The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, January 23, 1904, Image 1

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T he
REID and
A D A R IN C R O B B E R Y .
C u n n in g T h ie f T a k e s $ 1 9 0 F ro m
J a m a s O v e rto n ’ s H o rn *.
were selected some time ago but
considerable delay was occasioned
in having the segregation passed
upon by the Interior department
aud tbo president.
The Three Sisters Irrigation
Company was the name of the
company that first undertook this
work, but about a year ago it was
absorbed by the Columbia South­
ern Irrigation Company and the
work of reclamation has been car­
ried on by the latter concern ever
since. These lands have been in
great demand among prospective
settlers and the greater part of
them have already been spoken,
for. The company is far in ad­
vance with its work, a large area
having already been put under
ditches, and with the approach of
spring active operations will again
Settlers will begia to come in
this spring in large numbers and
Manager Laidlaw states that it is
very probable ihat crops will he
harvested on some of the reclaimed
land next fall. Quite a number of
energetic settlers have already
done extensive work on lands se­
lected by them in this tract.
A bold robbery occurred Thurs­
day at about noon in which the
robber carried off $190 from the
home of James Overton while Mrs.
Overton was out hanging up
H as a com plete lin e of
clothes. About an hour before
goods at his n ew store.
Mrs. Overton had been up to
tw o-th ou sa n d d ollar
Staate’ store, doing some shopping.
addition has jn st been
She carried with her the purse
received. Q ualities lig h t
upon her return home placed it
and p rices right.
under the mattress where she was
. . ........................................... ........................................... $ 2 OO
W . H. ST A A T S, Prop.,
in the habit of keeping it when at
home. Going about with her usual
J. E. HUXLEY, 82 4th St.. Portland. Or. household work, nothing more was
thought of the family treasury un­
til about three o’clock in tbo after­
noon when she made preparations
to visit Mrs. Keever. When ready
to start from her home she went to
the bed where the purse had been
placed several hours before, intend­
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ O »
ing to carry it with her as was her
custom when leaving the house for
any length of time, aud was al­
most shocked beyond reason to
find it missing. Neighbors were
The only first-class establishment ef its kind in Western |
immediately summoned and a dili­
Crcok County.
M IL L .
gent search made through the
A B u s in e s s P ro p o s itio n .
house and about the premises but , t i „ If you are goin« east a careful ^ T h o f i n e s t b r a n d s o f w i n o s , l i q u o r s , b e e r s a n d
cigars c o n s ta n tly on hand.
purse . was ... found, .selection
: of . your
* route is eesential ♦
m, This • trace
, left of the
., the searchers
with no ,
J ot your trip. If Y ^ Eastern people are especially invited to call at the Buffet when in tho city.
doubts in their minds that a rob­ * it to is the a enjoyment
business trip time is the
bery had beon committed.
if a pleasure
According to Mrs. Ovorton’s ac­ trip, scenery and the ; conveniences
count of the employment of her and comforts' of a modern railroad.
time during tho day, the theft Why not combine all by using
must have occurred just about the Illinois Central, the Up-To-
midday while she was hanging up Date
road, running two trains
Mrs. C. E. M cD ow ell, Prop.
clothes as before stated. Her | daily from
work, however, was very near to j
and from Omaha to Chicago. On your way to Deschutes and Silver Lake you will want
the bouse but the thought bad olis,
Chair cars, the
never occurred to her that any one famous Reclining
to stop at a good hotel while in Prineville.
could enter and leave it without I care, all trains vestibulsd. In
being seen by her.
short thoroughly modern through­ The PRINEVILLE has the reputation of being the best; ask
The puree was made of buckskin out.
tickets reading via the
your friends if it isn’t.
and the contents consisted of eight Illinois All Central
twentv-dollar gold pieces, a ten these trains and no extra fare Fine R oom s and Beds.
guaranteed quality.
C u is in e U n e x c e lle d .
a twenty-dollar bill. The lots oharged.
R ifle s * - P is to ls , t S h o tg u n s
Ask your dealer for the
is a hard one for Mr. aud Mre. Our rates are the same as those
Send fur filirstraied Cat­
alog. You «MW*, do
is no substitute. If you
Overton and it is hoped that some of inferior roads—why not get your
cannot obtain them let us
without it. if interested
know, and we shall ship
in SH O O TING .-M ailed
of it will be found and the money’s worth?
direct, express prepaid,
fr e e on request.
upon receipt of price.
Columbia Southern H otel.
theft apprehended.
Write for full particulars.
B. H. T kcmbuli ,, Com. Agt.
D e s c h u te s H a s a C e m e te r y .
Lindsey, T. F. A P. A.,
There la noth in * th at d elig h ts th e w ea n ed traveler m ore than to ttnd a real
Last Sunday quits a number of
*ood h otel w h erever h e stop s to rest.
our residenta were aurprissd to find ; Paul B. Thomson, Portland,
that a new cemetery bad been laid (
You will pronounce the Columbia Southern the best by far of
Seattle, Wash.
out along the county read about
any hotel you have ever run across in a city of Shaniko’s size.
forty rods north of the postoftice.
Such a hotel would be a credit to many large cities.
A S lig h t D e la y .
Within a rail enclosure was found
two newly made graves decorated Since answers to the problem
with wreathes and having a single given our readers last week con- R a te s are re ason ab le, too. Run on th e A m e r ic a n
P la n , fro m $ 1 . 5 0 up.
