A -/ VOL. II. PERSONAL. D E S C IIU T K S . CROOK C O U N T Y , O REGON, SEPTEMBER, 5 V M ):\. NO. l r> M E N T IO N . Mr. and Mrs. Ora Poindexter, G. R. Roberts has been sick this Raph Poindexter and Rene West week. returned Tuesday from a two John Bloss returned from Silver week’s trip to Odell and Davis lakes. They report very poor sue- Lake Monday Maxim LaPage is up at Ausse’s ce8S fishing and also extremely cold weather for 60 early in the ranch today. season. George Millican was over from Glen Mafsh and Richard King his ranch Tuesday. Jr. started Tuesday morning on a D. F. Steffa is visiting in Prine- trip through the Willamette valley ville this week. and Washington, their objective W. A. Laidlaw returned to Port- ' P°"R being Bonner’s t e r r y in land Thursday. | Northern Idaho. After looking lover lha latter state Mr. Marsh R. B. Mutzig left for his home in j will return l0 hia oid homB in \Vlti. Portland yesterday. Iconsin. Mrs. Marsh will leave M. C. Awbrey went to Prineville | here in about two months to join on business Tuesday. i him. I . . s' Barnie Lewis returned from the Major G. R. Clirisman, wife r.nd|] Meadows last Saturday. son, Dr. L. W. Brown, and J. S. St- John of Eugene ; Miss Onnie Mark- Miss Jackie Brock returned from ley, of New York; Leonard G. j Lava last Suudav. Brown of Salt Lake City, and H. | Win. Brock spent the fore part of D. Brock of Chicago, stopped at | the week at Lava. Deschutes Wednesday night on j Carlyle Triplett ìeturned from their wav down from the lakes Prineville last Sunday. They carne in over the military' Dick Yandervert spent Sunday f°ad and are returning by the Me-i afternoon in Deschutes. | Kinzie route. 1 hus far they report ‘ . . . . . . . a pleasant trip with fair success at Miss Mary Riley visited Marion , , .. , ., . . , ; , r, hunting and tlsoing. \\ lest at this place over Sunday. . , ! You get thè best service bv s en d - 1 Ralph Poindexter returned to*. , . . rs .... , , • n • ... , j ! mg to Hudson A Brownhill f o r 1 his home pi Prineville Wednesday, r , , , U . F . Reilley, of Portland, arriv- fcr >our corrected plats as you get ed in Deschutes Thursday and will ( ,he latest corrections of any town- spend a week here. .slnP- Thl8 18 ""Possible where 0 you go to parties having duplicate Green Hanrlpton, of Eugene, f government plats, as it would re­ passed through Deschutes T h u r a . ; (lùireaVorreclÌQn of ail their plat„ day-ou his way to Paisley. from the land office every day. E. I). Hayes passed through Besides the abôve firm charges you Bend Tuesday on his way to his only fifty cents and guarantees to 1 ] home in California. send it bv e - return • • mail, ) U * ■_ I ' > Iva West and Mildred Baldwiu left for Mabel Baldwin’s ranch near Powell Buttes Wednesday. G. C. Richardson left this week for Prineville where he has accept ed a position in the county clerk’s office. T. II. ^Maloney, of Cloquet, and Patrick McClery, of Ereleth, Minn., were registered at the Pilot Butte I n n Monday night. OREGON S h o r t L in e and U n io n P a c if ic i DKl-ART TIME SCHEDULES A. M. Drake left for Piineville FOR FROM t|6 «M, OR. Tuesday morning. From there he Chle-igo- r tln m l Suit Lake, Denver. Ft. goes to Poitlaud where he will re­ 1’n Special W orth . O m a h a, Kansas 1 rii p in. City, St. Louia, Chieago -1- P m main several weeks. vl i s l im i t, am t East. in g t o n . Mrs. A. M. Drake returned ................ J................................................ ...... A tl a n t i c Wednesday from Prineville having E x t rea« Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. 12:22 a. m. W orth, O m a h a, Kansas; 0:11 a. m. accompanied Mr. Drake to the v ‘a H u n t- City, St. Louis, Chicago i n g to n . a n a Kant. countv seat the dav before. T H E R E ’S N O U S E W O R R Y IN G Maybe you missed our big opening. Well, don’t let it worry you or prevent you from visiting our store now. as we will have more surprises for vou than could ever be expected. Our stock consists of everything needed in this vicinity and prices are such ns will meet with your approval and make you our steady customer. A continuous opening from now on to which you are cordially invited. T H E B E N D M E R C A N T IL E CO. A. H. GRANT, M aiuukk STARTS H a s a c o m p le te lin e o f g o o d s a t h is n e w store. A tw o -U io u sa n d d o lla r a d d itio n h a s .just b e e n r e c e iv e d . Q u a litie s r ig h t a n d p r ic e s rig h t. W . H. S T A A T S , Prop., Deschutes, • - - Oregon. M à Ü A î â L t k t M IN N E SO T A B U F F E T T W ü l I Y .1 M K K O W V , 1 * R C r s . j T The only vrst-class establishment of its kind in Western ♦ Crook County. t Tho finest b ra n d s o f wine3, liquors, beers and c ig a r s c o n s t a n t l y on h a n d . Eastern people are especially invited to call ut the Rnffet when in the d t v . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ >«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*«♦*♦<> ♦ ♦ * j ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦+♦*♦«+ P I L O T B U T T E IN N A. C. L U C A S . — St. P a n t W alla Walla. Lewl*ion. E. M. Deeper, of Goldendale, F a rt Mail Spokane. Wallace, Pujl- r.. m. m a n . Minneatiolia, St.jSUWa. m. 9 .‘>l p. Wash., passed through our city I cia I Fi anl. D u lu th . Milwaukee S p o k a n e C hicago, a n d East. T h u r s d ay on his way to California The Booth it Cornett and Vandevert stages «tor i its doors and livery where iie will spend the winter. H O U R S rigi can be bad on short notice to dri to the timber. PORTLAND CHICAGO E d m u n d White, of Crorkstone, NO ( M A N O R OK C A R * . BEND, OREGON. ................ ................ X Minn., is locking over some of his For p a r tic u la r s a * to rat » a id rout • a d d r or-, father’s timber holdings near this J. II. FHFDRICV. Agent, Biggv Or. A c c o m o d a t i o r c R r n î - c l o s s in e v e r y r c s p o c t a t place. Mr. White is an old friend The giants fiorn the athletic of Maxim LePage. (¡ -Id will meet at Portland during W. E. Benson and Lester Men- the big Fall Carnival, September eas. of Sweet Home. p;tesed through 1 1 to 2d inclusive, and lovers of This popular retort is under the special management and ntper- here Tuesday on their way home athletic events will have ap oppor- v.jf j0lJ 0f \{ :H \ \ ' m >l;ia from Summ er Lake where they t unity to see the big fellows con- spent the summer in the hat fields, test for prizes. D ESCH U TE S, OREGON- Accomodations fer travelsrs alwiys first-class 70 to 70 HOTELSTAATS \