The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, April 18, 1903, Image 2

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    D ESCH U r u s ECHO.
Messrs, t'Iia-
Grittieth, ( ’. A.
Burhank, Lee .ooniis, anil Mrs
H. S.
.(» >11J 1 S anil Mrs. Jennie
Loomis of Portland, returned from
IJ. J. PA LM EH, -
Pt'Hl.IsiiKH. Silver Lake lai-t Monday where
- - EDITOR. they spent several days in locating
a . C. P A L M E R . -
and fileing on titular claims.
He names as witnesses:
Augustus 11. Carew, Maud E. Carew,
H E A D V E . 'IT IS R M E N T .
ot Hrainerd, Minn.; I.oW E, Alliilgliain
s Lund offiefc. Lukeview, Oregon,
iV (~>r;i Poindexter, of Prim-X iile, < »reiron. Feb. W,
e in hereby given thaï ih
Anv and all nersons cl .timing adverse­ compliance with the provision* of the a<*t of
ly the alsive-descrilied lands art. )une a, tsTs. entttleil, "Au ad (nr the «ale «:
timber lamia in the state« of California. Ore-
requested to tile their claims in tliis I Soil Nevada and Washington Territory.” as ex
nHict* nn or before said 10. day of June. I tended to all tile public land states by act of
August -1. INK!, David c. Page. of shantko.
E. M. B kattaix , Register.
Unite«! States«l Offiee. I.akeview. Ore­
gon, Dee. !*, 1002. -Notiee is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of June
1M7H. entitled “ An net lor the
; «meot timber lend* In the state« of California,
J Oregon, Nevada amt Washington Territory, as
' extended to all the |>u!die laud states hy art ol'
I August 1, lMftf. the following persons liave
! riled in this otttce their sworn atatementa
county of Wasco, state of Oregon, has filed in to-wil r
Mr. Chapin. of the firm of Potter
j this office his sworn statement Not 1781, for the
Snllic K. Phillip*,
A’ Chapin of I'ortl; ml. Or. brought
j purchase of the sw*4, of section t> in Tp. 21,
gress of M arch 3, 1K7!).
U n it e d States Land Ottiee, I.akeview ! «. range U, e, w. in. andwill offer proof to show i>f24ol Portland Ave. Minneapolis, county of
a party of easteri
people here to
Hennepin, state of Minn., sworn statement
O r e g o n . Dee. 27, 1903 :— N o t ic e is here i that the lam! sought is more valuable for i ts
look at land under the C. S. I. Co’s '»V g iv e n that in c o m p l i a n c e with th e pro- | “ mher »rstoue than for agricultural purposes No. lrii’i mr the purchase of the K1... VP1«, sec.
J1 and w*, titii, sec n tp J1 «. r If t*. w. m.
ditch. Three of the party pur­ vision s Of th e g et Of J u n e 3, 1878, t*n-' ‘‘.“ 'i
eslahlUh Ills claim to «aid lam! before
August H. Carver,
. . .
M l; Bigg*. I . S. I ommlssioiicr at Prineville,
chased laud and two voting men ti tled A n act tor th e sale ot ti m b e r , Oregon, on Snturdny, the i;(«l«iy of June .I K « , of 712 N orw ood Sf. Hfaillt ril co lih tl l,f ('ron*
He names as wttne**,-*: Win. II. I*ruse. wing, s ta ff o f Xlinil. sWorh staH lnttit No,
........................ $1.00 of the party, te i; iit>•«l and liegan la n ds in th e states of C a lifor n ia , O re g o n ,
Os k Y ear
n Scoggin, J. II. Hauer. of Prineville. trill for the purchase o f Ihe S ' , \v., gee. if
S ix M onths
Tp 21 S, R 11 V. S . m,
work for the con p.-, y
: lames M. Keeney .»f shantko, Oregon.
