• • LOCAL NOTES. John Rielli left last Monday. for Priuevillej Mr. and Mrs. George in Priueville this week. Emmett Holman cam e Prineville Tuesday night. Bates are Ed. Boyd came iu from Prine- ville today. y A. H. GRANT, BEND ORECON W« BARNES, m from toj av attorney at law and notary public * p r in e v il l e . O regon . . C. L. Turnev and wife, of Ros-' _ ..... . 01 Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Brock went . , ,r . office on we,t Third street. „ . , , land, passed through town Tburs to Prineville \\ ednesuay. . “------” J day on their way to Prineville. , . J J H. 1». BEI.KNAP CO 10. 0. ED WARM Cnequaled Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers. Satisfaction Guaranteed tjnick Service THE DESCHUTES LUMBER CO. \v. Commerford came in b e ik n a p a edw ards i y pus o comp e ion. from Prineville yesterday and will p h y s i c i a n s a n d S u r g e o n s J. N. Hammond, of Cline Falls, conduct services tomorrow morn- pr in e v il l e . OREGON, Carries a complete line of sash, doors, roofing etc. All kinds of lumber spent last Sunday in Deschutes. i ing and evening. I for sale and special bills sawed to order. r . 0 0 Office in Adamson A Winnek CoV Drug Store A. W. Pope went to Prineville to \V. H. Staats will soon have a j ---------------- -—----------------------- --------- STEIDL & REED. attend court the first of the week. 1 complete stock of Fry’s household M . R. B iC C S , ... ' ’. 8 10Upe 18 eir*g rap -, Booth & Cornett Stables. 0. J. Gray came in from Prine- Office at the llend Meicantile Co’* store, ville yesterday. RESD. OREGON. C. E. Morrill and \V. M. Farning arrived in the city from Portland Very Reasonable Rate» First Class Teams and ltigs NOTARY ri'BLIC j»ev j W. Staats and James Black left remedies- These medicines have a { lor n r rrinevine P rin e v ill« T h n ra d e o m n rn in « g™at reputation and , \’ 0 U should l tmrsaav morning. b y . not fail to try them when sick. Joe Quinn, the Lone pine sheep * man, spent last Sundav in Dee- Messrs. \\ imer and Harcrow, chutes. who reside on Bull creek, lost sev- _ *. oral valuable horses last week. A Dr. C. S. Edwards, of Prineville, ______________ , ......... _ .......... peculiar form of fever seems to pre­ came over Wednesday to visit vail among the horses in that vi- friends. | cimty. The dance at Low’s hall last Fri- TAKE Fry’s White Pine Expec- day night proved to he a verv en- . . • .c c „ , J 6 , v • torant, a certain specific for coughs, j o j a b c affair. colds, sore throat and bronchitis. G. W . \V imer a n d J. Harcrow, of Fry it, it is guaranteed j price oO Bull Creek, were Prineville visitors cents per bottle. For sale by W, the first of the week. II. Staats, Deschutes and Smith it John Sisemnre and Wm. Steph- ^ ^ 'dters- ens returned Tuesday night from a Judge M. R. Biggs suffered a trip to the W illa m e tte valley. heavy loss at his ranch on the Ochoco Thursday when about 170 J. W. Shaw, R. M. Cantrell and tons of hay was destroyed by fire. John Sisemnre wt-re outgoing pass­ A number of other parties lost engers on Wednesday’s stage. smaller quantities. The fire is sup- I’ eter lleitzendorfer has purchas- p0tied to have been of ince«diary ed a lot at Lytle and will begin the ; : o r i g i n . erection of a residence at once. C. H. Ericksou and wife, former- Sheriff Smith was in town the ! ly of Crook county, now of Lake, greater part of the week subpiena- came in on Saturday after a long ing witnesses ill the Donkel case. I trip across the desert to appear in B. C. Low came in from Shaniko court in the suits of Erickson vs. Monday with a load ot merchan- Dorgan and Dorgan vs. Erickson, dise for the New Vork Cash Store. They were accompanied by Mr. W. II. Staats has added to the Ada Foster, who covered the entire improvements about his hotel by distance on bis wheel. building a new woodshed this week ORECON A tto r n e y a t L a w and n otary. L Y T L E , | „ M ain s tr e e t, Prinoville, O regon . Through from Bend to Shaniko in One Day- office on street leading to court Home, h . W . REED, -N-p _ + „ -i— . v t j N o t a r y P U D llG Shaniko - Prineville -Bend S T A G E n r »«* up deed*. mortgage*. etc , »ml execute* all kiiui* of legul document, with cure unii precintoli. LYTLE A. H. URANT. Agent. OREGON g’tmtrutaU fam ous hop bCIIE IH 'LK , A m e r i c a ’s Leaiitmr Leave Stiuniko 0 p. m. Arrive Prineville tt a. in. J.eave Prineville 1 p. in. Arrive Rend (i:30 p. in. beer P o m e s t i c a n d I m p o r t e d W i n e s a n d C ig a r s O 'N E I L B R O S , PRINEVILLE, NOMTHBOVKn SOVTHBOl’ Sn W H ISK E Y . gold L IN E . Leave Rend t>:.’