v . *5 V V * J V i T i t i ' 71iU*i*lltfti>tt tor P°*nt«dly replied that Japan art. Ilo had painted battle »cane* -pA r i i J r r r m r n to r relieve aliaira A m a r i . il a « a r U Ä n. , w M «H u H o WH neuld never m agree Ameri- n all ever f the world « and of V various 1 ' 1 ’RI.IMHKD EYKkY SATURDAY BY ca from ‘‘that aightmare of the people. In the Philippine war he THE DESCHI IKS PUIILISHINU COMPANY. southern seas.” painted many scenes of American I*. How AN, EDITOR. valor and his painting ef the Entered May 31st, 190?., at Bend, Oregon, as The government of Japan and wounded American soldier dictat­ second H h " matter, under Act of Congre»« of March 3rd, 1903. the statesmanship displayed is a ing a letter home, is one of the Hi i:H< KJPTION KATE»: marvelous exhibition of high class most striking pictures of military p er year ................................................. $1 00 (No subscriptions taken ^>r a shorter term.) ablility. In the Chineso war Ja­ life. He also painted tho picture pan defeated her opponent and a of the American charge up San - \ I UKDAY, M A Y G, ; )4 coalition of European nations in­ Juan hill in Cuba. The paiuting cluding Russia a ori Germany which breught him into greatest OUR T I C K E T . ferced tho Japanese to quit the prominence w * k his work showing For Sheriff, Asiatic mainland. Japan had English in tho act of shooting C. H a m S m i t h . taken Fort Arthur and held it. In Sepoys from the month of cannons For County Clerk, times past European nations had during the Sepoy rebellion in In- J. J. S mith . acquired seaports in China but dia. The picture is one of terrible For J udg*, .Japan was refused the same privi- realism. The Sepoys met death M. It. B iggs . lege. .Japan was powerless before in other forms without much feel- For Assessor, several nations and site did their ing but the mutilation horrified J ohn D. L akoi . le tt . bidding and hided her time. She them and the Russian painter did For School Superintendent, sought neutral hut powerful sup- the subject justice. C. B. D inwiddie . port against future interference. ---- — ---- - For Coroner, Her statesmanship bade her to The Perry monument which was J. II. C rooks . make common cause with England, dedicated to the American admiral For Commissioner, the latter country fearing Russia by the Japanese was a very grace- E. T. Sr.AvroN. nn account of her march towards ful compliment from the brown For Treasurer, India, and the manner in which men. Perry appeared with a fleet •M. H. B ki .L. Russian spies bad been mapping and introduced himself to the Japs For Surveyor, India in years past. As a part of who then disliked foreigners, and W. li. M( F a hi . ano . h*r program, Japan declared for shortly afterward Japan entered the “ open door” policy which into treatv relations with other Ham Parks, at onetime one of I would appeal strongly to a country countries. the linen . '>pected labor leaders in | United Himes, which was the country, (lied at Hing Sing i Title Litigation. noxious lor tr.(de and didn’ t desire where ho was serving a term for I colonies Tln-n Russia calmly In district court this week judg­ extortion. Even while under in \ entered and settled down to stay ment was rendered by default in diriment lie held control of the i at Port Arthur, whence she had favor of A. M. Dr*ke and against union of the united iron workers.) forced Japan out, arid Japan at the minor Foster heirs whose father It was proved on trial that Parks j once ordered Russia to give up the once owned the land which now is frequently took large sums of town or tight. Russia was as- included in the Bend towsite. '¡'lie money from employers for prevent­ tonished but Japan soon showed suit was brought to cut off the ing and calling oft strikes, and her sincerity and war resulted, heirs from repaying lb« amounts another labor leader who was tried Japan’s diplomacy, strategy and received far the sale of the land ».rid with him liually confer*»d that physical effectiveness is one of the demanding their share of the real both lie and Parks bad perjured most marvelous events of human .statu when they become of age. themselves ut their first trial when I history. The heirs made no defence arid a they bad bulb been convicted (>ut judgment was granted plaintiff. had obtained a new trial. Parks I The hold which irrigation is tak American courts ate very strict in developed consumption and died mg on the country is weil shown regard to the protection of minors, in prison. This ended a system of by the enthusiasm which was ; The helplessness of minors is reoog- *' abu.