The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, November 07, 1903, Image 1

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Takas the Eight View of It.
T im b tr Land Act June 3, 1378,
NO. 24.
for that ofliee.—
Several papers seem to advance Eugen« Register.
u s. Land office, ijiksvitw. Oregon,
K.t, . , t . , b y, 1, e„
« : ‘ hi °P inion ‘ hat Mr. Moody i.
7 « » V i î & ? Â i S « f ! h.°e” *,2u Sì jP««ecu U d by his political enemies.
timber lauds ia the Stales of California. Ore-
( • a . Msvala and W asbin glo» Territorr." as
extended to all the Public Land Slates by art
o f August 4 . i*9-'-
T K .,
J ne"
1,V o n v
c l , , n o t " 7 ttnJ
this, and the opinions
Oet In Debt, Boys.
m ea n s nrnvs
Man? a man can trace his lue-
meal18 pro\*
are based cess to his willingness to incur a
o!rks"Ustata*North naVota.'ha**filed *1 n* tlkia l* "™ }7 ° n “ ®thin* i .m0r® tbaM ^ a t
office h i. sworn .tateraent Ne g»13, far the Mr. Moodj
h a « political enemies,
purchase of the sw qr, *e qr see 27, n hf, ne qr
of sec si, in tp 22 ■. r 9 e, w m., and w ill offer H « also has business enemies, and
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable lo rits timber or stone than for agri- th«y are not far away from home,
cultural puri>c vs. and to establish his claim
to said land before (i H Wsrdwell, U 8 Commis­ Those enemies could have saved
sioner at Silver Lake, Oregon, on Friday, the
14th day of January. 1901.
Mr. Moody’s bank from failure had
He names as witnesses: John Steidl, R ich­
ard King, J N Hunter, of Deschutes Oiegon, they wanted to,
in 1897. They
Dick Vandevert. of Prineville, Oregon, L N
Kelsay, 8 M Dailey, ®f Silver Lake, Oregon,
did not choose to, and the bank
Any and all persons claim ing adversely the
Mr. Moody was not in
above described land, are requested to Si* was closed.
their elaiins in this office oa or before the said
politics then, but he bad business
14th day o f January, lSd.
debt for the purpose of making an
investment where ther# was a
chance of good results. Nearly all
great money-making enterprises
have been started with borrowed
money. Many of them failed at
flrst and brought financial min up­
on their promoters, hut they have
been wealth producers for the coun­
try. Nearly every railroad has
rivalry that for obvious reasons been built with borrowed money,
did not wish hitn well and let his When a merchant enlarges his
bank fail whil« solvent. Of this brick block, be usually does it in
we have nothing to s a y ; such part with borrowed money. Neither
things happen every day in the the farmer, the merchant nor the
business world and are forgotten; railroad-builder goes blindly into
E. M. B r i t t a i n , Register.
Tim ber Land, Act June 3, 1873.
t’ nlted Stntes Land Office,
Lakcv!“ vv, Oregon, October JO, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
rith the provisions oi the Act of June 3, 1878,
entitled "A n act for the sale of tim ber lands in
the states of California. Oregon. N ev .d a a n d
Washington T erritory,” as extended to all the
is« the almost immediately by all except the venture, but with judgment
°^ ce l^eir the parties directly concerned. It guided largely by experience in
Krne.t i)w a it«,
is “ cheap suspicion” again for smaller operations, be foresees the
swop, staiemcnt .No
for the pur. ha.eof Mr. Moody s friesds to bring out justification for
his investment.
._ .
tiiin o r u chase,
such absurd thoughts. The feder-1 He mav lose, but he believe» in
o f Prin eville, county of crook, mate of Oregon,
•worn rnatement .No. 2587, for the purchase of, al grand jurydoes r.ot n d ic t on the old saving, “ Nothing venture
the lots 10, is, 16, 21 and 22 sec *1, tp ai a, r 15 e,
, .
,r " _
. **
w m.
anything but information. Who-1 nothing have. — Oregonian.
That they w ill offer proof to show that the
, 1
land sought ia trnre valuable for its timber or | ever gave the information
is the
■tone than ior agricultural purposes and to es­
A Possible Boom.
tablish their claim to said land before 11. B. party to suspeot of persecution, and
Wardwell, C. S. Commlislones at Silver Lake,
A mild form of mining excite­
Oregon, on Monday the 1st day of February, not the political enemies of the de­
ment up on the Ochoco seems to
They name as witnesses: Charles M Krickson, fendant.— Rev iew.
Heury A Foster, Ernest 1) Waltz, Harry C
have broken out this week.
Chase, Ellinor M Clia»o of P rin eville, Oregon.
