The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, April 18, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. I.
D E S C H U T E S , CRO O K COUNTY, OREGON. A P R IL 18, 1903.
, to which bo is cleurlv entitled.
Tito incident prows among other
tilings, that a medical diploma is
j not always a certificate of ability to
The trust craze, that has raged in detect ordinary disc«-** and pre-
|tire East for three years seems to *CTibe intelligently for its treat'
1 lie rather owid'Vnc. and now some nient.
hVi»wi P w u t
j of the promoters and financial cw n ts in another town in Kxstetrn
j giants of W alt street, art* •crying j Oregon, the Shaniko doctor is imt
Inml tines. Die dear people have 11 it* only one who could n,»4 tvll the
failed to rush in and buy all the | smallpox from some other ailment,
stock and securities that J . P. Mor- j i llicit proved to he smallpox in a
gan and his associates have thrown s,.Vcrc form.
on the market, watering them
------------ =— :------
almost l*eyond recognition. Somei
Hr. Hutchinson the State Health
of th»' corporations, such as the j officer, advises that every one i
International Mercantile Marine, throughout the country should he
better known as the shipping trust, vaccinated in-order to stamp out
ban the water-cure administered Uic smallpox-. The citizens of this
in such frightful proportions that j section should-act-at once and com­
ber ultimate recovery is almost de- pel every one to either he vaennat-
spaired of.
Now. if the general ed or isolate them-, and «the trouble
public will hold aloof and let " ill soon lie over with the dread
the promoters and organizers carry ! disease. In view oftliefaCt that
the load that they now have, it may ; the recent sickness in this netghlmr-
he the means of restraining such hood might have been a mild form
work, and in a measure, solve the j of smallpox every precaution
trust question. The recent clash ! should he taken to avoid any spread !
between Harriman and Keene, over of it.
the Southern Pacific stock, has, n o t!
only made Mr. Keene to squeal. , From private advices, we learn D C S C I l U t C S ,
hut has thrown some light on tin that Mr. Hammond owner of the
intentions of these two, as to the Corvallis and Eastern Railroad,
O regon
S hort L ine
and U nion P acshc
Ocean steamers between Portland
•nul San Francisco every five da vs.
Tickets to and from all parts of the
T in te d States, Camilla and Europe.
For particulars call on or address,
I. H . F R E D E R I C Y , A g e n t,
B ig g s , O re g o n .
NO. 47.
Reserved for
W . H. Staats,
United States Land Office, I.akeviow,
Oregon, Oct. 17, 1002.“—Notice is hereby
th at
of the
of handling, and shrinking or inflat- m!ult> il triP to tlu‘ ea“ orn tm,,inUH !
J u n e 3, 1878, entitled, “ An act for the
sale of timber lands in tiie states of Cal­ ing the values of stock, to fill their of lhat roat1’ last "eck . and took
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­ own pockets, while the dear people " “ 1' hhn !l m ‘w of surve^ors’ th is |
ton T e rrito ry ." as extended to all the
ii ii ii ii « ii ii n ii
k),,k* us ,f we mi* ht httVt*M ri,,lroiul ‘
public land stales by act of August 4, furnish the money.
j into this section in the near future,
1S92, Louise M Crisman of Moscow,
County of Latah, state of Idaho, has this
even though thcColumia Southern
The Governient has won the case
filed in this office her sworn statement
No. 171!» for the purchase of the s c l4 of against the Northern Security Com docs not reach here this season.
see. 17, to 2d s, K 14 E., w. ill., and will
offer proof to alien that the land sought puny, and the Anti-tEu-t Law i>
is more valuable for its timber or stone upheld, the decision of the United i
than for agricultural purposes and to es-
Circuit Court of Appeals j The Dalles, Greg., has four eases
lier claim to said land before W. A, Bell States
Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs.
1'. S. Com. at hisollice at I’ rineville, Or holds that; the Merger destroyed ,,f Smallpox.
on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1908.
C ai i. and s k i : i s.
K i i i s t noon no ktii oi S t a a t s A D k n m s o n ’ s -roui:.
. ,
~ ,
She names as witnesses: William W. com ietition between the two great !
, ,
. i 1 resident Kflosevolt is hunting
Collins of Moscow, Idaho, Low E Al- roads,
by removing anv motive for | ,,
, .
lingham. Ora l’ J o h n (' I. E l ­
, . „
Mountain Lions and other large
it and is therefor a violation of the
. . . ,,
,, .
der, of Prineville, Oregon,
game m i cl low-tone l ark.
