The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, June 13, 1903, Image 1

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The DesChutes Echo
Harrirtian’s exploring parts- lias
come and gone, completing another
ON HOMESTEAD. I act in railroad comedy which in
S hort L ine
and union P acific
[ Washington where
i business, i%
11(1 ¿ at
I L the
up on homesteads in
•vas received at the
121S5 S T
h V
go n, h a s t h is d a y tiled in t h i s office h er sw orn j
s t a t e m e n t No. 7ti(t for t h e p u r c h a se of th e Lots i
7 H-tt A it) see. 1 tj> 'It's. r. 12 e. w . m. a n d « ill \
■lifer pro of to s h o w t h a t file land so u g h t Is I
The current report of the division o*
tour" v a lu a b le for its titula r and st o n e IluUi hydrography of the U. S. geologies'
fur a g r i c u l t u r a l purfaiap». and to e s ta b l i s h h ’> survey, in commenting on the resultc
c l a i m to -a id l a n d before w.A. .Hell C. v , of irrigation in India, makes the fol
C o m m i s s i o n e r . a t i'rin ev illr, Oregon, o n Sat j ¡owing prediction as to what may bt
U n la y b e l s iii da y o f . i i d y . l'.Ki.i.
¡accomplished in this country:
S h e n a m e s |F Witne sses; Fran cis J. Devine j
“The Open range of the arid regiot
T h o m a s II. Watkins of A lb a n y O regon: lienj- in the United States is generally stat
» m i n K. M d f'ii of I’r ln ev U le. O reg o n ; Donald j e d to he capable of supporting onr
v ,'teffa of B ■
• Ogogon.
cow to every twenty acres. The h i i i
A n y a n d all p e f so h s c l a i m i n g a d v e r s e ly the ¡gnd. when watered and put in alfalfa
’a b o v e d esc rib ed lartds are rV-nuesteil to tile will frequently feed ten cows to twen
t h e i r claims it1, t h i s of fice eti ‘o r before si'll , ty acres; or. in orchards at favorable
Isth dav of .Itlly, lflttt.
i altitudes, will support
a family of
three or even five, persons. The open
I range may have a value Of 50 cents ar
acre, while under irrigation the soilin'
h E a d v k h t is v k N t ,
| p r ic e may jump to $500 an acre. Thu:
C n i t e d sti a " s i a i n d i*f«< i- a k e v ie w , oAgort , the values of the lands are directly re-
mhv . k , lisi.c.- N o t i c e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t in : versed, the grazing land having the
i m p l t a n e e » l t i i Hie p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e a c t »f greatest extent and the least value
Aline :f, 1N7S. e i'tltll’d "An aet tor t h e sa le of j and the irrigated land the least extent
tiin h er l a h d s 111 tie* sla tes o f C a lifo rn ia , Ore
and the greatest value.''
e o n , Nevaith Mid W a sh in M o li T e rrito ry ,“ as
The general effect of internal ini
e x t e n d e d to a ll t h e p u b lie la n d s t a le s by act of provements In India, despite the bad
A u gu st
i. 1«!*2. Ma Meredith iff I'r in ev ille Influence of an enforced and unwel
" o n n t y o f Crook, s l a t e o f 111*'Ton, has come old standard, is strongly showr
filed ill Ib i“ ofllee b er sWorn st a le m e iit No. !* 22 , in the fieures which represent the for
for t h e pilhehilsh of tlie e ’ ti se1* , 'w * 4 se1, . -"14 cign trade of that empire.
The com­
*si\1, of see. 2i*. ill t|i
r », e and Will offer merce of India in 1857 was $72.000.00'
pro of to s h o w that t h e la n d s o u g h t is moor»' in imports and $ 128.000.000 in export?
Valuab le for t i m b e r or «lon e t h a n for agri- In 1002 the imports wor** $204.000.00'
I11 1 IIra 1 pu rp o ses, sl i d to es ta b l i s h bis claim and the
exports $392 000.000. Indi;
h i said la n d bcfoVe M R Hifgs. C. S. C o m ­ has grown in forty years to he one o'
missione'! at PrllievillO, f'reg o n , on T u e s d a j the great exporting countries of th*
t h e 4tb d $ y of A u g u s t imri
world, standing sixtli In the list. Til»
She Pauli » as w i t n e s s : J o se p h 1’ ll u u s a k e r , increase In commerce, to say nothin*
l o h n Conili«, o f P r l n h v l l l e , O reg o n ; .losejih of the gerat Increase in internal trade
Marceau, o f Ro«!and. O reg o n ; K J Devine, has resulted mainly from irrigation
o f A lb a n y . O trgob.
and railway building. In Egypt th<
Any a n d all persons c l a i m i n g a d v e r s e ly th e
same system has been carried out b>
iilaive-di'S» flb'-ii land* an- reipiertVsl t o file
the British, and the revenues of th<
t h e i r elS 'in s 1U t h i s rittii-e o n or befort* said
government and the wealth of the
Mil d a , I '■ Au gU-l. 191»::.
country have been Increased tenfold
K M n riT T U V R eg l'ier.
