The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, May 30, 1903, Image 2

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Matt Cline returned, this week,
fimn his old home in Minnesota, he
was accompanied hv four Minne-
sot a people seeking tindier elainis,
II. J. PALM ER, - - , PlBUHHKK John Bloss, assisted in locating
E d i t o h . ! them.
a . C. PALM E R , - - -
and the so ealled desert with it>
vnst area of farming land and ii-
Juniper timUr.
, ,
I'nltort State»Laici Otficf. Lukeview. Oreeon
v ,,
. ,
v ..
• ,
rrli. 9. lsut.—Niitice in herein aiveu Ibat la
Oregon, May 8, w a ij-N o tit -e w here- ..... 4,iuMl.e wuh il..-|.mvM..a» of il.«
by given that in con.p!n.i.cewitl, the pro #luur:. 1M7„,
Au «et
ter the
*<*t for
ilit* «le
N*le of
ite* of (’ h I j fonai
I luteo states Cauti (Itine, 1-ikeview,
Born-On Monday, May Jo, Od,
To Mr. ami Mr-. . W
l W
, ,
till.,U ic
in 0
the » { stares
< » S of
t « ( h
r i i h . ( l Oregon,
ilnu|>ktor, tlo- M uther a m i child arc
. “
....‘S " ~
Terri..,ry •• », ex
.. . i . ami
... .1 \
.. hi
... lerr^orv,
___ •• ....
to * u
PuMh* lauri mutes by net of
Nt vibl.i
\ \
\ u»
an learitsl
August 4, 189*2, David U.
oi Nhaniko.
extended to nil tlie t»til»lit* land states 3 |,f,unty of W mvo . .«lat«* of Ofvgou, lui* Lied j|è
J E. Reed, of Henderson. Neb., doing nicely.
l»y act of ‘ Autnint 4, IS*»2
the following
/inter,,! Mnv 31. 11102, at B knd , Oregon, j '** vi» ‘ ting with his brother, H. W.
,s !f- . »be
M low m g w
his sworn siat«m«ut X.». i S i . f..r thy
IternoiiH hare tills May
m tin/ office
MV, 1>f ....
an second claw, mutter, under A*'t of Con-■ Reed of this city, Mr. Reed is well
urn statements
statements to-wit}
to-« it j
1 -*•
their sworn
. „„„„ ,,
» tcsh ia ! March 3, 18714.
C. A. hyan of Cedar. Minnesota,
¡pleased with this part of Oregon
MttV Nnrss
that the land »ought Is mure valuable fer its
and expects to move his family j a brother of J. E. Ryan of Lava” of Sliailiko, county of Wasco, state eJ timber or »tone than fur agricultural |>ur|>«>M'»
w h o spent a few <
d a v s in 1 1 1 i - see* Oregon, sworn statement No. !Hi7. for “J"1 *" esiaiiish his,taim to > l»«<1 before
here in the near future.
M. K. Hi tees, V. H. CmuMiMuirwr »t I’riusvitle,
y \i
...... , lion, April 10 to the 15, in securing . the purchase of the w'é a»-^. n e t o * 1». Oregon, <*n Sat unlay, t lie la day oi J!u.*e. tooii.
A. M. Brown passed through
. ,
. .
sel4 nw *4 see 29, tp25 », r 12 e.
He uaiuef as witnest»»: Win. II. Crone,
O xk Y kah
>....... .......... (UHI town yestenlay on his way troni
Rov Nursi
Avery (i. Sc .qjiia. J. H. Uauer, of HriUevUle,
party, A few din s aft» r his return of Slianiko, county of Wasco, state ° rH»un; J«'»s M K vkhvt nf
75 Silver Lake t<» Prinevillc.
tix M onths .
lie re­
statement A,1V «ii'l-ah i er»..i>c laiming«rsely tti«.
T iikkk M onths ............... V. X » , ....50 ports a cold backward spring in to Minnesota he broke out with ot
. »bo\e-ilf*erlbe.l lsu'ls *rv re«ru»sleil to fit*.
Why not have a telephone?
We need a daily mail service.
II. A. Hill made a trip to Crook­
ed river this week.
Art Anne, is building a cabin
near the residence of (). J. Cray.
