LOCAL NOTBS. Mr. Cha*. Wimer was ¡a from Cartwright wishes to retain an ; interest in the property and the C. E. Dawson wa* in oar aitj on 1 hi* ranch «a Bull creek. Wednesday J. N. Hunter spent Friday and P rosPoctive Purchasers want the whole business. The sum C. M. Willey i* spending ssvertl Saturday of this week at Trina offered is, we' understand, §400,- ville. days at the couaty seat. 000. This does not appear to be Etnil Anderson, formerly of W. II. Staats is transacting busi­ such an immense sum to pay for Cascade Locks, is now one of our such a property. ness in Portland this week. permanent residents. F. C. ftowlee was in Prineville The FSoign of Politics. Road Supervisor C. J. Cottor is the early part of this week. making quite an improvement on Ohio democratic convention was A. Aune has commenced the our roads these days. harmonious considering the bad erection of a boarding house. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence and feeling that lias existed there in II. .T. Palmer is now traveling daughter, Mario«, ware Prineville the past. The convention made for a Portland dry goods firm. visitors the latter part of the week. no indorsements but is not for Hearst. Tom Johnson is far Folk Quite a number of Prineville The new hotel in Lytle is being of Missouri. Tennessee is for Park­ people are hero this week fishing. pushed along very rapidly. Mr. er and Alabama is probably also Mrs. Agnes Grant, cf Sisters, Orcutt expects to open for business for the New Yorker and it is ap­ was a visitor in the city Monday, j next week. parent that the south will bo al­ W. F. Hammer has been ap- J. G. Kelly, chief engineer of the most solid tii« same way. Wyom­ pointed postmaster at Hay Creek, u. I. & P. Co left for Prineville ing democrats will bo strong for, Won. Combs, wife and daughter Friday to transact company busi- Hearst. Nebraska will soon hold Uer convention and Bryan will were guests at the Staats hotel this n«** at that place. probably control and he a delegate The Deschutes Lumber Com- to tho national convention. Tho Robt. Booth, of Sisters, trans- j pany’s new Samson turbine water republicans of Eastern Washing­ acted business in the city during wheel has arrived and is being put ton have bolted their state ticket the week. in place. It is a w hale. ib larga numbers and it seems Ralph Poindexter was one of Mr. McMillan, a merchant ol doomed. The democrats are also the many fishermen on the river Portland, is looking over the town likely to carry W isconsiri, whore u site of Lytle with a view of going this week. bitter republican factional fight is into business at that point. in progress. Roosevelt has re- The dance given by the Bon There will b* a basket social p«atfdljf inUrhriid I litre in favor Ami club Saturday night was a and entertainment at the school of the weaker wing, and what re- grand success. house or Saturday evening, June suit will coma from the interterenoe Dr. Edgington and A. Clothier 11th, for the benefit of the Baptist is yet to be seen. In Illinois the left for Prineville on the Tuerday Union Sunday School. All are republican convention adjourned morning stage. cordially invited to attend. without nominating. It is said Mrs. Swalley and son, Ed, visit­ that Yates is opposed by Roose-1 The Oregon Journal says that a ed uvei Sunday with her daughter, velt. On the whole republican county judge and county clerk Mrs. Hillard Gilè. quarrels seem the order of the that can keep the county out of day, while democratic dissensions J. A. 1 racy and E. MeLean left- de(,{, ought to be re elected with- are on lhe wane. the fore part of the week for Port