T iihke M onths
Thatthey will otter proof to lli.igr (lint tin*
i i,
, ,
, , ,
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
J. M
Law re . . . o f
P o r t l a m . hy act of August 4, 1»»-», the following • „ b(ive. , l a n d s are requested to rile and sought is more Valuable far its timber <>r
has lx en i porsttim have this day filed in this office their claim« in this om. e on or before said stone than tor agricultural purposes, ami til
S A T U R D A Y , A P R I L 1«, 1903. an, ex-new.-pa p.-’ n n
1:; day of June, tana.
establish theirclaim to said land hefore XV.A.
t h e i r aWorn st a t e m e n ts, t o - w i t :
'a p p o in t e d a
< m u m -.«ion -
as s l I
E. M. B rattai *, Register.
Dell. l\ 8. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon,
Entered M ay 31. 1903, at B e n d , O r e g o n ,
a - •econd class m a tter, u n d er A c t o f C o n ­
1 1
I <*r a t
th is
p la ce
John I. klapp
of tienesi-e, county uf l.alah, Stale of Idaho*
Law renoe
| formerly held the p.-ition of rail-
111 wednesilay, tile tilth day Ol JHue, 1902.
They name as witnesses:
Mary Jl. I’ltUlips, Sallle K Phillips, Robert
N. Adams, of Minuea|>ol's, Minn.. August H.
Carver, Maud E. Carver of Hrainerd, M in n,:
I.ow K. Atllngham, and Ora Poindexter, of
Prineville, Oregon.
u* tte w"**>* »t
tile «'_ Vn'4 and If „SKI* Sec, 22 T. XI S. It M E,
'road editor of tin Oregonian, anil W.M*
United States Land Office, I.akeview
recently resigned that position to , ,
«»lives ! Mm*«
Oregon, Sept. II, M>3.—Notice is lien
of < larkltt, conn t.v‘»J *ln>sln>ne, xtutr t>f I»Uh*» by jjiven til At in compliance with the
Why not have* n daily mail?
heeoim* assistant
ll“>;«tal’ i secretary
of tile .«worn Statement Vo. loss .nr the pufehasl' of provisions of the Ul't of June 3. 1878, en-
l he S* „N W1 „ and \V„s\V'4 se. 21 T 22 8 R 12 K , titletl, “ All act for tin* sale o f t i m b e r
John Sizemore spent part >f the Portland ( ’ hamIter ot CommiT«***.
XV, M.
; la n d s in th e states o f C a lif o r n i a , Ore-
Beware of smallpox.
Wi ck in Prineville.
John a whidden
gun, N e v a d a , a n d W a s liin g to n T e r r it o r y ,
of Wardner,» oliniy of Shoshone, state of Idaho as e x t e n d e d t o all th e p u b l i c la n d states
worn statement No, for the purchase of by act o f A u g ust 4. 1393, tile f o llo w in g
the M i 1«, sec 2.» T 21 s it in K. XV. M.
i p e r so n s iiave tliis d a y tiled in th is offic e
KI. h 11 Klapp
i th e ir s w o r n s t a t e m e n ts , t o - w i t :
of to tiesee. county of l.atali. state of Idaho,
G u s ta v Zffilnter, o f
Park R apid s.
sw.irii statement No. tritio for Ihe
, ,lri 1,11 1 '
c o u n t y o f 1 !n blm rd, state o f M in n es ota .
flic nw1 if».'1«, n1..nw1, and se'*UH 1, sec. 20, T ¿2
s i ; if !•; w. m . "
s w o r n Hta temen tt s o . 1H84 f o r th e pur-
Timothy Keane
c h a se o f th e S EX^Sw1*, S L . S K b j , NEL;
of Oeliesee, eounsy of l.atali. stale of Idaho, SEb|, Set". 18 T. 23 S, R 14 E. W.M.
sworft statement No. tritt! for the parchare of
M ich ael ( ' S c h o n e b e r g e r , o f Park R a p ­
iIn* S\V‘ , VXX*'«, W‘ „sw '„. se, «s\vl. sec. :g», T. 22
c o u n t y o f H u b b a r d , state o f M i n n e ­
S. R. U E. «V. hi.
sota, sw or n s t a tem en t N o. 1(185 for th e
Amlrew S Olson
of Moscow, county of Lutali, statt* of Ji'nho pu rc h a se o f th e e l s iiw4^ anti w l-._,nel.| of
sworn statement N « ». lt>92 for the pur« basa of j Soi* l (t T
S T 14 I*' \y M.
the nw1 { of set*. ìli T. 2:1 S. R I I K \V. M.
