------- ÈÊ ÊS S â ÊU Ê Ê v*/ I ua td m V * f / ▼ ' , 'A' ; I) ESCI H T E S , CROOK CO U N TY , OKEC.ON, NOVEM BER 14, 1903. VOL. IL Tim ber Land Act June 3, 1878, N O T IC E F O R P U B L I C A T I O N . DR. W IN N A R D ’S CLEVER S C H E M E . NO. 2.*>. at tho public school house at 2:30; p. m. A cordial invitation is ex- T h o Only Sure Winners are the Pro­ tended to everybody to attend and j moters. become enrolled. U. S. Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, O ctober 17, 1903 . N otice is hereby given that in com plia n ce with the provisions of the act o f Congress of June 3, 1*78, en titled "A n net for the sale of tim ber lands in the States of C alifornia. Ore­ gon. Nevada and W ashington T erritory,” as S id e h il! F a rm in g , Some time since we criticised the extended to all th e Public Land States by act o f August 4 , 1892 , scheme which Dr. Winnnrd -ond A stranger in this region meets Thom as Ferris, of Inkster, co u n ty o f Grand .1 Forks, state of North Dakota, has tiled in this others of Albany are promoting a few climalic conditions that sur- office his sw orn statement No 2813 , for the purchase o f tho *w qr, se q i sec c aAdiiiioVii ;and WC are n0W in recdpt ° f ° ne of prise him but nothing occasions o f see 34, in tp 22 s, r 9 e, w in., proof to show that the land sought is more their contracts or options and are In0re remttrk3 than the existence valu able tor its tim ber or stone tnan for agri­ cu ltu ral purposes, ami to establish his claim confirmed in our opinion that the i of 6ucccggful ranches on the slopes to said land before G I! W ardwell, U S Cornmis- . , . . . sion cr at Silver Lake, Oregon, on Friday, the project One of I’ owell Buttes. The increase of 14th day of January, 1901. 1 . . . . . . , He names as w itnesses: John Rfeidl, R ich- detriments 1 to individual holder», cold with the increase of altitude ard King. J X H unter, o f Deschutes O tegon, 1 , , . Dick van devert, of Frinevilie, Oregon, i s l he option contract forbids the is well known to everyone and one K elsay, S M Bailey, of Silver Lake, Oregon, ' Any and ail persons cla im in g adversely the 8flle 01 the land by tllC OW ncr for would naturally eupposo that 18 j THE BEND M ERCANTILE CO. K o e p s a c o m p le t e s to c k o f S ash, D oors. . W in d o w s , an d , She Famous S:i reproof Skibccreid Proofing. which Will prove HEADQUARTERS AND F u ll tien^edahos*nt^his^offlceVn or^before^he0sai'd any sum less than $3000 before where summer frosts prevail at the 14tli (lav of January, 19>l. E. M. B eattain , Register. January 1905 unless by consent of f00^ 0 f an elevation they would be the promoters. In every case more severe at a greater altitude. Tim ber Land, Act June 3,1878. : where the owner sells, the proraot- j T h e * x p ] a n a l i o n has been offered N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . ers receive $100. It the owner de- j t])at there is a warm belt on moun United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, O ctober 20, 1903. sires to tell at any time before Jan­ tains. It ¡8 claimed that the cold N otice is hereby given that in com plian ce with the provisions of the Act of J u n e 3, 1878, , l i u r v . l 1905, ir u n this t i l t s i c e 111119 1 be tie paid, n t im i > • , 1 . ., entitled "A n act for the sale o f tim ber lands in j uary, u“ - ’ 1 11118 fee t must m is iu e P R l u i m r which IS heavier, Settles 111 the t ----------- -------------------- the s t a t e s ° f ca iiforn in , Oregon, N ev ed *a n d n o m a t t e r what the price received i „ ...1 W ashington Territory, as extended to all the j ~ , lOVVGT t r a c t s tin Cl forces up the P u blic Land States by act of August 4. 