The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, March 21, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. I.
D E S C H U T E S , CRO O K COUNTY, OREGON, M A R C H 21, 1003
Ochoco M ines
S hort L ine
and U nion P a c if ic
Ocean steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every live days.
Tickets to and from ¡ill parts of the
United States, Canada anil Europe,
For particulars call on or address,
Biggs, Oregon.
Head vert isemeiit.
United States Lund Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, Nov. It), 1992.— Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the pro­
visions of the act of June 3, 1878, entitl­
ed “ An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon, Ne­
vada and Washington Territory” as ex­
tended to all the public bind states by
Act of August 4, 18:12, Jessie Grav of
l ’rineville, county of Crook, state of Ore­
gon, bus tiled in this office her sworn
statement No. 441, for the purchase of
the se ‘4 of sec, 9 tp. 25 s r 10 e. w. m,
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim-
or stone than fer agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land
before A. C. Palmer, U, S. Commission­
er, at l ’ rineville, Oregon, on Saturday,
the llt li day of April, 1003.
She names as witnesses: Edna I Had­
ley, Archie Powell, Bruce Gray, Edwin
A, Davenport and Eliza Parker all ol
Prinev¡lie, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
ly the above described lands an* request­
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said U til day of April, 1903.
E. M. Brattaln, Register
Cnited States Land Office Lakeview.
Oregon, Nov. 12, 1902—Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the pro­
visions of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entitled “ An act for the sale ol
timlier lands in tin* states of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington terri­
to ry ," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. 1892, william
Parker of Delhi, county of Redwood,
state of Minnesota, has this day Hied in
this office his sworn statement No. 1590.
for the purchase of the w 'o nw l4 sec.
2«S, s >9 in*
sec. 27, tp 21 s r 11 e. w.
m. and will offer proof to show that tin-
land sought ts more valuable for its
timlier or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before A. C. Palmer, U. 8.
Commissioner, at Prineville Oregon, on
Saturday, the lltli day of April, 1903.
He names as witnesses: F. H. Mar­
ion of Drain, Oregon: George T. My.
Louis M. Anderson m Kur land. Oregon :
Donald F. Meffu of Bend, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advérse­
le the alsive described lands are request
ed to lile their claims in this office on or
before said llt li day ot April, 1993.
K. M. Brattain. Register.
We have for sale several g* nm 1
firms, a fine fruit ranch, choice
timlier lands, residence proi»erties
in l’ rineville and lot* in l)esehutes
A few choice timlier claims for lo­
cation. Palmer Bros.. Prineville.
NO. 43
That limy will otter proof to show
Secretary Hitchcock has «sued
an order permitting stockmen who tluit the land sought is more valuable
have been in the habit of grazing ! for it* limiter or stone than for agri-
t cultural purposes, and to establish their
stock in that portion of the Blue ! claim to said land before \V. A Jkdi,
Mountain* which It t* lieen tempo­ F. S. Commissioner ¡it I’ rineville, Ore­
rarily withdrawn as a reserve, to gon. on Wednesday, the tltli day of May,
graze their stock m the saint* terri­ ; 1993.
They name us witness«**: Fred E.
tory this year without charge or
1 Summer* of Calou.e City, Washington ;
without having to obtain (icimits. William U Votlier*. itllie F McConnell.
The possibilities of Crook Coun­
ty’s arid lands under irrigation are
LjUt Saturday Lewis Mc’Allistt*r hut little understood by people of
bundl'd tlu* Mayflower mini* consis­ the eastern state*' who have always
ting of thirteen claims, situated on been accustomed to placing their
Gold Hill in the Ochoco mining dependence upon the weather clerk
i district, thirty miles from I’ rineville for the amount of moisture necess­
, Della S Brown, Joint II McLeod, John
to a syndicate of eastern people ary to successful farming. Nature
j I! Hannah. John Knkgaher, Charles V
represented by Mr. Timm Thron- can generally he relied upon to do
! Shoop. Solomon Kuherg, of Moscow. Ida
son, of Ashwooil. for the sum of the proj>er thing at the proper time
! ho and Low E AUingham, of ¡’rineville,
$25.000, of which $7.000 was paid hut she is oftime* erratic in the dis­
United States Land Olliee, Lakeview ' Oregon,
down. This group of claims lias tribution of her favors, hilt the in­ Oregon, Dee. 27, l!H)2:— Notice is In* re
Any an<l all persons claiming ¡ulvers *.
attracted the attention of mineis dividual who has his farm under by given that in compliance with tin* pro­ i Iv the above-described lands are re.
