NEWBERG GRAPHIC. NEWBERG GRAPHIC. ii» u :K H N n i; One Column. H « if n al.l> In A il t a u r e . ■ t e n d i n i : X o t i r e » w i l l b e i u «# * rt r« l t h e I ule o f T e u ee n ta p e r L ia o . A d vertisin g Bills C ollected M onthly. Two Dollars ! One Year *i\ Months Three Mouths. VGL. 1. NEWBERG, YAMHILL CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1888. THE AGRICULTURALIST w|1*1 ^to,coii,(xx> bushel» ;^and of ^uie PACIFIC COAST NOTES. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS NO. 3. In ittr l- Add ran. (iH.ii'iuc, Newberg. (iivgon. p-e-Vj sirSt:—r ■' > fU • ' * • % *• •' ;; v . > / . • .t A' ' 71t000,lHXI bushels, as compartii with A B r ie f M en tion o f M atters o f Gen ral the crop of 1887 ; Indiana ha» gained M atters o f L o c a l an d G en era l Im port In terest.—N otes G ath ered from G ath ered fr o m A ll S o u r c e s for 69,000,000 bushels ; Nebraska, 54,000,-1 p f Especial Interest to tte Pa­ H om e and A broad . the B enetlt o f O u r R e a d e rs. 000, anti Ohio 41,000,000. Tlie total! cific Coast Husbindman. i increase for the yea.- is believed to he ( ^ * — I not far from 560,000,000 bushels, or j At Mariposa hay is $25 a ton. Portsmouth, Ohio, is to have a corn The fresh fruit crop of California more than twice the entire product of fair. The Fresno Expositor has been eiv this seismi lias an estimated value of Illinois and Iowa together- The com- Diphtheria rages in Morristown, $10,000,000. parison affords aid to the imagination larged. New Jersey. II is said that by forcing salt into in forming a conception of the surplus The Dalles, Or., pays a bounty for J . ...... 1 1 .1 1.. f - ......e la flr t n Hit luaP ill Heavy stitching on the back of a the holes made by borers iu trees, the available for exportation, either di dog scalps. rectlv or in the form of meat and ' .. . . n ... glove is bad form. borers will be destroyed. other provisions; but only when th e :. A turnpike from Clnco to Orov.lle The water trough needs a thorough illiml dwells upon the magnitude of l 18 l,r,,Jec 1 Archh'shop Riorden has left Rome scrubbing and scalding occasionally, for the United States. the entire product of more than 2,000,- The sugar refinery at Watsonville or it will soon he coated with slime. A famine is threatened among the 000,000 bushels is it possible to realize gives $8 a ton for beets. East African colonists. It is better to feed a cow every ounce the significance of the name to which The streets of Traver, Tulre county, of food she lias the ability to take care corn ¡s n0w entitled as king of cereals r.***'* '-¡v There are ¡1,000,000 women in the are to be graded this winter. “<1- ~* . - - ‘-o-T J - _.* of than to try to gain profit by saving Now is the time to get rid of the United States who work for wages. A woolen mill is to be started at feed. poorer animals. It will not pay to Brownsville, L :nn county, Or. The New York law against car Too mueh grain is more detrimental winter them, as better animals will stoves goes into effect January 1st. to breeding stock than not enough. give larger returns for shelter, care The strike on the Montana Union Tfit food tho’ tld he bulky, w>th a and fetil. It is not economy to keep railroad has forced several mines to Straw bail goers are hav ug an en­ a poor animal through any season; j close down. small allowance of grain. counter with tlie'courts h i-*’ . « I'ork.J . . , . . but it is most extravagant to keep i t 1 No animal I is so hardy as to require , Two-fifths of the Dominion of Can­ Hon. Stephen M. W hile fainted in , th winter. ItSiK the bight of no attention . I he more an animal is (o„ y ?n 8tock rili„ing to sel, th# best the court room at L is Angeles recent­ ada are uuder no-license liquor laws. exposed the less it will produce, either and keep the worst. True, the best ly, the effect of overwork. From 1880 to 1888 no less than of pork, wool, mutton, beef or milk. bring the largest prices; but if you seli Two squaws, who were intoxicated, 