»« < V GU i B v v * %v> * ' * v v -N-K-F* •:•* v V ♦!♦♦:» vn’- * % • * * * ♦ :• v v v v v ' *:->^/ v ^ : ^ .; .. :. * ; . a .;..:..;..;. t Sparhutpa Erba H* 5l0IO^)l6lOlél9lO^îlOlOlO>O^O| K^l0IOlô^)^)^^9^^^^9K)feli)iOIO^ •:•*•>;** •:- *>v v v -•:♦ ♦>«:• ♦; • ♦;•• • :■ • ; ><>4; VOL. DESCHUTES, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY !>, 1004. Tim ber Land A rt June 3, 1878, N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . B IG DAMAGE NO. 33. S U IT . U. R. Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, October 17, 1903. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1*78, entitled “ Au act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Ore- « * 0 O _ V jr i i ___ Nevada VT „ , I., and » „ ,i U'..l,>n»»nn trxr\r '* a c J 0 Washington Tniri Territory,” gon, extended to all-Uee Public Land States by act ; o f August 4. 1892» Thomas Ferris, of Inkster, county of Grand 1 Forgh, state 01 North Dakota, has filed in this office his sworn statement No 2313, for the purchase of the sw qr, sc qr sec *27, 11 hf, ne qr of see 31, in tp 22 a, r « e, vv m., and w ill offer ^ proof to show that the land sought is more .XT, valuable lor its timber or stone than for agri­ cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before G 11 Wardwell, U 8 Commis­ sioner at Silver Lake, Oregon, on Friday, I he 14th day of Jauuury, 1904. He names as witnesses: John Steidl, R ich ­ Money Will Be Available When Judgment is Secured—-L. D. Wiest ard King, .1 N Hunter, of Deschutes Otegon, Sues H. W. Reed, W. H. Staats, Mrs. Harshman. A. W. Pope, Dick Vandevert, of i'rin eville, Oregon, L N Kelsay, 8 M Bailey, ©f silver Lake, Oregon, and G. Schlecht for $20,000—-S. H. Dorrance Will Sue Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above described lands are requested to file for #10,000. their claims iu this office on or before t ue said 14th day of Jauuury, 19o4. E. M. B r a t t a w , Register. W o rth of C h a ra c te r B lo w n to T h u n d e r. B. COM PANY W IL L B U IL D D IT C H H as a complete line of goods at his nerr store. A two-thousand dollar addition has jnst been received. Qualities right and prices right. W . H. S T A A T S , Prop., Deschutes, • - - Oregon. Timber Land, Act Juna 3.1878. Papers were filed with the county clerk this week in the much-talked- United States Land Offlco, , Lakeview, Oregon, October 20, 1903. of damage suit wherein L. D. Wiest Notice is hereby given that in compliance , with the provisions ol the Act of June 3, 1378, and S. H. Dorrance sue II. W. entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in • the* states o f California. Oregon, Nevada and I Reed, W. H. Staats, Patience Washington Territory,” as extended to all the j N O TICE FOH PUBLICATION. Public Lund States by act of August 4, 18»2 the i r . , 0 L m ftn follow ing persons have filed in this office their ! - tr a r s n U la n , • \ \\r A . \\ . tj _ _ _ „ i I O p 6% a n t i /s Lr. ] Schlecht of this place on the com of i’ rineville. county of Crook, state of Oregon; plaint that they had been malic- sworn statement No. 2**80, for the purchase of | 1 the lots 7, 8, 9, 17, 18 sec 31, tp ‘22 s. r 15 e, w m iously prosecuted for the crime of Elliuor M Chase, of I'rineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, larceny some weeks since. This sworn statement No. 2587, for tlie purchase of the lots 10, 15, 16, 2l and 22 see 31, tp 22 s, r 15 e, case takes upon itself the most w m. That they w ill offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or ridiculous aspect of anything that stone than ior agricultural purposes and to es­ has yet baerl recorded in the courts tablish their claim to said land before G. B. | Wardwell. i . s.commUsienes at saver Lake, j of Crdok county. Oregon, on Monday the 1st day of February, i " Barnes further stated that he hid been raised a Methodist and that he never let an opportunity slip by where he found it peseible to make the raise of a good bunch of well- fed poultry. Mr. Dorrance values bis “ rep” at one-half as much as Weist’s and will therefore sue for only #10,000. We do not know whether Mr. Dor- ranch is in the chicken business but for Mr. Barnes’ benefit will say that he owns a fine jersey cow. J à t A â à à J à iÈ à k M BRI DGE W ILL BE SJIAW & BK0STERH0U9, Prop*. That they w ill offer proof to »how that the I P i l o t U n til* D o v a la n m o n t P n r n n o n v land sought is more valuable for its timber or 1 1 1 0 1 J > u u e L r e v e i © p m e n i c o m p a n y stone than for agricultural purp •osea ami to j was not mentioned by that paper. establish their claim to said land before G. B. W ardwell. U S Commissioner at Silver Lake, Oregon, on Tuesdaf, the 26th day of Janu­ Herein, however, appears the most ary 1904. They name a* witnesses: Mary Larson, Hans interesting phase of the case, as it Larson, of Crookston, Minnesota; Maxim Lo- Bage, Salem Mageau, Ed Boyd, of Deschutes, is currently rumored at I’rineville Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the that the outcome will materially above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 28th affect the progress ef that com­ day of January 19W. pany’s work in ditch-buildiag. Ii n?-j9 E M B r a t t a in , Register. W h ich the bridge ! The Gnly first-class establishment »fits kind in Western B U IL T. H Erickson, i •omplaint» in the Wiest Case were New One Will S p a n C rook e d & A » ^ » e Z & A f Berved UP°“ W - H - Staau and G. R iv e r N ext Sum m er. i 8ch,echt * l Prioevilft ‘ he first ef their claims in this office on or before said 1 st the week and it is expected The question of building a that day of February, 1904. n7-j9 L M B r a t t a in , Register. btidge a e r e a s Crooked r i v e r at the j the other parties wilIA>e served at Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. • wnten has been Been a » once. For some unknown reason, Forest place, which NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the complaints in the Dorrance matter of general interest here for some time, •vaiiiiC u-p "twftortl the L a k e v i e ^ ' n i l - g o W f ^ V l t 1^3. i h * ld b a u k < P 0 , » ib t) ’ Notice Is hereby given that in compliance I w i t h the i nt ent i on n f f ir s t tr vi np county coqrt this week and it is with the proviaionsof the A cto i June 3. 1878, | W l • lU 1 I H e ,,U U I 1 0 1 u rB l. LrJ j n t* entitled “ An act lor the sale of timber lands f \\r 1 * f. a n il HfiCPrtJli n fn 9 w h p th p r In the States o f C alifornia, Oregon, Nevada and u b c e r w n in g w n e i n t r about settled that a substantial Washington Territory, ” as extended to all the , th p rp sirp fin v ftrn iin iiM Tnr r fiitif mod- rn bridge will be erected at Public jLand States by act of August 4. 1892. I t n e r e a r e groU HUtJ IOr a S U ll. the follow ing peipons have hied m this office The Crook County Journal in an the above place some time early their sworn statements, tow it: I tans Lar.'ou. next summer. The court took lk. state of Min-o-1 articIe on the case, states that Mr. of Crookston, county of *»ota; sworn statement No. a47g, for the pur­ Wiset is a prominent chitkeo under consideration the petitions chase of the sw qr sec 4. tp 23 s, r h r, w m. Mary Larson. and subscript!»« lists that had rancher of this place. The fact of Crookston, county of Folk, state of Minne eota; sworn statement No, 2481*. for the pur­ shat he is also vice-president of the been sent in from various places chase of the se qr see 5, tp 2 5 s. r 12 e, w m V-tòhfAity I M IN N E S O T A B U F F E T Summons and " T h e y name as witnesses: Charles ± tà k M Creok C»»nty. $ 5 ^ T h e fin e s t b ra n d s o f w in e s , liq u o rs , beers c ig a rs c o n s t a n t l y on h an d . and Eastern people are especially invited to call at the Buffet when in the city. À A v A T A A ? A v A v A ? A v A f T A V A A f v A ? A f A v á A ' v A v A v A ' r A T A V A A t v A f A v A f A 4 W i n t r l p ñ m u ít Ü T Mrs. C. E. McDowell, Prop. On your way to Deschutes and Silver Lake you will waul . . . to stop at a good hotel while in P rin e v ille . will bo located, j 1 he PRLNM ILLE hils the reputation oi being the best; ask your friends if it isn't. and these together with the de-1 mand that has been made for years for such improvement caused the F in e R o o m s a n d B e d s . C u is in e U n e x c e ll e d . coutt to decide on taking action. [ Commissioner II. J. Ilealy, of Hay-1 stack, is entitled to much credit) for his persistent efforts in behalf! is said that if Mr. Wiest succeeds CONTEST NOTICE. of the people of