The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, June 20, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 4.
«“SO* nur«. ■
S hort L ine
«■to union P acific
C H IC A G O ,
C IT Y ,
L O U IS ,
Ocean steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every live da vs.
Tickets to and from all parts of the
United States, Canada and Europe.
For particulars call on or address,
Biggs, O ^ g o n .
C. S. E D W A R D S , M .
P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n ,
B E N I), O R K F O X .
Office opposite the I\ B. I>. Co’s, store.
r k a d v e r t i k f . m k n t
Unite«! States Land Office, Lakcview, Oregon
April, 2*J, 190:1.—Nnlice * m hereby given
that In complianc wlfh the proviainn.’* of the
act of congress of June J, 1878 . entitled “ An act
for the bale oi timber lands in tlie »dates of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
territory,” as extended to all tiie public land
states by act of August t, 18*1*2, Lina M. Hale
of Arlingion, county of Gilliam, state of Ore­
gon, has this day tiled in this office her sworn
statement No. 700 fur the purchase of the Lots
7-8-51 A: 10 see. 1 tp 2'» s. r. T2 e. w, m. and will
offer proof to slimv that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber and stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before W.A. »Hell C. S.
Commissioner, at Prinevllle, Oregon, on Sat­
urday he 1sth day of July. 190d.
She names as witnesses; Francis J. Devine
Thomas II. watkiim <»f Albany Oregon: Benj­
amin F Morris of Prlneville, Oregon; Donald
F. Steffa of Deschutes, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office« ou or before said
18th day of July, 190:t.
K. M. Brattaln Register.
United States Land Office. I^akeview, Oregon
MaY. 8. likti:—Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act ot
June J. 1878, entitled‘ ‘ An act tur the sale ot
timber lands in the states of California. Ore
gun, Nevada and Washington Territory,” a>
extended to all the public land states by act oi
August 4, 1892, Ida Meredith of Prineville
county of Crook, state of Oregon,
tiled in this office her sWorn statement No. 922.
f«»r the purchrtM* of the e*._, se* *, sw*4 se'4, se’ 4
p » w }4 of sec. 2b. in tp 28 s, r 5), e and will offer
{»roof to show that the land sought is moon-
valuable for timber or stone than for agri­
cultural purposes, and to establish liis claim
to said land before M. K. Hifgs, U. S. Com
mtssiuner at ITineville Oregon, on Tuesday
•the lib day of August I*»::
She name» as witness: Joseph IV Hunsakei .
John t ombs, of Prineville, Oregon; Joseph
Marcean, of Rosland, Oregon; F. J. Devine,
of Albany. <»repon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-«',escril>e<l lands are requested to file
their claims in this office <di »r before >ai«l
4th day «>»' August, UHtf.
K M. fi* attain * Register.
PLACE to stop when
Beautifully located on the Deschutes;!
fine fishing; postoffice; stage olfice on
Prineville-Silver I^ike route.
----- BATES------
Ik >.ird. per w eek..............
I |i>rs«*s to hay over night . . .
Horses to hav and trrain........
vy. II. STAATS - - -
thrift managed to save the price of
hundred and six ty acres de­
sires to invest in land that lie has
j one
ise oi the United States v» re,UMM? to l>olK‘ve ,wi11 at **»»•> f« * ,
A. C I’a I me’' rc.-mlx tried in the ! lm‘ ,t ,!Ve nt! ,r,i l‘»ni a profit of a
i • S.
• ■ Circuit
' m-mt <
' 'our*
'Mir' r
t Portland re-1 r
" 5
; lol,ars
...............* , : a,v
. ............
not , » O T lrwI
in a . d
, i i i, . -given,. nt
... ,,f
, 1 ... jurv
! i ,r ,- ! b,v
*>y the sweat.of
huvs !
nilte<l in
of the
^ e a L o f his hrow. lie
He buys
>v a ballot oi . h. to fl(ur in favoV I |,u* ,laml '“ “ V '.y tbat «<* M o n ie s .