!0 a. in. Arrive Prinevtlle P_‘ in. Leave Prineville 1 p in. A n iv e Shaniko 1 u. in. OR. First Class Accommodations fo r the Traveling Public PASSENGER AND FR E IG H T RATES REASONABLE. OREGON S Lands W a n te d . Do You W ant to Sell Yours? h o r e l in e and u n io n DKI'ART FOR i T im b e r P a c if ic i TIME SCHEDULES KKOM B1ÜG8, OR. ARRIVE KKOM CllicRgO- Portlftml ■Metal 1:25 n.in. via Ilnnt- iugton. Salt I.akc, Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kansas Oitv, St. Lauis, Chicago 12:32 p.m and East. Atlantic Exprcaa 12:22 ». m. via Hunt­ ington. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas <1:11 n. m. t We are now in a position to make purchases of from 40,000 * to 50,000 acres of well-timbered yellow and sugar pine lands $ in both large and small tracts. If you are looking for a buy- er and want the highest market price, it will pay you to call or write to us. List your lands with us and allow us to examine them and make you an offer. i £ X X • « ♦ Ci tv, St. Louis, Chicago A party of Minnesota people con­ anti East. W. R. McFarland, of the Des­ sisting of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. John­ St. Paul Walla Walla. Lewiston, chutes Reclamation & Irrigation son, of Cloquet, A. H. Powers, of Fast Mall Spokane, Wallace, Pull­ ♦ GEORGE SCHLECHT it COMPANY J 9:51 r>. in. man, Minneapolis, St. 3:30 a. m. Company, left for Prineville Tues­ via Paul. Du 1 iith, Milwaukee Stillwater, were visitors iu Des- Spokane Chicago, anil Fast. day. ♦ NO. 1, GARDEN ROW, BEND, OREGON. | ¡chutes the first of the week. The ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ John F. Fink, representing the H O U R S gentlemen of the party are all ac­ Gotzian Shoe Co. of St. Paul, was P O R T L A N D to C H I C A G O p 55535 ^ 51355 ^ 3 ^ 3353 ) ¿çsçpzsiy ^ tively engaged in lumber manufac­ NO ( H A N G E OK CARS. a business visitor in Bend last turing in the East and the trip to For particulars as to rates and route addr css, Saturday. Central Oregon was principally for H. FUKDRICY. Aient. Hi*** Or. Lee and \\ ill Dealy passed tUt> purpose of investigating our -------- Timber I,and, Act June 3 , 1 H 7 R, through town last Saturday on timber resource*, T I I K MISSES S T E N ltKR«I A M , IIANDl.E, I*ro|,*. N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . their way to their home at Bear r S Laud Office Lakeview, Oregon, M IL L I N E R Y , D R Y GOODS, SH O ES, Etc. Aug. 10 , 1903 . Creek Buttes. YoU Pet the be8t perviue b-v 8end' ing to Hudson i New stock of dry goods now on the way in from Shaniko. |® 3 * 1 1 i" your corrected plats as vou get the June :t. u>7\ entitled " au act for the s»u- of almost totally blind as a result o f ..„rr.-.-tio..« of « „ J in ! 'V ,;‘ r . V rt' A ll K in d s o f S o w in g an d D rosain akìnir D ono. COrrecilCI)8 01 HII^ lOW ngilip. { gon, Nevada and Hsliimrtnn Territory, a* a cataract which for some time h a s S a 'h H i- i* 1 i III m pOSSl . ^ i k 01(3 l « wnere } OU g o IO A «'eu.ted tnu.ijc i-»iid si«io> t.y »« t ..f IS lts ugust 4, u. is’ »¡t .-2, the tin* following-named persons < all and make a selection of a fall and winter hat. A complete »tuck of notions will hgen bm e>e. pvp • . , , • have arrive mon. ueen formint? luriiiiiiii over over nis parties having duplicate govern-1 u. wit: filed iii this office their »worn statements, 70 70 fleiü York Gash Store. D ..r O . \\ . 