the western part of in winning the case the funds U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Ore. J. M. KEENEY PflOP. Nov. *23, 190:’.. the county, and had it not been for secured thereby will be used to A sufficient contest affidavit having been fil­ ed in this office by Loren E. AUingnam, con­ the fact that funds have not been There Is nothing that delights tho wearied traveler more than to find a real testant, against nomestead eutry No. 8565, complete the irrigating canals of made Oct. 11, 1900 for «vv qr swr qr sec 26, se qr the company of which he is a heavy available during the past year, a good hotel wuerever he stops to rest. ae qr sue 27, ne qr ne qr sec 34 and nw 11 r mv qr Section 35, Tow nship 15 s, Range 11 e, dv Sam- bridge would havo been placed u c iT .e r e w e u c o u .««tc e .h , wfu. i, i. is «•ficged stockholder. In this connection, You will pronounce the Columbia Southern the best by far of thut »ft id Sam hoi l . 1 row ott I ihs w hoi 1 y a ban- i k p fuippp oa r»f th p k n i f w m i 1H ha there before this time. doned said tract; that lie ha« changed hi» real- i n e 8UCCfcB9 0 1 U ie P U ll WOUK1 D6 any hotel you have ever run across in a city of Shaniko's size. deuce therefrom fo r more than six months Bids for putting in the bridge since making said entry; that said tract is not highly gratifying to many people Such a hotel would be a credit to many large cities. settled poll and cultivated by »aid party as will be advertised for at an early l required oy law, and that such failure still ex­ of this community who would hail ists, and that the same is not due to Military or with delight any kind of active date and it is thought that the! Naval service ill the U. ?*. army or navy; said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond , work can be completed by June R a t s s a r e r e a s o n a b le , tc o . R u n on t h e A m e r i c a n and offer evidence (niching said allegation at work on the company’» project. It» o’clock a. in. on January 15, Lui beU re \V. A. Wiest sues for #20,000 and al- 1st. With a guarantee from sub- P l a n , f r o m $ 1 . 5 0 up. S H A N IK O , O R. Beil U. 8 . C o m m i»«io »«r, at his office at Brine- , « t'iuV/cfock'a.1 m!'on JanuKry'^^fiwViK-iiriMhr , e 8 * 8 *n t h e c o m p l a i n t L «S d O ffiw 'in The u iiir« » * o r i ^ n ^ nlt*d S‘ * a ” I f o n d a n t s , e n v y i n g h is C o fu m b ia S o u th e rn H o teL th a t th e d e- « c r i b e r s o f s u f f i c i e n t l u m b e r o n th e good n am e, g r o u n d fo r th e s tr u c tu ie , th e cou rt W e h ave in p r e p a r a tio n tw o Timber Laud. Act June 3, 1878. i w ic k e d ly c o n s p ir e d to g e th e r a n d ) w ill g o a h e a d a t o n c e a n d le t c o n - a r t ic le s w h ic h w i l l in te r e s t th e p eo- N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . show that after due diligence personal service [ accused him of being a thief for tracts. The new bridge just out-! pie of this vic'nity. One is the of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or- j United State* Land office. dered and directed «bat such notice be given Lakeview. Oregon, October 17, 1903. the purpose of ruining his reputa »ido the city limits of I'rineville legal status of the I’ . B. D. Co’s bv due and proper publication. Notice i-i hereby given that in compliance M a n A L L T. NO LAN, lion, breaking down his character, has been accepted by the court, townsits, and the other concerns with the provision» of the act of < diigrcM» of Register. June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the »ale of destroying his usefulness and the price of building being about ■ Oils. timber land* in the State» of California, Or«* gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as 'lim ber Land Act June 3, 1873. bringing his good name into re- The Forest bridge will be i extended to all tlii! public Land States by act Timber Land, Act June 3, 1.878 N O T IC E F O H P U B L IC A T IO N . of August 4, 1892, tin* following-named p ersons NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION proacii. It also states that, previ- of a similar type and will cott have tiled in thi» office thoir sworn statement#», U 8 Land Office Lakeview, Oiegon, U 8 l and Office, U k evi^ w , Oregon. to wit. October 16. 