In Ceylon Irrigation works have
brought wealth to the agricultural dis
It is further demonstrated by the
official reports that In India the here
I« THH PLACE to atop when at tofore ariil regions have become mor'
| productive under irrigation than are
the lands in the rain belts, where nat
! ural moisture is .reasonably certain
Vet in India, according to official date
the extreme between heavy rainfal’
and little or no rain is greater than w
any of the arid districts in our West
B»*aiitiftilly lomlril on th«’ Iv«»-!nites ; ern states and territories. The Nil»
river in Egypt has been more difficult
fine fishing ; P»wtoffi»*e; stair«' office nn to control than any of our Westerr
rivers would be. but in India and
I’rineville-Mlvet l ake route.
Egypt public and private capital ha
found profitable investment in irrigat
ing works.
Based npon. the wide importance o'
Bugni, per week
the topic— Upon its general effects at
„85 t6 railroads and internal commerce—
11 meal ......................
it Is needle»« to add that the forth
coming Irrigation report of the geo
Horse« tn bar over night . . .
logical survey. now in the hands of th*
floras«» to hav and grain
printer, will hq.Received with intere»-
and closely prrvn»e.<l It may well point
to Irulia and Egtpt as examples tr
TV H. STAATS - - - •
Reserved for
they have some not ap p e a r to t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t the
,„ ; i .........1 t()_
I I I t * time
r O V t * ’ j
the new districts. !
1 ' • mile advanced
Walla Waila dis- w ard the interior extends the limit
part.tnent of the interior. Says a cor
I respondent of the Telegram, under
| date of June 10:
The general application of the text
! would mean a repetition of the story
now oft being told that to successfully
Ocean steamers between Portland hold a claim, a ntan must make contin­
uous residence. It also practically
and Sait Francisco eVery rive days. I means
that a newcomer can success­
fully contest any of the thousands of
homesteads being held by men not
actually residing on them, but who are
j making a show of compliance with
Tickets to and from all parts of the | the letter of the law.
Tinted States, Canada and Europe.’
j The specific case before the depart­
ment was that of Samuel Covert, of
For particulars call on or address,
Titzville. Wn.. whos homestead in 32-
14-31, Franklin county, was eontested
I. H . F R E D E R IC Y , A gent, by
D. Mbrrihorst. of Connell. Mord
horst testiti
testified at the first congest hear-
o *___
! iiorst
O r e g ° n . j | nR before a Franklin county U. S
! land commissioner that his internre
j tation of the homestead law was the'
C. S. EDWARDS, M. D. all a man had to do was visit his claim
once in six months. However, he had
Physician and Surgeon, made his visits somewhat more fre
quent. had thrown up a 10x14 shack o'
rude boards without stovepipe or chirr
B E N I). O R E FOX.
ney and had made some show of oulti
Office opposite the I*. It P. (M's. More. ! ' ation. He lost before the land offic*
— ■--------- | here and nopeaWl to the department
but has lost again.
The department is speiefle in show
H K.\ I j V K ItTIsf-M KNT
ing that a man cannot hold a claim
Cnitecl stati's I.itud o f l ie f . I.akevi', \v. Orheon
under the present regulations and thei'
Ap ril,
ltNi:!. Noticu
i« h ereb y g i v e n
style of enforcement without proving
t h a t i n co m p liit n e w it h t h e p r o v isio n s nf the
an actual continuous residence.
act o f co n g ress of .Inhe
|S7H. e n t i t l e d - A n act
The feature of the land office bust
‘ for th e oaie of t im b e r l a h d s in t h e sta tes of
nesg at present is the great number of
C a lifo rn ia . Oregon, Nev a d a , a n d W a s h i n g t o n
contests b»ing filed daily, and the citv
t e r r i t o r y ,’’ as e x t e n d e d fit a ll t h e ymtdte land
man’s chances of proving up are grow
s l a t e s b y act o f A u g u st f, 1*02. a M. H ale
slimmer and slimmer every day.
o f A r l i n g t o n ........
of O illia in , s t a l e of Ore
k. M. Krattaln Register.
length resembles a Chinese theatre '
Department of Interior plav extending over a thousand
nights. The press reports of what
Renders important
they lhaHied or saw are confined
to a strip of territory along the
A decision of interest to hundreds route of the proposed extent ion of
of city homsteaders who are tryin?
