabitant«. The
A strong protest against statehood
A joiut resolution proposing an
furniture of the school rooms is of the most improved pattern, and nothing is lacking for Utah has been signed by the lib­
anti-polygamy amendment to the Con­
that would promote efficiency. The course of study adopted requires five years for eral territorial committee of Utah.
stitution was introduced in the house.
its completion, two years being spent on the common branches, and three years on
The governor refuses to pardon Ar­
Lawler, of Illinois, introduced a bill
higher mathematics, English and American literature, civil government, ancient and thur D. January, who stole $50,000
in the house last week pensioning
modern history and the modern sciences. The school is intended to meet the wants of while his father was state treasurer.
veterans when they reach the ago of
those who wish a liberal English education, and do not have the time or inclination
The course of the opium seized at 80.
to take a college course of four years in Grsek and Latin. A diploma is given on the
completion of eacli part of the course. The total expense per year, including board Port Haron, Mich., has been traced to
A report to the forestry congress
and tuition, Is $125.00. Rooms are furnished to those students who wish to board the shipper, Joselyn, at Victoria, B. 0 . discloses the fact that arbor day is
themselves, at low rates, and the expense, in this way, is reduced one-half.
A bill will be introduced into the now observed in 3.1 states and terri­
The churches are the Friends' church, with a membership of three hundred, this coming legislature of California to tories.
place being the headquarters for that denomination in Oregon and Washington Ter, make two counties out of Los Angeles.
General Charles G. Dahlgren, who
and the Erangelical and Methodist churches, the first two only having church prop­
A company composed of leading took a prominent part in the confed­
arty. The public school is one of the best in the state. There are seven district
schools in Chehalem valley, in which Newberg is located. equal In every respect to men at San Jose is to be organized to erate army, is dying at his home in
bore for oil and gas in Santa Clara Brooklyn.
those of Eastern states.
A black moire skirt, that may 1« worn im-
<J<-r draperies of several bright hues, suitably
toned down with black moire bows, is an ex­
cellent purchase for those women who care
to combine style with economy.
•abserlptlsa T rlea Tar able lavarl-
—Plush goods and all articles dyed
with anitino colors, faded from expos­
ure to light, will look as bright aa
ever after being sponged with chloro­
—The Scientific American says that
hot water applied every hour or two to
the hands or other part affected by
poison ivy. whenever itching returns,
will effect *- cure in a couple of days.
—Glue .Vat is delicate and nice for
mounting ferns and sea-woeds is made
of five parts of gum-arabic, three parts
Of white sugar, two parts of starch; add
k vc:-y little water; boil until thick and
— Boil one ounce of flax-seed in a pint
of water; strain it and put in an ounce
Dt rock candy, some honey and the
juice of ths'ce lemons; boll again. Re­
mit— A hi >e old-fashioned cough med­
ic nc. Drink it hot as you can bear it.
Three Month............................
At El Prso a strong eftort is being
made to create a strike on the
Southern Pacific by dissatisfied en­
A large meeting of merchants of
Los Angeles one might last week insti­
tuted a move to bring down rents.
Concerted action is to bejsecured.
Ecttablieiliad in 18i5,
"Live low and sparingly till my debts be paid; but let the learning of
Ihe children be liberal; «pare no cost, for by such parsimony all it lost that ia
saved.”— William Penn to hi» wi/e.
E H. W oodward , President,
J kbsb E dwards ,
J issr H o n s o x . ..............................................
G koror W. M itchku ., Secretary and Treasurer,
B. C.
The town of Three Rivers, Mich., is
in a fearful coddition. It has over
6000 bushels of onions piled up and
no sale for them.
The switchmen on the Burlington
road who have been on a strike have
resol»0«*. to '-untlnue
and em­
barrass the road.
Dr. Ji ffrey, of the First Baptist
John Wesley Hill, » Methodist min­ church at Indianapolis, preaehed a
ister at Ogden, is delivering radical sermon recently indicating a disbelief
anti-Mormon lectures, and has in­ in the orthodox hell.
curred great hostility from the Mor­
Miss Harris, an ex-clerk in one of
the departments at Washington, is re­
On the roof beams of an old out­ ported from Indianapolis to have gone
building at Nevada City was found insane through political excitement.
Saturday in an old sack $100 in $20
A gigantic cattle-stealing scheme
pieces. It had evidently been there
has been discovered bt Rawlings, Wy.
for years.
T., through the stock-growers’ com­
At the drawing at Sutter City last mission, in which a gang of butchers
week Oscar Boehn, of San Francisco, are thought to be implicated.
won the h otol; H. Best won the 2-
About 100 of Denver’s leading busi­
story house, and W . Eddington an­
ness men have arranged to attend the
other house.