-t. that hndexi ti d o\ er | »hown at an irrigation convention ■ nized and questions concerning several years and had preyed alike in northern \\ isconsin. Even their property frro held open until upon imp.iniis and unplot m s. | t|,rso years ago sueh a convention they reach majoiity and mature During the first trial Parks posed could not have been held. A judgment. Decrees of court are as a martyr ami persuaded union doz, „ j,erBOtl8 POllId not be found frequently reopened at such times. men that ho was the victim of an in a great agricultural state who employers’ core.piracy. Fire at May Crook. would attend such a convention. W l i i «,li 4 I H ü ,1 * Now the subject is one of enthusi­ Reports from llay Creek this Just at present it seems that \V. astic inteiest everywhere. As we morning are to the effect that the R. Ilearst is likely to carry the said a number of months ago, irri­ store at that place is burning. The states of Iowa rind Illinois. If he gation is tho coming revolution in establishment is owned by the B. does not win he will at least make* production. Sixty-three per cent S. A L. Co , which own the great a strong fight. The West will be of our present exports are agri- sheep ranches in the vicinity and strong for He. rst and the South cultural products and agriculture from this stoic very many cheep- nnd tlie East will give Parker a [ has always been our most bene- men nr* accustomed every spring large pait of their delegates. The lieinl occupation. Panics, fraud, to buy their summer supplies for contest glows mote interesting injustices liave frequently sprung1 sheep camps. The store hud al- every day. It is well for the party ttp in other business line*, but ready received its spring supplies to light nut its internal battles be­ agriculture bus made steady and and was heavily stocked. No eiti- fore the convention dale, and light healthy progress and bus often re- mu tea could be obtained as to the the opposing party the lest of the deemed the * nation from bank- amount of the loss. time. Thu interest that is being ruptcy. ----- shown in the candidates for nomi Geo. Bates bus taken charge of nation is a healthful sign of ro- \ The fateful Valu riv«r is again the culinary department of the I). newed party energy and hope. (lie theater of a historical struggle. I. dr 1*. Co’s ditch camp. At its mouth the Japanese vati- Eai'SHT’S DISEASE. President Elliott, of 1 larvard, ; quished the Chinese lient during who some time ago lauded the non­ tho Chinese-Japanese war. The The largest sum ever paid fora union men who sold their labor in Japanese have now made its bonks prescription, changed hands in , ,, San Francisco, Aug. BO, 1901. the open market without joining a a scene of victory over the Kus--The tran,,-.r involvt,j in coi„ llmi union, has again delivered an ad­ sians. Sometime since Jhe Kus stock $112,500.00 and was paid by dles* in which he likens the result si:tns disa ■ wed any intention of a party of business men for a spe- ot tile unions to the associations of making a determined and at ritie lor Bright’s Disease nnd Dia­ employers which are now springing ,l1;U point, and she can now say betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious up over the country. Between ,i,Ht she did not do so. The Val'u investigation of the spec tic Nov. 1 ">, these two organized forces strife is a natural barrier and the us* 1IHKL They interviewed scores of will continually exist. l’ licro mac that cun he made of such barriers the cured it on its merits by putting be truces but no peace. is well shown by the grilling which over three dozen cases on the treat­ the Boers gave the English while ment and watching them. They It the I'nited States senate the latter were tr\ing to cross the also got physicians to name chronic, incurable eases, and administered Would give the trust question as I'ugela and Modder rivers. That it with the physicians for judges much time and attention as it has the Rassiaws have lost a point of Cp to Aug. 25, eighty seven per