4,637,252 persons have come to this | Major Alvord condemns dehorning the best and keep the worst, soon rolled into a camp fire at Colton re- country. in toto. He says in the Boston Culti­ your best will be no better than your cently and were badly burned, Louisiana has five newspapers edit­ .. . ,, , , ,, ... vator that it is cruel, and argues that worst is now, and your worst will be ed by women. The New Orleans Pic­ it does not render catlle less pugna­ such that the more you have the poorer you will be. You, by this plan, want to drive out the Salvation army ayune is one. cious. F O R 1 The sword that Ethan Allen cari ied The Iowa Agricultural college, it is constantly make your animals poorer; j a,u' ralee 'he price of theatrical li- at Ticonderoga, is owned by a Lansing, said, has been crossing Southdown and as the stock raiser makes Lis ani- cen8e. ewes with Shropshire bucks for four mals |>oor he makes himself poorer. Senator Stanford will be shown Mich., woman. years. As a result the average of all I f he keeps up the process, bankruptcy J points for needed legislation on the Winnipeg, Manitoba, is rapidly be­ fleeces has increased from 4 58 to 8.29 is as sure as fate. The opposite policy | southern coast. coming one of tlie most enterprising F h ( h 1 ) 1 Ì ! ì !]| (> < 1 i n I H N .* » . pounds, and the percentage of lambs is the winning policy. Sell the poor­ cities of Canada. The corporation publishing the San from 77 per cent, iu 1880 to l.'ll per est and retain the host. And sell The Bible has to be printed in 29 enough o f the poorer animals that Bernardino Times lias taken the name cent, in 1888. of The L. M. Holt Publishing Com­ different languages to supply the peo­ Horses can, of course, stand more 1 y °u nwy buy a few better than the pany. ple living in Pennsylvania. exposure in cold weather than men, best you now have. This is making “ Live low and sparingly till my debts be paid ; hut let the learning of but the same kind of exposure th it your animals constantly better and ! Chinese gamblers have been hiring From the best statistics obtainable the children be liberal; «pare no cost, for by such parsimony all is lost that is produces colds, rheumatism, etc., in yourself richer. Soon your worst w ill; substitutes to appear for them in the there are about 1,000,000 Union sol­ saved."— William Penn to hie wife. men, will be liable to c ITict horses in bring as much a- your best now. If Los Angeles courts and have thus es- diers living at the present time. the same way. It is, therefore, ap- you have not pure bred animals, sell | caped. Tramps have filled up the Brooklyn or grades to buy an an- , ,, , parent that warm stables, good blank­ enough scrubs . s , i i i i j t . William Wright, a 14-v ear-old col- almshouse. One hundred men have ., , ,, «, ... ets and protection from severe weather linal of each sex, pure bred. H oldfast! been put at work on the sand pile. (o th . lull-bloodh produce , „ d to the I ^ “ f “ J ™ "» are necessary. higbe.t grades. Aliuo.t b.lon, you « i . ^ Alexander H. Stephens during his Professor Henry gives the following life educated 150 boys and 50 girls, as a good ration for a dairy cow where are aware of it you will have only pure bred animals. If once we start The Bjard of Supervisors of Sono- giving them all collegiate educations. I E. H . W o o d w a r h , President, corn fodder constitutes the main por­ Newberg with pure-bred animals, the increase ma county have let a contract to tion of the coarse fodder: Corn stalks There are 1,100 colored preachers in of breeding makes us rich in flocks build a $20,000 bridge across Russian J esse E d w a r d s , ..................................................... Newbeig cut, 15 to 16 pounds; clover hay, 5 Tennessee, and the highest salary re­ and herds of the best blood in what.! river at Cloverdale. pounds; bran, 6 pounds; corn meal, ceived by any of them is $200 a year, j J esse H o b s o n . ..................................................... Newberg