. . 1 ~
lelilí I!
li Schuimiti, o f Piirk Iïar>i«lH.
.. .
I fiat t h e y will o f f e r nroot to 8ltov
, « . ..
i * •
i l i
e o u u t v ot H u b b a r d , state o f M in n e s o ta ,
th at th e land so u g h t is m o r e v a lu a b le ,
.■ •. .. ,
* s w o r n st a t e m e n t No. 188(1 for th e pur-
lor its t i m b e r o r s t o n e th an tor a g n e lli-
. . .
(**,ilMe f)t t ' u*
an d n l .Tsel4 , See ID
tu ral p u rp os es, a n d t o estab lis h
p n
T 2.4, Ii 14 K. w. m .
, .
-, .
, , ,
c h u m to said la nd Indore xv. A. Hell,
Miss Mabel Baldwin i-< sisnintingr
mi the Echo staff, this week.
Sirtcrs, Ort g. is to have a daily
inail s e r v i c e , o n and after April 21,
Smallpox, is about the only topic
of conversation in town now.
Wm Holder, editor of the Review
is once more seen on our streets,
II. Palmer, of Pritieville, in reg­
after an extended visit to Silver
istered iit the Staats hotel,
Mi *SS(‘S,
( -t M. Willey and
Thi* mails to and from this place
Henry l>onkell, made a huisness are delayed at Shaniko, from two
trip to Squaw ( ’reek this week.
to twenty-four hours undergoing
Our sick people are all eonvales- disinfection.
Ihg, except Mr. King, who is still
Miss Maude Dobbs who has ac­
suffering from throat trouble.
cepted a position as teacher of the
i . t .
i i
Mr. 0. A. Denliisoit our for­ S u p 1 l e e s c h o o l , ’ le f t t o r t h a t p 1 l a c e liv
mer merehant left for Prineville private conveyance on Tuesday.
• he first of the week.
Wedding B e l l s will ring again in
| , .
. ,
. ,, ,
We must again deny the report this eitv soon, hut ( ounty ( lork
being circulated out side of this Smith’s lips wore sealed a to who
place, that then* is smallpox at the contracting parties were.
I ( • . S.
. « ( « « omnnsHioner, at . rrineville,
,, •
th e
Mil V , 11)03.
xiiev mum ils w itn esses
4th d a y
1 !u*v
* name as witnesses: \iirliaei
“^ 1 v *
S e h o n e b e r g e r , J o h n H S e h m n a n , (in s
ta\ / e l l n i e r , , o f Park R a p id s . M in nesota
lo h n 11 '",,w '* A llin g lu n n an d Ora P o in d e x t e r ,
of P r in ev ille, O re g o n .
W h i d d e n of w a r d n e r , Id a h o , O liv e r I,
Lin es o f Clarkia, Id a h o, T i m o t h y K e a n e i
l h a t th e y will offer p r o o f t o s h o w that
an d J o h n L K la p p , o f G e n e s e e , Id a h o, , t,u‘ 1:111,1 sou g h t is m or e v a lu a b le for its
A n d r e w S O lson , o f Moscow. I d a h o and j tiinlx-r o r s t o n e than f o r agrieultural
Low E AlH nghani of P r in ev ille, O r e g o n , p u rp o s e s, a n d to estab lis h th e ir claim
A n y a m i all jtersous c l a i m i n g ad v e r s e - A " s:l1,1 kind b e fo r e \\ . A . Bell
i . S.
Iv th e iiliovi'-desiaabed la n d s a re request- j * o n iin is i o n e r , ¡it P r in ev ille, O re g o n , on
ed to file tiu'lr c la im s in th is o f f ic e o n o r S a tu rd a y tin* 2nd d a y o f M a y , 1003
Deschutes, or Mend, either.
