The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, April 16, 1904, Image 3

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    LO CAL N O T H 8 ,
as speedily us possible. Be sure
N O T IC E .
A. Long left for Prinerille Thurs­ and have your location— lot and In the cou n ty court o f the Stato o f Oregon for
Crook oou iity.
block, or number of room when in I ii the m atter o f tho a p p lication of Shatr it
day morning.
Brosterhous fo r a reta il liq u o r license at
hotel, or sectiou, township and j Ben«! Oregon.
C. D. Weiiz is transacting busi­
To the H onorable county c o u r t :
range when out of town.
Thisj We, the undersigned, leg a l v o te rl o f Pond
ness at the county seat this week.
precinct, Crook cou n ty, O regon, respectfully
is to facilitate registration and is petition tho H on orable cou n ty court of Crook
state o f O regon, to gran t a license to
J. Harcrow returned to Prine- equally a time-saver to the voter county,
James W Shaw a m i George Brosterhous, p a rt­
ners under the nam e and sty le o f Shaw it Bros-
vilie after spending several days at and the county clerk.
terhous, to sell spiritu ou s, m alt and vinous
liq u ors or ferm en ted cid er, in less qu an tities
This registration is for two years than one gallon in the precin ct o f Bend,county
o f Crook, state* o f O regon, for the term o f six
A. C. Stubling, of The Dalles, and covers the coming presidential m onths. And fo r this we w ill ever pray:
H W D on k tl
Chas Brock
I J Reed
John Stcidt
transacted business in town this election.
L O Reed
I* A Reisdorfer
Remember and bring your loca­ O liver Johnson
A W Pope
A C Lucas
Ed Halverson
tion, as the clerk cannot take time H F Hunter
Ole Krickson
The government
has issued
M J Morrison
K W Oile
to look up plats or records, as there Win Stephens
N C Rasmussen
twenty-one land patents to Crook will be several hundred voters to J 1. Kever
M ilt Young
J R Brock
John KUler
county people.
Dan H eising
Km il Swanson
register in the next two months.
S Dobing
A II ('»rant
J. J. S m i t h ,
O liver Thorbjornson
G eorge Howser
C. E. Lovell went to Prineville
J K Cox
Ballard Oile
County Clerk.
Th eodore Anne
1 D Turner
for the purpose of purchasing sup­
I XV Morehouse
W ill Marsh
C C Trip lett
R K in ey
plies for company use.
C D Weisz
Maxem Lepage
Advertised L etter List.
Rev. Z. W. Commerford return­
The following letters remained
ed to Prineville after conducting
uncalled for at the Deschutes post
religious services at Bend Sunday.
office for the month ending Fob
W. H. Staats returned from 29th., 1904.
Prineville where he was in atten-: James Johnson Stanley Gray
dance at the democratic coaven-! Mr Chas Ilofinier Mr VV S Holbrook
Parties calling for any of the
above letters will please mention
A fishing party composed of the fact that they are on the adver­
Messrs. Kelso, Lytle, Crabtree and tised list.
\Y\ II. S t a a t s , Postmaster.
Powell are busily engaged decreas­
ing the number of fish in the Des­
O c l i c c o Running Amuck.
A sudden onslaught of extreme
C. E. Dawson, the genial travel­
ing man for Lang & Co., Portland, ly hot weather brought tho Oehouo
did business in Deschutes the first up to the danger point on Saturday
and Sunday, and a lively interest
of the week.
W j I. Morhouse and J. I, West was shown in the welfare of the
are the republican nominees for hose barn of the fire company and
justice of tlie peace and constable a stable on the bank of the river.
— Review.
for this precinct.
The New York Cash store has
received a new shipment of gentle­
men’s hats. All the nobby shapes
at extremely low prices.
G. T. Sly, of Rosland, passed
through this place on his way
home after a visit of several weeks
at points in Washington.
