been a politician for years aa4 ever carried on in that state ie at haa lived and prospered ea poli- and. Threats ef bolt ware heard fV m .I P H N D R V I M T >1 ATURDA Y B T tic*. Hie conduct in the land of- in all quarter* and eastern Waah- THE DESCHUTES PUBLISHING COMPANY. fioe was certainly ¡«explainable in ingter» begged for a railroad com- I*. How aw , E ditor . any manner to hiseredit. He doea miaaion plank in tfee party plat Kntered Mnr Sl*ft, 1908, at Bend, Oregon, a* . 0 » , . * • * sea.' .i ei«-- i »ii*r, under Att of cuiigreM j not atand well with the president term, se that legislative candidates of March 3rd, 1903. I . . . . . - ■ « . - « . . , ,, j neither doea ha co-operate or stand in their part of the state would not HI >118( KI PT ION R A T E8 : well with hi* state delegation, and bo slaughtered. Arguments were ef p e r y ear ............................. . .$1 oo (No bulkier I pilons taken for a shorter term.) tharshare been debates in congress uo avail, and the railroad aeanmia- in which Chairman Lacey of the sion plank was killed. McBride's SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1004. public land committee referred un- supporters ware a strong minority kindly to th« Oregon congressman, hut they did net secure a single OUR T IC K E T . The day is past when Hermann place on the tieket, and they have Tor Sheriff, conld be of use to his constituents amplt raason to cemplain. The C. S am S mith . and it is not unlikely that he has Spokesman-Review, the strongest For County Clerk, already served his last terra. republican paper in eastern Wasb- J. J. S m ith . ---------- . . j | iNjgton, has served notice on (.he re- For Judge, The democratic situation has publiean party of the state that the j M. R. B ig g s . changed very little daring th# past ; republicans cannot win with Me-; Fur Assessor, week. Hearst has apparently car- j Bride defeated, J ohn D. L afoi . lf . tt . ried the stats of Florida, that was Fur School Superintendent, Taking into consideration the j believed to be for Parker, and C. B. D inwipdie . & Parker has won a close fight in the : conduct of county affairs under the For Coroner, state of Indiana. Illinois ia yet present county officers and it must J. H. C rooks . uncertain, since Williams, a demo-j be admitted by anyone, wbo looks For Commissioner, cratie congressman from that state, j upon county affairs as u purely | H. S. R O W E . E. T. S layton . is a candidate for presidential hon- business matter, that we have Cenerai Agent. For Treasurer, or*, and may get the state delsga- economical and reliable men as j M. H. B ell . tion. Hearst hss the demooratie ! officials. The county is practically ! For Surveyor, papers of New York against him. (out of debt and this is a record W. R. M c F ar l a n d . This is probably due to business that surrounding counties cannot | A d v e r t i s e d L e t t e r Lis t. rivalry. The southern papers are duplicate. Is not the officer who | The following letters remained 1 robably there is really nothing I largely far Cleveland, 'and while has made every endeavor to con­ i uncalled for at the Deschutes post- in .he story of irregularities at the | they say little against Hearst, duct county affairs »« he would , | office for the month ending Feb.; Chemawa Indian School. But the , they make some very cutting ie private affair* entitled to active | 29th., 1904. extreme care of the administration marks iu regard to Brvan. One of support and appreciation? When and its Hensitivetiess to every sug- the strange thing* about this ca the public becomes fitful and ! James Johnson Stanley Gray gestion or breath of impropriety paign is that Bryan’s name has changeable, when it refuses to re- Mr Chas llofiriior Mr W S Holbrook calling for any of the; may account for the statements not been mentioned by any one ward the officials who have f'aith- l a bo Parties hojçt l in e ve letters will please mention that have been telegraphed. The for a third nomination. The be j fully dime their duty, the first step the fact that they are on the adver­ administration of President lief is growing that Roosevelt is; towards extravagance has been tised list.. aho un io n a c if ic i W. H. S t a a t s , Postmaster. Roosevelt, in greater degree per­ the weakest eaudidate that the re-1 taken. The past history of Crook haps than any ether the eountry publicans have put up since the ¡county has been an admirable one. ARRIVE DEPART TIME SCHEDULES has known, is susceptible to the days of Garfield. A great number and the present policy is the best FROM FROM BIOOS, OR. FOR faintest voice or suggestion of ir­ of republicans in eastern states j the county has ever had. Chicago- Portlami Suit L ak e, D enver, Ft. regular or wrong doing. It is a have expressed a desire to vote the Special W orth. O m aha, K an sas , .................... 