T l l G D c s C l l l l t G S K C 'llO PI R !. II IM ir > E V E R Y » A T I R D A Y B Y THE DESCUIDES R IH L IS H IN U C OM PANY Entered May 31st, 19U8, »t Bend, Oregon, an •eriinil eia»» m ailer, under Act of Congres» of March ir.I , 1WW. SI HSCKIPTION KATES: P er year ............................................ I l OU (N o Hub»crl|>tlons taken for a shorter term.) S A TU R D A Y, OCT. 17, 1903. DISTRESS IN THE DESERT. CH AS . 8. E D W A R D S H. F. B E L K N A P P*e BUPPort low-and-order papers or Deschutes and has become suf- BELKNAP 4 EDWARDS U°B ________________ ficiently interested in the country to decide upon remaining here. P h y s i c i a n s a n d S u r g e o n s P R IN E VILLE, OREGON. The Republican party of Oregon With his father, he a. one time certainly needs a real party paper. wa8 extensively engaged in the offic« la Adamson a w in n ek Co’*. D ru« s to re I he Oregonian claims to be such a meet packing business in Sioux : — paper but its editor went to \\ ash- City. Besides investing in fine M . R. BI C C S , ington to dig up a few half-bricks iand8, Mr. Booge will engage in the Attorney at Law and notary. to throw at Williamson. This dis- livestock business and we trust Main Street, Prlnevtlle, Oregon. sention is not due to any fault ot that his coming into this vicinity \\ illiamson but Scott has evidently will prove as remunerative as the Office on itreet leading to Court Haune. made a combination with Moody Journal’s informants predict. H. W . R E E D , and Hermann to have himself elect- _______ __ ed senator, senator, and and since then hie You get the best service by send-' N ° t a r y IP tllO liO Draws up deeds, mortgages, etc , and Once upon a time the Oregonian paper has not been a peace paper. { ing _ t0 Hudson & Brownbill for executes all kinds of legal documents w ith care and precision. sent one of its reporters out into the 18 keen a personal organ. your corrected platf as you get the OREGON desert to plug for a toga for liar- \ " e^' we ^aro say that Scott will ia^e#j corrections of any township, L Y T L E vey. The cruel barbarians of the into the senate about the Xhia is impossible where you go to j section disregarded his sacred 0f - 1 8arae *‘ me M°°dy breaks into i pnrties having duplicate govern- fice of ambassador, beat bis jaw the house of representatives, but ment D]at9) tt8 it would require a make a plat o any Township and rent his garments, leaving we would hate to name a date for correction of all their plats from in The Dalles land District,(not that momentous occurrence. him nothing more than a voice the land ollice every day. Besides in the Re erve) corrected up- to-date for 50 cents cash or bowling in the wilderness. There­ _ the above firm charges you only i Postage Stamps. u o out into Oregon, Mr. Lan- . . , ' , j upon the Oregonian came to his • ii _ .. • . • -..t fifty cents and guarantees to send , gille, and have an interview with!. / rescue with a few of its moral hy­ the people of that state from the ** ^y return mail, HUDSON & BROWNHILL R E A Ii ESTRTE A N D perbolas, cribbed from the canni­ fifth story of Hotel Portland, come IN V E S T M E N T CO. back to D. C. and inform the pow­ bals of the Fiji Islands. The Ore­ The frame-work of the P. B. D. THE DALLES OREGON gon Daily Journal was mean ers that be that there is a steadily Co.’s flume is now under way. The growing sentiment among Oregon enough to run in on tho Oregon- mill crew will shortly be put upon people favoring forest reserves,” iau’s sacred literature in the fol­ said Mr Hitchcock. Mr. Langille the structure until a new supply of lowing manner: logs have been hauled to the mill. did.— Klamath Falls Express. NOTARY PUBLIC. The unhappy editor of the morn­ I f the Express is right about It is reported that the flume will Office At the Bend Meicantile Co’s store. ing paper takee a melancholy view this, the Portland Hotel ought to be finished by December 1st. BEND. OREGON. o f virtue. It is not a producer, be raised for sheltering a conspir­ and so he bewails these momen­ tary Upees when he hsa been se­ acy against th* commonwealth duced into its support. For in­ under its roof. DICK V A N ftK V H T , FBOF. * stance, hear his moan • > “ If a man steals the county or When Hermann became suspic­ Carries U. S. Mail, express and passengers through in two days. Takes city blind, he is to be treated with you through the picturhsque Deschutes Valley and the great ious of Williamson it was a funny «very mark of consideration, or yellow pine timber belt. «lee he will break somebody's head, occurrence. I f Williamson had E X P R E S S A N D P A S S E N G E R S W A Y B IL L E D A T D E SC H U TE S POSTOKEICE. •top his paper, or bring a libel become suspicious of the land com­ OSCAR HYDE, Prineville Agent. suit ” Therefore the editor that missioner, who turned on the tears has Lund