Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Findley pass- N O T IC E . 1 ed through town Thursday on their la th e c o u n ty cou rt of th e S tate of Oregon for James Tetherow left far Prine- C rook county* way to Prineville. In th e m atter of th e a p p lic a tio n o f Shaw »V: ville ou Tuesday. H rosterhous for a retail liq u o r lic e n se at m l. O regon. J. A. Rayl went to Prineville the ! To lic the J. A. Ryan went to Prineville H onorable c o u n ty c o u r t : We, th e u n d e rsig n e d . legal voters of Fond | first of the week to visit his wife Monday on business. p recin ct, Crook c o u n ty , O regon, resp ectfu lly p e titio n th e H onorable c o u n ty cou rt of Crook who is ill at that place. c o u n ty , state of O regon, to K r a u t a licen se to Theophile St. Michel left for Jam es W Shan an d G eorge H rosterhous, part un der th e nam e aud sty lo of Shaw A Bros- W. E. Guerin Jr., left for Port- ners Prineville on Wednesday. terh ou s, to s e ll sp ir itu o u s, m a lt am i v in ou s ¡land Saturday after spending sever- liq u o rs or fe r m en ted cid er, in less q u a n titie s th a n on e g a llo n in th e p r ecin ct o f B en d,cou nty Rev. 0. W. Triplett came out 1 al days in inspecting the work of of Crook, state o f O regon, for th e term of six m ou th s. And for th is we w ill ev er pray: from Prineville last Monday. Chas Brock It W l>onkel the D. I. &, P. Co. John Steidl I J Reed Joel Elliott was over from Pow­ P A Reisdorfer I- O k eed S. H. Dorrance returned Satur­ Oliver Johnson A W Pope ell Buttes early in the week. Halverson A C I.ucas day from Portland where he went Kd It F H unter Ole E rickson M J Morrison E \V Gile Mrs. George Bates and children to select machinery for the con­ TN in Stephens N C Rasm ussen ■ . ■ . ■ - - - * I, Kever M ilt Y oung are visiting at Powell Butte.*. struction of the Drake sawmill. J John E lder J R Brock E m il Sw anson Dan H eiaing 1 The Coun­ 1 —1 ' iü ! r ji Ói A I! Grant S D ebing An enjoyable dancing party was There is no use talking about Oliver Thorbjoruson G eorge D ow ser t r y ’s B e s t . J K Cox had at Low’s hall last Saturday. keeping a covyitry back, when Ballard G ile I D Turner Theodore Aune For d o c to r ’s fees w o n ’t I k * n ecessa ry w h en vou are a tta ck ed w ith c o ld s at th is season I W M orehouse W ill Marsh of th e year, .lust g et a b ottle o f ‘ G R EE N R I V E R ” or “ H A R P E R ,” and tak e it 111 A pleasant dancing party was such families as one that arrived R K in ey C C T riplett the form of a hot “ tod dy ” Y our cold w ill lea v e vou an d vou w o n ’t suffer from th e M axem Lepage C 1) W eisz ft in Hood River the other day per­ held as Sizemore’s hall last night. Jas Overton G A How son ...................... . St M ichel W F Stew art sist iu seeking homes in our midst T J heophile O Sheridan Kd Brosteriious J. F. Taggart returned Tuesday, artz M Brady The family referred to come from C Al M Schw T h e D a lle s , T illey Barney Lewia after spending a month in Prine­ C J Cottor W A Dudley Kentucky and consisted of an old N 1* W elder N ick Sm ith ville. A m t Aune Antune Aune gentleman and his wife and their John W W hite G eorge Sclileclit W. Barnes came over from Prine­ children, and two married daugh N otice is hereby given that the above petition presented to the Honorable county court First Class Teams and Ui«H ville and went to work for the D. I. ters with their progeny. In the w o f ill the be state Very Reasonable Rates o f Oregon for Crook county at the next regular thereof, to-wit, on the 4 th day & P. Co. three families there were 40 peo­ o f May, 1904 , term or so soon thereafter as th e said ! court can hear the sam e, aud w ill th en and there > W. H. Staats started for the ple, and they moved into one ask that the said petition be granted and a license house. When Wasco county can be issued to the said Jam es \V Shaw and George , county seat last Wednesday on attract such families as this it is Hrosterhous to sell spirituous, m alt and vinous j liquors aud ferm ented cider in less quantities business. B E N D O R E G O N bound to cotne to the front.