T IM H K R L A N D N O T IC E I'n ite«! States Land otti« e. I-akeview, Oregon Jan. 8o. LM8 : Noti« ** is hereby given that in com pliance with the pr«>vUions of the act oi June 8, 1H7H. entitled **An art for the »a le o f tim ­ ber lands iu the Male* of California, Oregon. Nevatla, and Washington Territory,” a*exteti ilf.t n.HlI the |iublic lautl slatck by •.-« « i Au- glu t 1. 1H92, the follow ing i>eryous have this day tiled iu this v>A( e llie ir >w*-ru M au u u n t» lo -w it: T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E . » rxiTf'.n S t . vtkh L and O rrirK, l.ake- view, Oregon, January «>. l!K» 8 . Notici* TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Cnited States Land Office. Iaikeview, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1!H)3.— Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provi­ sions of tlie act of June J, 1878, entitled “ Ail act for tlie sale of tim ber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington T errito ry ,” as extend­ ed to all the public land states hv act of August 4, 1H!)2, Itebecea K N aylor, of Moscow, county of l.atali, state of Idaho has this day tiled in this office her sworn statement No. 1721 for the purchase of the s '.^ n e q . sec 7. s w l4 i ) « ‘ 4 , u w 1-4 h w 14 sec 8 , tp 28 S, r 14 e. w. 111 . and will offer proof to show that the. In ml is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than fo r agricultural purposes and to establish liis claim to said land before W . A. Bell, U. S. Com­ missioner, at lT in eville, Oregon, on Friday, tlie St Inlay of M ay, 11HI3. She names as witm*ssess; W illiam Ii. M ix. of Moscow. Idah o: Low K Ailing- ham. Ora Poindexter, of Prineville, am' John Caldw ell, of Shaniko, Oregon. A n v and all persons claim ing adverse­ ly the above doscribed lands arc request­ ed to tile tli dr claims in this office on or before said 8 th dav of May, l!K> 8 . F. M. B k a t t a in , Register. l ,lia 'l‘ V " itfl th e |Tovisions o f tlie UCt of JcMfie Hare row, W. L. Siewart, The largest and best equipped hotel in Crook county. Electric rooms and all other accomodations necessary io traveling public. Lights, bath- Headquarters for Commercial Trave!ers, and Tourists. A M ERICAN PLA N $1.25 per day and upward. P. B. LOINDEX 1ER, Proprietor. Taking to the Tall Timber? W ilbert Martin nf Moro, eountv o f Sborniali, state ni «»regoli, Hworu statnient No. 1470 for the purchaso of thè nw ' 4 see i>. tp 2!» > r 1«» e Leroy 11. Martin of Mtu*o, eounty of sborniali. *tiltP Of « »regoli, >w orn statement No. 1 IHR for the purchse of the S l._, N F ^ , \\ st» >t. se»- 11. tp 25 s, r 10 e. w. m. w. 111 . Tliat they w ili n ffer primi to show that thè lami soligli« is more vnlllithlo for its tiiu W r or stono tlian for agricul- turai purptises. and to ostahlisli th e ìr da in i to saitl land lioforo .1. .1. Sm ith. County C lerk. ut Prineville, Ore­ gon. oli Tlnirsday, the 20th day o f M ay, 1!K»8. rh ey nume as w itm-sses: A manda F. Martit, Fli/a F. M artin, W ilU-rt J. Mortili. I.erov II. Martin, *>i Moro, «»regoli ; J osa pii Mani-mi, »«f Ros. lami. « »regoli, Francis J. l'extne. of A L hany. * »regoli. H A M ILTO N S T A B L E S REDBY FEED B A R N T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E . Klim« F. M artin of Moro, county of Sherman, state of Or­ egon, sworn statmeiit No, l 47 o, u>r tin* purchase of tin* I . 