T LOCAL NOTES, Hudson <& Brownhill, Subscribe for T hk E cho . T R IP L E T T , of The 7." I BLACKSMITHS AND HORSESHOEING. latest corrected plats ship in this district at fifty cents All kinds of wagon work done in first-class sha|>e; short notice jobs a s|>ecia!tr. each. Write them or leave your O pposite s ch o o lh o u se , BEND, ORECON. Sylvester Staats has been sick order at George Schlecht’s office, this week. and it will receive prompt atten­ Mrs. L. D. Wiest has been very tion. sick again this week. Broker’s Concert Band will give W E S T & C O ., P r o p s . a grand ball at J. I. West’s hall on A. H. Kennedy was sick the the evening of Sept. 5th. The pro- A11 kinds o f fresh and salt meats, poultry, vegetables, butter and eggs fore part o f the week. constantly on hand. ceeds of the ball will be used for Am t Aune and family moved to the purchase o f a bass drum. W e s t B u i ld in g , Bend, Oregon. their homestead Wednesday. Everybody should attend as the Wm. Staats received a large boys promise to make it an enjoy­ load of merchandise last Sunday. able affair. Roxy left Sunday. for W illey’s ranch City Meat Market LOW’S CASH STORE Rev. O. W. Triplett will preach L y tle , O reg on . The Pilot Butte Development here the first Sunday in Septem­ Dompany is engaged in buildiu a Just opened up with a fresh stock of groceries, ber. tramway from the mill to the lum­ canned goods, flour etc. Rev. Alter preached his fare­ ber yard over which the lumber More stock now on the way from Portland and Shaniko. This will do well sermon at this place last Sun­ will be trucked. away with the hauling o f lumber day. with teams and will reduce the P. B. Gile has moved into the cost of handling very much. house formerly occupied by the The moving picture and phono­ Boyds. graphic entertainment which was Nick Smith is suffering from a billed for Monday night had to be boil on his right hand caused by a postponed until the next night bruise. C. M . C O R N E X T . P r o p r ie t o r ’ owing to the picture machine not Daily stages carrying U. S. mail leaves Shaniko every evening on the Mrs. John Steidl and son, Ste­ working right. The entertain ment arrival of the C. S. Ry train for Prineville and there connects with our phen have been on the sick list on Tuesday night proved to be stages for Bend, making the through trip in twenty four hours this week. % * quite entertaining as far as it went Especial atteneion given to passengers and express matter. Reduced rates oq round tripe. Michael Morrison has accepted but the same difficulties came up GOOD COACHES, CAREFUL D RIVERS. and made it necessary for the 41 position with the Pilot Butte De­ manager to cut out some of the velopment Company. O SCAR H YD E. pictures. The phonographic se­ Agen , Prineville Oregon. The boys at Montgomery’s ranch lections were very good. Mr. W el- .•ueceeded in killing an old bear jters and son left Wednesday for ftnd a cubdast Saturday. Priueville where they will give Big * their show. The band boy« r r ■ere- Diamond quartet n a d i D g last Seturdi Far Sale. Shaniko-PFiDeville-Bend Stage Line. /T i m b e r W e are now in a position to make purchases of from 40,000 to 50,000 acres o f well-timbered yellow and sugar pine\tands in both largo and small tracts. I f you are looking for a buy­ er and want the highest market price, it will pay you to call or us. List your lands with us and allow us to examine them and make you an offer. C. S. EDWARDS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KOKON Ten thousand dollars is the sum being expended by the Multnomah Office opposite the P. B. D. Co’s office boys to make Portland’s big Fall BEND, OREGON. Carnival a success. ‘Call on or address J ohn S izemore , Proprietor. GEORGE SCHLECHT .t COMPANY A. H. GRANT, W anted —-A first-class female cook at the Farewell Bend Hotel. W a n te d . Do You Want to Sell Yours? I have for sale cheap, a few Wallace Hunter ad a fall Wednesday by which no sustained Hereford bull calves. For further injuries that laid him up for a few information call at my ranch on Bear Creek, or address me at hours. Prineville. J. I. West and Dan Heising are J. A. R a y l . cutting out stone for the chimney in the Bend Mercantile Company’s building. Lands NO. 1, GARDEN ROW, NOTAKY' r C B U C . BEND, OREGON. Office at the Bend Mercantile Co’a store. BEND, OREGON. Portland’s big Fall Carnival, September 14 to 26 inclusive, is given this year under the auspices o f the Multnomah Amateur Ath­ letic Club. Corrected plats of any township ia The Dalles Land District will be furnished you by Hudson