S H A N IK O , OR.
head board with an iascription tinue to pour in, we have decided
The Economy — Here lies the remains o f------ prise antil next week when space Louie G. Peer, of, Mich . possibly return and locate perma­
will also permit us to publish the came in on Wednesday’s mail nently.
T y p e w riter Stand -iesl'fl and
•tags and lsft in the afternoon for Johnny Bates ¡a laid up with a
different answers.
------ acters. Burned
Silver Lake. Mr. Peer will re­ sore throat.
Mario of oak golden finish; top 3»
inches Ion»?. *•» Inches wide; height
----- $30000.” The following appointments for main here several days on ths re­ Harry Hill returned Thursday
inch««; drawer
inside. Shipping weight 30 lbs. Iron
The blank spacas indicate where election officers for this precinct turn trip and look over our town. from a trip to Millican’s ranch.
standards are- attractive, strong and
the inscription has been oblitsratsd for the next two ysars were made Charles Turner and Emil Swan­
very aecurely braced. Metal parts
finished in hia*‘k enamel. Shipped
by the elements. We suppose that I the coanty conrt »* th« la,u son, of White Earth, N. Dak., ar­ Ernes L. Wellmitx, of Portland,
K. D. Takas tow rate of freight.
mention of the organ means *e««i°n thatbedy: Judgea; J. rived from that place last Monday and C. W. O’Hara, of Duluth,
Very easily set up. This is a strong
serviceable »¿and at an econom­
that that instrument either killed R. Brock, J. I. Weat and John and have decided to locate here. Minn., were in towa yesterday.
ical price. We guarantee them.
the characters or played the dirge. Sisemore. Clerks; J. M. Lawrence, These gentlemen are old time
M a s q u e r a d e B all.
Charlee Brock and George frienda of Severt Debing and it
P ric e $ 3 . 5 0 .
Ir r ig a tio n S c h e m e A p p ro v e d .
was due to the letter’s enthusiasm Sylvester Staats and Savert Deb­
On the 14th of this month ths
aver this country that they decid­ ing have made arrangements to
E .
give a mask ball at Sizemore’* hall
president approved the contract The county court during their ed to come here.
» 2 Fourth St.. Portland. Ore.
Thursday evsning, the 2Mth of
eatered into between the state of recent session appointed Charles
, ,
A m erica's
month. This will be the big­
Oregon and tha Three Sisters Irri­ Cotter road supervisor for this pre­
event of the season and
gation Company for tha reclama­ cinct. Mr. Cotter has deeidsd
ia invited to come.
tion of 27,000 acres of dassrt land not to accept the office for tho Minn. Mr. Curry ia very favor­
Pom ectic and Im ported W ines and Cl*«*» on the Tomelo river to the north- roaoon that he may bo away the ably impressed with this country Masks can be secured at Staats’
sfter a short visit here and may store.
west of this placs. Thes# lands ’greater part of next summer.
O-ftpih B B 06, PRINEVIjbLE, OB.
T h e s e C o p y h o l d e r s a t t a c h to a n y t y p e w r i t e r , I
a n d s w i n g th e c o p y w h e r e v e r th e e y e s w a n t it, j
w h i c h d is p e n s e s w i t h f r e q u e n t sto p s to c o n s u l t
c o p y , a n d t h e r e b y d o u b l e s t h e o p e r a t o r ’s speed.
Y o u r c h o i c e of s id e a t t a c h m e n t , r e a r a t t a c h ­
m e n t c»r d e s k s ta n d . In o r d e r i n g si d e a t t a c h ­
m e n t n a m e machine» it is for. 180,000 sold.
A s e lf - a c ti n g L i n e I n d i c a t o r is fu r n i s h e d w i t h
either Copyholder.
It m o v e s a u t o m a t i c a l l y |
fr o m l in e to line , p re vw i- in^ e y e - s t r a in , loss of
p l a c e a n d e r r o r in t r a n s c r i b i n g .
“ They outclass a n d o utsell all other c o p y ­
h o l d e r s . ” — T h e Tr a d e .
“ I n c r e a s e s sco p e of bo th o p e r a t o r a n d m a ­
c h i n e . ” — T h e Sc h ool .
“ Make q u ic k e r w ork, easier work and neater
w o r k . ” — T h e O p e ra t o r.
“ A d d i t i o n a l w o r k of o u r o p e r a t o r s is v e r y
m a r k e d .” —T h e E m p loyer.
“ We u sa
o f these U’u p y h o l d e r s . ” — A r m o u r
& Co., C h i c a g o .
R e i d C o p y h o l d e r , h a n d s o m e l y n i c k e l p la t­
R e a d e a s v Ct f p y h o ld e r, b l a c k e n a m e l , n i c k e l
t r i m m i n g s ...............................................................
L i n e I n d i c a t o r fo r e i t h e r C o p y h o l d e r .
L i n e I n d ic a t o r , o r d e r e d ' w i t h C o p y h o l d e r . .
oo j
— AT—
First-Class Shingles
at Prineville
Deschutes, • - - Oregon.
There are many uses for a Shotgun or Rifle, hut
be sure to have one of a
make. The
“ St e v e n s * * has been on the marKCtJunce 1804
and is
We manufacture a complete' line of
“ S te v e n « ."
J. M. K E E N E Y