C. B. Allen and wife returned to
their home from Prineville where
Mr. Allen had gone as a delegate
to the democratic county conven-!
J. A. Rayl and wife are in Port­
land. Mrs. Rayl’s health has been
poor for some time, and she wili
receive medical treatment while
It is said that quite a number of
mineral claims in the Cline Butte
vicinity have been located on land
owned by the Cline Falls Power
Company. The land was formerly
school land.
Tho I). I. A P. Co. has built two
excellent bridges for their, ditch'
where it crosses tlie Bear creek and
Silver Lake roads. The bridges
are stout structures and the ap­
proaches are well arranged.
Thos. Newhausen, special agent
of The Dalles land oilice, will be
in this place on official business
next week. Mr. Newhausen has
been u member of the govern­
ment’s land force for many years
and is a very genial gentleman.
J. A Ryan was down from his
ranch Tuesday and has gone to
Prineville on business. Mr. Ryan
claims that ha was uitususlly favor­
ed in the way of 6iiow during the
winter, hut we suppose that it is
the nature r f farmers to complain
about climatic conditions.
A. II. Kennedy, formerly of this
place, has purchased the Prineville
Review of Wm. Holder and is now
sole proprietor of that publication.
Mr. Kennedy he.; n. iny friends in
this vicinity who wish him suc­
cess. Mr. Kennedv is one of the
most expert job printers in Eastern
N o t ic e
to V o t e r s .
Now is the tim -
T- gu- r. '.'ou
have only up till •> I’ . M. on May
15 to register, and it is imperative
that registration be accomplished
U. S. Land Office, Th e Dalles, O regon.
March 31, 1904.
A sufficient contest affidavit h a vin g been filed j
in this office by W illia m P. V andevert, con­
testant. against desort land en try No. itv.», made
Oct. 4, 1901, fo r
S\Vf4 and s ] 2 NV.'1, section
33, Tow n sh in 17 s, Range ]2 10, by James
Taber Contested, in % h ic h it
alleged that
d u rin g the first year a fter m aking said en try
said w h o lly fa ile d and neglected to
expend the sum o f $1 per acre, or any part
thereof, e ith e r in im provem en ts o r h v b e r o r in
the c u ltiva tio n o fs a id tr r e t; th at d u rin g the
first year a fter m ik in g sai l en try (th at is, be­
tween October 4, HHU. and O ctober 4, 1902) or at
any tim e thereafter, said claim an t failed and
n eglected to file p roof ( f labor perform ed up­
on said tra ct as requ ired by la w ; that said
tract has been w h o lly .abandoned by the said
James C. S. Taber: said parties a ie hereby
notified to appear, respond and offer evid en ce
tou ch in g said a lleg a tio n at 10 o ’ clock a. in. on
May 2l. 190J, before J. M. L aw ren ce, lb 3 C om ­
m issioner, at. his office at Deschutes, O regon
and fin al hearin g w ill he held at 10 o ’clock a.
m. on M ay 31, I 04. before the R e g ister and Re­
ce ive r tU^iie U nited States Land Office in The
Dalles, Oregon.
T h e said contestan t h a vin g, in )per r.f-
fid avif, filed March 12 1904, set l«»rt!i facts
w h ich show that a fte r due d ilig e n c e personal
service o f this n otice cun not ue m ade, it is
hereby ordered and d irected that such notice
be g ive n by due and proper pu blication .
M IC H A E L T. N O L A N , R egister.
N O T iC E .
In the county court o f the State o f Oregon for
Crook county.
In the m atter o f tlie application o f Charles Brock
for a retail liquor license at Bend, Oregon.
