TIMBKK LAND NOTICE. Any amt all ihtsoiis clmming ».(v«>r>w.- I. AND NOTICE. tv the aboveuleacrilf^il lamia are tvi|ue»t- KKA t»TKRTl.sFM K.XT. tfil to tilt» their flailna in tins office on or r n i t e t l St Hit»* U n d OfMrv. l .n k c v it vv. Or»> t'nitr<1 State* I.iiml off lie, Lake- lew.ortgo K**n. UtH W, Noih-i* U h t T f i i y h h « ! i Apr . 2!» likkl—Noltee i* hereby irlven that In W o r e aaiil 1st ilay of-August, inoli. K. M. U kattaix , Registoa. t h a t i n c o m p l i a n t * w i t h t h e p r o v i s o • *< of th** eoniI'Maiiee with the provilli>u* of the net of Hft of Juilt * I. l.s>, f l l t i t l i M Ail I mp ! ! i , Voiigrv** 01 .lu tie:», lt>;s, eutitli-»!, ‘’in ae< fur P R IN E V IL L E , O R E G O N , T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E . halt* ot 1«: u «I m in t l u s t a i r s tit a aliiorniM the salvo/ timber Iambi in the Mate» of t ali Oru go n. Nevad a a m i W au hia xt« u T e r r i t o r y . ,t fornia. urett'm, Nev.i.ia a oil \VH>hinitUJ. for the puri-Us-v of the lot' the sale of tiuilier Uu,ils in the states of C»li- Snllir K Phillips, >f. lt>, 17, IS. w . VA T v . 24 ». r. 11 K. W. >| ornia, Oregon, NevMiU. atpl Washington Ter-, ofeini Portland Arp. Miiinrapnlih, e o m i t y «*1 »tel wtU offer (»roc/ to »how that tin rit tv " as euemleit to all (he public laml llemiepiu. state of Mlpu., sworu s t a t e m e l i ! laml KaMight |i more valuable for its timber stales by act of August I. fsibl. Almoinf C. l’al* No. ltww tor the purchase oi the K' S K ‘ 4 . m m * or »toue than for agricultural purposes, ate! nu-r. of 1'rluevllle, counfy of Cro. k. state of 1 21 and \vL, nw1. at*»* > -*1 *. r 1« v W. 111. tp to establish ht* claim to »abl katyl lielort Oregon, has ti!eil ill this mBce his sworn state­ Aligngl 11. IV r\ er, A. A. Hell, l' s. Commissioner at l*nu< ville ment No- s.»S for the purchase of the lots :t. i. <»• 711 Norwoo.l si Hrst|i<-ril i »u»ju .»f Oregon, on Momlay, the 17th ilay of July. lln::. . hi section No. fit. in township No. 24, a, «ing, »tsif ni Mimi, >wnr|i sisumrnt x . A M E R IC A N P L A N $ 1 .2 5 per day and upw ard. lie names as w itnesses; range No. 11, K. IV M., ami will offer proof to b»44 fnr tln-lum inine of fliy w1^ IV‘ #, s,-i lj Oscar C. Hytle, I.ttreu A. booth- John Combs show that the laml sought is more valuable Tp -I S, U u K. w . ;i». Harvey Imnliam. all of Vriitevill«. Ore?- u. for its timber or stone limn for agricultural Tlisttlu-y wtll l'ffir prn.if Io ihnw timi Any anil nil persons claiming ailvc-sely tin purposes ami to establish his claim in saiil sua yiuglit w.more vnluuble (or tts timh«r .»: above iteserlbetl-lamts are reunesteii to fib * a nil before W, A. Hell, l*. s. Commissioner 'Ione llisu l'or sgrli ulnirnl piirpo».--, nini lo P. B. POINDEXTER, Proprietor. their claims in this office on or before "ai l 17:1 ai PrineviUe» Oregon, *»u Tuesday, tht* 21st. esii«l»li>li llieirclglm lo »uni Uml l.t iore W \ Jav of July IMS. K. M. K ha TT ais Higgler d«]i of July,. ______ H0 iiiuiu ' ift v U imimis : Iteli. I s. Commi»»!.»iter, ut l'rliieville, Oregon ___ . John Comb« of Prineville, Oregon; rhoifta« 'li Wedllysili.y, thglntli -1sy oj June, liKgt. I I j I K i LI v L A M ) NOTICE. Watkins. Francis .1. Devin»*, of Albany, Ore- Tliey i»«me il» wilil«w»rs! ' <‘>n; Donald F Steffu. of Bend. Oregon. RKADVKHTISKM KNT. Mure M IMul’.ij.