18 j 2 tlie 1 T r A1 1 ’ 1 1 If there should be signs warm ftir 8omc distance and that follow in g portions have filed in this office their maybe. sworn statements, tow it: of a depression in the lumber I tlie part of an elevation where this Ernest II Waltz, of Prineville, cou nty of Crook, state of Oregon ; market and a holder desired to let wflrm air etratum touches is warm- sw orn statement No. 2586, for the purchase of the lots 7, 8 , 9, 17, 18 sec 31, tp 22 s, r 15 e, w m. go his interest, he would be j u s t ! r than eilher the base or summit.! K llinor M c hase, o f Prineville, cou nty of Crook, state of Oregon, $100 out. Now what good can the whether true or not this theory is sworn statement No. 2587, for tho purchase of the lots 10, 15,16, 21 and 22 sec 31, tp 22 s, r 15 e, promoters do him? They are not at least plausible. Anyway the w m. That they w ill offer proof to show that the timber buyers and they cannot slopes of Powell Buttes add much ! L in o FOR C A T T L E M E N 'S of Everything S H E E P M E N 'S S U P P L IE 3 . H ard w a re, at Prir.cyillo S toves, Etc. Pr ic es. A. H. G KANT, M anager BEND OREGON. j land sought is m ore valuable for its tim ber or stone than lor agricultural purposes and to es­ tablish their cla im to said land before ( ¡.f t . W ardw ell. U. S. Com m issianes at Silver Lake, Oregon, on M onday the 1st day o f February, 1904. They name as witnesses: Charles II E rickson, H enry A Ko^ar. Ernest D Waltz, H arry C Chase, E lllp or’ D l Chase o f P rineville, Oregon, Any and all persons cla im in g adversely the above-described lands are requested to fflc til.Or claim s in this office on or before said 1 st d., H7-J9 o l F . b r u . r n 1901.-------- F; M B rattain , Rogister, Tim ber Land, Act June 3, 1875. force up the price of lumber or of to lhe agricultural production of timber lands. Crook county. The best they can do is to pre-1 ---------- - - • -------- . . . , W e ighed and not Wanting. p r o p o s itio n to b u y e r s , a n d . . .« • ! Tt w i l l b o w i - o i n o n s o n f a c n o o 1 a il in s ig n ific a n t S e r v ic e , 1 'M S P , i n C R sc Of a s p e c , , . , , , ; al c o c a in n i f 4 b » non» the lumber companies of late 1,11 J P g 18 1«1 ! 1 vn session, II me new j , , ; S p lit t h e j . . , th is IS . , Since years have tramped the woods of tax taw shall be repealed, and the Has a complete line of goods at his new store. A two-thousand dollar addition has just Been received. Qualities right and prices right. W . H. STAATS, Prop., every timber section in the United , one lhul replacedjbe reenacted. States and know the market value ^he Plrs^ experience with the new N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . of timber in each section. It is law is an expensive and irritating C alled States I.and Office, Lakeview. Oregon, O ctober 17, 1903. \\ ith the act still untried, 10 is hereby given that in com plian ce perfectly safe to eay that a prop©- bungle. w .d i the provisions o f the A eta f Juno 3, 1878, sition made for the eale of any tim- ^iere *s a possibility of other mis­ entitled "A n act for the sale o f tim ber lands in the States o f California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington T erritory," as extended to all the tier in this section quoting the price chievous and costly errors or pro- P u blic i.and States by a< t of August 4, 1892, The old law was so per­ the follow in g persons have filed in this office at $3000 per claim would be turn­ visions. their sw orn statements, tow it: fect