1, ot F'.j s»s' 2.5. tp 2- S. R. !» F,, w . m. Cnited States Laml Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 17 11X12:— N otice is hereby ---I n Prineville— given that in compliance with the pro­ visions of tlie act of June 8 , 1878, en­ titled ‘ ‘ An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington T errito ry ,” ns extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 18112. the follow ing Any and all ja-rsons clam iìng advers,* persons have tins day tiled in this office Iv d ie alH>ve-tU*n»-rila-»l lands un» riHiuest- their sworn statements, to-wit : ,*» 1 to tih* tiieir »-laiiiis iti thia olii»'»* oli op Lawrence Fosdiek, o f Portland, coun­ lx*fore said 20th day of May, l!H»8. ty of Multnomah, state of Oregon sworn F. M. ÌlK.iri'Aix, Register. statement No. lotti for the purchase of the s'._. n e ^ , lie «4 se ' 4 sec 8 . and s w ' 4 MOT1CF I « >R PI B i l l AT1«»N. iiw *4 see!», tp 21 S. R. 12 F . w. in. Departineiit of tin* Interior . . . . . . . . ........................ John F. Sehuyleman, of Lyuden, U m l Otttee at La ke\ iew . Oregon, mar.ft. 190S* county ot W hatcom , state o f W ashing­ Notiee is hereby giveu I hat the follow ing 4 ton, sworn statement No. 1504 for the | named settler has tiled noth «• ot his iuteniioi« W hen in need of Drugs, Stationery, Toilet Arti- , u* make final proof in support ot his elaim* purchase of the svv '-4 se ’4 sec 5 11 *3 n e l4 V« £ ! and that sanl protd will he made before J. J* sec 8 , n w l4 n w ‘ 4 see!», tp 21 S. R 12 F. : cles, Furniture* Carpets, W a ll paper, W indow : Smith. County Clerk at Peiuevtlle. Oregon, on That they will offer proof to show \pril 29. 1908. viz : (in»KuK W. H o . i f , II. Y. « No. 2 UH.'* for the sw 1 4 u\dv nw 1 k n \ v % se«*. 2«*, that the land sought is more valuable I shades and House Furnishing Goods, send your I se 1 jiie 1 1 , ne 1 |SeV ,4 see. 27, T 21 S. I< to F. w . m . for its tim ber or stone thun for agricul­ •) {• He names the following witnesses to prove tural purposes, and to establish their * orders to or call on ! his enttliiiiKHiH residetii e up«»u ami « ulUvation claim to said land liefore W . A. Bell, l ’ . 1 of said land, viz: c, IJ, \tleu, James Blaek* S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon William Yandevert. oi Lava, Oregon: < ieorga •) ' T, Sly. of Uosland, Oregon on Saturday, the llt li day of May, P.KKJ. s K. M. Brallatu. Uegistvr T h ey name as w itnesses: John F. I C. I. W IN N E K , M’g r . -------------------- PR IN E V ILLE , OREGON •1 Sehuyleman of Lym len, W ashington, «I « Isaac N W illiam s, Lawrence l'osdisk, w asc«' r • •• •••«•• ••...... Amos Bradshaw and F a ’ W h itten , of Portland, ( »regon Are Directly on Your Route. Travelers and Tourists Conveyed to all Points. Fine Saddle Horses and Livery Turnouts. Horses Boarded; Best Care Given to Stock. BOOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. 1 I A n y and all persons claim ing ad­ versely the als»ve-di*«M*ribe»l lands are requested to till* their claims in this of­ fice on or before said l l t l i day o f M ay, 1 !K> 8 . F. M. Bruttuin, Register. T IM B E R L A N D ADAMSON & WINNER CO. FOR THE RECEPTION K. M. B kattain Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. K K A 1» VE KTl s EM EN T. H E AD Q U A R T E R S *For BEST BRANDS ---( i l l ttf SANFORD’S oi Liquors and Cigars. CASHSTORE. Commodious Club Rooms. P R IN E V IL L E OREGON. Tlie Best HOODS at tli«> L<»We.-t BRICES, .... ÌN 0 T H IN G N EW UNDER T H E S U N i : Except • A. C nt N IF fi I*. M. ” Shaniko A dam - o . x A \ V i \. m ; k ‘ - S tore - - - - - PLACK tu -top when Ut lU-antifully liM-ateil on the l»»*i*ehutc* oil Prineville- 8 »lver Lake route. ----- HATES— Board. [K-r wc«;k.............. I '* *' meal ............ Il .r-c- tu hay o ver night 1 A. M. il'ir -v - to hay and grain G. M. CORNETT, Manager. OtTice, OREGON fine ti-hing ; l-w tolfie«*} -tege otti To and from Shaniko in 12 hours. Shaniko . ... Deschutes. STAGE LINE ” N" ¡«ltio STAATS’ | PR1NEVILLE-SHAN1K0 Frank J l*eYine, Mia«»r Leal*. **f Port I an« I, ‘ »r. Full Sanford» SHANIKO In Our Store Where There is a Complete Line of Dry l l Goods, Groceries and Everything in use About the Housed Stop Paying High Prices and do Your Trading With a l Firm Whose Prices Just Fit the Pocketbook. J. F. MORRIS You get 11 here f«*r your money. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'n itcd StHtcs Iught is more valuable f«»r it« tim ber or «tone than for agricultural purpose* and to Shortest and best route to the R ailroa d . C om fortable Loaches and establish th eir claim to «aid laml ocf«»re W A. Bell, r 9 Commiaamner a» Prin eville. careful drivers. Passenger and freight rates rcas»>nahle. Oregon, «»n Wadtivaday, the 18:h da> of _ . May I9ini. mkdclk : Leave Piineville 1 E M Arrive Brineville t» A. M. Tney name a* witneaaa«: John C*omf»«. Kd N. White, Martin K«9. Ip ‘2îÀ s. r 11 e. w. m, To The Hon. County Court of Tin- And w ill off« r proof to show that tlie State of Oregon for Crook County; land sought is aio re valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and W e, tlie umlersigned, citizens, taxpay­ to establish her claim t « » *ai«l land before ers and residents of the Precinct of W. A. Bell. F. S. Commissioner at FrineviUe. Bend, Crook County, Oregon, would Oregon, oil Tucsduy, the 12th day ol May. 1908. She names as witnesses: Arndt Riiherg. most respectfully petition that your A rth u ro . Olson, ot M j * m * o » , Idaho; Low F. Al Mon. Court w ill grant a license to John linghaiii .ora Foin«le/ter. »*t Prin eville. Oregon Any and all persons claim in g adversely the T w o liv and John M eKeowan |artners, to sell spiritotis, malt and vinous liquors a bo ve-described lands are requested to file their claims in this * »tli« v on or beton* saut 12t h in less quantities than one gallon in the day of May.. 19U3. Precinct of Bern! in the county of Crook. State of Oregon, for the term ot Six months. For this we w ill ever pray. J. I,. Kecver, Jerry Cranter, B. C. Ia»w, C. J . Cotter, < iilhert Hagan, II. A, H ill. J. 11. Tem pleton, C. M. IXdikt-ll, W alter Di-lge, Riehanl King. A. W . Pope, M ilton Young, ) L C. Aubrey, W- H. Staat.-. C. L , Strmul, Cha-, Brock. J. N. Hunter, J. R. Benhain, Janie* Low , F.l Boyd, J. T. Cotter, John Steiill, C. L, DennDun. Max la-Page, C. B* Swallev, J. R. h w , D m i- Nelson. M. J. K lein . >. Mageau, Jaet>)> William.-. Théophile Michel. J. R , B n - k, S a tire i- hereby given that tin- under- -igm -l will p ri-en t the al«>ve jx-titiun for a licen «* to rell rpititumiH, malt anil vim ni- liquor- in qiiantitic- le— than one gallon in Bend Precinct, Cr*H»k C ou nty,O re go n . f,»r a i- n .-l o i <>ne year from ami after May «4th. l!»08. to tlie lh>n. County Court on W edne—lay, the l*th, f May, px» 8 . Dated thi- 4th. day of A pril. I ' « « . Twoliv »V MeKeowan. KK WIVKKTISKMKXT. l 'ni tod States Land «»Ilice. Lakeview Oregon, Jail. 2 s, P.K> 8 . — Notice is here­ by given that in compliance with the provisions oi the act of June 8 , l**7S, c ii - titled, " A n act for tin* sale o f tim ber lamls in the states of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory.” a« extended to all the public land states hv act of August 4. 