The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, September 05, 1903, Image 2

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The DesChutes Echo 'to State?.
Her working people seem probable, hut this is so remote a ThC'.-demand for the abandon­
have lost heart: and they turn possibility that no one in bis senses ment of*existing reserves is a move­
:----> -fe*
out less and poorer products than would ever take up n claim on the ment which, if successful, would
THE HKSOUI TES »M IlLlSHINCi COMPANY. in finner years. Now Chamber- desert on such a chance. It is
play into the hands of timber
~ lain . is . •......... iittemptint
to establish
a region swept by the burning winds, sharks. The proper course for the
hiuertMi May
ham , at B cihi , orcffon, an
» :« • A i : __ Ai
*n * j
second cia-s m atte r, u n d e r Act of Congress protective thrill policy that W ill aid where the thermometer registers Government to pursue now is to
of March .'ini, 19tM.
her colonies. Should he succeed, 120 to 128 degrees in the summer maintain existing ieserves, sell the
English manufactures would un­ and where 100 degrees is a cool marketable timber at its actual
Per year
.................................. 1100 doubtedly ouffer, and overcrowded day ; bare of vegetation, except of value and no less, and avoid the
------- London would be a place of starva- the scrubbiest description
a bar­ abuses of the past in the creation
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ó 190ÍJ tion. It is improbable that Cham ren and forbidding waste. We of new reserves. There is no need
beilain will win and should he do should not advise any of our read- of haste in creating new reserves.
policy will bring on a panic ' ers to leave their happy homes in The land has been withdrawn from
Bryan’s friend, Tom Johnson, that his will
soon drive him from expectation of bettering their con­ entry, and no more private claims
lias secured the Democratic nomi­ power. Germany
is doing what dition by taking up any of this can attach. The land department
nation for governor of Ohio. One England did yeais ago,
subordinat­ million acres which the government should carefully ascertain exactly
fourth the seats in the convention ing her meager agriculture
to her has thrown open. And yet some what lands should be included
were contested and as Johnson had greater manufacturing pursuits.
inquiries have been received within a reserve before final «ction
the state organization from two England, on the contrary, is going at 0,000
land office con­ is taken, and then the rules govern­
years ago all his partisans were hack to a policy at which she made cerning Los it Angeles
have come ing the exchange of lands should
seated. The convention will hard- ; a failure years ago.
from every state in the Union and be so modified as to prevent the
ly add to party harmony.
from Canada, England, Australia giving away of thousands of acres
and most of the countries of Eu of the best timber lands.
Turkey having had internal and frequently been a visitor at this rope. The writer has seen p great It is not enough to amend or re­
external trouble during the last place has become a hero. lie has deal of that section and for his peal commutation laws and timber
two weeks hus settled her outside met and conquered the Oregon part any one who likes can have and stone laws. No reserve shou d
the whole of it for him.—Orchard be created until the lieu land and
difliculties and the Russian fleet
“scrip” laws have been amended so
has withdrawn from Turkish wat- conKre88ional dele8ation- The lat­
owners of valueless lands will
ers. A Russian consul had been gonian for appointment as register
not be permitted to exchange them
murdered in Turkey and a num­ of the land office at La Grande.
The T ru th A bout Reserves.
va'uable lands. ThiB is the
ber of Turkish officers expressed Greene didn’t like the man propos­ The demand voiced in some sec
against which Governor
approval of the deed. Tbe Sultan ed and recommended a candidate tions for the abandonment of for­
appeased Russia by beheading the of his own who was appointed. est reserves already created ia un­ Chamberlain has protested, and
murderers and dismissing from Greene is the highest type of the wise. There is some reason for the against which the Oregonian has
their places the offending officers. busy body. He is entirely incapa­ protest against the creation of re­ protested for years.—Oregonian.
Internally, Turkey is experiencing ble of seeing both sides of any serves upon the lines indicated by
the revolt of some of her Christian question.
Some people in this vi- the recent withdrawal of public Few people appreciate the fact
provinces. Both parties have had cinity believe
that he is responsi- lands from entry, but the same rea- that man ean modify climate.
their little victories and each party hie for the reserve
of the In­ son does not exist in favor of the Pioneers of long-settled communi­
has disgraced itself by massacres terior depaatment policy
in this region. abandonment of reserves. The ties are constantly telling of th*
after each success.
