The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, May 30, 1903, Image 4

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    âL— -
I. hii *I l 'fti- »• Lake view, Oregon
May. m , liMiCi. N'otiee in
l»y given tlmt if.
roil)|>lian e with the |>rnviKinii* of the art of
June . 1H7H. i utitle«l “ An a«*i for the sale of
t imher lan<U in t he ~'ii' • •*: < alifornia. Ore
pm, Neva<ln and Wut-liini/inn Territory/' a>
i xteli'h-* 1 to all the publie latnl states
hy act of
AngUfcl I J Mr*, the following
have fi!e<l
their sworn MateineiiU, to-wit:
Artliur I*. Ternpleton
(»: Prifieville, eoiiuly of (‘rook, Male *»1 Oregon,
bwofll MHtement No. 972, for the purr base of
i ti« i se 1
the HW* » »e14 see %\, n^a in
•J»», 11» 2fc s, r lo u w. ni
Frank D s
pa r«l
\ .‘•'.ate of Oregon
the purchase of
i »f S li u u i k o , c o u n t y *«i Wai
sworn statement No. UK# '
the e»a »W1 *, *l 7 nw'4. s«*<
That they will o$ tr i r«
• \> :'h », r 10 e. w . m
Fatted State, Laud Office. Lakeview, Oregon,
I' ili t I States Fund Office loikeview, Nov. 19, 1992 —Noth c t, hereby given that ill
1 Irtfjfon,April 2l)f 19011—Notice in h erein «'«mpiianie with the provisions of the act of
g iven tllttt 111 (*Oliiplimicp w jth tin* pro- '*,lm
entitle*!, “An art for the sale of
_ ¿
. .
timber I nikís in tlie states of ralif«»rnia,«»re-
viaioiiH of the a r t of ronurresM «it J u n e 3, , . v
gon, Nevada, aid . ...
Territory, a»
! H78, out it lo(l A ll art fo r tin* Hille ol extended to all the public lami states by act of
ii m h o r littulh in tin* s ta te s oí ( ’a l i l o r n i a ,
O regon, Nevuila, and washinj/toii t e r n -
'•»rv,M a s e x to n led to a l l th e p u b lic lau d
statt*> h y a r t of A u g u s t 4, 1SPJ, W i l l i a m
I. ( VniH, ol L iin o v illo , c o u n ty o f ( ’rook,
' l a t e o f O re g o n , I uih t h i s <iay Hl.-.l i
. . . .
. .
t m s office In* s w o rn s t a t e m e n t no .
August i, istia, Daniel Hunt of'Antelope, county
"a»eo, state of Oregon, ha« tiled iu this
office hi« sworn statement No. 88«> for the pur
« liase «>f the s ' p w 1 t. w ‘ 2 se1^ Sec. J"» T. 2H S. K
9 K. w in. He will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
i J
thm, for agriculturel p u rin es . mm .I t<>
establish his claim to sai«l land before \V. -V
... Oregon,
Hell, I . u S. ( .. ommissioner, at . .. Frineville,
Dealer in Saddles and Harness.
Maker of the celebrated PRINEVILLE: STOCK SADDLE,
Full Line of Stockmsn's Supplies.
The latest improved Ladies’ Side and Stride Saddles. H:i- ■•purs,
and Leather Chaps. Whips, Q u i r t s , Haekumor.
a n d ««very
«»r tin* purchase ol tha
Sec. on Saturday the 1, «lav of August, 19IKL
>0 and N 1.» NFJ4 , NK1^ Nw1^ Sec. 31
He mom •» hh w Iliii'KHf»: J. i I iii (',,nil,»of Priiie. thing ioumi in an up-to-date shop. W rite for pidoor,
I’j, 25 S. R. 12 K. w hi .
t«» shew i hat tie*
, 1
.. .
Anil w ill o tte r proof to nhow t h a t t h e
lami sought is more vale ¡ for ¡is timber oi
>tone tha|| for agri«nini' il ¡ nr|a«-i>. an«l to I: ui < 1 .»ought ii m o r e v a l u a b l e lo r its
1 -ttahiUh tlieir claim to sniit laid before W A. tin ilic r o r atom* t h a n
fo r a g r i c u l t u r a l
Iteli, L, S, ( 'omini
• '■ '**■' •
pu risises, a m i to establish his c la i m t<
ori wediUBsduy, tln «th «!:>
A tigiikt, ltMue.