— than one gallon at the precinct o f Bend, in Crook county, O regon, for the term o f six m onths. Times Mountaineer. Dated th is 17 th day c f March, A I) 1904 . 1 F. C. Rowlee made a business Unequaled Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers. SHAW B R O ST K K IIorS. j “The Register wants Newt trip to Prineville the early part of Quick Service Satisfaction Guaranteed Williamson returned for the tbe week. N O T IC E . Miss Marshall, of Crooked river, same reason that we want L. T. In th e C ou n ty C ourt of th e State of Oregon for Crook C ounty. was a visitor at Lytle the first of Harris nominated and elected, In th e m atter of the a p p lic a tio n of Severt Deb- lu g for a reta il liq u or lic e n se at Bond, Ore namely, we want young men of goo. the week. e H onorable C ounty C ourt of th e State of ability in the house, who can To O th regon Crook C ounty: All kinds of lumber G. T. Slv from Rostand, passed grow into men of power and in­ We, th e for u n d ersign ed , c itiz e n * , ta x p a y er s and Carries a complete line of sash, doors, roofing etc. r esid en ts of th e p r ecin ct of B en d . Crook C ou n ­ for sale and special bills sawed to order. through thi$, place on his way to fluence and be of service to the ty, O regon. w ould m ost rcifp eclfu lly p etitio n th at your h o n o ra b le Court g r a n t a lic e n se to Prineville. state for the next 20 years. We Severt D ebing to «ell sp ir itu o u s, m alt am i v in ­ L O C A L N O T E 9. C. J. S tu b lin g , W h o le s a le r. G reen R iver H a rp e r ML® ~ =~ S c h litz : « O reg on . Bend peed and Livery Stables. THE DESCHUTES LU M BER CO. Oscar Hyde, formerly of Prine­ have Fulton in the senate, J. ville, has bought a half interest in N. Williamson in the house, now we want Harris also; then three ths Sineede Hotel at Eugene. Th» weather was so disagreeable the first of the week as to impede progress on the D. I. & P. Co.’s work. Mrs. Emma McGinnell cima in from Portland last Tuesday. She will keep house for the Dorrance family. Hugh O’Kaae and W. J. Ratison left for Portland Monday. Both gentlemen intend to return to this place shortly. of Oregon’s four representatives will be young, brainy, sensible men, who will accomplish much' for Oregon in years of continued service. After a while it will be necessary to prepare for a suc­ cessor to Senator Mitchell, who while still vigorous and forceful, can not be expected to serve us forever, as much as we might wish it wTere possible.”—Eugene Register. N otice to V o te rs. S T E ID L ou s liq u o rs and ferm ented e id e r in less q u a n ti­ ties titan one g a llo n in th e p r ecin ct of Bend, C ounty of C rook, S tate of O regon, for th e term of six m on ths. For th is w e w ill ev er pray: E m il Sw anson G ilbert H agan G eorge S ch le c h t T h éo p h ile St M ichel (! A H ow son H erbert P au lsen E W G ilè Cha* Brock Barney L ew is Jas O verton N ( ‘ R asm ussen W R osebush A u g u st D reyer Ole E rick son W II Staats O liver T horbjoruson K McLean A II Grunt G eorge H rosterhous J K Brock J W Shaw Win S tep hens I J Reed I, O Keed A W Pope B allard G ilè J D Turner John E hler A 0 l.uenH N P Widder J R Fa liham A m t A une T h eod ore A une George A une A nton e A une O liver J oh n son W F Stew art A G S c h w a r ts M Brady .1 K Cox C D Weis* W ill Marsh (' B S w a lle y Mnxem Lepage r J C Jttor ’ M ilton Y ou n g ü A Joh n son John J D okken D M M orehou se F L Marsh N otice is h ereb y g iv e n th at the above p e titio n w ill