1 i» i , . n • mi anew, of r r i n e v i l l e , wai* . * i , . in Hen (J liint btinuay on In» return from the mountaiiiH where he lia^ , 1 1 . been looking after hits sheep. i • li • Marv I.. Craig mellt plait*, as It would r e ijllire a of Brook ville, county of Jefferson, state of Ten n., *. r i i i - % ft sworn statement No 1559 , for the purchase of the correction ot all their platn lrom n w q r o f « w q r , nvc.s, n t - q n k - q r . shf»c .jr, see I lie land office every day. Decides * Ar.iminta Kodjcer» . j, . " . of Brookville, county of Jefferson, state of Penn., trie above firm charges you only »worn .statement No ¡560. for the purchas*.* oftht- . . . e 111 sw qr, sw qt fw qr, »¿c 5 , lie qi uw qr, sec H, titty cents and guaranteed to send tp 2 1 », r 12 c, w m. S. D. IVreival, formerly editor of j .. Samuel A. Craig j of Brookville. county of JeflcT.Hon. state of Penn.. the Ch- wancan Post, was in Des­ It by return mail. sworn statement No 15 , 61 , for the purchase o f , the w hf of w hf, sec X, tp 21 s, r 12 e, w in. chutes la.-t Saturday on his way to j The School Bulletin, with William That thoy will offer proof to show that the his ranch in the Cross Kevs c o u ii B o e e li as e d ito r m a d e its fir st an- '* '" 1 I* tn»rc' vaiiiabi« for tu tln,i.. r or j ^ uu f t " , , u , i innvir» tin "P .stone than for Hgrricultural purpose», him ! to j tr-v ’ ‘ pea ranee at Prineville this week.' i Cornin-ssman J. N. Williamson i Mr. lW g l. is lo l-e congratulated on j °TUry lanlieV* wani»«*Byi'0c whittrlTid iltmi i Y>-i.»d Prineville the first of the | his work in the first issue and we w>,k. Tins was his last visit to i trust that the little •' journal will Cr* Any ‘,* t'fl^00p llK' ,c“n am all pRixm» clnlminjr ail v e r ily the I his old home previous to going to i meet with the support, which it •r>ove- are r.que.t^ii to tile 1 o e> rr i thsir i-laitn» In tnt* --llli-e on or Leiaic llie Washington to take his seat in the deserves, from school patrons all »«w 3 rd day of November, 1903 . r L M HuArTAi*. K e g iit e r . I 5Sth congress. | over Crook County. The paper will Rev. O. W. Triplett has been ; b< published monthly and parents Timber Land. Art juue S. 1878. ■pending the week at this place: Wl11 do wel1 t0 read l l themselvee n o t ic e fo r p u b l ic a t io n . 1’ nlted State* Land Office, visiting his parents and brothers. and place it in the hands of their Lnkcvlrtv, OreRon, Septembers#, 19CT Notice 1* hereby given that in compltaoee Mrs. Triplett, who has been spend­ children. with the provision* of the act of Congret. of ! June :r, 1*7*. entitled "A n act for the »ale of ing some time here, accompanied Yes, TH« D a e v -« »HO 1 9 P R IN T E D Umber land* In the Mate* of Califarala. ; Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," him to their home at Prineville IN P R IN E V IL L E . However, it a* extended to all tha public I .and State* by I ac t o f A ugu at 4, IWl, Thursday. prints twice as much lecal n*ws as Kocky < Kohinaon h f i u i l J a m e s s ’ B u l n l e x t i in n | »»™e d * thin day » filed - in thin . office «*?*- °re- Editor Kennedy, of the Prine- T i r r u u x t n ssu K«>n. ha* his sworn _ , . . . j * 1 1 j • I statement No 040, for lb# purchase of the n’ a villa Review, was a vigitor id o u r and commands a local advertising nw>4 mdiw>4 nw>4 ^ ioiir I n«\ne»4 see»,! . .. , -- . » . » ___ ___ _ ______ i t tp 22 •, r f e, w ra. and will offer proof to show city over Sunday« n \ hile here M r.. patronage which we are proud of. | tnat the i«nd sought i* more valuable for it» __ J m . * ■ fw — *. + . .« . . • - * - » 1 timrsur timber or »Pine stone than for agrieiiitural agrietilttiral pur|>o»es, pur Kennedy purchased a lot of t h e ; 1 he fact that this paper is read by ami lo «»t»hll*h hi* rlalin to *ai<1 land before • i * rr% .t e * .i . J. M. Lawrence, L. B. » omintsaioner at w-nd, Lytle Townsite C p u y . T h i. everybody ......... v ~ . - i ( t lr - u . t w - i l ------ ! u . . ex- . J i Oregon, * n fu possibly on Saturday, the l*2th day of Deeanbor, newly acquired property of Brother cepted ) is another indication of its lie names as witnesses: Joseph If Ifancr, of ... B<*nd. Oregon: William If ltollin*heaf l i u t m i > . 1 .’ f l f b r . * wa« ?-250.00 #lt i l DESCH UTES OREGON.