Frank Hudson made a business
trip to Sisters, this wi t k.
If you want a good drink or a
cigar, call on Towny ,v McKeown.
Miss Jackie Brock, is visiting
with friends at Lava, this week.
Commissioner Lawrence lias pur­
chased a half interest in the Bend
C. (I. Richardson of Lava, was
transacting business in town tin
first of the week.
Messrs. F. Downing, It. (¡.Smith
and Mr. Conkling were Prinevillc
visitors last Teusday.
Messrs. Ora Poindexter and \V.
II. Sportsman were visitors in our
town severcl days this week.
The County Court will lie peti­
tioned to grant another saloon lic­
ense in the Bend precinct.
John Bloss retur ned, on Satur­
day. from a brief sojourn in Wasco
county and is now registered at the
St/iats Hotel,
The residence of Richard King
is rapidly nearing completion ami
will make a very comfortable home
when finished,
, i
Lak e county
, ,,
an d the
,l...rt tor ll.ia turn- „ i t l „ ™ ,r.
s m a ll p o x
, 1
severe form
,r ,
• ...
purchase ot the their ei»im» iu tin» office u* ,>r before sai.i
u day of June, » « .
5 s, r 12 e
K. M. IlR.vTfAiN, Kegistt.r.
* • ----------
J ,or
«• »
* “ l- thev will offer
~ poof to show that
•„ i «•> c «**'
i. * * • l ™
. ' " That
despaired of. hut he is now out | the lail)l ¿«ght is , mnv vahta.Re for its
In is olin e ai Knowledges a pleas- [ uj J a n g o r, Mr. R v a n is at a loss to
int call from Mr. B. C. Low, w h ile v „ . ¡ . „ r , , i. t .
, . .
M i n » wlirn* Ins m oth er contracted
in nut «' 1 1y on tm-Mlay, he reports t|lt? (lj^e.aso as they occupied the
his crops as being verv b a c k w a r d
... t i...
timber or stone than for agrieulturul pur-
P".-es and to establish their claim tosaiil
Cnited States Lumi Ottico,
fami hef..-. W. A. Hell, V . S. Conmiiss- !
. Jaikeview,Oregon, Jan. 2«, 1W».
i inner at l ’rineville, Oregon, on Batunlay — Notice is hereby given that in coni-
the 1st day nf Augc.-t, liS.W.
plance with the provisions of the act of
;sUlnc roo,n a"d -»te at the same,
They ....... .
June 3, 1K78, entitled "An act for the
ow m g to tee coni di \ weather Uur-
same table at every place
tilev ' Francis J. Devine, Tliomas AVatkins o f 1 s*de of timber lands in the States of
ing the month of May.
Ktmnisil ..II,.» I.av iiiu s 11 ■,,»i 1 •,,
! Albany, Oregon; William Holder ami California Oregon, Nevada, and Waeli-
Stoppfcll Uftcr le . n i n g Hitimko.
A. (i. Scoggin of Prineville, Oregon.
: ington Territory" us extended to all
<i. \Y. M o r r o w , a tow n-ite select-
n r l , r , , rTT r
Any and nil persons elairjiing adverse- the Dul.liu I.uiul States by act of 'Au-
* KiI\ilViLL£. l i i l W S .
ly the uhove-'leseriheii lands are request-- gust 4, I t h e fellowing persm s have
ing agent of I ort land, anil several |
. <
ih ! ' to
‘ file their
’ claims
' '
- this oflice on or this day tiled in this ottico their sworn
statements to-v it :
of his friends from South Dakota,) Messrs, W . A. and L. A. Booth. I before said 1st day of August, 1(H»8
li. M. Iìitvrr.iix, Registea.
Bolett L. Mikkelson,
who are seeking limhcr and irriga-1
Bruce (.«ray arc rusticating on
of Stephen, county of .Marshall. State of
ted lanbs, arrived in our city on j
Deschutes this week.
Minn, sworn statement No, !74i> for'the
Friday, ilirect from Slianiko via.
D. F. Stewart, Ed Hudson and
purchase of the Se'4S.Uj Se-, 1 E P . N F ’,
Lone Pine.
¡John Templeton are lishing and
& N E t4.SEV4 See 12 T. 22S. R. U E. «• M.