be presen ted to th e H on orab le C ounty C ou /t of th e sta te of Oregon (or ('rook C ou n ty Ht^he n e x t regu lar terra th ereof, to-w it, on th e 4th day of May, 1901, or as soon th ereafter as tin said cou rt can hear th e sam e, and w ill th en Hud th^re ask th at th e said p e titio n bo granted and h lic e n se be issu ed to th e said Sevort D ebing to s e ll sp iritu o u s, malt^rnd v in ­ ous liq u ors and ferm en ted eid er in less q u a n ­ titie s th an one g a llo n at th e p recin ct of Bend, Crook C ou n ty, O regon, for tiie term of six : in m on th s. D ated t h i s 2 -'th (lnv of M arch. 11101. SEVERT DEBING. & REED, Through from h a n ik o to P r i n e v i l l e in 1 2 H o u r s . S h a n ik o -P rin e v ille S ta g e Line C . M. CORNKTT, l'rop. M aking- C lose C o n n ectio n w ltb th e P rin evllle-B o S H A N IK O -PR IN E V II.IiE SC H E D U L E. SOUTHBOUND ally S U g e. NOKTHBOl'Nl * Leave Slianiko 6 p. m. Arrive Prineville (j a m. Leave Rend ft :iS0 a. m. Arrive Prmevtlle 12 in. P R IN E V IL L E -B E N D SC H E D U L E. SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND Leave Prineville 1 p. in. Arrive Bend 0:30 p. m. First Class I.cave Prineville 1 p m . Arrive Slianiko 1 a. in. Accommodations fo r the Traveling PASSENGER oM> FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE I HOTEL ST A R T S lieta York Gash Store. M IL L IN E R Y , D R Y GOODS, SH O ES, Etc. r D E SC H U T E S - OREGON. F A R E W E L L B EN D SALOON. The choicest brands of Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. é j »FLIGHTFUI, ROUTE I lAYLIGHT RILE Honorable court grant n lice ns-. to Charles Brock to sell spirituous, m alt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon in the precinct o f I te r i, in the County o f Crook, State o f Oregon, for th term o f six m onths. For th is w e will ever pray : W illiam F Stew art T St M ichel n C Low J A McCourt P R Reisdorfer C J Cottor T S Brock J 1 W est J W Shaw Em il Swanson G A Howson J E Sh-jridan John ste id l Herbert Paulson J 1. Kever A W Pope J K Brock S D ebing C r. Sw alley Ci li Bro*itcrhottS W H staatf* Gilbert Hagan Barm y Lew is A C Lucas W I* Weider A II G rant Milton Y oung C t* T riplett C D W eiss • M D M ayfield J Overton K Roberts I J Keed G eorge Schlecht O Johnson L t> k ‘-ed M C A ubrey N otice is herebv given that the above p< tltion w i’l lie presented t<> the H ororsble County Court o f the »tate o f Oregon for Crfx>k county at the next regular term there of, to*wit. ou the 4 th day o f May, 1904 , or as **oon thereafter as the « court can he, r the sam e . and w ill th en and there ask th: t the ^ id pet ition l>i granted and a lu, .is- be is'-tioi to tne sai ! Ch. rlcs Brock to at ill« prrv tile: * t Per ' I j l Z Z Y CRA G S L KER CANYONS A Goiden Opportunity See Nature, in all her glor­ ious beauty, and then the acme of man’s handiwork. Tho first is found along the lin o of the D k x v e ii i t Rio G iia & d e R a il r o a d , the latter at the St. Louis World’» Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure— make the most of it. For inf irmation ar.d illustrat- id literature write W . C. M c B rid e , Gen. Agt. lanttties than one gallon D ated thfe Tgtb dux o f \k *h. 1 ■ : CI1ANLFS I ROCK. 1 I’O K T I.A X D , 0 L L -ON. IIEADQCARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND TIMBKltMKN Near Postoffice. Deschutes, Or. MILLAR.D TRIPLETT, BIiACKSJVUTiilNG AND HORSESHOEING. All kinds of wagon work done in O pposite first class shape; short notice jnbs a specialty. schoolhouse, SEND, CK£SGN. wm kjumr/r/r PRÎNEVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LIME. 1>P K VANbEVEUT, PRO”. Carries U. S. Mail, express and passengers through in two days. Takes you through the picturesque Deschutes Valley and tho great \ yellow pine timber belt. EXPRESS AND PARSENUEKS