Any and all persons claiming adverse- j S h e r m a n a n t i - t r u s t Law.
ly th e above-described lands are request-
ed to file th eir claim s in this office on or ;
* he d e c re e f o r b id s th e v o t i n g of j Tlu* latest scandal in high life,
before said 4th day of May, 19od.
I s t o c k s in tin* m e rg e d r o a d s hv th e has been discovered in alleged
E . M. B kattain , Register.
t im b e r la n d n o t ic e .
Generai News.
A good clean stock of Fresh meats* Lard* Bacon
and Hams* kept constantly on hand* Vegetables
in season*
Security Company, and forbids frauds in the Post
Office Depa-rt-
j the roads to suilmit to the orders of | incut- in New York and Washi-ng-
O kfick , Lake-i t h e t h a t company.
to n l k (\
P R O P R IE T O R S .
United States Land < »Ilici*,
l.nkcvicw.ifregoli, J a n .
-Notici* is hereby given that in com-
1 ' NITRI» StVI'KS I.AN1) Ol Cfl H,
Iaikeview, Oregoi*. 1 * h. 2, 1903.
T’ nitkd S tatus L and
rv herehs-{fiven that in eem'pli- plance ivith thè ■firovisiom of thè aet <*f
View, Oregon, Jail, 30, 1903:— Notice is]
j Mayor Harrison of Chicago. Will a n ce w ith th f* Wj-rioi^ioni *M 9 |*o ¡*, -t of “ V 1*
1 " d » ,ed A li net lo r 111)*
'hereby given that in compliance with
... . . .
, . t
w ile "• tim lH -r lu m i» R , th è S ta te s of
|lit)„ ).!i t„ that ottico, but Inni* 4, 18,8.
the provisions of the act of J u n e 3, l x , 8. < Verily, the road of the Trust mag-
f e r t i l e CnHfornm l ii*«,un, .N'e\Gfi,. airi W.ish-
entitled “ An act for the sale of timber n a t e , in a ll liis g lo r v . is n o t d evoid ,
of'Uiili- ingr<‘m TerPtr/i*: ¡e n x t e iH e j to ail
only elected by a plurality sale of rimber landn in thè Sta'Ut-
ii n d s in the states of California. Oregon,
„ ,
rilth(>t BI1|a
Nevada and Washington Territory,’ as „î thorns. At least 8000 corpora- (){
if 7tk-,,
71J»T 11, ratliet
small compared to l'ornia, < tregon, Nevitdn and Wifshiisgri'ni die l'nbli U'int sta te - hv aet ol' \u-
l'erritorv,“ as ...........le i r f, all thè Unb t '1^ ' d dstVj t |,e teli,,,, j,,g persqns bave
extended to all the public land states hv tions in Illinois who have failed to hjs fornier „lection, when hi
. .
, . . , ,,, d os daV hled in tlns office tlieir su on i
pi ur- . . .
act of August 4, 1892, the following
Land States hv aet of Angust
-I, 1X92, statem en e, to uit :
»persons have this day filed ill this office comply with tin* anti-trust law of ! ality roached I>."».IM)0,
Bolett L, Mikkelson,
»their sworn statements, towit
that state, are to he ptvisecuted and
. 'filisi in tliis office tlieir sworn state-
... .
lieorge Seldecht
A n o t h e r d e a t li front S m a tiox is
o i . t i p m .......... ....
<>i Marshall, Stat of
the penalty for failure to comply
ments, to-Wlt :
t Minn, sworn statement No, 1740 for tl- •
’of 2X1 Fourth St. , Portland, county ol
j with this law is a fine of fiO.OO per reported from Shaniko. the victim
» leorge ( ’ Jack man
purchase of the Se * 4 Se »j Se-, I E 'i.\ F'.,
Multnomah, State ot'i >regon,sworn stute-
county of Baraga, stati
)f , «V N F »4 S E *4 See 12 T. 22 S. R. 9 F. „
'inent No. -171)8 for the pureliNse of the I , l a '
I throughout the state are instructed Morgan,a young man who has lss-n , Mid*, -worn statement huiu I st 1774 for
Esther M, Barnard,
S K l4 , See 20 T. 24 S. It. 13 K. w. m
county of piAk, State oi Minn
t o proceed
l.r.M-e-l a against
s a in s t th e m at once: w orkin g th e re lo r som e tim e.