ITiited States Land Ofliee, Lakeview,
Esther M. Barnard,
' Sidney Pereival was a passenger!
™ »‘P ^
««nwhere on Oregon, April 2a, ItioH:— Notice is here
by given that in compliance with the : of Bigland, county of Polk, State of Minn
on Monday's stage from Prineville,' the ^
‘ “ tes river, this week,
provisions of the art of June 3, 1S78, en- sworn statement No, 1747 for the pur-
he has resigned his position on the
Sheriff Sniitii and family have tith d. “ An art fur the sale of timis-r | (.lia, t, (>f t,H. s i : , Sw , , Se w y . , N „ ,
lands in the HtatOH o! ( aiitornia, Ore-
Crook County Jourmal and is now >r,,,a‘ to Albany, Oregon, on a visit, gon, Nevada and Washington Terri- I ‘ " 4-1'' 4 S im *, ,40 1,21 S, R. ltl J.,w \(
Roswell A, Whitney,
going to Paisley, where he will take j ‘^ r- *''ll«iHi expects to make a trip lory’,” as extended to all the public
land states by act of August 4. 1892, the of Stephen, county of Marshall State of
charge of tile C h ew alican Post, for ! to Alaska, before returning to hi following persons have this day tiled in
Minn, sworn statement No, 174S for the
j this oltiee their sworn statements, towit;
duties hi re.
W illiam lloldc
purchase of the N E ' 4 See, 30 T. 21 S R
Jacob W . Boone
W h i l e in the city Inst week M r . I Mnrru*d— A t the home of M r j. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of It) E w M.
Hannah Boyee,
A. II. Grant selected a site just op- N,on,il rtulom“ n»
M ! 'ri"hrl(‘ and Oregon, sworn statement No. 4 >7 for the
of 008 Belmont Ave, (¡rand Forks, coun­
iinsiti' ' ilio
Pii.It Butte
Hull,. Inn,
Ini. lor
ir , the
hl. ! Miss Jeniiie Hoover. Mr. Pringle purchase of the nv.-,4 see IS, tp 25 s, r
the Pilot
ty of (iraml^ ! ork- State of N Dak. sworn
10 e w in.
nuilding to he occupied by the is one of the early settlers of Crook
statement No, 1749 tor the purchase of
America I. Boone
uirgc store of 'The Bend Me rcantile I County while * M iss Hoover is a of Prineville, eounty of Crook, state of the SI >4 N w ’4. N 1., Swt- 4 , Sw l4 S\\ l4
Co. that will he opened soon as the ! niece of G. T. Hoover of Rye Grass | Oregon, sworn statement No. "412, for See, 30 Tp 21 S R 10 E, w m .
and only recently came from the I the purchase of the s w '4 sec 33, tp 24 s, K
George T, Ilamery,
building can he erected.
i.- .
of Stephen, county ot Marshall, state of
; r 9 e w ni.
Dave Barnett of Haystack, and
Minn, sworn statement No, 1750 for the
Dr. H. I*. Belknap left f(«r Prairie 1 That they will offer proof to show purchase of the N u !4 see, ti Tp 22 S R
E. L. Barnett, a hanker aim prom- !
| that the land sought is more valuable
City, by private conveyance, tin [ for its timber or stone tiian for agri- j 10 E, w in.
incut business man, of Athena, ( >r.
. , first of the week, where lie goes to i cultural purposes, and to establish their I That thev will offer proof to show that
stand several dues in our citv this I . ,
* .
look over the Dixie Meadow («did claim to said land before W. A. Bell, (he land sought is more valuable for it-
week. Mr. Barnett is mvestiga- I ...
, ,
Aline property in which he is a large C. S. Commissioner at Prineville, Ore- dinner or stone t.’.an lor agricultural
ting future prospects of this section I
, , . .
, ,
. .
. ,
on Thursday, the Pith dav of July, purposes, and to establish their claim
' .
, | stockholder, mid also to visit with gon,
. to . said
. . land
. . . before II. w. - Reed - - C . S .
and the general resources ot the . . . .
. . . . . .
his brothers m that citv.
They name as witnesses; Edwin 0. Commissioner at Bend, Oregon,
Deschutes valley.