in its operations that it re­ Hans I arson, ed down by any company without o f Crookston, cou n ty o f I'olk, state o f M inne­ sota ; sw orn statem ent No, 2179, for the pur­ a eeeond thought. It would even duced delinquent tax lists far be­ chase o f the sw or sec 4, tp 2.3 s, r I 2 e, w m. I . . . . . . , . , Mary Lai son, discourage investigation and would low anything of the kind yet o f Crookslon, cou n ty of I'olk, stale o f M inne­ sota; s c o r n statement No, ?48". for the pu r­ do more damage than good. Up known in the state. There was no chase o f (ho sc or sec 5, tp j3 s r I 2 e, w in. such price has been call for a change, and the wonder That they w ill offer proof to show that the to date no land sought i^ m ore valuable for its tim ber or The stone than for agricultural purposes and to paid for a single claim in this sec- is that one was attempted. establish their claim to said land lnuoreG . B. present alternative of a costly ex­ W ardw ell. C S Com m issioner nt Silver bake, lion and to ask such a price for Oregon, on Tuesday, the 28th day o f Janu­ ary 1901. 200 claims of varied values is ut­ tra legislative session, or a year They name as w ltnev es: Mary Larson, Hans Larson, i f Crookston, M innesota: Maxim Le- terly unbusinesslike. Ar. owner without revenue for public affairs Page, Salem Mageau, Ed Boyd, of Deselil’ tcs, O regon. of a timber claim will win just is the bitter fruit of not letting well A ny and all persons claim in g adversely the \ - . . . , . - SHAW A BROSTERH0U.4, Pr«|.«. % alone. If there is an e x ­ above deseribed lands aiv reouested to HU ' $ 1 0 0 b y S t a y i n g O u t O f t b l S SO Ca 11- enough <> their claim s in ibis office on or before said 26 th 1 tra session, a speedy rs enactment day o f January 1904. ed pool. n7-j9 ' E M B battain , Register. The only first-class establishment of its kind in Western % of the Sweek law and an equally T h e New Su nd a y School. speedy adjournment will he an Crook County. Tim ber Land, Act ju u e 3, IS7.4, easy, sure and safe way out ef the N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . The Baptist Union Sunday mire into which the late bungling United State« Land Office, T h e fi nes t b r a n d s o f w i n o s , l i q u o r s , beers a n d School, permanent organization of has brought the people of the state.! Lakeview, Oregon. Septem ber 28, 190*. c i g a r s c o n s t a n t l y on h a n d . N otice U hereby given that in com p lia n ce , , . , 1 . 1 1 . c j with the provisions o f the act of Congress of W’ h l c t l W a s c o m p l e t e d l a s t O U l l d a y , — Corvallis Gazette. Ju n e 5, 1873, entitle 1 "A n act for the Mile o f I . . , tim ber Inads in the States o f C aliforn ia, I « t a r t s OUt W it h Ve ry CtlCOUraging J Eastern people aro especially invited to call ut I lie Buffet when ¡11 (lie city. J Guard Borrow s Trouble. Oregon, Nevada and W ashington T erritory ,” , Tl . ” - ♦ ❖ as extended to all the pu blic Land States by prospects. I t C O D S lS t S O l a tliem- This generation is laying up sor­ act of August 4..IS42, r Ko b ,nson bership of about fifty and has at gomhas1 "tbUday Si^d'in ih^fflc^hL^wmrn : i,fl bead men and women in whose row nnd disputes for its successors j . l . M c C u l l o c h , statement N o - I., for the purchase o f the r i'a b n n ( ? 