The orchards, vineyards and can 4 pounds. This can be fed twice or when the goal is reached, seems a very j nery connected with General Bid- Military men believe that the White G e o rg e W . M it c h e l l , Secretary a n d Treasurer, three times a day, as the feeder prefers. short time._______ _________ Newberg well’s rancho Chico are to be leased Pasha, now at Bahr el Oliazel, and The drains should be put down bi- No llower is more popular than the B. C. M ile s . ............................................................. moving north, is the great explorer, J Newberg to a San Francisco company. fore the ground free/,;». A single tile aster, and few have held so high a Stanley. drain will sometimes carry off ihe sur­ place in popular esteem for so many 1 Diptheria still afflicts Bloomfield, A Brooklyn boarding-school propri- ! plus water front a large field, but years, anil it is still growing in favor. Bonom i count \ Several cases are enough drain should be used to ren­ For an autumn show of flowers we yet in danger. The schools have been etress has sued a plumber for $15,000 because the pupils have become sick j closed for six weeks. der the field dry in early spring and have not its equal. from sewer gas. ho in proper condition foi plowing. Four celestials on a hand-car were E d w in M o r r i s o n , B . 8 ., Principal The use of the drain will add hun­ St. Louis painters have condemned ! Feeding red pepper to laying hens badly injured near San F( rriando, Los dreds of dollars to an early crop. the practice of the painting of fire­ is not beneficial unless given very Angeles county,last week, in collision M a r y E . M h . e s , A . B ., houses and police stations by police­ A Western dairyman has hit upon m o d e r a t e ly , a mi n o i oftener (m e n e r than three with a special train. moderately, and not Assistants men and firemen. a very simple plan of wui m i L b u ; u lim e s a W eek ! i t au t» i l a temporary A nna B ell , Jacob lludgti, a caipeater at tin for his stock to drink in wiuter. He s t im u la n t , h i^ if giviA i c continually Coe nqne at Gratis Valley, had both They pie geing bark" t i Philadel­ puts an iron plate, say 18 invln-s square, causes "" cts . c a u s e s injurioi in ju r io u s e ffe arms broken recently in a fall, and it phia to the old fashion’ of selling grains and vegetables by weight in on the bottom ol Ills water tank, cut­ is believed be is internally injured. stead of measure. ting away the wood, of course, where There is no dodging the fact that the Three deaths so far are reported to the iron was. Under the plate he uses American arbor vita; is the best all- The Brooklyn Engineers’ society an oil stove. He says 10 cents' worth around tree for an evergreen hedge. the Portland police as a result of the 9th monti), 11, 1888 Fall Term begins Many are last week protested against the gran t-! of oil a day would warm the water for Its hardiness, density obtained by Chinese battle recently. 60 cows up to 70 deg tees or more. shearing, and its rapid growth alone wounded, but they are keeping quiet. ing of permission to a compauy to lay llt h m onti],30, 1888 Fall Term closes pipes for hot water. recommends it for the general pur­ Revenge and not robbery is de­ In developing cows fur butter the pose of a hedge above all coniferous 12lh nionth, 3, 1888 Winter Term begins clared to have been lie motive that Governor Beaver has just sent in feeder should be sure that he does not competitors. actuated thes mandrels who attempted $1,000 for the John A. Logan nionu- overfeed, but as he finds they eat with 31 monti), 1, 1889 Winter Term closes For a narrow and effectual wind­ to wreck the Oregon express on Tues­ nient fund of the G. A R., collected in a good appetite he may add a little break, a double row of Scotch or white day. 3 d n ion th , 4, 1889 Spring Term begins various Pennsylvania posts. more to each feed, and so continue gradually to increase the feed as they pine, in rows eight or ten feet apart | The Silvation army at Petaluma has Spring Term closes 5ih monili, 9 1889 The Newark Law and Order league will bear it. This power of digestion and at about the same distance be- j won a victory. They have obtained is taking steps to counteract what it will increase, and he may gradually tween the trees in the rows, will form | permission to parade the streets, and deems the “ growing influence o f' increase the milking capacity of his in six or eight years, in a climate j parties molesting them will b j arrested. liquor interests in State politics.’’ cows and their production of butter. where they can be grown, a close and j Samuel Sheplar, of Chicago, has pur Minneapolis flour men have selected The skill oif that feeder has much to effectual screen. ------------- .------------- | chased a $25,000 ranch a few miles Friends’ Pacific Academy is located at Newberg, Yamhill county, Ore­ St. Albans, V t„ as their distributing do with the result. Aged horses should have ground west of Santa Rosa, which he intends center for New England, and intend gon, on the Portland and Willamette Valley railroad, twenty-two miles from The editor of the Mark L in e Ex­ grain at all times or they will not converting into a stock and breeding building there two immense storage Portland, and one mile from lingers’ Landing on Willamette river. press advises farmers to cut off po­ thrive, owing to Iheir inability to mas-1 farm. bouses. It was opened for pupils September 28th, 1885, and had enrolled during tato blossoms as they appear. The ball tieate the whole grains. Where a R .. l>owt<1,Hce service has been the first week nineteen pupils. The second school year began September , r , . .. f v .. or true seed of the potato, which re­ horse is subject to heaves it is best to Public men in Canada say that the . , tX i i _. . . . established on the line of the North- 13th, 1886, with an enrollment of twenty-six, and tlie present school year sults from the blossom, are net only moisten all the chopped or ground _ Pacific anJ p „ get So(md 8hore Liberal party will ultimately take up unnecessary to the formation of the food. annexation in opposition to tlie Im­ opened Septemlier 12th, 1887, witli an enrollment of fifly-one, and the wintei ; railroads between Seattle and Tacoma. perial fi deration policy of the Con­ tuber below, but are a pri judicial term, December 3d, with an enrollment of 110. There is no necessity for pampering Alfred Schwartz, of Slaughter, W. servatives. s'rain on the plant. He says : “ J At the time of tlie opening of the school only the Academy building was a bull and allowing it to become T., lias been swindling the people by have tried it again and again on a Colorado is becoming an oil-produc­ erected, ami only the lower story of it was completed. During tlie summer large scale— three rows left and three vicious. It can be made to work, if de- obtaining money on pretended cer- ing State. In the valley of the Arkan- i rows cut— md the results have more j sired, in providing power for fodder-j tificates of deposit on San Francisco of 1886 tlie boarding hall and three cottage» for pupils boarding themselves sas, near Pueblo, there are a number cutters, grain-mills, etc. It is done in banks. than satisfied me.’’ were constructed, and during the summer of 1887 (he hall for gymnasium of wells, the yield of which is 1,000 Europe, and is practicable here. The first annual promenade con­ barrels per day. There are several Slates which pr» - and boy»’ dormitories was commenced and the Academy building was com ­ cert and hall of the Grand Army of the duce a surplus of corn. Of these Illi­ pleted. The trustees hope to he able to add other buildings as they are Tlie Rev. Dr. David Spurgeon, aged Safe-crackers and burglars are mak­ Republic was given last week at the nois and Iowa are ( qual», the product 89, is an inmate of Flatbus!>, Long ing profitable hauls in San Bernar­ needed. For Catalogue or information address State capital at Sacramento and was a of each being estimated at 270,000, Island, almshouse. He gave away great success. 