*, S h II ìi » K l'hiUlp», Uol . ri . # j Any and all persons claiming ad X' A i I hiii », ol Miinieu|gilis M ini tng.i-i |i t UltfMl sta te s Ldiul Oiiiop, Tukev iti\V, versely the rtbove-deseribed lauds are retiuest- t'mver. MrtUcl K. «'«rver, of llralnenl Mino . Orpgoii, April 2D, I902.-Xotiolis of Daviilson, eounty of Polk, state of section 81 Tp. 28 S, U. 12 E. w. in. Caroline I. Campbell, county of Hennepin, Mate of Minnesota Minnesota, sworn statement xo. 810 for H o rse s B o ard ed ; B e st C are G iv en to S to c k . the parchase of the < l 3 Sw l-4' section 27, of Drain, county of Douglas, state of has this day tiled in this ollict* his sworn, ( fregón, sworn statement xo. 1028 for the X ■ i„ m v '4 Sein See. 84 U4 'i'i> '-j .xw*4 I'ji 22 S, U, o 0 K, w m. statement No. 17iii> for tin* pnrehas«1 ot purchase of tiie m i ‘4 section 20 Tp.28 S. l-'ranets M, Sexton, the nw '.4 ne'.,. n 1,. nw *4 , SW nw K. 11 E, w. in. of The Dalles, county of Wasco state of Traneis M. Campbell, See. 18 T. 21 s, r. 14 e, w m, Oregon, sworn statement xo, 841 fur the purchase of the S 1,, Sl-;^ See. 28, x 1.. of Drain, eounry of Dougins, state of And will ofter proof to show that tin ifrt'jton, sworn statement xo. 1720 for the xi:‘4 Sec. 88 Tp 22 S. U. !t E. w m. land sought is more valuable fur it» X ‘ü x w ' 4 , S E ' 4 X .'» l .t , That they will offer proof to show that pureiu'se of fin timber or stone than fur ngrienUnrul 4 See. 8.4 Tp 28 8, I!. 11 K.W, ni. 1 X i . • 4 the land sought is more valuable for its Annie M. Warren, purposes, ,md to «‘stahlish Ids claim tM, tim ber or stone than for agricultural . . . purposes, and to establish their claim to i of Princeton, county of Mill« I u's, state -aid land Indore W. A. Bell, C. S. said land before J . J . Smith, County if Minnesota, sworn statement xo. 1027, Commissioner at Prineville. Oreeon, oi Clerk, at his office in Prineville. Cregon, .nr the purchase of the w 's xi-;l4 , w lfi (e Wedm'sday. the BHh day of Jun e, hit.1! on Tuesday the 14th, day of July, Hi1 mimes as witnesses Tliev name as witnesses; David II. S E ‘4 See. 20 Tp 23 S. K. 11 E. w . m. AnnieC. Warren, Augustus II. Carew. Maud K. Carew (• lianer, of Lewiston, Idaho; Frank Hod- soil, Joseph If, Hauer of Bend. Oregon; if Princeton, county of Mille i.aes, state it Braiuord, .Minn.; I.,»w P, MJingham, Salem Mage.iu'of Crookston, Minnesota: if Minnesota, sworn statement xo. 1020, A ( >ra Poind« ' t«-r, of I'riuev i 1.1 v. < Iregmi Uiehard E. White of Davidson, Minn.; «i An v and all dci sons i-lji • ming ;b I verse*, ? Francis M, Sexton of The Dalles, (hvvon. for t!ic purchase «if the Kb. N E 1^, K la j l.v tl««* above-described lajlds; are, Any and all persons claiminjr ndverse- ' E ' 4 Sec, 20 Tp. 23 8. 1{. n E. w in. C. I. WINNER, M’g r . ------------------- PKINEYlLb.K, lv the above deserilK«! lands are request­ That they will offer proof to show reipu'sied to lile their claims in this ed to file thi'ir claims in this office on or i ,i . . ,i , i,.. i sought is more valuable í ¡ olliee on or before said 19. «la v of J line before -aid 14th «lav of Jlllv 11H18. I t N I t C N M M i M M i S M I M t l M .............. for its tinnier or stone than for agricul­ 1903» E. M. IiKATT.MN. Register. K. M. R uattaix , H«*gister tural purposes and to establish tlieir claim to said land lie fore W. A. Bell, U. T IM B ER L A N D N O T IC E . 