1 »
1 , >aid land lH*lore M. K. Higgs, ’ 1 . S.
Tln*y lutine us witnu»
• • •' 1 * » • \ > 11»«
j vllie, Oregon; K. J. Deviae. Kd iKirgun, of
« Albany, Oregon; unit D. F. Strffa of Desehute»,
^ ,)re({(>^
Any and all persons elaiiuing adveraelv the
above il,s< ribed lands are rei|iie»ted to tile
<d«im» it, till* office on or before said
1, «lay of August, 1!«iS.
1 Filiteli States taunt Oltlcp, Lake view, Oiegon
I nitcd Stst.*fc baud Oita . |.n k. i vv. v ireg, m .
May K, 1WCI: Volici* 1» hereby given that in j May s, l«W.—■ V o tici» b. rebi giv that in
i'oiiiiiliance with the provisions of the act ni j compliance with the prm >n.ii • . *..
June .1, 1378, aytitlevl “An act for the sale j»f ; emigres« of June :!. ls;s, . i t la*. 1 v v a**l fof
timber lamia ill lliu stale» of Faliforps. Ore- the sale of timber lami- •>. ibe n.t.- i t'alif
gon. Nevaba, a t|(l Washington Territory,’’ aagx- j orma, (»regna. .Nevaba, an . *. ,-liiiigion Terri
tenilert to all the («ubile land stales by aet of j t«»fy," a* extenbeb to all tb ynMii bui.I status
August I, 18‘.u. Klias J,. Johnson, of Sister*. t by act of August I, istrj, th.,,« ijijj ,¡imieb
«•«unity of I rmk. state of Oregon, b«> tileil in persons («ave (tied in ibi- ..ibi «- -i.iir sworn
tilt* olticii his sworn statement Vo. 997, f«>r ttie. statements, to-wit:
pur« liase of thna'i nw‘4 See. 3, w 1, m*1,. Iie' 4 ,
Uiemula Teiapleton.
sei, See. 1, T. •£! S. it 9 K IV. M. and will offer of PrineviUe, county of I r k. -
pr«Mif to show that tha land sought U more val- sworn sfatetueul Vo. jffn o«r ilo i>m i,useo|
«mille cor its timber or stone than For agricul- the se'*, see 24 T 3s s It to g. vv m
turai purposi s, amt to establisli ills claim to
Minnie M. Whilseti.
j. M. H rattaix Register.
Commissioner, a t Prineville Oregon, on
Monday, the ‘-’nth day of J u ly ,
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E ,
lie names as witnesses: Thomas II.
glioye de«efihi*«i land« .in r e y ested t«» file Watkins, Francis .1. Devine of Albany
|heir elai|iiM in tliis ««flii 011 «*r hefort* «aid Oregon; J u lia Cyrus, A very <;. Scoggin,
Uniteti States Fami Office. L ake view,
db duy ut August, 1'.“*:.
of I'rinev ill«*, ( )regon ;
Oregon, J u l y 2ft, llfOJ.^-Notice is hereby
!.. NI. Itit \ ' I A in . Register.
Any and till persons claim ing adverse. given that in eomplianeo with the provi-
ly the als tv«* described lands an* reipiest siotis of the act of J u n e 3, 1378, entitled
T 1 M B E K L A N I » M >TK'E,
*'l t«> hi« t hoir claim s in this office on or | “ An act for th«« sale of tim ber lands in
iieiorc said gotti d ay ot J u l y 1303.
the suites of California, Oregon, Nevada
C n it o d Stateri I.a m i o ffic e , l.a k o v ie w ,
F. M. Itratt.iln, Register. and WaslHiigton T errito ry,” as exten d ­
( tremoti, A |triI ¡fi*, l'Mi:!.— Natica ir hcrc-
ed to all the public land states by act of s»ii«l 1 < 111 «l In*Fort* M. R. Higgs, IT. S. Commission­ of I'riiicvilic, coiiirty of «‘rook, tame .«f Oregon,
|>y ji, von flint jn coniplianco with thè
August 4, 1332, Etta M. C lark, former­ er at J'rineville, Oregon, on Monday, tlie Mrd sworn »lulumcnt No. »71 for tile purlieu»« uf tliu
provisiong o! thè net ol .lumi .'1, IM7H, en-
He names as witnesses; nw'4 Sec.
