' X / Ï W . V ^ , ■ w : J £ < - fc, > 3 f c < S , , / s £ £ - - ’ V A I W Q ^ O " '/ 1 \ ^ * y / J y % r* rrt r w r x / t v v ; w L Y T L E , the C O M IN G T E R M IN U S i o f On s t h e C o l u m b i a S o u t h e r n R a i l w a y . th e R e n o w n e d D e s c h u te s R iv e r L O T S T H E .A J ^ E 1 N O W O IS T s M A P w K E T . L o c a t e d a t th e n o r t h ­ * e r n m o s t f r i n g e o f th e © T J Z fa m o u s y e llo w p in e t i m b e r b e lt o f O r e g o n S t h e in v e s t o r n e e d s n o l Be * I • . - . l ■ ■L—L. ...1...L J — 7 6 o ' / 'V k V « 1 I \'4 ^ vX T 3 - — * s V J X 't - > 7 J ii n * X T *0 — I Ó p u r c h a s e r s o f t h is v a l ­ à «N jr Ai - 1 1 /* y . 1 r j j i J j 9 z u a b le p r o p e r t y . /«f 1 ! ra p id ly . T e •i . : ‘ é 7 • » • 0 r u p o n o r w r i t i n g to t h e /f L~> Lytle Tomnsite Company, - Co' _ - t' ■ T ! - — --- 1 z / M W k W 3 51 - 3 i w P a rtic u la r s m a y b e h a d b y c a l ling- V - L ots a s» U S0K a r e b e i n g d is p o s e d o f y *■ > in d u c e m e n t s to g e t i n lin e w i t h th e * .s ' ____ ■<— 11 0* *0 = ----- I I **\*\a \7 '.5 K b T T T T fu rth e r lVJ *W ? >*4 >*4 / i/<-> imhal P*—* $■£ r » ; P; j ; TT/y J * /* a . D esch u te s, O re g o n . ______ . v U i L v V i TlmlH'r Lami, Act June :i. 1H7H. . < > « U V !.. NOTICE. / S . Timber Land, Act Junes, 1873. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. N O TIC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . N O TIC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . I NOTICE. In the fo u n ty Court of ttic State of Oregon ior In the ( onnty Court of the State of Oregon ior Crook County. U. S. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon. IJ S Land Olllce, Lakeview, Oregon, Crook comity. li. S. Lutei <>ffiee L ak e v iew . Oregon. In the mnt’ er of the application of Shaw & September Ji, 1.03. September 29, 1908, In the mutter of ¡lie application of West A. Seidomher li», l i « « Brosterhous for a retail liquor license at Notice is hereby given that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in compliance Hrock for a retail liquor license at Bend. lien.1: Notice i * h e r e b y plven (fiat in eomplianee with the provisions of the act of Congress of with the provisions of the act of Congress of Mr I tit III«1 p r o v i s i o n s of thè net of Oongress of To the Honorable County Court of the State of June:;, 1S7H, entitled “ An act for the sal * of June 3, 1878, entitled " A n act f«>r the sale of To the Honorable County Court of the State of June;;. 1878. entitle «I "A li net fo r th e Milo of Oregon for Crook County : Oiegon for Crook County: timber Unds iu the States of California, Ore­ timber lands in the Stat»*s of California, Ort- limi»* , hinds in I lie Ktutes of ('nli ferii iti, Ore We, the mi h rsigued. elti/ens, taxpayers and gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as I gon. Nevada and Washington Territor y," as j We. the under-igned, citizens, taxpayers and l»im, Ncvadu 111»t Washington Terrilory,” ns | extended to all the public Land States by act residents of the precinct of Bend, crook Coun­ extended to all the public Land States by act residents of the precinct of le nd. Crook Coun­ «•xtendcil lo «ili thè pol le I ntel States h> net ; of August 4, 1892, the following-named person ty, Oregon, would most respectfully petition «»f Augii t I. l.s* ‘ thè h » I ! * » v. iiir minuti persoiis ts