Cases of burglary, highway robbery inaugural ceremonies in regulation
and small thefts are plentiful at Los oowboy costume, and accompanied by
Angeles. More than the regular win­ a genuine cowboy band.
ter supyly of rascals has reached that
A fellow calling himself “ Jack, the
city from the east.
Ripper, ’ ’has been arrested at Montreal.
William Jones, one of the four men He is ezidently a lunatic. He had a
arrested at Los Angeles for robbing bright knife and was running after a
the railway station at Sepulveda and sciearning woman. His name is John
plundering the guests at the 4 mile Linghcrn.
house, has made a full confession.
Geheral Russell A. Alger, o' Michi­
gan, has just paid a visit to Mr.
Gen. Sohn J. Brewster, in the early Blaine. While
politicians believe
days of California deputy county the visit was in reference to a cabinet
clerk of Sonoma county, and subse­ position, General Alger states that it
quently surveyor-general of the state, had no political character.
was sent last heek to the county poor
house from the town of Sonoma.
The Maine Pomological society is
making a collection of choice appta
Rasmus Larsen is fighting the Ore­ for exhibition at the World’s exposi­
gon Railway and Navigation company. tion, which opens in Paris next May.
The company passes over his home­ The apples are to be placed in a pre­
stead, near Willows, Or., and won’t serving liquid before being shipped.
pay him his price for the land, so he
It is said that there is a good pros-
(ore up the track and was arrested.
, pect of carrying out the scheme of
A rich striks is reported in the 4th ■ connecting California by cable with
of July mine, in the Salmon river Honolulu. There is no doubt that the
country, Idaho. A largo quantity of i scheme ir one that promises many ud
sulphate of silver, worth $1000 a ton, vantages to the growing oommerce of
has been found. This is said to be the Pacific coast.
the richest mine in Washington terri­
The damage indicted on the South
tory or Idaho.
hy the yellow fever pestilence is now
The mental condition of Elle Eller, felt in the loss of hotel patronage, and
a rich Truckee lumberman, will be the coining seaeon will be a trying
contested over the effort to get pos- ’ one with the grand Florida ostahlLh
session of the gift to a deceased j ments. as well as with northern capi-
ter, jut» previous lo her death, of i talists who have investments there.
$15,000. It is claimed he waz incom- i
. ,
petent mentally to make the gift.
i The official count of the vote
Montana shows a total of 40,014;
At Santa Ana, Los Angeles county, which is well up to the vote of Wash-
Monday, the locomotive of the Santa ington, the latter being 45467. Mon­
Fe Short line struck a wagon contain­ tana’s vote, by the usual calculation,
ing William Bentley, «r., aged 76 woulcT indicate a population of not far
years, his wife, aged 80 years, and his from 200,000, but it is probably nearer
daughter and daughter-in-law. They 150,000.
were all four killed outright. They
The emplovea of the New York city
were residents of El M<cdrna, six milos
library recently discovered *n ancient
from Santa Ana.
document between the wall and the
George P. Harding, late democratic shelving in the librarian’s rooms. It
candidate for the state senate from was an ewgrossed copy of the declsra-
the district composed of Yolo and tion of independence on vallum bound
Napa counties, has served a notice of in folio form and attested August 2,
contest on his republican opponent, i 1826, by the then only surviving
F. 8. Sprague, who holds the certif­ signer, Charles Cairoll, of Carollton.
icate of election. The illegality of
A call for a convention was pub
votes of the inmstes of the Veterans' fished at Aberdeen, I). T , Monday, to
home at Yountsville is the basis fur take measures to prevent, if possible,
the contest. There are but 68 vote* the division of Dakota. A quiet meet­
in difference on the face of the re­ ing of the leading citizens was held
turns and Harding claims that 182 on Saturday to devise means to defeat
the divisionists. They ray that divis­
votes were cast against him at Yount- ion is a purely political move and op-
villa that ahould not bava been re­ po> sd to the best interests of the tax­
I S S fc -S O
E »w ix M orriboh , B. 8 .,
M a r y E. M iles , A . B.,
A rra E. B ell ,
Fall Term begins
9 h month, 11, 1838
Fall Term «lotos
11th month, 30, 1888
Winter Term begins
12ih month, 3, 1888
Winter Term closes
3J month, 1, 1889
Spring Term begins
Hd month, 4, 1889
ttpring Term closes
5*.h month, IV 1889
Announcement and Prospectus.
Friends’ Pacific Academy is located at Newberg, Yamhill county, Ore­
gon, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two miles from
Portland, and one mile from Rogers’ Landing on Willamette river.