Howard Dillon, died of smallpox
W. II. Staats, made a huisness at o . l •"» B. M. on Wednesday, ¡it the
trip t‘ > Prineville, the lirst of the pest house.
week and returned with several
Miss Ronda t'laypool is very low
lo a d s o f tf nods fid* his store.
with smallpox at her home,
b e f o r e siiid 4tli d a v o f
E. M. Uii.crT.Mx. R eg ister.
The light snow that fell Monday
Arthur Hodges and family, ac-1
night, hut soon disappeared, was coiiipani(*d hv Mrs. Alonzo Gtsner
a guild lliing for the grass whieh is and her daughter, Miss Rhoda, left
U n ited States Lund Office, Lnkeview,
growing very fast these pleasant f»r Salem, via. The Dalles, last Oregon, Dec. 27, 1H02:—Notice is here-
Wedm sdnv, Mr. Hodges will return bv given that in compliance with the
in H few days, hut his family will provisions of the act of June 3, 18<8, en-
,\lr, J, M. Lawrence, the new
titled, “ A n net f o r th e sale o f tinilmr
(■nititnissioner appointed for this remaiit away for some time.
la n ds in the states o f U aliforniiL « ) re-
phn'e Will arrive here on oi* hefore
Mrs. I). F. I’ owi 1, p u r c h a s e d t h e g o n , Nevada a n d W a s h in g t o n Terri-
• sidm n ’e p r o p e r t y o f H. J. Palmer, h.ry,” as e x t e n d e d to all t h e p u h h c
• he 20th of this month. His head resii
A n y a n d ¡ill p e r s o n s c l a i m i n g a d versely
th e a b o v e - d e s c r ib e d la n ds are requested
to file tb e ir c la im s in tliis office o n o r
b e fo r e said 2nd d a y of M a y , 1003.
E. M.
B k a t t a I n . Register.
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
T in t e d States Land Office,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their eiaims in this office oh or before said
10th day of June, IH 02 .
E. M. B rattain . Register.
I lilted StHtes I.,ind Office. T.Hkeview, Oregon
Jan. 2ri' 11HK2:—Notice is hereby given that in
com plia nee with the provisions of the ael of
June 2 1S7H entitled “ An act f* * r t h « sale «*f
limber lands in the state* of ( 'aliforma. Ore-
on. Nevada, and Wasliington Territory, as
exiended to all the publie laud stales by ael of
August 4, 1SH2, the following persons have Ibis
‘lay tiled in this office their sworn statements
to-wit :
Charles K. Stockland,
of Stephens, county of Marshall, slate of M inti,
sworn statement No. 1721 for Ihe purchase of
ihe Sgl,4 SK1«, S>„ S\V > ,, Nvv ' 4 SW>4 Sec. I. T. 22
S. R. lu K. W. M.
Joseph U. Briukerhoff,
of Stephens, county of Marshall, slate of Minn,
«worn statement No. 17 >2 for the purchase of
tile NK'4, See. 7 T. 22 S. R. lu E. w.N.
Carrie (>. Mlekelson,
of Stephens, county of Marshall, stale of Minn,
sworn statement No. 1722 for the purchase of
tl*e Nw >4, See. 7 T. 22 S. K. 10 K. w . M.
John H. Merdink,
of Stephans, con in y ot Marshall state of Minn,
sworn statement No. 17M for the purchase of
the N'. j S'. j See. 7 T. 22S- R. Jn K. w. ji .
That they will offer proof m show tliat flu*
land sought is more valuahlh fot its limber or
Slone than lor rigneiiitiirfil purposes, and to
establish their to said latid before
II. \\ Reed, l\ s. Bend Ore­
gon, on Sat unlay, the ritli day of June 1 * 102 .
They name a» witnessed:
Boswell A. Whitney, Ocorgc T. Uainery,
Charles k. Stockland. Joseph U. Briukerhoff,
Carrie O. Miekeldoii, .hdin H. Merdink of
Stephen*: Minn.; c. (i. Richardson, u. w.