Oregon, would most respectfully petition of August I, 1892, 1 has tiled ill this office his sworn statement, to- that your Honorable Court grant a license to your Honorable Court grant n license to William 0 . close, buse tlle«l in thi.s olili • ilicir aworn state- ihnt I wit: Kean* West and Chus. ¡truck, partners, to sell .lames w. ShaW and George Hrosterlious, part­ meni ', t<» wlt ; of Hibbing, county of St. Louis, state of Min spirituous, malt ami vinous liquors in less 1 John II. Overturf, ners, to soli spirituous mal. aud vinous liqu or» Untile A ('tnneron, quantities than one gallon in the precinct of nesotu ha> tiled in 1 his ottiee bis sworn staie- ' o f Portland, county of Multnomah, state of liquors iu less quantities than i ne gallon in «if Itenihlji. conni v of licitinoli, >tate of Mimi inent No. 19 sh , for the pur«*hase of the s e. nr Ben I, in the County of Crook. State of Oregon, Sverni Muiriip'iii V> j !‘». tm- thè purelmso ot Oregon, sworn statement No. 194A, for the pur­ the ) recinct of Bend, in the County of Crook, For this we will of Si etion No. l-> ill Tow nship N»». 21 s. Katigc chase of the S. K. qr See. 9, Tp. 21 S., It. 14 E. State of Oregon, for the term of six months, tini \\ * N W » ami \V)y F W ^ See. 21 Tp. 21 S., for the term of six months No. I’l e. w m, and will offer j roof to show th.it ever pras : l o r tliis -ve will ot er pray: that the land sought i" more valuable for it* 1 sv. 111. K i t F. Barnes Lewis S Dehlng Maxim Le Pago That he will offer proof to show that the J K B- >ck Krlck Kriekson. timber or stone than for agricultural p u r ­ Miltwii Young ( nrl U Arnold eli a * Brock (lilbert Hagan of Meliitosh, etonity i»i Columbia, "late of poses, ami to establish his claim to said land land ."«»light is more valuable for iis timber or Jus Osorton J K Brook W F Stewart Mitili Swern tiiieinont No *0 Li, l'or thè pili before (J B Wardwell, 1 S Commissioner at stone than for agricultural purposes, and to W W Armstrong .1 W White M K Book feller K W (¡ile P B Oile «■tinse of Ilio sw« 4 S\V»., Scu tJ aliti Silver Lake Oregon, on Saturday, the 2*»th day 'establish his claim to said land before (». B. Ralph shArp \\ I S t -ss art Maxim Lepage c P Hecker I Ward well, IT. s. Pommissioner at Silver Lake, N E '» N \N ‘ 4 See. h, l p s . It. I! K., W. M. of December, H H W . V St Michel M C Vsvbrev J: J Broek Olia oNon, He names as witnesses: .I'hn Hyan, of Oregon, 011 Tuesday the 29th day of Dec ember M h Ko«*keteller W II St ants John Elder T st Michel «»f She\liti, eonnt;. "t Bell,ami, "tute of Mino. J W Shaw Prines ille, O regon: John MeCormaek. of n i b ­ ! 1903. I J deed Ole K.rlek.'on A C Lucas Milton Young He names as witnesses: J. H. Overturf, S m t*rn >i»uement N«>. di. l’or thè purehase of bing Minn ; Frank Pogue. David Willeheim, ( icorgc Sohlocht (' M Triplett Lawrence Fosdick, o f Portland. Oregon ; John ( c TripU tî «»f tIte >* sl*’.‘ , > ee II. NK‘ 4 NI1'.1, s e e .lt. ami M .1 Morrison of Lava, Oreeon. John Sti idl Ch.as Wliner J W White Ole Kriekson N \ P t \ \\ \ .M 1 . rp S . li. 11 K \V. M Any and all persons claiming adversely the L. Sehiiyleman, «» Lyden, Washington: Sam­ A (J Richardson J L Kever c C Triplet! Richard King Allloit Kriekson, uel ('. Hawthorn«', of Arcadia, Nebraska; nbos o-desen bed land" are requested to tile A W l ope Louis N i Isen ( ïeorue Sehleeht of Uenitri.ii, eount > * » i m itrami, state of Mimi. A li <1 rant their claims in this ottiee on or before said Isaac Williams, of Silver Lake, Or. K J Brock John Steidl I Any ami all persons claiming adversely the W M Baldwin Svi t rii ■ ltt ciuci.l N«» JOL.', l'or t Ite pili t htoc «d <>ra Poindexter 2t»th »Ins of December. 