! to reside in the towns of Oregon and the Columbia Southern, .and does
r ; ' z v y . : *
> * <
<-«>•■«,,- « . „ . m i w . » « , « . ■
distance in all directions.
do not seem to he aware of the fact
that in southeastern Crook county
is a territory admirably adapted
to agricultural pursuits that is as
yet practically untouched. In fact,
the expedition ie> and will prove to
he. so far as Harriman is concern*'
ed, a farce.
The tenth annual outing of the
Mazamas will he made to the Three
Sisters from July Dth to tiie ’JUlh.
These Sisters have Been thouroujfh-
!y explored in times long since
past hut their ages have nvvnr heen
ascertained owing to tiie proverbial
reticence of members df their
' yv
upon that delicate <piestion. It may ; * -/C b C I I U I C S ,
lie possible to overcom e this but
tiie presence of a latffe number of
marriageadle Maznmas of the ster­
ner sex will rendiM' the task a dif­
ficult one.
\V ; H. ètââts,
- « Oregon.
We hope our patrons will kindly
oyer-look the delay in imping the .
unavoidably detained Ti'oium T
i day longer than expected.
A good dean stock of Fresh meats. Lard, Bacon
¿nd Hams* kept constantly on hand» Vegetables
in season»
Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Excursion Steamer T. ■ ) ' Potter
C \ i . i . a n d s k i ; i s.
(toes into Service June '27th.
Those who are planning their
vacation this year will he interest­
'd in knowing that the popular DE8CHUTK8,
•xeursion steamer, the T. J. Potter
vi|\iecn of river boat») goes into
service June 27. ami that she will
leave Portland, during the season,
■very day from Tuesday until Sat­
urday inclusive. To see the boun­
ties of the picturesque mighty Col­
umbia from the »leeks of tlie Potter
s a treat never to he forgotten'
For speed and ¿trace nothing in
river or lake service in tin* entire
iN’est equals tliis side-wheeled lieau-
Five hours from Portland
md one from Astoria, through the
famous fishing waters »if the Colmn-
>ia, past scores of salmon traps
md nets and as many white wing- |
ed fish boats, lnmls the passengers
it llwaeo, where close connection
s made for lieui-h points with
rains hf th'1 IhVaco Bail Way .v
Navigation Cbmpanv, whose ears
tand on the wharf awaiting the
-teamer. The beach h twentv-
•even miles long and, two hundred
yards wide at low tide, ami so hard
that carriage wheels scarcely leave i
i mark. It is an ideal place for
Iriving, riding, wheeling, or ivnlk-
ng and the surf bathing is unsur­
passable. Th** excellent hotels and
Hoarding houses provide good u c-!
ommodations at pHc-e- ranging
from one dUHnt to three dollar- j
per day.
The round »tip fnh* froiti Portland
o Astoria i- ?2..Vh to Clean Beach
points i t . 00. eb<><! uhtil O etolsr
loth. On ’■¡HtuWaj». during.Inly
Uid August, round trip tickets are
-old to ls*a»*il t>«5i 11 1- itt *?.’><•. goixl
ur return leatitig the I h - uc I i the
ollowing ¡Sumlav ex’eiiing. Tin*
Jrigott RaMeoi»)| .V Havigntioii
'ompany has just is-med a new
•ununer i»ook. * tr*-«* for ()•<• askinet
which tell« nil about tie* delightful :
•*-<>rts of th*- U illec nf tin < •ilurii-
>ia River. TIB“ can lie 'Al»t«ine»l
r»»m any aa'tit of th»* OH«i»n Kail*!
<»a»l A- Navigation (''»tiijiany or h v »
writing A. I;. Craig. Oeneral
Pas*enger Agent, Portland Oregon: 1
S t a a t s A* D k n n i s o n ’ s s i o i u
^ T H E a » MEL ANG H OL Y.'e
uiD A Y S,« H A V E>C O M L>-*i
But this need not trouble YOU
for you can purchase a complete line
of Groceries, Ranges, Stoves and
co m fo rta ble
at Prices that Will Make
you HAPPY, at
prine V il L e ,
i *