1:2ft n .in . C ity , St. L o u is, C hicago 12 :32 p.m fine trait; hut even this may go to democratic ticket if a democrat of Eng,lnd ig tilking advantage of v ia lim it - an d E ast, in g to n . extreme.—Oregonian. The fact is st'ong intellect i* nominated and a 4. , . . . * "u,u,,,al8u a,,u il Russia's busy dav to send au army A tla n tic Express S a lt L ak e, D en rer, Ft. that H has been going to extreme j, ate* platform is a d o p t e d ', con t int0 Thibet, which 12:22 a. *1» W orth. O m aha, K ansas 6:11 a. m. v ia H u n t­ C ity , St. L o u is, C h icago ,r since the paragon of virtue Some democrats object to making h t r , t o f o r B hfts been dominated by in g to n . a m i E ast. In S t a t e o f O r e g o n , took k the presidential chair Every such concisions, but nearly all Ru, siaii influence. The army pro- excuse for withdrawing public land demoerats would like to see Roose­ Free to those who will pay St. P a u l W a lla W a lla . L ew iston , ^eeeds with great slaughter of half- F ast M ail B pokane. W a lla ce, P u ll­ from $5 to §15 per acre for from entry has been made use of, velt displaced. 9:54 p. in. m an , M in n eap o lis, 8t. 3:30 a. m. ; armed and untrained natives. The P a u l. D u lu th , M ilw au k ee v ia in order to prevent thefts on the S p o k an e C h icago , a n d E ast. -------------------- aggresion of Russia has lost herself Perpetua W ater Right part of Oregonian*. Every man To the C o lu m b ia Southern Irri­ It is reported that ex-Congress- I the sympathy of nearly all nations from this state who has been pro­ HOURS gratio n C o m p a n y . man Moody is trying to line up and the English found also during PORTLAND CHICAG O posed for federal office has had tiis NO IHA.N O F. OR C A * .«. the Boer war that, her policyofljj various candidates for the lvgisla Lands located in the De­ integrity questioned. Vile reports For p a r tic u la rs a s to ra te « an d ro u te a d d r ess, schutes Valley, Crook seeking to own and control new concerning several western sena­ ture against Senator Mitchell. It County, Oregon. Water vJ. H. FREDRICY. Asent, BI kk » Or. territory was aot mat with any tor« and representatives want the is just possible that the Oregon now on land. Send for great amount of applause. The descriptive pamphlet to rounds of the great eastern dailies, senator is not lying awake night* policy of land grabbing is looked on account of the political activity and these reports were said to origi­ upon with displeasure by fair nate in the executive department. of his enemy. Moody has kept a minded people all over the world. few several Eastern Oregon poli­ The reports caused Oregon to be ticians chasing after rainbows for \ 251 Alder St., looked upon as a corrupt state »by several years, and at the end of PORTLAND. OREGON D o n ’t C o t o S t . L o u i s the whole nation. When we want­ the chase there was always disap­ ed money for a great national cele­ ‘Till you call At or write to the bration in honor of the Lew is and pointment. After wearing out a Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul WEST & BROCK, Props. Clark acquisition of territory a few pairs of shoes without reward Railroad. Office 134 Third Street, i contribution was given us about even a dull politician begins to Portland, Oregon. Low rates to and this the R A I L W A Y CO.. sufficient to start a small world's look out for a winner, tern part 0f point*» East, in connection with i politicians of the aas TIME TABLE NO. 8. fair *ide show, and even that all transcontinentnls. the stato are already doing. amount was not intrusted to us for (¿hr Drödurtcs Erba. i has Famous T rains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, the Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, and the Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chicago, run via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Each route offers numerous attrac­ tions, The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip East is to see that your tickets read via tho Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Rail­ way. 134 Third St., Portland OREGON S P Five Dollars for a Possible Paradise. 