Townsend, of Lava, Oregon; anil Joint C. L,
Elder, of i’ rilieville, Oregon.
O re g o n , N ov . 10 1002:— N ot ice is h ereb y
g iven that in c o m p l i a n c e w ith t h e p r o ­
v isions of th e act o f J u n e 3, 1873, en -
Any atld all person» claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claim* in this office on or before said titli
• lay of June 19112.
E. M, B kattaix Register.
. ,
« m s « e r - it m i l
1 ,1
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stephens left ion, on Tuesday. ( I
this is a nice location
and wjt
for the ( ’ . S, I. Co’s eamp Vesterdax
, ,,
* i . i i States hv net of Au gust 4, 1302 th e fol-
D u II m 8 Hr«»\vn, of Moncow, cou n ty o f Latah. 1
ivlll're they have neeepti d positions Mrs Powell intends to tit up a stair of Idaho, sworn statement No. H»flK for the j
\H*r8oii8 ha\(* thifi Iln v tiled in
piinlhiisr .•( the K'.jSw', iin.l w '„-*■'« ««■*•. 22 T I this office th e ir svvot'ff stat('nients, to-
. i- first anti second conks fin* the nice home in the near future.
22 s n 12 K.
w it:
force of melt working oh the ditch.
Dr. lintchinsmi. a member of flic
Cliarle* N SI»« h .| i , of Moscow, «•«unify of latish
< feor 'h 1 Iflick
siaii* of Idaho, sworn atatcineut No. li»94 ior I
Mr. George Day, entin* over from
tlit* imivliast* of the t'LjSw1 | ami w'^se'^, see 2*4
Hieoniil, c o u n t y of 1 lefTf*, f’ tilte Ot
j W a s lii n g t o n , Hworn MWfeHi^nt 1588 for
Prineville last Tuesday, with a day“ ill Prineville tliis week, he T 2ds r i f k
lohn Ruk|tal>er. i»f M«a»eow eounty of Latah. t|H, p u r e b a t e o f th e w lu e *>
28 f p 21
load of hay for Mr. S, Stearns who.
stale «»I Idaho, sworn statement No. HHInforthe
«♦•Mpeets to upend some time on his ludV ami prononiUv l it the gen imruhase of tht* ne1 see 2'» T 2d S, H IS K, W.M *
John K Hannah, «»f M«»seow, eounty of Latah, j
A lb er tll I\. f»iiek
fui'in jtisl lieloW this city, during
I nit«*d States Lami Office, T.akeVievv, Oregon,
Nov-21, IMM.— -Notice I* herein-given that ill
compliance with the provision* of the act of
congress of June 2, 1K7H. entitled “ An act for
Ihe «ale o f timber land* in Ihe states of Calif
ornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­
tory,” as exiended to all the publie land stale*
by act of August l, 1SW2, the following named
|a*r»on* have this day riled in tld* o f f ic e their
sworn stNtVmeiif*. to-wit :
'piarters will he at tin* Eeho nthe»*. in m o c k i
A(| itet for th e sale o f t i m b e r
la nd states hv net o f A u g u s t 4, 1.392, th e .
th e ...............................
state.« Of C a lifo r n ia .........
, O regon.
. . . .
, . ,
m u ds in fli.
loU ow in g tiersons h a v e this d a v hied in ..
■ N ev ada an d W lOhmsettm li ' f r l t o r v ,
th is offic e th eir s w o r n s t a t e m e n t s , to-
, as extendi**! 4n all th e P u b lic L: ind
I!* Monr(H* H o d g e s A d i l l t -
II. Judd Rainier
of rrineville, eounty of Crook, Mate of Oregon,
i i
* stale of Idaho, sworn statement No.ltiiUi for the j of TacoinU, 1*01111 t v o f
o f sworn statement No. Irion for the purchase of
a l i n r o u g l i e l e u u m u «m«l D - m . v a t m g ............... .
„ , , S r , , ,, • . , , „ u k . w m W a s h i n g m n . sw or n st a t e m e u f % i. 1.582 till K‘ „ NXX’ i«, VV>, NK1« *«*«•. 1, ||, 29*. r. he.