190.P A c Lucas Harry A Hill 1 J R e e d • o .1 Coti or above-describeii lands are re«|uested t«.» tile III. V A V , s W '» AV » .. See. I h N E » S E 1 ». K. M. U r a t t . s IK, Hun L'elsing J N Hunter A W Pope their claims in this office on or before the î( C Low svt 1 « I p. -J s . K li L V M. o*24-d2G Kegister. B C Low c .» 4'nttor Dan Heising W H Staats John v W hi ness, sai«l 29th «lav of December 1903. O R Rr.berts 1.0 Heed A 11 Kennedy o f HlievUn. conni> oi delirami, siate of Mino J It Benimm E. M. B RA 1 T U N , Dudley May Held R II West * ! o24-d26 Register. Wm Stvdibins « n o n i statement No. ter Ile* pnreha.se «d .lohn Filler Timber Land. Act June .*\ K'is. iiarrv A li.ll D W Moorehou.se it ic H F '» N \\ » , Se. pt. NI.' » N W » ami \VC. .1 S llo> t J L Kever Oliver Johnson NI.« * I. p s K I I I . W . Sì N O T I C E EX)R P U B L I C A T I O N . Notice is hereby given that the above peti­ M C Aw brey (' B S .valluy \ p i *' Solfori;. tion w ill he pro mm ’ fed to the Honorable Coun­ «.f hemidii. conni \ «>l* licitami. state oi Mino « lilted Suites Lami Oflic«'. Lskeviess Oregon. ty Court of the Stai»' of Oregon tor ('rook Notice i" hereby giv t n that the above peti­ Hworil stai, inciti Ne .«M, tor thè pnreha e o i Oclober U, 19(d. NOTICE. at the next regular term thereof, to tion w ill be presented to th© Honorable County lite >’ S W » . NW», -W1, S t Ji a n i N 1 '» County Notice is hereby given that in «‘«impilane© wit, on the Ith day <»f November. A D P .K i:**. or Court ♦ f the State of Oregon l«»r Crook County 8 I I p .• s . li U t . W M r." > » mi ihcreaiter as the said court can hear v i t h Hi«' j rovi"i«»r.s • » i ; he a. t of ('«ingresso! at the next regular term thereof to-w.t. on the A le\ h miei I* l ’ameron. Juin• », 1v\ entitle*! “ An twl f«»r tue al * of 1 1 tli*' Count' Court of the Ftate of Oregon for sane, and wil l then and there n»k that the 4th day of November, A I) ] 03, < r as soon « f Ite..iid.it ««n iiiiy o t 1.»dirami state nfM m n. the timla r la. ls in tue st»ne* of Ce.lifornia, Ore­ | Crook ( «unity. thereafter as the said Court can hearth© same rtwitrn siatemelit No o* ». tor thè piuvlta-eot "lime he granted ami a lict .uo tu' issued to tin- gon, N»'.a«la ami Washington Territor y," as in«' »aid Kenn Wcat and < h u Brock to m 1! ami will then and there that the "aid pe­ In tin* matter of the application nf Sjvort I)eb- Oie s h 14 N\\ t , » S I «» N !.. *♦. N’ r ^ ex;etui« «! to ail Ine putdic Land State* by act Npirituolls. malt, s ino ." l *,u r" and hard eider tition h • graute«) a:nl a licen.««’ be i-Mied to ing for a retail liqu«»r license at Itotul: It ' . . l , t * . . IL 1« I A >1 «»f Align«r t, Lv.r.