27~0 0 0 Acres of Land j Mi c a ns um I ■ilreielniv nnrt in niiH J I > 1*1. . T* * 1 70 70 to JOLLY CORNERS B. S. C O O K Golambia Southern Choice brands of Liquors, Beer and Cigars, and use, but- was placed in the hands of others than the fair’s managers, i The registration of voters ends We were not to be trusted, May 15, and those not registered w e were so dishotu-et. Even ap will have to have their votes swerh propriatior.s for the Celilo canal in, if they wish to vote. Informs and for federal irrigation must bo tion from various points ef the state contingent upon the state's bearing prove that, there is a carelessness nearly every a part of the burden, so that we about the matter ,, m . i , will not try to graft the national countv except r . Multnomah, ’ where fund In spite of all there things tho Simon-Mitchell tight aroused w# a e to give Roosevelt an ex g*WC*d interest. With a weak pressiot» of confidence. We are to registration and only a few weeks pav that personification of wisdom for further campaign it looks verv the tribute which vice is continual- rauch a f i l f #l l Ka‘ vote would be ly paying to virtue. Wo are to polled both in state and county, ■how the nation that it ie really ------ --- impossible to insult us. In short Condemnation proceedings " _ have .. we would play a very noble part if , et n , roug . , iigaint „ , I. H. ratio wo were to overhoat ourselves in to obtain a right-of-way for the chasing after votes for the nutn Celilo canal. The complaint al- woo now occupies the presidential leges that the land desired ia of chair. the value of 1.500, and thatTaffe demands 140,000 for it. T his is Tilfl i w— ,___ i • v * . p' ‘ niflK hL perhaps the first act in a lawsuit a better fight on Ringer Hermann that lay last for some time. It started it before his nomination and apparently it would have been Governor McBride of Washing- pleased te see Harris the nomi 1 ton, was refused a renomination by nation away from him. Hermann the Republicaa party of Washing- is not an object of sympathy. He ton. and th bitterest campa cn Effective February 15, 1903. H. S. R oe , Fancy Wines, Ciders and Cordials for Family Use. General Agent, Portland, Ore. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. The largest sura ever paid fora prescription, changed hands in *"’an 1' ran cisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The i . He . transfer vi.iiir-iT-, involved hmui .^ u a,, in coin • , and , . stock -+112.o00.00 and , was _ paid by a party of business men for a spe- citic lor Bright’s Disease and Dia- betes, hitherto incurable diseases, . n,e-T commenced the serious 1 ;m They interviewed scores of the cured it on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the .treat- "?ent got “" physicians f watchin& theru’ chronic, . The-V also to name incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges I p to Aug. 25, eighty seven per cent of the test wore either well or P ^ e s a i c * favorbly. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the partlee were satisfied and closed the transaction, the proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the tost cases were published and w i l l be mailed free upon application. Addrrss John J. Fulton Company, it ' Montgomery St. Ban Frnn- cisco. Gal. No. 0 Broadway. LYTLE 1 30 1 *0 1 M - - 2 27 - 2 14 - B IG 0 8 5.4 G ibbons S in k ’s W a s co - 11 00 10 52 10 4ft 4.3 10 30 2 48 K lo n d y k e 2 .« - 8u m m t - » l H ay C a n y o n J u n e 2 46 M cD on ald 10 12 D eM oss ¿0 10 2 48 • • 4.0 - 3.1 - S 09 Mbro 3.4 - S 44 G ra s s V a lle y 7.8 - B ou rb on 6.7 - K ent 4 00 4 16 4 16 5 00 10 25 10 1 9 50 j 3 15 E rsk in v iile 8.1 - 4.8 W ilc o x 12.7 SH A N IE O Arrv 9 82 9 1ft 8 55 OREGON c> ♦<*♦❖ ♦♦♦♦ * * D E N SM O R E ♦ * Typewriters I F o r enlo an d fo r re n t. C ash o r e a s y In stallm en ts. N ew and sec- on d -h an d . o f a ll k in d s. A ll m a k e s re p a ire d , an d w o r k fu lly g u a ra n - teed . I f y o u n eed a m achine, o f a n y m ake, w r ite m e. 8 30 «J. E . H U X L E Y 8 00 AM. Daily stage connections at Shaniko for Antelope, I’rineville, Pend, l’ nrne, Silver I.ake, Lakeview, Mitchell, Day- ville, Antone. Ashwood, Ganyon City, John Day City and Fossil. F. D. WOODBURY, SipieFintendent. Gen. Freight an 1 Pass, Agt. * 1 1 * J i * 8 40 L ea V p. M. G. K. T.YTI.F, - 11 2 ft - 8 2 F o u rth S tr e e t, PO RTLAN D - OREGON j « 4 irtmtrutaU issEL . i , A m e ric a ’s F A M O U S H O P C O L D IÎE ER. '.<*«t;c and Im p e tted W in es ir.d C igars NHJL E SO S. r riN E Y L -L * . OU.