given to the Smoot investigation it vantage is clear. Russia need* cent of tho test were either well or would l>e a much more commend­ hat to suffer a few more reveries progressing favorbly. There being but thirteen per rent able deed. and she will have China to con­ of failures, the parties w ere satisfied tend with. and closed the transaction, the A newspaper of N w York bav­ proceedings of the investigating ing stated that in rait' Japaw won 'restebscin. the Russian artist o.m.mittee and the clinical.reports over Russia M might absorb a great who was lost on board the Bussimi oftl ■' te-t cases were published and part of Asia and the islands of the battleship Petropavlovsk.which was will be mail' d free upon application. Pacific including tl e Philippine blown tip in the outer harbor of Address .h.liii J. Fulton Company. ¡-’9 M •: :go#i> ry St. Han Fran- Island», in reply a J.ipaaeso edr Port \rthur, wssu great lo-s to l isco, i ul. 1 Famous Train s The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, the Overland Limited to Chicago vilt Omaha, and the Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chicago, run via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Each route oilers numerous attrac­ tions, The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip East is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee A- St. Paul llail- w a v. 134 Third St., Portland H. S. R O W E . General Agent. Adverti sed L o C s r List. The following letters remained uncalled for at the Deschutes post- ollice for the mouth ending Feb. 20th., 190*. James Johnson Stanley Gray Mr Chas Hofinier Mr \V S Holbrook Parties calling for any of the above letters will please mention tin- fact that they are on the adver­ tised list. W. ¡1. S taats . Postmaster. j } j ! Five Dollars for a Possible Paradise. «O U T L IN E UN 30 N PACIHO j AKD DEPART FOR 2 7,000 Acres of Land In S t a t e of Oregon, Free to those who will pay from §5 to S15 per acre for •] Perpetual Water Right Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas J2:3*2 p.m Citv, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Atlantic Express 12:22 a. m. via Hunt­ ington. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas 6:11 a. m. City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. St. Paul Fast Mail 9:54 p. m. via Spokane Walla Walla, Lewiston. Spokane. Wallaee, P u ll­ man. Minneapolis, St. 3:30 a. m. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee Chicago, and East. H O U R S PORTLAND to C H I C AGO NO I II A M IE OF CAMS. Lands located in the De­ schutes Valley, Crook County, Oregon. Water now on land. Send for descriptive pamphlet to J. H. FRKDRICY. Agent. Riggs Or. JOLLY C O R N E R S 231 Alder St., PO RTLAND , OREGON Columbia Southern RAILWAY CO. NO. 70 For particulars as to rates and route addr ess, B. S. C O O K TABLE ARRIVE 1 ROM Chifago- Portlaiid Special 1:2-j p.m. via Hunt­ ington. To tho Cclumbi'- Southern Irri­ gation Company. TIM E TIME SCHEDULES FROM DIGGS, OR. 8. WEST o, IlltOCK, I'rups. Choice brands of Liquors, Beer and Cigars, atul Effective February 15, 1903. Fancy Wines, Ciders and Cordials for Family Esc. Daily S T A T IO N S A M. p >•. - BlOOis 5.4 - Gibbons Sink’s - W 11 OU 10 52 4. ; - Sum m t 3 1 - 2 43 H av Canyon June 2 40 M cDonald 2 4S DeMoan « o X l - 3 09 M oro* 3.4 - 1 <> ♦ 10 25 ♦ * 10 1 ♦ 10 12 ♦ ♦ 10 10 * f 9 ;o > Brskinville 3 44 Gr^sd Valley 9 15 Bourbon ? 55 Kent « 40 9 32 7.J - 4 16 6 7 4.H 4 16 5 00 - W ilc o x SHANIKO - OREGON t - /♦<*♦**♦♦ D E S S IM O ’.?! 10 30 3 15 I i - * 10 45 asco 2.0 2 53 LYTLE 11 25 Klondyko m - 4 CO No. G Broadway. Arrv Leav 1 »> l :o 1 54 2 14 Daily Pa». P&.»s 5 30* 3 00 Arrv I*. M. Daily stage connections at Slianikt for Antelope, Prineville, ¡’end, lhirns. j silver Lake, Lakeview, Mitchell, D a> - ville, Antone, ABiweo.l Canvon Pity, John Pay City amt Fossil. e . I». w o r m n r R y . C. K. I.Y TLE , Siifierintendeiit (.ten. Freight and Pass, Agì. .j **1 1‘ i V . \ For sale and for rent, Cash or c.-.-y inslallntonta. N ew nud sec­ ♦ ond-hand, of all kinds. All makes ■> <■ repaired, ar.d w ork fully .Guaran­ - » * ♦ teed. If you need o machine, of any n-.itke, w rite me. J. E . H U X L E Y C2 Fourth Street. POR TLAND - O REGON S » im t r u m ll O O LD perted W in e O N E IL EKOd PttINEV' *