A strong effort is being made hv Hyde, Li/.zie E. Hyde, W a lte rs. Hyde. Friday, the 5, day of June, 1903.
They name as witnesses:
County School Superintendent! Superintendent Huegli to get the Francis J, Devine, and John Combs all
of Prineville, Oregon.
L, Mikkelson, Roswell A. Whit-
Boegl.eame over from Prineville j A(.nil,.niv huUding under wav, this
Anv and all persons claiming adverse- ney, George T. Hamery and Charles K,
last W « dnesday and endeavored to I mnttl.r h„a be. n delayed hv the se-
lv t'.io al)ove-dosorilK‘d lands are re- '■tocklaial of Stephens, Minn. Esther, M
straightei, out the dilliieulties 1 «-1 k,ction ((f a siu, am, uleo i,v the quested to Ide their claims in this oflice Barnard of Bigland, Minn. cV Hannah
lore ti e school-hoard in this dis- ■ SIna],1(OX epidemic,.hut every'effort on or before said ldtli day of Julv, 1903. I Boyce of Grand Forks, N Dak.
E. M, B ha T t a i x , Register.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
ni«t. It is to la* imped that all wjR be madthto have the building
the ahov(j-deserils‘d lands are request­
inalleis will I f satisfactorily ad- j rt.)Uly {or occupation by the time it
ed to lile their claims in this office on or
justed and harmony again prevail. is needed "for school purposes.
before said At 1 1 day of June, 1903.
John Chambers, Joe Elliott and
\\\ T. Casey arrived oir Thursday,
P xitkd S tatus I.. w o OrrieK, Lake-
Ihm P. Rea and his brother Rob­
each with a load of grain for the
view, Oregon, Jan. 30, 1903:— Notice is
ert left for their homesteads on the
local merchants.
hereby given that in compliance with
Men either with or w ithout teams the provisions of the act of June 3, 1N7S,
Agency Plain, on Tuesday. Mr.
The C. I. Win nek Drug Co. of
entitled “ An act for the sale of tindier
Rea says that he would rather he a are wanted to wnfl. on the C. S. I. nuda in the states of California. Oregon,
Prinevillc, expect to erect a good
bachelor upon a lonely plum than I CoV
^ ° s «litoR
'Kivli. TI
in* fo llo w in g wages Nevada and Washington Territory,” as
substantial building in this city in
IV August
v, , . 4,
a"‘ Vile
.1 , " '^ the following
to he the editor of a country no
• for man ! art ot
the near future.
per <!a v for m a n am i team, i»er»»onH have thin day tiled in this oltiee
paper. Mr. Rea, has been a piag­
their sworn statements, towit ;-
John Elder, passed through town ressive, wide-awake eiti/en while m ,Mmr(1 *‘:,n l'*'
h>r$J.oO i*er week.
(ieorge Selileeht
on Wednesday returning from a our city and will lie greatly missed
or address C. F. Smith, of 2S1 Fourth St. , Portland, county ol
flip to Silver Lake with a party of hv his many friends.
Deschutes, Oregon, or enquire at Multnomah, State of Oregon.sworn state­
Portland timber seekers.
ment No. I7(>S for the purchase of the
this office.
I lie railroad investigating partv
S K ‘4 , See. 20 T. 24 S. R. 13 E. w. m
The new planer at the Drake consisting of President A. L. Mohler
Frances C. Swartwood,
rawmill w as stai ted Iasi Thursday ami Chief Engineer W. 11. Kenneth
county of Latah, State of
1 ,li" •' ' " ,Vs
mii J*» liHW: Notice is lu rei** givm thMl in
nnd is turning out a good «quality '»t tin O. It. & N. C\*.; l'rvsulfiit • J .>l:ll-lixli,
statement No. 1709 for the
c with III-
isi'»ll> oi til- M l «if
purchase of the N F l4, Sec. 21 T. 24 S.R.
of dressed lumber.
| F. E. Lvtle,
ice-President Walter tini < r ; land*
,s7S in ihe stHlcs of
H ’ ('MliformM,
",r ,h*’ Ore ,,f 13 K. w. m .