T. 28 S K 10 K w m
ly, E tta M. Bottenherg of I’rineville, «lay of August
t i t i c i , “ Ali i(ct for thè sale of timl»-i !
W. Null, Henry Cnrlin
And will offer proof to «bow ! Iiul llu* land
U nitkd S tatus L and O m e n , Lake- county of Crook state of Oregon, sworn
lamU in th« »tale* ot ( alilo rn ia, ( )r««on ,
an*l Clyde .L linson of Sisters, Oregon.
soiiglit is more valuable for us timber or stie.u
statem ent No. 770 for the purchase of Any an«l «ill persons claiming adversely the than
view. Oregon, April 20, 1003.
for iigrietilnnil purposes, and to estub.
Nevuda ami W ashington T errito ry,” a-
the neQ ho Q, s e '4 neQ. see 32, and above-described lands are requested to tile lisli their claims to said land before W. A. Hell,
extemlcil to »11 thè puhlic lami States hy N’oti«*«* is hereby given th a t in com­
tlieir elaims in this offli on or before said j F. S. CommiMiioner, at I’rineville. Oregon, on
pliance w it 11 the provisions of the aet of s'._, nwQ see 33, tp 25 s, r. 12. e w m
lict of Annusi * iste, thè followiliK |n r-
Wednesday tlie."all day of August. 1|»i:{.
And will offer proof • to show that 3rd day of August, 1903.
soiis liave tijcil in tliis ollice their sworn
K. M. R rattian , Regis*er.
They name as witnesses : Fhaa.K .McDowell,
sale of tim ber lands in the States of the land is more valuable for its tim-
rtatem euts to-i\ it :
Mary L. .McDowell, Arthur Tepmletop, (lletiadn
t 'alifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and W'asli-
Templeton. Minnie M. WhitseU, all o f l ' r i n e - ,
Jicthiile (', Dove
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
ingtoii T errito ry,” as extended to all : poses ami to establish lis claim to said
ville, Oregon.
of Shaniko, coiinty of W'usco, state of
Any and all person» claiming adversely the
Oregon, sworn statem ent No 7Hf, lor the I’uhlic Lauds States by act of Aug- kind before NV. A. Bell, U. S. Coin-
1 above described land» are rcipiested to tile
the purchase «if tin* e C s «b.
c , sec 14
May 11. 1903. Notice is hereby given that m 1 tlieir elaims in this office on or before said
county of I,inn, state of Oregon, sworn S atu rd ay, the 18th «lay of J u ly . 1303.
'«th day of August, 1903.
«4 ncQ sec 23, n w *4 it a 1 see 24, tp 20
She nanii's as witoesses; W. 11. Cyrus, compliance with the provisions of the act of
-tatem ent No. 572, for tin* purchase of
K M. lfrallain. Hegister.
S, r 12 «* w m,
June 3, 1878. entitled, "An act for the sale of
13 J u iia Cyrus, 1 larolil Clark of Brineville, timber lands in tile slates oi ('alifornia, ore-
the o l2 s e ' 4 see 7
lie 1
Fred Davis
and will offer Or«*g.; Tlmnias W atkins of Albany, Oreg. gen, Nevada and Washington Territory.” as
of Slianiko, county of Wasco, state of I p. 24 s,r. 11 e. w, m
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
la ml sought is i A ny tttnl all jiersons claim ing adverse- extended to all the public land -tales bv aet of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 73.'«, for
August 4, 1892, tile following named persons
the purchase of the mvQ sec t, tp 20 s, more valuable ior its timlter or stone I ly the nls>ve deseriht*«! lands are request- have tiled in this office tlieir sworn
I’ nited States Lund Office, Lakevietv.