000 bushels; Missouri ranks as third, dino. E D W IN MORRISON, Principal. Rails have been laid on the Feather large sums and was ruined by the Or E. H. W O O D W A R D , President o f Board. failure of a company. river bridge of the Knights Landing i xtension of the Northern California It is estimated that fiom five to six ■ ! company, and an engine crossed from million pounds of turkey and a mill­ gone two blocks the okL'ser, who was non Marysville into Sutter county recently. ion quarts of cranberries were neces­ plussed at the prisoner * willingness to ac “ flemt O n ." MR. BERGH ON DUTY. company him, began to tear tha. he had been Oregon’s tax levy has been fixed as sary to enable the city of New York Tell me. ye winged winds that round my pathway led into a blunder. follows: State levy for current ex­ to enjoy its Thanksgiving feasts. In terferin g In H rh a lf o f a Fallen flora«. I don't know as I care about arresting | D o jo H dow so ™» Ijulet spot where wive, clean penses, three and seven-tenths of a Umler A rrest—A SnrprUe. you,” he remarks. house n o m ore; Minneapolis street-car drivers are no mill; militia tax, one-tiflh of a mill; On the corner o f Avenue A he observes an “ you do. Y ou interfered with me In 8oniS lone. Be.ju«»Lered, im fy dale, s om e Island. j University, one-ten'll of a mill. To­ longer furnished with free passes. overladen horse vainly struggling with a the Yes, ocean girt. performance o f my duty and now you Fare must be rung up when the pas­ towering lo a d c f heavy boxes. The horse has tal, four mills. Where life la r.ot one ceaseless war with cobwebs must take me to the station house.” senger gets on the car instead of at fallen down and the brutal driver is endeavor and with dirt; “ I don't want to. Y ou can g o.” Ch rles Marshall, a noted horse* the time of payment of the fare. lng to beat him into a perpendicular po«i ion. only nature s carpet spreads beneath the “ I will go and you shall go with me. I f you Where tired thief, was shot in the leg recently by feet. His efforts are fruitless. A crow d has gath­ won't arrest me. I'll arrest y ou .” And wretched men are ne’er compelled Its em­ Will Roberts, a San Bernardino deputy 8-venty per cant, of the infants in ered around the scene and various street “ You?” in tones of the deepest amazemont. erald folds to b**at? sheriff. Marshall was found in the tlie Foundling hospital at Oitiwa have gamins are encouraging the driver to stiH “ Y es,” displaying his gold badge as a* The lake breeze fanned my heated faes and said, brush in the mountains. He will died during the year. Within five greater cruelty. Mr. Bergh presses his w a j officer o f the Society for the Prevention of “ Beat on! There's no such place.” probably die. There are eiilit ehaiges years 607 have been buried. Im­ into the center o f the throng. Cruelty to Animals. —Chicago Tribun«. “ Take off half those boxes and your horse “ A re you Mr. Bergh V of robbery against him in Lis An­ proper nursing is said to be the cause. will go all right,” he exclaims. A S y m p iilh e t le H e a r t. “ It makes no difference who I am. Y oo geles and Sau Bernardino counties. “ He’ll go without that,*’ is the unfeeling "C an yon help me, sirT said » t ump to a A (!• posit of natural gas was struck reply, as the driver's blows fall with re­ come with me.” It is proposed to build a sea-wall A t this point in the Journey officer’* ChirAgo citizen. 