out regard to party. There is laud and the East. something in that kiwd of politics, It Wit! Ee T o Your interest. Mrs. Ballard Gile and baby are too. C. J. Stubling, Wholesaler. Green R u n n in g River up a H a rp e r Big Bill. S c h litz The Coun­ t r y ’ s Best. * a For doctor’s fees won’t be necessary wbon von nro attac kod with colds at this season oi the yeai .lust -•* a bottle of * OKERN RIVER” or “HARPER,'’ and take it n LA the form of a hot ••toddy. Your cold will leave vou and von von won't suffer from the fflr. “GREEN f j «'Piiíí • '' «mi SHAW G il ROSTE RIVER and HARPER, tin y A wtu 10 ••sln>* F \ t HOtlS you '' liavo lots ..t The D alles, r» Ù w g o n . First Class Teams and liigs Very Reasonable Rates Bend feed and Livery Stables. SEND OREGON Uneqtialed Facilities for Handling Lot •ators and Commercial Travelers, Qllick Service Satisfaction Guaranteed _______________________ ss.twRiraa— a — t n / j sm .■» » > ■ n .~— » 'r .jr .'w w n v j r m n u a a jr t '-- . - v : r v j- . ' T — y v i i n it»~riimu m m n n ru m * ii i— h i j T H E D E SC H U T E S L U M B E R CO. Carries a complete line of sash, doom, roofing etc. All kinds of lumber for sale and special bills sawed to order. Agents for Leffcl Turbine STEIDL fit W a te r Wheels. REED, LYTLE, ORECON T h r o u g h from Shaniko to Prineville in 12 Hours. S h anikO “ P rin e v llle S ta g e Line G. M. CORNKTT, Prop. I f you contemplate visiting the M aking Close Connection wltli the Prineville-Bend Daily Stage. Remember not to overlook S H A N IK O -P R IN E V II.LE SCHEDULE. voting for a primary election law. St. Louis Exposition, to secure re-j SOUTHBOUND NOKTIIBOUN1» liable information as to railroad j H. W. Donkel passed through The proposed law is a good one Leave Slmniko ti p. m. Leave Rend lAA AnnAA,mArlrliA,,o chutes with a bunch of cattle for ub'ic signed, slating what infurmrtion P j '' 3 1 The United States sends a fleet you desire, Big Meadows for the summer. PASSENGER .»NR FREIGHT RATES PFASONARI.E. the same will he to Morocco to force the sultan of promptly furnished. I f we do not W. Barnes, who is employed by A c c o m o d a tior.u f i r s t - c l a n s in every r e s p e c t at the D. I. »fc P. Co., is visiting his ,bttt L() lntr-V ,0 l,rocure tl,n reloaBt' have it. on hand, wii secure it for of an American citizen who has you if possible a ml without any parents at Prineville for a few been kidnapped by bandits. exp use to you. Address days. Americau tourists and missionaries B. H T rumbull , Mr. J. A. Gulliford, of Pendle­ seem to be in good demand Commercial Agent, 142 Third This popular resort is under the special management and super­ ton, Oregon, was in the city taking among bandits of many lands. Street, !’. rtland. ()-<-gon. vision of W. II. Staats. orders for the Royal fire ex The Oregon University mineral tinguishers. D F P C K U T S ' L O W E Q C IL bulletin describes the soft rock oc­ There will be a ball game be- curring on the Deschutes river and y — .4 ;^- t£— L tW# n liio Prlio vibe team and the says that it is useful for fire Ç ! local team at the ball grounds Sun- pi,u.ed j. is known as tuff or J % I , . . day altem o o n . ‘ m m J it tufa and is the product of Java Ballot boxes and ballots will be ashes ami cinders which have T 'I K M l- S l'S S T K N r .K i:»; A N I » F A N ! » 1.K, P ro,.*. T rade M arks delivered to the various preciucis been subjected to pressures or de- D esig n s M I I j T j I N E E Y , D R Y G Q O D S , S H O E S , E tc. C o p yr ig h ts A c . tbiougliout the county this week posited by water, A n y o n e nen'lfng n sketch mid description mny New stock of tire »mil noiuu s i ow in stock. qu ickly :i?o©rln'n our opinion fre o w heth er an by the sheriff. p G Ilog, rK> proprietor « f tire in ven tion is probably patentable, f'onit.m nira- tions stric tly confidential. HAriOBOGK on Paten ts A ll rcim.1» o f Sewinfe* alivi Dree; mtu,lri*i;.r none. •• ■>.