Dum for agricultural purposes, and to *‘<1 t«»tile th sir claims in this office on or statement», to-wit:
r 13 e w m.
1 Oregon. May, 8 , 1303.—Notice is hereby
before said 13th dav of J u ly , 1303.
Samuel <i. Peterson.
given that in compliance with the pro-
Ernest V. Doty
F. M. Bit.vrr.u.N, Register.
Iif Dcdwnod Fall», county of itclwood. siate visions of the Act of Congress of Ju n e 3
of Sliuuiko, comity of \\ disco, statt* of W. A. Bell. C. S. Commissioner, at
of Minnesota, sworn s.alemeiil No. I!7«>. for 1873, entitled “ An act tor the stile of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 730, for Brineville, Oregon, on Sat u n la y the 18,
the purchase of the nw ^see. oil, tp 21. s, r, 12 timber lands in the states of California,
llu* purchase ol the si\ ' 4 see 13, tp 20 s,
“ "
Oregon, Nevada, and W ashington,” as
lie mimes as witnesses; Berry B. I
as extended to all the public laud states
r 12 «• w m.
of Blooming Rriiirie county of Steel, state of by act of August 4, 1832, the following
That t!u*y will offer proof
to Boin«!«*xter, Charles McDowell, Jm ld
United S tates Land Ollice, Lak«*view, Minnesota, »worn statement No. lir»7 for the persons have tiled in this ollice tlieir
show that
the land
sought is I’alm er of I“ritu*vi 1U*, Oregon; Donald Oregon, April 23 1303:—Notice is hereby purchase of the »e1^, of see. 13 tj>. 21 s, r 11 e. sworn statements, to-wit:
I hat l hey will offer proof to show tlmt the
given that in compliance with the p r o
more valuable for its timber or stone F. Stella of Deschutes, Oregon.
Herbert W. Cooke.
th u n io ru g r ic u ltu r .il purposes, and to Any ttnd all persons claim ing adversely visions of the act of Ju n e 3. 1873. mi- land sought is m ore valuable for its timber or of Ridgwav, comity of Crook, state of
establish their claim to said land before tlu* ubovc-ilt*serila*«l lands are reipiest- tit 1«*« 1 “ Vn act for the sale of tim ber Slone tlian for agricultural piirpoac» and to | Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 383 for the
«•«I to tile their claims in this ..............n o r
the statesi of C ahb.rnia, Oregon. establluii their claim to said land before J. .1. purchase of the Lot 4 See. 3, Li ts 1 2
\V. A. Bell, C. S. Commissioner, at
Nevada, and Washington te rrito ry .” as Smith, County Clerk. a! I’rineville, Oregon. ! and s w ‘ 4 neQ See. 4 tp 23 s, r. It) e.
ext«*ii«led to e public land states hy « »li T u o s d a y tilt* 2()th, d a y <>f A u g u st 1903.
I’rhievillt*, Oregon, on Monday, the 20th before said 18th «lav of J u l y 1303.
Homer Harrington,
F. M. Bii.vrr.ux, Register.
Tliey Maino as witnossss; Samuel <i. l'etorsnn, of Ehaniko, county of Wasco, state of
act of August 4, 1832, Avery (b Scoggiii
d ay of J u ly , J)>03.
They inline as
of Brineville, «•omity of Crook, state of of Uedwoorl Falls, Mimi.; John (’. Rrainerd, of Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 387 for
Bethllh* C. Dove, Fred
Oregon, has tiled in this office his sworn Hlooimng l ’rairie. Mimi.; L. M. Anderson and the purchase of the s c >4 See. 13 Tp. 28
Davis, Ernest. V. Doty, of Slianiko,
statem ent no . 77b, for the purchaae. of .*. S. Rognoni Ri siami. Oregon; F. IL Marion, S. R. 10 F. w m.
Reati vert isenient.
of Drain, Oregon.
llie n ls nw »4 section 13 ami
t »regon ; Francis J . Devine, Thomas II.
That they will offer proof to show
Any and al! persoli» oìaiming adversely thè that the land sought is more valuab le
W atkins, of Albany. Oregon.