Miss Laura Haiullo, Mi>s M H. Moon1 and Lhit'f KngmtHT Ham- on Nevmu. ana \v >-hii»*rto:i Trrritorc. h -
Ethel M. Swartwood,
R .herts and her father, are looking moml of the C. S. Co.; President
«««*» (he i.aM..- .«n.i m » . « i . j .,•(... 1 , of 1 «louse, county of . . \\
hitman, State of
V iikii 'M. IM«J. (hr tollowinK l>t-n>iinii thl v ... ■
ileox of the Portia ml Flour- i.o > ar.i m tin» ..m. i heir mv .< rn »iRivau u Washington, sworn statement No. 1770
f >r suitable homestead locations on I. B.
for the purchase of the NwV4, See.21 T.
ing Mills Company and Engineer to Wit .
Upper Dos« hutes. this week.
rlihrU s k 4 t o p k ; * J 4
S.R. 13 K. w. \t.
Jamieson, arrived inourciD todav. • Su zhou*, county of M h ^I im II. s’Mtc ot Minn, i
, ,
... ...
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyd have ren­
orn Matement No.
for the puren.-tse ot f
ot Moscow, count v ol Fatah, State of
ted the Si/emore Hotel and will
A movement is on foot to obtain ilie sw>. sK1,. s'« j
Nvi L S w ’ . Set ti T.
Idaho, sworn statement No. H i l tor the
juit it in first class condition for t •' change in the county road from s. It lo K w M
. ,
lo#p|»h t.. imnkvrhofP.
the accommodation oi the travel Prineville to this | lace, as the road
" « j*li( u*. county of Mnr>liMl!. stHtc (»f Mimi. S T T .
• *•*•*•
ing public.
, now conflicts with the P. B. 1). Co’s *'\orn ntpiiici»: \ - 1702 for Hit» pun ii hsc off
Arthur R. Patton,
E. M. Bi; attain -. Register.
CxiTKir S tates i . and omcK,
i.ak< view. Oregon, Feb. 2, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
ance with the provisions of the act of
June 3, 1S7S, eutil’< i “ All act for the
sale of timber Ian.Is in the States ofCali-
fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory.” as extended to all the Pub­
lic Band States by act of August 4, 1892,
thej following persons have this day
til«‘d in this office their sworn state­
ments, to-wit :
(ieorge (' Jackman,
of I.’Anse, county of Baraga, state of
Mich, sworn statement number 1773 for
the purchase ot the S I " 4 S E '4. Sec, 12
Kb.. N F ' 4. Sec. 13 Tp 24 S R 12 E. and
>w ' 4 nw '4 Sec. 18 Tp >4 S S 13 E.w m
John B Ilaviland,
of pequamiug comity of Baraga state o f
Jin 11 . sworn statement number 1774 f«>i
the pun base of the S b, Nw :4. N V, Sv, '4
See. 10 Tp 24 S R 13 E. w m.
Benjamin Brink,
“I leqiianmig countv of Barasm. statt of
, i
Midi, sworn statement mimlvr 1775
. . .
tor the purchase of tie ■>,
X E '<
K IS K. » m. *
Andrew Ijitandresse.
the NIC* 1, St*« . 7 T. T2 S H. Ih F w m .
,• n i
/ i •
. oj 1 ecquanung. countv of Baraga state
F u rrit* t *. Mit koltoti.
ot 1 alouse, eounty of whitman. State of
\. i
K F. Battain of St Paul, left for riK«‘t-»*-way in several plan s tin
. . . . . .
'Deh. saom statement mini v r 177i!
>0 xtcj*lu u*, county 01 Mur»hull, * tntt*
" ashington, sworn s’atement No, 1772 , „ ,,
tor the pun-ha..... I the N \. s b See is
Portland, oli Tuesdin, after a hrief
sN'trrn stHtcmpui \(*. )7'vSfort)ir pnn hnsc 0» . . .
for the purchase of the S|.'4 See. 21 T
... <
in any way. and while the change the Nw'v S4*c. 7 T. S. IM 11 K w y
w o ■,, i.
I p -4 S, It, 13 E. w 111 .
stav in olir city, Mr. Drake ammi-
24 S, R, 13 E, w, m .
ti .
,, _
John H Menlnik,
is Indng made at t'.iis end the road
■ p i .
