The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, October 17, 1903, Image 3

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A. W. Pop« has moved into his
• new h ouse at Lytle.
C. B. Allen was a visitor in Des-
chutes last Monday.
W. P. Vandevert, of Lava, went
First-Class Teams and Rigs
to Prineville Friday.
rri,.,. _
... .
lhere are now thirty pupils en-
rolled in the village school.
Very Reasonable Rates
Booth & Cornett Stables.
Misses Iva and Bessie
W . H. Staats was a business vis­ Donkel left for Prineville Thursday
itor in Prineville this week.
Unequaled Facilities for Handling Locators and Commercial Travelers.
Park Nye, a rancher from Bear
¡Low’s Cash Grocery will occapy
Quick Service
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Creek, was a visitor in Deschutes
the new building next week.
this week.
Miss Iva Donkel teturned Mon­
day from a vasit at Prineville.
C. M. Willey passed through T H E D E S C H U T E S L U M B E R
town Ihnrsday on his way to
J. H. Haner was a visitor in
Carries a complete line of sash, doors, roofing etc. All kinds of lumber
Deschutes the first of the week.
for sale and special bills sawed to order.
Uncle Jack Yandevert is now a
The Minnesota Buffet is having
resident of Prineville. He accom­
a new floor and ceiling put in this
panied Dick to his new home yes­
W , H. Donkel was down from
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Allen and
the Meadows on business
daughter, Ethel, were registered at
Through from Bend to Shaniko in One Day-
: Saturday.
Hotel Staats
Thursday night.
J. R. Babcock has purchased a They were on their way to Prine­
lot on First street at Lytle and ville.
moved into it Tuesday.
H. A. Beck and family and Miss
S. W . Yancey, the Prineville Lillian Knox, of Newsome creek,
A. H. GRANT, Agent.
sheep man, was a guest at the were in Bend Thursday night on
'P ilot Butte Inn Tuesday.
their way home from the Little
Remember that W. H. Staats Meadows.
Shaniko - Prineville - Bend
'W ill soon
have a complete assort-
E. C. Murphy, of Ashwood, and
znent of Fry’s famous remedies.
Joe Kelsay, of Antelope, passed
C. E. Dawson, the hustling rep- through town Monday on their way
resentative o f Lang & Co., was home with a band of six hundred
transacting business with our mer- thorough-bred rams belonging to T.
8. Hamilton.
chants last Monday.
N O H T U B O I Nl>
Leave Shaniko (j p. m.
Arrive Prineville 6 a. m.
I.eave l ’rineville 1 p. m.
Arrive Bend 0:30 p. m.
Leave Bend 6:30 a. m.
Arrive Brinevtlle 12 m.
l«ave Rrineville 1 p. in.
Arrive Shaniko 1 a. m.
Ascommsdatiens fo r the Traveling Public
Milt Young has accepted a po-
George Aune, of L’ Anse, Mich.,
arrived in town last week and will sition with Steidl A Reed and is
spend some time visiting his par-, *t present engaged in getting out
ents who live near Wet Weather window and door frames for Mr
Reed’s house upon which work
will soon he begun.
W e forgot to mention in last
D o You W ant to Sell Yours?
We call the attention of our
week’s issue
that the
•mountiag to nearly $13.00, iD the readers to the half-page advertise­
case of Lawrence vs. Schlecht were ment of the Lytle Townsite Co., on
the last page o f T he E cho . A
assessed against Jimmie.
large number of lots have already
W . H. Staats will soon have a
We are now^n a position to make purchases of from 40,000
been sold and the property is being
complete stock of Fry’s household
to 50,000 acres of well-timbered yellow and sugar pine lands
rapidly improved.
remedies. These medicines have a
in both large and small tracts. If you are looking for a buy­
W. T. Casev, the Powell Butte
groat reputation and you should
er and want the highest market price, it will pay you to call
rancher, brought in a load of veg­
n o t fail to try them when sick.
or write to us. List your lands with us and allow us to exam ine
and fruit
them and make you an offer.
Dick Vandevert passed through
Among other things, Mr Casey
■town Tuesday on hi? way to his
displayed some apples weighing as
ranch. Mr. Vandevert is having
high as twenty-three ounces, one of
his household effects moved to the
which he presented to the editor of
county seat and will reside there
T he E cho .
this winter.
C. A. Graves, George Springer ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦
J. H. Cook and M. I. Thomas, of
and J. \V. Elliott came over from !
Willow City, and John and H. W.
Prineville Monday to
complete |
Taylor of Omenee, X. Dak., passed
their work relative to the proposed
through town Thursday on their
change in the county road. They
way to Silver Lake where they
finished the work Thursday. Creed
will make proof on timber claims.
Triplett and Barney Lewis assisted
Rev. O. W. Triplett preached at them.
this place Sunday morning and in
John M. Tengman has purchas­
the evening delivered a forceful ed three lots on First street at Lytle
address on ‘ Tongue.” Mr. Trip­ and will immediately start to build
lett made a deep impression on his a 10x40 stable and enclose the
audience with his logical remarks. premises with a hoard fence. Mr.
I T im b e r
Fred Snod/erly, who has charge
o f Morrow it Keenan’s sheep, pass­
ed through Deschutes Thursday on
his return to the Willow creek
ranch where he will winter the
2000 head that he is bringing
back from California.
The Bulletin has stated that the
editor of this paper was put under
bonds to keep the peace which is
another of its truthful(? ) news
items. The facts are that we were
placed under bonds to appear in
Justice Brock’« court with A. II.
Grant and W. II. Staats as suretie«.
Our contemporary would lead ita
readers to believe that Mr. Grant
alone acted as our bondsman.
Tengman will run a feed yard and
will he ready for business in about/
ten days. He w ill also be prepar-:
ed to do teaming.
We forgot to mention last week
that Mr. and Mrs. Millard Triplett
were the parents of a new nine and
one-half pound hov who put in his
appearance at the Triplett home
last Thursday night, October 8th.
Since writing the above, Mr. and
Mrs. Triplett’s joy has turned to
grief by the death of the little one
which occurred Monday. Burial
took place Tuesday afternoon at
four o’clock. The parents have
the sympathy of the entire com ­
munity in their bereavement.
i *
W a n te d .