that virtue doesn’t pay when told that his work was too will henceforth save hie head, odoriferous for Roosevelt, there keep up hie subscriptions, and avoid libel suits. But even the would have been aome sweet rea­ truly good are slow to appreciate sonableness in the condition. Aa A . C. L U C A S . • ------ the shining virtues of this melan­ it stands, Williamson could get choly Jacques. Hear him : just a few more letters of recom- "The myth that eo called law- mendation as to honesty than The Booth A Cornett and Vandevert stages stop . » its doors and livery and-order people will stand by the newspafier that does its public, ^*M8er- rigs can be had on short notice to dri"s to the timber. duty is one of the most mirth-pro-j BEND, ORECON. yoking ever transmitted from a re- Senator Brownell intends to in- inote antiquity.” troduce a bill into the next legis- That is a view entirely too lature doing away with county M IL L -A -I^ iD T R I P L E T T , gloomy, and comes from the inex- ;mJ , tate t conventions and penence of the editor in that par- .... , ' .. ticular line of conduct. Try it Permitting electors to vote direct once. It is worth the experiment. ^or ^ e ir choice at the primaries. All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape; short notice jobs a specialty. And while the spirit moves, it I Such a law is now in force in Min- Opposite schoolhouse, BEND, ORECON. would be interesting for the editor „esota and has worked toward to tell us how the people of no law parly clt,an,ine(,s Tha stat e of! and order stand by their news - 1 .... \\ isconsin has a like law upon its papers. . F I Again another sad wail breaks statute hoiks, the silence: j W E S T & CO., Props. “ While you are yet writing the ; The Oregonian is a very moral | promised editorial against crimp- paper on all subjects except gamb- All kinds of fresh and salt meats, poultry, vegetables, butter and eggs constantly on hand. ing, thei, lawyer is signing a treaty ljng and prostitution. On these of alliance with Barry Sullivan.” 8ubj<,ct„ u 8Und§ with the prMent W e s t B u i l d i n g , Bend, O regon. Of course, there is nothing to b e . . . . ... ....... done after that except to join the administration of Mayor \\ illiams. alliance. But surely Barry has It hasn’t yet converted the minis­ not proved aa ungrateful or unap- ters of Portland to its views. precialive as the law-abiding peo- ! ---------- L y t le , O regon . pie. He puts up for what be gets. Attracted to Centra* Oreeron. and be gets a good deal. He elect- t ,, . T T, . . . ^ * , , . I hat James r. Booge will be a J list opened up with a fresh stock of groceries» ed bis inavor, and has got bis .... . t * . ■ r and , • controls . , . bis ■ newspaper. ______ millionaire in a tew J years is the canned goods, flour etc. chief, ™ ,. . . . . , , prediction of Joseph I rauerman I f be does not stand by all these, * , ...... .. . . . v k . Mo-e stock now on the way from Portland and Shaniko. . . . i t i _ .i and \\ ill H. Biviogstoo, who re- he deserves to be classed with those , . . * * , law ami order i , |. who . ^ don t turned yesterday from Central Or# people gon, where Mr. Booge is acquiring stand by their newspaper. He has large tracts of timber land. Mr. extended his licit! of usefulness he- Booge already has secured title to yontl crimping for the benefit of several hundred acres of land the commerce of Portland to a covered by tall yellow pine trees, partnership in gambling that helps and he is buying more His in- | out the city considerably, and he TH E MISSES STENRERU AND RANDLE. i*rops. tention is to hold on to the land | is ablv supported by bis newspaper until a railroad shall come his M IL L IN E R Y , D R Y GOODS, SHOES, Etc. in both these enterprises. It is , ..... . i .i j : , _wav. and Mr. Trauerman and Mr difficult to ree why the editor of , I.ivingston sav that if he only can i New stock of dry goods now on the way in from Shaniko. the morning paper should l>e in do that the fates will not be able tql such low spirits. If his kind of All Kinds of Sewing and Dressmaking Dona. — and » from writing .. a check ' people stand bv bis paper— »•.*. • it ^eeP . - , l1*1 ... * ’ i thev .5 i do. the c which will require . seven figures.— Call and make a selection of a fall and winter hat. A c o m p le te »took of n o tio n s w ill must lie presumed . T arrive arri\e itioo. soon. * ; Sioux City ( Iowa) Journal, contrarav not appearing— then it * should be matter of small concern '*r. Booge. to whom the Journal D E SC H U T E S - OREGON. to him whether law-and order peo ¡refers, is at presents resident of A. H. GRANT, PRINEVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE. PILO T BUTTE INN Accomodations fer travelers always first-class B L A C K S M IT H S AflD HORSESHOEING. C ity M ea t M a rk et LOW’S CASH STORE ; flew York Gash Store. »