The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, September 19, 1903, Image 2

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DcsChutCS Echo
capitalist build air-castles there is
|always danger ahead. During the
last panic every business not con­
TIIK I ".SO at' lt.S Pl'IU.Ismx<¡ COMPANY. ducted on a sound basis went to
the wall. As a consequence should
Killer- • t
ills), lima. Ht Brini, n r-u m i, «a a panic occur in the near future it
MM'OU'i I'la-s m atte r, ureter A it of Congrí-'.-'
of M ur"li ;r.l, I!»«.
will not prevail over the whole
nor will it be as severe as
I‘er (N<> year
.................................................. |1 00
.-o.»seri p l i o n s t a k e n fo r a » t io r t e r t e n u . )
only was the raid made on Govern- j Scott to the United States senate
meat lands, but on state lands as j (0 trifle with small matters.
well. Consult any plat of any pro­
posed or permanent reserve and
vou will be astonished to see how In his state fair address Gov.
Widely the school sections were til- Chambeihtin attacked forest re­
serves and was applauded to the
ed on just prior to withdrawal,
echo. There is no doubt about
The Moro Observer observes as i the direction the wind is blowing.
The system of reseives is all
Notice to T axpayers.
rightf. It protects (lie area and The following is an extract from
forests from the grandest aggrega­ the section in the code providing
SATURDAY, SKIT. 19, 1903.
tion of sublime timber thieving
Senator Fulton in a letter to the ever
developed, It protects for the time for the payment of
Oregonian makes a warm attack the before
from devastation taxes: Taxes legally levied and
It is impossible to convince a on
known charged in any year may be paid
lumberman who has worked in fir lie charges that lieu land scrip as sheepmen, cattlemen, hogs
and on or before the first Monday in
timber that yellow pine has a great speculators are advised in advance it saves the state millions ot dol-
future as a merchantable timber. what lands are going to be thrown | lars annually in growing crops de­ April following, and if not so paid
A tree of yellow pine does not con­ into
upon moist winds from a they shall become delinquent:
reserves and thereby they are pendent
protucted forest, which the greed of Provided however, that if one half
tain enough of logs to suit an ad­
possession of lands lumbermen would soon convert in- 0f the taxes against any particular
mirer of the tall fir. In his , admir-
. they
. to get exchange
for suitable to a treeless waste.
ation lor quantity
he overlooks
the1 scrip.
parcel of real property, or the taxes
of the in­ Let us inquire into the geography ! on
any personal property charged
great superiority of yellow pine as terior knows in advance
a lumber which will work up into these withdrawals, but Oregon land Which forest reserve in Oregon is against any individual, be paid on
before the first Monday in April,
any form very easily. In the first officials
given no information not used to its limits for grazing or
the time for the payment of
plfice pine is a great labor-saver. until the are
the remainder of such tax may be
It is firm and durable and yet it
As a result there must men by permission of the govern extended
can be leadily worked up into any , forwarded.
and including the first
be something rotten in Hitchcock’s ment? What forests furnish all Monday of to October
form without any danger of split - 1 department.
The following is part the moisture mentioned? Is it the but if the remaining next one following,
ting, which is the great fault of fir. ! of ¡Senator Fulton’s
forests of the Willamette where the such tax be not paid on Or half
In Eastern states, where the Win­
Since the initiation of the forest people have to take in their ducks first Monday of October, then such
are . intensely
cold . and fuel
, ters
policy there
has combina-
been in nights to keep them from drowning remaining half shall be delinquent,
high-priced, a house is a regular act,ive operation
a secret
do the moist winds blow from and, besides the penalty, interest
castle against cold. This necessi- j tion between some official or of- or
yellow pine region which gov­ thereon shall be charged and col­
tates the use of a great deal of lum-1 ficials in the Department of the ernment
reports show to be arid? lected at the rate of twelve per
ber and also careful and painstak- Anterior and land speculators here
iug * work on the , part
of , . the , carpen- | states
“l <)rtT0,b
“,1(1 whereby
doubt the in specie
other Like Artemus Ward, we do not say centum per annum from the first
that the Moro man does not know Monday of April preceding ; and
ter ; consequently the labor forms a Jator8 vvere appri8ed ulJonth8 £ ad. enough
but that he knows too upon all delinquent taxes there
formidable item in the cost of vance of the actual withdrawal of many things
that arn’t so.