«Its spring and summer«
Ill ram Palmer
o f th e t o w n , n n d th .it e v e r y p e r s o n
oiu.* m m .- coiui . II, *»f ............ n.ui.iv ..( u i , „ r t |u, l,uri.|liw,e ,,f th e st*1« f i w D e b .
Messrs W. A Bell and .1. I. M.
of rrineville. county of Crook, stnte of Oregon
he v i u v n l M t e » ! .
I h e eity
m i J h o i l- , tor lhl. ,,iirrhase or the sw* *. see. 2A. TSW 8 Rid s w i 4 a n d
nee. 83 tfJ 8 l », r 14 sworn statement No. usd. for the purchase of
4 nlliM'h of Prineville, spent a day tiei< at olive took action and xvill K *" M
the lad* 7—ft—9—Iti of *«•«•. 4 , tp 2il s. r. 12 e.,
XVilltsm W Yiitllcr*. of Moscow, couillv
and «vili offer proof ill »how lha* the lami
11 k J. West
i d l i n g yarns and angling Jot the e n f , o r c e V i u V . i l . l . a . t i n n , or i | U n n i u .•
tin c ,
, tM„ of Malio. sworn statement
' of St. Paul, county of Ramsev, «taf«* of sought iX more vatimliie for tt* tlmla-ror *toi.e
-peekled beauties of the Deschutes, all Vx litl refuse. Bin! a rigid qttlirnn- n»*> f«»r ihc pur« I ih ««- of the «•'«. -«•« 2.. t b
wllIvlt4 .....
Minresota, sworn nM.
No. 158«) I ,,IH" ,or *,sri«*ntiiral ptrpb*«». amt to estai,
.tins week. We will not tell who title will U* ttmililameil o v e r a ll 1 1 1
, , ,
! HSh th«-ir «daim» to *aid lami before A. C. Pal
I- red E summer*, of f a l o u v t tty. eot.nty of tor th e pu relm se o f th e IIWS* sw : 4 sec. „C t . , . , s m i s s i o n , - r
Prineville ore
s anght the fish.
tilt'-'«' II<)XX; lllf(Vtl'«l,
school XVI,Cm,in. «„„«-of Washington, -won. »tat. 14. „b, se*4 il„‘ l „eXj s\V*4 se«*. 15 tp 21 g,fn. on Mon.lav ........... lav of April fin::
for Ihe
the i>u
of Ihe
the nw>.
nw1« see
se, '
ment No.
No. IM
W ff«r
rv-hnse of
_«. ,
,, ... .*.
A party of Alltuhy pc<«plc h a w )im| pulilir gathering
m »r I m * 2 s M ; . T
r 22
,,w S. K |:t K wm
. t
I s. r 14 e.
They name ài Wit«,.»s*.,:T. H. X'a.kins ami
Will. v
f.UCV W e s t ,
*■ ’ Devine «*f A11,any. Oregon ; Jt,hn Comi,*
John II Mi Lend, of Moscow, comity rf fattali
lavit staying on their liomesteinl* ittt«rfvr«*tl with
, 0.
, ,
J atfd t <1. Elkin* nf Prineville. • fregoli
stale of I i I n I h *. «worn *tat«-meut X,» ITiv'forlln
>t >t. I’tuil, e o u n t v of Ruitiscv, state ot
Artv and all person* claiming advers« lv th«1
4ienr this place, this week, nmJ linve
. . .
. . .
M in n es ota , sw or n Statement No. tós i ,i(s, bi.e.l land« are re.,ue«ted o’, rile
^iLilited a large crop of -tm shinc.,
1 '
‘ ' ”
“oinmoti imtawg.of M.w. •nw. rniinty t*f Lit I«*r tin* pnri-liilse <»f th e nw
sw *4 . see their elatM» In thi* office on nr hefore *ai,i'
which they X m II harvest ami «hip; Morn—’I’« tin* wife "t K \\ I’ riplctt i,«h «'Hh* •»( I' In It«*. «\\«xrn a trim'll l Nn. IT 1, ■J3 n e «4 ««**4 anil s ( 4 s e l4 see gg t p gl « 20th day sf April, lHUfl.
o f I » c s c l u i t c « , tt S im ,
T h a t ta*litg i l,' r ' i"
E M lira Haiti. Register.
tt‘* Alhany, for the winter market.
r 14 e.
| K. w «1
Eastct StmilaV. Mr. THpIvtt t'oli-i xt,nt,i m sltoop' Uf tlhaeow, eounty of iattah.