>f acq
acquittal. 'I • defendants hail 111 the eyes of the land department.
a tlnef and a robber.
was reduced to $ ‘2 .i0 and the case
Secret agents -are set upon him.
continued for tl • term. On the
his applications to purchase is sus­
trial the prosecution failed to pro-
dice a - vllaidcot t i imony tending pended and he is im mediately in-
to show that Mr. Palmer acted af­ I eluded in the category of those
commissioner ar mr tin expiration | whom the public press denounce
ot Lis ............
knowinglv o r ' 1*.8 roBues tt’ul swindlers. Suppose
with : ' \ i otc. r to defraud either that, alter having obtained title to
the (Government or any person, his land, he sells it realizing a sum
and as these fací- must be proven over and above the cost which is
in order tu make ins acts criminal ! to him as much as thousands of
there ¡s little likelihood of the ease dollars are to his more wealthy
coming to trial again. Every wit- ¡ and fortunate neighbor. Has he
tor the prosecution swore that violated anv law? W as not the
he l ad not been defrauded and that ! !a,ul, taktM1 tW .his 1
° " ' " 1!enVfitt‘fl,,,J
he had no reason to believe th at! ,has I“ 1 n,,t Profited thereby? How!
Palmer knew that his com m ission long m ust he wait before he is at
had expired or that he had any in­ liberty to sell that which he has a
tention to defraud them. The fol­ clear and indisputable title to d i - 1
lowing extracts from the Telegram rect from the governm ent, without !
and Journal express the generally being ehatgeahle with bad faith?
accepted view of the matter as it The land he is allowed to purchase
appeared to those who heard the m ust be valuable only for its tim ­
Does it follow that the pur­
evidence on the trial:
chaser m ust shoulder an axe, go
The trial of A. (.'. Palmer, charged
into the timber, fell the trees, build
with impersonating a government officer,■
U ,,
, a saw m ill, i railroad to the near­
ended m the l . s. ( ireuit l ourt voter-
est market and manufacture and
day afternoon shortly before (> o'clock,
m arket his own product? If it does
when the jury announecd it was unable ;
sawm ills will be numerous in Ore - 1
to agree, and was discharged.
gon some day. Government offi­
Palmer was formerly U. S. Cominis- j
cials of the fawning, sycophantic
sioncr at Prineville, having been ap­
stiipe and writers for the press who j
pointed on Oct. 3, ISPS, for a period of
know little of law and less of sense
four years. He continued to act in that j
attem pt to put this construction
capacity for several mouths after the ex - 1
upon the law.
Its utter absurdity
pi ration of his term on Get, 3, 1902, and
1 I I I 8 1 1 1 1
is too apparent for discussion
executed a large number of homestead
Public lands are the heritage of
and timber tilings and proofs, Receiv-!
tne citizen of the United States.
ing an intimation that the Federal an- j
A price has been set upon them.
tliorities hud decided to proceed against
A 'limit lies' been phTecci upon the!
him he came to Portland on Jan. 3, last ;
am ount that can he purchased a t 1
and gave himself tip, A number of wit­
that price bv any one person. This I
nesses were called by b<>tli sides, Pal­
is done to give everv citizen, he ho
mer's defense being that lie overlooked
rich or poor, an opportunity to
Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs.
the fact that his commission had
I profit at the public expense. So
ed, and was acting in good faith, still
C a m . and skk i s, F iust nuoit , s outh ok S t a a t * tVr I ) knnison ’ s sroitK,
long as this right is exercised only
believing himself to he acting within the
at rare intervals no objection is
scope of his authority, lie underwent a
heard, hut let a common impulse
searching cross-examination by District-
actuate any considerable number
Attorney Hull, but his testimony was, . . , ,
at {lie same time in DESCHUTES,
not materially shaken. lie was repre­
the same locality and every tiling is
sented by C. M, Idleman, of Portland.
changed. They are timber thieves.