T o the H onorable county court o f the State c f
Oregon for Crook comity:
We, the undersigned, citizens, taxpayers and
residents o f the precinct o f Bend, Crook* county,
Oregon, would respectfully petition that your
H onorable court grant a licenst to Charles Brock
to sell spirituous, m alt and vinous liquors ir. less
quantities than one gallon in the ‘precinct o f
Bet:il, in the County o f Crook, State o f Oregon,
for the term c f six months. For this w e w ill
ever prav:
T St Michel
W illiam F Stewart
I» C L ow
J A McC'ourt
C J Cottor
P R Reisdorfer
T S Brock
J I West
J VV Shaw Swanson
J K Sluridan
G A II o\s soil
John Steidl
Herbert Paulson
J L K ever
A W Pope
S Debing
J K Brock
G B Brosterhous
C B Sw alley
W i l ctauts
Gilbert Hagan
Bar cy Lew is
A C Lucas
A II Grant
W P W eider
M ilton You ng
C C Trip lett
M I t M ayfield
C D W eisz
K Ri.berti
J Overton
J J k eed
G eorge schleeht
L O Keed
(» Johnson
M C Awbr.-y
Notice is hereby gi ■ that the nb *-e petition
w ill b pr
i to lhe Ho;\»rabv County Court
o f th
o f < >r.- m f- r Crock emu tty « t i n e
next regular term thereof, lo n il. on ih e 4th rlav
o i May, 10 - 4. or as so*.. 11 thereafter as tlx- said
court c ».1 .1 al' th - i .ne. r i l w ill th.en and tuere
ask that ti e sr.d ;>.:*iL.*u t> granted aim a
license be irs ied to tiiv h a . t Charles brock to s. 11
spirituous m alt and vinous liquor anu fer­
mented cider in H-ss qnantities than one gall, n
at the precinct o f i’e:i i. in Crook county, Oregon,
for the t rm o f on months.
Dated.tuis 29th day o f March, 1004.
C H A k L E S BA'oCK.
Jas Overton
Théophile St Michel
J o Sheridan
Al Schwartz
C M T ille y
C J Cottor
N P W eider
Arn t Anne
John W W hite
In the C ou nty C ou rt o f the State o f Oregon for
Crook County.
In the m atter o f the a p p lica tion o f Sevort P o ll­
in g fo r a reta il liq u o r license at Bend, Ore-,
To the H onorable County Court of the State of
O regon for C r«o k C o m ity :
We, the u ndersigned , c itizen s, taxpayers and
residents o f the precinct o f Bend. Crook Coun­
ty, O regon, w ould most respect fu lly petition
that you r h on orable Court grant a license to
S evert Debing to sell spirituous, m alt and v in ­
ous liq u ors and ferm ented c id er in less q u a n ti­
ties than one gallo n in the precinct o f Bend,
C ou nty o f Crook, State o f O regon, for the term
o f six m onths. F or this we w ill ever pray:
G ilb e rt H agan
F in il Swanson
T h eo p h ile 8t M ic h el
George Schleeht
H erbert Paulsen
G A llow son
K W G ilo
Chas Brock
B arney Lew is
Jas Overt.-n
N C Rasmussen
V/ Rosebush
O le Erickson
A ugu st Dreyer
\V If Staats
O liver Th orbjorn son
A I I Grant
K M cLean
G eorge Brosterhous
J R Brock
Wm Stephens
J W Shaw
L O Reed
I J Reed
B allard (.¡ile
A W rop e
J 1> Tu rner
N V W eider
A C Lucas
J R Bcnham
T h eod ore Aune
George A u n e
O liv e r Johnson
A n ton e Aune
A c Schw arU
W U S tew art
M Brady
J E Cox
C D Wet*;:
W ill Marsh
M a x im Lepage
O B S w alley
(' J C Jttor *
M ilton Y ou ng
John-J P okken
U A Johnson
D M M orehouse
F L Marsh
S c h litz J
", ---------- j
1 __ i l
- •
The Coun­
t r y ’s B es t.
' V
--- -------------—
F o r d o c to r’s fees w o n ’ t be necessary w hen yon a re attacked w ith colds at this seasoi
o f the year.