Unit«*<l States Fanil Office, l-akcview, section 14 Tp. 28 S. R. 12 F. w m. ami
w ill offer proof to show that the land
flcscribcd land» are requeslert t<> file | t'or its tim ber or stime thun for a gridi 1-
An\ ami all |H*rsonselainiing ml verseli* (»regoli, April 23, 1303.—Notice is hi*r«*hv sought is more valuahh* for ite timber or ahove
their «daini- in tic- «Alee «>n «>r before saiil turai purposes, aiul t«> estahlish their
the a h o y descrilieil hinds itr«> r**«|iu*sted given that hi compliance with the pro- stone than for agricultural purposi
juth «iay »1 August 1«»I3.
claim to said land before J . J . S m ith ,
to tile tlieir claims in this offici* on or visions of the act of Ju n e 3 1878, ,.|,titi- and to establish hi- claim to sai«! land
F M. R kvttain . Keginter. I C «unty Clerk, ut Brineville, Oregon, mi'
i Wednesday, thè 5ìh dav of August 1303.
Indori* sai« I 2«M h da v of .1 ill v, 11KI3.
e«l "A n act for t he sal«* of tim ber lamls beton* M. R. Biggs. I .8 . Commissioner.
ut Brineville, Oregon on Monday th.*
The'y nume as witnesses: H«mer
F. M. Brattain, Register.
in tin* states of ( alifornia, « »regon, Ne- 20th. d ay of J u l y , 1303,
Hurrington, Frank Shejiard of Shaniko,
vadii ami Washington T errito ry” as e x ­
He naiiies as witness,««: J . II. Hauer.
Oregon ; Herbert \V., of Ridgwav,
tended to all the public land states hy Frank AtWiaxl, W illiam A. Vaughn of Fuili-d Siale- I.alni office, Lak«*vlew, ,«regon ! Or«“g««n ; t r a n c i J. Devine, ol Albanv,
\et of of August l. 18*. »2, Katherine W. Brineville, Oregon ; Francis J . I levine of May 8. 19U3.—Notice i- hereby given ihaf in ( »regoli : Charie - ( iraves ol (»dell, < »regoli,
Albany, ( »regon.
b i y ami all persona claiining ad verse-
I'ompllHUee with the previainns of the
Cuite«! sta te - Laud (»Ilici* l.ak«*view. Ilellrieli, ol liUiuoiitu, comity of Crook,
Any and all persons claim ing ml- ,M|
entitl- •\ fin* ahove-«l,*si*ril»eil lands are ri*«|m*st-
(.»regoli, \priI 23, 1303. Notice is herein -alt«* of ( »regoli, has tiled in this office vorsely tin* abovc-ilcsciii>cil lan«!s an* i d, " An «i l for Ihc r*«li* of tlmtx r luads 111 il e e«l to file « heir claim s in this office <> n or
given that ni compii.m .v with the pro­ lire sworn statement no . .531 for the pur- reipiested to lile their i*laiii>s in this of- -tuo*-ni California, orvirnn, Ntwaita and Wn»li- Ixd'ore sai.l :,t!i day of August, 13^3.
25 S. R. 11
" r lK,i,,rV. 'la1i' ,Ir (Hl1 ' ! av ,uf :,u l-v * Ingt'iii Territory. ni cxti*ndi*l t«iall thè inildlc
F. M. BK.vrr.u.N. Register.
visions of the ael of .1 mi** 3, IS7S, en titl­ i* ! « as«* of the xw ' , S,*c. 10 Tp.