WAYBTI.LKD AT DESCItCTES POSTt.llTCE. L. A. RODITI P rin ev ille A gent. The Echo is R eliât e. / ublic 1 ; A c c o m o d a t i o n s f i r s t - c l a s s in e v e r y r e s p e c t a t Now is the time to register. You Watt Jones and family, of Pow­ have only up till 5 P. M. on May ell Buttes, were visitors at the | home of George Bates the early 15 to register, and it is imperative that registration be accomplished part of this week. ; as speedily as possible. Be sure This popular resort is under the special management and super­ The New York Cash store has and have your location—lot and vision of IV. II. Staats. received a new shipment of gentle­ block, or number of room when in men’s hats. All the nobby shapes DESCHUTES. OREGON- N O TICE FO R PUBLICATION. hotel, or section, township and ---------- . . -------------- — * ----------------- at extremely low prices. -hand Oflh e at Tlu* D alles, O regon, range when out of town. This | February .'»th. B:04. N o tice is h ereb y giv e n th at in c o m p lia n ce J. C. Turney, Fred Lordman and is to facilitate registration and is w ith th e p ro v isio n s of th e net «>f C ongress of n e it, 1K7.H, e n title d •An act for th e sale of A. M. Senvig, *of Livingstone, equally a time-saver to the voter Ju tim b er lan d s in th e States of C aliforn ia, Ore­ gon , N evada, and W ash in gton T errito ry ,” as Mont., were in town Monday. and the county clerk. 31 e x te n d e d to ali th e l ’u b lic Baud S tates by a c t of A ugust 1, 1W2. These gentlemen are interested in This registration is for two years ! C harles S. Kd ward s THK MISSES STENBERG AND HANDLE, Props. D esch u tes, c o u n ty of Crook, sta te of O regon, timber and agricultural lands be­ and covers tbe coming presidential of has on J u ly !», J'.Hi.t filed in tills office his sw orn % statem ent. Vo. for th e prireha»** d th e SWJ 4 tween here and Silver Lake. They election. of hoet ¡011 No. ill to w n sh ip No. HIS. range No. in E., W. M., and w ill offer proof to show New stock of dry goods and notions now in stock. left Tuesday for the latter place. Remember and bring your loca­ th at th e land so u g h t is m ore valu ab le for its tim ber or sto n e th a n for a g ricu ltu ral p u rp oses, S, A ll K in d s o f S ew in g a n d D re ssm a k in g Dona. J. F. Taggart left on Tuesday tion, as the clerk cannot take time and to e v tu b liili his c la im to said land tie fore J. M. La* renee, t \ S. com m issio n er, at ills o f­ noon’s stage for a iWo or three days’ to look up plats or records, as there fice at D e a d lin e s. O regon, mi W ednesday, th e d ay of May. 1901. x visit in the Bend neighborhood. will be several hundred voters to 11th He n a m es as w itn esse s: J. X. H u n ter.G lcn n i M arsh, K iehara K ing and Jam es H u n ter, all of register in the next two months. Mr. Taggart has developed into D esch u tes, O regon. J. J. S m i t h . A ny and nil persons c la im in ' a d v e n e ly th e quite a student in the printing ab ove-d escrib ed lan d s are requested to file County Clerk. t h e lr c la im s in th is office on or before said business since locating in Prine­ »E V E R T D E BIN G , Prop. U th day of May, ltud. Mil HAIL T. NOLAff. R egister. ville, and it is said be is contem­ N O T IC E . plating the establishment of an­ 1 In th e county court o f th e State o f Oregon for Crook county. other wer-kly at Deschutes.— Prine­ In th e t r a i l e r o f th e a p p l ic a t io n g f C h a r le s B ro ck fq r a iv t.til liq u o r lie •■>■-.- ;,t B e a d , O r e g o n . ville Review. This is only a jollv. T < tlu liouoviible couuty court e f t h e M ate o f Oregon for Crook •comity: Tsgiiirr will gladly explain the We. the tr.ifk r.sigm * not seem to have abated in the least, os evidenced by th e Ituke's official organ, The Bulletin. / OREGON LYTLE, \