Just get a b o ttle o f ‘ G R E E N R I V E R " or “ H A R P E R , ’’ and take it ii
the form o f a hot “ toddy “ Y ou r cold w ill leave you and vou w on ’ t suffer from th
effects o f ” chca|.’ ’ wb.isk. v,
S H A W & B R O S T E R H O U S h a te lots of " G R E E N
R I V E R ’ and ‘H A R P E R , ” and they want to • >hoa you.
The Dalles, Gregors.
First Class Trams and lii^s
Very Iteasonable Bates
Bend feed and Livery Stables.
UneqiMied Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Carries a complete line of sash, doors, roofing etc. A ll kinds of lumber
for sale and special bills sawed to order.
A gonts
fo r
T u rb in e
W a te r
W h e e ls .
C R tC O N
cm haniko t» P rineville in 12 H ours.
T h ro u g h
Shamko-PrinevilSe S ta ge Line
O. M. C O R N K T T , Prop.
Making Close Connection with the Prineville-Be
a lly £t: ge.
Leave Slianiko ti p. m.
Arrive I'riueviile (i a in.
Leave lleml (»:L0 ». m.
Arrive Prineville 12 in.
Leave Prineville 1 p. rn.
Arrive Bend 15:30 p. in.
Leave Prineville 1 p. m.
Arrive Shaniko 1 a. m.
First Ciass Accommodations for ih9 Traveling ublic
F O It
.’ .Hri.l Office at Tl»-- D alle*. Oregon.
I-«.»or'itary -'»th, KOI.
N otice is hereby g ive n that i n ‘ com plian ce
w ith the provision s o f the act o f Congress o f
June 3,1873, en titled “ An net for the sale of
tim b er lands in the States o f C aliforn ia , Ore­
gon, N evada, ami W ashin gton Territory,** as
exten ded to all the P u b lic Land Stales b y act
o f A ugust 4, 1892,
Charles S Edwards
o f Deschutes, cou n ty o f Crook, state o f O regon,
has op July 9, 1903. filed in this office bis sw orn
statem ent No. 3009. for the purchase -if the SWV$
01 .-ection No. '23 in tow nship N o. 19.S. range
No. 10 E . W. M.. and w ill «»fior proof to show
Hint iln* land sought is m ore valu ab le fo r its
tim ber or stone than for agricu ltu ra l purposes,
and to establish his claim to said len d before
.1. M. Law rence. I". S. com m issioner, nt his o f
lice nt Deschutes O regon, 011 W ednesday, tlie
l lt li dny o f May. 1MH.
lie names as w itnesses: J .N . H u n ter,G len n i
Marsh. R ichard K in g am i James H unter, all o f
liea eh u te*. < Iregon.
A ny and »1! pe.r.vons cla im in g a dversely the
above-described lands .ire re'|'ie.-iei to file
th eir o,aim s in tills office ou or before said
11th day o f Ma x 1«*».
M ichael T. N ol an . Register.
r ffem York Gash Store, j
M IL L IN E R Y , D R Y GOODS, SH O E S , E tc.
New stock of dry goods and notions now in stock.
•| • K L I f f H T F r L ROUTE
J IlZ / .Y C H A O S
, 7 E K I* C A N Y O N S
A G o ld e n O p iio rtu n tty
See Nature, in a!! her glor­
ious beauty, at. 1 then tho
acme of man's handiwork.
The first is f nod nlonR
lhe line of the D e X ver it
G p . a x d e
H a i i . b o a d ,
the I.-liter at the Sr. Louis
World s I air. \»>ur trip
« i l l be 0 .c of pieni
most of it.
information »nd illustrât
*d litr-rfctnre write
W . C . iVIcB iiiie, G en. A gt.
I. A M r , o n r . i i o x .
All Kinds o f Sewing and Dro-ismakinf,- Done.