It is supposed that the inspector preservation of forests is a duty conditions they found at the in­
had a heart-to-heart talk with some i that this generation owes to its ception of their labor, and newer
generations can hardly believo
Two Ameriean consuls have cattlemen. If the Oregon delega- successors, but this duty will not their
to be true. Pio­
keen »hot at in Turkey. As a re­ tiod to Congress does not at least be fulfilled by the creation of re­ neers of statements
are frequently
sult three Araerioan war vessels reach for the hair of Mr. (¿reene, it
appearance of
tained in the post,
are headed for the scene of the is no good.
As the Oregonian has many some local product which they
trouble. Turkey is an eyesore to
shown, the creation of forest taught this climate iacupableo of
Europe but each European nation
reserves has been made the means producing, hummer night frosts
Land» are T hrow n Open.
is afraid to allow a neighboring na­
tion to end Turkey’s reign of vice On Monday, the 15th ultimo, one giving away vast areas of the 8re duo ,olely ’to the lack of mois-
1,1 the soil. Our days are
and crime. These countries would million acres of land in southern beat timber lauds, and, instead of 4ure
but dry soil has no
be highly pleased to see the United California were thrown open to serving to preserve the forests, the capacity enough,
heat more than
States get embroiled with the public entry. That this was to be reservations have had an opposite a couple to of retain
The Sahara
Turk and put him out of hueiness. done has long been known and
The Turk, however, ie one of the very much interest has been shown been created, large corporations very celd of nights due to Africa
best crow-eaters that ever lived. in the fact, especially by eastern have been permitted to give up cause. Were there water the
He knows Europe is harmless and people, who know very little of
he will cut off as many heads of California conditions. Newspapers uable timber lands instead in other the sun’s rays in the day time and of
his subjects as he thinks will talis- and public oflicials have been Hood­ parts of the country. This was a give it nut at night. There is no
fy the United States. There will ed with communications and in­ proceeding entirely without de­ known substance which retains
quiries concerning this land and it ‘ fen8e- This “exchange” of lands
be no war.
looked as though a second Okla- wab n0 more nor le8B 4118,1 8 g‘ving j heat 80 lon8 88 water- Fields of
homa rush might be expected. We away of lands, and en every view grain or hay tend to render cli-
The result of the late German have heard so much about the ot the matter it was no worse to mate more equitable because of
elections will be very beneficial to value of southern California land, give the corporations a million dol­ the large per cent of water which
this country. Heretofore the which is worth all the way from lars’ worth of land without just re- they contain. A region having a
agrarian or farmer party has been $500 to $1,000 per acre for growing turn therefor than it would be to high temperature in the day time
in the majority in their national oranges, that it ia no wonder that vots a million dollars out the and well supplied with water need
have no fear of the temperature of
legislative body and ha? champion- the uninformed were ready to jump lrea8U|T f°r (h® same purpose
ad a high tariff on agricultural in und take up a fortune ia 1(50 It is against such practices as the nights. Central Oregon is
products. This policy made living acres of such land when it was this that the people should protest, blessed with almost continual sun-
for the working classes very high, thrown open to them. But while and carry their protest to the Gov- shine and can be made a farmer's
Bo high that it is r-aid that the California has some of the best ernment in such a manner that paradise,
German workman did not eat land in the world it has also very there can be no mistaking the earn-
meat oftener than once a month. much of the worst, and this is the e8lne83 oi tlielr appeal. But, bo American missionaries are charg­
In the late election the agrarian worst. It is situated on the Mo­ far as axisting reserves are con­ ed bv the Turkish envoy with be­
element lost heavily and the tariff have desert, between Mohave sta­ cerned, the wrong has been done ing engaged in encouraging revolt
on agricultural products seems tion ami the Needles, and if there and no remedy exists. To throw against the government. Ameri­
doomed. This will open a new are two more desolate places on the reserves open would turn the can missionaries seem to be get­
and wivje market for American earth it has never been our mis­ remaining timber lands over to the ting unpopular. In China they
meat ami grain. It means that fortune to see them, and all the in­ corporations and syndicates. It have won the hatred of the people
Germany is going to put her manu­ tervening country is a barren, deso­ has many times been sasd that the and the title of “foreign devils”
facturing interests ahead of agri­ late waste, without sufficient water timber land grabbers desire that and now they have incensed the
to even provide for the teams that lands be kept within reserves until Turks against all Americans.
may have to cross it. With water such times as it suits their con­ There is nothing intrinsic in the
it would unquestionably be first- venience, when they will be pleas­ Christian doctrine calling for all
England for the past few years class
agricultural land and that ed to have the lands thrown epen these animosities and the Ameri­
has lost much of her uianufactur- water may
possibly be soured fro pa again, so that they may take what can misdonary must te degenerat­
trade to Germany and the United artesian wells
at some time is thev wish.
(No »ubucription* taken for a shorter term.)