8 t h e w i i r lr e o n u o f e l v b o o n - in tlie wood pulp papor now used n * 1, and s « 1, iiw , -ce in and n e i . n d , see 9 , n a n a 8 ll)c w 0 K c a n e n ,e ,y u e ttl- tp'Jzs, r 9 e. nr m. and w ill offer proof to show At lusT Sunday’s • meet­ for all purposes. It has no lasting that the land sought is m ore valuable for its trusted. tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, Thomas ^Triplett was qualities and marriage certificates, and to establish hi. claim to said land before ing Mr. J. M. Lawrence, U. S. Com m issioner at Bend, elected superinten­ warranty dacds, records and other Beal Estate bought and sold and property looked after, nnd taxes paid Oregon, on Saturday, tho 12th da y o f December, unanimously 1909 At the previous Sunday’s important documents will turn yel­ He names as w ltn es.es: Joseph II Haner, of dent. for nen residents. Bend, O regon : W illiam II H ollinshcad, of Frank Tewksbury low and crumble into dust at a Lava, O regon ; Thomas la .,!or of Tho Dalles, meeting, Mrs. touch within less than n century.— Agent for Lytle Townsite, proposed terminus of the Columbia Southern. O regon ; Robert Barnet y .be bad been elected assistant euperin-1 Eugenc (}uar,] Any an da"i’PrMmTHAinu?gf‘ i v « “ ih above de Fire and life i n s u r a n c e . Prineville, O r e g o n ,r\hi.'mricVeoueor'b^or^.iid t«ndent, Mrs. Laura Abel, secre- ........ their elai ;7,\h 12’.h day o f Decem ber, l.o3. ' " ' ' " ' *, ■--------- tary and treasurer, and Miss Laura Ol0-dl2 E M B r a t t a is , Register. A c c o m o d a t i o n s f i r s t - c l a s s in e v e r y r e s p e c t at Bundle is organist. A full corps lim b e r Lvml Act J u t 3, 1878. | of teachers has been electrd end N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . work will start in carnrst ton f U S Lami Office LakeUe-.r. O irgnn, O ctofc r 17,1903. I Not ce Is hereby given that In com plian ce row when, it is expected that B . .. with the provision« o f the act of Cong r e ., o f j J u n e .'. 1*7*, eiohleU "A n r t for the sale o f , 0. \V. Trijilett will bo present to Tbit* popular report is under the special management and sup) r- tim ber land.. Ill the-Rate* o f C a liforn ia, Ore­ aid in the preliminary work. A gon, 5 . ■.«,;« and Wa.-’ .li>gton iVrrltorya a, virion of W. II. Slants. extended to ail the p u b lic Land -State, by act o f temporary fupply of song books of August 4, D E S C H U T E t . OÄECON* Barney L ew i, o f D e*chu'c», cou n ty o f Crook, and literature ha? been kindly etate of >f Oregon, ha« filed in . thl« — office — „ — hi* • »w orn statement No 22:9, for the purchase o f loaned to the school by the i’rine- D w q r o f - C». tp 22 r 10 e. w in . and w ill , . ' Inside each pound package o f Deschutes, • - - Oregon. M IN N E S O T A B U F F E T | X Abstracter and Examiner of Titles. HOTEL S T A A T S offer proof t" -bow that the land •»> ighi Is Vlllc B .ID '.IS t S u n d a y »cllOol and an* r * m ore valuable for it« tim i»-r or atone than for | a gricu ltural purpo«e*. and t > establi-h his order for new books booas anes- ing house, A considerable sum of et.otc*. '»regofi. Wm I* Vandevert, W illiam Hollinagliaad. o f l ava. Oregon. E J B r .x -k .o f money has been raised which will I*eseh fitea, Oregon. Any a n l all person» cla im in g a lr e r -e ly th ! more than defray these expenses above de*crlbe«l lands are reqoeated to file their elaiin . in th i. office on or before tb* and etart the school out on a good ■aid in n day of January. 1901. financial basis. The school is held i i M U ra t i at>, Register. / Lion Coffee will be found a FREE game. 6 0 different games. All new. A t Y o u r G rocer’ s. P IL O T B U T T E IN N A. C. L U C A S . " ------ Accomodations fer travelers alw tys first-class The Booth A Cornett and Vandevert stages slojr . its doors and livery rigi can be had on short notice to dri ’ tt to the timbei. BEND, OREGON.