F A R E Y iT E L L B E N D S A L O O N .
8KVHKT D lilH NG , Prop.
The choicest brands of Deer, Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always on hand.
C fO Y R lG H T O & C .
| • -
quickly aarertain ru r opinion free ^n* ite- n:i
mv** .1 -i is i*r »hahlf putci"nh'e. « •:»•* u»'
tii--. • -•- h • ly '• > tbl nf inb HANDBOOK i I* T ‘ 3
seat free, oldest agency fo r securing paler t .
Patent* t
*n tan*ivh ilurin A Co. re. give
s p r r i. li n n tiC f, without charge, in tb?
Washtoiiton, it. 1.
±Lar_Pe r
N otice is h ereb y g iv e n that the above p e tition
w ill be presented to the H on ora ble C ounty
Court o f t h « state o f O regon fo r Crook C ounty
at the n ext regu lar term thereof, to-w it, on the
A c c o m o d a t i o n s f i r s t - c l a s s in e v e r y r e s p e c t a t
4 'h day o f Mart-, 1901, or as soon th ereafter as
lh e said court can hear tho same, and w ill
then and th**re ask that the Ahiid petition be
gran ted and a license be issued to the said |
Sevort D ebing to sell spiritu ou s, m alt and vin- j
ous liquors and ferm en ted cid er in less quan- j
tities than one ga llo n a t the precin ct o f Bend,
in Crook County, O regon, for the term o f six
This popular resort is under the special management and super­
Dated th is cot la da v o f March. 1904.
vision of W. H. Staats.
Branch OfT.ce. "25 F
Big Bill.
Quick Service
rade H arks
D e s ig n s
MÜNN & Co.3P,Bro,,,'a' New York
up a
N O T IC E .
A htTVT.rr«»’? !!!n«trftt#1 we«k’r. I nr.' --■* cl--
rnlatlo’. « f anr »ciemtflc 1*.iimal. Term >. Ç » a
r < . r : f n rm on th »,$L t^riilb yallt
G reen
R iver
G A llow son
W F Stewau
Kd Brosterhous
M Brady
Barney Lew is
W A Dudley
N ick Smith
Antone Anne
George Schlecht
N otice is hereby given that the above petition
w ill be presented to the Honorable comity court
o f the state o f Oregon for Crouk county at the
next regular term thereof, to-wit. on the 4th day
o f May, 1904, or so soon thereafter as the said
court can hear the same, and w ill then and thtre
ask that the said petition be granted and a license
1).* issued to the said James VV Shaw and George
Brosterhous to sell spirituous, m alt and vinous
liquors and fermented cider in less quantities
than one gallon at the precinct o f Bend, in Crook
county, Oregon, for the term o f six months.
Dated this 17th dav o f March, A I) 1904.
SO Y E A R S ’
C . J. S tu b lin g , W h o le s a le r.
Near Postofiici*.
D csc I hi I cm , Or.
T R IP L E T T ,
All kinds oi waifon work done in first eh si shape; slu.rt noti.-e ; '
Opposite schoolhousc,
’ i
va N
, i i.-itv.
DSHD, C P7.C0 ?L
* .'iiJjLLTWP itA'i 'i I f ■■"'in i innr i r i ' wunr'i'm— r--nm-n—m
FT4PV1! 1 F -Q U
b i , * . . 'J . U L C . O J 1.
nrmrrr -• r-
\ f U”
L i « il. . .
c t
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nr * -s r
1 y ,;F
L I - * i. «
'EY.::: r iR-ir.
Carrie» l*. f*. >! .il, r xprrrs and p -<*ng r? t•.r
h in t " dv.
you through the picturesque De- chutr--; \ alley and ti.c gr at
yellow pino timber be’t.
it x r itr .s ;:
t-As.-F.NM KKS \ V A V t;ru . ! T >
a t
H K .;
ir tT i:
: i
T h e E ch o is R e iR N s.