200 feel wide on top around the en- the other day nine nvlea north-east of doubled force upon the animal's head. cr-mposuro entirely gave way. He begged "W e ll, I rfiinno," replied tbe citizen: “ yoo “ Stop beating him, and do as I tell you, or and pleaded. i ire city front of San Diego. The idea Tuscola, 111. The pressure creates a He said it woald ruin hi* look as thoegb you need all you can get. is to furnish terminal facilities, main flame thirty feet high. Ttie discovery H I arrest you.” future. He was a new man on the force. He W hat brought you to this md plight, my A t this a cry o f derision goes op from the track», switches-round-houaee, etc., for lias caused great excitement in the crowd. A n officer arrives at this m om -at did not see the driver beat his horse very friend r much. He had a w ife and five children who “ It's a long story, sir In tbe first place 1 ell railroads entering the city, beside» d ¡strict. and gruffly inquires the cause o f tho disturb­ would starve if he was discharged. A t hut married a S t Louis girl, ami” ----- coal blinkers and warehouses for all There are 2 800 members of the ance. Mr. Bergh's pity was touched. Taking th* “ Say no more, say no m ore," Interrupted »lie shipping business of the water Michigan A u liH r a e Thief society, “ Officer, arrest this man!” orders Mr. man’s name and number and warning him the cltiz *n, with tears o f sympathy. "H a n 's front. and during the past year they have Bergh. that a repetition o f *uch lukewarmness would five dollars for y ou ."—The Ejioch. j The officer looks first at one o f the men and be instantly rej»ort«d, he left him and walked In the trial of John A. Dimmig, of not had a cent’s worth of property then at the other. He is acquainted with the Sm Francisco, a hook agent, for the stolen, although they are worth an ag brutal driver, o f whom he asks *he lull par briskly in the direction o f tho abattoirs on Avenue A .— Benjamin Northrop in New aliened murder of Henry H-nliayon grega.e of $2 800,000. ticulars o f the affair. Y ork Mad and Lx press. A M rnlrnt *»f Ihe (Lim n. in October, 1887, a number of wit- “ My horse fell down,” he explains, “ and as A man in New Bruswick has dis­ “ Wi ll, young nmn," Paid a sp, ^ »n g jrv. d* 1 nes»i s were called, but the testimony played a strange taste about dying. I was getting him up this man interfered aoJ from « C o n s o la tio n . defiler, “ what can we d o for youf* v.iriid little if any from that elicited He dug his grave, lowered his coffin, threatened to arrest me.” “ Have yoa Ixjoks on baseball/" V isitor—Don't y oo miss youx I ttta nephew “ Officer,” interposed Mr. Bergh, catanly, at the former trial. Iamis Goldberg, xot in and took a dose of poison and very much, Freddie! “ Y d .” a cloak dealer and a close isaociate of then pulled a string to a landslide, while the crow d enjoys the teene with hilar­ Fred. lie (whose nephew died % te week be­ “ Oi" n»o ‘The Ri e an’ Fall c r die Roman ious delight, “ I order y ou to arrer>t that B nliayon, testified that he didn't which descended upon him. Um pire.' ’’- N e w York Sun. fore)—Yes. I miss him very mne j , but I hit* man.” to be the uncle o f an a n g e l—Life. tbit k that the latter could have writ­ “ I'll do nothing o f the sort,” return* tb* The Toronto Trades Council has re­ ten his a’lege l confession at the time Verily It Is. quested the city to inform intending officer, “ but I'll arrest you. Come with on N r.tu ra lly I n d ig n a n t. Our friands have deported to spend the to the station house.” lie called at witness’ place of business emigrants from England that the A fter church; “ W ait until I take this man’s name and Wimmer l»y the seaside. We have gone ns far to do some writing, as he remained too Canadian labor market is overstocked. number and I'll g o,” replies Mr. Bergh. S p o g g w W a a ft not df«gm refid, the way as our means » '« M allow, and rented a cabin short a time to write an long a docu The Legislature will be asked to abol­ In which Sm iggs snored in church to« lay I in front of Billy Well*» millpond. Cheapness This informat ion is soon obtained and tbe mi nt. Stuggs— I nbould think it wan. W hy, he with cheerfulness is great gain.—Smith ville ish the existing immigration laws. pair start for the station* Before they bad N ew sy Notes Concemln* the Farm a id FRIENDS PACI FI C A C A D E M Y ' BOARD OF TRUSTEES. FACULTY. 1 CALENDAR. Announcement and Prospectus. woke us all up.—Tbe Review. J fUa.) New».