visions of the act of June 3, 1878, en­ > *
for years past and considerable, irrigation successfully defies nature
1 quest«*<l to tile tlieir claims in tin* otliee
titled “ An act for the mile of timber
money has been spent at various and so far as the supply of moist­ lands in the state*of California, Oregon. on or before said 9th day of May., 1993,
E. M* B k a t t a i x , Register,
times in an effort to discover the j ure is concerned, is absolutely sure Nevada, and Washington Territory,’ ’
ore body which most experts who to reap a harvest if he sows. Given
have examined them believe to he a suitable soil and favoiabie clim­ by act of August 4, 18)12, the following
I persons have this day tiled in this otliee
somewhere in Gold Hill. Ill fact,
Fniteil States Lund Office. Lakeview,
their sworn statement*, to-ivjt:
Oregon, Oct. 17, 1992.— Notice is hereby
several tons of ore have been shipp- j liable to a greater degree than any
Joint )■ kl«i>i>
{«Hull. Stsle o f li lalu e given
ed from there which paid well and other business one can engage in. ! of ¡clU'Ktv, rnuutv
| sworn stHccmcut No. I0S7 ior the jijirrlnisc ol the
provision* of the
Here we have a soil which, while | the s '^ s k ' , « m l
the entire group shows good surface j
See, ‘¿ I T . ¿'IS. K 1.1 K.
indications, hut no extensive ore to the uninitiated it does not appear j W. M.
sale of timber land* in tin* states of Cal­
O li v e s I l ilies
body of value lias yet been found, i good, contains the elements of fer­ j of Chirk is. cou n ty o f Shoshone, s ta le o f hhiho ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­
No M S S s i r flic |Uirchn-c of ton Territory." it* extended to all the
Mr, Thronson is a practical min­ tility to a remarkable degree and 1 sworn
i I lie S ' j X t V ' , « m l 1Y j S W , see. -J I T J i l S It l;t K
public hind states hv aet of August 4,
er of large experience and after in such form and abundance that J W, M.
1892, Louise M Crjsnmn of Moscow,
careful examination has arrived at it is practically impossible to ex­
o f W ard n er , cou n ty »«t Shoshone. statetof Id ah o county of Latah, state of Idaho, has this
the conclusion that he can develop haust them by continued cultiva­ sworn stm«Miu'nt No, ItiMi for tin* |>un hnso of filed in this office her sworn statement
a paying mine there and has found tion. In fact, experience goes to the N K ' 4. Sec Jii T 23 S It III K NY. M .
No. 1719 for flio purchase of the se '4 of
Kiln II Khtpp
men who so far rely on his judg - 1 show that the soil improves with of (itfiirn’e, c o m i t y o f Latah, state o f Idaho, sec. 17, tn 23 s, R I ) K,, w. in,, and will
ment as to he willing to furnish the rather than deteriorates under cul­ sworn st at em en t No. lt>90 for tlu* purchase oi offer proof to allow that the lund sought
tlu* nw' 4iu*‘ 4, i i '. j h v 1, and sc1, 1m 14 se 30, T 23 is more valuable for its timber or stone
necessary capital.
He has now tivation by reducing it to a finer S K 13 K W. M,
than for agricultural purposes ¡mil to cs-
T i m o t h y K ea ne
gone to New York to confer with state* of division thus liberating the
her claim to said hind before W. A, Bell
o i
o f <ieuesee, eounsy of
Latah, stale
his associates and complete the elements necessary to plant growth sworn statement No. W91 for the purehaee of F. S. Com. at his office at I’ rincvillc, Or.
tlu* S\V 4N\Y> ¿, W isw1.,. se1 4s w 1 , see. 30, T. 23 on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1903.
final arrangments, and upon his which it contains in the basalt of S. K. 11 K. w. ill.
She names as witnesses: William 17.
A n d re w S <ilson
return will push the work of explo­ which it is principally composed.
of Moscow, Idaho, Low E Al-
Moscow, c ou n ty of Latah, state o f Idaho,
As to climate it may he said that of
sworn statement No. 1092 for the purehasa o f lingluim, Ora l’ John C 1. F i­
the county includes snow-capped the n w ' * o f see. 31 T. 23 S. K II K NY. M.
ller, of Prineville, Oregon,
In many parts of the state and i mountains, almost tropical valleys
Any and ¡ill persons claiming adverse­
That tliev will offer oroof to show
the nlsive-deseribed lunds ¡ire request­
especially in the counties to the j and all of the gradations existing
fo file their claims in this office on or
north of Crook the people have between the two extremes.
tural purposes, amt to establish their before said 4th day of May, 1003.