K. M. Brattain, Register. land »tHlosJiy a d nf Augnsl 1, IS 92 . thè folloiv-
ed " \u act for lb« -ale of tim ber lands !*., w in.
tng |n*rs«m» lime llled in tliis nffiee their
\nd will offer pro««!' to show that tlf«*
in the slates of t alifornia, Oregon. Ne­
I sworn MHte'iients, lo «vii :
ICE. and Washington T errito ry,” as ex “""I sought is more valuable for its tini-
W illiam llo lder,
RKADVKimaKMf nt .
of Brineville, eouiitv of Crook, state of
leiuled to'ull the public lami states hy ¡ or stone than iLr agricultural purposes,
L.'ml Olfiee, Lakeview ,
U nitili States latini Office, Lakeview, t »regoli, sworn -tatem ent no . 311 forila*
««•i ol \ 11 a nsi t. I>*i2, the following | k * i - ami to establish her claim l o ’ saiil lami
Oregon, May 8 , 1303 .-—Notice is hereby
Iteli, I S. Commissioner,
sons have lil«*«l in 1 his> oltii e tlieir sworn . lu lor«* W
given that in eoinplianee with th e pnL
hy* given thilt in coiupliunce with thè tp 28 S, R. 12 F. w m.
it Brineville, Oregon, mi Tuesilay, the provisions of the aet of Jutn* 3, 1878, en -i
\ i-i"ns <d’ tln* act of J u n e 3, 187S, ,•«,-
statements, !■ * w it :
Lewis I». llolder
titl«*«l ” An act for tln* sale of tim her
21st «lay of J u l y , 1303.
titled, “ Vn aet for thè sale of ti:iilu*r- of Moro, eoi'iity of Shertuun. state of titled
Della M. Ehi
landa in the States of California, Oregon,
Sh«* names us witm—-«‘s : Donald 1“. lands in the states of California, Oregon. 1 Orogon. sworii statem ent No. !»12, for land
ol Shaniko. county of Wasco, state of
Nevuda and Washington Territori*,”
Nevada and Washington T errito ry,” as tln* purchaso «>f thc n,*'4 Se,-. 11. tp28 s, N,
I b i'gon, sw« ! n slatmiicnt No. S2o tm Sielta. William II l'.r «k of De-chutes «■xteii
extended to all thc Bublic I mud
I d to all the public land states bv 1 r 12 e.
: States by act of August 4. 1332, the fol­
th«* purchase of the 111**4 see 35, Ip 28 ('rego li' I II W ¡H k ills, .1 < «Il II Combs o! act of August 4, 1832, tin* following |s*r-
Minnie I.. llo ld e r
Brimwille, ( »rogoii.
-, r 3 e.
sons have tildi in this office their j o t t í r a s s \ allev, eoutitv oí Shertnan, lowing persons have filed in th is office
statem ents, to-wit :
-t a te o f Oregon. sworn statement No. their sworn statem ents, tow i t :
\nv ami ail («ersons elaiining ml vers,•-
I buries E Ehi
Agnes Harris
1 *>12. for tía* pnrvliasc of tln* l«>ts 1. 2. 3.
■I Slianiko. county «>f Wasco, slat«* of
j of Brineville. county of Crook, state of
s>t Sister-, co un ty of Crook, state of Ore­ t. of sec 4, ti« 28 s. r 12 ,*.
!' *rcgon, sworn statem ent no . 328. tor the
« »regon, sv. or;, si .111*« oc nt No. 32 l for I he e«l to li le tlu*ir claim s ¡11 thi» «»tfic* on or gon, sworn statem ent V«. 31.5, fur the
I,enora M. Iluls,*
purchns«* of the w Q un *4 . nw *4 sw l4 m said 21st «lav of J u ly 1303.
purchase of the s e *4
, s,*«* 24, id,« of Moro, county of Shormun, state of purchu........ Die neQ Sc,. 8, Tp, 23 S. R
.i. IIw '
t(« SO Pi r 12 Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 313. for It* F. w in.
I M. Buvri ux. Register.
in • 1.
34, tp 28 , r 3 c
W. 1 outliau Harris,
the puix'liase of the s w ' 4 sec. 11, tp 2i<
W illiam I . J o h n s o n
of I’rineville, countv of crook, state of
s, r 12, e.
F in vh C yrus
1 Oregon, sworn statement no . 325, for the
«•f slia n ik o , county of \\ asco,
C harles ( i. Hulse
of si-te r-, county «.f t'r.xik. state of
purchase of the n
'« ,*. 8 T| 23
( »regon. sw «n il stai 'ment No.
Kl «l«\ l ulls« «u \T.
I Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 314 for R. 10 K. vv in.
p a r c h i l-i* of th,* -i **,4 s e 14 -«*«* 23. , ,1 . tie
llu* purchase nt tiea ,*Q w Q "3' .k>,
Ullit.Kl St:,tes Laud Ofïiiv,
That they will offer prvmf to show
the puri'hase of tin* s,*l4 ec. 11.
nw m,(j
t p 28 s, r 12 ,* w in*
*!• - 8 s. r n y.
that the lan«l sought i- more valuable
Lakeview, Or.*g«in, \pril, 23, lHtVt,
tp 28 s, r 12 e.
fur its tinilnT or stone than for agricul-
1 .tille F 1 n ito n
N«»ti,*c *s beivi.« _i«cn that in compii of Sister-, county «>1 ( ’rook, state of
Irwin I». Pike
4'Í s b.inikiv. «siiintv ol W ,»ci >. state of aim* with the prov’-ioii» of the act of (*r,*g n -worn statenu'iit N«>. o¡7, for of >l««r«>. i .'untv <>, Sficnmin. *i»t«* of Oregon, t>trul purjHv-.*» and to estahh'sh their
claim tosai«l liuel before W. A. Bell. I
Oregou. sworn -i Demcin \. 1. 821. for congress i«f Ju n e <. 1878. entitled " An ' In* puiv'uis,* of the sQ n ' j . s,s* 2-5, tp -worn -«»trill' nt N ■ **->. f.«r Itic pure»«»»** of s . Con,ini-s.oner at Brineville, Oregon,
a«-! i««r the sal,* of tim her lamls in the 28 s. r 12 ,* w m.
3.5, -l.ili s ni t'alilo rn ia, Oregon, Neva«!.«,
the purchase of the
on 111«*-«lav. th,* 4tli day of August, ltki.'f.
(Hr.* M llootcr
Mary Cy rus
They mill.,* a- witness«*»: Francis
r 3
it* 2'
«ici «vasldiigtoii te rrito ry ,’ ’ ns extended of si«tcra, coiintv <*i ('rook, state of ut Moro, rollìi««- of Sherman, state o, Oregon
li statrno ni No «- f«»r tin pm haw of J . IVvine. f AU miiv . Oregon : Donahl K
-worn statem ent No 318, for «wm
wdl ofter |.roofl.i show tim i to all the public land M(it«*a hy act of Or,
¡ha -w'4
«. tp _*« ». r 11 e w. m.
St«*fta. nt IVschute-. ( »regnn : W , I,«m-
V,lly /. Pike
k’ht is more vuliiuhh- for its IngtMt 4, I*.r»2. J u lia Cyrna of Crinc- ■ he purchase of the nQ sQ , s«v 2.5, tp
than lln rri-. A. ie- Harris, ami John
\ «11«*, ,*«>lllity ot Cr«x»k, stat,» ol (»logon, 2« « r 12 e «« in.
ot Moro, ,v««nt» "f Sherman, »tate of Oren .n
ione thau lor agricultural has «disi ta thi» •«th«v her sworn state
1 at they will offer pr«s«f to show -.« «ri» », At,"m n * N « ;>>«. for Dir pur«■ hu>■ «•! Combs ot Brineville. (»regon.
Any and all (» : - i n - claim ing adverse­
i to 11««* 1 r chiini to • n*i■ t No 7.... i n l i e ) 1:1 i ..«,* • «i i !,e that 11 * * • land sought 1» mort* vw ina hie thr lois 1. 2, 4. I -,*« » Ip 2 *. r l J r w m.
ly tin* ataive «Itss rils -l laud- are reipiest-
>r it- tiniltor «>r stone than for agrtenl-
li.*f««re W. V Iteli, U. S. -« «'4 lie ' 4 , w Ç s,«t|, s*‘ l4 s,.i4
Tliat thry will otTrr pr -«f tiwlmar (hai fhr «•■I to file their claims in this office on or
omn.1-M.11 c- ai Brim'rilU*. t iiogon, 011 I ( i 2 > ». r 12 e u m. a ml will ofi«*r proof tur.,1 purls»«, » mid to estahlish their lami -«»Igitt - more vm '. iimo «, for it- timber »«efore -aid 4th d ay of August, Rki.3 .
tosilo«« that the lami -ought is more d a i : a t>> - a n i land before M . R. Biggs, C.