* tm* followdii;; »iame»i person* the sai*l Janie* W Shaw ami (¡eorge Broster- M i le»* quantities than one ¿ h U ou at il. pre To the Honorable ('oan ty Court of the State of Anrt»T» i* UI oìii , ot Bend, mi cr<->k ('ounty, Oregon, for have ;i;.'»i in tlii.s otti«*© their »worn state­ hoi;> to sell spirituous, malt, vinous liquors Or«*gon f«ir Crook County : «»f Sputildin,. corniti of delirami, state of einet ments, n» wit: the u I m of si \ month". am! hard eider iu less quantities than one gal­ Mino *wern statement N'o ’JOK*. l'or thè pur We. the undersigned, citizen*, taxpayer* and lon at the pr.vinct .»f Ben»!, in Crook, (. ounty, Frank J. West, l ined this Mul) »L.s i.f septoinl»er, A H 10(«. chnse in ihe S. W, *» see. 7, l’p. -J S.. K 1 • L , residents of th*» mveinet *>f Bend. ( rook Conn- Or»*g« n. forth© term of s x month" W L "T vV BKO( K «»I st. Paul, co tin;.' of liain sei. state of Minne- W. M tv. Oregon, woulti nu»st rjspeeifiillv petition Da ed this 3eth «lay of Septembe *. A D 1903. sota, Msorn statement N«*. I ■•Mb for the our- tiitit your Honorable Court grant a license to Tlnd ti c w ili e'.Tcr pr»>«*f !«» aliow t h a t l h - SHAW a . BROSTKKilOCS. «• ■. . '«• «’f the N W 1 , «■*> V» 1 ;, see. Il, N C. SK*, • an* i Sevi'i i Debing to sell Kpirituous. mail ami v in ­ lami »uv: .t is suore \al.indie for Its th u la T or Nl *4 b W * j , see. 1 ». Tp. 21 S.. U U K . W. M. •»lotte thall f »r avirieultiiral c or p o s e " nn*l t«> ous liquors In les" •iiiantitie'« than one gallon Tin-ber I.and. Act June It, ISTs. • smltli« t tl .lam i" t«* sai»l lami he io re (» Lucy West, in the preeim t «»t Bend, County of ('rook. Slate Timber Lami. \« t June 187«*. 14 \Ynr«t*«d|, I > l'einmiHsioiicr >»t >ll\er N O TIC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . «'f Oregon for tb«- term of six months. For of St. Paul, county of liani>ev. state of Minne- Like. orci; »i »ni Sa(urda> thè -tei day of Jan- this we will ever pray: N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . "«»ta. > ss « ». n statenu'ut N«'. \ »"l. forth «- pur Laud Office at Lakevietr, Oregon, unr> 1 oi. .1 »V Slum «*V.as** « t I Ì4«* N w ' i SU » j , S««\ 2J, N I 1 , > F 14 ami « * lo F.rl«*ks«»n SeptctniH-r : pa i le > nate*' as e .tncssea John \ NYldness, 1* H Gik 1'i rlc J tat»'" I ami Office, M Ji K«M‘ kelVller * * -j SK»4 >ee. Ä l p 21 K. U k . W. M Notice ii horchv gi en rlint iu < oinpliane* of 8he\ ho Mimi; I NelM>n,of heseliuto*. Ore- I nko\ lev . Oregon, '••pti usb. r :40, 194«, F. W « HI«» M *' Aw lir-v witli tne provision' of the a t of Congre*, o f A llv r ta R. Ruck, Hen Hat t- \ i nmeroti \ntoii ) 'rie«"»*n. N t l»« ner.bv i.ise*i that :n ei'inplianee w Y Stewart Kirbwrd King June .1, 1-7'. entitle 1 “ An a , ’ f.ir the sale of Arie* " ' cru \h \t.teier H ( ..meri»«, ot IW w ith the provi"i«»u" • l th«' act of Congr» " * o f of Tacoma, comity of Pierce, state of Washlng- Maxim L«d a/*' Kd croc . timla-r lands n the 'tate, of C a l i ' «-nia, Ore­ Hintji. Mimi. Olia Olsoti. i>f Shevlln. M n i t - Jnn» * l*S. ent ilf»l •• \n act for the "Hi*' of t«»n, sworn statement N«' ! >>2. t«>r tin* pur­ ( has Rr«»ck Klch»rit Kin*, jr. gon, N vada and " asiling on Territory,' aa ICriek Krieks'tt « » I Meiniosh. Mino ;Y iid c r > L tuai < r lami* in th» m .»!«'»» «»t California. »>r* chase 01 til** SK-4 M Y 1,, !. ' 3 SW*4 an»l SW»4 Wm St« ph« ns GiHert Hagan e i tended to ail the pubbe Ban IS-« •- hy art of Jtlaiu, of spaiihlina Mimi goti. Ses «da, ami N\ a-i.Micton Terrltorv.*' *" Sw‘ t So A C l.ut-As Tp 21 K. 14 L sv. m. Nick Sn..:h Augii ' t. I 'J, the ,f iioa ing.nam i |iersu.ia \tt> ami all p» r »vili" eiaimiuK ndveraety thè ••X tended t«» all ilo* I . • t • » i » * Jjl ami States by act W ill M a r'll J K Br.M-k (•eorge 1 . Buck, hare on- th > day. fite 1 in th i. otliee their ntK»' e «le», r:h* t huels are reo il e ■»le d t<» file of August I. 1892, t M Triplet! sworn statements. n> w it of Tacoma, county of Pierce. >tab? «>f Washing­ Baruev Lewis Iticir «'latiti" in thia ottiee Oli i»r ì»ef»»re thè smd Louis N iNen T St Michel Kddle J. Brock% ton. -»worn atateinent N >> Is*;, f«'r t»»«' pur- r_-e F ' f irvtn. •?»»