awakened to the necessity of better arid section of tillable land lies ¡it
E. M. B k a t t a i n , Register.
claim to said laud before \\. A, J!ell,
roads and public meetings have elevations varying from 2000 to U. S. Commissioner, ul I’ rineville, Ore­
been held and Good Hoad Leagues j 1000 feet above sea level with a cor­ gon, on Monday, the 4th day of
organized which will result in mark­ responding difference in climate ¡it May , 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
They name as witnesses:
John B.
ed improvement of the public high­ the different levels modified to a
ance with the provisions of the aet of
Whidden of wardner, Idaho, Oliver L.
congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "A n
ways. The idea has not yet struck certain extent hv contiguity to the
j bines of Clurkia, Idaho, Timothy Keane act for the salt) of timber hinds in the
our citizens, but it ought to do so mountains and the topography of [ and John 1, Klapp, of Genesee, Idaho,
states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
forcibly and soon. The greatest the surrounding country. In the Andrew S Olson, of Moscow. Idaho and
and Washington territory,” ¡is extended
obstacle to the speedy* settlement higher portions of this land all the bow E Allingliain of I’rineville, Oregon. to all the public hind states by aet o
Any and all persons claiming adverse­ August 4, 1892,Frank F. Townsend of
of this county is its distance from grasses, most of the cereals and
ly theabove-descrilied lands are request­ Shaw, county of Marion, state of ( >re-
railroads which is augmented by hardy vegetables thrive.
ed to lile their claims in this office oil or gon, has this day filed in this office his
the usual condition of the load be­
At 2000 to 3000 feet elevation, before said 4th day of Ma v 1993.
sworn statement No. 1155, for the pur­
tween Prineville and Shaniko.
K. M- B rattain , Register.
chase of the sw 14 sw *4 see. 28, nw
alfalfa, clover, all kinds of grain,
'4 s fj nw l 4 see. 33, tp 23 s, r 12 e. w. in.
Crook county is well advertised j flax, hardy fruits, such as apples,
and will offer proof to show tluit the
but to reap the full benefit the roads plums, berries, etc. and garden veg­
land sought is more valuable for its tim­
should he put and kept in better etables are produced, while on the
ber or stone than for agricultural pur­
Cnited States Land OHice, Lakeview,
shape. Aside from this, the people lower levels anything that can be
poses, and to establish his claim to said
here are anxious for better roads | produced in Oregon can lie grown. O regon, Dee. 27, 1992:— Notice is liere- land before i i . w. Heed, I . S. Commiss­
j by given that in compliance with the
and would willingly submit to an ! Compared with the middle West
ioner, at Bond, Oregon, on Monday, the
i provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, en-
1.3th day of April, 1903.
increased tax rate for that purpose. I
the climate here is far more desir­ j titled, “ An act for thu salt* of timber
He names iim w it nesses : ( ’. (}. Rich­
Bad roads in anv community is
able and pleasant. No blizzards, lauds in the states of California, On— ardson, G -w . Townsend, F.E. Town­
! gon, Nevada and Washington Terri­
poor business economy. They are
no cyclones, no deaths from sun­ t o r y , ” as extended to all the public send and t rank Bogin* all of Lava, Ore­
also a matter of universal neglect.
stroke, no perishing from intense land states by act of August 4, 1892, the gon.
The remedy is to voice the senti­
Aliy and ¡ill iM-rsonsehiiming adversely
and long continued cold and no following persons have this day filed in
I the above deserilH-d lamls are rei|iu*sted
ment in favor of better roads by
swelteiing nights to enervate your this office their sworn statements, to- to file tlieir claims in this office on or
public meetings and conventions to j
system. Oregonians ¡ire proud of ! w it:
Itefore said 13th day of April, 1993.
Della S Brow n, o f M om cow , enm ity of Latah,
which the proper authorities will
E. M. Brattain, Register.
Oregon, have unfailing faith in her i Mate o f Idaho. sworn slat.uncut No. 1093 for t lie
give heed.
resources and a welcome for all who
23 S »< W K.
desire to come here and share with Charles N Shoop, of Moscow, c ou n ty o f Latah
i l f l Stilt dm L mid I Offlcf’, l . n k c v i c w , Oregon,
The United States Ciicuit Court
Notice tn hereby g iv e n th»it in
them the blessings of an unbounded state of M ali o , sworn statement No. |i*!M ior j Nov* 21, li*r2.