1963. about the same amount. Notice I, hereby given V om p T a n c, ! O U8 t 0 t h e a C t 3 c o m p l a i n e d o f, t h e Morion E Carson, m _ __ _ Notice 1» hereby « I veil that iu compliance j with the provisions o f 'he act of ( ’o n t'r a ^ d <>f Bembljl, county oi Beltrami, state of Minne­ sota; sworn stat'Muent No. 2.').'50, ior the pur­ |p‘ aintiff had » f i « * - ° i » « P r s n l i A l ip 'irt/1 t,Vio (/fin in ! a» a np Ju ne 8 18/ H , entif ■ d '‘ An net for the.» > r r a n i a iw o o o , m e g e n ia l « t i g e in lhu HlllUll of CsUfo, niJfc o r , chase oi the w hi.se qr, sw qr ne q r .s o q rn w i tlon and had ,)«’« n knoWn a8an a g e n t Ht S h a n i k o WHS m u r r ie d o n K(,u- Nevada, and VVa^biiigton IVrriiory,’ ’ a- qr secj 11, t;» 2! », r 14 e. w m. o h h i i i k j , w a s iu u r r it ;u o n , -tf.nded to all the Public Land state» by act Ole J MHIigfin, S f t S & t W ,u t' ilc L* n,‘ SU,es by,4ct ° ' h o , i e i t m a !1 - T h is , M r. W ie s t w ill Dec. 28th to Miss Blanche Kilgore at Auieu,t 4-1**2 of Bemidji, coi in ly o f Beltrami, state of Minne- Barney Leu is of Deschutes, county of crook, i u n d o u b t e d l y attempt to p r e v e . , n l (*h«rles Seeley, o f The Dalle», cot ntv o f Wa« sota; »w..rn statement No. 25:11. for the pnr- state of Jregon, has tiled in this offiee his . , r at me bride 8 homo in Brownsville. "**o, «tat# «»i or^on, he» Hied »n th)* ofttre li chase of lot* i, Il «k 12, see 31, lot 3 a 31 tp 22%, •worn .dsteincnf N o 2g7t. to r tbe purchase <»f In an interview Mr. oarnea, t h e ! sworn ntatemeut No 2251, for the purchase of r 1 > e, w in. mv qr of sec 8, tp z i s, r lo e, w m., and w ill . • sw qr, nw qr so or. »e qr sw qr of sec The young people are now at heme ThatthAy w ill offer proof to show that the offer pr(K>f to »how »hat the land »ought u p i a i n t i f f t a t t o r n e y , B ta te d t h a t M r . 28, tp 22 *. r 9 e , w in ., and w ill offer proof to laud »ought is more valuable for It» timber or more valuable for its umber or stone than for ! , , to their many friends at Shaniko show that the ¡and »ought 1» more valuable stone than for agrim ltu ral purposes, and to agricultural purpose», and t . establish hi- \\ i e > t W OUld W it h o u t q u e s t i o n re* for it» timber or »tone than for agricultural •■stablisb claims to said land before G. B claim to m Q«1 land before G B \ \ ardweii. U 8 . * and it is said by travelers that purposes, and to establish Id» claim to said Wardwell, their f \ 8. rom n ission cr at Silver I.akc , Commtoab nerat Silver Lake. Oregon,on fhurs- Clive the i 20,000 n r e t u r n for b i t land before G b Wardwell. U H Comrat»flioner Or(*fon, on Thursday, the ‘28th day o f January , day, the 14th day of January. 1901. Frank’s smile is broader than ever. at Silver Lake. Oregon,on Wednesday, the 13th lVffft. He names as witnesses: W H Brook. *»f he« r e p u t a t i o n w h i c h i t I t a l l e g e d is 00 day of JaoQftry, 1904. They name as wftncflwia: 1/OUii Nelson. John chutes, Oregon, Wm P Vandevert, W i 111ain I ° He names as witnessc»: Robert Patterson, j J u o iie n . uio r.ncxson. of iieaciiuteH, DokVen, O\o. Erickson, Iiescliute», Or *gon; • Moiiingshead. of Lava, i.av», vrvgon, r.# j n ro m .o of i • u a a i y toiled. lo u e a . i n o attorney s i i o r o e y added, aaaea, i Oregon, e Brook, badly Tha Much is being said regarding the F M Chrlsman, Andrew NeI«on, B Cady, all of Marion K Carson, Ole J Melllgan, o f Bentldji, t k m Lutes. Oregon. * , . Silver Lake, (Jffcffofi. Minnesota Any and ail person» claim ing adversely th* however, with a wink, that he terrible theatre fire in "Cbicaga last Any and all persona claim ing adversely the Any and all persons claim ing adversely the lands are requested to tile above-described lands arc requented to file .ft'"1 office , t- Ujj (Barnes) expected to get the chick- week. At this late day it has no above-described their claim» in thi» on or before their claims in this office on or before the said their claims In this office on or before the w id l a i d Uth day of Januarv, 1904. 13th dfty of January. 1904. 2Mh dfty of January, 1904. en ranch on the windup. Mr. effect. £ i i N A TTA I*, Register E M BR ATTAIN, Register. n7 “ * j k M — K BR ATTA IN , R ^ s U f g