I hat they w ill offer nrnof to show that
panied him a.- far ai Primvilie,
»*!«a. county oi Mnrsha A k »
.M inn,
That they w,11 offer proof to show the land sough, is
could Be greatly improved and eon sworn ma tenon? No. 1 ■ I or ,h, narvhas, «r that the land sough, is more valuable for X ' ....... ’” *7*“ "*
valuable for its
ami r* turm d oli fhuridav.
7 T -2
for agricultural
sidcrably shorlemd try k m w sur-
* * \
, j it. Umber or stone than for agricultural '
” "tOUe
I luti t.ipy will «»fT(pp proof to Ahow that the!
puri*»,**, and toe-tahliih their claim to
Jolili "'ti idi r liiriud from a trip vev around Pow« II Buttes.
to eptablinh their claim to
lami «ougrht I* more va ’. hm I for it« timber or l ^ n * * * ' * ’
said land liefore W. y. Urti, 1*. S. Com­
to Portland, ni \N edm >dav, wliih
" 1 in D. n tor Agrirnitunti purjM*wf« avxi to wiid land befort' M. R.
l*. S. ( ’om-
missioner. at Prineville, Oregon, ou
ìm oi i :4‘ A \\ ells and W. « m -’ -
ti»p»r cUtm to
tfttnt Uforv niimioner at Prineville»
Oretron on
tia re h«’ - iw “ ii i d y a n d a»>o
the 4th dav of June, lUutt.
1. P. R. ComnilMiiiiier.«t IW mi or*, wvslnes.lav thè 3rd dav of Jui.e 1<W3
j>utch.i'« d a lìrst-elass 1> im h, tur­ W. Merrill, have spent several davs «• 11 ’ tt. " on s g ia r t U f , t lt f « in d * y t>i J imb I ìm .:.
They name as witnesses:
ill this section, looking over the Tlir) lima* «» « i n m q i
* 'H*-V B,,m® *• witnesses: George
John B, Havilaial. Benjamin Brink
bine whi t-1 l'or tla ir lawiuill,
r«, t . lisieery. Sehley'h, of Portland. Oregon; Frane*«
timlxT Udì ami the irrigation pro­ i{ « m I a wiuiii,«
Vndrew Fatendres.,. ,,f Piss|naniiiig.
' ' sr * • k atnrliUo.l. Jes»a.;i t. Hrtnkrpieff. C. Sw art wm»l, John w, Olson of Mosco«
\ J.aidlaw cani«1 over frolli
jects in the Deschutes valiev. Mr. « « - . •» M,„. *«.;.« H » e. hUho: Filici M.Swartwovsl.ami Arthur Midi. ; ( »eorge C, Jackman of E’Ause,
the ( > 1 Co's ( amj>. wn W e d n c s -
. .. 1
, ,
h ii.; Ora Poind, xtr and Ism F. AH-
Wells is a pioneer in this line of Nit pllt lis. M.UII ; t (t. K|( liKnpOll (i. U |,
h. l . i f
aia* Washington,
inguaili of Princivile. OnVon.
<lay ami h it fot Ih .ir C n ek wla re
\\ol k ami lias \ i>11»*tI lU’iirlv r w r v Kiutr t» i*ruH\ill«v orrtrm
Anv Hiid all persoti!» elaimimr a«l-
Any ami all |s*r-oiis claiming advern*-
Jie g«R-s to huy bay.
i l e sa\s j b k t l M rtìon of iniportaiuv ili ila Pa-ifli
Xn> * '" * •>* V * ™ * ' «•»•imint m\ nr^\r thr veiw lr the «bove-dem'iilied land» un*
ly the above-dcscril.ed lands are |>W
TìfU or ¿V tirasi \ .»Iley team
wil l i Northw.
II. s|e.ik' ill glowing
...... .........:■ V law tu Ulto * • < « «> b or : b*f« ....... "
: re,,neste.l to file their elainn in thi-
Noi 1 hwc-t
«til sth
•| -'te.l t,. rile their claims in this otfiiv
office on or before said 3. .lay of June
aif/j\v bere th<- lir.-l of m \t we<-k.
on or before sa;<l 4th dav of June. 1903,
terms of the future of this eountrv ,U-‘ °*
**“ •
i-,. M. B«ArtA|.\, Register,
K >( tkKATTAix Krylilrr. ■ ÌW3.
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