Any and all persona claim ing a jvorscly the
above-described lands are requeued to" ffle
Keep« a complete »took of Sash, Doors.
W n d o w i,
She Sanions Sireproof Slubbero id Sioefing.
Full Line of H ardw are, Stoves, Etc.
Everyth ing
A. H. G RA N T, M anaoir
Public Can,t state, by act of Augu.t 4.
■wornStatements, unvitf**^
their claims in this office on or before said 1st
day of February, 1901.
E M Hit a t t a i n , Register.
Tim ber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
An accident occurred down on were niet at this ofliee on Monday
the Swalley ditch last Monday that and a couple of backloads of pros-
t'nited States Land Office,
Lakeview, Oregon, October 17, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
w ith the provisions of the A r to f June:!, 1878,
entitled "A n act lor the sale of tim ber lands
in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada anil
W ashington Territory,” as extended to all the
I ’ ublie Land States by act of Augu.t 4, 1*92.
the follow ing persons have tiled in this office
th eir sworn statements, to w it:
Hans I arson,
o f Crookston, county of Polk, state o f Minne­
sota: sworn statement No. j 47 d , for the pur­
chase of the sw ur see 4, tp 23 s, r lz e, w in.
Mary Larson,
of Crookston, county of Polk, stale of Minne­
sota; sworn statement No,, for the pur­
chase of the se qr «ee 5, tp 2! s. r 12 e, w in.
That they w ill offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or
.ton e than for agricultural purposes ami to
establi-b their claim to «aid land before G. B.
W ardwell. U S Commissioner at Silver Lake,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th day o f Janu­
ary 1901.
They name as witnesses: Mary Larson, Han*
Larson, of Crookston, Minnesota; Maxim Le-
Page, Salem Mageau, Kd Boyd, of Deschutes,
Any and all persons claim ing adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 26th
day of January 1901.
e m b * a t t a i n , Register,
Tim ber Land, Aet June 3, 1373.
t'nited Slates Land Office,
Lakeview. Oregon. September 26, 1903.
Notice i » hereby given tiiat in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougres. of
ju n e 3 . 1873, entitled " A n act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California,
Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory,”
as extended to all the public Laud States by
act oi August 4. 1392,
of The
nearly cost three men their lives | Peclers or locator* left for the scene
While thawing out several sticks o f on tbut lb'-v • *'>0 P“ 'dculare could
giant powder for blasting purposes, \ be Earned vs to wh l has been dis-
Jas. R. Benhsra, Frank Glass and covered, but from certain slips let
Win. McFarland approached th« i fal1 b7 one of lbe PBrtv j UHt before
fire wb«re the powder had been left starl'"f? (,ut- the new find is cinna-
to thaw, wben the explosion oc- bar' I here was a sparkle of eyes
curred. Mr. McFarland was struck ant^ a" &' r °* suppressed excite-
over the left eye by a piece of rock me,,‘ “ bout the men who took part
which made an ugly wound but it *n tbe e x ' tions that would lead
is thought that the sight of the eye ono to bdit,v* ano,ber quicksilver
will in no way be effected. Mr. proposition lms been discovered.
L ì A a ì a A a
Glass had the side of his face E veT one of >»>•*"• wonted the idea
, .. - that there was »nvtliing in it
scratched by (lying rock and dirt
, ,• .• ■
3 3 *
worthy of publication, of course;
while Mr. Benham escaped with but as th? men have not yet re­
nothing more than a bad scare, turned, it is open »0 suspicion that
Had they been very much nearer. there is “ something doing.” — Re-
the powder when the explosion Vlew* ________ __________
took place there might have been
The legislature of 1908 passed
The only first-class establishment of its kind in Western
much more serious results.
an act changing the time of m«k
Crook County.
--------- —— ---------
i ing the annual tax levy from Janu-
A young lady having a proposal ary to July and it was provided
Tho finest brands o f w ines, liquors, beers and
c ig ars c o n s t a n t l y on hand.
| asked a week to consider. In a that the new act shall go into ef-
business like way she went to mar- feet on January 1, 1904. An as-
J Eastern people are especially invited lorall at the HniTet when in the city.
ried ladies for information. The aessment ha» been made in every ♦
first one had been mariied aix county in the mate in eonteiupla- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
year», had three children, did all tion of a levy in January. The
Deschutes, • - - Oregon.
Dallea, e>?untyC«.iKwa"Mi.nstate of Ore
gon, has tut» day riled in tliis office his .sworn .
. ..
. i 1 j-
statement No Hu. for the pun haw of the n »2 j hef own work, in clud in g the waph- 1 supreme court holus that when the
n\\L4 and utt1* liw l4 aec 10 and lie1.., ne*4 st*t* s#, !