• 1 lay of Januarv psd. (ie«»rge Rfoaierhon* M K Kic iiani«'!! of shniiiko. e nmtv of V-a-i o. aiate id Oregon, of item! c e i n t s of cr* ok . slat of Oregon, has rha."© «»; the W ’ » of H 3 "«*v' 2U Tp. 21 S R. 1* K.. I. O Kee«l I M B U V IT AIM . ( .gorge Pehleeht iv m. sworn statement No B» for th - l. ase of riled In thi" * ih» « h." " scorti statement N»» o . i d.V» He r. w iu. H"h hi* eiaiin to sani un,I U'f re U K ar«i J K Bonham That they will offer pr«*‘f to show that the Oliver Johnson Thai thejr will offer proof to sh. w that the w «dl. P s. C o m m last«' o r it Silver Lake. Ore lami anight i" mon» valuable f«>r it*« timbi r «»r V B nlley land ' ight i. more valuable te.i i:- timi.«r or make n plat o anv Townabtp g«-n, on M o m l a v . Hu .Mil day of I Vociti ber. aton«' than f«»r agrleulturttl imrpoaes, and to atone than for ngrlcuHur 1 purpose-, and to es­ ivua in The Ocilli*.* land Di.*triot,(not Notice la hereby given that the »h ove peti­ establish their eiauns t»> sauf lan«l bef«»r«' *« ,lma to seni b . II«' mimes as witn* »"«s: (h a rle s 1. Brock. 1« Wardwell t*. S ('«»mniis«ioDer at Silver tion will 'a- presented to the Honorable «'ounty ta’ sä their tn th«» U«* • r v e corn H 'itsl up- i'h a r lc « J Cotter M It«««il H Hrock, ballar«! lake, OfCf«»n, on T i i o d a y the 29th «lay «»f Court of the ' f a t e of Oregon for Crook County »Var ( » e i l , I* v Ci»mmissioper at silver f^vke, u»-vluio f o r fx i e r n t « e a c h o r ou Wednesday the .Will day ot [ » « e m ­ ni . im hr I tend, Oregon at the next regular term thereof to-wrtt, on the Orrgoti. December, ltHVl. ber I * ' « \ii> an«1 alt purs«*ns » laiining a l v c r elr the F i x ' t a g e S tam p a. The» name as wttneas«»« Frank J West till d»\ of November \ t' l«V . or a. a»H»n I hey names aa witn:'« .“ ' : Louis Nelson, Ole alH’ v»' «lescrit*e«l lami- are re>|Ue>te«l to fflc Lilt's West, of St. Paul. Minne" «ta: Alberta R thereafter aa the «aid < ourt can hear the « ime (heir claims tn this «m or before said Buck • « » Kg»' L, B*ick. «»f Tacoma. W ashing­ and «111 then and there ia->k that the aaid puti­ Ericks ti. GHbert Hagen, of Remi. Oregon; Charles Carlson. Julia Marvin. George Marvin, jMh «ia> of IH'ceiiibv! ton; Ja-per A Martin, «»f San J«»se. CalHortda. ti >n ho granted an.i a lieen*e he iasued to the of stia::Ikc K M Ü R im iX , Any amt all ocraons claiming advcracly the aatd "evert l*ehing to *oll -, irttaoi.« malt and B E A I. R B T R T E A N D Any and all persons claiming adver«oljr the «!.>» Kegister. ala's «* d«st* rltacd lamls are request est t«» file vtnuna and har t eider in lo»a qiianlitiea than ahove-described land* are requested to flle I N Y K S T M X N T CO. thei claims in this »»ffiee on or before the one gallon at the pro Inct of Bend, in Croak their claims In this office on or before the County. Oregon, for the term of aix month* sat«l 29th «tav of December iva«. «aid doth 'lay of December. 19t«x. THE DALI.FS OREGON I'ated thia duth day of vcpten»t>or A 1'. 1900. F 'I BRATTA N E M. B « »rraiN. .'EVERT PEBINt. <»24«t26 Register S u b s c rib e tor T i ik K« iu >. o2»d JT. R eg> ter. N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . . r NATE HUDSON & BROWNHILL