* tf will have charge of the toll gate Journal. Review and Echo. Mr. A h am V n m ely illu strated w eekly. T.unrest oir- lu th u o f any seientitio JouniAli Term s, $:> a during the summer. Roger« Iras secured a baker from en y e a r : fo u r m onths, $ L Sold by all ne-varioalers. Thus. Nt-uhausen and wife re- Chicago who is Riei class man in M .'» i::< T I»S 1.IN< P ro p . Branch Office. t‘25 F St., W ashin gton, i ) . C. turned to Prineville after having his business »ml helps to make T h e c h o i c e s t b r u n t i s o f i ’. c u r , W i n e s , L i q u o r s spent emeriti days here in the ex t!:« n st.iur'lit the popular ho-telrv that it is. Tlrat Mr Rogers is a amii'ol on ot claimants. a !u a y s o n h a n d . and t first el l-* ho.-i. H e newnpaper men Rev O. \ V . Triplett and family u^re- ui-ianimmi-ly. i T I M H K R M I '. N wi i f '. u fro n i’ riucv ille and will T I F A D Q U A K T I T $ :> >il 'I tie challenge ■»« it out to I! -ml go in Si- • rs Sunday at which *f*l h i I * ‘s, i )r. N e a r Posto Hice. T - E l . I ' i m « T L ROUTE place Mr Triplett will hold tier last week by the local ball tos-er- j j.tY L 1 G IIT RIDE h.is bie-ii accepted end the Prino- vices. I f l Z Z Y CRAGS villo team will leave here next 1 KKP CANYONS The big Con» freight team Sunday morning to play a match which has pas-ed through this game at Bend in the afternoon. A Goider. Oraportunity place with freight for Silver Lake All kinds of Mair i) wuik «Ione in Crot vl...-« »baj.e; .ii » t i . tin ; I - a s| • ' i .ltv. ie game will he called at 2 has been purchi ed by NY. Wurz- O p p o s i t e echooliiotiso, OECD, OriFSCU. o’clock, tie local »cam returning Sue Nature, in all her glor­ weiler of Prineville. r.rrwr *<"*r>vrvriw.nn ~ vv.« the-ame day. The line-up of the ious beauty, ai d then the A. C. Palmi r. formerly of this Prineville team will he ns follows : man’s I ndiwork. P R ifiE V lL L E -S IL V E o L A K E S place, has organized a corporation Rosenberg, Constable, Jordan, Tin: tii.-t is f.uii d along with a capital of $10,000, to invest BaileyT Smith, Booth, Barnes, tt.e line of the D knvkh »C : Carries U. S. M ail, ex press and pa--- tb r'.ugli in two d-i» . T k in accomodations for visitors to the Grav. Henry Smith, Steffa, Feaks Ri i G . a m ". R am .iio.\i>, you through the picturesque De-clmo s V¿»11 y and tin: great Lewis and Clark fair next year. and Foster.— Journal. the lati, r at, the ."-'t. Louis yellow pine timber b it. World’s Fair. Your trip M. R. Biggs made a visit to this The import that the Oregon E X P RE S S AND P A --i: X < iE U 9 W A Y D ' l . l . F I i \ I I H T f ' P o s r o ; . |i K. will lie one of J b-asuri— vicinity in,the interest of his can Kinir mine had changed hands lo o m L. m ke the mo-t of it. For didacy for the county judgship. turns out *<> have been prema information an . illustrat­ i , ed li : er atll 'e write this vie:: .;v sv. ■ will remem’. r nut yet ’ • • n ■ pi ted. and n , VA/. C. M c S r d c , Gen. Agt. O rA H ' o 1 <3 X J HTI. V him at the n ils nut ' We hear ihrit C. M spending the week Swalley on the ditch. with Mrs. Class Accommodations for tha Traveling HOTEL STAATS ione Gash ì ì Sckniiftc HmcrKaa. MUNN & Co.38,Bro*i"'i- New York F A R E W E L L B E N I) SA LO O N . MILLARD TRIPLETT, BIiflGKSlIlTHli'ia flftD ¡ 10 RSESH 0 EÍNG. ¿ AGE LINE. T he E ch o Y'