18!*2. the follow iug j «- i sons have filisi in this office their sworn statements, to-wit : PRIN EV ILLE, OREGON. is hereby given that in com- June 8 , 1878. entitle*! " A n aot for tlie sale «U titulier luud- in tlie States of California. Oregon. Ncvudu, aiul W ash­ Walter A. Hivetu o f HeLrd. t ’r*«>k «‘«.Miuty. State of Orvgoa, sworn ington T errito ry,” as extem leil to all Ktaieinent No 17IV4 for the purchase of the NKl 4 tlie Public l.amls States hv act of Aug- Sretiou U T ..'Si S.K. II E.,w. M. gttst 4, IS!*-.’ . Kniest I* Walt/., of Princ- Frank Hu Hi Yens ville county of Crook state of Oregon has of I'rook^nnt. Polk eotm tv. State <*f Minnesota .«woru statement No. 176i» for t lie* purchase «•. | tile-l in tliis olfirt* liis sw«>rn stateinent m e N l , SK*4, N K ‘ 4 S w *4. aud SK*4 N w ' 4 Sccti No. 171S tor the purehase ol tlie lots on 17 T 21 S. K. 14 E. w. M. 2, 8 , 4- nel4sw ' 4 ,sec 81, tp 22s , r 15 e w. That they w ill offer proof to show that tin- in. am i w ill o ffe r land sought is mure valuaMe for its tim ber or atone than for agricultural purposes ami to proof to show that the land s o u g h t is establish th eir claim to said land before H. w. more valuable for its tim ber or stoni* Heed r . S. ('om iiiitisioner at Rend, Oregon, on | than for agricultural purposes, and to Tuesday the 2, day o f June. 19»8. establish his claim to said land before They name as witnesses; Salem Magei.u. Commissioner, at Walter J. Bivens, Maxam Le Page, Louis Nel ( W. A. Bell, l ’ . S. s*m ami John Steldl, of Heml Oregon. Prineville, Oregon, 011 Thursday the 7th Any ami all persons claim ing adversely tin day of May, 1!K)3. above-described lands are re*|Ue.-:**d to l it lie names ns witnesses: H enry A Fos­ th eir claim s in this office tin or before sai«! ter, «.'buries 11 Fnckson, Ralph Jordan 2, day of June 1908. E.M. B r it t a in , Register Vrlington Ihivis of P rin eville, Oregon. Any and all jH-rsoiis claim ing adversely tlie ahove-ed lands are request T IM B E R L A N D N O T IC E . ed to tile their claims in this office on or United HtaseS Laml Office, Lakeview. Oregon is»fore said 7th day of M ay, 1 (H) 8 . Jail, .50, 1908.— Ntdice is hereby given that ii F. M. B k a t t a i n , Register. com pliance w ith the provisions of the act o <’ongress of June 8. lsTS, entitled “ An act to; the sale of tim ber lands in the States of Cal­ ifornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter­ ritory,” as extended to ali the Public Land States by ai t of August 4. 1H92, Samuel C. Hawthorne of Arcadia, county o f Valley. State of Nehraskia, has this day tiled in this «»ffirt ids sworn statement No. 1707, fo r t lie purchase of the N w *4 sec 0. T. 28 S. R. 1*’» E. w. M. And w ill offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before w. A. Bell r . S. Commissioner, at P rtneville Oregon, on Monday, the 1st. day o f June. 1908. He names as witnesses: Charles II. Erickson. Henry A. Foster, O liver 11. Krickson. and Fred T. H iggins of P rin eville, Oregon. Any and all persons c laim in g adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims iu this office on or before said 1st. day of June 1908. K. M. B k a t t a in , Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. POINDEXTER HOTEL KKADVKKTISKMKXT. I’riru vil’ i, Oreg«»n M. B rat T a o , Register. I W, u . FTAJLTta - - l‘ro|»