J a s p e r A. M a r tin ,
J \V. Ilowaril, formerly a re-i
idem« the new IlffiVBl it Very fine
,.f Idaho .«nrtt «.airmen. No in« ,„r (>f sm. Jose, ,*,mntv of Santa CUra. state
T i m b e r L a x h n o t i c e .
tH* pHrelttn* ,*f the (”♦. •>; n >, ««•, ua , T 22 s.
• lent o f Crook county, now one of
of California, sworn statement N >. 1579
Easter offering.
i; t : E XX «t
t nltert Slate. I.«r*d Office- lavkevlew, Oregon
4In* li /iilittg stockmen of Lake Co.
That tl'**x Will
proof to show 'or the ptireh»!««' of the sw l4 sec, 11 tp 21 De« ember 12 . I **>2 Xott. e Is' hf-reby given
i* tUk'i* mure seen in itis old haunts
that in ismipllatte with thEf>H«4Mloff* nf iliy
that the |,ttt*l »onalit i* more valuable s. r 14 c.
Hu « I ••»«*««»*-
« *f unnjrr« **( W . x far.. »m it iM An «ei
That t h e y will offer p r o o f t o show •*
«'i-*4tiJUf friends« and looking after
it» Dml'er
r»f »mn»* than for agri-
n ite,! States Lanil
fot thy l if»it*
tiniUr Iffffd»
lim*!^ tn
- - ■ -------
-- ■ " i for
....... .....................................................*
— ■
a i r o «»f
f ttmlff-r
tn th*
th^ «tate* of
O r e g o n , Jan. to. I'kifi - N o f H !* Iirrr- c O lh in d pUrp.»»*». ilinMt* estab lis h th eir that th e lami sou ght 1- m o r e v a lu a b le California or«*..n. Nevada. «*M Wa*im,gi„n
l>M*i»«m« interests in this eountv.
M r. jm d
Hi m i * .
, 4 . ..
M t«
H unter
stilim i!
. bv gi ven that in «x>mpliauee tr'tb Mie
ot pm v.«i*.ns o f
....... ol J u n e ». I M * . »*..-
.% titlinl All rt«t l«»r tliO •iiìt* ih
It li lumi,* in tin* «futo» oi
11 Iti m* r
' iphi,
fri c„t,| lu mi tvfUre «V A. Bell 1 for Its tinn ier o r st o n e th an for rtgrietll- .territory.” a* e*i*nd«sl to «ff tfi« Enbll,
f , , , , MlJlM.|,t|lf*r ,t P H n M Ille Ore- '..r a l p u rp os es am i to , - i a b l l s b th eir "«*'*•'>•*»•. **f Angus, i .«*•
. «
; «.
. « „ : . . . . ____Í.I 1 . . . . I u..t___ . «•
....... ...
Erne.1 of Corcami.
X*ed,,»'*«IO. »I*e “ tlidsy -*» May.
hi* l*rrvf|««xf .1 V lliintt'r of thi« N«*vn«la. am i XX ffslnngton l e m t o r r . a« D»m,
exteu«le«l to all th e pu b lic lami « t a le » hv
I lie»
Hlkiiir a« n ih t e -s» * « ' Prf*»! E
1 ‘ laee
4ltm4«*r «*ff|>Cct» t«> a«-t ot August 4.l«"g. R o U r t N A'lain*
,f | id.Mis,. t Rv. » „ » b b i f f c m ;
<n«*x*t t«« tin* jilaW*Hi til»* hcllr future
X| luiie-otH XX 111,4,„XV Votherff « « jiloJ . M*-U.m.iell.