By the same process of reason­
Palmer's commission expired Oct. 4,
ing, the thousands who during the
191)2, and the charge is that ho continued
t f))Ur veiirs h im . gom . to tlu.
to execute homestead and timber filings | ^
Alaska and obtained
lor which he received tees until Jan. 3.
mining claims are thieves. So are
190H. Several witnesses were introduced
those who years since flocked to
by the prosecution yesterday ti
the states west of the Mississippi
that he had continued to act as c<. (|mis-
and changed the •‘ ‘Great American 1
sioner and to accept tees for liis services
Desert” into a garden.
during the time mentioned. When call­
But while this cry of fraud rever­
ed to the witness stand Palmer admitted
berates over the country, not a
having so acted, hut contended that it
Whisper is heard about the thou-
was without knowledge that the time of s.m(|, |m(1 tens of thousands of a-
lns appointment Intel expired and that m .s ((f virgill for<>st lhat t, R. govt.rn_
his actions were in innocence of the fact j nu>nt ¡s |K.stowing „poll the cupit.ll-
that he was violating the law. Palmer ¡sts jn exchangt. for l,ttrrt.n , worth-
tins morning denied the report that he less tracts in some Arizona or New-
had ever lieen arrested. U. S. District M(>xioan desert or for lands within
Attorney J. H. Hall is conducting the sonie railroad grant already denud-
prosecution and Attornuv Idleman ol eJ <)f
]ike |limj w
I ortland, and Heilges it <lallowav oi uome forest reserve.
Not one word
i >r»‘gon ( ity, represent 1 aimer. 1 he ae- j
this wholesale depletion of
euse.l man it master ot the situation 011 i the people’s heritage by the gangs
the witnsss stand
He told a long story of* org„ n ized tindier speeilliitors
and made the best of his eas,-. Tin w hose influence is strongly felt
ease was submitted to the jury late the within the halls of congress, reach­
es tin* car of the land officials and ’
Reserved for
W . H. Staats,
A good clean stock of Fresh meats. Lard, Bacon
and Hams, kept constantly on hand, Vegetables
in season.
a * T H E as M EL A N C
li O L Y- a *
,<D A Y S,-« H A V E uiC O M E — .t
But this need not trouble Y O U
for you can purchase a complete line
of Groceries, Ranges, Stoves and
causes the t* mporary withdrawal
of hinds until such time as they
I are pr. pared to take the same with
The records of tha land office
more scrip.
show that more timber lands an
The intent ot the law is to pre­
living taken as lieu lands, general­
ly spoken of as living ‘ "scripped” . vent tin* centralization of lands in
than by individual claim ants un­ the hands of speculators, hut no
der the tindier act. Against the (course could Is- adopted that would
takingvof these lands by individ
more speedliy accom plish it than
fraud has ______
fiet n rais-
uals the erv of
ed and the governm ent is m aking discouraging the t a k i n g l y private
strenuous efforts to unearth some individuals while w inking at the
thing to justify tin* cry. In ai! ’’scrippers.”
these cases the governm ent receives
full value for the land under tin-
The di-sension ill thi? se l.o o l-d is-,
law and the thousand of elaimant.-
was not lessened by the meet
realizv a profit from their purchas­
es, but U-cause they choo-*e to exer­ ing on M onday hc-t hut rather j
cise. their right'to. purchase timber seems to have increased it. Thi>j
land. I»i0 acres each, they are de­ is a verv unfortunate matter and .
nounced os thieves whose sole aim
is to defraud the governm ent. The
n fri‘ *n fr" n* 1 'UbUwh.n^ the d .f- j
man or woman who has struggled ferent versions, ls-lieveing that the
along for years aud by econom y and , less said the sooner m ended,
at Prices that Will
you HAPPY, at
« .♦ *