building. To insure cheap con-¡lands for reserves, that the with-
shall be collected from the taxpay­
atruction in that section the lum-MrawHl waB to be made. \\ here- The dedication of a monument er of such taxes, for the benefit, of
upon the thrifty speculators caused
ber used must nail easily and yield to
the county, ten per centum as a
be located on, entered or con­ to the memory of the late Presi­ penalty,
readily to the saw and chisel. tracted
and for the benefit of the
to he purchased, thousands dent McKinley at Toledo, Ohio,
These requirements have caused of acres within the limits of ths some days since recalls to our county or other public corporation
the high prices at which white! proposed reserves, witheut any mind a similar ceremony which which shall have an interest in any
pine is selling and they have also reference to the character or value took place Oct 2.8, 1891 at Tower, portion of such taxes, interest at
caused the white piue forests to be were after,
*antb as a base wa? for acres
they Minn. The Toledo monument is the rate of twelve per centum per
selec- aw^iy. .Manufacturéis are tion of lieu lands
first to be raised in Ohio. The annum on such taxes from the day
looking for a substituto for white I have been told by residents in 'tho
Towermonument for which funds!on which they becarae delinquent
pine, and yellow pine will have the I the vicinity of the proposed Wal- were raised among the sturdy min­ until their payment.
next call to the markets of that j Iowa reserve that for some months ers of the Mesaba and Vermillion The sheriff's office is busy mail-
prior to the withdrawal of those
ing statements to all who still owe
| lands, people, under direction of ranges has the distinction of being haif payments and to all delin­
certain “locators,” were flocking the first of its kind erected in quents. ¡Sheriff Smith says that
In the full when the grain of the tllere to locate, taking lands that America.
Within two weeks after all taxes remaining unpaid after
West and the cotton of the South : were utterly useless for any pur- j Pre8jdent McKinky’s'deaTh Tow^ the first Monday of October will be
collected immediately by levy and
must lie bought and moved, there pose excepting for sheep grazing), , . , .
, . .
lands, without a stick of timber I ha? ra,sed b-v subscription over sale.
appears to he too little money in on
them and entirely outside '$2000.00 fora memorial. A note- You get the best service by send­
the I'nited States. As a result tho timber
belt; yet, when the with- ! worthy fact in connection with this
short loans are'made at a high rate drawal came,
lands were j monument is that it stands on the ing to Hudson & Browtihill for
per cent of interest. This interest within the limits those
of the proposed highe8t elevation in the State of for your corrected plats as you get
must, of course, come out of the reserve. How did it become known
the latest corrections of any town­
farmer and hence prices are lower. to the “locators” that those lands Minnesota.
ship. This is impossible where
would be withdrawn? The infor-! When we said that Rend was you
This year Shaw eased up the situ­ (nation
go to parties having duplicate
could have come but from
ation by buying up $ It),000,900 one source,
plats, as it would re­
the Department of tho was dead, we did not know that
worth of bonds, but this method is Interior. I do not wish to he Lawrence was going to resurrect it quire a correction of all their plats
not always available. Some plan mulct stood as intimating that the and put it on a 6ound financial from the land office every day.
Besides the above firm charges you
ought to he devised whereby the I am satisfied that he did not, for,
cents and guarantees to
amount of currency could always though t am not in accord with his he was too busy electing Harvey send fifty
it by return mail.
lie increas'd in tho fall and then forestry policy, 1 consider him an
withdrawn when the demand is honest man. I am equally satis­
fied that the Commissioner of the
General Land Office did not do it.
Nevertheless tho information
A l.uidon mob hissed Chamber­ came
that department, and All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape; short notice jobs a specialty.
lain on account of his attempt to because from
Opposite schoolhousc,
place a tariff on breadstuff's. by reason thereof frauds
the land officials
England is losing manufacturing in Oregon have been criticized,
supremacy by reason of her old- abused and condemned, when they
fashioned machinery and the de- * * r * in no wise responsible. What
, could they have done
ot her working ni people
. , to were
' who the frauds? 1 he lands
W E S T Sc C O ., Pr o ps .
are getting heartless in their labor. ject lo e„try Ulldcr the law. They
The- people can hardly s-eure the were not even advised that the All kinds of fresh and salt meats, poultry, vegetables, butter and eggs
constantly on hand.
nece-sitira of life w ith cheap food withdrawals wore in contemplation. ,
and with an additional tariff their Tl,a,1
kno* n only to a narrow 1 W e s t Building,
Bend, O regon.
Interior Department
conor on >n wouul be tearful to con- ’t - ot that department
has been will­
ing to saddle the entiie blame on
Oregon officials, and their alleged
I lu late decline of stocks to- delinquencies have been advertised
L y tle , Oregon.
throughout the coun­
gethe with the various strikes industrious!.
try. The tips that were given, and Just opened up w ith a fresh stock of groceries,
throughout tho country are symp­ clearly
many wers pivin, came
canned goods, flour etc.
toms of a coining depression. from Washington, and could not
AVhen the laborer, soldier and the have come from elsewhere. Not
More stock now ou the way from Portland and Shaniko.
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L O W ’S C A S H S T O K E