It was opened for pupils ¡September 28th, 1885, and had enrolled during
the first week nineteen pupils.
The second school year began September
lSUi, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and the present school year
opened September 12th, 1887, with an enrollment of fifty-one, and the wintei
term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110.
At the time of the opening of the school only the Academy building was
erected, and only the lower story of it was completed.
During the summer
of 1886 the boarding hall and three cottage» for pupils boarding themselves
were constructed, and during the summer of 1887 the hall for gymnasium
and boys’ dormitories was commenced and the Academy building was coin
The trustees hope to he able to add other buildings as they are
Or E
For (Catalogue or information addre»s
E D W IN M ORRISON, Principal.
H. W O O D W A R D , Prenident of Board.
ITsw s M u S m I V enn» Man Was shows
ilia Krrnr o f ill« W ar.
The young gentleman had just been
admitted to the bar, had opened an
office in this city, and was waiting,
Mlcawbor like, for something to turn
up. He was engaged to a young lady
whose beauty and true worth were not
to be equaled, in his estimation, either
in this country or in Europe. She hnd
once been wealthy, aDd at that time
bad moved in that social circle known
to fume n« "McAllister’s Four Hun­
Her reduced circumstances,
however, had brought her to the circle
in which she met and won the love of
the struggling young barrister. His
sense of honor was of the finest- per­
haps too fine-and he congratulated
himself that she was no longer ar
heiress, for had she been she would
not have become his fiancee. And he
he was sure that his finer feelings
would never permit him to “ marry
For this reason he was
anxious to make a start In his ehosen
profession which would enable him to
hasten the happy day. His first client
enabled him to do this, but had not this
Initial case been a long time in coming
there never would have been occasion
to chronicle this romance.
To cut a tong story short the young
lady, through the death of a distant
an»’, almost unknown relative, fell heir
to a property largerthan that originally
The yonng man, true to
hto sense ef honor, gave her her free-
dom in a short, note, although the act
oost him a great pang. This brought
from the young lady a longer note ask­
ing him to reconsider hla action nnc
requesting nn Interview. He thanked
her by post for her kindness, and told
her that, as an equal in wealth he
would have been honored hy a union
with her, hut that she was now in a
position to make a much more deslro-
ble alliance. Tho days that followed
this generous renunciation of wealth
and happiness were sad ones for the
young lawyer, made
so hy the
fact that they were spent in solitude in
his office, uninterrupted hy clients.
About a week^Jifter breaking off his
engagement the youag man was
startled by the appearance in his office
of the girl he had given up. She
•miled beamingly on him and said:
"II you will aot marry me let us at
any rate be friends. I need the advice
of counsel in a suit which I am about
to bring, and for the sake of old times
I hope von irlll do your best for me.”
"By all means,” replied tho aston­
ished dtseiple of Blackstono. "If you
will give me the facta of the case I will
attend to it at once."
" I wish to bring a suit fer damages
for breach of promise against -----
----- . I would not do this, only I know
he loves me still and wtll not marry
me because he thinks I can and want
to do better. ’ ’
It is needless to say the case was
compromised and never brought into
oourt.—N. T. Prtt».
—The champion absentminded man sf
East Union. Me., is he who bedded his
horse with shorts instead of sawdust
the other night. He found out his mis­
take when bis horse had eaten up his
bedding a 1 it iiecnme neeescvry for his
owner to rise in the middle oi the night
and wnlk h'ui up and down ihe road for
— A hot^e met his death in an odd
manner ir Uhoetaw County. Ala. He
i stepped on the end of a short pole that
1 was in tho road, when Fie other end
I raised and stuck in his abdomen. Be-
.xtrring frightened, be then made a
lunge forward, and in doing so drove
the stick "nearly through him,” caus­
ing death ip it few minutes.
—Uigur boxes may be utilized for
many ornamental purposes. As reeop-
| iicles for trinkets they may bo covered
with cotton batting overlapped with
satin and silk, the edges being sswn to
rti-lps of cardboard, to be attached with
riue to the sides and base.
The oxter-
I ior may be covered with cardboard,
with medallion openings disclosing
painted designs
The exterior borders
j may be covered with silk cord, with
ribbons i t the upper angles.
Crops cloth Is shewn with a two inch solid
strips of gray, tan, copper, nary or Gobelin
blue, broken across with flno clustered bias
stripes of whits, black, cream, ptuk or scarlet.
A basque as now as R is ugly M round
points front and hack, nnralisTaa hy either
postillion plait or opening, ia bound to ths
last extremity, and reaches nr\l Jig at tha