W ej
p m r l « ....... t the B E * 8 K * , Sec, 12 ofR igli
Frances C. SwaftWood,
I to
No, 1747 fur the pur-
•■of Moscow, county of Latah, State of - ¡ n
J e r s e v th e Governer has were unable to obtain anv further
Su fi, \\\ ' 4 See, 18 Tp 24 S
13 E w III ! cluise of the S F ' 4 S„
See. Ill \ »„
Idaho, sworn statement No. 1739 for the j .
issue» I his annual proclamation particulars Ix-fore going to pn*ys,
John B Ilavilan*I,
A St, N„ f4 See, 30 T.21 S. R. In K,w m
pureli: e of the NK*4 , See, 21 T. 24 S .R .
dissolving M « ° * l " r a t i o n 8
Mo-u el I A, Whitney,
13 E . w. m .
B r i g h a m Y o u n g , II* . < o f « h e of I'r-'.intiniiiig county r,f IlHrsga stale of
county of Marshall State nf
Ethel M Swartwood.
have not paid the annual tax. M(rt.IIlon ( :|llir<.h. dieil at Balt Lake
s„ 1 -, Mimi, sw’crn -tirtenieot N . I74X for the
tin pifrcliase nf the S 1., N u *4 ,
of Palouse, county of W hitm an, State of
927 of th‘*m - representing a stock c i t v , „ „ April 11. after a lingering
pun-lmse of the N E * S*. to T, 2| v it
>1S la Tp 24 S It 13 E. w in.
Washington, sworn statement No. 1770 of 1239,000.01X1, which i* mostlv | ;n ,
- illness. Apostle
to tin g was the
lu E w a.
for the purchase of the N w * , See 21 T.
ficticious value
I bin finii ttoyee,
seeond -on and fourth child of the of lYipmmiug i*oitnty of Barami, stati* ot
24 S.R . 13 K. „ . v.
t \v<*, I , r a m i F o r k -, ro n fi
Jo h n W.'ONon,
late Brigham Young
It is con­ Mich, -worn -ta*cTucnt liiirnls-r 177'
A. E. Reames, of Jackson county
r k s S ta te o f N |ia k *.„.»rn
of Moscow, county of Latah, State of
jectured. that the position of Pres­ for the pnrelia-*-of the F.*„ N w ‘4 . w 1*
s ta te m e n t N o . I7 *lf U r t h e p u re lM f« 'o f
Idaho, sworn statement No. 1771 for the was named as Democratic nominee
N E * See. I.X Tp 24 S If 13 E, „ m.
ident w ill now fall to some one out­
N „ * . •N '*., S „ * , S w i s s '*
purchase of the S w * . Sec. 21 T. 24 S R. for Representative in Congre-- foi-
Andrew Isltendn-sse,
'••e, 80 Tp 21 s « |f |.; „ n
side of the Young family. f*»r the
13 E . w . m .
E j r st D i s t r i c t , o n first b a l l o t , a t
ol Peequaining, county of Barag.i -lati
« ieorge T, Ilaiin-ry,
tir-t tim* “im-*- 1 -dò.
Arthur R. Tat ton,
of Mieli, swiirn stirtenlei»* nnmls-r 177*'»
the Convention held at Albanv.Or.
of Stephen, county *1 Marshall sfate *»,j
<>f Falouse, countv of „ hitman State of
Hon. Bingf-r Herman-.*of IVfug- Urtili- ptirelrtiae'of the N '., S * Ss-, |s I M in n . M v o m -ta ti n ii-M No, |*V| 1 , 1 r|,.
"Washington, sworn statement No, 1772 April 1 1 ,0 8 .