Ilo* I5th dav ol .1 n iv . P. m i la lu a h le for its timber or stone than for s. « «n o «i»» in,*r at Brineville ( -regon. or -' Diali f««r »(rl nltiiral pnrpo»»*». mni 1«.
F. M. Brattain. Register
rstahltsh their claim to -aid t»n«i hefor.- W A
w it nei
1 S ila M agricultural purpo-« -, and to . -taldi-b «ni Moi.«'ay. t i ie S , lay of Align- t.ltKCt.
,,rc N| R
l bev name as witnes-o«. I* . ,al«l K. on Thur- tay (he « ih «¡ay oi V i»n»I. li*::.
I- nit«
E. Ehi. herv i g l i l i to -aiil 1.inti
8 i
W illiam II Staats, of iv-eh n te s.
W 111 ill in i . »Io!limoli, <»;. ''I*.* 111K « 1 (»reg
They name »■ wiliie-- - william Hoidrr.
mi Monday. 1 ,e 2t*. «I: iv .4 Jiltv. 190J,
« » r : 1 ,,->nn‘ D. Tay lor, Km» h I ’yrus, « f Prfneville. Orek« n ; I r a i « P. Holder. L-mora
Dll ; T. H U a îk iii» , Knm o jí J . 1 fi-\ ine.
We have for ¡lio several piani
8 he « « m i - vv itile-■ . - : \\ II 1 iillV Sarah 1 Taylor. Mary ( y rua. .*f Sister-. a Hntae. C l i a r « - « Hiilse. Irwin I» Pixe
Ut««m y . « >T>?)fon.
llaroM ( lark. Etta M Clark and Á vi* n « »r, g .
Kruncis J . Dev ine T, H. Ali«. M Holer Veil« / I'tlo ot Moro. Or«-a f a r m s , a fino irti it r a n c h , c h o ic e
o- ,»f Allume, (»r« gon
Any Ut.d »U
aul« Scoggins of Brincv ill, 1 *1, .
Minili«' L Holder, of tafvova Vatiry, Oregon.
1 IV t he a 1 s»\ «‘-»U’^ ‘riin'11 IjlK
Any am i all jwrson- claim) ng a«l\orv*
all |s*rsi«ns claim ing a«lverse-
Any »nd ail «--r- ns ¡ laiaung adv- r«- iv the t i t u lie r l a m l s . r e - ii le n c e pn»i>erties
i** 1ir e r," ly the above <l«*H*ril« •d lai: K 11 ri* r%*- Iv the and «vesleneri(H*^iui«ts¡m*
n*<}U, -t- at>ovr-«lr«> rt» «sl land* are regnestr*l t«« rite in B r i n e v i l l e a m i lo ts in I V s c h u t e s .
ill est •' 1 to fiU* tinnir etui1111« «11 tTu• otti ce «(ticstisl to file tlieir 1 1:oms i'i thi- ottì«V .si to t ile th eir elaim s in th'* «ifFb*e ,«n or
(he,/claims |a Oil* ofiioe on or t efore sai.l
A few c h o ic e Dn«l>er c l a i m s for lo ­
tôlll «i * y o i J a l » . LAkl. mi or lie'iitv s.»1.1 r**t II ■lav .»f Intv . 1903. Indore v ih j 3rd «lay of August, UK'S.
•u or historiI*
s«th.1«y of Any., law
!.. M Ü iu fT.U.V Kcg ,-tcr
K '1 l ‘ «I-TVIN. Regi «»ter.
E. M. HaaTTAi» , Register.
F M>, Register
c a tio n . Pal l ia r B ro s. D v scb u te ».
Wnikuis. *: A i<it 11 \. r»r« gon ; .lame* I
A. MePall, William llol'b r \r»h 1 L. Temple-
pijl, Charles H Krii kson, 1 I * r i 1 ; * . ili** Oregou.
A 11 y alpi i\ 11 per*oiis c I m i 1 *i i ng ad verse! y thè
t bontà« Il