8. Commissioner at Prineville, Oregon, | HKAOVKliTISKMK.XT. Unite«l States h in d Ofliee, Lakeview. on Monday the 18th day of Ju ly , 1903. They name • as witnesses; Amos B. j Oregon, April 20, liK>8;— Notice is here­ by given that in conipliaui-e with the Chailhoum, Caroline I. Campbell, Vf M. provisions of the act of Ju n e 3, 18, S. en- : Francis M, Campbell, of Drain Oregon; titled, “ An tlct for the salt* of timlier lauds in the states of California, Ore­ Vmiie M. Warren, Annie C, W arn m . of j gon, Nevada and Washington Terri­ Princeton, Minnesota ; Charles U. Rich-1 to ry ,” as extended to all the public ardson, Lava. Oregon ; and Otto Cggla, I --- (id to- laud states by act of August 4, 18H2, the Prineville, Oregon. follow ing persons have this day tiled in Any and all persons claiming adverse­ tiiis ofliee their sworn statements, tow it ; ly the ahove-deSerihed lands arc re-I J a c o b W. Boone ¿I of Prineville, county of Crook, state of iju i»t«id to tile their claims in this otiice j Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 4 >• lor to«1 on o.* before said 13th «lav of J u ly , 1903. j purchase «if the nw u see 18, tp 24 s, E. M. U kattaix . Register. ! 10 » w hi . • America I. Boone' T IM E E R L A N D N O T IC I of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn stateintmt No. 412, for RKA DVKKTISKM K.XT. the purchase of the sw sec 83, tp 24 s, United State-^,and Office, Lakeview r !! e w m. That they will offer proof to show Oregon, April 29, 1902.—Notice is here­ that the land sought is more valuable i by given tiiat in compliance with the I 1 «• B« >t I,( )( )I )S jit the Low« t for its timber or stone than for agri- . provisions of the act of J u n e 3. 1878, en- cultural purposes, and to establish their PRICES. You o«*t Full V alu«; claim to said land before M . A. Boll, I titled, “ An act for the sale of timlier • • • • ................. T • I >• t , , , l\ S. Commissioner a t Prineville. Ore­ . lands in the states of California. Ore­ Ih for vmir inoli«-' . gon, on Thursday, the Kith day of July, i gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, 1903. as exhmded to all the public land states * . > 1 Tliev name as witnt'sses; l.dwin O. Hytle," Li/./.ie E. Hyde, W a lt e r s . Hyde, by act of August 4, 1892. the following Francis .!, Devine, and J o h n Combs all persons have this day (¡led in thi office of Prineville, Oregon. ! tlieir sworn statem ents, to -w it: Any and all persona claiming adverse­ In O u r S to re W h e re T h e r e is a C om plete L in e of D ry Eva Doak IIANIKO O REG O N ly th e al>o»«*-d«lseribe'l lands ar«1 re «if j ,«f Prineville, county of Crook, state G ood s, G ro ceries and E v e ry th in g in use A bou t the H ou se. «1 nested to tile their claims in this otli ■«• on or before said 10th day of July. 1902. 1 Oregon* sworn statement No. 479. for S to p P a y in g H ig h P ric e s and i o Y o u r T ra d in g W ith a K. M, B kattai . x , Register. I the purchase of tl>e lots 3, 29, 21. 22, F ir m W h o se P ric e s Ju st F it the P o ck e tb o o k . j ii, tp 24 s, r 11 <• a m. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Marie Spinning kkat » vfrtismi -; xt , of Prineville. cou n t' of Crook, state ol United States Land Office, Lakeview P R IN E V IL L E , OREGON. Oregon. May 8, 1993 ¡—Notice is here- Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 9 ,4 . for by given that in «■ompliaiu <•" ith Hie pi<> th«* purchase of the nw*4 sec IS, ti> 2ii s, m THE PL A CE to »top «\!n>h «i vioiona of th e act of Ju n e 3, 1878, en-1 r 13 e w m. titled “ An act for the sale of tiiemw-j J . Frank Spinning lands in the states of California. Oregitn. of Prineville. coilnty of Crook, state of Nevada and Washington Territory, a» : Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 878, for extern led to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, the follow ing to«1 purchase of the s " '4 sec l v tp 2>> s. persons have this day filed in this offuv '■ r!3 e w m. tlieir sworn statements f ls w it : That they will offer nr«»if to show Beautifully IfM’iitc«! on tin I 8*»» I1I4I1 May Nurse that the land sought is more valuable of Shaniko. county of U asco, state o. fin.1 fishing; i » »► î i iff i«1« «lug« llb-V Oregon, sworn statennmt No. '• **'»• ',ir fer i',s tinds-r or «to;n> than for agricul­ tiie purchase of th e wC, sw -4 . ii“ « sw I'riiieville-Hilvcr Baku rogl« tural pur(»oses, and to establish their se44 nw ' 4 se«1 29. tp 24 s. r 12 e. claim t<* said land l>efore »v. A. Hell, • Rov Nur*e RATI of Shaniko, county of Was. o. -ta;, C . s . Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore­ S h o r t e s t and best route to the Railrna«!. C om fortable coaches and B Mird, | ht \««sik .it Oregon, sworn slate ment gon. on Friday, th e 17th day of fa. nu No. ««is, for the j«!rch«*e of tl «• Ju ly , UNÖ. careful d riv ers. P a sse n g e r and freight r a t e s reasonable. w s e ‘4 , e '» sw l 4 sec 39, tp 25 -, r 12 e. Tliev name as witnesses: William II. .24 T h at they trill ett.-r t*»1! to show t.iat 1/ « V«1 Piiiicvill«- 1 P. M. Arrive Prineville <’» A. M. flit* lan«I b* nu»n» valúa i •• f«»r it * Bns-k. D'.md«l F. Steffa. <>f B-m l. »»reg«; J ® - ’*« IlKDI Lb; \ tin iber or stone than 9>r agricult.iial pi r Tiiomas H. W atkins, and Francis J . n Hhaniko 6 P.M . ” Shaniko 1A. M. Fur**» to hay u w pigia «»¡»e* and to estaldish their < ml.it t-1 .-.«i i D'-viiu- <>f Albany, Oregon. land tiefore W . A. Bell.* I ■ ( onnniss- Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ioner at Prim-' ille. Oregon, on Saturday b»> amt grifin ly tl«** ab>>v«*-, Or«1!'»*!! _______ .... Francia J . Devine. Thom as V e tk in s of l»*fore said 17th day of Ju ly P> »J. ^ A iK m v. Oregon; W illiam H older and ---------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -- — -------- i \v. |f. S T A A T » : . ; k.. M. U kattaix , Register. l*n»i A. O. iScoggni of Prinevilla, Oregon. POINDEXTER HOTEL Headquarters for Commercial Travelers: and Tourists. Takingto the Tall Timber? H A M IL T O N S T A B L E S R E D B Y F E E D • B A R N ---In Prineville--- Are Directly on Your Route. BOOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. : When in need of Drugs, Stationery, Toilet Arti cles, Furniture, Carpets, Wall paper, Window • shades and House Furnishing Goods, send your I orders to or call on ADAMSON & WINNER CO, FOR GENERAL 111 SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors. HEADQUARTRRS For BEST BRANDS MERCHANDISE ,,i H 1\±S Liquors and Cigars, i Commodious Club Rooms. r A S H S T O R E . PRINEVILLE ..................... OREGON. 1 NOTHING NEW UNDER THESUN Except «1!«1 A* C* Sanfor Iti, J. F. MORRIS STAATS’ Deschutes. PRINEVILLE-SHANIKO STAGE LINE To and from Shaniko in 12 hours. Ci. M. CORNETT, Manager. •! '* »>• Offici