Harmony of thought
Tj> 24 S, It. 13 F , w 10
puri-hasi- of l b ' * t* y/v -, j . , -_»j, » |.
t'onnty. Was nominated as
for the purchase of the S I . * Sis-. 21 T and action wa* the order of the las
That tid y will ofP-r pr*>ef to “lera that î P» E. „ if-
24 X. R . 13 E, w, >t
day. The usual denunciations of R*-pre-»«-iitHtivi :ii Congress f*ir Fir-t
land soi Hr ht * fno.i* vaHahle for it s . That Dies- e.'j! fftO pte.rf fo slm f thin
That they will offer proof to show t|ie Repuhlimn party were adopted Oregon Distriet. at tie* Convention tire
r.mK r or store than f-.r agHonboral the I k i H ^ o ^ A
nK,r„ vwflf.,l(|.. f,„ ^
that the land ought i* more valuable for
. ,
, and included in the platform,
held at Kutretn*. Oregon, '»rt the 9th«—, and te e«t:ilif -h their clerru to tirehcr'er «*t/»,i/ t|,an lor
its tmd>er or stone than for agricultural |
-ir'd laii'l la-fore 4\ A . 10*1 k 1 S. I b|ii- pt;rp.o*s.. 8 ml to establish their • filini
pirpmea, and t** «atabMkh their claim to
“ ,v"
Jodf * fr' ,,M tl"' « " * '* day of April. It was a hfird fight
mr»*ieidr st f*MiK*vtll(*, Or**gr*ir. **n to said land In-fore H.
R esi l .y
said Und ls*fore M. R. Bigm* U. s . Com- numb«*r of c a n d i d a t e s b e fo re t h e a n d for a tim«- ¡4 lo o k ed a« t h o u g h
Tltfir^Hav the 4*h dut-of Jn m * ps*3.
Coninri»sinner at fiend, Oregon,
mi—ioner at Tri ne ville. Oregon, on i convention, the imHtical plums •,>), pfie rppcsrfiofi ycontd defeic* him.
Thes- n fiih - i f S t V l i s
•kriday, tin* ."», day of Ju n e , I inkì .
Wednesday the 3*,| tiav of J u n e iuu3
the Democr.itic tree surely appear
Mr WetBfiaf
on the ¿4th. .‘fidie -E. 'HaviRitd. fienjsn (i ii Mrii/k
Tiiirv name as WttnesSes :
They name a« witnesses; (ieorge
very small to the regular rdlhs- BsHot • srie-s'a-HfoV a* low ns 4P vot-
L, .MikKelson, Roswell A. tVfiif
Schlecht of I’oftlm i'l, O regon; France-
•*■-■ ir thi 1«th hi** '■n-ppoiter* r*dlr- lf : 4, '* !e»*Tir ( ’. Jnekman <a L ’Ans**. ru-y, (ieorge T, l l imerv and ( harle« K
V, Swartwood. Jo h n w. tflson of Mom ■>„ -*,»’k e rs o f ( h a t |si r tv.
s**ii irud -é riited »fomlHy frotn th e Jfli*k < in* •! ,ii*»)-<tr and k*si K. Ol- Mockfiiml " f Stephens. Minn. E-tls*r M
11 la ho : Ethel M. Swart« '••<l Arthur :
Ha m an i of Big land, Minn.
R , Patton of l*ak»u-*e waslrinsrton.
The S lm r ik * » diw-tof w-lf* vi-y^ld
»tSi’ d th'-iM th le- r*l's*iv inghain <>f I’rineivRe. ( »n-gort
Any a id all |s*rs>>ns elaiming H*l,er«e- Boyia* of ( î rand Forks. N iHrk
Any ami all js*r-oii» daiudna a*l- i not tell 'm.riipox from :i*n (*rupti«*n •-il 9Ô *ind 4l***n no rnotioti, <»f K tv
Any ami all fs-rsons -’Isirninv silver*»
lv the alsne-dcn-rilied land" ari* re-
verselv the above ilosi-rilied lami* Br*‘ I caused by jesisor r*uk should roju'r»
o f Merror*. Hi-miatt was dw lareil
i|ins(i**l to tile their elaims in this office ly tie* als»,î* de.* Tlissi hinds «r,* rispi.«*-
Ospiestisl to tiR th eir clRinis in this
at once t<» the fiourd of Medical uimniriioHs choii-e of the • o n v e n * ,,,, fff |H.|ur.- said 4th day of Ju n e , 1903. ‘ ■‘I l o 'd e t l i e i r * l a m i - in t h i s olii,»* - * «*r
offn e on or l>efi>re sai*l 3. day n; Ju n e f
i ,
i s 'f o r e s a n i ó t h i|av o f J u n e , » i * i
E xam in ers fo r «4^-
(m iliti, i { jo ,,
E. M. liaiTTAiv, R»v»»ter
E. M. liKtrr.HN. -bissisgr.
4* M BnvrruN. P*vi«ter,