Her husband state board of appoint ment and the
‘ \> s. r 9 e, vr in, and w ill offer proof to show ing and
liat tlie land sought is more valuable for its
tim ber or stone tnan for agricultural purpose v, had given her two dollars, anti bor- county courts hold their meetings
and to establish In* rlaiin to said land before
The next one had quit ' n 4**n"ary they will !>*? without
J. M. Lawrence, r. I. CommiMiotwr st Brad, rowed tea.
Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th «lay of December,
, .
. .
, any authority to m ake a tax levy
.......... ..........
.... ...................... ..... teaching school to marry a hand- at th„ t time, tor- th« new law has
He names as witnesses: Joseph II Haner, of
Bend, Oregon: W illiam ii liolliii-beari, of Some mail, she WAS then S u p p o r t -
L ava,O regon ; Thomas i ay lor, of Tne halles, i .
^ .
. . . ...
Oregon; Kobiert Barnett, of < olfax. Wash.
|1D2 h i m .
The third did not dare
Aitv ami all per*«iis elau n iu f advrr-tely the j “
abov e d e.en lied land- are rep ie-ted to file , tO BHV l i e r SOUl WHS t ie r O W il.
thair claim « lu thi* otfic» an or before said ,
w.h day of Decem i>er. ns.
fourth was divorced. Summoning
K M B k a TT a i s , Uegiiter.
. ,
. . .
U m b er L*nd Act .Time3, 1*78.
— up the evidence and considering
all the points she decided in favor
of matrimony.— Dufur Dispatch.
V 8 Land Office Lakeview, Oiegon,
October 17. 1903.
N ot'ce U hereby given that in compliance
With the provisions of the act o f ( ongreas o f
Noah was the first man to adver-
June 3. Ih7.\ euliiled "A n act for the »ale of I .
tim ber laud» in the state» of California, ore- tise.
He advertised the Hood and
gon. Nevada and Washington le rrito ry ,” a» ,
extended to ad the public Laud States by act of it came all r iu h t .
The fellows who
o f August 4, 1892.
Barney i^wia o f Des<hu'es, county o f crook, iaughed
at the advertisement got
state of jregou . has filed in this" office hiv ,
, ..
, ,,
•w orn siatebivut NojgTv. for the purciiasc of orowned, and it served them right.
n w q r o f «*<-». tp 22 r. r 10 e. w in . and w ill . .
. ,
offer proof to show that the land sought i. i*.ver since Noah » time the adV<W-
njore valuable for its tim ber or stone than for . . i t
agru-uitursi purpoaes. ami t> esiabiish in. tiser has been prospering, while the
claim to »aid land before G B Wardwell. I ’ S
, ,,
. , .
Commissioncrat Silver Lake, Oregon.on Thtir»- O th e r i * l l 0 W IS b e i n g . ' a l l o w e d U p
day. the 14 th day of January. 19»!
. ,
lie names as
W H Brock, of Pe»- IQ t h e tlOOd Ol d i s a s t e r . - L -h r O tllC le .
chutes. Oregon. Win F Vandevert, W illiam j
H ollins-head, of Lava. Oregon, E J Brock, of I
■ 1 — ------------ -
Deschutes, Oregon.
Any and allperanns claim ing adrer-ely fb •
S i n c e w h e n WBS a n « d it O T P r e s i -
•b oved escrib ed lands are requested to file e
vr : » J a . »
<* m» a
thele cleims in this office nu or before the «* n t O f t h «
U o U f t i o t a t « 8 . TO l 6
■aid llt h day of January l*jt.
. ,
M beattais . Register
Has a complete line of
froods at his new store.
A two-thousand dollar
addition has just been
received. Qualities right
and prices right.
W . H. STA ATS, Prop.,
a iail splitter or t tanner ia better
th e
o ld
. M c C u l l o c h ,
Abstracter and Examiner of Titles.
Real Kstate bought and sold and property looked after, and taxes paid
for nen residents.
Agent for Lytle Townsits, proposed terminus of the Columbia Southern.
Fire and life insurance.
Prineville. Oregon
----------- -
, m —
A c c o m o d a t io n s firs t-c la s s in every respect at
Games H O T E L S T A A T S
This popular retort is under the special management and super­
vision of W. H. Hlaats.
_______________ D ESCH UTE1. OWECON-______________
Inside each pound package o f
Lion Coffee
will be found a F R E E game.
60 different games. A l l new.
At Your Grocer*«.
A. C. LUCAS. r*-~o
Accomodations for travelers always first-class
T h « Booth A Cornett and Vandevert stages «top iu its doors and livery
rigs can be had on short notice to driv« to the timber.