,-onntv «>< lletiiiepln . state of Mimic
jis his health is improving ¿»in««* h a» the* «lay tileil til th is office
Ins «worn IVlhl H Bhiwn. J««rt8 II M*-I.»'*<1. J*«hn
s “
||» m » va ' h e r r
T he hrru «“f StJCfft» *V lk*titli«on.
Ijj*v**-W i«ff»%ixvst I »Ht f ! V -r*Î4tgA_ M
tur» |>ul-cÌ4:t*a<d A l»
•M«G» ,MJ* fo»!
4aMff*w»r, aHd
Jh vm ti-
ffU'J **■ I-1 J • **)»ij «■•***• t il,
Will ♦s«lleM -»)( sic-
s t a t e m e n t No. I7ts. r««r tlie pu rch ase >t p tlHMtigii. J,,hi: H«*k#i»H^fi * h-trh«» k
th e n w ' 4 n«-'4
4 nw
4 • n
II >4
l 4 nvvig.
m i S|. «w >
II\\ l4
sh.rf,», Sol Him >rt HutB'Mf* o f >1 » *«, ■“ * , Ria
1« I gl s, r. 14 e. w m,
n,„*M«i. «i
k 4
\nd will otT«’ * i......i i" s| •>»
lami «ought Is more valuable tor it* O r e g o n .
A n y am i all |«eraons c h i i f f i 'c g
tituber or stone than (or agricultural
lv t h e a lh »vl: <l«’ st'flikW ( L h l«D
pSr|*~.*s, ami t«* establiffb In* «'lami to
*w»h| lami
IX'k«|iwals|r,II m * IlMb *bu ol J u n e, llfflj.
I . B. Uommisffumer at Rrineville. «)rr- hit *w»m »at*m>«it No. t *7 fo* *»|i ffur«-»iff*e
goti, »»n S a tu n ta v th e 18th d a y o f A pril •»( the aw>, •*-, 12 n> 21 « r 11 <■ w “ * **».1 „ i n
1 ^
«»»m..... «s
AlU*rt« It.
G.mrgc L.
Buck ot
offer proof to «ho«, that tl'r lV**«i fbrjrht t*
»•off» that»
dt»b hi*
rncoma. ' ,.|B,
WaUhington. Krank J. XV«*«t. I.ttev XV ♦St Et»m»in«*G’*n*f
♦‘««ul. M in n e s o ta . «hi*|>er A
"* " "
k . .............c
t H fjton.
l4.,,,r» x,
Bend. O r e g o n .
«»»• Wth day ..f April ta «
• I
l*« lr» > e r
,> 8
M ,,e *sf-
u r ™ ;,
g.*n.«n«i i>. E. «t«-a«, *nd
k < i
Boy.i <«f
A u » MHH t il i<erí“ n» r U l m t n g ffdx*Pr*e- or.g,.«,
ffT«» f e -
« I ties t e l to rib' e t h e i r c la im s in th is nffi.v
AwPtttc dii»* JJ*f litui ji I h J sì f i l i - al l « o m m is s m ii e r at R rln evtlle, O r e g o n , on on or K-torf »ffúl '«*• dg» „I May.. 19«»f
LÎ 11 • 1 Î .. æ
U ----- «« Was m ■
H«um tosai.l lami Iwforv A. U. Palmer.
H k » t t * i x . k s * i « » » '
lv Bit* kiaix'»' i|e«i-fn«t*:| h lllil« ar«* rt*i|Ue«t*
ed t o file the!«*
Any sn,l «ti i*-r*»n* «-Isimtng ■dvrr*. ly
h, ff.lw office o „ ,,r * * " * • ' * » « ' - *
*"**' l’*»1' 'I"«- »*f April tiff«.
à . Al
• — —
**• . liMa
n « * * « » m » a»*«
* » » ; . 1 Rrwifftet-
^ .n .-ird
th rir r is im i in thl* otto*» on *)*» et April. P*«.
•' *'
,«. •!«?
o r la-fon