lias decided in a recent case that
j the purchase o f the e ' . ^ w 1* and w'^se' j, sec 21 complin net* w it h t lie p r o v is io n « o f the act o f
I T ‘23 S It 13 K
I <ongre*M o f J o n e 3, 1«7 m , eiititle<l An act for
the rules of the department of the
1 John Ruktfaher, o f Moscow c ou n ty o f Latah, I ihe Male o f t im b e r I» in the Mate« of <‘a llf
slate ot Idaho, sworn st3teineut No. Bin.*» for the
Interior making it a misdemeanor
Swift justice has lieen meted out I purchase of the lie* |t sec 2» T 23 S, B 13 K, NY M j ornin, Oregon. Neva da, and NYa-hington Terr i
, " a* e xten d ed to all the p id d le land » l a t e *
punishable by a fine for anyone to to Elliot Lyons the murderer, if John K Han nah, o f Moscow, c ou n ty o f Latah. i , h l o y r y net
o f A n g n a t I.
the fo llo w in g n am e d
graze stock within a Forest Reserve more of our criminals were dealt I state o f Idaho, sworn statement No.Bits, for the I »e ran tie h a v e t h i * d a y fi le d i n t h i s otliee t h i n
i purchase of the n w j 4 St*' . 2-'» T ‘23. It 13 E, NY. M.
without having obtained a permit, with in like manner it might have | Olli e M M e (‘o iilie ll, o f Moseow , e o iin iy o f I «a * -worn talemt n i t «»• v\ 11 :
I I . Ju d d C a lm e r
is unconstitutional and cannot I n * a tendency to decrease their num­ lah, state o f Idaho, sworu statement No. l#»*#T, of P rin e v il le . eontity <»f Orook. - f a f e o f Ore go n,
| for the pun base of the nw! t . see. 2'», T 23 M It 13
enforced, The decision is based bers and relieve our crowded jails K •NV. M.
“ Worn •‘ ta leinelil No. Bum for the pun-ha*« n f
o.. E* N NN '
NN ' | \ i 1 , . . 1 I |• * - f ’I «
NVillimn NV Yothers. o f Moscow. eon li l y of
upon the ground that the Secretary and jienitentianes.
Hi ram Cal mer
l«atnh, state of Idaho, « w o r n statem ent No
of the Interior has no power or au­
BiM* for the purchase of the se* 4, sec 2 *. T '23 H. of Crinevtlle, e oiin ty «»1 < rook, Mtate o f Ore go n
thority to declare any act a crime
«w o rn statement No 1»U»I, for the piireha«« of
The Silver Lake Bulletin, and K 13 K. w M
Fred K Summer*, o f Cal«»use City. c ou n ty of i h e l s o t « " a '» Hi nf «ee
I. tp J»* «* r 12 » .
and that such power is vested only The Central Oregonian, both pub­ NYiii»inau. state o f NYa-hington «w o rn state and
Will offer proof to -h o w that the land
in Congress.
lished at Silver Lake, reached us I merit No.« for the purchase of the i i w ' 4 »»••• -ought I* more v alu a b le for It* t i m h e r o r atn».«
A. S. Dresser, of.Oregon City,
has lieen appointed Register of the
Oregon City land office and John
1). Dalv. of Benton County. Survey­
or General of Oregon, in place of
Henry Meldruni who will 1 h * re­
moved for allege«I misconduct of
the office.
this week. The two papers are the
combined efforts of three seperute
plants that rushed to that little
21*. T 23 H. It 13 K Will. Her
than for a grie utu ral prrpo»»» «* met to e*fn
John It >!• Leod, of Moweow, c o m it y * f l.»itah 1 Hall th e ir elainia to «aid land Before A * . i a t
state o f Idaho, sworn staterneii* No. 17onfortlie nier. C S. Coiniriiaaiorier, at Crt iie vllle. Or»
purchase o f the sw|4
2»-. T 2.J S, K 13 K w m . gon, o n M o n d a y the 2»»th
«»f A p r i l . C*»
Solomon kuherg. of Museow . courtty of \ m
T h e y name aa wttnem>eF :T. II. NYatkin- ai d
tail, state of Idaho, sworn Statement No. 1701, V J lH*vine «»t A lb a n y , Oreg«m ; John f u m e «
tor the pur* ha«** of the *«•■ , -e- 2»-. T 23 S. K 13 au*t f M Klkifia «»f Prineville. Oregon
K *. M
Thor** who live* in glas* hmiMS Maud N HliiNi|r of MraM-owr, c ou n ty o f Latah,
state o f Idaho, sworn statement No. I7«rg for
ought not to indulge in the pastime j the |»nreliase o f the E’ j O Í h ' 2. wec «V», T 23 M.
of throwing rock*.
[ it U fc.. W. M
ati«l a i l person»» « d a i m i n g a d v e r s e l y \ i
ata» ve *le«ertbt*«l l a n d - ar»- r e *| n e s te d t«» ti »
t h e i r el ait ilN il l t h i s «* ffi « e
J H l i «la y o f A p r i l , C»»3.
H rattalu. L tg v
frti l
iv t